rn di Ao Se fo ABA RS WOES Slowly return to starting position) Pa ith Her Formulal_™® PALY TIMESGAZETTE, Thundey, October 31, 1957 11 SEED JoUNe pi ig Long Life VE col, La » i ts a hearty meal and her SBTER, Englan | Too. rugged? 'Try this easy, For Long, ong Liie weight hag. been constant for |City authorities here will omit . ' oe Suggested Toning Measures ented, fod arms at chest| BRIEWCREST, Sask (CP)- yorws ab WB Depinds. iad Rapids. aiumbt 13. ftom als, ise! level, firmly clasping forearms. Grandma Christine Findlay of 1857 and moved tolo g housing estate 'objee- 4 B t Contour Now with & sirong Jerk, push this little town 30 miles south. Mich, in 1157 ant fb riegion, & new housing fee | 0 aul y us toward elbows, without letting east of Moose Jaw, hopes to fly in 1880, she and her husband & tour miracle, * hands slide, Fee) the action? |again before her 101st birthday brought their, nine children to| GREAT MUSIC By IDA JEAN KAIN work a con : For new rs, the time to next September 18, this district in 1903 and became Georg Friedrich Handel, the What part does exercise play|NO HELP nd ointmenty|SLAIt bust toning exercise ls on| Mrs. Findlay, bright-eved and|pomesteaders Mr, Findlay died 18th - century German composer, in reducing the bust measure. | As for closing a oR helps the fifth day after the baby Ar | usually smiling, hasn't flown in 1910, completed his famous "Messiah! ment? Can -agging be corrected?!, . , nothing i pt onl known|Tives. A mild version o fie since she was a mere girl of 98, | rem [110 aye, i Do special creams or ointments| one whit. It sl ou opt ab: above foner is with fingertips Her grandson took her up then. SMALL BONUS | have any effect in reducing or|by now that ase this. man.| touching, p-u-s-h together, | Her yen for planes is typical] ALPHETON, England (CP) RUSHING MEALS i developing the bosom? These|sorb nourishment in TOR TRUK! Back this 'program with ub-of the way she has kept up With|sean Ashard of this Suffolk vil-| Eating too much, and foo fiur- questions are frequently asked, ner. Waning. | ver be used di-| Tight posture and you Il have n0| things, {lage cut open a marrow and riedly, is one of the chief causes Since the bust is composed Lf Appilante Hou fh iioate tissues of Cause for complaint, She can sew a fancy apron in|found a penny inside. 'of indigestion or dyspepsia. en on Te . {his measure: |the breast : | 34 hours, she keeps 4p sofregpon ment, The way Lo Tog og Sue The muscular network of the j GF | ants and she's an active member , Dt 0 Ew il, aa oul arrelatod that "exercises Which : | of the Preshvierian church here. | wey pomp CHARGES FOR CREDIT lined in yesterday's column, im rors. ne. improve the entire gt ; a Bl children with a fund of stories, : | of on Bupporin fan shaped they are attached to "i 2Thie ire a {ow (lings tis ve 00 00 1 the sang, Fay Dosire 1s a lofi the whois lengih of he we. | thetn, Jue aa mor com- || - LJ : ° / yk gd ag ha side of the chest and lie under ork oh ak hover worty. olne sold ex DOWN WEEKLY " toral muscles of the chest, But|the breast, The handles of the fan a Orin ar let's tace facts -- if the sagging|insert into Aroovs lit vppes at VER longevity, not absence of worry, CREDIT : ) 5. . | ration, there|Here are twa ef ses. | hag A Js ry ligaments First, modified JuslLih Kuen] WIFE PRESER she, dds. to Sotian of dolat ton A ey Be ed face feet pointed toward A package of frozen mixed some time," she smiles, "but| JEWELLERS nonaal tone However te fiat on vegetables may be cooked, chill:|\you never know--I might get kil- weight normalizing, posture cor-|celling, Palms shou little curry powder in the dressing To : ' RA 3.7022 rection and imnroved body tone, floor by shoulders. Now. push Jd GE DO ae eal la es. Pindlay 'sever 'wip ser) 32 KING ST. WEST there can ne a marked improve body up, AB Se Bg gh eg A BRL ol Bi a Ry ing go feist Rigs let back Tk by may be added if desired, ses. Her hearing has failed joy { Another triumph of Ex&onarch research! NEW [ | REGULAR 13.50 VALUE FOR ONLY Fil i Lr ne § afd SQUARE YARD INCLUDING: 1. MOTHPROOF CUSHION FREE 2. BISSELL SWEEPER 3. BOOKLET : "Care and Cleaning Rugs" Here's The Story: bY \ This fine all wool twist broadloam was woven by edd bbl Victoria Carpet Mills of Kidderminster in England, specifically for a Toronto retailer . . . however, because of financial difficulties, the dealer was unable to pay for the goods when they arrived NO in Canada . .. rather than return these goods to FINANCE England ond lose double freight costs they were CHARGES offered to Alvi Rug Co. at a substantial discount which is being passed on to the friendly folks of Oshawa. This is oll guaranteed first quality ond abd no bo oso gkizaaa has been mothproofed for its life. This is a genuine ' bargain, so hurry if you need a large quantity « + + this offer is limited to the colors, widths and square yardages as shown here. Now you get more of everything you want "7 i 2 for better pastry by Ph Ny Rec fo [S| ne an ve hg oF a : 4 vimt ww wn I've lnm 80 133 MORE FLAKY-~extra shortening gives you MORE TENDER --extra shortening assures eS N AN \ A : Ww [toa | 230 [es [07 [208 | vos | io Th richer, shorter crusts! you the most tender pastry ever! $y & \ \ \ STE SA Tn AERC L, TERESA -- MORE EASILY MIXED -- extra shortening is MORE EVEN BROWNING --extra shorten. > \ TI ef a | " ; h \ TYPICAL RUG SIZES (BOUND) INCLUDING FREE PAD, evenly distributed throughout the mix ing gives that added touch for perfect, Now! WN 6'x9 69.00 9x15' | 12'x18* for ouick, smooth blending! all-over browning! Richer in Sh ortening \ TH \ 9'x10'6" ,... 119.00 9x18' 12'x18' 3 xia ..... 136.00 12'x12' 179.00 12'x2V MORE EASILY NANDLED-- extra shortening MORE FLAVOUR extra shortening means Makes CANADA'S Flakiest makes a pastry dough that never 8 melt-in-your-mouth crust that com- Pit CRUST crutnbles-- rolls much thinner! plements any pie! New = ey ALVI RUG ve" ". ' A " 4 2 3 "B New... [Fes\Awel 8 FI cc : A tained Alvi Decorotor will ea 34 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH | / ] e ONE: J : ot your home with samples of this OSHAWA RA 5.9332 ; fine Carpeting--and others if you wish, _ Free estimates positively witheit obligation,