Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 31 Oct 1957, p. 10

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Le od BL eb oh SE MARY HAWORTH MAIL ue of sex attraction Is the Is dishonest for usbands. to ar. OLD DECORATION 0 She " i reduced rol Sa tha he, wie he othe " wa sigs, outs ham ny pu » » Ld id % 7 WV ; A ? (bothingness, In the role of love | -wi the marriage shows in: wo among the ear] Courtesy Calls, Official Visits gor w» + » ohould Wives Accom pariner ts the apes of lal: ur, an res of sh OK Cres an Womens + er, dF ie IY) pany nd ee a DFINKInG 16 00% 10 DIAM, If fp] ~mm re -- ' ; d violated: or as if challenged to "h ? r ew S at e 4 ; . ¥ CO Dee. Win wan ed more excuse 'har cause. If wives MOSTLY SEWING . " A - 4. 4 Their Husbands To Co eo DF band's Taney wim aa a {vet along, there'd be 'less riak| AMHERST, N 8, (CP)~Bewing {By SYLVIA HACK ks in friendly and unaffectéd| BE DVOIITIONS |e ial ir hou an advenis" pr Thi A oat classes were priiculedly "opulae ¥ A ; " Press Siaff Writer Fashion of her new duties as § 1 1 I! Pear Mary Haworth I would upset about it, P4 en in Into ahs ide your way out of preoccupation oe abl i flared ror IN (CP)--Mrs, Florenza hostess at 12 Upper Brook Bireet, / i : appreciate your -opinjon and ad-|LEADS MEN ASTHAY lgirls and watch Phe 1 ya Ariwith evil imaginings, For help in ing essen worn egtablished, hit , Canada's new first lady Injthe Canadian high commis 4 | . (vise on 8 sublect that probably| I can't describe the hurt 1 feels that wa bh dud ¥ev=ithis, get such pamphlets as Pray. ini. registration for the cook setting sioner's residence in Mayfair wl J (will be of interest to thousands|when I picture my hushand drink. |p. 4 ois . ars for Ali Occasionsmor payers Ing claes was light, As a recent arriva) in Louden, & 1 SESE " i {of wives--the subject of conven-!ing with a bar Tl (a prostitute | ABELESS ACTION New and Oic from the Forward r-- she lias spent most of her. time (tions, [renlly), and seeking that kind of|ger in Are YOU feelings.-angry, Movement Publications, Cincip. t getting my bearings SST | Formerly I had po qualms at|association--even though he docs desolate and Jontiused-- when you [nati 2, Ohlo, ( cost is prob. tered Nurses Assoclestion of On. in the flve-storey, 17-room house i , ' | [all about my husband's going to|nothing wrong, al Shem! y tha 8 aniably IB cents per pamphlet, plus tario she said Seturday, becau o off Hyde Park, which now bears f ] upp ; conventions. Then, about two! 1 contend that all the drinking PA v ing {of _nuspands to, do: postage, {8 recent cutive decision op. Iittle © of the pounding : ; months ago, atler ha Vin al|that foes on al conventions ould] ta tral yan aw Cgneo ives! Mary Haworth counsels through Dosing collecive bargaining for suffered in the wartime blitz, 3 ; go : tended a convention in a mid: cause a person to misbehave, as |mirt, as you trv to follcn bio, ber column, not 4 mail or per- Ares "overrides the vole of the fp! She and her husband George [ol 1 ; a © 0 [west city, he remarked that he he never would otherwise Don't Dita you ry ] aro sonal interview, Write to her in 8nnusl meeting," ' corps. Today she will have brought some 50 paintings . 4 : 1] [ond a few other men had gone you agree that too much, alcohollas it In the sharing. Soh coud|care of this newspaper. Mrs, Robertson wes president Madame Pandit, Indian|or prints from Canada, Hout are y. i 2 [to a wightspot "more risque than|wil make & normally ih igh somehow; hel the £ift, In subjec- of District 6 which contains the commissioner, and Lady/by Canadian artists, and many| | ; i 4 ~~ [usual," in an outlying distr oh, principled man lose his "inhib tive relationship that this care Bowmenyille-Belleville area, , wife of the Australian|are of Canadian cities, The fur. os ah |Where they dranic with bar girls|¢jong? lossuess has dealt, resident Resigns fhe sald she was the only Or + te Lento ie indo ton, tn PE Ba ich, fa 100 Sh0¥| Soman, a wives sind han A ir Bare 1 i Mrs Drew pd dominating t first-floor salons oh /] " this 1 ful thing conventions with thelr husbands, |in his consciousness, too, That's 0 Deci : 2 days ago, § ating two salons, 0 me this Is an aw n%1s0 they won't do these things? 1|why he finally Jo around to re. VVEI sion On Iéhtepot. episode In| TORONTO (CP) -- Mrs, Julia |purcey to ready has a list of engagements|The oblong-shaped dining room for, martied men 9 Sogna rd have déveloped a dread of cone hashing the 1 ih pd : 4 several foolscap pages.|is carpeted in moss green and Ni Ch T 1 G ventions, as 1 have responsibil.|a fra; | 3 gmentury way, He ls trying, Cle tin a ong, sus ait, | NIDPY UNEESE OPDING TEAL fury i ina lm fle tLe acl net if le et aoe Grays sills, offifial Juncheots ang" 1 sure, 1 going to Uke 1." dpe . . Nothing wrong ino few business me. What to do? Thank you, |his way back to unity and "clar. (rom the executive of the 2k Mami cana in Lovin wit seat to ne uo With Apple Or Mince Pie men Havine 8 Took af. hi ind C. 1 ly wih vou. in the wike of a de when she called at 10 Downing different from what I have been of night life; and that it "Just "LY REACTION with evil Poe got aoe him af , home. of the British prime doing most of my life" Cool weather menus should In-(if it Is served with its favorite '7t nOrmal" for me to get so Dear C. R. Any sensitiveiio time, perhaps; but which he i and "fell in love' with! 'As the daughter of Raward C2 energy - producing foods team - mate, cheese 8s 8 'sur. | wite, who fully geet" need 9 be cleansed of, L 0] - hearted identities herself with her hus. Lady Macmillan, Johnson of Guelph, former man-| and" foods that have staying|prise' nippy cheese tapping. Al cheddar cheese in retrospect, Not that he feels : p $Bhe Is very, very harming, (ager of the Metropolitan ODera|oouer to mest the demands of|fresh ple purchased on your| Meit butter in top of a double band, fF boikd "loot Shocked Wicked, Jonselousy, Shar. Have you tried Teed : ' ant 1 fell in love with her on the Company, she often acted as|gtronuoug fall and winter activis|baker "will be ideally comple boller. Blend in flour and walt Wot." says Mm. Drew, who'hostess for her father ies, A slice of fruit or mince ple|mented with this -- [Add milk And cook until hick, company of Hine rated to the iy relation to you---afid somehow. , ) tl Ide, ith wood mtriitn, MIPPY CHEESE TOPPING (sirring constantly, Add choess ime Is for hire, ia Incident stanas'beiween. "In i ) and ¢ ¢ nee, ' | No Stage Fright "Too Much Mink" levies' Bo'Comlete Ems! febtabiae 7 I5ends™al" se "Shue Surv tot at, th achion of hers eal 3s see 1 . 'C 1 : Vv meal or the light party Juncheon, 1 tablespoon flour warm over fresh apple or mince |} sand hag soiled and degraded selves that this kind of conven. For Irene Dunne (Lomplains vera | 'save room for the ple' The| % teaspoon salt ple. thelr conjugal affiliation, in Jojc [tion behavior doesn't matter, W YORK (AP)--Too many int will be doubly apppreciated 1-8 cup milk Yield: % cup Nipppy «Cheese ering for diversion in a risque at-|Certainly it matters, Your own R 00 VIif the pie is mince or apple and!1 cup grated sharp Canadian [Topping mosphere, where an evil burles. UN Delegate title ink sioles, too many bare." the Ple is i] topped. bouffant dresses, . , . . By WILLIAM N. OATIS at's the complaint of de- : 5 BIN UNITED NATIONS, N.Y (AP) | op in Europe, during which she| signer Vera Maxwell after a sum- | [rene Dunne, 25 years 8 movie|q oonoq in at most of the haunts| | \ Mr, is being seen here in the OED Oe Et Ci aiots HERE'S WHAT OUR EXPERT CRAFTSMEN DO , , | » role ited Nations dele | 4 it. o Pups fate. "She Tikes i. dan. Faria; Monte Carls, and Swi ~ 45 SHOPPING DAYS LEFT -- ite Is wripped to the. bars treme cushions ond fillings renewed, style letel h d i er Miss Dunne is a U.S, alternate] "Al th look alike," | re tn : esentative in the General zye the forthright Vera. "I've | CHRISTMAS DELIVERY GUARAN- bond tied, S-yoor workmemihip guoranre" "PT bly. never been so sick of mink and "Before the cameras, she says, bare shoulders, which every wo- FREE ESTIMATES , , , Hove our snperienced sonsultont sie always felt a lithe frightgned.|man in the world seems to think TEED IF YOU ORDER NOW... aul and give Yous Nay nimaty Nios. You an onder : a 0 latest samples Put when she spoke to the required equipment for going any 2 b General Assembly, "I didn't have [place after 6 pn. ' of materiel in the newest decorstor colours to choose / any stage fright and 1 didn't see/ "I couldn't help thinking, as 1 from, anybody else that did." | looked around some of the most "They were all talking about|fashionable spots on the Contin ; : something they believed in," she ent, that bad Jose 1s not con-| sommented, 'They weren't try-| fined Amer A yo 3 - P. C. The exciting new floral 31 0 dean Wand 1 they : OVER AND ABOVE THE COST OF A NEW SUITE! Tn the Assembly Miss Dunne. : . % UIT gE .00 fragrance y YARDLEY tir ie, Bat; i fd Naburn- ba "ty Let the intimate charm of Freesis envelop you ne SL Pace TH AND: UP in its feminine allure, Thi d that the United Sates : . \ > n its feminine allure, This newest, rare scent 25) oes 3h bo ovr ) RECOVERED ""s from fragrance-famous Yardley of London Is Introduced in a captivating Cologne MATERIAL INCLUDED : and a delightfully sheer Talc Powder, PAY 10.00 DOWN | Now isTheTIMETo Arrange | ONLY 2.50 WEEKLY CITY-WIDE. IRIE DELIVERY TO HAVE THAT OLD SUITE RE- : y urroLsTento, in ime rox | OSHAWA UPHOLSTERING co. Bl Lo <i 1 4 § 8 DERFUL GIFT. A DIVISION OF SPRING BROS. Drug 5% S {oe 10 BOND ST. W. PHONE RA 5-0311 [| | FP Vppape "A EE 11D | o ry ® RE-UPHOLSTER & SAVE i i freciia = COLOGNE $1.20 & $1.75, TALE POWDR $1.00 Selling Out Sale ... Right To The Bare Walls! NEW STOCK ARRIVING DAILY FROM OUR WAREHOUSE We have slashed our large stock of ladies' coats, dresses and accessories, priced on to a sacrifice level. If ever there was a time to replenish your wardrobe . , . It's NOW-----during this sensational selling-out sale! Remember, this is not just another sale . . . but @ GENUINE SELLOUT TO THE BARE WALLS . . . So hurry down te SUSS-MAN'S for some of the greatest "BUYS" ever in ladies' wear, BLOUSES Just whet your Fell } weordrobe needs , , A complete range of the ote. ond lon of senson's best sellers, In sweaters, Choose from Cashmere, Chatelaine end Lady Parker. All solors A \ y busingss or cosval weer, ond sizes. Look for pie : Look end see how mush the Red Teg ond i } y 4 you SAVER see how much you dacron, broadeloth end lersey, Ideal for party, CAR AND i ALLWEATAER of pleated, ful vn COATS SW straight, end tweed f hf skirts, In highly styled i \ a. For driving or walking, for college tweeds, gobardines, 1 g th § hg ' A i or country, for rain, shine or eesual, worsteds. Sizes 7 to 9 h | Car Coats lead the Held, See them and 10 to 20. Look here In tweeds, poplin, ond Gabon "tor the Red Tog. ond £7 / . 3 dine, Many colors te choose from, gh I ; x i All sizes while they lest. Look for see how much you f E ! ¢ the Red Tag end see how much SAVE! fw add : you save! fitted ond dress casuals, in soft textured tweeds, smooth surface broadcloth, luxurious fleeces and cashmere blends. Sizes for juniors, misses, half-size wearers ond | girls. Look for the Red Tog and see how much i AVE 1 you SAVE! Store for Rent | 4 KING ST. WEST Fixtures for Sale all Opp. DOMINION STORE business es well as dress. The season's latest fabrics and ; jersey and crepes. Sizes range from junior to misses and colors in oll sizes. Look for the Red Teg and sese how much women's, Look for the Red Tag and see how much you SAVE! --- in COATS ~~ Good selection of latest styles. Fur trim, uy DRESSES For afternoon, business and after five, S % SUITS --Smartly tailored cosual and elegant styled suits for dosent of dierent styles and. matetiols, futile, wool,

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