YHE DAILY TIMES.GAZETTE, Mendey, October 38, 1957 187 labial aaa an : i i mm ES : _- bal bal bad bal bd bd bd bd a bd bd bd bd hd Bd hd hd a Rd Rd hd bd Rd hd - R hd hd Bd hd ia hd Nd hd bd hd bd bd hd nd bd bd od vd 0 A Bd A eA J Jou 8 Wl 0 WA XZ 2 id bad bd bd bad hd nd hd bd BBD BD hd hd A hd nd Bd Rd hd RN hd vy -m ZEX EXE ANP n IZ YEE RET REE : nA bg ed ba ad BR Rd 2d @ d 0d Bd A Bl Denm-- pom-- RU ) A GENERAL MOTORS VALU It looks and feels like flight on wheels ALL IN ONE YEAR ALL IN THIS BIG, BUOYANT BUICK Rr TTT T RUNS on gasoline and rolls on wheels. But transmission that's the big talk of the automo- beyond that, all similarity between this 1958 Buick and any other car you've ever known comes to a decisive end. This B-58 Buick is literally born of aviation principles--starting with a greater use of alumi- num than ever before, and going on from there. With this stunning automobile you're in the forefront of styling's freshest advance. With it you boss the B-12000 engine -- command through a tive world --feel a modern miracle in buoyancy of ride, plus the never-before wonders of Buick Air-Poise Suspension.* With it you can drive with more magnificent advances in automobile design and engineering than history shows in any single year. Te B-58 Buick is ready now in look and line and lift and life to thrill you to a tingle. Go 'see--at your Buick dealer's. *Air-Poise Suspension optional on all Series, Flight Nich Dynaflow stan. dard on Livan and Roaomasten 75, optional on ether Series. Miracle Ride Plus Buick Alr- Polse Suspension *~You ride on four self-levelizing columns of come pressed alr--stay on a constant level, regardless of passenger load or road conditions. Flight Pitch Dynaflow® Lets you switch the pitch a million ways for "exact power delivery at every phase of travel--gives smooth, instant response. B-12000 Engine--Upto10to1in compression, and with 12,000 pounds of thrust behind every piston's power stroke. Most modern engine possible to build for today's fuels. Sparkling Fresh Styling--From wide-sweeping Dynastar Grille to steepled tall towers, this ls the bold face of fashion for '88. Alr-Cooled Aluminum Brakes ~Heavier-lined, extra-powerful brakes with 45 radial fine that fan in cooling alr. Smoother, more positive braking and longer lining-life. (Standard on front wheels only on most models.) ) Magnificent Changes Threugh and Through-'"Velvet wall" sound silencing, hidden exhausts, centre-of- percussion vibration control, ball-joint handling--plus many others. When better automobiles are bullt Bulok will bulld them' B-58 BUICK CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LIMITED 266 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA WHITBY MOTORS LIMITED WHITBY, ONTARIO AR ht ere eee aes ees a a aa I hd ee Al am eae =n i La