# REPRESENTATIVES of mu: nicipal boards and associations were the guests of an open se at the Oshawa Children's rena Wednesday night, Mem. Oshawa Ci bers of the arena commission conducted tours through the building for the visitors, Here Robert Wilson. chairman of the Oshawa Children's Arena Children's Arena | Commission, explains features of the building to a group of officials, They are from loft; Dr, 8 George Werry, chairs man of the Oshawa Board of Inspected By Visitors Open house at the Oshawa Children's Areno was held W. ay night by the Oshawa fidren's Arena Commission The evening was designed to give visitors and representatives of municipal bodies a look at the new improvements in the arena, Charman Robert Wilson of the arena commission welcomed the Ruests, "We have exceeded all expec- tations, he sald, "The building the arena has proven more than justified. We have installed & new trap - rock floor and a new hot water flooding system, "I want to express my thanks all concerned," concluded Mr, flson, "who have helped to make this arena a success, You are the builders of a community in which we are proud to live," NEW FLOOR INSTALLED Mr. Wilson and other members of the arena commission showed visitors around the arena, new trap - rock arena floor was constructed earlier this year at a cost of $10,600, A boller system in the new porth annex provides adequate water for the flooding of the , The floor of the upstairs room has received a [A . Sloss finish of wax; | installations and the engine Commois Is po ) House of oh Ani of elfling 9 iticized Vednesd, night in t & dinner held by the Ca dian Club of Ontario county, | the Genosha Hotel, he sald: 'Some of these days we will have to consider the practice of electing a continuous speaker as is the system in Britain." Mr, Beaudoin, who was guest speaker at the dinner, explained as a result of trial and error over centuries of parliamentary experience, Britain decided that it was best to elect the same speaker each terv' If his capabll ities were proven, In Canada the office ulternat ed between a French speaking Canadian and an English speak: ing Cdnadian, either being elect: ed for just one term DIRECT CONTACT LOST During his time in office a speaker very often lost direct contact with much of the affairs or of his own party which was a hig| disadvantage when he had to re turn to his political fold after his term was over Also by returning to his party ihe speaker had become an im: familiar problem of who clobher. ment between Local 50, National cents per foot or $480 he had to throw away years of valuable experience as speaker In Britain there wero the eth: nie groups of Irish, Welsh and Scots, but it had still been pos sible to elect a speaker without having to choose him alternate ly from those three peoples The British system was to pick a speaker who was best fit ted for the job and who, by con. tinuous experience, would be even more expert in conducting parliamentary procedure, Also in the United Kingdom the speaker was barred from holding any political seat or ministry In parliament after he had served ed-la new coat of paint, Only the|rious municipal associations Speaker Election riticized room in the arena have recelved|and board representatives of va. i soon be self side walls remain to be painted the Arena would next year, Suppor Ing, " for this year, the arena com- (Arena Manager William Smith mission has received a muniol a) od the winter ice surface on|Pal grant of $10,000, Most of this Ts 1 Oct, 15, The freezing @mount was used for the instal a ecay., all week "7 lation of the new floor night' In the arena Due to the new floor the ery lee) sohedule is filled, More chil surface' this season will only re-| gions" organizations than / last quire a depth of approximately year have applied for skating one inch, nights, According to the rules of Modern safety installations inthe commission, only ehildren up the ammonia - operated engine|to 18 years may use the arena room eliminate hazards to per-| Manager Smith Invited the sonnel, In the near future emer: public to take a look at the im gency light installations will belproved conditions in the arena established to protect skaters In|The manager will guide visitors case of a power failure through the building free of Arena Manager William Smith | charge and Assistant Arena Manager| op R (Ron Simcoe will be on duty FEW ATTEND every evening at the arena dur. For the evening invitations had ing the season, been sent to 80 representatives of The public address system and municipal boards, city council yecord player has also been over civic and religious organizations hauled, Modern ice hockey goals! Only approximately 15 visitors were purchased from Houdallle turned out for the open house Hershey Industries, Lid, A small lunch was served to the | guests WILL OPEN OCT. 21 ® Due to other commitments and Operation of the arena will sickness of commission mems start on Monday, Oct, 21, During (bers, the meeting of the arena the season prizes will be award: commission for tonight was can: ed to children on certain skating [celled nights, Ald, Albert V., Walker is Ill Chairman Wilson told offic Gordon 1B, Attersley lals [and Ald has to attend a meeting of the finance committee with the board of works tonight The present members of the commission held a short im. provised meeting at the aren '|during the evening, Discusse was io} ation of safely fea. tures 0 arena, in the leadership, sald Mr. Beau: ch .. MONDAY SERVICE While special deliveries will be made ax usual there will be no letter carrier, parcel post or rural mall deliveries dn Osh why don't wn take this experi-| awa on Monday next due to the ence" It would take very little to| observance of Thanksgiving make a continuous speakership| Day, In Canada," continued Mr, Beau:| 'There will be one collection in, at the same time as regular TRADITION CITED Sunday collection time from Speaking of Je Sraditions con: the street letter boxes nected with the post, he sald The y | that originally the candidate was ha Jublie dev Hl be oben {chosen by the Crown and his service will be given hes [Purpose was to report to the Kingl ywoan's am. and 10 am. only. jon parliamentary happenings, No money order or savings Often he was afrald to Inform bank business will be trans. on all that had taken place be: goteq cause of the soverelgn's anger, : cit grist: Assault Case him from the domination of the Unravelled | Through the centuries parlia ment in Britain evolved the crown Magistrate F, 8, Ebbs was con Since then by various phases fronted Wednesday with (he old igpted. They have come to this con: clusion after centuries of experi ence, What is the matter with us| | | system of holding its own com mittee meetings which the speak coul' not attend, This was one of the big steps in freeing partial conductor or the rules of ©d Whom, and why, the Commons, Although he was Michael Serdiuk, 48, of Whithy, the one man In parliament called had charged Russell Walker, 27, the speaker, he could not talk on|of Whithy, with assault, Walker any subject under discussion, had laid a counter charge of as | went on Mr, Beaudoin sault occasioning actual bodily He had to confine hhoself to hawm, against Serdiuk making decisions on questions of Serdiuk testified that on Sept order and rules 19, Walker roused him from bed Joking about the attitude Of lhy 'knocking on the door of his parties hi speaker, Mr Beaw| pylon street west home, He sald doin concluded . When both i}, Shen he went to the door, sides do not like you, you Know wii er entered, and switohed on you have done a pretty good the lights Job." oy a M', Beaudoin was introduced wink went 8 lo tay that he Rive and {thanked for his talk by N./walker struck h m, while he was C. Fraser, QC, club president seated at the table, He said that | COMING THE Duke of Edinburgh Home and School Association has changed night of cards, to Wednesday, November 27, # Pm. In the school. Prizes, vefresh ments. Tickets S00 AY KUCHRE in Scout Mall, Buena Vista At Gibbons Street Friday, October 11 at 8 pm, Seven prizes Refreshments. | Admission 30¢ 2a) RUMMAGE sale Friday, October 11, at] 130. Sunshine Group, Simeos United | Charen 46h BINGO Every Thursday 8 pm St. George's Hall, 594 Albert St. Prizes: $6, $12 and $20 May be doubled or tripled anytime 0ct.2,9,10,16,17,23,24,30,31 HEAR DR. ALLAN KNIGHT ANGOLA, BETTER FOOD, BETTER SIMCOE ST. UNI TONIGHT ADMISSION FREE HEALTH Hiustrated by Colour [Ing which he hit Walker over the BINGO head with a mop-handle His 1l.year-old son, Irving, tes tified that he had seen the scuffle, Saturday, 8 pm, UAWA Hall, 20 games ot $10.00 4 gomes $25 a game, 25¢ | and had called police PC Ernest Stoneman of W [police testified that he arrlv the Serdiuk home, Ilo 'alker's ear in a diteh, unoeen a card, Share the wealth is 6 cards 25¢, $150 jackpot J cards of $1.00, 4 turkeys given as door prizes Oct. 10,11,12,24,25,26 hithy pled, He sald that he went Walker's home, where he Walker bathing a gash head, The officer sald that hele took Walker "| Hospital, his head treated, stitches being quired the wound In the counter-charge, Walker |¢ claimed that he had gone to visit r Serdiuk, and that he had not as f saulted him, He said that as he I was leaving, he was struck ony the head It was an iron har |y about four feet long, not a mop! handle he alleged Disposing of two simultaneously, Magistrate dismissed the charge against Ser i dink, and fined Walker $10 and || [eosts or 10 days Y I f where elght ta close WORKFRS EDLICATION ASSOCIATION Oshawa Branch classes start October 16, UAW: Mall and Public Library. Public Speak ing and Union Training. En to Alf Charlton, Sec., 218 quire RA § § | 37, Case Ebbs|y PRIESTS IGNORE DECREE BUDAPEST (Reuter gary has told its Roman Catholle church leaders to ignore a Vatl jean decree forbidding Hungarian [priests to be members of Parlia fun Janos Horvath, head of the Hungarian bureau, priests have to disobey |i {the Vatican decree and 237 their parliamentary seals AFRICA BETTER CHRISTIANS" gl t i ide TED CHURCH 8 PM sald Friday that agreed IL} Commerce Group Is Planning Survey | Will Try To Determine Bars Keeping Industry From City THE DAILY TIMES.GAZETTE, Thursdey, October 10, 1957 | i - Plan Masses In School Rev, Norbert J. Gignac an: nounced today that services will Lack of new industry in Okbe the same wage market as Osh: ed aliawa Public Library, will close on find | Saturday, today found prints, some of them over 100 In hisjyears old, is owned by (he Travel to Oshawa Generalipart of one of the finest ool was leotions of Currier and Ives orig re-linal lithographs in the world Hun. [of early American life in the mid nineteenth century million coples each slate church affairs|join the Western Canada Art Tow three in about two weeks retain featured in Brady; Chairman Robert Wile son of the arena commission; T, DD, "Tommy" Thomas, MLA; and H, KE. Bathe, parks superintendent Times-Gazelte Photo Education; Fred Ellegett chairman of the Oshawa Boar of Park Management; Wendell Brewster, director of the Osh awa Community Recreation Association; Ald, John G, Col. R. S. McLaughlin Shows K. Of C. Mine Film th e been difficult and expensive Knights of Columbus, Bt, Greg |lernational Nickel has been ory's Council, Oshawa, were hon. | spending millions yearly on ex ored by having as thelr guest |ploration in different paris of th Col, R, 8, McLaughlin, The occa: world, Some deposits have been slon was the showing of a film|found In Venezuela, but there | very dear to Col, MecLaughlin's|a costly problem of extraction heart, namely "Milling an d|{The Petsamo nicke! mine in Fin Smelting of the Sudbury Ores," |land was a serious loss. How Col, MeLaughlin, whe had just|ever, through the efforts of the returned by plane from New| British Government a satisfac York In order to be present at{tory cash settlement was elfoc the showing of this film, was in<|ed with the Russian government troduced by Lecturer V, Me Col, McLaughlin pointed oul | | In to him as the elder statesman of jwas to illustrate the tremendou Canadian business, and fo hisjvalue of by-products, For ex fine humanitarian spirit not only (ample, at International Nickel in towards the citizens and thela year some of the by « mineral [community of Oshawa, but t(olobtained arg: 25 million pounds (Canada at large, particularly inlof copper; 160 million ounces of the medical and engineering platinum, 10 thousand ounces ol fields of university scholarships|silver, the same amount of gold and endowments In addition, there was a (re Col, McLaughlin explained that|mendous volume of sulphuric there were two films on the In-|gases and thelr resulting com ternational Nickel Mines, The|ponents, first one had been shown earlier] To meet the growing world at the McLaughlin Public Li-|demand for nickel, two new min brary, This one was made in|lng sites had been deveopgd ny technicolor to show the chemical|International Nickel In northern progress In the refining and|Manitoba, More than 140 million smelting of ores, It was this re [dollars had been invested, More search into and development of [than 40 miles of railway was chemical processes that was built by the company, and a making the difference between | further 30 million dollars on pow success and fallure in the nickel er lines, Two new cities had been industry, Research and develop: bullt, one at Moke Lake, and the ment were very costly and it|other at Thompson City, was the abllity to squeere the| Col, McLaughlin has heen as last drop from a by « product sociated with International Nickel {hat mad She venture financial: (for LR pant yearn His Adoh sucoessful, presen on J CKErounc if the 10 there and development at this eo Hit ot ThE an tn 0! as an heen foro \ oon _-- motor industry, up scrap nickel In sountries such!is this enthusiastic directing o Apan 9 ' © hal St 80 young, Certamly he as not uate sup: | hidden his God « given' talents what is still an Inadeq ply to assure high quality nickel under a bushel Plating, The United States has! Votes of thanks were OXpross been attempting to develop ajed by Grand Knight J, J, Kelly, nickel mine in Cuba, but it hasland Jack MeAdam . Oshawa Parks Board To Rent Two Greenhouses The Oshawa Board of Park be reserved as quarters for the Management will rent two green: parks board caretaker houses at the corner of Orchard! A farm fence is planned for View boulevard and Somerville construction between the proper |atreet from Murray L, Bell ty of J, J, Fleming, Ritson road Secretary L, R, Barrand told north and the Northway Court the board Wednesday night that| Park, Mr, Fleming and the elty arrangements had been com [will share alike In the cost of the pleted, The greenhouses will be! fence, for rent until July 1980 Mr. Barrand told the hoard that Monthly rent will be $30 with (City Engineer F, K, Crome had approximately $300 estimated for estimated the coat of the fence heating purposes during the win: at 63 cents per fool or $780 for the ter season, The property includes | whole fence a house for the caretaker Mr, Fleming had felt that the The draft of a working agree: fence could be constructed at 40 Union of Public Service Em E, Dixon suggested that both ployes, and the board will be sub. parties obtain eatimates for the mitted to the union fence, There was no particular I'he draft has to be approved hurry in the matter by the union before ratification [STUDY PARK ENTRANCE FAVOR MUSEUM Pe board willybring to the at po i mtion of ety cbunell the prop: The board agreed that it has" : 8 Broy no objection to the use of the old|°r'Y on Mill street, furenaned for Henry Home, at Lakeview ark providing better access to Storie as a museum, Secretary Barrand commented that an Oshawa His|.v torical Soclety might be formed. |" had bought the property one The rear of the house will still YOR! AKO at the suggestion of the fhoure, erage aly now Show Closes On Saturday The board felt that the land should have been turned over to the parks board for control The exhibition of N, Currier and Ives original lithographic prints, currently on display at the Osh |) Me, Barrand stated that the A cheque from the Oshawa Jayoettes for the purchase of ohildren's swings was received by the board, Parks Superintendent HE. Bathe sald purchased swings at cost for the! Oshawa Retarded Children's As sociation | BWings to the organization Mr. Bathe remarked that Oct, 13, at the end of the regular library hours for that This exhibit, numbering 29 to obtain flowers greenhouses be obtained for the asking from the superintendent of parks, Niagara Falls He also told the hoard that he ¢ Harold G. Roughley, local agent| Would receive nursery stook trom | the Insurance company, was | the provinelal nurseries at Orono ly responsible for making the ar.[tNTOUED the help of TD. Thomas, || angements for this digplay to ap 1 2. |} sear In the City of Oshawa, Al. he Oshawa Horticultura! So. |) ready hundreds of visitors have Clely had put up an orhamental ! lewed (he show, which Includes file at the Memorial Cometery, number of prints of great In i W., reported Mr. Rathe erest and rarity. Many of them | gn his Rug unt HR ad are quite familiar with the Cw utes ¥ of 1s Rp oved Raped ler and Ives prints due to the od io § M Fe) he les . a act that they have heen recelv:[ganag 1a 0 on receipts of ng for a number of years, the Biggest items were wage egular yearly calendar published with $8477.50 and new equi age: d Wy the insurance company which with $a202 75 dg ( eatures these famous pletorials| Lakeview Park required an ex Ff [penditure of $0377.74 and Alexan. tl (ra ark $6504.10, Memorial Park!! followed with $2800.06) I Receipts were obtained trom | the rent of the Alexandra Park! scheduled to track, the Lakeview Pavilion [1 keview Phone Booth and 1 time, and willltalr ul the western provinces, being he board ha a lolal olja scores of museums, 38 parks and groon-arcas under rt galleries, and libraries INs supervision for the ord Insurance Company, and is | |! and whieh ix he largest single calendar order n the world comprising some 60! year The collee!ion in hein r NOW {ary quarters in St, Christopher's Adam, Bpeclal (ribute was pald|that the main feature of the film Galt but lost the second game : that he had creasing public health education [Oly to an unwieldy glant and The Jaycettes had donated the (health {the Ontario he (elation would like to go to Niagara Falls recent moe! ve new (County « Oshawa Tuberculosis As The flowers could sociation at Atherley ofl with the full co operation of the | Mins jof the a be widely used this Christmas be held Sunday, Oct, 13, for members oi his new parish, St, Mary of The People, In tempor: awa has boon § I cussion in both " council and the Oshawa and District Labor Counell recently, Kdgar ¥, Bastedo, QC, promis School, Anbapolls avenue, dent of the Os awh Chamber M JOmmerce, aNROUN wo weeks hundey pint by oy - aio. that the Chiimbir w A ake after until further notice, at #;30| Sh, Steps to bring Industry a.m, and 10:30 a.m, In an interview with The Dally Bt, Mary's parish will serve| Timos-Gazette today Mr, Bastedo English-speaking R Catho. od severai questions con. les of northwest Oshawa and the| cerning the Sonirovirey, French-speaking populace of the! "Mr Bawtedo, what are the city and district, plans of the Oshawa Chamber of Commerce to bring new indus. try to Oshawa" "We will attempt to assess the present situation, We have no WAGE LEVEL YAR DOWN bi rocent analysis in In a i Ll Ag fo ove! M ah nl dea Sha Jou lint "of priorities, - [np linus that another fac. ] n some ces in the oily or factor proper bear); for fh Indus ns " try : Hite" Ht ndustrial Ag | which Is serviced or service. able." "The latter part will depend on action by council, I have rea son to helleye that council would co-operate if a good Industry would come to the oity," "Can you comment on why in recent yoars Dthaua Industries such as Coulter Ahufactiring Lid, and R- D, Werner Co, Lonnie a. have expanded oul: [ shawa" MUCH 1 ECENTRALIZATION "I. have no Insight In detailed company reasons I might ob sorve that there are many other examples of Industry decentrali- gation, such as Ford of Canada, Lid, This seems to ho the rule rather than the excention." "Could elty councll do to promote new Industry' | Confessions will be heard Sat. urday at St, Gregory's Church at 4:80 pom, to® p.m, and (rom 7:50 pm, to 9 pm, and also before| "208 4 the Mansces at St, Christopher's Profan nt bresent, but we are Churel rying to determine Just what hureh, are the bain keeping Industry Father Gignac Is residing tem-| from the eity, porarily at St, Gregory's Ree: NOT CRITICAL tory, 104 Bimcoe street north "We are not critical of any. one, but our experience in the chamber will allow us to de. termine the most attractive ap. proach, "We will conduct & survey through the members of our In. dustrial committee by contacts Ing Industries In Oshawa." "How, In vour opinion, has the present situation arisen' "Until we have completed our wurvey, we have no direct con: taet with the Industry and what Its reaction is," "Ave the accusations blamin the lack of Industry on Genera Motors of Canada, Lid, and on {high wages In Oshawa true" "1 have no doubt that some In. dustries wish to be major Instead To Entertain Storie Teams | A npecial meeting of the Btorle| | Park Neighborhood Association (han been called to discuss plans for an entertainment to honor the members of the park ball teams and thelr parents, The bantam team won the first game of thelr playoff series with more chamber har made its study, 1 might refer, however, to lack of services "Wan It a bad example set by ¢lty council to charge $8000 to Imperial Ol Co, Lid, for a smal strip of land at the corner of Wentworth and Simcoe streets" In my opinion the city should sell land as cheaply as it can to attract new dustry, rather than reach for the highest gain in the particular instance, "Galne should be made from higher Industrial assessment fol. lowing Improvement, The city Js not In the real estate business." I"lu and Injuries later crippled the loeal team and It was forced to {default the series lof minor industries In the city Thanks were extended al the| I also have no doubt that (last executive meeting to thowe|many industries starting up, find (who helped paint the Interior of the high wage level in Oshawa {the clubhouse, Appreciation was." deterrent, But 1 am of the {also voleed for the donations tolopinion that the high wage level the auction wale, This event was! noi" the sole reason why no most successful and proceeds | industry {5 coming here, were most gratifying, | "New Industries are locating hn Harold Cameron displayed n|Whithy and Ajax, They are In dren during. the summer activ. Suggest Planning Boar d In Municipal Budget Plans ities, The shield, donated by the CRA summer staff, will be held for six months, Partioipation - of the planning|awa's planning: had started In board In municipal capital budget 1047 under N, C. Millman, planning was urged, Tuesday| 'Mr. Millman saw In 1047 what | . Boundaries night, by CC. MeGibbon, QC,lother Canadian communities Are con. hae " an api oen wn, int, Ti $0.50, It additional in den on rol will be Increasingly Oshawa durin; due to Gener " # {people now than before." INO SPECIFIC PLANS chamber "Do you feel that the Hacont goners fo th rt omanwesity on eatin tries Th of elvie ntel climate for indus. awa 1s true' t Dt oe 1 pombe Individual to fi puch on on a ho eit," Jan yo ont on the pers 0 of J utriol, ind fos 9 sesement in Og getting near a anger wy tw t " he 'percentage Is is obvious tha dustry the tax bur. ential assessment vy, hey "Another 'aveniual effect will he on the employment situation, Additional ment the effect on taxation." employes will sug. "Are population Increases in i past years only 'i Motors of Can LJ) "Vo have not assessed that Ituation, GM does employ more " of the harbor "What are the plans for Oshaw, Will active steps be taken to ob. tain grants to develop the federal provincial harbor" "We have no specific plans, 1 and do not feel this Is the time to "I cannot answer that until the comment on this question." as Ald, John W, Dyer's ap. the [peal to Oshawa citizens to name | any Industries f wishing to ex. and, a good move Or do you agroe with Keith Ross of the Oshawa and District Labor Coun. ell that this is proof of the Ine dustrial oncy during past years" commission's ineffiols "It ean't do any harm. "The Industrial commission must be given a fairly lengthy period of time before ita efforts will reap results. Even with the full co-operation of all organizes tions, results can't be expected overnight," AHS RETIRMENTS AT GM, Seven employes of the Oshawa plant of General Motors of Cane ada, Limited, with a fotal of 241 years' service, have retired on pension In recent weeks, Those who retired were: Ernest Brown, tool and dle, 23 years; T. H, Campbell, truck chassis, 48 years; Stanley Hales, parts, 33 years: Arthur Jackson, passens gor final hardware, 41 years; bs For New Park chairman of the Oshawa Planning ohid Mr. fat in 1067, " eontly erabhed ou mead ---- ant week, Mr, nd Bocretary G. A Park Nelgliborhood Association |. 1 ak the fivat meet. y Ig of the park executive recent. 11 ¢F the conference, ly, The conference adopted a reso [ lution that planning boards should participate in municipal finance planning, Mayor W, John DIRECTOR FAVORED Mayor Naylor to consider the planning director, Mr. MeGibbon promised a meeting of the selwe. t It wan decided that hormialon would be Jought Jom the Central Councll of Neighborhood Associa: \ sv tons to Include the area from Naylor agreed with Mr, MeGib. | Wentworth St. on the north, west ok. to the Oshawa Creek, east to the| "There Is ne [ntersection of Ritson Rd, and/oouncil vet for such an idea," |o | Wentworth St, thence south to/Arsued the mayor, 'We really [Simooe St. and to the lake Thix| need it badly, It Ix dangerous for aren would include residents| the City of Oshawa, bul we have around the harbor and Ronnie] NOt got It ( 3 J "We 4 | rae Point, as far wost as the URBAN SRRWI DISCUSSED [history and development of Osh. No hh [ Mr. MeGibbon told the hoard) WA's planning up to Its present N, ghding approval the ba hat the theme of the planning|*tage, darieg 'AR decided to propare sonference had been urban The meeting wa 3 Siouiat and mumbbrahip cards| sprawl, This was defined as the request of the nlx " Salled. ot ihe by ob AL that time A meek: unorganized growth of communi: (participating in the Oshawa Re hy vi he held at the home of ties within and without its boun:|glonal Planning Association, The Jack Murdock when they will be dayies. meeting will be held in council distributed to the executive, The 3 | J es URBAN SP , DISCU chambers, Council and thy Osh. leaflets will be elrculated In the PRAWL DISCUSSED awa Planning Board are invited park area on Oct, 17 and 18 and/at present 15 persons per A0re, to attend on committee In the near fu. ure, On Wednesday, Nov. 13 shawa Planning Board will {range an Informative meeting | with the planning boards of the [surrounding six munieipalitios, Mr, Millman will explain the enthusiasm In| the ar asked the board appointment bf a Smith, truck or ore " OATH rede 2% 0, PIONEER WORK First ship bullt In the United Staten wan the 30-ton Virginia, launched In 1008 at Popham, ANN, Hare Optical G. T. BAKER OPTOMETRIST 8 Bond Street East w= HOURS « 9.00 am, «= 6 pm, Closed Wed, & Sot. Afternoon Phone RA 3.4811 a membership drive will com: an area which could accommonl mence on Vet, 10, It will be con-[date 200, Too much valuable tinued until all families have agricultural land was wasted in been contacted, blg-lot development Mrs, Joan Ellison, chairman of Cities should start gut with Ine the ladles' auxiliary, and Fred dustrial planning rather than Densham, press reporter, were residential, sald Mr, MeGibbon, added to the executive, Industries were the backbone of) He Mr, Anderson stated that only if he In order that interest might be the cities ; instilled in the new organization,| A large area In downtown Van. the executive instructed Don Sal: couver will be torn down to make | ] 1 bury, Jers chairman, 2 inl {room for a new civie centre, | tate plans to form a hoekey| moth Mr MeGibbon and Mr out ani enter it In the CRA \wandless expiersed their satis] Rue, faction over the planning prog Colors adopted for the park ress in Oshawa, Oshawa had sue and sports activities are fo belcesafully handled many problem. | yellow with black as the seconds| which were Just developing In ary oolor, other Canadian communities OSHAWA REPORT USED i The Oshawa annexation report tress £6 had been used by the City i | [Vancouver In preparing ity own {report a Mr, Wandless advocated we ff uca 101 eo tablishment of satellite olthys {around a large community, This The vital need for eversin.| WOuld prevent the growth of | Turke both generally and specifically (@Mminate slum areas regarding tuberoulosls, was| 'We are fortunate in Oshawa! itressed hy W, M. F. Anderson, |in having Mr, Millman," sald My. education consultant of (Wandless, He recalled how Osh. Tuberculosis "Asso was addressing a ng of the Ontario Scout Hall i public could effective work be Not Sold lone 'In the control of this dis: pase, He reminded the members| Alfred Harrell, president of the hat they had much work to do/Oshawa Boy Scout Asso lation, n alerting the publie to the ne [has drawn ationtion to the fac easity of constant vigilance [that the story, on page three of 00king toward the eventual elim [Tuesday's Isste. wes arroneou | nation of tubereulos!s In stating that the eitv will pun Special guests at the meeting/chase the Boy Scout Hall on noluded Dy 'r MeBean JAthol St, W medical officer of health and] He states that while ely eoun Margare: Atkinson, divector]ell has welded to make an offer public health nurses, both off £30,000 for the property, don. Ontario County Health Unit. fated to the oity hy the late Following Mr. Anderson's ad:|Gecrge W., MeLaughlin, the acoso. | ross, Mrs, BE. A Colling, offclation executive has not met tol )Ahawa, executive secretary [consider the offer, It was impos oad several letters of apprecias/sible to sav what aetloi the exe on from patients expressing/entive would take ell thanks for the parcels sent The proposal to | | \ chase the em and assistance given thelr hall property was placed hefore Amilies during their stay in san: foouneil by Ald. Albert V Walker arium [on ghehall of the traffic eammit Mrs, Collinge also showed sam: [lee Should the offer be aceented i les of the 1987 Christmas Seals [the hall will be m wod or rared oN he seals are all Canadian and|and the land added to the exist YN 46 SIMC re most colorful. It is the hopeling parking lot. The lot would oclation that they w lj thew accommodate 88 moto vehi. cles, y and all the trimmings . . . The way it looks now, it won't be long be- fore it will be possible to take a trip to the Y moon to spend Thanksgiving weekend. It probably won't be for a few years yet; in the meantime may we humbly suggest that you enjoy your Thanksgiving dinner with a luscious bird from Shephard's i Of course, we carry capons, chickens, hams, ete, TT MARKET 1564 ------ ¢ OSHAWA ST N Wor wo voy pow wo -- ------