CANADA'S CHAMPION MILK PRODUCER William Bousquet of La Pres. | production, She is credited with ol , | a Wetime production of 96, entation, Que, has a Shas. 021 Guaris of mK with & iis plon in his family, He raised | yoo gag content of 9072 pounds, this cow, Elegante Bijou Ten. | The cow, now 10 years old, son, and gave It to his son, | Is a family pet with third gen. Huber!, who gave the cow | eration ousquets quite at special treatment so that it set | home on her back, Tensen Is a a Canadian record for milk | purebred Holstein, § inumber of member natio Uranium Output Increase Expected VIENNA (Reuters) -- M, H, Wershof of Canada said Wednes- day he expects Canada's rate of uranium ore production will rise to 15,000 tons in 1958, Wershof said Canada w able to m, fes of uranium available nternational atomic energy agency, Wershof, Canadian representative to the rmanent nl Na- ing the agency's foundation con. ference here Canada later was named (o the 24-nation board of governors as one of the Aive most advanced L [atomic powers, The agency, designed to "ac celerate and enlarge" peaceful developments of atomic energy, unanimously agreed to make Vienna its permanent headquar- ters, Finland was accepted into membership bringing to 56 the FLU HITS FLEET struck among the 65,000 sailors abonrd the 78 U.S, and British warships assembling in the River Clyde for North Atlantic exer. cles next week, British Vice. Admiral M, L. Powers sald the [flu appears to be concentrated among the British vessels but he had been 'told of scatlered cases among the American naval units, Textile Industry RCAF Squadron Urges Tariff Bar OTTAW ACP)Cangda's pro ducers of woollen and worsted fabrics have tipped their hand in bid for higher taril protection to, OTTAWA "(CP) -- Plans an or h ; | Bb A mer Libe bo ai tui board hearings Pounce, bY, Ne [orcr, bers lo, oben Noy wh the producers' fighier squadrone for Canadian approval Wednesday published | defence are being quietly Shalved details of the proposal by She Jew frogionive Ineery / 6 J P rors' rec alive Ki ' or ived In Che producer ! Informants say they doubt tha 1, Removal of the present 50. the three squadrons will ever be cont-a-pound tarlf' celling, first formed, The main reason Is no imposed 20 or 30 years ago economy but rapid technological 2. A reduction in the ad val strides in the military fleld orem portion of the compound It Is considered likely now that duty and an increase in the spe the squadrons, if they ever do ¢ifie portion of the duly take shape, will take the form 3. Levying of the specific duty (of anti-aircraft missile batteries on yardage rather than pound possibly operated by the army ago, Welghts of cloth have tended | gud not the RCAF, Such missiles to decrease In recent years, are likely to be assimilated Into 4, Widening of the British Com-|ihe Canadian defence structure in monwealth margin of tariff pref: ihe next two or three years erence by Increasing rates of awe Diners government in 1066 duty on non-Commonwealth cloth. 0, 106d plans to build three new CI100 jet fighter squadrons ANCIENT UNIVERSITY for home defence, There now are Oldest university In Germany, nine CF-100 squadrons in Canada Heldelberg was founded in 1386, and four In Europe MINING CONGRESS Canada Wins Hundreds Of Goodwill Ambassador FORBES RHUDE CoA Press Busifness (CP) wo Ci hay ax rire goodwill By DAVE McINTOSH Canadian Pross Staff Writer ence even 10 years ago, DECADE'S BOOM vast scale; uranium In n Saskatchewan and On rom ore at Steep Rock anc In Quebec's Ungava; nickel-cop per at Lynn Lake, Man. ; and base metals in northern New Bruns wick Tuesday's activities here In cluded visits to the refinery of Imperial Oll Lid, and an electric generating station of Nova Scotia Light and Power Co, Lid: a scenic drive through Halifax and environs, and a visit to the naval dockyard Tuesday evening's schedule In cluded a concluding technical and business session and a reception h [3 foal Congress as they mel here Present for. the congress' final sessions horthe Tuesday and today tar Since the congress opened in Vancouver Sept, 9» they have iravelled many thousands of miles by alr, rall and highway and were admittedly travel weary as they arrived here by special train Tuesday from Syd ney, after visiting Monda in Cape Br and Newfoundland WEATHER HAMPERED Delegates who had visited New foupdland Sunday and Monday had been scheduled to come di rect to Halifax from St, John's Monday night, but due to weather ronditions they landed at Sydney Today there will be visits to the and joined the main body of train quarrying and shipping operations iravellers there of National Gypsum (Canada) Despite travel-wearinoss, dele Ltd., and to Magnet Cove Barium gates retained lively memories of ¢ orporaion Lid three things in particular 10 congress will conclude with The friendliness shown to them ® banquet and ball tonight in scores of Canadian comuni ties or mining projects; the vast ness of some of the projects, and the speed with which they have been carried Into being Since the congress last met In Canada in 1927 Canadian mining production has jumped from . me £200,000,000 a year 16 more than 2,000,000,000 and much of what STRANGLED BY WINDOW DELHI, Ont. (CP)«A year-pld boy died of strangulation here Friday when an apartment win dow fell on his neck. Police sald D'Arcy Dodge, son of Mrs, Wil Ham Dodge, apparently stuck hi head out the window and knocked aside a supporting stick Little Rock Sch Head Is Angry Man By RELMAN MORIN LITTLE ROCK, Ark, (AP) A more thoroughly angry, vassed and sorrowing man than Sas and has lived in Virgil 7. Blossom would be hard more than 20 years to find today Blossom pays no attention, He's Blossom is superintendent of @ stubborn fighter « schools in Little Rock and archi: With candid pride, he says of tect of the "Little Rock plan' de: the plan he devised signed to integrate iis schools 'It is airtight legally, It pre. He worked on it for three years, serves educalional standards for inching carefully toward a solu. all students. We think its the best tion of the prob. Plan put forward yet, The par lems. It was the hardest job of oni teachers associations are his lle. Two months ago, he ready to stand up and be counted thought he had it leked right now Then came disaster "So It's certain to be advanced On the night of Sept, 2, the In other communities in the south night before Central High School That's why the segregationisis reopened for the fall term, Gov, are fighting it so hard, It leaves Orval Faubus suddenly put na- them with no valid arguments." tional guardsmen around the high Blossom started working on it school. Mis orders -- keep out Ne: in May, 1054 groes At that time, the school board The "Little Rock plan' went up announced it would comply with the chimney the Supreme Court decision de- Virgil Blossom is a big map, clarving segregation unconstitu He stands six feet three, welghs tonal. But Blossom said then, 250 pounds, is a former director and still says, time is the all. of athleties, He will he 31 this important factor month, He is married and has The essentials of the plan are two daughters, Bette Sue, 19, and, 1. Phasing integration over an Gall 16, He was born In Brook: unspecified period of years. It be field. Mo | Sins with the high schools, then applies to junior high schools, and \ YANKEE finally the PHArY rades The Capitol Citizens Council, a 3. Scheduling It in terms of 1 hard « core segregationist organi nances. fac lites and problems dation, likes to harp on the fact/ that develop as the process moves that Brookfield is "right next to forward the Towa ling." This; in thelr] It has reasoning, makes Blossom a Yan Any kee," a foreigner who does not understand Arkansas, although he ha Went to the University of Arkan the state & unigue third feature student, white or Negro, Plans Shelved «Me plans were delayed-bul not: ahandoned--earlior this year asked Canada to (rain 360 West German fighter pilots, This train- |ing scheme now ly under way, I'he instructors and bases now ing used to train the Germans were 10 have become the nucleus of: the three new squadrons | Now, officials say, such big ad Wwances are being made in the field 'of guided missiles that it Is felt It would be pointless to build {new CF-100 squadrons only to have them become obsolete in a short time, The defence department, how ever, believes that there will be (a need for manned Interceptors for a long time Consequently, the RCAF plans to re-equip. the present CF-100 squadrons with the supersonic Arrow, This bat-winged fighter, unvelled last week at Toronto but still untested, will take as long as another four years to work up to an operational standard 'Moon Suggested For H-Bomb Tests | BARCELONA, Spain (AP)--A U.S, scientist has proposed mak ing the moon the world's testing ground for H-bombs, ~ Prof, 8, 4'red Singer of the Uni versity of Maryland told the In- the delegates saw wasn't in exist: (prnational Astronautical Federa- op Wednesday the. bombs could Mired. at nm with inter. planetary oi Arg lew, ab bl t hich, } . A mt hs same time eliminate the danger of radioactive fallout earth, Singer sald Russian terested on scientists seemed In One wanted to know {whether the United States had already made preparations to photograph H-bomb explosions on the moon, Singer sald he didn't know Solution To Foreign Investment Offered TORONTO (CP) «= W, Ross Strike vice-chairman of the On tario Hydro-Electric Power Com mission, suggested Wednesday some solutions to problems of In- creasing foreign capital Invest. ment in Canada and her {rade defleit with Uniled States Mr. Strike told the Electric Club _ of Toronto that Imports {into Canada could be reduced if Canadian business reduced pur chases of foreign equipment and made a thorough study of Cana diansmade goods He suggested Canada manufac ture her owr raw products and materials, rather than Indiserim nately export them to the United States ool who by reason of his address would normally be assigned to a school where his race is in the minority, Is permitted to go out of his district and enrol in one which has a majority of his race INTERESTING RESULT The result was Interesting. This fall, all 328 white students In the predominantely Negro area around Horace Mann High School elected to go to Central Vice versa, of the 200 Negroes in the Central High area, 191 chose Hor. | ace Mann | Only the "Little Rock nine" ap | plied for permission to enter the overwhelmingly white Central High School | "I've always sald the majority of people do not want Integra- tion," says Blossom. "But our job on the school board Is to comply with the law as set forth by the Supreme Court." The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People twice challenged the "Little Rock plan" in the courts Ipetition for total integration, at once, in all grades US, disriet Judge John KE. Miller, ruling against the NAAC Pp, approved the plan as it stood Is an Arkansasn - not, as Faubus nade of ans | stants uanti- oy ry LONDON (AP) -- Flu has | The NAACP! [Iilif tions' Geneva office was address | J I} an- when the North Atlantic alliance | GUARANTEE the success of your THANKSGIVING uve by HA I had slachon Ie eho Tuy cleaned turkeys are TURKEYS, Lo irs, with an abundance of RICH, icy WHITE AND DARK MEAT, in what you buy. Your PRE.DRESIED an Lr the hig Moke your choice from ; 1 rn A of LOBLAWS FINEST QUALITY TURKEYS! | Ill THE FINEST QUALITY! GRADE "A" {i ll ED re YT UNDER | Hi FOR LARGE OR SMALL FAMILIES! for Thanksgiving! cooking problems , . . No need to go without turkey ™ 1oce turkey cavity side down, on moun HALF turkey at Loblaws , You, 60 purchels, ea mound of dressing on foll . . follow usual cooking procedure, PRE-DRESSED HALF TURKEYS... SMALL FAMILIES! If 5 WHOLE turkey Is just line shallow GRADE HAN PRE-DRESSED DUCKS | ALWAYS TENDER AND FRESH : PRE-DRESSED FRYING or | 38. ROASTING CHICKENS ui Grade "A" Swift's Premium Butterbell f the tinest quality Also available--A limited quentity of the Grade vk Swivs Pramivm Suto weight Turkeys, Chickens and Fowl = oll are Pre! I Il LOBLAWS 39: Turkeys, heavier PINT BRICK Tasty Treat Ice Cream .... EXCELLENCE WITHOUT EXTRAVAGANCE | 25: 89 Queen Anne Chocolates . LLB, BOX [1 TERRIFIC VALUE -- BY SWEET MARIE Super Nut Caramallo .... 3 "+ 20 SPECIAL | HOSTESS Chocolate Buds or Macaroons ... «!s%. 49¢ Weslon's Chocolate Fudge Creams 3c Thurs. 24 BISCUIT PACKAGE HOLIDAY STORE HOURS Mon,, Tues., Wed., & Sat, 8:30-6:00 FRI. 8:30-9:00 Closed All Day Monday, Oct, 14th, Aylmer Peaches vo woe 2.00, 30¢ Clark's Ovencrock Beans... &': 21c | Aylmer Fancy Pumpkin ..... 2.5 27¢ Indian Point Peas 2 i 25¢ ' Delmonte Fruit Cocktail vv 2% 32¢ Goblin Braised Steak ... . Pride of LB, BAO Le, BAG LOBLAWS FRESHLY ROASTED Arabia Coffee + OL TIN Louisiana Small Shrimp . 42 45: on SGatalon Fresh, "wr 39: | Aylmer Bartlett Pears «oc 2% 24c uascuIT PACKAGE SPECIAL | HOSVESS "OVEN-FRESH" Pecan Fancies FRUITS ¢ VEGETABLES CALIFORNIA'S FINEST! IDEAL POR CHILDREN! | APPR SPECIAL | LOBLAWS Sultana Fruit Cake an 53 'Seedless a. Grapes. MAKES ANY 000D MEAL TASTE BETTER! DON'T FORGET! ® WHITH ONE POUND PACKAGE FRESHI NEW CROP! LUSCIOUS, PLUMP AND SWEET! California Dates ONTARIO GROWN, FANCY GRADE, ALL PURPOSE FAVORITES! 12 OUNCI ¢ PACKAGE hor LOAF BUY ENOUGH BREAD FOR THE HOLIDAY WEEKEND COTTAGE BRAND -- DATED DAILY WHOLE ® CRACKED WHEAT Loblaws Fresh Bread SLICED OR UNSLICED 17: WHEAT Mcintosh Apples FROM BRADFORD MARSH, CRISP AND CRUNCHY 4 QUART BASKET FULL FLAVOURED, Ji ARGH described U.S. district Judge Ron ald N. Davies, an *' imported | Judge," | The NAACP challenged again last April and the elghth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld Miller and the school board, 1 L Celery Hearts iii ais a : | EACH li he aman LOBLAWS FAMOUS RICH DARK Christmas Cake "ua G9 "une 1.27 1.85 PRICES EFFECTIVE OCT, 10, 11, 12 '® FOR THANKSGIVING & Club House Sage, Savory, Thyme .... 10e¢ Loblaws Tangy Old White Cheese + 59: Loblaws Sliced Process Cheese .... 4% 29¢ Rose Sweet Mixed Pickles ..... 0% 33¢ Loblaws Plum Pudding ,..!%:.»$ 7 ¢ ro: 1.09 Mrs. Hamilton's Mincemeat ... i: 33¢ Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce "icthe* Jf%i 25¢ JELLIE OL TIN LOBLAWS ALPINE CLUB Ginger Ale or Lime Rickey ..... 2 #ii%%st 310 Toastmaster Bread Stulfingurseasonse enioine. 170 Australian Choice Currants csane wv. 24¢ Loblaws Blanched Peanuts soa cuithiae 39s Hostess Roasted Peanuts alidho. 290 Liberty Maraschino Cherries == . 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