THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Seturdey, October 5, 1957 ¥ On Community Chest ' CITIZENS SIMCOE HALL ARCHERY CLUB ONE OF MANY ACTIVITIES COMMUNITY CHEST Women's Welfare League Has Activities To Help All Ages T Iways have been ne-|Setllement House. In 1966 over ing something or frittering his institutions, thus bri the a children «= children who,|55,000 persons entered their doors time, gap from institution to rehabill for the most part, have been left| with some type of need to be| 7 pm, -- Mr. W, and Mrs tation, A method of direct refer to fend for themselves and fight(filled, Whether this need was|Y, and 86 other elderly people|ral with information about the the battle of life without proper (physical help, social guidance, crowd the door. All are members man assists the professional sos direction, Doubtless It was com: or companionship, these thous-|of the Golden Age Club and are|clal worker to ef tively plan 8 passion for such children in Lon«| ands of Jeorie left the door of{looking forward to an evening to- new life with the ex-prisoner. don, England that Inspired the Simcoe Tall 'better citizens gether and the games to be play-| By sponsoring the Nursing Cae Rev, Barnett to establish in that/more ready to take thelr places ed, Mr. W, will show Mr. X, who |dets and adult First Ald Classes city what he called a Neighbor-/in the community, wil win the domino game to: of the St, John Ambulance, Sime hood House. That was in 1864 and ipyprcAL DAY night, coe Hall is bound with this wore Mr. Barnett's purpose was to : t 930 pm, - Bill, a factory|thy group, provide a place where children| In order to have a pleture of worker, comes In to find relaxa- The Provincial Probation Serve could spend thelr lelsure hours|the people they serve, let us take|yion in competitive basketball, ices for this District: and r supervision and to/a typical day and see some of This gives the necessary contrast Family Court for the City of Oshe nts who need |the Individuals who enter fe to a day's work of monotonous A A Te 0 p It was a venture on|door, Hall is an in p rt Ke detall oe . y Simcoe ral of Rev, 8, A, Barnett| 7.30 am, = Mrs. 8, whose| These are only a cross-section or oo had little promise of sup husband has deserted her, leav-|of the great number who enter i operates wi he oe AY rt and no guarantee of what ing no money for food for four|the doors of Simcoe Hall Settle. ing. tow. ends as. the he outcome might Be; but it/children, needs hoth emergency ment House, league, All of "hes organiza proved to be the start of a work| financial help and counselling for| Simcoe Hall Is associated with dions show a concern for the of which continues to this day and/her domestic problem, several national movements fective development of the health , Is growing, Simllar houses are inl g8) am, -- Mr. G., unemploy- Which assist it to fit into the and social welfare programs of existence In towns and cities od with too short a residence for|larger picture of Canadian life, the community, To be affiliated throughout the world today, only|ejty assistance, needs clothes in/¥From these movements, the with these groups avolds duplicas they are now known as Bettle-order to look for work, agency draws information, stage' oe pination and provides a ment Houses, f a.m, -- Peter, age 4 (the first| tistics and basic educational ma- broad base for stady growth on The Jurhose of the Settlement| or 30 Nursery School Children) Ia torial all of which give the local fo part of all, House Is to train for higher civic happy to get Inside the door, roup strength it could not find) "fb Women's Welfare League and social life, to carry through away from the over-crowded alone, 16 8 Dart Of Community. Tommie philanthrople enterprise, and to home. |BOYS' CLUB AFFILIATION orated (Community Ine.) whieh seek ways and means for improv. 9 90 a.m. - Jimmy Is assisted Simcoe Hall has a direct af-/ls an organization formed by ing llving conditions in fhickly|trom the taxi 'to the door that|fiiation with the Boys' Clubs of|representatives of Red. Feather populated Industrial areas. In-|jeady to understanding help carat sponsored, by the Gov Agencies to function as & 00s deed, the real purpose of the Set- hy handicap ~-- Cerebral Palsy. ernor General, with Montreal ordinating body for th tement House Is fo educate for ie iy followed by 13 similarly headquarters. This tle reaches|cles: Is. existence right living, 'The Settlement yandicapped children. beyond the national level as the|duplication of servi House JNorker, Hhetefore, a in 10 am, -- Joe, he is, hg Canadian Body is linked to the neglect of unmet needs. erestec In all phases of commun pom gehool, Is found to be not|Boys' Clubs of America, These ity welfare sanitation, health just a "bad boy" away from olan provide mans Wy our boys VOLUNTARY HELPERS conditions, recreation, housing, glagses, but very much In need with a constructive program of| To the Police Department and domestic Bo Bi Telations, of clothes and books in order | physical and vocational training the Sitiawa Tolite Awaciatioy 1 1 \ (AN " @ \ a and education, Its program of ac< gitand school nd recreati dor qualified |the Women's Welfare League is BOYS' CLUBS OF CANADA OPERATED THROUGH SIMCOE HALL tivity invariably leads fo local | I AgTI00, Busan. ake.d. aged procreation under, qualified pie ty| : fndetsied, for thats 0] station of -- -- -- {Mprovement and requently| , sneeoh problem and will spend | abba oughe 'an. Boys' ubs an ementa | points the way to corrective legis. gen hve with her speech better Saens Shuough WN yr Schools' Safety Patrols, Wi [181 secutily cards and vie hese fution oh , r ) pol them Simcoe Hall works to em. [false social security cards.' | : teacher, any boy irrespective of creed, pve rg Ren MR [ In most cases, he sald, they PIONEER CENTRE FAMILY PROBLEMS color or condition, with a mem: P yreventive program fo combat [have college degrees but do not| Many activities carried on at 1 -- Mr. and Mrs. A. bership fee so low that no boy | Ri I'l | disclose this when filling out ap: |clvie-aponsored recreation and Rl with their finances |'® Prevented from joining. dt one Had, their use of He [plications for employment, |¢ommunity cenires were first Hiness and a family of small program is so flexible that any- me ble. In he Play ao It "In off-hour activities," Phelps tried and proven in the Settle children. ius > ine _|thing that appeals to, youth can|Mendable, eld of adu " | : all © ) poor INCOME man: p, "veadily embodied within its| Welfare the League is associated sald, "they become good, hard: ment House which will continue agement ya vosulted in a tre-| he Teadily embodied within {ts with the Pollo A grad Working. members of groups." to be the ploneer explorer or ex- agement, A or att | fabric The National Offic . of oh oe et od lve, gon. {They seek to become officers or|perimental station in community 11.80 am. -- Mr. B. gg, | fers a fleld service to all loca ance for those Who. ea it ti leaders, They spread as much o!|welfare matiers nas 'served a pr : : |branches, provides a training 00 HARI qo. alliod with the heir doctrine as they can with The Settlement House first In [needs help in re-entering a 80 program for local leaders, and, 7 \onile Court YE City of Osh. oul arousing susplelon " troduced and demonstrated the| Sov which is not always kind supplies a program service that| and all cases comin before | Earller, Charles Regan of Buf-|value of many activities now oar- 1.80 pm 3 Mrs. F. (followed reaches the local directors ten Jv 3nd. 3ll cases co} ling before {falo, who wald he spent 10 years|ried on by our schools, for ex- closely by about. 10° friends all months of the year. SC Sis ne u 8 dar roa MUMIA party as anjample: playgrounds, kimlergat|oue"p)" enters the 'door that|CO-OPERATIVE AGENCIES Simcoe Hall's elforts to provide ubderground man for the I"BL tens, RUrserY aohogl, fises "means companionship. This Is] The Women's Welfare League healthful recreation for the youth named a long list of Buffalo area/home economies and manual, only the Bright spot in her(ls actively assoclated with thelof Oshawa make thelr objective people he sald he had known as|training, vocational bureaus and week -- The Golden Age Sewing|John Howard Society. A prime| parallel with ao, Oy Hoey [Communists between 1943 and/employment services, Vato Club. objective of the Soclety is to pro- pe of uch any jon 1963, (teaching, study: ro mt an 1 i; or 3.30 p.m. -- Janie skips in theivide a soclal case-work service|found the Board a strong support graded oSlassos i he a ol door, a happy 8-year-old, to prac-/to ex-inmates of our correctional'in thelr work, adult education, language an tice her plano lessen, There is no - a mens ------ " citizenship c'asses for immigrants hip |plano. at home, so every minute ly Y Om 3 Prince Carl La A pl there Is wonderful fun, There will 0 re y this privilege oped and expanded under govern [be 3 Wary lo Shjoy ¥ ' I di t d F [ment and municipal avsplees | "9.90 p.m Bob, 12 years old. | 8 n IC e or SIMCOE HALL STANDARDS {finds relief in the activities In | Simcoe Hall has always lived|the gymnasium. Here he can " i, Extortion up to the high standards of the 'let off steam' without destroy: | STOCKHOLM (Reuters) Prince Carl Bernadotte, 46, a cousin of King Gustaf Adolf of | M-M-M-M-GOOD Sweden, Thursday was indicted] . on a charge of complelty In an ¥ Ca A] | extortion © the public pros. ] § ecutor's office announced ; A The charge carries with it a - J, maximum sentence of four years \ i y hs [imprisonment at hard labor DI N N E 1] Although he Is no. under arrest, - the prince has been forbidden to leave the country while police In vestigate the actions of Berl ' I'll Be Seeing You NE Gutenberg, who faces charges of extortion, fraud and embezele AT TY POLICE ASSOCIATION SPONSORS AEROPLANE BUILDING CLUB [ment + The charge against Prince Carl y | Is that he ade no noteworthy ™ ™ constitutional rights in refusing difficult to evaluate bec au se observation" when Gutenberg, { to testify about their past "they are hidden and under [playing on the affection for the e S n u d 0 Iéad ul e Phelps testified that his men|ground." {prince of a wealthy spinster of} AT | A | have uncover ed Communist 'col But he added that "they (the| British extraction, Miss Florence | N . e onlzers in 15 to 18 hth Com communists) have a power dan Stephens, hy fold her, that he wae munist organizations in the area.igerous to the community." ireatened with bankruptey and Ne Tous. 0 1C man ays 'The organizations are those] . h : that Prince Carl would be in. vhich are basically good," he/INFILYRATE GROUPS volved because he owed Guten. KING ST. UNITED CHURCH BUFFALO, N.Y, (AP)~A Buf-}squad, made the statements Wed. sald 'I'm speaking now of the] The police officer sald the berg money fale police offfeer says Commun-|nesday before a House of Rep: YMCA, the YWCA, the Parent-|Communist party colonizers! To save the prince from being OCT. 26TH 7.30 P.M. it penctration of the Bufalojresentalives subcommittee on un. Teachers Association the 'Na+|"come here from outside with involved, the prosec p TT ' . aren Is "quite extensive" and|American activities tonal Association for the Ad-[instructions to become a part of{claimed, Miss Stephe TICKETS ARE AVAILABLE AT THE FOLLOWING: James Doan as the ambitl- , color presentation, which is be that his men have uncovered be-| Phelps was one of 12 persons (vancement of Colored People, the community two bills of exchange which TORONTO DOMINION BANK JURY & LOVELL ous Jett Rink whose dreams of | ng presented for the first 5" th riches are fulfilled in a wild | . f Youtse Bau oll strike. Dean stars with | Ume at regular prices com. the party in the last five years lon the second day of a four-day/cal parly groups." une different names even Miss Stephens' family long hs | F | ps sume ¢ Is : ephe Wy long L] N, EDGAR & SONS, PAINTS NENDERSON BOOK STORE Elizabeth Tavior and Roe k | mencing Monday at the Regent | Hudson in "Glant," a Warner- | Theatre, tween 500 and 600 members ofjto appear before the committee and different branches of politi] Phelp ald the colonizers A otalled 435,000 Swedish erowns King St, "Fant Lieut, Winthrop Phelps, head|public hearing on Communist Phelps sald the seriousness of|changing names of their families, been closely sociated with the King St, West King St, Rest of the Bulfalo police subversives!aclivities, Nine stood on thelr'ihe Communist operation wasland assume new ideatities for so- Swedish crowa,