82 THE DALY TIMESGAZETTY, Seturdey, Oetovsr 5, Tv Mr, ANG Mrs, MAMTA ROUTIeY| Mrs. Kennem MOMAAY artend. ; me nome ew wry, viewr| Pilkey, returned home on Tuesday eve-led Mount Zion United Church on BROOKLIN * Honor Oldes On Her 91st Birthday MRS, ARTHUR ELLIOTT [ Corrspondent | BROOKLIN Friends and neighbors gathered ai the home "of Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Van Horne Friday to celebrate the 91st rthday of Mrs, Ed, Van Horne, ooklin's oldest rewdent, who has resided here all her life, Her daughter, Mrs. Mitchell Sutherland of Toronto, assisted in lenteriaining the guests and call: ars, who offered congratulations] and best wishes, umerous gifts were presented, | including many beautiful bou- quels of flowers, with a lovely corsage for her dress, A Iarge| number of cards were received | om various parts of the disiriet, | 'slegrams were received from! Michigan and Windsor | Walter Biggs, of Portland, Ore-| gon, who lived in Brooklin fifty | years ago, sent congratulations | and best wishes to his old friend and neighbor, Guests were served birthday | eake and cups of tea and anloy. | od the stories of long ago to by Mrs, Van Horne, who has an alert mind and an extraordinary memory Mrs. Van Horne all her life has | been an active, cheerful, and will-| ¥ tehard of Ding after an enjoyable week's|Sunday, as the guest soloist at pr..and- Mas. Eve Pritthard i visit at the home of Mr, and Mrs, the morning services, at the hom of Mrs, Victor Leonard Routley, and grandson! wmyry, Robert Gulliver attended Parkin, Douglas, at Montreal, the Rally Day Service at Miss L. Alves, of Parry Sound,| Congratulations to Mr. and Almonds United Church last Sun. spent a week's vagation at the Mrs, Edwin Downes, who on Mon-|day as the guest speaker, giving home of Mr, and Mrs, Norman day celebrated thelr seventh wed: the children an illustrated flan Alves, She is Mr, Alves' sister, ding anniversary, nelgraph talk, Dr, and Mrs, Louis Collion of BG M_-- Toledo, 'Ohlo, visited recently at! t Resident the home of the latter's uncle and Women's Institute and various aunt, Mr, and Mrs, Ernest Acton, other organizations, Although for en route to Ottawa, the past few years she has given! mes, J, J, Christie celebrated | up these activities, she enjoys her birthday on Sunday at the reading and hearing reports of home of her daughter and son- various meetings and news of the (n.isw, Mr, and Mrs, Ewart Dunn! community, of Oshawa, All members of her The people of the community family were present, extend heartiest congratulations! Mes, BR, N, Rusnell was 8 guest to Mrs. Fd, Van Horne, lon Bunday at the home her Guests were present from Osh- son, Wilbur Russell and Mrs awa, Whithy, Toronto, and var. Rusnell of Oshawa, and attended lous points In the district [the christening ceremony of her Mr, and Mrs, Wilfred Pogson|great-grandson at King Street of Oshawa were Sunday guests United Church, Oshawa, DUMP TRUCKS WANTED Owner Operated Only FASHION VILLAGE Invites you to see . . . Canales Finest Furs . . . At Lowest Prices Ever! TERM OF CONTRACT 6 MONTHS CALL MO 8-3731" LEN-RAE LTD. 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