Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 1 Oct 1957, p. 15

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A EN sc AIA rt fe ¥ THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tussduy, Getober 1, 1997 15 British 1 oe hs To. be taken Triple-Play at its face value or is intended we Traffic Ticket me 2% 0% Free Trade Between U.K..- alive--then changes must be made." JT coenmen oo sae Canada Causes Problems and St. Thomas of Canterbury.| ;onpoy (CP)--Several Brit: "C secondary }|Scrapping Tariff Bars [Service Set Brings Some Protests ToHotlaz lu: EE ment wwii ad: : a hlimenteq ono British or mosa io Ein te would ike Bb Ber LOS ANGELES (AP)--Polies - ] ; f But The Scotsman, owned by E an market Hymn Music 5 80 man man Elroy dian capital and increased tariff terested in the Europe that we are going to do a repeat|{set up an Anglo-Canadian free|eral of Gy L. Me By HAROLD MORRISON t a Canadian Press Staff Writer [preferences on sugar to expand|than the Canadian. he moment, are . iriple play Sunday -- ing 3. trade area, some seeing in it|pressing hard for increased tariff ustri protection to three ish MANCHESTER, England dF) on, Now difficulties for 'Prime|pro against UK. imports fan ind 3 men in one car: MONT TREMBLANT, Que Brit est Indies exports The opening session of the min. ; ade 5 (CP)~-In perhaps the most far-/Canada. ' Feet tapped and me; s Of "I prefer the old-fashioned style| Politica ii reaching suggestion of its kind, The chances of Commonwealthlisterial talks were devoted to) Co CRE ® 0d" Singay "tol or service." said 41.year-old Mrs | inister Diefenbaker. Pressure of this kind is more Britain has proposed a gradual agreement to such a conference|sterling area financial problems ™ ot" rhothm of church music Florence Harker. However, i The Financial Times notes that likely to.grow than diminish and ser: g of all Anglo-Canadian|heightened with Mr. Thorney-land possible implications of the|set to jazz tempos. agree that this does appeal to the|Diefenbaker's original idea of in- faiges S¥iremely Sion Wo her young industries need pro- 8 as a means of expanding croft's t that Brit-|European free trade area onl «rhe music tonight is a little younger people and they should pwr ee a baker political olor with | ave ods: Ther trade between fhe two countries.(ain will back it, though there/Commonwealth exports. unusual," said Rev. A. A. Gower-|be catered for." guiayies by | melling i 2 OK a a gen. are established now and ribbing D But there was mounting oppo-would have to be a carélu) work Mr. Thorneycroft said the U.K.|Jones of the Church of England.| gaid 73-year-old John White: "I 3a only tom Se n leg ® election should be le » face competi back a driver s seat sition" in official Canadian quart-ling out of details wit gther delegation came away with al Begide the choir was a trap|have been used to the intricate Hoa difficulties pri uture. tion, especially iit are pro- companions moyed over. ers od the grounds such a move|members. Mr. Fleming addedisense of "solid determination" drummer, two guitarists, a hot|and beautiful masses by Haydn ; The Manchester Guardian says gressively lowered re- might wreck large segments ofjthat he had heard no objection|,mong the sterling area mem:|fiddle player and the church's|and Mozart. However, I liked this| The British proposal goes fur-(Diefenbaker's original plan economy she must make it poss comparatively young Canadian quarter. bers to maintain and increase the|regular organist, swinging a one tremendously. It is the music|ther and urges removal of trade not puvisage the entry of British ble: for to , which probably would... o sup sHOW strength of sterling. There would|hymn. of modern times. There was noth-| restrictions Canada and|goods in full competition with Ca. sires ih Britain trade with find it difficult to compete with While the four - day meeting|be no devaluation of the pound. "It is difficult to change theling irreligious about it." the United Kingdom, it says. Inadian industry. It suggests there Iher. Jawer-cont United Kingdom pro- here deliberated on ~Common- The proposal, which hit this|wealth issues, the get - together Compo ith finance ministers| was overshadowed by Britain's i like a bombshell, was|Anglo-Canadian free - trade of- ; | ; disclosed at a Saturday night|fer. Other than an informal pres- : f press conference by Peter Thorn- entation to Canada, there hat gycroft, chancellor of the UK. been no advance notice of i | 3 xchequer, given to any other country 4 Finance Minister Donald Flem-| Mr. Thorneycroft said it would : ing, who sat by his side, empha-|be discussed at Ottawa as the| : sized that the offer had not been |"most adventurous' way of im-| formally presented to the Cait Plomenting Prime Misistes et : dian p not|enbaker's iy gel per cent of Canada's imports 1 i, "thy estion which A Lira ge Ai at bilateral|from the United States to oh ks at Ottawa Wednesday, But ain. tks he had seen of speculative] He hurried to add that he real- reports led him to believe that|ized the suggestion raised a 1oY #t would present 'very formid-|of complexities for the Anglo-Ca-| able difficulties" for his govern-|nadian governments. It might be ment, difficult for He Canadiz fevers: ; t to implement suc - EXPECT REJECTION Fo hdl: voy Meanwhile al- | Later it was stated in author-|ternatives might be considered, ftative quarters it would be alguch as increased purchases in| "fair sizing up of #he situation" |Britain by Canadian -government| #f the conclusion was reached agencies. that Canada would have to reject + Britain would like to see Can- it the proposal as an over-all pro-|ada buy more of her cars, tex- t. |tiles, - engineering products and Today, the meeting Surss is fhe other goqds. Canadian suggestion for holding a full-dress Bin trade| CAUSES RED FACES? and economic conference to in-| In authoritative Canadian crease trade in that area. quarters it was stated the UK. Mr, Fleming told reporters Sat- proposal was an embarrassment urday that Canadian proposals/to the Canadian government. It would be secret until the confer-|appeared to be a counter-move| ence authorized disclosure. But it|/to Mr. Diefenbaker's 15-per-cent is understood that among his $ug-|proposal. Canadian a ut h orities gestions is one for using Cana-|felt Britain was more keenly in- THORNTON'S CORNERS Officers Are Installed As Scout Mothers Meet | MRS. CHARLES WHITE told the children a flannelgraph Correspondent story about "Harry's Heart". THORNTON'S CORNERS -- At/Mrs. Lainson and Harvey sang a the Scout Mother's Auxiliary|duet "The Meeting in the Air". meeting last week the new offi-| Sunday School annual meeting eers were installed by Mrs. Ed will be held this evening at 8 p.m. | Simo The Women's Association wil! | as, president of the Scout], oid their monthly meeting on| Mothers' Auxiliary hoard. Wednesday at 2.30 p.m. in the| The officers are: president, Sunday School. The guest speak- | Mrs. Pat Winacott; 1st vice-presi- ow wi) be Hiss Bony King io dent, Mrs. R. H. Allan; secre-|W of her mission. wor tary, Mrs. Hugh Scott; treasurer, Keewatin, in the Kenora district. Mrs. Sutherland; card convener, Mrs. Herbert Schuermann; sew- : Mrs. Art Joynt; social, Mrs, "Hregplis "SUPERB _ INGLOMATIC WASHERS & DRYERS Yes! Cleanest wash ... Fastest drying... because the Inglis "Superb" pair give you more efficiency features-- exclusive features-- than any other make regardless of price! And, note this: "Superb" Inglomaticg sell for less hen the ¥. dF, of other leading brands! Visit your Inglis dealer today and see for yourself what wonderful advantages the "Superb" Inglomatics give you over a/l other makes! How Much eS Jack Westlake and Mrs. ; : ey hone, Mrs. Roy, Loni Do You Need? E&Y 1 . He . f unker; pl , Harold | -- " A = by MONTHLY PAYMENTS Secretary Bill M: tth con- ducted the promotion service, I -- |_24 through the gates into a higher| L_$35.75 35.69 | $30.69 elass. Mrs. Gulliver, Brooklin, EXTRACT SLOWS SENILITY yaRE heirs) x Brofessor 2 Leo the Necker Hos- tal here told the Academy of LOANS fences Monday that he has dis-[\ Lorgest All-Canadian Lean Company overed an extract made from | 37 KING ST, RAST ttle embryos which retards the| Alger Building (Next to Bphysical symptoms of old age. | Biltmore Theatre) Suite 22 Binet and an assistant said they ony RA 5-430) have found that certain patients PON Ansit Noon on injected with their formula re- y eovered muscular power and softening of the brain was slowed Cy Only Inglis } gives you all these great benefits 1001 HEAT CHOICES Correct temperature for every fabric! a FAMOUS INGLIS 7 RINSES Plus Free-Flow Draining ALL-LEVEL WATER SELE : TER SELECTOR *WAT-R-WIZARD SUDS RETURN hk WATER STLICIOR aii AMAZING BUILT-IN LINT FILTER QUICK-CLEAN LINT FILTER On top--so0 easy to reach! SATIN-SMOOTH DRYING DRUM Handles clothes with gentlest care! COMPLETELY AUTOMATIC Fills, washes, rinses, damp-dries, stops! DAMP-DRY SPIN Dries clothes ready for ironing! Removes all lint -- all the time! Removes lint at all water levels! Never gets in the way of your wash! So easy to clean -- just rinse! Stores hot, sudsy water be- tween loads... cleans it... returns it for use over again! Saves gallons of water and boxes of soap! flushes away all the dirt-- leaves clothes thoroughly clean! Uses less water than most ordinary washers! DOOR SAFETY SHUT-OFF So safe with children around! AUTOMATIC INSIDE LIGHT Stops groping in the dark! FREE-FLOW DRAINING Dirt drains away, not through clothes! TELE-TONE SIGNALS Tell you when wash is done! 5-YEAR GUARANTEE GERMICIDAL "SANI-SUN" LAMP INGLOMATIC "SUPERB" WASHER as low as 2.7 9 weekly On washer mechanism! Helps destroy germs--freshens clothes: " » $ 1 ne Plus many, many more exclusive Inglis advantages! INGLOMATIC "SUPERB" DRYER asiowas Heo weekly SSSOOOOOONNN\N\NNNNNNM10UIIIIIINIIP1222222222= Theres a wonderful Inglomatic Pair for every home| "ROYALS" "DELUXES" The Kings of all automatics! The The "Deluxe" pair... most Royal pair give you so many economical buy in the Inglis" extra Inglis benefits. In addition line! The "Deluxe" pair give to all the features shown above, you all the exclusive basic you get 2 Speeds with 2 Gyeles-- performance features of the you wash every fabric exactly as costlier Inglomatics includ- needed! You get the All-Level- ing "Wat-R-Wizard" Suds Water- Selector -- gives the right Return . . . Famous Inglis 7 amount of water for any load! Rinses . .. 1001 Drying Heat Super-Speed Drying is another Choices... more advancements plus along with many more ad- than any other make any- vantages-- found only in Inglis! where near the price! "ROYAL" WASHER os low as $3.29 weekly 'DELUXE WASHER us low as $2.55 week "ROYAL" DRYER us low os $2.29 weekly "DELUXE" DRYER as low os $1.69 -- Zz NNN \ I Youll be proud you ows rg Ay SEMI-GLOSS FINISH * Swing Satin flows on quickly and ousily with roller or brush # Dries in loss than 1=hour to a beautiful satin lustre ® Cleon up in seconds . . . simply wash out roller or brush in plain water # Choose your Swing Setin Colours, now, from 28 beaufiful ready-mixed shades. vat NN", See your Inglis dealer 7004V 4 oimpany D BOND PRODUCTS ARE SOLD BY' ATHE & McLELLAN LTD, 81 King St. W, LSON Paint & Wallpaper, 19 Bond St. W, TTT Ni li

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