Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 1 Oct 1957, p. 14

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14 YRS PART TIMES-SAZETTE, Tweedey, October 1, 1997 - CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Rvoid News (Continued from Page 13) 50---Articles For Sale 52--Legal Notices Distortion CLARE Jewel combination electric and coal stove, with dual oven, perfect con- dition, $200. 4 piece blond bedroom suite like mew. RA 5 2291 PAIR of lady's white figure skates and boots, size 6. RA 3.2572. 2291 RASPBERRY canes for fall planting Phone RA 8-8541. 229¢ LADIES' , sizes 13, 14, 15, like ng gn used men's cloihing: RA 5-6427. DOUBLE bed, metal frame, Lug Offers. Phone RA 8-1944. WHITE ook stove, equipped with ofl cod condition, rea. sonable. RA 50876 or 22 Gladstone i = 10 rieties. ROCK garden plants, wa ly Phone RA 8-8651. . 2 ENTE E wood and coal co0l stove. Er good condition. Reasonable. RA 3-2880. 5 -- 229¢ 748 Chevrolet coach, tires i shocks, break lining. muffler pipe, radio, $220 cash, 240 Burk Strert The BEST for LESS WHEN YOU BUY REAL SEAL luminium Products -- Com- A Self-storing Doors and windows, k to see our Triple-Track A -- with All Geon Tracks -- and our new Com- bination doors ---- they are 1Va-inch thick. ilable Wholesale ond Re- fyelia o Down Payment. Eosy budget terms available. For free estimotes and demonstration PHONE RA 5.8100 Anytime, with 22% new tail iui. FOR THE VERY BEST IN OMBINATION CRLUMINUM DOORS -- WINDOWS i To Save You Money Cig Delivery Call JACK SHERIFF SALES THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA NOTICE OF STREET CLOSING TAKE NOTICE that the Coun- cil of The Corporation of the City of Oshawa at its regular meeting to be Held on Mon- day, October 7, 1957, intends to pass a by-law to stop up and close that part of Ka- wartha Avenue as shown on Plan 486 which lies north of the production westerly of the southerly limit of Lot 85 according to the said plan ond also that port of Ka- wartha Avenue as shown on Plan 486 which lies south of the production westerly of the northerly limt of Lot 111 ac- cording to said Plan 486, AND take further notice that et the said meeting the Coun- cll shall hear in person or by his counsel, solicitor or agent any person who claims that his land will be prejudicially offected by the said by-law and who applies to be heard. DATED AT OSHAWA THIS 10TH DAY OF SEPTEM- BER, 1957. L. R. BARRAND, City Clerk, Sept. 10,17,24,0ct.1 VIENNA (AP) -- The Po Monday urged the press to avo! sensationalism and distortion of news. In a message to the World Congress of Catholic Journalists, he said: "When observing various papers it is easy enough today to see in how many cases re- ports can be falsified. News is often handled unscrupulously, without thoroughly checking for facts first. "Lack of objectivity often leads to blowing up of stories, which results in exaggeration and un- justified handling . of reports. Lack of honesty also is respon- sible for garbled reports or one- sided presentation of the news. This has a bad effect on public opinion, which has a right to de- mand that it be correctly in- formed and not deceived." The: Pope said he wishes Ro- man Catholic ' journalists could show the world the way to truth and objectivity, MINISTER'S PERMIT LIFTED VICTORIA (CP) -- The motor] vehicles branch said Monday it has the driving licence first privately - owned plant turn out fuel for atomic furnaces has hummed into operation at Port Hope, Ont, To mark its first shipment-- fuel rods for two nuclear reactors at Atomic Energy of Canada New Port Hope Atomic Fuel Plant Operating PORT HOPE (CP) -- Canada's to has foreshortened the which the benefits period in of atomic power will accrue. James S. Duncan, chairman of | the Ontario Hydro Electric Power | Commission, said there is a sense | of urgency about development of | nuclear power in Ontario, | He said by 1982 if Ontario does | | House Cleaning | Time Is Here _ USE THE TIMES Limited's Chalk River project-- the owners, AMF Atomics (Can. | ada) Limited, Monday night gave| a dinner in Toronto. Guests heard a warning about over - optimism concerning nu- clear power p cts. It came from Moorehead Patterson chair- man and president of the Amer- ican Machine and Foundry Com- pany, AMF's parent firm "SHIRT-LOSING" Ph Said Mr. Patterson: --for double strength. Phone "The atom is at present in|which will be supplied from El- what we know as the shirt-losing stage. This is a very precarious stage. I don't feel the amount of money we'll earn will the balance of trade between Canada and the United States." Son He said the atom has been October 1, ' _pDAVID W. BUTT oversold to the people of the 29¢/ world in the most extraordinary RA 3-3775 Day or Ng. 20 dorado and AMF Atomics, with Any. -- JUDICIAL SALE fashion. Almost everyone, he said AMF manufacturing the rough . rolled material. ; upset Initial production at the plant ¥ will be on natural uranium metal only. But plans are being consid- ered for manufacturing rods con- taining fuel elements of enriched 1d uranium, used in American and! ' j most foreign reactors. PM Calls Mine R "Title Deeds Of Freedom' a By FORBES RHUDE tribute to the Commonwealth 1 Né. 826 Douglas Street, City of Oshawa, being part. of No. C-25 according to Sheet No. 28 of the Municipal Plan of the City of Oshawa reg- Canadian Press Business Editor have ever heard." OTTAWA (CP) Canada's| Mr. Ribadu--colorful in red fez) aorthern mineral resources were|and flowing robes of embroidered | described as "title deeds 'of free-|grey--said, in part: | fom" by Prime Minister Diefen-| "One of the reasons for the im-| portance of this congress is that] it represents the dignity and prestige of the Commonwealth. | "It is my belief that this fam- iy of nations is potentially the ggest single factor whi | delegates by the government of lead to a DE es of a hiniad Canada, and added: sion and the maintenance of | "You have made us once more peace. | conscious of the great potential PRACTICAL PROOF of our mineral . resources. pi pledge to use those resources to| . 'he Canadian people during this congress have given us all | bring about peace and a higher standard of living everywhere in|Practical proof of their wish to | the world." enlarge the Commonwealth. ! Today Canada and North If we as members of the con- | America were faced with a chal.|Bress take back with us memor-| les of the welcome and the re-| lenge across the Arctic, but, 1 along with the challenge, areas|SPect and tolerance which each of us has received here regard- which a few years ago were re- 3 garded as hopeless wastes, now |\€Ss Of race, religion or color, we | will be continuing the work of | were known to contain vast re- 3 | sources which would be used for strengthening the Common-| |the preservation of freedom. wealth, | { "We in Nigeria are un- COMMONWEALTH AFFAIR reservedly loyal to the British The dinner, like many other Crown and there is nothing which | events since the congress opened gives us greater pride our | in Vancouver Sept. 9 to start ajconnection with the Common- month-long tour of Canada, em-|wealth, We are looking forward | phasized the Commonwealth na-|very much to our independence ture of the gathering. in 1960, which will accord us the The toast to Canada, for in- status of full Commonwealth] stance, was proposed by Alhaji| membership. Muhammadu Ribadu, cabinet] "Our independence will result minister of the Federation of Ni-|in further strengthening of our geria, in what Mr. Diefenbaker|relationship with other members| described as "the most inspiring of this great family." {not have other energy available it will have to import about $500,000,000 worth of coal from | the U.S. every year. At present, uranium ore mined | in Canada is refined at Port] Hope by Eldorado Mining and| Refining Limited, and soon nat- ural uranium metal will be pro- duced there, The Chalk River reactors are fueled with natural uranium REE ESTIMATES NO OBLIGATION ISide Metal Awnings Fong Side and close from inside the house. S 10 COVERS--CAR PORT PAY Gore RAILINGS ith Ask to see the only door wi double porthole construction §2--Legal Notices sible for 1 be respon ora debts contracted in my name ; my written consent, as from this date, istered os No. 335. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ONTARIO Par- N THE MATTER of the NA Act, being Chapter 269, R.S.0. 1950. SUANT to the Order of if pnt Master made in this Cause, there will be offered for sale by public auction in one parcel by the undersigned Local Master ot the Court House in the Town of Whitby and County of Ontario, ot the hour of Two o'clock in the afternoon on Friday, the 25th day of October, A.D. 1957, the following londs ond prem- ises known as No. 826 Doug- las Street; in the City of Oshawa, as more particularly described in registered instru- ment No. 65325 for the City of Oshawa. THE PROPERTY will be of- fered for sale subject to . reserve bid fixed by the sai Local Master. The Purchaser shall pay down to the Ver dor's Solicitors on the day sale ten per cent (10%) of the purchase money, and sholl pay the balance of the purchase money into Court without interest within thirty days after the dote of sale, adjustments to be made os of date of completion of the sale. The Purchaser shall h the title ot his own pn The Vendor shall not be bound to produce any abstract of title or any deeds or evidence of title other than those in her possession and control. In all other re- spects the conditions of salg are the standing conditions of sale of the Court as modi- fied by the conditions of sale settled by the undersigned ond which will be read at the sale. ON THE PREMISES is said to be erected g five-room brick bungalow consisting of three bedrooms, living room, kitchen and three-piece bath; gravity cool furnace; tiled floors in kitchen, bathroom end two bedrooms; kitchen cupboards: The property is free of encumbrances. baker in an address to the Com- monwealth Mining and Metallur- gical Congress. Mr. Diefenbaker - used the phrase in speaking to a dinner given Monday night to congress DON'T BE A CLUTTERBUG _ When you clean out that attic and cellar, convert those abandoned articles into dollars and cents so quickly and easily. HERE'S HOW! To place an inexpensive Classified Ad, simply phone your Times-Gazette office. OSHAWA .........RA 3-3492 WHITBY..........M08-3703 A friendly Ad taker will be glad to help you word your Ad and give you addi- tional information. The Want Ads for Good Buys in Used and New Articles, Cars and Real Estate 0 7 READ The Want Ads for Services Required, Help Wanted, Rentals, Personals, Statistics, Etec. A Times-Gazette Want Ad works for you for as little T5c A DAY Order for six days 3 00 "os L costs only ..... For 3 days ...... ticulars ond con- le may be obtain- T. Salmers, B.A. 13)2 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, Solicitor for the Applicant, Paraska Janiw. ATED at Whitby, Ontario, i) 27th day of September, A.D. 1957 JOHN E PRITCHARD Local Master, Supreme Court of Ontario, Oct.1,8,15 Further par ditions of sa ed from Z For 1 day a 2 pve nS rr - rd wth 'a Fae ) a SpA ESO | WALL OF WATER against a breakwater at Bal- rum, smallest of the East Fris ian islands, The breakwater took a terrific pounding, but { survived the siege. "For Results | STORM MAKES Spectators (right) watch a C A L L | rare sight a perpendicular | wall of walter caused b 3) R A 3 - 3 49 2 | high wind from the southwest : + forcing waves of the North sea

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