Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 20 Sep 1957, p. 13

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Tobacco Board Asked! To Show Program TORONTO (CP) Agriculture, In his letter, Mr Goodiellow tures of the proposed plan on Minister Goodfellow of Ontario/recalied that early in the year a which the tobacco growers voted sald Thursday in a letter to On petition was submitted to the gov-|{iL would seem thal the Ontario tarlo tobacco growers that the ernment hearing the signatures |flue-cured tobacco growers' mar. flue-cured tobacco = marketing of nearly 0 per cent of the to- keting hoard are proceeding with board should be allowed to dem. bacco growers of the provinee what they would consider to he urging a vote, At that time by a the wishes of the required ma- ltwo-to-one majority the growers Jority of the growers indicated they wanted s change! As far as the government is in the control of the tobacco. aware the plan Js valid in every |", growing industry, respect, he sald, "It Is within the! "Phe Ontario flue-cured to. |Powers of the Farm Products| bacco growers' marketing plan, | Marketing Act of Ontario, snd as approved under the set, con: the Agricultural Products Mar tains no powers nol previously keting Act of Canadas, both of set out In the proposed markei-| Which were amended at the last ing plan as mailed out to every session of the respective Parlia- grower in Ontario prior (0. the ments without a dissenting vote vole," he sald on the part of any member of "Phe program was widely con. either the House of Commons or sidered snd debated before the the provincial legislature." volte was taken, and the plan In cluded provision for the estab-| ROB AMBASSADOR lishment of warehouses for publ NEW YORK (AP) «Rishikesh lie auction, and a licence fee nol ghaha, 34, Nepal's ambassador to in excess of one cent per pound) ihe United Nations, was beaten for the operating of warehouses and robbed by two men in Cen and the facilities connected there: |1ral Park Tuesday night, police with, Allowance of one-tenth of alguid, Shaha, bleeding from a cent per pound Is Included for wound of the chest, was taken to administrative expenses hospital. His condition was de Since these were definite fea scribed as not serious onstrate whether its present pro gram Is practicable and work able, or reply to criticisms of this on the Tobacco Grow: rey Drotoctive Association, he wid the plan now In operation | "'eonforms to the plan submitted! to the tobacco growers for their vote on May 21," and the major. ity voting Shin favored the new method of » The ut uv association sub mitted a petition urging changes in the sile of flue-cured tobacco The growers sought permission| for the sale of tobacco in grow ers' barns, objecied to anony- mous sales under the auction sys tem, suggested the government restraln the marketing board from building more than one warehouse and sought a royal commission to plan sale of the remainder of the crop other than through warehouses IE | , A new staris born... {counter-attack of mich size that End Atomic Tests Russ K Ruse - Dulles | NEW YORK (AF) «= Stale Sec retary Dulles says Soviet "pl macy and Propagends" is manding an end to UB Bal tests in an effort to keep the United Sintes from doveloping mall 'clean" atomic They seem io prefer that 'nu clear weapons he only the ! ror' type of weapons," Dulles wrote in an article in the maga: zine Vorelgn Affairs, "They ap parently calculate that human. tarian instincts will prevent us| from using such weapons' In a 10-page review of general 195 §, foreign affairs, the secre- [tary suggested that local wars could be mel on the spot with the {ald of the smaller, "cleaner' | weapons without launching a might lead to world-wide nuclear war He predicted the time is near when the United Slates and its Allies will have an arsenal of A weapons that could hit specific military targets with a minimum of radioactive fallout, miport Gots - Strong Support TORONTO (CP)--A a member of the Ontario OSHAWA THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE Combining The Oshawa Times and Whithy Gasette and Chronicle By Thursday promised) - strong Supbbart in the legislature {for approve Bor 8 $40,000 pay SECOND SECTION OSMAWAWHITSY, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1957 hmmm |ent fo former mayor Allan Lamport by the City of Toronto The Progressive Conservative member for High Park sald he would be glad 'o intr. duce the nacostary 'ugh egisiution and to a wp port o| private le douse, nd A most of debate on Kt would take Jace. ie payment is the resull of a libel suit against the former mayor, It arose from remarks he made on taxi leence perations while he was a member of the (Toronto police commission In Judgment for a week on & second relief money paid out by the On. charge that Keensn fraudulently |tarlo Hurricane Relief Fund af obtained $1,500 from Mrs, Olivelter Hurricane Hazel wrecked the (Holland, part owner of Rouge hotel in October the previous year, Keenan To Stand Trial For Fraud TORONTO (CP) « Harold J Keenan, b-year-old Toronto pub: [Valley inn dn suburban Scarbor: lelty agent, Thursday was com. ough, He gave the money, Mr, Em: mitted for trial on a charge of] Donald Emery, financial man. ery sald, because "I was loath corruptly accepting $1,500 whilelager of the hotel, told the pre-|lo jeopardize either the amount pid gn A by a hurricane relief liminary hearing Keenan came to of any relief funds or the speed nd three years ago the inn in February, 1066, and at which they may he forthocom Magistrate TH. Wolle reserved demanded 10 per cent of #35000 ing" gasoline ever sold BA's exclusive new Velvet compound has heen specially developed to satisfy all the power engine of power and demands of today's advanced, high.compres. protection yon need { sion automobile engines, ; Clean burning B.A Velvet 98 is a revolutionary new motor fuel that effectively stops engine So pull in today to t . Fill up with new B.A "ramble" and knock caused hy pre.ignition, gives improved, quiet, velvet.amooth perfor. - \ mance, Velvet 98 extonds spark-plug and ' your car's power out exhaust-valve life. It successfully reduces com- all the velvet.smootl ; { bustion.chamber deposits that rob your, capable of delivering, "go", It provides peak' engine performance plus the important engine or utmost economy, he sign of the big B.A Velvet 98. See for youre self how just ene tankful of this revolutionary gasoline actually makes a difference» + , and then, how each successive tankful increases put until you're getting } power your engine is 042040 Drive in today - get Velvet 98 at the sign of the big THE BRITISH AMERICAN OIL COMPANY LIMITED Tobacco Minister's New Deal SIMCOE (CP) ww Ash: baugh, a director of the Won Growers' Protective Committee, says his group will meet soon to discuss ways around Agriculture! Minister Goodfellow's Ontario to. hacco-puction plan The commiltee, Mr, Avila sald Thursday, is determined not to sell through the new board if} there Is any way to avold it "We're opposed to the whole idea," he sald In an interview, "and the economics of the plan stink.' He said directors will meet to] discuss a letter from Mr. Good bl fellow, which reiterated a plea that the TGPC get together with the recently created Ontario flu cured tobacco growers' market. ing board and sell all-Ontario flue cured tobacco through the mar keting board, Mr, Goodfellow sald the ma: jority of growers voted for the| system last May, OPPOSES IDEA Mr. Ashbaugh sald le Is against the tobacco marketing | board because the "whole thing! is based on the anonymous sale of tobacco," "Tobacco could be sold auction without elaborate 8 houses and there would be no 'Hits Toronto Parks trouble," he sald, "We have ad TORONTO (CP)---George Bell, ' SC ek haem but ti this moronto parks commissioner said where else in the world hat "1 Thursday it would cost the city know of." | $4,000,000 to remove the 40,000 The marketing board, on the Dutch elm trees in eolty parks if other hand, favors "anonymous|they all become Infected with sale' by auction In grower-owned Duich elm disease, warehouses because, they say, it! The disease is prevalen PINES FOR POVERTY A Cinderella In reverse is Sandra Ferry Rockefeller, 21, who Is quoted by a n newspaper as denouncing riches as ' Joring and wishin she were poor 0 auth John D, Rockefeller IU has been trampling through Rutan with a ruck-spck and "wi ng at 61.cent youth hotels, ha a grmd time and Wish Iwas a working girl" Elm Tree Disease prbvents favoritism and assures many parts of Ontitic, he old uying on the basis of quality the city parks committes, alone Mr, Bell sald about > trees Bald Mr. Ashbaugh: "We are now are infecied in ¢ aris definite In our stand, We oppose|and predicied about 2000 B the system and shall continue toleims will be killed by the dis do no," lene in the parks next year, 4 pieo-------- Montreal Steers Down $1 Other Classes Steady MONTREAL (CP)--Steers sold plus 1.50 per carcass 1 an Yloady to 1" lower Pn Age on (plug 2); sows 20.27 plus ontrea vestoo markets, | 1, Other classes in cattle were gen. ami re nos " [ane unchanged, Good lam trading, Shoige 18 80; common 8:17.80; wT 9-20.10; sheen §; common 37, 18.76, medium 14.10.85: common | al receipts: 2071 cattle; 7510.75, medium heifers i er 1500 hogs; 1474 sheep m nd 'outters 7. ", good bulls 13-14 (a few 2 Le), common and edi | In the calves Probe Cause po el bo of Tot's Death salgs to 33.50); common . me: WALLACEBURG (CP) -- Dr, dium 13:19, Drinkers and grass: |B, R. Tiffin, coroner, sald Wed: ers of medium quality formed nesday night the death of a 17: the greater of the offerings at|month-old-gir! in Sydenham Dis ries as much as 1 lower than trict Hospital is under investiga. eek, They sold 10:11 80 tion (bulk at 11); Yonriings were 7.) Linda Thibert, daughter of Mr, 2.50 and Mrs, Armidas Thibert of Hogs and sows sold steady to Wallaceburg, was admitted to 80 cents lower, On Point St hospital Tuesday after catching Charles market, 1308 s and her hand In a washing machine SOW including # # ™ vi were offered, Attending physiclan Dr, 8, J. Warde A hogs sold at 8 and RE sald the child died sows 33.29, eeders 16 each, On of a heart reaction to the anes. the ¢ east end market 391 hogs and |thesia used in an operation to sows sold; Grade A hogs 32.00 "amputate one finger Rugust Traffic Deaths Worst In Ontario History TORONTO (CP) -- Attorney General Roberts says ontario! arlo's 37 community safety coun. traffic deaths during August| ells, meeting here Wednesday in made the month "the worst ever A workshop session, to "draw the in the province's history.' jlienden of A eltizens St Oh . % : |tario tu the star ragie facts of 1 Seauative Nitures pairaied A! killings on our highs by provincial police, 20 in the s being 2 Jom ' 3 olties and a number, unknown at | the moment, who died on other | you hy the Ontarly Safely and | safety councils to make the con roads in the province, "It may be that ill wounding on the highways is still ference an annua) affair, This ia cloaked with too much respecta- the first safety council conven bility, he said in a statement. tion "The responsibility for this ter Speakers will lecture on sev. rible toll liex on the shoulders of eral safety topics, including the all of us." value of traffic court elinies, recs Mr Roberta urged the 100 dele: ently instituted in the or vince ereee-- Navy Adopts New Tactical Doctrine By DAVE MeINTOSH Canadian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA (CP)-The navy adopting a radically new tactical Scotland doctrine which would be put into Strait separating léeland and elfect immediately at the threat Greenland There are no such of war convenient defensive lines in the This revolutionary change in/Pacific naval tactics would. entail stand: The new tactical doctrine is ing patrols of destroyers far out dictated by the capability of Rus. in the Atlantic and Pacific to sian submarines to hurl nuclear listen for Russian submarines (headed missiles for distances of In concert with other NATO at least 500 miles. This means navies, Canada's fleet would try [that a submarine could strike at to form a screen to blook or Inland--cities as ef fates representing moat of Ome e conference gue, which hopes the delega will set up a federation of Too. al submarines into the open Atlan tie would be' through the North is Atlantic gap between Iceland and or through Denmark off the coastal North Atlantic gap and thus pre |fectively as a bomber, vent Soviet submarines approach The new doctrine is the biggest ing shipping routes or the North change in naval planning since American coas the First World War. Protection This task would be more eas. of convoys would be only a sub fv accomplished in Me North sidiary task to that of keeping Atlantic than in the Pacific. The submarines out of missile range only likely routes for Russianiof North American cities, |

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