4 ment was provided by Mrs, Ralph Brooks who showed seve eral reels of moving pictures of cular interest to the guests. in Mrs. Sagriff in serving refreshments were her daugh- tens Mrs. Brooks, Mrs. George : fi Hoskin and Miss Marie Sa and Miss Gloria Moss. / Mrs. C. D. Cross, Mrs. James Skinner and Mrs. F. C. Piper will : : ; ; : receive at the tea arranged by 8 3 : the Margaret Hart Group of St. Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 : ; George's Church being held at 4 3 Valley Halla. Presiding at the THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Monday, September 16, 1957 7 ; ; : tea tables will be Mrs. John Kite GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES C. A. Lamon, Mrs. Eric Green, Mrs. John Matthews, Mrs. W. P, Whittington. 14TH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX, Reid, presided at the meeting. It The September meeting of the was decided to hold 'he annual bi | 14th Scout Mothers' Auxiliary bazaar on November 29. : ; 3 i N UR SING was held last Thursday evening| Refreshments were served by y i J : ] at Holy Trinity Anglican Church Mrs, Canning, Mrs, Dennis and| : : : CAREER |with the president, Mrs. Alex/Mrs, John - Sager. : ? 1 Penwright, presiding. f Mrs. Lloyd Patterson read the LOYAL WORKERS minutes of the last meeting and| The Loyal Workers group of roll call with 11 members pres- the WMS of King Street United ent. {Church held its first fall meet- "| It was decided to send outing in the church parlours on : |notices of the meetings to the | Wednesday afternoon. . |mothers of the scouts and cubs| Mrs. J, C. Tindall was in 'lin the hope of having a better charge of the meeting in the | |attendance. A candy sale for the absence of the President and ' [cubs for Monday, September 23, opened with a poem, "His Gifts". was also decided upon. | The secretary's report was An announcement was read of read. Mrs. George Wilson con- ¢ the Jubilee Year Celebration at|d.cted the worship service using Camp Samac on Saturday, Sep-|as her theme '"The Twenty-Third tember 21, by Mrs. Allen Martin. Psalm" and mentioned the Dr. { There was a discussion on ways Soper json sponsored by dle 30 waht Ot make Holey for Finiog Bid nd 30 11 and ba OCTOBER BRIDE-ELECT McCullough AE Refreshments were served by|a poem 'Everyone rete Jor ; ; i il Nai i Mrs. Wil |§ thing Let us Make Our- \ is a . 1 is th f Mr. and Mrs. 5 F he com- | 7 'thday - In the front | president, Cecil Naish, Mrs. | John Norris, Mrs. Robert Mc. |Mrs. Alan Cooper and Mrs. Wil-|Some ! 12 The engagement is announc- | is the son of . ang s, | FOR tile: com Te - Sohn Kent, president; back Phee, Mrs. Jack Anderson and |liam Milne. The next meeting| selves Thirst For God" and fol-| ed today of Miss Bernice May | Keith Knox. St. Andrew's Unit- Pas : Mr ! * _ J. E. Watt, Mrs. | Mrs. Norman Gower. will be on October 10 at 7 pm. |lowed with prayer. | Stuart and Mr. Norman Knox, ' ed Church will be the scene of | i MMITTEE | Miss Effa Wright, Mrs. H. Mc-| oth of Oshawa, Miss Stuart is | the wedding, on Saturday, Oc- | 1] | Hl la 16 OROUP CO Laughlin and Mrs. Frank Vice the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | tober 5. = --Photo by Ireland | 2g Lionettes Install New President |,ms si croup conmites of ead meditions"on The Bri hiss Svat and er sans | " JE ] Bi hd Di its September jheeting on Tues. wished Mrs. Jack kee who was | day evening at St. atthew's| involved in a car accident. : i a Es At 7th Annua rt ay inner Anglican Church with Mrs. David] A thank you mote was Jedd P E R S 0 N A L N 0 T E S While ve alute, there So st : v i |J. Bowler presiding. {from Mr. and Mrs. Harry Peev- The Lionettes installation and|club, followed by the annual Tel The minutes of the previous|er for the gift of a tray receiv-| --- ---- l Soiise ot the mew MeCullcugh seventh anniversary dinner was ports of the various members. |meeting were read by Mrs. Johned from the group on the occas-| Mr. and Mrs. William O'Neil, 1f you have guests at your| JOFES B% pl Selil ot | [held on Monday recently at Ade-| The president, Mrs. Samy gyyder, The treasurer's report|ion of their 5th Wedding Anni-|Nassau street, held a post nup- home over the weekend or at Service Roads while th laide House. Lion president Cecil Payne expressed her enjoyment | (C- given by Mrs. Frank Foley.|versary, Mrs. Ernest Brown re-|tia] reception Saturday after-|,,. ime during the week, or if Oeil fox th . Naish and Lion Jack Bird of the of the offices she had held for| Plans were made for a bazaar ported 135 home calls and 60 noon and evening, September 14 : Le 2h were still in the asément sight conservation committee the past two years. She then va-| 1d tea to be held in November, hospital and read a poem "The|for their son and daughter-in- you have been visiting in other only stage, we wou ° were tho dinner guests of thejcated the chair, | "Refreshments were served by|Old Humble Church". A guestiiay Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Philip|centres, please call the Socialll you to know that several Lionettes Lion Cecil Naish installed the, "pg col)" Dougherty, Mrs. soloist Mrs. Roy Moon from Rag-| O'Neil who were married recent-| Department at 3-3474 and record] Or¢ Now .n a much more The guests and members were new executive as follows: presi-|\ oi" yormoen and Mrs. Victor|lan sang two solos "The Strang-||y in st. Patrick Roman Catholic| ne visit Showers. christenin presentable. stele for. inept. welcomed by president, Mrs.|dent, Mrs. John Kent: vice-presi-/r' 0.00 ter of Galilee" and "The Beauti-| Church, South Nelson, N.B., and sit, 2 'S, S 85,1 tion. Not finished mind you {Sam Payne. Following the na-/dent, Mrs. Norman Gower; sec- . {ful Garden of Prayer". Mrs. S.| now resident of Oshawa, To farewell and anniversary parties but you can see all four tional anthem, Mrs: Norman retary, Mrs. John Norris; treas- | ST. GEORGE'S GUILD Jude gave two readings "Be a feceive the guess, Mrs. O'Neil and presentations are always in- bedrooms, the size' of your |Gower said grace. During the urer, Mrs. Jack Anderson; pen-| mpe regular meeting of St.|Booster" and "A poem for yore' figured beige silk crepe. teresting reading for your friends|| living room, measure your dinner the Lion president cut the alty officer, Mrs. Robert Schoe- | George's Women's Guild was | Everyone", Mrs. Wilbert Smith my roa ride raise a Sheathiony ne oN enas! Kitchen windows for cur- 7th birthday cake -- decorated|neau; directors, Mrs. Robert Mc-|peid in the Parish hall on Tues-|read "A Little of Everything" | jrace of beige 'novelty Weave charge for these items, tains ~-- all without using in the Lions colors of mauve and |Phee, Mrs. Don Branch, Mrs. gay Mrs. John Matthews presid- (and "The Forgotten Man". Mrs. | Sith striped bolero jacket. They 190, much imagination. You Feow. J.B. Watt, ; ed and welcomed members, Edward Sills gave the treas-'; tt "wore corsages of carna-| Mr. and Mrs. William Lott of] need no imagination et ell 4 | After the dinner Miss Norm a| Mrs. Wolfe Miller presented] plans were made for the an-|yrer's report. Mrs, George Wil- tions. Serving the guests were Merritton who obsyrved their 40th though to see that these Bl [Gower played two violin selec- Lion Cecil Naish with a gift from nual Fall luncheon, which will be|son and her group served re- Mrs. . Gerald Roy of Belleville, anniversary, September 12, were homes are one of the best tions accompanied on the piano|the club. : .._|held on Tuesday, October Lifreshments, Mrs. Wally Burningham of Long guests of honor at a happy family|| buys offered in quite some by Miss Phyllis Kratz. The new president took office| Hazel Jean Platt will be the guest i Branch, Misses Anna and Hazel party at the home of their daugh- time The Lion Guests said a few and concluded the businessiness| speaker and her subject will be CHRIST CHURCH WA [(Billie) O'Neil of Oshawa, all|ter. Mrs. Fred Cickello and Mr. | words of congratulations to thelof the evening. "The Miracle of Love". Follow-| The Afternoon Branch of | jaughters of the hostess. Cickello, St. Catharines. | ; ing the business meeting, Mrs. WA of Christ Memorial Anglican : : ) Miss Charlotte Abbott, Simcoe] 5 awa the couple's memories go Be pee ere i ied bw eat re Honoring his recent marriage, street orth, had as a Weekend é {i . " i 'Neil w. -| guest, Mis } |back to a sterner day. Mr. Kirby, SOCIAL NOTICES The president reminded mem-|tion, with Mrs. A. S. Evans, | M- Hilton P. O'Neil was present poet, jos Posy Gerrard from| jcan well remember earning one |bers of a tea to be held on Wed-|president, presiding. ed with two walnut living room , . I dollar a week as a bread delivery {nesday, September 18 at the| Mrs. H. W. Ward led in pray-|tables and a chair from the parts| Mrs, John Sagriff, Avenue [boy for Hopkin's Bakery. ENGAGEMENT |country home of Mrs. James ers, The officers read their re- department of General Motors, street, entertained on Thursday | "That was my first job," he, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Stuart|Skinner, sponsored by the Mar-| opts, avening at a bon-voyage party for C ll oll » Oshawa Lion X 1 th past president; Lions row |smilingly recalled, 'and I was so| announce the engagement of garct Hart group of the Guild. |" The Deanery Conference willl Oshawa. | Mrs. Robert Gillebrand, who with proud to take that first dollar|their daughter, Bernice May, to] Date of the next meeting will pe held in Christ Memorial] pico Jacqueline Michaud of|her sister, Mrs. Edwin Marsden, home to my mother.", Mr. Norman Knox, son of Mr. be October 8. Refreshments Were | Church on Wednesday, October Fredericton, N.B., who has been|leaves this evening for Montreal | He can remember packing tur-|and Mrs. Keith Knox, all of Osh- served by Margaret Hart group.|s The group was sorry to loseliy. guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. J.|whence they will sail tomorrow Homes [nips into a root cellar, a cold|awa. The marriage will take | on maprgEwss w.A, (Mrs. Alex McMurchy who hasigeny™ Whiting avenue for two morning on the Empress of Scot- |dark job, for 25 cents a day, and|Place ou Saturday, October 5, . ti ¢ st moved to her new home infu. oic will leave today for Otta-|land for England. Due to illness F4 [working at the McLaughlin Car-[1957, at 3 p.m. in St. Andrew's| The first fall mee je bi wa | Whitby and had to resign as|.. Mrs. Marsden was unable to be " |riage Works at Gananoque for 75 United Church. Matthew's Anglican Churc Wed flower convener. Mrs. H. A. Grif-| {present at the party. Entertain- | |cents a day. At the time of his ; was held at the church on Wed-|fiths will be the mew convener. Mry, Thomas Driscoll, Brock | 4 A wd ENGAGEMENT nesday, September 11. Previous| Afternoon tea was served by . |marriage be was operating his : th ting the members ral " : street east, entertained on Sun- {own milk r&ute, selling milk for The engagement is announced to the meeting the TS at Mrs, T. L. Hopkins and Mrs. d ft t a miscellaneous, of Shirley Isabelle, daughter of tended the funeral of the late Harry Hughes, ay afternoon at a mis I five cents a quart. | x " hy f a ? " A ay + |Mrs, Frank Brant of Deseronto|/Mrs. Edward Roberts, a former shower for Miss Marguerite Ann It was hard going," he admit-| ang" ine Jate Mr. Brant, to Mur-|devoted member of the group. SILVER CROSS WOMEN {my 0000 of Toronto, a bride-to-be © |ted. "That was before the day of ) The Oshawa and District Chap- J [] | ray, Everett Brant, son of Mr.| Mrs. Blake Allard conducted| A it<|Of September 28. i N MR. AND MRS. FRED 0. KIRBY out 20 the Tatras 10 collect the 3d Mrs. Kenneth Brant of Osh-|the brief worship service after ter 3 Silver Cross Women held its 4 ) eddle it around. In 2Va. The mariage will take|which Mrs. XK. R. Fletcher, the (fe 1 oe Toes ng n the Legion| Mr and Mrs. H. E. Grose were . 2 : Ia, hi Rt round. the Place on Saturday, October 5, in|president, welcomed all after the Hall. Mrs. V. A. Cope, president, hosts at a dinner party at the Working Together, Faith in God fxs % ree sd a, the Bit Sermo Church. Gana Samer vacate. rng E58 One ose mich : = ' certainly changed, but I don't The date of September 25 was|, [Ub EAvord Hoband read thelhonoring Mr. and' Mrs. L. Car x . : | think oung people are any hap- decided upon for the first anni- | d PLES Gibbs meeting. Mrs. |lyle Ratcliffe (nee Lois Mundy of . yenink Young peop Any an. Canada To See versary tea to be held at the|Charies Gibbs gave the ftreasur-\Gshawa) on their 25th wedding asls er appy arriage jie, ¥ us Nappy, than we were, home of Mrs. George Day, Fare. T's report and Mrs. Thomas anniversary. Following dinner a |MANY ARRIVE : hyllis } |Loreno reported on the sick. surprise awaited at the Ratcliffe D.E A 1] 1 . Miss Phyllis Napier, | /T ; couple who have bly at Fort William, a life mem+«| Mr. and Mrs. Kirby received Queen Wearing weil avenue Sy P| Visits had been made to Fair- home where many of their friends! i i Toronto, field secretary for WA| : ed, imbibed intoxicat- bership in the Grand Lodge of On-|well ov hundred ts in- p her ; view Lodge to six adopted pa- pe mbibed intoxica ership in the Grand ge o well over a hundred guests in will be invited to attend and open tients be pull, Mrs. Edward had gathered to shower them r taken the name tario, Knights of Pythias was be-| cluding Mayor W. J. Naylor and 1 ; vhi # ure with gifts and greetings. Among spoke with stowed and Mr. Kirby also holds Mrs. Naylor, and were assisted Coronation Robe he eo rs ning, Holland and Mrs. Fred Langley. those present were Mr, and Mrs Ballet, Tep, Toe, Char- en asked the secret|a life membership in Oshawa|py their daughter, Mrs. William| LONDON (Reuters) -- The 5 decided to turn the ro. id in August, by Mrs. Arthurip MM, Mackinnon, Miss Alice] 3 y Horticultural Society of which he Bawks. Daily Mail's gossip writer, Tan- ye nie % a 1 Phe Wigston Whitby. Mrs. Cope and|Ross, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Dewar, . r has been presideat for three! Pouring tea were Mrs. William field, says Queen Elizabeth will i Mg d bd church {Mrs. C. Gibbs are elected toa] of Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Roy acter, Baton. Pre-School; terms, |Steer, Mrs. J. F. Goyne, Mrs.|Wwear her coronation robe when|Puliding fund of the church. |visit for Sepiember. Ratcliffe, Columbus and Mrs. FORMER ALDERMAN Charles Silver and Mrs. Leslie she opens the Canadian Parlia.| Several organizations at St.| A visit will also be made to|George Brett of Leamington g He has served as an alderman Guy. Serving were Mrs. Ronald ment next month. Matthew's Anglican Church have|Sunuybrook Hospital September | (nee Nora Mundy). Friday and Saturday at of the City of Oshawa for three|Kirby, Cobourg; Mrs. Gordon She wore the Norman Hart.|honored the Rev. R. A. Sharp on|l5 to the four adopted First different years and during the de- Barton, Miss Marlene Barton, nell-designed gown, bearing all is Docent marriage. JVe Nawal War Yeterae " eat r pression worked with the commit-| Mrs. William Hurst. the Commonwealth emblems, |! ) 5 4 PR : tee that operated a 'cut-rate"| A special guest at the reception| When she opened the Australian, |ible quilt, the doubles club, Some lB = goods they have for the| SOROPTIMIST CLUB § the Masonic Temple, for those 'on relict was Mr. Frank Hopper of Water-| New Zealand, and Ceylon parlia-|Pieces of the bride's Chrysan e- fall bazaar being held in the ROYAL 3 seven years Mr. Kirby was|loo, a brother of Mrs. Kirby. Mr,|ments. The emblems, including) mum pattern in china. On |Legion Hall November 14. Centre Street v president of the now-disbanded| Hopper has been visiting his sis.|the Canadian maple leaf, are in Thursday evening at its regular| Names were taken for all DOULTON . Poultry and Pet Stock Associa-ter and brother-in-law for the past hand-embroidery. meeting, the Church Guild held a wishing to receive the Silver y, tion. He is still a member of the week. 2] ook. swe Yours iis Z3je the kitouen shower ior tie Young £0u-| Cross Bias Ca t Ss H 0 w -|board of the South Ontario Agri- Mr. and Mrs. Kirby received| White satin robe. Tanfield says|ple. Refreshments i fa 1 : ; meet.) . . A cultural Society Lxhibition the many beautiful gifts. flowers and|that after the Queen used the cially iced and decorated cake. ing and social will be held on| INTERNATIONAL SILVER INFORMATION: RA 3-7253 : a Fair) which he has serv-|cards and messages of congratu-|5°WD, for the other three parlia- EVELYN GOODWIN | wi ay, September 26 at Sim-| sars and he is in his lation from the Honorable Mi- mentary openings palace advis- dy i coe al. | Northminster Church iad vean. be: areside . 4 , . A ers felt that Canada could hardly] The Evelyn Goodwin Group of | hird year as president of the chael Starr M.P., Prime Minister|, 1 ft " A ol | Sept. 18, 8 ary Golden Age Club at Simcoe Hall. John Diefenbaker and Premier 08 for % ol. strict secrecy is pre- Centre Street United Church Das| CROWDING BABY epi. ' pm. Despite all his activities Mr. Leslie Frost. Sorte peed Bai jg pre resumed its monthly meetings| 1oNDON (CP)--Don't put par- Films on Table Settings. F'tby has never neglected his "Out of town guests were pres-|wear on any future occasion after the summer vacation. |cels in the bottom of the pram uty to his church ent from Whitby, Cobourg, Water- : The September meeting opened | when you're out shopping, or the "I had a God-fearing mother," 100 and Toronto. - with Mrs. Howard Canning .andhahy 'may grow up with de- TICKETS 50c id. "who me at Sun- -- the traffic department here kept|Mrs. George Dennis in charge of formed feet. savs Alan Under-| / / ---- 3 ears ago in Med- |daily watch on the roads in a|the devotional period. The hymns|wood, a shoe-fitfing expert. H Stre Methodist Church. BEST DRIVERS |""gocd driving" contest. In three|and readings centered around the cs : : ve NOTEROOX -- In time I became a teacher then, AUCKLAND, N.Z. (CP)--Male days the prize on every ocasion/theme 'Friendship for Others".| fo = NU{C U librarian and a member of the Pride suffered a blow when went to women drivers. | The president, Mrs. William | By KEN GILLARD > Epworth League. I have been| ; | y ushering in church for 42 years| " It's such en eosy thing for anyone to pull e peir of e Ed. 2nd BL present 2 8 member of 1 ¥ : drapes across a window to shut out excess sunlight, that many - ne a ESS bh St- £ as a mount United Church." i # : us ® | people may forget that drapes con get "sunburned" too, even ron r. and Mrs. Kirby have a son, | 3 4 | > | in winter, id Ronald Kirby of Cobourg,| : NE 3 : A ] i 5 : h. | and daughter, Mrs. William ; i i i J : ® Some housewives think they heve this > Bawk A Refreshments and .door prizes. Mildred) of Oshawa, and prob under trol simply b they andchildren. Their son, . have hed frheir drapes made with white was killed overseas, 3 . iis . " landing on the Normandy beaches J 7 then leave your i - linings that will not fade or bleach in the he on D-Day. | . ? 2 I 4 sun. It's true that a white lining will con trict De > FIRST DOLLAR : ; FILMS here hi . tinue to keep its appearance better then | any colored lining. But eppearances eren't Pythias. At a pr assem- Both born and reared in Osh- 4 Ls : a " ives i . 2 everything. It has been proven in scientific tests that, whether the effects hoppen to be i i i f HN = ; visible or not, any fabric exposed to sun- nw, 3 . oS light over a long period of time will be aL 4 Sait 4 considerably weakened by it. In the mere extreme instances, a pair of "sunburned" { i x : 4 drapes will elmost fall apart during laundering or dry clean- 4 : Vv / ing. /, J ai, t y i ; There is no cleaning process that will rejuvenate a fabric that has been domaged in this way, but naturally the life of the dropes will be much longer if extreme core is taken during cleaning. YI) | : 2 - : If there are blinds on the windows, you con also get PROMPT SERVICE > {1g \ : \ 28 KING ST. E. RA 3.4621 extra wear out of the drapes by having them made with hems of equal size ot top end bottom. Then, after each lounder- (I f / 4 FREE PICK-UP y 4 - 3 : ing they can be turned upside down -- if the pattern will AND DELIVERY FOR LASTING FRESHNESS 3 7 Sm E | MERCURY allow -- and this will result in a more aven distribution of = the wear caused by sunlight, as the parts that were behind BANDEAU wm 325 LONBLINE tom' 250 ® FILMS the blinds will heve remained in stronger condition. PICKWICK CLEANERS & DYERS | onoio hm i30 = wd is y i . a - @CAMERAS Ved | | Ko filled AND SHIRT LAUNDERERS Vila ne ff 1] = 7 @ SUPPLIES ll | TELEPHONE "PRONE 57555 cil METH ki CUEANIT SERVIGE 7 soe comms 484 SIMCOE 37. 3. Dial RA 3-4832