NO EXTRA CHARGES FOR CREDIT .00 00 DOWN ¥ WEEKLY BURNS CREDIT IE WELLERS 32 KING ST. WEST RA 3.7022 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Fridey, September 13, 1957 © EAUTIFUL FIT { a historic site. THE SHOE WITH TH ] DON'T MISS THE Qs: QP of WALLPAPER AT THE RECEPTION All our this years regular and pre-pasted lines of Mr. and Mrs. John Russell | Mr. and Mrs. George W. Ham- Kidd cut the cake following lin of Oshawa and the bride- their marriage recently in Har- groom is the .on of Mr. and wallpaper must go to make room for our 1958 line. tial tea and the Wsiallation of ! H Q Runner-up § Mi : pledges in connection with ol The September meeting of the CNE Dairy ueen | Pinkney of Geulph representing their appearance, showmanship { arlor at Simcoe Street United ler's wife. The girls were judged ment PYTHIAN SISTERS (by prayer by Mrs. William All. Prospective members. 8 | : 101 Mrs. Robert Moon presented tary Wednesday was named the | Mrs. Major MacLean pr a and friends will Hall on ay evening, A C Sister Evelyn Thomas Coull and Mrs. Steph interesting year. conversion of Paul. Mrs. Moon Jean Peterson of Hornby, Omt.| Manager Sister Kay Large, | (East Group) {and her husband who have re-of beauty with the proper ability ; had embroidered over 30 pairs of tember 30, in Orange H meeting in the parlors of §t. An. Africa. The four were the survivors of 8 U {Andrew's United Church. jar of jam or jelly to Home submitted by the sang "Beside Still Waters'. Mrs. and districts. who was born Larke, Mabel Disney and namiers | Auxiliary as whoie are cate |SCCTSIArY's report ind the treas- given a silver tea service, a wrist idays in r of | | [through the desert and about the every asistance, I riacy tee on September 18. ments were served. 'dren's Hi a : i ren's ome in Mexico and apie as convener. Announce- when Mrs. Beth McKay of To- : FEW LEFT f United Church was held On yo fa) geason of study and| OP REW member was welcomed joxwgLl, GREEN, England The meeting opened With 2 ing on September 11. In the ab- Sister, Mis Katie Wotten. who was in charge of the de-| During the business meetin 2 an-| teresting report on her tip ard Keighley will be the speaker the roll and gave the treasurer's the church prior to that date. The ciation talk on the Soper Mission stress- § be held on October 17 at 3 p.m. professed Christians SA HOME LEAGUE introduction to the study of Japan Teague was held on Tuesday population. A clear picture of th rio i oul tock . ei September 10, in our work of the church was given Ne EVERY SECOND ROLL FOR ONE CENT iid ny. Souris 4 a4 yaed brow guy E04 UXIL IES! i {Woman's Christian Temperance Wellin and deportment in handling and J {rushing season for new members. |, 3 2 pov : {Wellington County, a young farm- i 2 {i ; ' ' omen. ts were welcomed as Union was held in the ladies Beats Field Ot 46 cleaning machine milking equip | a] | Church. Mrs. Charles Langfieldl TORONTO (CP)--A pretty 23- ian Sisters No. 1 held its|son and tea was served by the| Plans are heing made for a presided. |vear-old aircraft company secre.! ay meeting, the first of the Fellowship Group. (theatre party in November to autumn on, in the Orange! Jenith. hus The chapter is look- the worship service from Acts 26, Canadian National Exhibition's Rin Sep- Mrs. Thomas Salisbury Mis. ing forward to a very active and Verses 13 to 20 and told of the dairy queen for 1957. | Earke resided. Butler with a gift and a word of prayed for the health of the representing Halton County, dem. The Flag was presented bY thanks hi n willingly Propariag| JESSIE PANTON AUX. daughter of Mrs. Harold Parrott onstrated "Ke right combination It/tea each week. Also many thanks ; was announced that the Rally is and a gift to Mrs. G. Bishop who! nyo pact Group of th io turned here because of malaria. to milk a cow to take the award lto take place on Monday, [had embmuidered aver 30 waits of papi ian Gro Feld Je Louk They ave missionaries in West over three other finalists | | le ¥ : ; [1t will start at § p.m. The ban: sn anouncement was made i i The Reverend 8. C. H. Atkin , field of dairy princesses chosen quet will start 6 p.m. at BL asking 'the members to bring 8 Axle or reason Repnrs Lace son spoke of the \2ird psalm and from 46 of Ontario's 4 cointies ; ; secretary and ; ! | Repo to on the sick [eague next week. These will bel er. [Moon thanked Mr. Atkinson. {Miss Peterson, [list we ¢ Sisters Alice Short. SFC Cicer the sick and shut-in Mention was made that the Mit L. H. Muldrew gave the and sill lives on a farm, was {Doris McDonald. 'The Charter "=~. .. oo 4 ; iven by } s.| 3 ) a / Mrs. en told of her for 3 wed or Octol : |waich and the cheice of any f was draped ior a period of ® i\"l, Mexico and of driving io which the Eas Geos wii end E-. A Wr oer Jive ealves---the chse 2' Holy i beautiful city with its wide streets| : 3 5 ; 3 | It was decided to hold the A special country church service) . and many fountains. She told of|oprisemas party at the Novem. will be held in Newcastle at the FAITHFUL GROUP showed many trinkets and sou-\m ont" was made that the 9 grou y The regular meeting of 'the Venirs that she brought home. ,re again handling greeting Sg tuto will be the speaier Tuesday evening, September 10, ou" cu "okt emoon auxiliary | © he 8roup. (CP)--The 400 - year - old black- in the Church parlors with 19 or'4ho Northminster WMS was| Refreshments were served by smith's shop in this Bedordshire poem read by the president, MIS. sence of the president, Mrs. W. W. Trainer, The scripture lesson |g Jeffs Mrs. H. A. Mell pre. votional period. Mrs. William nouncement was made concern-| Medland gave two readings. Mrs. |ing the special church service on through the southern states and A hale of clothing will be packed western Canada. on October 24 and members were report. The minutes of the June October meeting will be the an- meeting were read by Mrs. Wil- nual Thank Offering meeting. | After a short business period, ing the fact that a purpose of this plans were made for the annual mission is to bring about the re- in the church parlor. An inspiring devotional service Refreshments were served by was given by Mrs. O. A. Lint. She told of the problems resulting The annual Rally Day meet- from the limited amount of land ; United Church The Mrs. Russell Kidd of Caledon. new Citadel on Simcoe street stories of five representative com- bride He Tamer Miss Nancy The couple will live in Oshawa There were 94 present to whom munity churches. ROXATONE SPECIAL STILL ON CIL WHITE HOUSE PAINT WCTU ! was Mrs. Dorothy|in nightly milking contests of ments were made for the 60th an- tein--as a first prize, ge visiting the Salvation Army chil-|;e "meeting with Mrs. Murray morning service on September 29. Faithful group of ng NORTHMINSTER . WMS with Miss Anderson in charge. | i members present. started with an interesting meet- Mrs. Hamilton and her community is to be preserved as was read by Mrs. George Twiddy |sided | Harry Stewart gave a very In- November 10 when the Rev, Leon- Mrs. Edward Goodman called asked to have contributions at liam Mitchell also cards of appre- Mrs. R. B. Galbraith gave a & fall tea and bazaar which is to dedication of people who are now Mrs. Twiddy and her committee. Mrs. Galbraith presented a fine ing of the Salvation Army Home which has to support a large Ann Hamlin. is the daughter of ~--Photo by Sneyd Mrs. William Saunders gave a BETA SIGMA PHI HERE'S THAT BRAUTIFUL PERSONALS [ico Maynard Nelson led in the sing- Fall season of Gamma Epsilson ing of a hymn. This was followed Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi was CIL FLAT DRIFTWOOD Special 5.95 gal. 1.75 Qt, NATURALIZER FIT,...IN held on Tuesday, September 10, Mr. and 2 the home of Mrs. Marion Wil- son, Rossland road west. Two transferees, Mrs. Mary Peters from Moose Jaw, and Mrs Jean Kuntze from Belleville were welcomed as members of this chapter Reports were heard from the ways and means committee and the social committee singing of a few choruses. Mrs The opening meeting for the The many friends of Mrs. the season at Simcoe Hall en ard Griffin, Burketon; Leonard Martin Harmony road Monday evening. Eighteen new Mrs. R. Allmey. Hampton: Mr north, will be sorry to learn that members were introduced by and Mrs G. Goyne, Courtice; she had a fall recently and broke the president, Mrs. Ernest Lang- Mrs. Janet Alcock, Miss Helen her ankle. dale. Plans were made for fu- Anderson, Mrs. Gertie Gordon, ture activities and some of the all of Whitby: Mr. Bruce Cyral, The September meeting of the women decided to meet for af- Brooklin; The Reverend Harold 50-50 club of Simcoe Street United ternoon bowling. It was arran- Turner and Mrs. Turner, Miss Church was held in the Sunday ced that Be October meeting Suzanne Cole, Mr and Ms R School room with the presidents, would be held on the third M. Stephens, Mr. Gregory Steph- i Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shaw, pre- Monday and would include a ens, Mr. and Mrs R. Frank, Mr aes pi Rit We_liodei) siding. The devotional service film show of Mrs. Jessie Too- and Mrs. H. Knapp, Mr. and Mrs. ___ =" 7 "7 7" ° 7 was led by Mr. Robert Giles. ley's recent trip to Europe. The §. Forsey, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Plans were discussed for the an- meeting closed with refresh- Cook, Mr. and Mrs. H. Moore, pual turkey supper to be held ments served by the committee. Mrs. E. Goyne, Mr. and Mrs. on October 19. Refreshments Charles Greenham and Elgin, were served by the Giles group.| Out of town guests at the Ste-| yg. "ang Mrs, J. Martin, Mrs. E. : phens-Wyman wedding were Dr. yay Camp, Miss Karen Clarke, If you have guests at your and Mrs. H. R. Goodfellow, Mr. ar.' and Mrs. C. Bell, Mr. E, Dad- home over the weekend or at any and Mrs. HE. Alcock, Mr. and co "wice Sheila Coverly, all of time during the week, or if you Mrs. Dean Wyman, all of Sault goo anville: Mr. and Mrs. Hans have been ivsiting in other cen- Ste. Marie; Mr. and Mrs. 8. Geissberger ' 8. Miss Bertha | tres, please call the Social De-/Nuendorff, Sudbury; Mr. and | coiceher r. Mr. 'and Mrs Ewart | partment at 3-3474 and record the Mrs. Mervin Wyman, Thessalon: roacy "all of Hampton. { visit. Showers, christenings, fare-|Mrs. Noretta McKnight and Mrs. : : well and aniversary parties and R. F. Wyman, Windsor; Mr. and ntations are always interest- Mrs. L. E. Goodfellow, Mr. and|:* g reading for your friends and Mrs. Herbert Lee, Mr. and Mrs. | + neighbors. There is no charge Tom Allin, Mr. and Mrs. I. Ste-|: for these items. phens, Mr. Alfred Mohl, all of To-| . After five weeks of travelling i. and Mrs. R cDos- . and visiting relations in e 20 eston; Mr. and Mrs. $1 Mr. and Mrs T " Thompson, Mount Dennis; Mrs. |. Creighton have returned E. Rountree, Richmond Hill; Mrs their home on King street east Grace Hudson, Mrs. D Cahill, |, They have been to Peace River Miss K. Jantze, all of Hamilton: | - and out to Vancouver and Vie- Mr. and Mrs. Royal Boothby, Kit- toria, returning by way of chener; Mr. and Mrs. William . Banff where Mr Creighton at- Stephens, St. Catharines; Mr. and | " . Mrs. Gordon Thompson, Port : jended the Canadian Bar Af60-lgope: Mr. and Mrs R. Gibbs, Mr. and Mrs. J. Woodley, Mr. C Dr. Alexander Delgarno of Woodley, all of Tyrone; Mr. and! | Queen's University, Belfast, has Mrs. D. Stephens. Orono: Mr. and . ,,,.,. been a guest at the home of his Mrs. F. Griffin and Mrs. Rich- aunt, Mrs. D. Thomas and Mr. Thomas, MLA, Harris street. | A member of the British Atomic Commission, Dr. Delgarno has been attending and addressin, the assembly of the International Union of Geogists and Geophysi- cists at the University of Toron- to this week. After giving an ad- dress at the University of West- ern Ontario, London, he will re join the Research Branch of the American Air Force at Cam- bridge, Massachusetts, before returning to England. The ladies' group of the Osh- awa and district Old Country Club held its first meeting of McCullough Confidential While we solute those far- sighted folk who bought some of the new McCullough homes on the Brookside Acres and Dean Crescent Service Roads while they were still in the bosement- only stage, we would like you to know that severol aré now .n o much more presentable state for inspec- tion. Not finished mind you but you con see all four bedrooms, the size of your living room, meosure your kifchen windows for eur tains -- oll without using tos much imagination, You need no imagination ot ell though to see that these Homes ore one of the best buys offered In quite some McCullough Homes IS textured calf The pumps you've been looking for «+. soft, light ond altractively tailored. See Naturalizer' new textured calf pumps In your size today. PATT E' PAINT AND WALLPAPER LTD. 85 Years at 85 Simeoe St. N. Oshawa Paved Parking Lot at Reer of Store off William St. East JAUNTY "Goods Setisfactory or Money Refunded" AVIDSON'S OPERATED BY E. A. SOUTHWELL SOROPTIMIST CLUB OF OSHAWA is Sponsoring Royal Doulten Fashion Show Northminster Church Sept. 18, 8 p.m. REFRESHMENTS DOOR PRIZES Tickets 50¢ The Dott Shoe Guild JURY & LOVELL PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS 530 Simeoe St. S. RA 5-3546 BOWMANVILLE MA 3.5778 WHITBY MO 8-2338 EUROPE -- POSTAGE FREE" 8 King St. E. RA 3-2245 15 KING ST. W. 317 BROCK ST. 8. "WE SEND MEDICINES TO OSHAWA Ri Oshawa 31 SIMCOE ST. N. RA 5-3312 |] Inhopping Lis infant's @ Fanoy Stitch Sock--"Little Jewel" Mercerized Cotton--Sizes 434.634 Colours-- White, Pink, Lt. Blue, Navy, Yellow, Red. [ Plain Stitch Anklet, Turned Cuff--All Nylon "Stretchy" --One Size fits 4 to 634 Coloure-- White, Pink, Lt. Blue, Yellow, Red. Children's 7] Plain Stitch Sock-- Woo! and Nylon, Shrink Resistant--Sizes 6 to ve Colours -- White, Pink, Lt. Blue, Yellow, Camel Mix, Grey Mix, Brown, Red, Navy, Dark Green. [ Faney Stitch Sock-- All Nylon "Stretchy". Medium fits 6 to 734, Large fits 714 10 8) Colours-- White, Pink, Lt. Blue, Yellow, Mint, Orchid, Grey, Rust. Brown, Red. Navy, Grey, Beige. 'offer top quality for every member of your family ad isn't the only lucky one in the house Boys' 3 Short Sock--Multi sole Stripe--Nylon and Cotton "Stretchy" One Size fits 8 to 1014 Colours -- Wine, Navy, Brown, Dark Green, Grey. D Knee Hi Ribbed leg with turned Cuff -- Wael 4nd Nylon lined with Cotton--Sizes 7 to 9% lours Navy, Grey Mix, Brown. Girls [3 Kanee-Hi Fangy Stitch--All Nylon "Stretchy" Medium fits 7 to 8%, Large fifi 9 to 1014 Colours-- White, Grey, Navy, Red, Brown, Dk. Gréen. 0 Knee-Hi Fancy Stitch--Wool and Nylon "Stretchy" Medium fits 7 to 814, Large fits 9 to 1014 Colours-- White, Grey, Navy, Red, Brown, Dk, Green. Teen Agers @ Argyle overplaid-- Campus Knee-Hi style-- Nylon and Cotton "Stretchy" -- One Size fits 9 to 11 Tartan Colours--Red, Blue, Greén, Grey. [3 Heavy Cable Stitch-- Campus Knee-Hi Style-- Wool arid Nvlon "Stretchy" ; One Size fits 9 to 11 White only.