THE DAILY IMES-GAZETTE, Seturdey, August 24, 1957 3 GIANT NEW NATURAL GAS PIPELINE INCHES THROUGH CITY ENROUTE TO MONTREAL Dog Tests > a STG TEE TOT Twi Be Nosy ai - Scheduled | | ; } --- September 1 If you think dog is really smart there will be a real chance for him to prove it at Osh- awa's Lakeview Gardens on Sun- day, September 1. The city's Obedience Associa- tion branch is holding its annual trial and there are lots of prizes to be won. Entries have been received from all over Ontario and the United States. Some dogs competing will be pets trained by the Obedience Association at its clgsses held at the CRA. The trial classes will include retrieving, heeling, and gener: obedience tests. 23 TROPHIES Miss Reba Graham, the branch's vice - president, said: "This is our fourth -annual trial and we are expecting record en- tries this year. "Not only have we had numer- ous applications from places around Oshawa such as Whitby and Bowmanville, but also some from Ottawa and as far away as Michigan," Miss Graham added. Entries close at midnight next Monday and applications can be obtained from Miss Graham, of 65 Brock street east, Oshawa. The winners wili receive about 23 trophies and other prizes in- cluding rosebowis, a ' pop-up toaster, silver candlesticks and a {gallon of oil, | The Canadian Kennel Club of- fers a specially engraved certi- ficate to the highest scoring dog 3 2 : i : j in the trial," provided the win. i 4 ae ning dog (or dogs in the case of PIPE LINE NEAR TAUNTON ROAD IN OSH AWA a tie) is owned by a member in good standing of the club." SECTION OF 574-MILE ALBERTA TO WINNIPEG NATURAL ; NATURAL G DONATE PRIZES N.Oshawa, Whitby 39Trainees New Citadel] Peprentices Men 3. Fined iri zs To Attend For Drunkeness o'r fini, 0 ities for the exhibitors at the : : To Start Thomas Marren, 37, of Toron-| 5 { T t New Pi eline ipa kre agate ac, ung ample Barking |F. S. Ebbs Friday on a charge| picnic tables, a Shilgrey's 0 H Course . | Da lasses df-being drunk in a public place. | Playground and a refreshmen A giant new natural gas pipe- Trent River where the pipe will near the Lake of Two Mountains, | Constable Harold Hockins of] hi , : " y The Obedience Association line, which will serve part of Osh- be sunk under the river near Que., to Kingston, Ont. Grayco - . Major Vi Mel ¢ th the Whitby detachment OPP! ng" view hoi , >| Ra LR VOTE 'vk.| On Monday, Sept. 9, 39 girls. Major Victor McLean, of the ,; Soar jon! y sisays: "This will be an excellent awa, is Deog Zyshed Hgrough the Batawa. Loniraciors Canadian Lid r Work will commenee their training in Salvation Army in Oshawa, ves ' ave Board of Education fold the court that he found opportunity for exhibitors at the city area to Montrea ip ic The other will be under the [NE SOME TO /F8 Wet S&F ithe nursing school at Oshawa terday announced that the new BEES CT rn sonle omen -\Marren wandering on Highway Canadian National Exhibition, The 20-inch pipeline, which is [ake of Two Mountains between Lake of Two 1 ouniains, al "€ General Hospital Salvation Army Citadel at the y vanced technical evening classes | 401 in Pickering Township, in-| Toronto, and the Central Canada being constructed from Toronto, a point near Dorion, Que., and a east bank of the Delisle River, yiige g "Hill assistant director corner of Simcoe and Oak streets Fe an 100 aprremices an |toxicated. |Exhibition Association, Ottawa, will be 308-miles long. point near Ste. Anne de Bellevue have two ditching Tal nes IM OP"! of nursing, and head of the nurs- will be opened by Commissioner students, Marren was fined $10 and costs to obtain a leg for their de- From Highway 35, in the Orono at the eastern end of .he Island eration and are laying approXi-|ing cchoof. said that applications William Wycliffe Booth, Leader [8 § But classes will be held during With the alternative of 10 days. grees." area goniraciors for Trans-Cana: of Montreal. mately 12,000 feet of pipe Per y.ya heen accepted from 39 girls, of the SA in Canada and Ber- § 4 the afternoon for' about 60 of the a Pipe Lines Limited are clear- ia in ¥ il con-98Y many from this area, but some muda. ; ices fri Gen ing, grading, ditching, and laying|_ This latter Uperation wi al con This work has now reached the from distant points, One girl will! The new citadel will seat be- 4 i apprentices from General Motors. | itt | » stitute the longest water crossing B Kits Cecil Jensen shop director of | LOIONE qui el | eman alr a- | pipe at the rate of about 6,000 \ "up. "oniine" 9 994-mile Trans. Cornwall area. A second clearing come from Jamaica to train. tween 300 and 400, and will fea- j 4 the Oshawa Collegiate and Voc feet a day. iveline whi of ins and grading crew is operating] With the coming of the new ture a Sunday School room, addi. | ti : itute he =. | men of. Contierl OSS ESI PR wl rin A, gadng ivw ie operat Wit the supine of, ie, ng ny Stay sthiol oo; a tonal ine (3d Se bari e Of Homicide Charge Gas Co., in Oshawa says gas from |p, ; "op ronte. Prescott school of nursing will number 57. | welfare, and a small gymnasium. # ' led its apprentices to attend the pORT SILL. Okla. (AP) -- Al n e ase the new pipeline will supply North P . ; 2 Trent River Crossing -- This! The class of '57 which graduat- Rating second only to the Toronto § % ; classes during the day. | F no 2 , ag Oshawa, Whitby and Bowman-| Trans-Canada will also build] "FER SRE CPOTERE "op ti tied in June, numbered 16. There Citadel in modern design, the ae on Paid the afternoon | court martial board Friday as, Magistrate ¥. 8. Ebbs frowned ville. this year the 36-mile, 12-inch pipe contrac RY Se Company are 10 girls in the intermediate new building will be one of the i i classes coula be held between 2|duitted Lt.-Col. Valter Berger o as Edward Thomas, 23, But most of Oshawa will con-|between Morrisburg and a point Pipeline an reding Compa Y | class, which is now commencing most up-to-date SA Citadels in ? To : | and % p.n, Because of shif twork four charges o negligent homi-| yames Dunn, 19 of Brooklin, ap- tinue to bi ed by a 12-inch near Ottawa. and work is getting underway, iho third and final year, and 26|the area. #4 the. OCVI. where the classes|cide and one charge of derelic-|peared before him on an at- i he Teh a y Here are more details of the With the operation of particular jp the junior class, which moves| The date of the opening will be | 5 | Will. be held, two or three teach-jtion of duty tempted theft charge, Friday. pipe * Toronto-Montreal line construc-| interest to technicians because of|,p to intermediate, with the com- Sept. 7. Commissioner Booth will gz 4 lers who were off duty would be| Berger was charged in the] 'You are the omes who stan' tion: |the western approach to the bank jn. of the new class. Miss Hill {be accompanied by his wife, the " His 4 R ney . S : pg . available, June 22 deaths of four infantry ed out of court, last time," His Spread 101 -- From the present|of the canal with considerable gaiq that this is the largest num-|former Captain Renee Peyron. Adi j {| The other two or three teachers soldiers during a training exer-| Worship charged, referring to SIGN PACT It was expected, he said, that North Oshawa, Whitby and Bow- terminus of the Niagara Gas rock work in prospecting the bot- her of girls to be trained in Osh-| The commissioner was born in DEAS echoed. would" be. mired Hom cna at For Bll. US Ar oho. Hitvions. Sopeatance. of the manville would be d with issi i n oint|tom of the canal itself. awa Hospital at' one time in sev- High Barnet England, and is the : ] . the mew Toronto-Montrenl pipe 1n| ror or jSsion Diptline to Eh NERVE CENTRE nl. years, grandson of the founder of the 1 local industry. tillery centre. : | pair, for remand ) June, ou the latter part of this year. | Maple, thence eastwards to High-| nr. r : |" Allis in readiness for the new Salvation Army, General William / GM TO PAY Berger, -4l-year-old veteran of | should ave been broug ac! He added that the company had| way 35 north of Newcastle. The Lake of Two Mountains .155¢ coming in. Each of the girls Booth, His father, Bramwell He added that General Motors 16 years in the U.S. Army, for contempt of court at that just signed a contract for Cana | EE Socom Falls or mg aD Crossing -- The contract has hoon accepted for the school has been! Booth, was the army's second had offered to pay for the teach- pleaded not guilty to all five time. dian natural gas. At present|proximately 35 miles of 24-inch at wo enteien of anal a lid sent a directive as to when to|general, COMMISSIONER WYCLIFFE | D8 of its apprentices. vo counts, Four soldiers were killed] The two. were charged with at- erican gas was being used. |pipe and 45 miles of 20-inch pipe. Ln actual water crossing will become to the residence, McLaugh- HAVE SIX CHILDREN An agenda before the board and 13 others hurt when mortar|tempted theft at Brooklin, June The new line is being pushed Oklahoma Pipeline Constructors, iz miles in length and the pipelin Hall, on Simcoe street north, cor icion Booth came to said a survey last spring atishells fell among advancing|13, and were remanded until westward and ultiniately will end |the contractors for Trans-Canada"! } be Speased in Sonceete, as and what to bring with her. headquarters in Toronto in' 1955, Jatge plants in the Oshaya grea troops. Friday. 45 miles away rear Maple, Ont. pipe Lines Limited, have cleared | Wel ri aving rive! ig 520 dle Uniforms, supplied by the hos- prior to accepting the Canadian [i : 4 oll Sudents wise Maj. Henry Olk, defence coun-| When Thomas explained to His There another 35 miles of 24-land graded approximately 10| Weights on part of the line pital, are ready for the new stu- post. he served .at international i % oro o ded: "It i ibl sel, told the court a series of Worship that he is an out-patient inch pipe will be laid to a.point|miles westward from Highway 35.| Clearing of the right-of-way on dents. The only part of uniform also aaded: 18 possible oyents not related to orders by at St. Joseph's Hospital, and » i .- headquarters iu London, France, a a YEA 9 i P near Sheridan, Ont., the pres-| About four miles of pipe are in| Turtle Island is almost complete Dot already at the hospital is gor anariers ot acon, Shaner obi thal we mag receive oer £0 ap. Berger, second in command of must undergo surgery tember y y Pp $ oR OUr| artillery fire, led to the fatal acci- 9, His Worship remanded the ent terminus of Trans-Canada's|the ground and pipelaying is pro- and the contractors are preparing shoes, which can only be ordered ;¢. yic arrival in Canad ; artis " line running from Niagara Falls|ceeding at the Ep I Pf to make the ditching to cross the after the class arrives. a lS aval In admitted He ; 2 : 2472 BS awa up by the dent. pair until September 25. and at present supplying Toron-ifeet a day. A second ditching ma. Waterway itself ATTEND CLASS the degree of Doctor of Laws, : bisa oy ag prin -- - -- to and intermediate points. chine will shortly go into opera-! This section of the line will end] On Sept. 9, the girls will not be | Honoris Causa. by the University A ployees have indicated that there On the east bank of the Moira tion, the contractor's target being Near Senneville, at western end required to attend classes, which of Western Ontario. - is a need in Ontario for technical River, north of Belleville, an-|t; jay pipe at the rate of more Of the Island of Montreal, where commence on the 10th, On the, Commissioner and Mrs. Booth " evening school 'courses beyond other contractor is clearing and (han "2 miles per day the Trans-Canada system will first day, the girls will be given have six children, four of whom ne 4 . the secondary chool level grading and around September . : end and will be linked with the tea in the residence, and will be are Salvation Army officers. The ! % mw i "To meet this request a pro- will start laying pipe eastward to TO POINTS EAST metropolitan system of the Que- assigned their rooms in the resi-' youngest of the children, Miriam, | ii {gram of studies on the post a point near Kingston. | Spread 102--From Highway 35 bec Natural Gas Corporation dence. They will also be given has accompanied her parents to | secondary school level has been Some 23 miles west of the Lake north of Newcastle to a point east| Limited. an opportunity to look over the Canada. k prepared unde: the guidance of of Two Mountains in Quebec prov-|of the right-of-way of Highway 15 The nerve centre of the entire hospital, which will be their home| At the opening of the modern | 5 i i the secondary education branch SHYARIO ince, a third contractor is in full out of Kingston. Dutton Williams| Toronto-Montreal construction for the next three years Salvation Army building in Osh- eile of the Department of Education. operation, working westward to/Brothers Limited, the contractors, |program has been set up by Almost half of the new class awa, Commissioner Booth will un- ge "This program has been ONTARIO HOSPITAL COBOURG ONTARIO link up with Kingston. Clearing have clearing and grading crews! Trans-Canada at the western end are oan Oshawa. Is 2ddiiion to YI 5 plague ia te main et NE i planned to help persons emploved : and grading also are underway on the east bank of the Montreal|of the CNR station at Trenton, 'n€¢ shawa giris starting train. | trance, N Jn., 2 y ale n industry tc prepare them- i i near y Si River north of Belleville. Full|where a short wave radio com: 2: there will be students from he will conduct 2 service of dedi- . selves for advancement in their SEALED UNIT PRICE TENDERS will be received Two separate contracts have scale will begin at Highway 15! munication ties in with subsidiary Picton. Bloomfield, Ajax, Toron- cation in the main auditorium. SEES Pf particular field". .by the undersigned until 4 p.m. E.D. Time on, to, Peterborough, Lindsay, Sun-/|Among prominent citizens who Jensen told The Times-Gazette: been let by Trans-Canada for about September 1. headquarters at Cornwall, Graf- f Sa p oT seed ariers at + 4 derland, Courtice, Belleville, Co-|will attend the dedication cere- Lh § "It is the equivalent of Grade 13 | Y 1 river crossings. One is at the Spread 103 =F rom a pointiton and Markham __|bourg, "Port Perry, Richmond mony will be Labor Minister the . oy Squva 2 of rade 13 HURSDA / SEP EMBER 12, 1957 ---- Hill, and Jamaica. rommro-- Hou Michael Start ane iy Wor- MRS. WYCLIFFE are loins Hajted as the foremen in connection with the Paving Work for the A ot J, ---- -- 6 vue, Ontario Hospital, Cobourg, Ontario. go pee -- to, 4 1] . : PY | p " ¥ Teachers Strike Has Trouble Learning Fg ssgistant 10 £ Disster. | FIRST PATENT The work involved is to be done in accordance with the lotest Specifications of The Department of Highways, hE . 1 | a neighbor's and said she thought : rn Ad At Base Settl d Of New Appointment {she had heard he was appointed GRANTED IN 1790 Ontario, ] BN 7 e t| OTTAWA (CP)--Alvin Hamil. a minister. | A Bid Bond made payable to the Honourable The Provincial EDMONTON (CP)--A teachers' ton had some trouble finaing out A phone call to Prime Minister When Mr. Samuel Hopkins Treasurer of, Ontario in the omount of $1,000.00 must Bl strike that began last June at Whether or not he was in the fed- Diefenbaker's office established! had an idea for a better way accompany the tender. Guthrie pubiic school at the near. eral cabinet that he was the new minister of| to make "pot ash and pearl | A Perfcrmance Bond made out by an approved Guaranty " by Namao RCAF base has been The new Commons member for northern affairs and national re-| ash" he took his plan to Pres- | Company on the Department of Public Works form in the 4 | settled. Qu'Apelle, Sask., was relaxing Sources. ident Washington in 1790, re- amount of 100% of the tender will be required from the The agreement, reached at a at home in Saskatoon Monday Sejved Patent No. 1 without successful tenderer. meeting with the Alberta Teach- when he heard the tailwend of a JIN ay. { ificati i ers' Association, gives the 25 newscast with some biographical HIDDEN. MEANING Number One way of reach pin di itt Ti? ip niin oar teachers from $2,300 to $6.100 in| material about himself "Eskimo" is derived from an ing prospective tenants, work- of Public Works, Ontorio, Room 6523, East Block, Porlias refroactive increases covering] He figured, said said Friday,|Indian word meaning 'eaters of ers and buyers is via Classi- ment Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario, and may be viewed at the Jast three school terms. 'he had heen appointed a parlia- raw meat. | fied Ads. To carry out your R 523 9s, JS ER in Ly A plans for action without de- oom 6523, and May also be viewed at the Office of the : | lay dial RA 3-3492. | Business Administrator, Ontario Hospital, Cobourg, Ontario, % ™ | A Deposit of 310.00 will be required for each set of Tender | locuments taken out. This amount will be refunded when % Poison Ivy Reported Here EA Ars, (CP)! documents are returned in good condition, Champion ricket team in this | The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ' Sussex seaside resort is East-| Parliament Buildings J. D. Millar, H ( 1SeS H 1 INer( MN 1S bourne Football club. For the | Toronto 2, Ontario. Deputy Minister (Engineering) ui O fourth qonsecative ear the Soot August 20, 1957. Department of Public Works, Ontario, 3 : {ballers have won the Kas Lepore hy poison ivy and of, After a complaint has been ance They are from two to four knock-out cricket competition, | other reeds ire brought To fie received, the matter is investi- inches in length and are pointed department almost do ne gated. If the weed is located on|' He tip. latest report brought to the at. Public property, the city elimi- The weed can be found espe- tention of the department today nates the weed at its own ex- cially in semi - shaded areas 12 KING pa oday such as along the edges of wood is from C. A, Barnes, 262 Burke |Pense. I i . 3 ig . ; . |lots, close to fence lines or the street, of poison ivy on Steven-| If the weed is located on Pri-| trunks of trees. Since some other i ST. EAST son's road north. vate property, the situation is] ; : 3 v T .|vines also have vines composed pr 3 o. n v, fe 3 a : : Mr. Barnes can prove his different. If a written complaint of three leaflets it is best to @ complaint with pictures of the/ls received, the owner of the patch, discovered on both sides Property is given seven days to pecivias nrnn with this to co M S 1 I / M d 0 I / of Stevenson's road north, north!remedy the situation. : Ero shrub with: this type of eat pecia Ss. on ay n y 4 4 of Taunton road The owner has the choice of o i , «# Since the weed is located on cutting the weed himself or tol Some people are seeniingly not city - owned property in and|ask the city to cut it for him at 2Hected by poison ny, ut he near the ditch of the road, the his own expense. The city engi- majoriLy cen be made. mosi SIRLOIN - T-BONE Cc weed inspection department of neer's department has no spray miserable, the city engineer's office will cut ing 'equipment available for any The plant 'oil which creates WING Ib the patch the inflammation can penetrate other kind of extermination at a OT a Saree ren even from me smoke of nn | BONELESS RUMP ROAST spectors 00 305 Jarv : ; ro smok : spect pu i Jarvis If the owner has taken no action |j,, poison ivy plants, Direct Mary street 1 P. Johnstone, | Vithin seven days, the city cuts| oniact is not necessary a eel. and Johnstone, {the weed and sends the bill to wait ag HF rank street. Any complaints the owner Chemica's used in the extermi- Pig brought to the attention of the nation of th» vient are 2.4-D, , ' . % city engineer's vartment is| If a verbal complaint is receiv-|pyspkill, sodium chlorate or am ¢ PATCHES OF POISON IVY | son's road north. Mr. Barnes | and are distinctly saw-toothed |quickly investigated 2, the Sty Sives the owner three monum sulfate LEAN RIB STEW BEEF LBS. g le f + still occur in several spots of | reported the patch to be on | at the edge Direct contact with In many cases suspected poi ' Good results have : Oshawa, despite the efforts of | both sides of Stevenson's road | the weed is not necessary, as [som ivy turns out to be weeds Weed. The procedure remains noted wth Amino the weed inspectors of the Osh- | north in the ditch, north of | even clothes are penetrated by |0f a more harmless nature, sim-| the same applied when the plants : i awa city engineer's department on ad i Ivy is the oi! of the plants and con- ilar in app 3 3 F: Poison ivy is a vine v al- full leaf at the rate of one to cig This patch, as pictured above, ) r Pr ev. | siderable discomfort can be of all kinds of I ous ternate leaves. Each al vate and. a half pounds in 25 gallo FRESH GROUND MINCED BEEF 3 LBS. 85° was discoverea by C. A. Barnes al oth 18 weeds, but | caused. parts of the city are made fre- leaf is divided into three distinct of sr or four tablespoons to 962 Burke street on Stephen- | the leaves are of a fleshy color ~Times-Gazette Photo, quently. leaflets, usually waxy in appear-'a on, it gives good results. 7