RJAX AND DISTRICT NEWS John Mills, Representative -- Phone Ajax 426 fi A CAR OUT OF CONTROL WRECKS Woman, Girl Injured As Car Runs Into Pole AJAX (Times-Gazette, Staff Re- porter) -- Traffic was tied up for an hour on No. 2 Highway at noon 2 HYDRO POLE "Mom" Whyte Hopes For Assistance With Home Bowmanville -- On Monday the small energetic woman who is the mainspring of the Whyte haven for temporarily homeless children had one of her usual busy days. She cooked, and swept and washed as part of her routine of caring for the 100 children she is giving a home to at present. During the afternoon with three other mem- bers of her staff she managed to find time to take fifteen of the children to the lake for a swim. After supper she picked berries until after nine o'clock. Yet des- pite the strenuous day this seem- ingly indefaticable woman did not appear discouraged when inter- viewed by the Times-Gazete later in the evening. "No, I will not allow myself to be discouraged. I am determined to keep my home open for the children entrusted to my care. This is my work for the Lord," Mom' White stated. "I am sadden- ed but not disheartened. The ac- cident death of Mark Marcussen last week was a sad blow. We all feel sorrowful about it. But I must continue to look after all the others." There are 100 children at the White farm now. The farm is situ- ated on a side road just off 401 highway near the town of Bow- manille. The children range in age from a two months old infant to fifteen year olds. There are 30 children under three years of age. "We have big plans for the fu- ture," Mrs. Whyte said. "I ean hardly wait until we are able to carry them out. We are going to have a glassed in nursery for the under three year olds. Visitors will only be allowed to see these little ones through the glass then. In this way the bables will be protected from infection. At pres- ent we have a case of the mumps here. The little fellow who has it has never been off our property for the last two years. We can- not think how he caught it unless it was from some visitor. carried out in Toronto by friends to raise funds for her children's home seems to be going well. "We have lots of promises of money donations from big manufacturing firms and other businesses. They have promised instead of giving, because they say the money they have for such purposes has been used elsewhere this year. But their new fiscal year starts in August and they have promised to give money for our work then. Of course I do not count too much on promises. I have been disap- pointed by people before. The only promises I can be sure of are the promises God has given man- kind." The inquest into the death of six year old Mark Marcussen will be held in the Town Hall, at 10 o'clock on Wednesday morning. Dr. Charles Austin is the coroner. Salvation Army Sunday Service | --~The Corps Officers, had jammed and brakes failed. Lieutenants Donnelly and Lux- Both were power operated. |ford, conducted the Sunday meet- Mrs. Grass said she was driv-/ings at the Salvation Army this Figure Skaters Give Concert COBOURG -- Another fine ex- hibition of figure skating was pre- Harvesters Lost To Cobourg BOWMANVILLE The Rid- eaus, under new management of on Tuesday when a car out of|ing at 30 miles an hour. She had|week. At the morning holiness control smashed ifto a hydro pole just eaten a chocolate bar and meeting, Lieutenant Donnelly and dangled wires across the her daughter was eating a pop- hrought the message, havin highway, one mile east of Ajax. |sicle when the car, failed to re-\.hosen for her text Psalm 11:6, The late model car was driven spond to the wheel and veered off | 'This shall be the portion of their by Mrs. Marion Grass, age 41, of the road crashing into the hydro cup." i Park boulevard, Toronto. pole. nd? a 7, ne Grass and her 12-year-old] Passenger cars were able to Pa # word Slay ind w i daughter Betty, were treated at/proceed under the wires, but Justice of God, revealing fo. us the Ajax and Pickering General trucks and buses were stalled ar Dosd: of Nt Hine oh Hospital for facial lacerations until a Hydro crew arrived. | 4 bei 4 2 and shock. | Pickering Police Chief Reg. ousness and being cleansed from Police said the steering gear Parker investigated the accident, (all unrighteousness. Jesus Christ BOWMANVILLE AND DISTRICT i sae vo fee |est Name and provides for us a STAFF REPORTER--BERYL HUGHES--MA 3-3144 Two Charges Against W. Peterson Dismissed BOWMANVILLE William Kibes ud heals taken. He told rson Bo % per e ones he ha Fein 3a 2rearel os aa and how he obtained them. She charged with unlawful eaking advised him to take them to the 3 : police which he did. ro entry no te dwelling of i red Cooper, Tho a serving a He was also charged with having a Sentence the rr Sime stolen goods, two snow tires, rges, Wi x ess. tubes and wheels in his posses- Mr. Cooper told of driving out to slon Prog Bey oes Both ai a gravel pit north of Courtice on were dismissed by Magistrate| the morning of July 1. He was) Baxter, who heard the case. John |2cSompanied by Roy Wheeler and Regan was the attorney for the William Peterson. 5, They had] three bottles of wine. iBe sald he br remembered - uppeareditve gh Oran. ing in the gravel pit until they| Lyle West identified the tires|were at Cowle"s place and bor-| tubes and wheels in the court| rowed $7 on the tires. Yes, he re-| room. He stated he and his family | called saying the tires were not! had been away over the weekend hot. | from Saturday, June 20th. On| their return he had found the| after leaving the gravel pit the tires missing from his basement. | three were driving around when | Entry had apparently been made| Cooper «aid "That is my sister's through the basement window. place." He went in and got the| Charles Cowle, Oshawa, testi-| tires and said they were his.| fied that on July 1 he was at| Peterson did not leave the car Tooley's road where he is build-| while at the West place, Turner ing a summer home. William|said. He explained that he and Peterson, Fred Cooper and Roy| Peterson believed the tires be- Wheeler drove up to him in|longed to Fred Cooper. Peterson's car. Mr. Peterson| Mr. Regan stated it was patent wanted to borrow $10 from him| there was no evidence against| and leave the tires, tubes and| Peterson. He did not break and wheels for security until the fol-|enter the Lyle residence. He lowing Friday. Mr, Cowle only never left the car there. He never had $7 with him. He lent that touched the tires amount and Peterson left the/turning them over to Mr, Cowle tires for security. Cooper said the|as security. He then believed tires were not hot, the witness/they belonged to Fred Cooper,! stated, The next day Mr. Cowle,who was present and did not ob saw Cooper's mother, who told| ject to the loan transaction. The him her daughter's house ' had| Magistrate then dismissed both been broken into and two tires, charges against Peterson. Howard Turner, testified, that | Two Youths Are Fined we] | For Gasoline Theft | BOWMANVILLE -- Donald Mc- received two fines amounting to Lean, Oshawa, age 19, and Ed. |$8.00 each with $3.00 costs for the except when -- ward Jacobson, Sunderland, age 18, pleaded guilty in Bowmanville Police Court on Tuesday morning to charges of stealing gasoline from Robson Motors, Bowman. ville. They each pleaded guilty. Police Chief Smith testified Bow- manville Police had found the de-| fendants in a Ford car parked on| the south side of King street at approximately 12.55 on July 23. They had two five gallon tins of! gasoline in the car. These tins of gasoline had been taken from Robson Motors. Inquiries made and the following day Mec-| Lean had made a statement. The statement was read to Jacobson who agreed to it. As neither one of the accused had been in trouble before the Crown Attorney, Harry | Deyman, suggested a fine. Magis- trate Baxter found them both guilty as charged. He fined each of them $25.00 and $1.50 costs, in default of payment six days in jail. McLean paid his fine and costs. Jacobson did not have the necessary $26.50 so went to jail, TRAFFIC CASES A number of other cases brought by the Bowmanville Police on Tuesday resulted in convictions. Robert Harris, RR 2 Bowmanville, was fined $10.00 and $3.00 costs for speeding in the town on June 17, Christian Taylor, RR 2, Orono, was fined $5.00 and $3.00 costs for failing to take precautions to pre- vent a vehicle being set in mo- tion. The vehicle was a truck and the offence occurred on July 1 in Bowmanville Melville Talor, also of RR 2, two. The first charge was of hav- ing insufficient lights on a motor vehicle on July 13. The second was of making an unnecessary noise with a motor vehicle in the town on the same date. Daniel Sallows, Bowmanville, was fined $10.00 and $3.00 costs for making an unnecessary noise in Bowmanville in the early hours of the morning of July 13. Everett B. Smith, Toronto, was fined $10.00 and $3.00 costs for speeding in Bowmanville on July were | 14 Theighn Bromell, Bowmanville, received a $10.00 fine and $3.00 costs for speeding in the town on July 15. 1 Pieter Vanleeuwen, Gormerly, was fined $10.00 and $3.00 costs for speeding in the town on July 14. He received a second fine of $5.00 and $3.00 costs for failing to stop at a through street on the same date, Paul Rombough, Bowmanville, was fined $25.00 and $3.00 costs for careless driving in the town on July 16, Malcolm Knocker, Oshawa, was fined $15.00 and $3.00 costs for careless driving in Bowman- ville on July 21. Mr. Knocker also was fined $5.00 and $3.00 costs for his motor vehicle mak- ing an unnecessary noise. Harbor Dredyin Job Completed PORT HOPE -- The '""'Hamil- as the Acts of thé Apostles re- cord it, "neither is there Salva- tion in any other, for t here is none other Name under Heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved," only through the Son of God. These words express the thoughts presented in the evening service by Lieutenant Luxford. Each week, new comers are being welcomed at the Salvation Army Sunday School, where the children enjoy an hour taking part in religious instruction. Doukabours Are Law-Abiding ANCOUVER (CP)--Ninety per cent of Canada's nearly 40,000 Doukhobors are law-abidi citi- zens,"' a Do! obor good will lec- turer said here. "The Canadian public has been confused by the word Doukhobor," said John P. Stoochnoff, fruit in- dustry foreman. "The public con- siders all Doukhobore as trouble- makers. This is not so. "The trouble involving .the Sons of Freedom branch of the sect could be cleared up by peaceful negotiation." Mr. Stoochnoff is working with a volunteer committee to bring about better understandings be- tween his people and other British Columbians, |days last week. I we might not have succeeded in what we have been able to do to date," he said. | "If it were not for the churches| | Baker Still Works PEMBROKE, Ont, Kruschenake, 84, hasn't time to complain about the old age pen- sion. He's too busy baking bread. Native of Germany and resident in Canada since 1884, he rises every day at 5 a.m. to bake his daily bread, do his washing and complete his household chores. That has been his routine since his wife died a year ago. They| would have marked their 60th wedding anniversary this month. | He's usually finished baking, || 4 washing, dusting, scrubbing and| waxing floors about 10 a.m. Then | he spends the rest of the day in| his large garden, where he grows | a lot of his own food although his | eyesight is faded. His hearing is|§ still nearly perfect. President, Writer ; Arrested Libel MONTREAL (CP) Banks, vice-president of the Sea. farers' International Union, and! Leonard M€Laughlin, a writer for | an SIU newspaper, The Canadian || Sailor, were arrested Tuesday on || warrants of defamatory libel. Both Banks pleaded not guilty and were re- leased pending preliminary in- quiry of the charges Aug. 6. The complainant in the case is Jacques Savard who claims he| was libelled in the newspaper's July 2 issue. FOR MISSED PAPERS IN BOWMANVILLE Phone (CP)--Fred | | Hal C.|| and McLaughlin |i sented at Cobourg Arena as the Chub Jones, overpowered Bow- obourg summer school treated manville Harvesters 11-5, Satur- a small audience to its third pop day afternoon at Cobourg to take concert. The climax of the season second place in Lakeshore League occurs this coming Sunday when standings with a two-point lead the school, led by Don Tobin, over third place Orono. presents a delightful revue as Daring base running, hustle part of the Kiwanis club civic and hefty hitting featured in the holiday celebration. fray as manager Jones had his Soloing in the first half were charges playing wide open base- newcomers Vaughan Osborne, ball. Rideaus had good bench Hamilton; and Sidney Pringle|strength for the first time this Belleville, along with Mary Kerr, year with 15 players in uniform. Cobourg; Doreen Yeo, Oshawa;| Curt Stanley was given the | Gordon Pranschke, Ottawa: Lyn-|task of upending the league lead- William; |ers and he responded brilliantly | Sally Radford, Moncton; and Pat|after a shaky start. Stanley doled Toppi, Fort William. Miss Rad-|out five runs on seven base hits ford received the loudest and in the first two innings, but shut da McKeown, Fort longest applause. the door from there in, holding Harvesters to four bingles in the final seven heats. He walked two AJAX PERSONALS |and fanned six. | George Jones, weathered a = hit barrage, to toil the route for CRACK MiLLs |Bowmanville, passing five Sud striking out three. Wilf Huskil- AJAX -- Mr. Sid Norman, Oak gon cracked three safeties to pace street, has returned home from| Cobourg, while Buck Cowle had Sunnybrook Hospital, after two|three for the losers. weeks and is im-| proving. |Bow'yille | Cobourg treatment, R HE 320 000 000 -- 5 11 6 321 300 02x--11 15 5 Misses Judy and Vickie Hope- Brown left today for two weeks camp in the Georgian Bay dis- trict. | FOR MISSED PAPERS IN AJAX I# you have not received your Times-Gazette by 7 P.M,, Call AJAX TAXI Phone Mr. and Mrs. L. Bates, oy AJAX 333 don, Manitoba, visited, his sister|] An eells must be placed before and family, Mr. and Mrs. Sid.| 7:30 P.M. Norman, Oak street, for a few Mr. Danny Collins is back from | a two weeks vacation in Wild-| wood, New Jersey, New York] and the Laurentians. | Mr. and Mrs. George Schell, Edward street, leave today for a holiday on the west coast, where! they will visit their three daugh- ters and their families. Mr. Vern Clark, Arbor Lodge, is visiting his sister and family, | Mrs. Mary Mosely, in Frank-Lin Centre, Quebec, for two weeks. b en Your Ble Cros certificate simplifies hospital admission b wo -_ needed most" THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Wednesday, July 81, 1087 § Three More Days to take advantage of BRESLIN'S Great Clearance of Ladies Summer Fashions aot BOWMANVILLE & WHITBY ALL SALES FINAL Matching Skirt and Short Nylon Blouse Sets! SHORTY COATS! ON SALE] sizes Sma man ON SALE Regular Sizes Small, Medium and Large in Powder Pink $10.95 and $12.95 % §.oo . : $5.00 Misses' and Save On Misses' and Women's Girls' Clothes!] Women's DRESSES! |x Sous. | DRESSES! Regular to $19.95 T-Shirts - Swim Suits Regular to $29.95 Crinolines - Slips - Etc. ON SALE ON SALE Values to $3.98 5 Sizes 3 to 14x Women's Swim Suits! | Ladies' Cotton Dresses! ON SALE Sizes 38 to 44 Regular to $5.98 s5.oc $2.99 ON SALE ON SALE Cotton Skirts! Sizes 10 to 18 Reg. to $4.98 Reg. to $6.98 On Sale On Sale $2.99|$3.99 Misses' and Women's SUITS! Regular $25.00 and $29.95 On Sale Ladies' Cotton Nighties! ig s].47 and Large "Helen Harper" Sweaters! Save on Misses Cotten Presses Sportwear| a wo ERS° Regular $4.98 and $5.98 Blouses - Skirts - Shorts On ale T-Shirts - Pedal Pushers S Halter Tops -' Etc. Cy |] 99 Re&ular to $5.98 Mizeos' ON SALE Car Coats! Sizes 12 to 20 Regular $7.95 and $9.95 . Clearance of Summer Bags! Regular to $3.98 : 51.47 ON SALE Girls' Cotton Dresses! Sizes 7 to 12 years Regular to $3.98 ON SALE ON SALE There is no fuss or bother upon | admission to hospital as your Blue Cross certificate repre- MA 3-5561 ON SALE Orono, was fined $10.00 and $3.00 ton 56" has completed six weeks' costs for failing to notify the de-| dredging operations at the harbor $2.99 $7.99 partment of highways within six days of the purchase of a truck. Donald J. Lorusso, RR 3, Bow- manville, was fined $10.00 and $3.00 costs for failing to send notice to the department within six days of the sale of a truck. FINED FOR NOISE Harold Lambert, Bowmanville, If you have not received your Times - Gazette by 7 p.m, call KING TAXI All calls must be placed before 7:30 p.m. here and will leave Tuesday for Port Stanley, The tug "Catalina" will tow the dredge to Lake Erie, while a second tug 'The Brad" will take the steel scow. Dredging of the harbor was the first job done by the "Hamilton 56" completed this spring for the J P. Porter Company, sents your "passport to worry-free recovery". It works best when it is needed most--another feature which has made Blue Cross the choice of Ontarians everywhere as their answer to the cost of unexpected hoerital dxpense, ONTARIO HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION TORONTO 7 + ONTARIO a BRESLIN'S -- Bowmanville -- Whitby