Timely Hints For Housewives By ELEANOR ROSS Does that doorbell go on strike now and then and refuse to; |sound? Then try removing the {buzzer from the mounting and) clean the contact points with | sandpaper. T Cleaning big wastebaskets is a chore. | COVER WITH FOIL | | To make the job casier, place lan aluminum foil-covered circle of cardboard in the bottom of the| {basket, But change the foil-cov-| ered base from time to time, We've had several ideas for re-| {moving that pesky shine from] men's suits, Personally, we think! |that when the shine is very pro- {nounced, it is proof .of wear. If the dry cleaner can't erase it, a home method isn't likely to have/ much success. However, here are some sug- gestions you might try. * One way is to sponge the gar- {ment with a solution of half- {water and half-ammonia. Some people stroke the fabric gently {with fine steel wool, fine sand- {paper or a wire brush to raise the nap. Others claim to have success by using a' piece of cheesecloth, saturated in vinegar. If you break the handle of your : |suitcase when you are away from home and you want to wait to have it fixed at your favorite lug- gage or leather store,- just buy a plain leather dog collar. Slip the collar through the two loops and buckle to the right length, | Fingerprints on woodwork are [plentiful when there are small | children around the house. So arm yourself with a bottle of paint cleaner and a' cellulose sponge and get after those fingerprints SUDDENLY OMES AUGUST... Everyone Becomes A FUR EXPERT The large department store transfers the manager of the shoe department to the fur section . . . THEY CLAIM he is the expert you can trust. a TO LIVE IN OAKVILLE Norma Ann Clough and Ray- | William Clough of Oshawa, and mond Leonard Clancy were the late Mrs. Clough and the married recently in a double- bridegroom is the son of Mr. ring ceremony at Holy Cross William Clancy of Peterbor- Roman Catholic Church. The ough. [SOCIAL NOTICES |r oad 3 ¥ Pretty Morning Ceremony Unites formerly of Newcastle, and the Gail Authors, David C Smith late Mr. Holubenko, to Mr. Louis| gy Gregory's Roman Catholic satin with a rhinestone trim, Her Joseph Romhanyi, son of Mr. and ope was the setting for a wed-|matching hat of lace straw was Mrs, William Romhanyi of Osh-| gio on Saturday morning, July|misted in tulle. The bridegroom's awa. The marriage will take, = when Alice Gail Authors,|mother who assisted chose Dior place in St. Gertrude's Roman i. pier of Mr. and Mrs. Geof-blue crystalette over taffeta, with Catholic Church on Saturday, fe." Authors of Oshawa, was|a wide brimmed hat of petal August 17, at 10 am united in marriage with David|pink silk straw. Both wore cor- ENGAGEMENT Cooper Smith, son of Mr. and|sages of feathered carnations and Mrs. Henry H. Cowley,{ Mrs. R. B. Smith of St Cahta- For the honeymoon trip to New Oshawa, announce the engage- INS formerly of Oshawa York City the bride travelled in ment of their daughter, Mary The double ring ceremony was a navy blue French crepe suit Arlene, to Mr. Wendell Arthur [performed by Dr. Paul Dwyer. with a picture hat of white lace Deare, son of Mr. and Mrs, |Mr. Jack Driscoll played the straw and a corsage of red ros- Clifford G. Deare, Harrowsmith, [wedding music and Mrs. William ettes. On their return the couple Ontario. The marriage is to take {Kinsman sang "The Wedding will live in Oshawa place quietly on Monday, Aug- Prayer" and "Ave Maria ust 19. Given in marriage by her fa- and Mrs. |ther, the bride wore a gown of liott Lake, Ontario; Mr. and Mrs. carnation white Chantilly lace James Butterill, Mrs. Alma Hud- : y THE STARS SAY land tulle over net and silk faille.'son, Mr. Arden Anweg, all of 5 f : {The lace bodice featured a sa- Ajax; Miss Winona McEver, By ESTRELLITA ibrina neckline and short sleeves Whitby; Mr. and Mrs. B. V. with mittens. The bouffant skirt Pabst, Highland Creek; Mr. and FOR TOMORROW swept into a full circular train. 'Mrs. Harold Taylor, Pickering: This day's advantages may not A madonna headdress of lace and Mr. Tom Stinson, and Mr. and : be apparent at first, but look be- net held her circular veil, and Mrs, R. B. Smith, St, Catharines; Jo Aldwinckle Dial RA. 3-3474 joy the surface and you may be she carried a cascade of star- Mr. and Mrs. Raymond LeRoy, 8 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Monday 1957 The dress shop owner clears a couple of racks, puts in a few furs, and HE CLAIMS to be the fur expert. --Photo by Ireland ENGAGEMENT The engagement is announced of Nellie Claire, daughter of Mrs. Peter S. Holubenko of Oshawa, WHO REALLY ARE THE FUR EXPERTS YOU CAN TRUST ?? Neither the department store, fur specialty shop or dress shop would dare deny that the fur manufacturer himself, is the real expert, since it is from the manufacturer that they buy their furs. WHO GIVES THE BEST VALUE IN FURS?! It is a well established fact that 2 plus 2 equals 4; whether you add it from the top, the bottom, the sides or upside down. !t till comes to 4, WEDDING TRIP TO ATLANTIC CITY A pretty summer wedding | was solemnized recently at Knox Presbyterian Ch urch| os Watt Heath and the when Mr. and Mrs. Sprague | br groom the son of Mr Morgan Furey exchanged nup- | and Mrs, Morley J. Furey, all tial vows in a double-ring cere- Oshawa mony. The bride, the former Miss Annie Laura Heath, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs Je Mr of --Photo by Ireland Mr. El Out of town guests Donald McKelvey, were In other words, it is simple arithmetic that the Maker's profit PLUS the store's profit is considerably more than just the Maker's profit alone. CE Women's Editor surprised at the opportunities light white roses and stephanotis Sudbury; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph available for the taking. One word: Mrs. Donald Stone, sister of the Cooper, and Mr. and Mrs. Pat of admonition, however: continue bridegroom, was matron of honor Leddy, Bowmanville: Miss Elsie to be tactful in with : Toronto; Mr. and Mrs This means just one thing--in order to quote lower prices, those stores which do not ,make their own furs MUST SACRIFICE July 22, dealing other attendants were ooper, others. Restrictions governing personal relationships have not been lifted as yet FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, your horoscope indicates that you ye faced with some confus- tuations next month. Things {may seem to be going smoothly in both personal and financial af- fairs and suddenly, for no appar- Credit; Mr and Mr. Don- NY.;. Mr Hespeler; Gerald Cooper, Claude Mr. and Jackson, Miss Bey- Bruce Gillen. Port and Mrs. Barry and Mrs, F. Downs Authors full skirted gowns ald Downs, Medina worn by all the attendants were and Mrs. J. Horney, fashioned on identical lines of ice! Mr. and. Mrs. blue silk organza over taffeta. Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs The bodices were designed with | owery, Smith's Falls bracelet length sleeves with Mrs. Irvin Salter, Perth matching satin cuffs compliment - i ing the lily point collar, Material Miss Marl erley P. SWEET SINGERS QUALITY OR THEIR PROFIT! ! Which do you think it is ? Here Are the Facls: ; @ MARTEN'S FUR r MARTEN S FURS--*-- sold thousands of BETTER furs to department stores, fur specialty shops, etc., from Halifax to Vancouver. their gowns fashioned theirs t icture hats, They wor SI V glon and cay ons n ent reason, you may be up against interference from others. Fore- " warned against this, however, you should be able to anticipate I"® moves and act accordingly. The Shasta da main thing is to remain calm, Miss Janice Stone, small niece { show a disposition to co-operate of the bridegroom, was flower) and don't let others sway you|2irl, wearing a long frock of ice from using your better judgment blue silk organza over taffeta where your pocketbook is con- having short puff sleeves and cerned. Peter Pan neckline, She wore aj Following this program, early matching floral corouet, and car-| September should find you in fine ried a nosegay of flowers similar] shape on all fronts. Late Septem- to those of the senior attend ber and ore entire month of Oc- ants tober wi e excellent for seek- . C . : ing earned favors and for devel- Ti Charles i es Dest oping stronger ties with loved Dennis Kemp, Mr. William Neal ones and business associates. and Mr. Edward Kunkel. Good business opportunities are| ow mye indicated for late November but. , Lhe reception was held at the after that, vou will have to follow Knights of Columbus Hall, Simcoe a pretty conservative course until Street north, where - the bride's mid-1958, While your forecast is mother received wearing a sheath not particularly spectacular, you dress of celestial blue brocaded can make gains--and good ones 5 Tr RAT ii ~but you must maintain a steady even pace in all matters. Ex- tremes and recklessness should be avoided at all costs A child born on this day will be witty, charming and endowed with the gift of salesmanship Cardinal birds, red colored members of the finch family, are y noted for their sweet song INFLAMED PILES REDUCED BY-- 'MECCA wes With a "'Factory-to-Wearer"" branch in Oshawa ot 75 King St. E., have been wholesale manufacturers for fifty consecutive years! is the ONLY firm operating in Oshawa, including department stores, wmmmthat has a fully equipped fur factory, expertly staffed by highly skilled union fur craftsmen. external ise Mecea 2,s0ld in Jar licationonly. ammat Pile Reme forexternala MARTEN'S FUR r ; wm BUY their furs from the direct sources, in the raw state, and manu- facture them in their own factory. m= work on a single low-piofit basis. AT MARTEN'S FURS YOU BUY QUALITY AND SAVE MONEY! | left my films at... FRANK OPINION WELLINGTON, N.Z. (CP) A 12-year-old pupil of New: Zea- land's Correspondence School was asked how he liked the lessons | mailed to children in isolatd | areas. "I don't," he replied. "I like to collect specimens of insects and lizards and the lessons inter- fere with my life interests." AT THE RECEPTION Getting Up Nights Oshawa August Fur Sale Starts This Week! | FORGET THE ADVERTISEMENTS--LOOK AT THE FURS AND COMPARE! During August Fur Sale--NO DOWN PAYMENT--On Budget Terms MONEY BACK GUARANTEE I -- QUALITY GUARANTEE! SERVICE GUARANTEE! unequalled anywhere! For quick comforting help for Backache Rheumatic Pains, Getting Up Nights, stron| tloudy urine, irritating passages, Log Pains loss of energy due to Kidney anc dder troubles, try CYSTEX. Quick somplete satisfaction or money back. Over 700 millioh CYSTEX tablets used prove safety, success, Don't suffer another day vithout asking your druggist for CYSTEX Genera] Hospital, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs William John Wright: of Osh- awa and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Tanton of Port Perry Mr. and Mrs. George Fred- erick Tanton cut the cake fol- lowing their marriage recently in a candlelight ceremony at St. Andrew's United Church The bride, the former Miss Jacqueline Mae Wright, who is a graduate of class '56 of the CLOSED FOR STAFF HOLIDAYS JULY 29th to AUG. 3rd EVELEIGH CLEANERS This will not affect our HOUSEHOLD HINT If laundry comes out of the clothes dryer wrinkled and stiff to the touch, it usually means it is over-dried. Drying time should be carefully timed. Dancey's Shoe Sale Now On! PERRIFIC VALUES! (@LAYVIERIAYS 28 King St. E. 2 FURS RAndolph 3-7921 MAKERS OF FINE FURS FOR HALF-A-CENTURY 75 King St. East "it Laundry Service OSHAWA 18 Simeoce DOWNPOWN A RA 3-4621