THE DAILY TIMES-GAZET chemical company, is, first, to {dampen the stain with lukewarm | water, then sprinkle it with pow- dered pepsin, obtainable 'at any drug store. fia a specialist with a large) hour, then brush away the re- maining powder and wash the garment in a good detergent. Oiher albuminous stains such as egg, blood, glue and mayon- naise can be removed with this method also. 7) Let the powder stand on for an TE, Wednesday, July 17, 1957 9 CHILD GUIDANCE By G CLEVELAND MYERS Some youths won't be able to get into the college of their choice I next fall, A few won't win admis- I'sion to. any college at all and a {large number below the senior |year won't be allowdli to return {next fall. There are now around 3,000,000 studests in college, about one in | three of eur youths of college age. At this rate the number in college in 1960 will be about 6,000,000. | While the Ivy League and big {name colleges are crowded, many colleges west of the Mississippi and south of the Mason-Dixon | Line are still seeking students, Of the 1855 United States colleges. 540 have fewer than 250 students, Will Your Son Be Denied Chance To Go To College? Naturally, the colleges will raise their entrance standards and those colleges with most money and prestige will raise them most. And as tuition costs keep rising, more of the brightest youths will be barred from any college J And what of the large percent- KIDDY CITY DRASTIC REDUCTIONS ALL THIS WEEK ! 209% to 259, OFF! BOYS' SPRING AND FALL COATS Sizes 2 to 3x . .. 4 to 6x GIRLS' SUEDE JODPHUR SETS 20% OFF GIRLS' SPRING AND FALL COATS Sizes 2, 3, 3x GIRLS' COATS AND HATS Sizes 7, 8, 10, 12 age of our brightest youths who won't go to college for lack of money or ambition--arousd 40 per cent of them? As college entrance examina- tions are heavily loaded with tests |based on mastery of the English language, parents whose children MID-SUMMER SALE ....... 4 Special ! Greatly Reduced Specials ! DRESSES Reg. 4.95 to 6.95 2.95 ...3.95 are still in the grades should see that these children become good readers if they dream of college CARRIAGE SETS Reg. 4.95 to 7.95 MID-SUMMER SALE while. 2¢ have more than 15,000 for them. each g Usless many colleges can find $5 1 'more money from gifts or subsi- : 3: dies or higher tuitions, they soon' | : 5 # won't have facilities for the num- ation stains on clothing can be- Ey To bers who want to go to college. come a real problem, especially id r - onl Auch It seems to be easier for colleges on silk, woollens and man-made Vera Brown, Mrs. J. C. Car- to get money for buildings than fibres. michael, Mrs. Stephen Har for teachers. The best way 'to remove them, ... 4.95 ..43.99 KIDDY CITY 421, SIMCOE ST. N., OSHAWA HOUSEHOLD HINT ig) A A During warm weather, perspir- RA 3-2521 Miss Eva Bruckner (Austr , + M. Trimble (Ukrainian). 2nd | P. Prins, all Dutch; Mrs, D. St. Gertrude's is made up of 14 Mrs. J. Bolahood (Iraqui), Mrs row: Mrs. B. Heemskerd, Mrs Mitchell and Mrs. Leo Laviol- Kin, r oF ™ different nationalities brought A Walter Branch, Canadian group A. Winterink, Mrs. P. Vander- | lette, both French. 3rd row Mrs, A, Rogers, all Canadian; The ghief, preblem of expansion together by their desire to help | leader, Mrs. Joseph Pinto (In- | pol, Mrs. P. Zevenhoven, Mrs. | Mrs. M. Rudka, Mrs. D. Shutka, = Miss N. Vangils, Mrs. John 1% the acy y hy Boul Rl others. Front row, left to right, | dia), Mrs. J. van der Duim P. Vanderzwet, Mrs. W. Wek- Mrs. M. Fryza, all Irish; Mrs. | Vanderzwet, both Dutch EE fo college faculties Mrs. M. Sabyan (Hungarian), Jakarta, Indonesia Mrs king, Mrs. P Vyischaft, Mrs. Thomas Lesley, English; Miss Times-Gazette Staff Photo pin when government and industry offer double or treble the Desire For Friendship Mainspring P di R OtH : 0 t you brush and comb your locks, starting salary of the college Ie ict eturn alr Imamen S Shy iA ay Bs bateiioaded ootual purchasing power, Give yourself every other week salaries paid college teachers in In Group Of Mixed Nationalities To Compliment The Queen's Visit all through the summer--the 1953 were 2 per cent below those Oshawa has its own United Na-|ties here and there, but that ob- salon luxury of hair repair treat- paid in 1904 The average salary " ; so " > v ve to go to $20,000 to tions. Without any long debates stacle can easily be overcome by Queen Elizabeth's visit to Can- studded ments Youll Ja TS a aE power of the over .procedure, women of 14 dif- friendliness and the help of chil- ada and the United States won't pearls. Still another is .a courtly want a nondrying, non- 1908 salary. The average salary ferent nationalities work together dren in the home to act as inter- take place until October but velvet bow, wired to hold its f spray~to keep your hair of the college teacher now is $5, for the Madonna Group of St.! preters." she's as good as here in the minds flowing shape, and placed on : i preity. Just the lightest 943 : 3 Gertuié's Roman Catholic The fashion pace-setters comb, to be worn over the ears Spray sud your hair stays softly' Many jesgers i business and ure English, The Queen is co. 5 ce at the back of the hea r 50. pace iG . education have been saying the The group, under the leadership) German, Austrian, in the Quse ns i dh {6p of your crown. head or Yoon , All rough the summer--win-\ salaries of the college professor of Mrs. Walter Branch, has a Yugo-Slav, Czecho-Slovak Ira- aj sweep to hair styles, and the Ornaments for the hair are only , Fins are Spring, 10 leary should be doubled In Js Locenl membership of 32 qui, Ukrainian, Dutch. Indian and return to favor of handsome hair as Pretty as the hair they're worn nal he ay treatinent thers report, the E cations iki es Tone 1 & wonders, sot, o Coan ormsmenis. Thee 0" evn 1 AL hou hr une" ve 1 SU, SHAE cach Comin poet, hh, OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE co-operation and frien s| Mrs. Branch 1 that she me out of New York aresmember that a little precaution iE ig ith a oll el Liv [aised likely _ that Be will be throughout", Mrs. Branch said thought that the great majority particularly enchanting. One is a Wil save a lot of grief, hair-wise, tour that seems to push the waves raised that much FORMERIY 25 YEARS ON BLOOR ST vhen as ow she of immigrants soug | he pagoda effect chignon clip in this fall. ) a om bind Bde ial in 1 will : RB Yhurol st contact witl 3 back into place--wonderful if you- Youths still in high school wi ( i fg in ig heir firs} somal wn pearls and brass Lo 20 over the Do remember. that creme brill- 've got dificult hair that gets find it harder than today to enter BETWEEN YONGE and BAY, TORONTO their homes and invited to join "We Canadians should be|wear Another 2 ny SO ey joniine projects as well as preens particularly fly-away ' Without exception they were most ready, organized and willing to| ---------- > 2 PEACOCK Spray the hair, Use it every day whenigo without a hat. willing to become members and accept them into the social life sisi Nr work for the church. The new of the Church and community. THE MADONNA GROUP of with rhinestones and SPORTSWEAR LIMITED nationalities nvolved are o Irish, Scotch you rollege. What about the children in the lower grades? when Co -- Canadians, particularly, seemed The churches can do so much to ---- DAVIDSON' most anxious to enter into our help these people appreciate the ress Ss MO TSHR 9 ¥ Fét ; Canadian way of life. freedom of Canada and become "There were language difficul-/ worthy citizens." "STARTS * TOMORROW STARTS THURS., JULY 18, 9 A.M. SHARP 9:30 AM. MARKDALE PAIR WED IN OSHAWA A wedding of interest to | Hill, is the daughter of Mr. an Markdale was solemnized re- Mrs. William John Hill and the cently in St. Andrew's United bridegroom is the. son of Mr Church, Oshawa, n Mr. and and Mrs. Donald Petch, all of Mrs. Gordon Donald Petch ex Markdale, Mr. and Mrs. Petch changed nuptial vow The will live in Oshawa bride, the former Miss Sandra --Photo by Mary's Studio DOOR OPENING SPECIAL CHILDREN'S AND MISSES' Name Brand MID-SUMMER jo ase | CLEARANCE | | Mus SALE | »27 SPORTSWEAR DUSTERS SKIRTS & BLOUSES DRESSES ONTGOMER DOOR OPENING SPECIAL \ LADIES' CASUAL SANDALS Reg. to 5.98 sae 2.98 pair OPENING SPECIAL WOMEN'S BROKEN LINES SHOES AND SLIPPERS Included in this sales will be shoes for Men, Women and 'Children, from our. Spring and Summer stock. CASUALS, SANDALS, MOCCASINS and PLAY SHOES, for street and dress color and size ranges of quality footwear, Something for every member of the family in the group NO REFUNDS or EXCHANGES -- ALL SAL ES FINAL p : MEMae 'The Botte Shoe Guild Operated by E. A. Southwell REDUCED TO CLEAR s, Shorts . Desk Suits, Blouses e Shirts, Jackets e Slim Jims, Skirts o T-Shirts, Belts Te HR Sete hE Bs Disposal of broken lines, discontinued TREMENDOUS ASSORTMENT TO CHOOSE FROM AT THESE PRICES -- ALL SALES FINAL, PLEASE. SEIGNEURS SPORTSWEAR LTD. Jie 0SHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE A KING STREET WEST at STEVENSON ROAD LADIES' WEAR RA 5-1831 Yshawa 31 SIMCOE ST. N. RA 5-3312