1 [ticularly on your faithfullness to|by and by you could sadly disinte- 1 the present job. Later on, when grate in measuring up to the re- CHILD GUIDANCE Faithfulness On The Job Is Key To Youth's Success By G. CLEVELAND MYERS [one may scold you for being late Many youths who have recently|in the morning or returning late finished high school or college are |from lunch, or leaving early in the now going to work. Perhaps half afl . This may be left of them will enter an industry |chiefly to your choosing, although where they will punch a time|the hours are well-defined. clock; others will be white-collar| If you are really going to prove dependable, you may have to dis- cipline yourself, If you have never Here are some pointers for the done this very well in other mat- youth who is at the beginning of ters, you may easily drift into his career: chiseling off a little more time | Your chances for advancement here and a little more there, with- {will depend on your skills and par- out really meaning to do so. Then |you apply for another job else- | sponsibilities and freedoms you where, the new employer will have had. Aware that this is hap- want to know what your present |pening, you may only feel uncom- employer thinks of your depend-|fortable and worried about your- ability and he will find out. self without improving your ways. If you work in an industry, you GOOD RULE Expectant Fathers Attend Classes OTTAWA (CP) -- The nervous father-to-be is being given a help- ing hand by the Victorian Order of Nurses. Last year branches, of VON in 10 Canadian cities held pre-natal classes for 1469 expectant fa- thers, Ottawa headed the list with 536 males taking part. Hamilton fol- lowed with 342, Montreal with 229 and Vancouver 141. Other cities included Br a nt ford, Kitchener, Owen Sound, Windsor, Winnipeg and Victoria. \ In most cities the husbands at- tended only the final classes in the pre - natal series for their wives, but 63 Winnipeg fathers went right through the course. VON doesn't bother the nervous males with advice on how to change diapers or similar chores. The course for men concentrates on giving them facts regarding pregnancy. may be more inclined, as a rule, one of the few white-cglar em- small business as it would if you 'you might not have as great an |rior personal qualities and re-| {the latter. to do your best than if you are geif Lom the first ame job at you are going to hold your- ; ployees on a job, It may not be as self strictly to a time schedule and . lend moral support during easy to do your best if you are which the only employee or one of the you by few in an office, store or other something which more than any-| 1 something which mere than any-| (y1ter Space Motit were an industrial' worker. Also,{future success as an employee, opportunity to display your supe-|opportunities available for proving your education while on |sourcefulness in the former as inthe job--loeal night school or col- |lege, a home study course or sys- You may not have to sign in or [tematic reading. This will also re- sign out to keep a time card, No'quire self-discipline. A good rule to make for your-\" The men are encouraged to help their wives with exercise routines pregnancy - ' you know is expected of your employer. Here is | Furthermore, do consider the In Color, Glitter im- | By N.Y. Couturier By DOROTHY ROE NEW YORK (AP) -- Adele Simpson prepares for space travel in her fall 1957 collection, looking toward the year of the first earth satellite, She shows "constallation suits" travelling.in a "new orbit" and planned for a "visit to a smart planet." | Colors include meteor red, at-| mosphere green, comet blue, rocket grey and ultra violet, Cos-| tumes are worn with her own jew-| elry designs in star, moon and| constellation motifs. And as if this| Oshawa will be the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Donnell | whose marriage was solemnized recently in the United Church, Norwood. Formerly Miss Laura Wilce, the bride is the daugh- _ NEWLYWEDS ter of Mrs. Bernard Watkins of Norwood, and the late Mr. Har- ry Wilce, and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Fred Hill of Vernonville and the late Mr Jack Donnell, --Photo by Astor Studio iwere not enough, the Shmizutive! designer with the hig ideas shows a collection of furs co-ordinated son believes in misty, cloud-like ith her coats, suits and dresses. chiffon skirts swirling below: jew- HOUSEHOLD HINT If the family heating pad is Wel w 3. THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Monday, July 15, 1957 © With her coats, suis ARC CCRUER elled or sequinned tops. Prime ex- used frequently, make zippered a -------- EI ---- "6 Mary Ann Olliffe and William Kenneth St. Andrews were mar- ried recently at United Church, The bride Is the daughter of Mrs. John Recalla MARY Northminster | HAWORTH MAIL RINCIPALS IN RECENT CEREMONY of Oshawa and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs. John St. An- drews of Oshawa, and the late Mr. St. Andrews. --Photo by Ireland Man's Affair With Secretary Threatens to Undermine Marriage Dear Mary Haworth: My hus-| I have tried to steel myself to larly and you can have a honey'and swing alternate legs band is a psychiatrist and I am a accept the fact that if this is the of a figure ere the summer is against "i By IDA JEAN KAIN KEEP IN TRIM Swimming is The One Exercise That Rounds Curves As It Slims throat muscles and put dimples "What shocked me into writing across the collar bones. The ol for help in slimming was this: My fashioned breast stroke is rightly bathing 'suit looked so nice in thejnamed for an effective curve store window, but when I put it builder. The side stroke makes for on . . . oh! I bought it anyway a Willowy waist and streamlined and hope before the summer is midriff. over I will look the way I should OTHER WAYS in the suit." If you're mot much of a swim- That's the spirit! Curb your cal- mer, practice water calisthenics. ories and get in and swim regu- Hang on to the side of the pool back the the resistance of pegistered nurse, with a college way he wants to live, this is the| over. Just to show you 'what Swim- water. To tone inner thigh musc- education and many hobbies and way it shall be--for as long as he ming can do for a girl's figure, les, swing alternate legs sidewards eultural interests. We have a child supports the child and me. But take Esther Williams as a perfect/in the water, The resistance af- golly, it's mental torture. Isn't example. Before Esther turned forded by the water makes such During the last year my hus- there way way out of this? What/into a swimming champion, she exercise twice as effective, And age 10. Band has been interested in a secretary at his place of work-- a woman who is married, sep- grated and the mother of thr e¢hildren: ages 21, ; pecent months he claims to be in fove with her--in love with a an for the first time, he says. floors me. Although we've our normal quarrels, I never jt that our relationship lacked e. (He says he married me to te his family.) | He has spent a good deal on tertainment of this woman, he itted when pressed; but this stopped since I revised our usehold budget so that there's @othing left over to squander, He ims he just sees her in the y routine, taking her to and work. But they also share e trips and excursions, and he very attentive to her needs. Me he ignores. He eats at home sleeps here; but is out most the time, either working or ding at the library -- so he s. Once he mentioned divorce, ci I refused; and he realizes mustn't hurt our child. I have what doctors diagnose as to be in excellent health at sent, When I asked Sam how answered this one in his mind, is your advice? K.R. LOVE INVOLVES WILL ee Dear K.R.: It probably is true 14 and 10. Of that your husband hasn't really portions---bust 36, waist 26, |was fired from her first job as ait is such a wonderf; yay model because she didn't have aicool down as you ertw wy % good enough figure. : There is no strain connected Esther, who has these ideal pro- with swimming. Buoyed up by i hips|the water, all parts of the body loved you; and that he married sc ; ~iasti i \ : x , is enthusiastic about swimming are free to move. Each you for negative compulsive reas.' streamliring exercise. In this muscles gets its allotted pet o ons--tied up with family conflicts in his background. All of which is no disparage ment of you, necessarily---excep as it may reflect upon your judg- ment, in figuratively betting your|A GREAT HELP (When possibly he! life on him! wasn't worth it.) Love isn't a matter of mood for moods are ever-changing. En-| favorite for desk workers : during love is an expression of smooth back stroke. The rhythmic character--of will, and purpose, reach back with alternate arms an and innate capacity of sympathize pulling smoothly through the water cherish | squares the shoulders and counter- other persons. When an individual acts the continual forward bend- doesn't "love" an intimate asso- ing. The back stroke tones the pec- ciate dependably, it isn't because toral muscles of the chest and up-| with, and protect and the associate isn't "acceptable. Rather it is because the non-lov- slim willowy waist and midrift. | ing person is somehow defective It's easy to learn this swim stroke | the . . wherewithal to be adequately re- ing motion. in his humanity; he lacks lated in spirit to the associate. FUELED BY NEED Had your husband ever loved i Itiple sclerosis, although I'you, with genuine devotion and A I ea loving-kindness, he simply could jes Turn your head from side to : you! h emotionally, when you haunted b; side with eac! not and wouldn't abandon |champion's opinion, swimming is work without strain, Swimmi the one exercye that rounds out|also helps to strengthen a weak| -leurves as it siims down bulges. back. Of course, | in such cases,| ti So, come on girls, get in the swim. fancy diving is strictly taboo. (should be p |stratospheric best when dropping|$! al lin for a visit to Mars or Venus. 'universe |Jewelled |ered on the bodice. FUR-BEARING SUITS repared to look their/ample and grand finale of the covers for it from {show is an evening gown called towels. terry in white chiffon with] With several covers constellations handy. bath | on tap,| embroid- you'll always have a clean one Sensible Eating Is Not Costly, Makes You Look, Feel, Act Better By MARY BURKE For infants, growing Canadian Press Staff Writer | adolescents and pregnant women, TORONTO (CP)--Eat yow way| Miss Matthews emphasizes to health and happiness! necessity of including 400 interna- That's the advice of Ann Mat-| tional units of vitamin D in their thews, nutrition consultant of the diets. This is found in fish liver Toronto department of publicioil, or obtained from eynthetie Yeaith, Who says "Eod Sosa d¢- sources. velops not only physical well being but also your mental SEEK EXPERT ADVICE powers." | If you have diet pioblems or To induce better food habits, are interested in improving your Miss Matthews says "we dieti-| food habits, Miss Matthews ree- tians try to appeal first to people's| ommends that you consult your vanity--a better complexion, a local public health nurse. glowing healthy look--and fin Many technical schools offer to their good sense." : night courses at a nominal fee, SELECTION COUNTS a n and girls who live The secret to careful food bud- amen am geting is not how much you buy| in the country, the department of but what you buy. A family of agriculture offers the oma eco. nomic service program four can eat on $15 a week, single varied courses. girls or bachelors on seven dol- "There is no excuse for bed rs make sure of daily, autri.| Meal planning" says Miss Mat. y thews, "It usually is due to lack tious meals, Miss Matthews re- ualy commends Canada's Food Rules.|©f knowledge. i : Miss Dorothy Shantz, a dietitian Adults should drink one-half pint in industry. save since the mode of milk daily, children under 12, t one pint, adolescents and pregnant | I" trend is to have lunch in town, | women, a pint and a half, Milk he has developed a foolproof can be skim, whole, evaporated BACKACHE or powdered or quick comforting help for rr Pains, Getting Bo Wietis: shrond Other requirements in the aver- \oudy urine, irritating Dasstqes 1 age daily diet: four slices of whole grain or vite d loss of energy due k. a week; three vegetable servings {fer another day without asking your lone of potatoes; three eggs| "SE'st for OYSTEX. -- Two fruit servings--one citrus; whole grain cereal at breakfast: min-enriched bread with butter: meat, once daily, with liver onc Tpiete Eo ba 1) Boa 1ffe i (weekly) and some cheese. | then leave your | FILMS here Suits and ensembles are fur- bearing in the Simpson collection, | with particular emphasis on Adele's new favorite, somali leop-| ard, which she imports from the] new African state of Ghana. She uses it in hats, muffs, scarfs, handbags, belts, jackets and full- length coats to provide accent for, her smooth, urbane and effortless suits and costumes in feather- weight wools and subtle colors, Jackets of leopard, broadtail. seal and mink are co-ordinated with slender dresses for costumes) that would be at home on any planet. When suits or ensembles are untrimmed, they are worn] with fur hats and handbags. | For after-five wear, Mrs. Simp- THE SAFE OINTMENT for Sunburn and Holiday Safeguard ECCh NOW IS THE TIME... To Put Your Winter Garments In COLD al ---- ~o =, / plu 3s ALL GARMENTS ARE FULLY INSURED ME Prompt Service -- Free Pick-Up and Delivery PICKWICK CLEANERS & DYERS 434 SIMCOE ST. 8. Dial RA 3-4832 ) 28 KING ST. E. RA 3.4621 \S - . - - = ® FILMS . ® CAMERAS © SUPPLIES | ------p---- Any swim stroke is good, but some are particularly helpful for . fixing certain figure faults. My is a per arms and also makes for aj . just floating with free wheel- Lie on your back and circle alternate arms in a wide backward motion, bringing them down through the water in a rhyth- The crawl reaches all the musc- ENQUIRE ABOUT OUR SUMMER DISCOUNT PRICES ke to tone the replied "that's y baby." |baffling intermittent ill . -| 38 Mpled I" Tour 2 her DE care Bt hess Ba) GERMAN VISITORS poignantly than before -- with a) LONDON (CP)--Six of the lead- | love more mature, even though ing women jourhalists in West] perhaps more impersonal, that Germany paid a two-week visit to [transcends the ordinary "love Britain fo study aspects of British | |making" sentiment keyed to mut- life. They visited a magistrate's |ual approval of human attractive. court, the ministry of labor, the] |ness. [festival of women, the Women's I Both you and your husband are Press Club and Dr. Barnarcos po ed and afraid to face the|Village Home at Barkingside, Es- question of how much your ill-|sex. ness 2 Sibiles to his Ali. TT [ ctually he is a turncoat because 7 . of it, I think. Not because his pi Heh Js, poverty suickes, person jretary is his soulmate; or a what to do? Don't steel your- femme fatale in her own right. air 0 accept things "as is"; but She isn't. In emphasizing that he os h circum-| never loved you, he is. simply gon try ns $ AT bi is| | whitewashing his ignobility in hav- fron God--also it is the climate, ing no love to give you in illness. HT miracles transpire. It is MAN FLUMES ouT i a by-product of true perspective ter, for Yo i a bet. o Seeing al lite 2 imental in 4 ; 4 , his essence), and of ri h Rollok: simply bilge out. He hasn't living --recognizing ourselves as | 8 e stuff of character to be pilgrims and God as our goal. For {your moral support in crisis. And guidance you might read The {by his failure you are shamed and Fruits of the Spirit (Longmans| {oppossed too. You feel guiltily un- Green) by Evelyn Underhill; or (lovable, without a shred of appeal The Secret of Happiness (Double-| tor defense--not _recognizing howiday) by Billy Graham. M.H. | --] Staff Vacation ~ (Closed from . . . July 27th fo Aug. 6th Rinker Cleaners 51 BURKE ST. --' RA 5-1191 BRANCH STORES CUDDLE TWINS Smiley and Sleepy will be the most popular dolls in the family! Cute and cuddly, children adore them -- perfect for bazaars, too! One pair of man's size-12 socks, @ bit of straw yarn, gay scraps are 211 you need! Pattern 7380: patterns, directions, for 2 dolls. Send THIRTY-F'VE CENTS in coins for this pattern (stamps | not be accepted) to The Daily | . Gazett Household Aris Print plainly PATTERN ' JMBER n bonus for our readers--iwo FREE patterns, printed in our w Alice Brooks Needlecraft y + 1957! . Plus a wonderful of de to order--cro- VERY BEST COSTS NO MORE IT'S A FACT! Compare the quality and designs of the new Winter Seal Krylastic Windows end you will agree it is the window for YOUR home. THE ® Completely weather-stripped and rattle-free, ® Silent glide, easy opening and closing. ® Nylon positive action latches. ® Trouble-free -- No maintenance ever. NO DOWN PAYMENT Storing Door THE ALL NEW WINTER SEAL JAL-0-SEE With 7 Fully Operating Plate Glass Louvres The Most Modern Self- FULLY OPEN: for warm weother with screen inside in PARTLY OPEN; for centrollnd ventilation during rainy LOSED TIGHT: waother« sealed for storm protection RA 5-4632 CALL ON US TODAY FOR FREE ESTIMATE ot NO OBLIGATION LES EVENISS SALES LTD. 15 Prince Street Oshawa