URVIVAL TESTS PART OF RCAF RESERVE TRAINING | Tyic + gree Navy's Sel #8 Role In Defence By DAVE MCcINTOSH {is removing the expedition, the] Canadian Press Staff Writer | Labrador will be ca out a OTTAWA (CP)--There is sharp task in support of the U.S. Coast disagreement in the defence de- Guard. partment, about the role of the The Labrador is to spend about pavy's Arctic patrol vessel Lab- a month from mid-August to mid- rador in the north this year. {September on starting a route Some officials contend that the through Bellot Strait and Prince Labrador should be employed to! Regent Inlet for three U.S. Coast evacuate. an eight-man Arctic ex- Guard cutters which will attempt dition when it leaves northern to follow the pioneer 1940-42 route rly Island late this sum- of the' RCMP patrol vessel St. pmer. | Roch through the Northwest Pas- The job is scheduled to be car- sage. !vied out instead by tHe United Other officials said the Labrador States Coast Guard cutter West- | is being put to the best use in this wind. |task and that those who disagree Some officers say this is a knock 'with that view are being over- at Canadian sovereignty in the sensitive about Canadian sover- north, They are particularly dis- eignty. appointed because the expedition The expedition at Hazen Lake, was flown to Lake Hazen on Elles- about 400 miles from the North mere by the RCAF and has been Pole, is studying the northern completely supported by the air Ellesmere ice cap. The eight men force without American help. |are scheduled to leave late in MORE GALLING August and be replaced by six What is even more galling to others who will spend the winter them is that while the Westwind there Disarming Sh 'End Nuclear Bomb Tests MONTREAL (CP) A McGill terrors of atomic war. Prof. Fos- At the Trades- | any other of 13 different trades. scientist says his belief that a fer and Dr. Leo Szilard of the Toronto, 275 About half of those who grad- general disarmament agreement University Chicago did not learning to | bate stay W ith the RC AF : The |should precede a halt on nuclear sign aints student here is Russ Radcliffe, 'pomb tests prompted his refusal Prof. Foster, who built McGill's maintain 16, who is demonstrating the t; sign the Pugwash manifesto. cyclotron for atom smashing and points of | ground handling of a parachute. 'p,sja's "rapid change of avowed is a fellow of Britain's Royal So- policy to my mind is the ciety, said Russia had set about most disturbing fact in recent his gq lv to acquire the nuclear tory." bomb, although the United States, 1 genuinely regret that I can- then sole possessor, was "charac- Inot join in the requested unani- terized by her lack of war- |mity opinion," Prof. J. Stuart like tendencies." | Foster said Friday in a statement. Russia now had the bomb and {on his return from the meeting, proposed a ban on all nuclear {sponsored by industrialist Cyrus weapons--a proposal which coin- |Eaton at Pugwash, N.S., and at- cided with the increasing depend- tended by 24 scientists from 10 ence by many Western countries {democratic and Communist coun- on nuclear arms | tries. "If tests are stopped an ef Twenty scientists signed a dec- fective disarmament follows-- {1aration urging a bomb-test halt which presently appears favorable |as a step to helping avoid theto the USSR " he said 'Man, 80, Believes 'Will Live Forever ALCOA Tenn. (AP) William the age of 61 to build an eternal {Andrew Nicholson is an 80-year- shelter for an eternal life on old carpenter who built an ever- eartl lasting home because his confid- ently' expects to live forever just the same men's school in eager students are dismantle engines the fine When a young man Joins the RCAF reserve training plan. he may never have to make a parachute jump, but he will | learn a lot about parachutes | of to weapons or here was to go into it nothing that could corrode or decay-- rr wi #5 bs s NS pool, RCAF stu- | water. Airman Bob Maynard, dents go through an exercise to | 17, of Unionville, Ont., jumped show them how to handle equip- | into the pool and within two ment if they bailed out over | minutes he had inflated his rub- In the RCAF > Pret and = DEN ew | ber dinghy, climbed aboard and was paddling to shore. The boys, who are accepted at 16, | are 'paid $161 a month earn $70 a day because of the higher United . States union wage scale and amateurs drew .about 310. Mr. Carter says the 20-minute |films will deal in story-form with adolescent development, marriage and family living | Scripts were written by Joan [Hind-Smith, wife of an Ottawa TV producer, and the entire project is. expected to cost about $60,000. Accompanied by text books on It is a fotress-like stone dwell- ing of 14 rooms and was hand- built by Nicholson and his wife over an eight - year period. It tis known locally as "Millenium Manor." "It «cannot rust. or Tot' said Nicholson, whose keen blue eyes and white hair make him look like a patriarch in a striped sport shirt. Nicholson is serenely certain that a million years from now he will be happy, alive and content with his house and lot. His reasbn is simple. He accepts las a statement of literal fact the pibical promise that whosoever loves Christ will have everlasting life | "I believe in the Bible and I believe in life," he said. "I be- neither wood nor nail, Only ce- ment, rock and Tennessee pink marble Nicholson worked eight hours a day at his trade, then worked six to eight hours more on his home. He pushed 300 pound marble stones to their place in a wheel- barrow. His wife poured the mor- tar. The job took them eight long, exhausting years The house, completed in Dec- ember, 1946, is two storeys tall. Its outside walls are from two to three feet thick, its ceiling three to five feet. It Has two bathrooms furnished with huge stone and ce- ment chairs. The roof alone con- tains 432 tons of rock. Six years ago Mrs. Nicholson died of cancer, leaving her hus- band lonely but still sure he him- New sleeping comfort at a July Sale Feature price! Smooth topped Mattress | | psychology. they will be made lieve in preparing to live instead available to schools, colleges, of preparing to die." parent - teacher associations. and, So it was that in 1938 the car- professional groups, first in the penter and his wife, who had U.S. and perhaps later in Canada. borne him 10 children, began at self will enjoy eternal life "It was hard to be parted from her after so many years," he said "My wife believed in me, but her faith in eternal life was weak." with stitched quilted top A new design by one of the country's foremost mattress manufacturers brings you a smooth mattress built to stay smooth . . . no lumps, no bumps, no sleep-robbing humps. ® Level top mattress with new quilted top to assure long lasting comfort, ® Specially designed coil spring construction ensures firm, "Everized" support and comfort. ® New process quilts insulating sisal pads, to layer felt upholstery to cover for luxurious comfort that should last and last. ® Tailored for beauty, with no buttons to pop up, straight wall edges, cord turning handles, and lovely woven cotton damask cover. Sizes avzilable -- 39, 48" and 54", EATON July Sale Feature 50 EACH the boys week, receive they study five days a pay but live out. Blackford, 19, dead reckoning There aré 55 girls In the RCAF summer training course in Toronto and, according to | Here is Diane their instructors, are just as working on a _ wager as the boys. Along with | board OSHAWA BOX and LUMBER CO. LIMITED , We be glod to tell over your home Improvement plone with yeu, ond submit estimates of cost without charge or obligation. All heme im i projects con be finonced en easy budget terme with me money dewn. ROOM ADDITIONS Meet moms tan oe pasily amd do db growing family by the addition of ne or mere stem to fhe oi Ba uge 10' x M4' seem addition sun be but for ws litte ou Sl4 ww MODERN KITCHENS Towers bn me add bo pat up with on swimeded Shee. A nadir woric-saning drhan with off flue hebent foaterns na woolly loa belt for Czechoslovakia To Import Sizeable Number Of Cars PRAGUE (AP) -- Czechoslova- da, richest of all East European sountries, will import its first siz- able number of Western cars this year. Only a few private motor- ists can hope to get one. Cars are the only products still rationed in this country Czechs are motoring tradition. Czechoslovakia its own Skoda automobile plant 'and is famed for its cross country motor cyclists. A flashy new-model Western car always attracts quite a crowd in Prague, although it has more automobile traffic than any other East European city Exclusive Minto Skating Club Becomes Movie Set By JACK VAN DUSEN OTTAWA (CP The exclusive Minto Skating Club has taken on a new look Thé ice at the Minto, pioneer out i North American skating club, has we need wi given wav for the summer to a Ives aid k n maze of movie s and tant d Peter ( r as he a director 'y 1 really wl a ywrier a cluttered ham this one 1 dressing room and a crowded The director is George Gorman prop reo 38-year-old K from Ren- Rented fo frew, Ont as prodding The a teen-agers g about n a Minto "juke box joint," one of the mn scenes an Ottawa film (Crawley Films) is including a series on adolescents for a New 'York publishing company ¢ \ Behind plywood part I a idie, daughter of he rink of the club, i nN TV and padio star Frank Peddie 1908 by the skating E: 1 the 100 te gers act | EATON'S Budget Plan Terms may be arranged if desired. Q.50 PHONE RA 5.7373" "Government agencies' have pri- ority in purchasing cars. Private buyers applying for a ration coupon must show a certificate from a s gs bank that the ap plicant h a deposit designed for the purchase. In addition, the = 9 ie union must certify his *'mer- J its" in the economic reconstruc- tion of the country For a period of two years after the purchase of a car, the private owner is under obligation to offer it to a state agency if he wants to resell it This ably biles from Continental Beds The ebove mattress complete with matching box spring and set of six legs. EATON July Sole Feature, complete Sg fans by EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, Dept. 271 has Repeat Special Offer Heavy Gauge Linoleum Tiles (seconds) Popular and Hardwearing Axminster Luxurious, yet so practical -- and priced so low! Of thick wool pile, with fringed ends -- they're splendid for those traffic lanes in the home. Size 27 x 51--" choose from tweed and floral effects in predominat- ing shades of grey, green or beige, to blend or har- i monize with the rest of your detorating scheme 7.2 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, Dept. 273 vear's imports wil) total about 10,000 including several Russia and East prob- automo- thousand Germany. Saveart hora mmens have discoared Sol wot sie spas can be whilized os a comfortable "esdea" roses or =m @ bed he converted te living space for as litle ws . | »0. ENCLOSED PORCMES Bhar oid, spon porches oom be seslly omciosed te provide ontrw pees for the fomily. Screen in semamer end ghom WV mo OSHAWA BOX & LUMBER RE CO., LIMITED i om d in the projec Please contact me of ones cold-water flats to den, complete with tory and a rich famil outdoor We are just trying this ron Here's an outstanding value you'll be glad to take advantage of . . , to renew that worn flooring in the kitchen or bathroom. Termed seconds only because , of imperceptible flaws in the designs -- this need not impair their beauty or wearing quality. Size 9" x 9": choose from colours otf green, beige, grey, jaspe or marboleum designs. EATON July EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, Dept. 272 PHONE RA 5.7373 | ell Covpon patio building What our- assis know 1ild one for S0 EATON July Sale Feature, each Bo -- ---- summer surface of the the summer 1g is rented Half of the rink, 1 Canada, is ure moving Sale Feature, each f con Oshawa Box & Lumber Co., Ltd. CALL . RA 5-4704 436 RITSON RD. N. | PHONE RA 5.7373 | rl n profes vell $60 a da York The Toronto g 15 OSHAWA until 8 1 New Store Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday. Open Friday Nighls b J