THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursday, June 27, 1990 88 EATON"S:MONTH-END CLEARANCES Open Friday Night Until 9 MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S ackets and Slacks riced Exceptionally Low! Rayon Tropical Trousers A fine lightweight trouser for those het, humid days. Neat fitting, they're of finely woven raven , , . well tailored with zipper front, full double pleats. Seasonal shades of blue, brown, and greys . . , sizes 30 to 44 woist in the group. EATON Month-End 5 each \ Clearance, eisure Jackels e's o cosuol jocket to wear for sports or dressier eshable rayon-linen weave for cool comfort; 2-button tyle with 3 patch pockets; unlined. Masculine shodes natural, cocoa, grey or navy in the group; sizes 36 Ad. rogulors we mot every shade in oll sizes, >. 7.08 rence, each PHONE RA 5.7373 PHONE RA 5.7373 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, Dept. 229 Reduced to Clear FULL FASHIONED NYLONS Please, no telephone or mall orders Sheer nylons for all day wear 30 denier walking sheers Full fashioned for trim fit Sunny Summer beige tones Sizes 8142 to 11 in the group EATON Month-End Clearance, pair ... EATON'S MALL LEVEL, Dept. 201 Reduced to Clear! Shortie Style Double Woven Nylon Gloves Please, no telephone or meil orders Save on double woven nylon gloves Tailored shortie style 3 point detailing on 'back Handsewn with Bolton thumbs White, black, beige Sizes 6 to 7V2 in the group EATON Month- End Clearance, EATON'S MALL LEVEL, Dept. 202 Hours. 9.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday. Open Friday Nights until 9 pam. Ordinarily much higher priced! Wide pattern choice in Silver-plated Hollow-ware o All at Outstanding Savings o Expertly fashioned in traditional patterns EATON Month-End Clearance Prices: A. 3-pce. dessert set of cream, sugar and tray in fluted design B. Sheffield Reproduction relish dish, approx. 1134" dia. with 4-section glass liner . ... C. Bread Tray . D. Mayonnaise Bowl. Combirction glass with silverplated base and ladle . Butter Dish. Approx. 6%" dia. with glass liner and silverplated knife PHONE RA 5.7373 ses ee * Silverplat ed ona copper base ® Wide choice of pieces or sets £382 meet: 3 stds »h The following 4 items match in a pierced design pattern: Each approx. 9" die. each ach approx ie each each complete . complete 7.20 9.60 3.90 2.40 3.00 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, Dept. 515 J. Comport ..% F. Cheese and cracker dish, centred by glass dish with silverplated lid. . G. Cake Plate with centre handle .......... each 3.30 H. Cake Plate with side handle ..<......... 83h 3.30 LS SR Rr silverplated and each 3.30 each 3.30 PHONE RA 5.7373 Factory ClesronceBetier Grade "Sunworthy" much below usual prices! ® All "fade-resistant" ® Many washable ® All precision trimmed EATON Month-End Clearance, single roll . .. 29 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, Dept. 274 Another Outstanding Special Purchase! Special! o-Lb, Tin Home Wax Debuteen's Gasual Shoes Cleared to EATON'S by the Manufacturer ot Exceptional Savings Ordinarily 6.956 Plesse, no telephone or meil orders Included in this interesting group ore Moccosin style casuals with low heels; flat wedge heel slip-on pumps; and loafer patterns, Choose from Nubuck or smooth leather uppers, . . wearing composition An efficient paste wox made by heels. the makers of "Chan" wox . keeps wood-floors, linoleum and furniture gleaming. Wears well, re sists scuffing, EATON Month-End Clawrancs, Bib, tin... . 1.49 PHONE RA 5.7373 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, Dept. 275 row and medium widths. Sizes in the group: 4 to 9; Nar EATON Menth-End Clearance, 3.99 + All have light, long- soles ond EATON'S MALL LEVEL, Dept. Much: below usuel price Clearonce of Children's Higher Priced Dresses ® "'Sonforized"' cotton dresses; printed in predominating shades of mint end beige; plein in red or maize. o All with full, swirling skirts © Some have generous tie sashes, neat belts, white cotton collars, puffed sleeves * ® Sizes 3, 4, 5 yeors. ® Sizes 3, 4, 5 yeors. EATON Month-End Clearance, each EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, Dept. 210 Sl BB Jo a 36' 'Everfast' Printed Polished Cotto An outstanding group of these famed American crease-resistant hand-washable printed polished specially reduced for this month-end clearance! Hig fashion for Summer and evenin cottons , . . wear, prints include beautiful florals, novelties, Paisley types . background. Predominating colours are: Gold-colour, blue, red, tangerine, mauve, and beige with navy. Quantities are limited--so shop early for best selection. EATON Month-End Clearance, yard . . . EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, Dept. 233 REG. 2.50 YARD . and white dots showered on a pink 1.49 Fingertip Fashion . . Women's Shortie Gloves Dainty end feminine . . . shortie style gloves in Simplex cotton fabric with insewn seams for smooth fit, With pretty scalloped euff , , . get ot least two pairs to see you through the season; they go so well with push-up sleeves, short sleeves or sleeveless dresses. White, pink, naturel, block, Sizes 6 to 7)2 in the group EATON Month-End Clearance, 59 PHONE RA 5.7373 EATON"S MALL LEVEL, Dept. 201 Misses', Women's 1/5 Off Half-size SUMMER DRESSES Save! Half Price, Ends-of-lines! REG. 6.98 to 12,98 Please, no telephone or mall orders ® Many styles--including sundresses, jacket designs and coat dress models-- slim and full skirts, sleeveless and short sleeves eo Cottons end novelty rayons----plains, prints, checks and stripes in @ colourful array of Summer shades o Sizes 12 to 20; 16145 to 24%; in the group. EATON Month-End Clearance, each 3.49 , 6.49 EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, Self-Serve Dept. 345 For @ Crystal Clear Plastic Finish on WOOD, LINOLEUM FLOORS; ASPHALT TILE I-Qt. Tin of Plasti-Gloss and @ 22" brush Here's an offer to save yeu time, work and money . . . give yeur floors a gleaming, lustrous finish that lasts and lasts through many, many demp moppings . protects while it beautifies. Gives a shining, rust-resistant tinish to metal, too! 1 99 ll EATON Month-End Clearance, 1-qt. tin Plasti-gloss and 214" brush PHONE RA 5.7373 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, Dept. 275 Big Savings on Rugs! 20% to 25% of di Pp q ities Oriental patterns , . . room and area sizes, 81.50 107.50 tone-on-tone, corner floral motifs, fringed ends, 45.00 79.50 Tufted all-wool-pile . rugs, REG. 109.50 to 134.50, EATON Month-End Clearance, each Axminster rugs, REG. 61.95 to 106.00, EATON Month-End Clearance, each Viscose (rayon) Axminster broadloom, REG. 86.25 to 97.95. EATON Month-End Clearance, each 64.50 73.25 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, Dept. 272 PHONE RA 5.7373 | Clearance of Linoleum Tiles "Seconds" "A" gauge, 9" x 9" Heavy quality tiles that withstand the constant traffic in kitchen and bath- , in decorator colours of green and beige jaspe or green marble- room , effect. The very slight pattern flaws in these tiles should in ne way affect wearability. EATON Month-End Clearance, each EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, Dept. 273 PHONE RA 5.7373 : Save 25% to 50% on ends of lines! Ready-to-paint furniture, chromium-plated Dinette Suites, utility end occasional pieces! RR RR a 0 Hardwood night tables, chests, desks, double er triple dressers, bookcases ond headboards-- finished in maple, wheat, walnut or grey driftwood. REG, 14.95 to 74.00, 9 EATON Month-End Clearance be to . 5-piece chromium-plated Dinette Suites---heat and stain-resistant tables with # pull-out ends, Grey only, 4 choirs, padded seats and backs, 4 REG. 87.50. EATON Month-End Clearonce, set L some 24. mirrored doors. 24.50 ,, 39.60 PHONE RA 5-7373 Walnut wardrobes--single and 2-door styles, REG. 39.95 to 63.50, EATON Month-End Clearance Artes raasaaann EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, Dept. 370 : b