PERSONALS F Queen Elizabeth H&S Holds GROUPS, CLUBS Som lor the apectiag oitcer| LLEANOT Topham Moses ret he, dbbeamat ores ETT AT = Social Evening for Grade VIII |_AUXILIARIES _ ci, "iu Michael Olin ath, ms i Bi the home of Mr, and Mrs, Roy During the meeting Mrs, carried » Exchange Vows |caied nocosays of velow aad Smith, Taunton : RA : road west, of) ; ; i © ;| The Reverend Mervin Bury, Stephen Saywell. PMA CLUB James McGui retary, hs. + ~ "pastor of King Street Unite d| Ann Yonson on behalf of the ve her ves, a: . ing in London, England,! | Er ,* + 4 (Church, was the guest speaker at class, presented their teacher | Mrs. Olive Harrison presided at t th 4 iy gration' due tothe The marriage of Eleasor Caro, iris Smllb wit, [ewer gt ing 'n London Eagiand bi : : : es He Be eno. Lich Weidericn with pr this week's meeting of the Pleas- fac at shu has moved to Scar- line Topham, daughter of Mr, and in while crystalette with a head- the ¥ickings wil etapa , yoo Priday eveling esteriainmentiMy, Lloyd Noderich en ant Monday, Afternoon Club. borough and will be unable to at- Mrs, Alfred Topham, and Michael dress of yellow chrysanthemums pe k ia. © x | Eid yi os ; eld for He a EE We Dy a. ay Mrs, Elwood Bradley called the ng 8 2 he meetings. Olin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stefan|and carried flowers similar to othe church rence gatered ; : 3 en ae Tie. Suton Hneheon, 3 toemer suplls Yih 8 roll, Mrs, George Whitbread read r close of the meeting Olin, all of Oshawa, was solemn [those of the other attendants . gent both families with identical gf A en eromad by the principal, gift from ihe association' for be-|the scripture lesson. The secre- iia and he od by MrT Bind recently Ot Simcoe Strout) KF. a Den are Moe it bots families with identical hf / a cP (Mr. Frank Ross. Mrs, Douglas ing the outstanding girl in OCVL jays 28 treasurer's reports Aden A Ta i Ll J. K. Moffat of ering Mi Joha ; gz ) % | | Branton, president, and Mrs,| Mrs, Ray Smith ere . f i 4 ling Rs ab § a love and appree cation Jor. their nual | 3 / ik. HAE en Arg] Mori y Sith smouseod the Going away gifts were present- Gulgan with a linen tablecloth on ficlated. The wedding music was |Moffat, TE sy he 7 WHF the Queen Elizabeth Home and the Toppers of Whitby. led to Mrs. W. allison and |ichall of the susiliary mud. ex-played by Misy Marilyn Davies! A fecchiion hop held fn the i resetsion ss made by 7 | § he. Guesn, Elizabes © Toppers of Whitby. os, Mary Mrs. Charles Goodman by Mrs, Phe peiret in losing the ses-|and Miss Joan Matthews sang '0 Slovak National Hall, For the oc- y re ome ve phere or o_o i / oy Pratik Rigs jitroduced the Chanbetiain expressed thanks to Bealamin Jacklin and Mrs. Whit- Youn ey ad Sagas oot low' md >The Lond's| caso ong Bars pnthes id were } . ir : / | soloist, Mrs. ard Cook, ac- the Home and Schoo bread. t | bride, { Pid Bg 44 Boris and Nina Myers." Outot ; Aa 5 companied by Mrs. Donald Mac- for all it had done Oar Birthday greetitigs were suns icGuigans in thelr" new home, marriage by her father, wor rR Rg Keg Li "town guests were Mr. and Mrs, N. A wy Lean at the piano, Class pic-|ing the past year, and for the|for those with birthdays during Wigate In hele new howe inarsiafe by ber lcher, wore 3 ii RL own guests were | r. and Mit. N) ; i ) . J tures were presented by Mrs. pleasant evening's entertainment. the summer holidays. The auxiliary are providing the) length gown of white satin [groom's mother was in light blue "ough y o | & # Ww Douglas Branton, A social hour LR Refresh. A reading was given by Mrs. Navy League Cadets with a wein-(The lace bodice featured long|orfanze and lace With 8 Wie . ; / "ah Dr, 5 M. Zul, superintend- ments vere served under the con. |JOH8 Parker. Hy Toast o1 Tiuisiay ig Jute ooves i a Squste Beeline hat 254 3 og of ok edding ent of schools, and Mr. W. J.|venership of Mrs, rst meeting of the next :' at house at the lake peatls maishing a couple leit, fo a p of Mrs, Harry Pearce, {to close their parades for the her tiara which held her finger.iirip to Niagara Falls and The Mrs, Alice Hayton received the! : : : p ] e a / MacDonald, inspector of public assisted by members .| season will be on September 9. honor of the Decoration of Chival-| §§ A, s bo school, wore introduced by. Mr. lecutive. y rs of the ex | summer months due to the fact ip vell, She carried a cascade of |Thousand Islands and will live 'n in x §.A, HOME LEAGUE Ithat their commanding officer Pink roses and white chrysanthe- Oshawa. For travelling the mums wore a mauve dress with white A at the 67th convention of the| will be attending university for bekah Assembly held recently 'J%%.% y % } 7 at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto. | = "77 7a . ¢ i % | {held Oct. 9 and of th The regular meeting of the Sal- Mrs. {Mr iv : 4 Vy id LODGES AND gh nd of the bazaar, .iion Army Home League ae Sumer. vomit. will bp } on, Fred Whalley, matron-of-!accessories. £ : . and Mrs. Eric Y. Green| | S, Re Ion held on Tuesday afternoon, June vided for th pro- entertained at thelr home at Myr. dh : : | The worthy matron wished all 25, idea Ir: the sex cadets at 8 # tle on Sunday afternoon in honor ,- i ; ; ya SOCIETIES a happy holiday before giving the! Mrs. William Saunders led in| 8 io be Wevided by ther! "of Miss Sylvia Jones of Scarbor- ~% i Wey ¥ : [farewell (the singing of some choruses and | - ori eer. I PE) ough and the Reverend Ronald ' Bp ; ) b . in the opening hymn. Mrs. Harry | Sharpe, rector of St. Matthew 3 id a ba SUNBEAM CHAPTER, OES | McGhee led in prayer. To Put Your Wint G t I ~ Anglican Church, whose marriage HONEYMOON IN LORIDA The last meeting of Sunbeam Announcements were made inter Garments in h do take place savly in August, Chapter prior 10 summer Fecess SOCIAL NOTICES Wah. Heludeq our anr:e. Home| uests were present from Osha-| : : gue picnic to be held at - | wa. Toronto, Mimico, Scarbor- Married recently in a double | Siblock, is the daughter of Mr. (was held in the Masonic Temple view Park on Any 5% 1 thee | THAT ough, Port Credit and New To. ring ceremony at Northminster = and Mrs. George Siblock and |and presided over by Mrs, Alber- ENGAGEMENT | Mrs. Charles Cathmoir was in _ onto. Pouring tea were Mrs.| United Church were Mr. and fie bridegroom is_ihe_son_of ta Edwards, Worthy Matron, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pasiuk of |SharEe of the devotional period, HEADACHE % Clinton Cross, Mrs, H. D. Clever. Mrs, John Stanley Shearer, The | a]| of Oshawa gal * | Presentations of life member. Oshawa announce 'he engage. [LTS Onn Harmer lod in the sing- ships were made to Miss Vida ment of their daughter, Nora, to ¢,04 a rr pid Cathmolr graph story The {When you suffer from pain of Mrs. John Sharpe, Mimico: Mrs! Murray Sparkes and Mrs. G. A. charter members of Sun- and Mrs. Luke Dutkewich of Ear ison slosed i} "hanter, [Swan River, Manitoba. The mar-| Muscular aches you want to Turton, The guests were served "ton, Mrs. J. M. E, Drummond, bride, the former Miss Virginia --Photo by Ray Johnston | Mr. P Dutk of M --- IT.angmaid and Mrs. Ethel Watkin. Mr. Paul Dutkewich, son T.1Good Shepherd" . I} Headache, Neuralgia or ga by Mrs. Thomas Bird, Port Cre- Ini 4 rayer. ait: Miss at Atkinson, Mrs. A aonauon of twenty-five dol- rage 7 » take place on_Satur- |" y stop that pain Js . = So Richard Young, Mrs. George lars was received from the Misses Bogtist AA an in Calvary] NAVY LEAGUE AUXILIARY || take Aspirin! A tablet starts Langmaid in appreciation for the y' Vzhawa, The Navy League Auxiliary ] disintegrating almost the instant you || Ritchie, Mrs. Peter Ellins, Mrs. | | ; 3 Frank Nichols, Toronto: Mrs.| . I heel hair 3nd they MARRIAGE | held its, closing meeting of the Rin jt -- starts to relieve that pain || yoodwin, Islington; Mrs {Sugg ; p e new eli ag 2 v i prs 9 ; Donald Hanson, Birchelife. [Sosstatett s be applied 40 He 30! wy, oor In amoRICH, SHA as. Eas Ray, TL] tists ALL GARMENTS ARE FULLY INSURED |by the chapter. Helen Louise, daughter of Mr. Mrs. James McGuigan read Always Ask For | . : Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Tuttle of | A bus trip to Buffalo in Sep- 3 Mrs, George Hamilton of the minutes of the previous meet- | l Prompt Service -- Free Pick-Up and Delivery tember was discussed and the Norwood, Manitoba, and Mriing and Mrs. Kunckel read the «ames Grant McConnell, son of treasurer's report. -- PICKWICK CLEANERS & DYERS Detroit, Michigan, are spending 3 gummer Boliday WD ie Jo Aldwirckle Women's Editor Dial RA, 3-3474 Sale WII Bo Suouiced Jute 4 13, James McConnell of Osh-' Mrs, Andrews thanked the| Lust, "THE DAILY TI ABTTE Weta te ; be honored ywa, and the late Mr, McConnell, : ] (4 PRODUCT OF J i x 8 THE DAILY TH GAZETTE, Wednesday, June 26, 1957 a me fist meeting in Septem- The marriage took place in Nor- Scmbers the py + on te) v IY Mrs, T. A. Adair of Colborne |ber. Members were also remind- wood United Church, Norwood, when the Auxilia pe | da 434 SIMCOE ST. S street east, has returned after -- wed of the turkey dinner to be'on Friday, June 21, 1957 v wen the Aux ry ed al ----, I. 5, Diol RA 3.4832 spending 2 holiday with relatives - 200, 'T) 1057. 2 for 90 boys ind their par- a at Tamworth, Ontario. | Oshawa guests at the McNeely- | Lawson wedding last Saturday in | Port Hope included Mr and Mrs, Lucas Peacock, Miss Maud Bas- : EB - soit, Mr, and Mrs, Wilfred Pog- : ; ; . \ son, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Booth, i f Mr. and Mrs. Eric Booth, Mr. 2 po : URI and Mrs, Gordon Bunker, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Lane Mr, and Mrs. Hales Barier, Miss Iti x p2 > : : {UA ) AND Q La Vogue Jacqueline Barker, Mr. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph An- Me I » - By a Rr a #£, GIGANTIC SUMMER daughter Justine, Mrs. Reynard and Mrs. Garfield Riggs of Oshawa, Mrs. Bertha Yeo of ! | A / Bowmanville and Mrs. Fred Dick- % », Z & 9 ; son of New Westminster, B.C. % ' . " L : attended the graduation of Miss Betty Anne Dickson from the Salvation Army Training College held in Massey Hall, Toronto last Saturday evening, also the dedi- cation ceremony in the Salvation Army Citadel in Toronto on Sun. day afternoon. Mrs, Bell and Mrs. Dickson were also guests at the garden party for the grad. N \ uates held at the Salvation Army NN Training College on Saturday N afternoon. Miss Dickson has been Bi . . ° it, rien Abra The entire stock is up for quick sale . .. vacation time is shortly te fulfil her ap- tment as an officer of the . gia a here . . . time to buy and save. Cadet Officer George Bell, at present a student at the Salvation Army Training College in To- yonto, is spending a two week oor ® holiday at his home here prior to || S. a 11) leaving for an outpost in Calgary y 4 ® ® ® where he has been posted for the summer, Little items of social news are SUMMER always welcome for this column. S Everybody likes to read about HORTIE what people are doing so if you C 0 have been on a {io or sre eters taining a guest from out town, | just telephone the social de- 7 Reg. 79.50 partment at 3-3474 and share your pleasure with others. There is no charge for these paragraphs and the Interest rate, among your ac- Mi g quaintances, is high up TO CLEAR The last business meeting until B " STARTS AT Jes ) the fall season was held by the senior Young People's Associa fon of Christ Memorial Church | ast Monday evening in the par- ish hall. Reports showed that the i POPLIN PY Association had had 'a successful | @ H season. An interesting program has been set up for the summer [11] S months, Among those who have enter- | tained for Mrs. Michael Olin, the Etc., etc. former Miss Eleanor Caroline . Topham, were Miss Shirley ONLY TO Hutchins, North Oshawa, Mr. and CLEAR Mrs. Stefan Olin, Mrs. Keith TO CLEAR Buchanan, Gibbons street, Mrs Bi " FROM ® James Allen, Quebec street, and the parts department of General Motors. oh rom out of town at the SPRING and FALL WEDDING n - Topham wedding were Mr. and Mrs. William Petryschuk, COCKTAIL and FORMAL Leamington; Mr. and Mrs. Steve Halahan, Bradford; Mr. and Mrs William Halahan, Mr. John Flood. Mr. Donald Hunter, Toronto; Mr and Mrs. John Dennis, Mr. Wil- liam Dennis, Westhill; Mr. Gerald : Hele, Bowmanville, a. Charles Hawlins presided START AT a regular meeting of the WW 2 CLEARING FR OM A Woman's Association of Centre United Church. Mrs. Dean ee] gave the secretary's report and Mrs. David Morris the treas- ONE-OF-A-KIND urer's report. Calls were reported ALL WEATHE as well as flowers and cards sent Hi R IMPORTED to the sick. Mrs. Morris led in the devotional period. This was the - closing season for the summer months and members were re- minded of the turkey dinner to be held on Wednesday, October 2. Wis Po vn guests at the 1 R E D U CE D uchwal ollen wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Bell, Miss AND CLEARING TERRIFIC Sharah Thompson, Mr. and Mrs 2 LESS VALUE \ Samuel! Diffin, all of Toronto; M« and Mrs, J. Bartlett and Miss Dorothy Ann Bartlett, Trenton; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Comblin, Barrie; Mr. and Mrs. Warren Kueh, Qtava; Ms. verse! L V : , Arnprior; Mr. and 1 rs, | seg ime lt lf | WE FEATURE Q Vogue ' BE FIRST!! | BN | celina street (OME EARLY y more, London; Mr. and Mrs, Fred Liebeck, Golden Lake: Mr.| ; and Mrs. Edgar Kuehal, Killaloe y SIZE YOUNG EXPERT | FORT WILLIAM, Ont, (CP)- AND (OLOR : Six-year-old Carol Ann Lipka is no " novice with a fishing rod. Her lat. . est catch was a five-pound lake gout, measuring 22 inches--al-| downtown oshawa most as lon; as Carol,