{0 A A Council Votes Go-Bhead [Expect Record Turnout At [Discus Stafus WHITBY and DISTRICT 05 New Hall, Athletic Park 10DE Sunmer Day Camp Ot fndepenfin The two Whitby chapters of the|ated the use of the land to the Council, on a split vote, has ac., Councillor McAvoy reported be using less space than planned IODE are this year ting a camp ths Ei ooct'en Juv toi. TORONTG (CPY = Mie embiFlc cepted commi rec-|that work had already begun on!two years ago." That a ities town|the development of the new park.| He urged that work progress on/record turnout of youngsters ati, official ng ceremonies 1ogiglature's select committee on ball be built in the north end of Councillor Willard Dodd object-|the new town hall without 100 the annual summer day campwill mot take place until Friday... roc; ied its meetings Mone At a 1al|gd to locating the mew hall in the/many more years polling by which opens on July 1st. Mrs, R. day with a suggestion that it dis- , the!park, "You are spoiling the best| When the money was G. Langford, camp convener, re- Gay Wil Res dent will Whitby," he!town, by the late Arthur Allin, heoprts nearly double the usual trucker who drives Shdepes ve be no shade gale, 2) 3 Solar vas worth LY, a. number of applications. Sucker r, y it's worth onl The camp site has been moved . invoived in a.num- cents, he said. "If we wait long'p Camp Hood, as in former ndsor nd| va hens, giv 8 n used for the hall. in Centennial Park. enough, it will be worth nothing."| ears to a site on Lynde's Creek,(Mrs, W. A, Lynch b or dis og § uring The recommendation, read by| Boys are now using the morth| He admitted that a site at the|north of Highway 2. As in former|thur Welsh, both of rovisions the Ontario Labor chairman of the pi com-iend of the park for baseball park would have disadvantages vears, children will be taken to Greenwood. is Mrs, Relations Act. mittee, Councillor, Jack, Yeavos, ames, he said, and people Au for ratepayers who had to walk the camp every morning and re-| Camp director yd Joar ¥ I, In reply 0 a question from CCF calls for a new town , Tithcido not own cars can Some Dito the town offices but added iyrned again in the evening, The|T. W. Lawler. Counatlions . an Lendee Donald MacDonald, Joseph out police or fire hall, i A, ul to that park, The site for the new that traffic into the offices is notinew site is about a quarter mile|Mary oLu Lott, Ga 3 © onald, inkelman, chairman of the One ir Centennial ark, 20 0 oa town hall, he said, should tt that heavy. north of the highway, on the farm Caroline Cormack an: orm tary Tamar relations board, said north side of ] Tat % ale chosen Sowniown in order tha Councillor Bill Hurley said that/or Arthur Holliday, who has don.Hunter. the question of whether the truck I Yel St to be proceeded", andy for yatepayss, at present there is no good sports ers are "independents or empl Bith Simultaneously. This new oe do vot want to use, 10¢lsiejd Ln tho town. H council in. ges is something that has to be i pam tend an a c fuse Lo T d determined in the case of eac park wil Sopisse, the Seatetaial col,» he said. Si glon Peel st, be said, he was Jo Town Re 8 wer enaer, Sete rpiney ' ! Councillor - Joyce rns sald gocord wi e recommenda. . Mr. Finkelman agreed the prob- oy Coumellior | McAvoy ex laified, that plans for the new town hall tion' He wondered i moving the Whitb Firm Gets Contract i TT Do nial Park would not be disturbed here Worrying about taking teelipark to Peel St. would satisly Y y is gyn |10¥ Before the board. own. a everyone. ve arry Jermvn sa a SAY We age: Ik Uy seats time 1 have ever heard anyene| Councillor Dodd alo suggesied t : ow tender rate. Maght. vise in future in| 58 Lomiltise te denied, by Ue eve Ken Lee suggested that|here worrying about taking trees); yhis question be put to a vote| 0%" RCCOR: B BATH oor itby resi-|that contractors, learnins that thelgo ny Plog Boilie] question of down," she said. of the people. t nt 'broug ht forth some discus-(lowest bidder did not get this job, y where the new town hall should] Centennial Park, she added, is that this uqe gen Pod ug i this 'week. C. B.lmight not bother tendering. be located, be put to a vote of disgraceful. Councillor Burns wondered ifn i. or Whitby, was granted a| The tender went to Foster on a the ratepayers. | Pouring oil on what appearedany had considered how much It) qo iy" eontract at 41 cents per|gplit vote, f WHITBY Deputy-reeve Stan Martin re- ¢, he troubled waters, Councillor would cost to put a new town hall co uare foot; lower bidder was . ported that he had heard some ncAvoy hastened to point out "welin any other site. | Belko and Son, of Oshawa, with a [H ARDEN oLUB objections to the Jropesal since won't be digging up the park next| The question was put to a vote pig of 40 cents. last meeting of council. Many, he week." |and Councillor Dodd asked for a| "qo (iets committee, under F OR MISSED ssid, were not Fig hat bel "We won't be using half the recorded vote. Councillor Hurley| .,,iman Councillor Alex, Scott, new park would Oe in/park area either," he said. "It abstained from voting; Councillor| Lo imended that Foster be giv- PAPERS fore anything hg They will be built on the north side of Everett Quantrill was absent;'o "the contract, noting that he eA) when they Pitt St. The police station ad Cosneillor Doda voted agains; Tue was a Whitby ratepayer. The ait IN WHITBY ROSE SH i. fire hall have been dropped off motion and all other members of|sapence in the tol i were properly informed, he. add the original plans, thus phe will/couneil voted in favor. {5000 feet of walk to be laid was | a gi SLI aed nd TEA ee : 3 k G "| PERSONAL NOTES adam aot, peen council's pol Phone | a LLOYD GIBSON, LEFT, HANDS GAVEL TO NEIL MURKAR Rain Stops Sto ers kame | PER io gan coniacs To we lo | IQ), 8.31 ie | Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Maule|that this was not necessarily $0. yy oy pave mot received your Whitby Arena that this was not neces a ald Days On Play Latimers Hore Tonight 2 S005 op py | "Gari Fame | ome ae Neil Murkar Accepts Gavel Drunk Driving | p.m en 500 5h Zits Fin Y { Thurs, June ith the ball game in Toronto on home from the game Joseph O'Connor, of Toronto, | Monday oi Ag as the Whitby was the first time in three years| Mr. Richard Doucet, of Anstice, Pollution All cells myst be placed ore Admission 50¢ Second Annual 171 1 y ked to catch. Ontario, was the guest of Mr. and was found guilty on a charge of |Stokers attempted to get back onithat he had been as! n a From Retiring Lloyd Gibson |drunk driving. Yesterday, the ac-/the win column. The Stokers were!We think that the Ajax lad did hot| My, J. Lajole over the week |cused appeared before Magistrate paying a visit to the Swiss Chalet 'look out of place at all and gave a end, . The reins of the Rotary Clubjclerk of the court carried a five- F. S. Ebbs, and pleaded not guilty team who at time of writing were| good showing for the three : Bp-| Mrs. W. J. Crawrorth had as, of Whitby were turned over to a/foot sword. to the charge. lin a two-way tie with Sherrins for|ings he wa: called upon to her guests over the week-end,| n inipeg y . After the divorce was granted,' Con, P, D. Nichols, of the Pick-/the second rung in the Beaches| Although the game was n much © Sorte ooco0n" of Roches: | pew president in a colorful cere, joo wootton sentenced incoming ering Township Police, testified|league standing. The game fater abbreviated affair both teams Mr at phe BR mony at the weekly luncheon president Neil Murkar to one year that at 12:40 a.m, on June 8, the several interruptions was called|did manage to get a hit with the BE a rE yilE | yesterday. Taking over the presi-;. 4 jahor as helpmate to Mrs. accused was seen driving west in/off at the end of three complete| Toronto team managing {two eg DE ho aE dency from Lloyd Gibson was Neil Whitby Rotary Club, his car on No. 2 highway. At the!innings. bingles off the offerings of Pacey, (her rr Bs --_-- Thonths in Murksr and a pew executive. On the serious side of the event, Dixie Road, the Const. continued, The weather was overcast as!In the first inning the Stokers got Eire ye The colorful ceremony consis- Don Tutt, last year's president, the accused was travelling on the the two clubs made their way one on as Monty Jordan rapped Pe ted of a capably performed skit, presented the past president's left lane of the road; and at times out onto the water soaked field.Jout a clean single but was ef | The St. John school graduation|&™ 4 written and directed by Rotarian pin to Lloyd Gibson. The latter in while pr eeding into Dunbarton,|The reason being that a water|stranded. Kennedy got a doub! | exercises were held on Friday, | Will be emp Charlie Thomas. The skit récount- turn, handed over his gavel andthe car was seen to be entirely main had been leaking for alin the bottom of the first but hei "a," Grade 7 prepared the tM wert ed the divorce of Lloyd Gibson, the Rotary Wheel to Neil Murkar. on the wrong lane. most three days and had receiv-too was left on the paths. |entertainment and refreshments.| Three other types YB ters/ dent, from Mrs. Whitby In accepting office, Neil admit-| Const. Nichols said that in orderled no attention. Perhaps persis: The other hit of "e game came n, "ous 0 "ore presented with will be used in the & the federal' Club, charmingly played ted that he was, like all incom- to stop the accused's car, the po-|tent Mr. Macgregor did not wishin the bottom of the second when gifts and graduation pins. Special vey. being paid for | y Ie a] by Charlie Stafford. ing presidents, filled with hopes|lice cruiser had to drive off the to make an appearance for this Reid singled and was out {Tying prizes were awarded to various health pa ow are work Presiding over the court was and aspirations but realized that pavement, on the wrong lane. one since it was a shame to ask ato make a double out of it. nis meriting students. hea! fh Suth Tnitial $4,000 grant to! Maurice Wootton; clerk of the all would not be accomrlished this The Const. stated when the accus-/team to play on such a diamond.| This marked the first time t ud ing vi ay ye and hire staf. court was Jack McKone and coun-/year. jed got out of his car, he appeared] Anyway both teams made theyear that a ball game had been on wednesday, June 26, both install equip oy chemist Of sel for the two parties in the ac-/ "If only half is accomplished," to be intoxicataed. start and were playing heads up|started at the Beach anc has been|gohools, St John and St. Bernard, W. M. Ward, hi I hygien e tion were Earl Fairman and Mau- he said, 'then something willl O'Connor appearing in his own pall, A pair of Al's were hook-|rained out. The directors of the wii have a day of recreation. A Manitoba's ndustrial BRL ne ' p rice Slichter. The three members have been done. I realize I am defence, denled that he was intox-led up in what should have provid- Beaches league and especially of sii will be shown, followed by a laboratory, hy onl Care: Smoke! JERRY RAVARY of the bar were gowned and wear- following large footstep and the cated. He said that bad king pinsled the goodly number of fans with'the Beaches Park will have {picnic and different games and testers to eh araW air through | ing huge white wigs. Mrs. Whitby success or failures of this year and tie rods in his car (a condit-'3 red hot ball game. Al Pacey get some plumbing repairs done competitions will take place. |samplers, wi and analyze the| Rotary wore a Garbo-styled hat will not only be due to my efforts ion he said he first recognized one the never give up hurler of the|in the near future or they are| filtered paper, high-volume sam-| FERGUS Stokers appeared in terrific form going to have some serious troub-| The many friends of Mrs. Fred smoke den ty: in 1arge I E jally if a player falls wallace are sorry to learn that plaers, whic h filters and| i. ir throug is in Oshawa General Hospi-|amounts of 2 chemical composi- munud >r mAnOIO> Ir and straw colored wig and the/but to all of you." month ago) was responsible for| bh the sometimes uncontrollable con-/for Monday night's ter. |le. Pp y | dition of his car. The accused in-| Both Rennick and Cooper were and injures himself to any great she VS. a formed Magistrate Ebbs that this pot at the game time, came time extent. : |tal. They wish her a complete determine a IR SA Brock St. Public School was his first appearance in court, for the pod rr pitch, | Don't forget tonight the league recovery. {Sion oF ne tect WH ITBY MERC HANTS + | d 0) and stated that the logs of bis) With this captain Marty Jordan leading Latimer Brokers Will $Y) irs. Sylvia Longbottom has a machine as large as 2 ot al he : al Loot " . ing 8 othe t $4,000. | re she underwent surgery... . include the irae] WAMTRY ARENA -- 8:45 P.M. > 4 4 \] " - a a TabIfs ; TEE Renn ERI DAY we ice would negate the eviden | i held their annual field day on 'ro, Joan Perry, Nancy Kirk. |of the poli p ce, Her friends will be happy to/nrovincial chemists of two fed k brad Friday, June 21, with the follow. Shoe. Kick -- Masgiret. Sheedy, Bully, and sommnnor Was found 1 a 1S urc jean Sat oe, is, making oom, stations on ton "of downtown city, THURSDAY -- Lucky Door Prizes 'results: Joan Perry, Geke de Jonge. days in jail; | Y Pp . r "| buildings. Boys, 6 and 7 yrs., 25-vd. dash 20-vd. skipping--Joan Perry, costs; A Ta vy Sart piste yesovery. |the various kinds of air sampling This Ad Donated by Bowmen & Gwen --Lewis Pritchard, Ralf de Jonge, Barbara Ross, Kathie Alloway, (months; and driver's license sus- a . equipment. ipeg is mot Lloyd Smith, Girls, 8 yrs, 40-yd, dash--Ga- pended for six months. | 0 eneva al 1CNIC d S t Air pollution in Winnipeg is n 15-yd. sack race--Lloyd Smith Srielle Zeller, Linda Young, Niels, Magistrate Bubs added that uspen emence 3 Problem aid Be er ge ; + Vanderby. the accused was not satisfied with | | r. Ward sald, Mewis Prichard, Ernie Gillham, 20-yd. skipping--Gabrielle Zel- this judgment, he could | Geneva Park was chosen this| Carol Townson, Nancy Harding. | On Theft Ch arge will enable the laboratory to Be throw--Ernie Gillham, ler, Agnes Smith, Evelyn Bode. case to a higher court. |vear as the site of the annuall Boys running race, 14, i5, 16-- in a position to combat any Peter Evans, Lloyd Smith. Shoe kick--Niela Vanderby, Ag- |Sunday School picnic of the Whit-(Bill Townson, Gary Vanstone, Cc. Mill f Ajax, re- lution which might arise in 3degged race--Lewis Pritchard nes Smith, Patsy Mudrey. = | by Baptist Church, During the af-|Gary Harding. [Norman €. Mills, of hax I future. and Lloyd Smith; Douglas Short Girls, 9 and over, 50-yd, dash-- DAY-BY-DAY ternoon, members of the church| Girls' running race, 17 and over ceived a susp from i end Ralph de Jonge; Ernie Gill- Margaret Smith, Marion Zeller, school, including grown-ups, as/--Mrs. Peleshok, Mrs, Rieger, Magistrate F. S. Ebl . | ban aud Peter Evans, Nellie Hoogerdyk. {well as the children, took part in Mrs, Pogson. | The accused was convicted yes- Say Commonwealth a Nae yd, dash Bs ick-_Dontia Wood, Angels Pv AR Ee SARTIED i es, fol Boys' running race, 17 and over terday on a charge of theft, Const. L N » Gi T | : i . David Bergstrom. Softball Hind Smith, Sunday by Rev. John M, Smith at Mined: rinning Tae, 5 years Foah Mich, Geo. Yepma, Mr. Chambers, of the Ajax Police. Unity Is Needed 20-yd. sack race--John Gillham, Marion Zeller, Angela Gillham, _|th¢ United Church -- Gary Stuart,'and under--Crystal Peleshok, Ga- * . testified that the Canad!an Build- Willem Verhulst, Glen Evans. Running broad jump--Margaret S00 Of Mr. and Mrs, S. Sleeman: brielle Rieger. Mixed couples' 3-legged race' 'Association reported a loss of] Softball throw -- Keith Mace,'smith, Nellle Hoogerdyk, Donna) Nancy Lynn, daughter of Mr. ang] Girls' running race, 8, 7. (13 and under)-Louise Pogson "8 ! a hs d's | Se Alan Pinder, David Bergstrom. |Wood Mrs, Wm. Rowell; Katherine Ann, Dorothy Dair, Anne Killens, Kar-|2nd Susan Bryant; Ruth Mitchell ¥¢ ises were sub tly sear:|C wealth countries cannot | legged race--Keith Mace and Kindergarten, 20-yd. dash -- daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. en Kiliens. and Larry Pogson; Dale Bryant|§ci"ue further stated that two| adopt common policies on foreign Willem Verhulst; John Roberts Chris Mace, Sheryl McCoy, Ran. Rowell; Linda Louise, daughter of| Boys' running race, 6, 7, 8 2nd Marvin Rivett. ie of phil were found in| affairs and defence, the Common: | and Brian Evans; David Berg- dy Scero. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Batten; Ste. Steven Peleshok, Gordon Paddick,| Girls' shoe finding, 10 and un- jh. phasement of the accused's wealth "will have disintegrated." strom and John Gillham. Bunny hop--Randy Scero, Chris Phen James, son of Mr. and Mrs, Dean Rivett. der--Louise Pogson, Ruth Me: noice on June 22 | The newspaper says it recog-. Boys, 10 and over, 60-yd. dash Mace, Sheryl McCoy. {Dudley Tushingham. Girls' running race, 9, 10, 11-- Millan, Helen Bremner. | Mills sald he had never before nizes that each member of the| ~Dicl erhulst, David Perry, Duck waddle -- Randy Scero, : {Dale Bryant, Louise Pogson, Su-| Boys' shoe finding, 10 and un- 8 d Commonwealth may have its own Reguie Green, . Sheryl McCoy, Chris Mace. Wilby Garden Club rose show|san Bryant. |der--David Mitchell, Gordon Pad. | heen a count, nd Just acte Qa policies. | unning broad 'jump -- John Jumior room champion, boys-- 22 tea will be held in the rotun-| Boys' running race, 9, 10, 11-- dick, Ronnie Hunter. Jiinpuise Saen yf 20 th qe $ oblem is to hether | Young, Dick Verhulst, David Per- Lewis Pritchard: girls, Joan Per- ga of ee Wiilhy Community Don Dair, Ted Rivett, Wayne, Married ladies' shoe kicking Magistrate Ebbs Julornied te a tear Lichiem Is bo ste poi ; ; ' na on Thursday, Ji ' * rs. 8 on |e ie Wo e : Softball throw -- John Young 1 : members are a Pru Kid All Pickering. i | Mrs, Pogson, Mrs. Summers, Mrs. oost of the court; and reminded pattern and contain mo insuper- i. y , "Senior room champion--boys, M¢ j and Girls' running race, 12, 13-- Dair. ions," The Scots-| mnie Green, David Perry. Joh Y ' : bring a friend, , | J i 3 . {him that he had acquired a recordable contradictions, e Scots i ne Bal LAT Jorn. oung; girls, Margaret [Ruth Miche], Lois Glenney, Pat-| Mixed couples' needle and hy committing the theft. man says. | Young and Martin Hoogerdyk; The championship ribbons were HARMONY GROUP ["Boys' alg race, 12 [eed i oD, 20a Juet = Rotel David Perry and Ronnie Green; presented by the Rev. G. Nichol- ,, ne Harmony Group of the Don Mitchell, Doug McLean. McMillan and Angus Sinclair; Dick Verhulst and Michael Hale, son, Refreshments were served Cried Church" W.A. met in the| Girls' ronnin : h . son, 2 ] A { race, 14, 15, . Gifts. 6 and 7 years; 25.yd. dashiand the mer oc ae Jurved assembly hall on' Monday, June| g race, 15, 16--'Carol Townson and Gary Harding --Elizabeth Verhulst, Louise Prit- joyed by the children and their|2% for a pot Tick lunch. 22 mem.! | chard, Donna Pinder. Iparents. bers were present. After the . . games were played and 1 ec a it 0 also sing-song with Mrs, R. Phair FOR SALE -- 32 RIFLE, BOLT ACT-[FOR RENT -- SELF CONTAINED, at the piano, fon, open sights, complete With sling, modern three-reom apartment, central. excellent condition. Apply 614 Dundas Suit business couple. 203 Byron North. 148¢ : | WHITES Y The financial rt. was we Pro osed B .] aw Chan Street East, Whitby after 7 p.m. 148f Phone MO 8-2513. Ph MO 8-361 {by Mrs, C. Heard. The meeting, FOR RENT -- TWO APARTMENTS, ROOM AND BOARD FOR ONE GEN- one 8 was conducted by Mrs, C. E.| : one, four room; one five room; self-|tleman, single room. Abstainer, pri. - | Broughton. It was decided there Whitby's solicitor will be asked|large lots would reduce the value contained. Phone MO 8-2250. 149¢ vate home. Central. MO 83-2352. 148b | e_" . NOW PLAYING EVENING SHOWS 7 P.M. i Jould To De. another meetin wy. jie Investigate, Pe Saality of Rohy Dig oR ome. followed. TOR, SALE -- TWO PIECE DAVANO,| :OMPLETE BRAKE RELINE, BONDED | - ew rngi aire . 30, | 2 law. | wi $139.00, Se: 3 MO _8-2081. , $19. . Chevrol, . LAST COMPLETE SHOW 8:20 2 e meeting closed clal meeting of Whitby council Mayor Jermyn 'said, the size of| Tviee: MO rune 1 and smal Ponte. Harty "Donald Li, s week, a proposal to controll homes and size of lots on a street aE oD y FINED $10 lot size was brought in and coun-/could be established by one or Toor 00 we Boy FREE PACKAGE POPULAR TE Super Value! A fine of $10 and costs was im. Cll decided they would check its|two big houses on 70-foot lots. (Independent Service: MO 82081, June 29 with every $3 purchase of emt com Iposed on Charles Hardy, of no cE3lty before passing on it. os eilior McAvoy 384 that un ror sALE +, WO PIECE SECTION. saline, Ask abogt - Our Early } Horne ; : ; Salad address, by Magistrate | Councillor Jack McAvoy brought ig He Bibi diy n i hy ho Nias 0X. Independent Service; MC irolet-Oldsmobile. June 30 It's all new--every inch of it--from new Safety- . 5. Ebbs. The accused was con-|the proposal in his property com- RY ng NTRAL SODDING AND GARDEN. Seal Latch to its color-gay interior. With the 2 Ivicted yesterda {mittee report. His amen t {well let them build anywhere. FOR SALE -- TWO PIECE wool | CF . 4 Confronted with a i " a taarge fifo lini Rl) 2S am dels iy Mayor Jermyn still insisted that/Freeze Chesterfield, airfoam cushions, 105. Sod dellversd, lad. Lawns pre-| magical Sheer Look that transforms any kitchen! tem . tation June 19, jaw, he id uld the suggested amendment be sub-|$229.00. Independent Service; MO 8-207 MO aly 11 be Pra h jo subdivider would be. able to mitted 0, the solicitor for A oR SALE G.E. FULLY Line 2 FREE INSTALLATION A NEW CHEV It's the Handiest Ever Y! er ROTARY GUESTS [change the size of the lots in his | opinion. [matic 10° Refrigerator, $279 after trade, |rolet or Pontiac mutfler, $10.98. Hae) Imagine, in 10 cu. ft. you get a Family-Sized Super Rotaria; 14 lan aft t wg "This town has been in three yng i 2081. D Ltd., let . Oldsmobile bi . tender years! this ey sich, repurted pian alter | re plan litigations and has lost every one, roncent Service: MO 8.2081. June 20 ORS. Mo aso gn . Freezer Chest + 3 Big Full-Width Removable | EDINBURGH (Reuters) -- The Si ts that if the | with the W.A, prayer, | tended meeti {gested cha of them. It shows there are still FOR SALE -- NEW 8 NORGE CROS. oor phpiivrRED, "LAID, PROMPT Aluminum Shelves # Handy Removable M-G-M presents club. during the at gh org again. vise: ams comme] certain, freedoms which Cammot be [{orvices Mo baat. ehenacss delivery, anywhere. 'MO 82859, Whitby. * Deep Full-Width "om Tele Half Shelt |week's guests i HS id invaded. We were to Ore We | mo ee . s , | Tom Wilson, Shen Sah pis| Mayer not think such py od | passed those other by-laws that| AERIALS INSTALLED. MOVED. RE. ING Chill Drawer + Huge Super Storage Door with Slocombe and Stewart Alger, of/law could be "made stick." | They could not be shaken but they'Mo s-2081, July §|Reasonable. Phone MO °-1360; 1013 Cen | Butter Compartment and Five Removable Shelves oy [0 Oshawa, and Jim Rapsey, Roger, - IRE PROLETERE -- OiEsren Te South, + 2 Quickube Ice Trays--all in a refrigerator which Zan = Conant, Pat Bayley and Bl princi nok Wsasreeime With the ER |feld suites remodelled. Expertly re. HOME INSULATION, BLOWING slips in among your kitchen cabinets for that ot 1H fs Thompson, of Ajax. | e are go- {built, recovered to look absolutely mew, |method. Free estimates. Septic tanks ini ro Tr HX joan" THESE WILDER YEARS ing at it in the wrong way," he ona ©8 1 Fine selection of fabrics at lowest prices cleaned the sanitary way. Walter Ward, treasured "built-in" look . wes WALTER PIDGEON sald. "We don't want to get in 2563, - FOR RENT -- FOUR ROOMS IN "BUILT AND . {the realms of the unconsitutional. | . . % 2 BACKED : : Keeps 800 Windows i. only. hig ah ol Swimming P ool | LAWN mowers sharpen- BIGUAND, Trane HV, down JINIRAL ROTORS ony $ 3.00 SHE WAS AN | Clean For 20 Ye ars | neighbor is being harmed. I The regular meeting of the Wo. ©d and repaired. Saws $ $ S AVE $ $ a week anywhere. MO 8-2344. July 18| Whitby, phone MO 8 July 24 would suggest that a lawyer could men's Institute was hel file n MONTREAL (CP)--When Oscar throw this out." {Council Chambers as a Bai od ord ver Qatuesn is at work the city is at a nellor McAvoy said that as|2l, with the president, Mrs. W. E. RUSSELL BAILEY $ : e by-law now stands, the lot Pellow, in the chair. A di i He Las been in the window. fizes in subdivisions can be was sent to Mrs. 0 og 917 Centre Stieet South ~TO cleaning business for 2 years and changed at will. Reeve Ken Lee Pickering. for th , ing poo! MO 8-3708 MURDER... has not had a Serious inury. Mr. [noted one instance where the for the iden e swing pool mw June 26 MANCHESTER sarneau, now 42, has worked for council had agreed to a plan with! Members plea: t | ' DONALD SINDEN MURIEL PAVLOW the last 19 vears cleaning the 800/80-foot lots and now two houses Frank Roberts ol hat Mrs, CEMENT GRAVEL GARAGE ; windows in the 20-storey Royal can be built on each lot. rs) BELINDA LEE Bank Building In downtown Mout | Maver tana ach Jot. + often @ her hore to Institute members| $1.60 YARD | Large selection of A-1 Used oa to a pot luck supper C t wholesale pri Y | real, |80 or 90-foot lots are set out when|/to be hel ROAD GRAVEL fs 0} wholesq's prices. You 8A" Sa---- "It's really a state of mind," [they should not. What harm could July re Bi the west meeting $1.40 YARD Rome he price: No restanable ES COMFORTABLE COOL! |i ished, fi mh hs d's oles Se ao toot si mon] 0 pi 5 Gey | 1 ied | ol ~ T v sked. erts for the invitation, Aft th ERIC BRANTON ! Phone 512 Port Per . |street. I was a bit scared at the| Councillor McAvoy claimed that regular business was conducted, MO 8.2660 | © Hwy. Junctions 7, 7A 12 118 BROCK 5 MO 8-3707 beginning but am over it now. smaller lots adjoining homes on/the meeting adiournad : MW.F, July 17) y : Aug. 15 after small down payment By Driving To