Returns to Address Soroptimists | 'On Chosen Work at Sanitarium Emphasizing the need of pleas-|following which Miss Doris Moore ant, light occupation in the treat-'read a tribute to Miss Hancock, ment of tuberculosis patients, who vas a charter member of Miss Lea Mather, occupational the Soroptimist Club. therapist at Muskoka Sanitarium,| Head table guests were Dr, "itor, opened the meeting with! i prayer. The minutes and corve- spondence were read by Mrs. Cleo Oullette. Mrs. Bernard O'Brien presented a detailed fi- nancial report of all the groups AUXILIARIES ~ y HARVEY HUNT AUX. ed their quota and some were The Harvey Hunt Bening, Aux- | above iliary of Simcoe Street United! Several new members were in- Church held its closing meeting troduced and welcomed by Mrs, for the in the form of a Neil. Reports for the preceding GROUPS, CLUBS was the guest speaker at the Helen Manchester, closing dinner of the Soroptimist past regional governor, Eastern Club of Oshawa and District in'Canada Region; Dr. Florence Mc- the Gray Room of the Genosha',, oh {Hotel, when she told about her ? / work in that hospital. ' | Miss Mather was born and edu- 7 7 cated in Holland. After practising ~~ three months in a home for re- tarded children in England, she 2 returned to Holland and worked for the Netherlands Red Cross as an occupational therapist and welfare counsellor. The year 1949 was spent travelling on a fellow-| ship in the United States of Amer-| 7 ! lia, after which she returned to]? y mt 2B her native land. But the conti- nent to the west called her, and { lin 1953 she came to Canada, and |to Oshawa, where she served as | |teacher at the Oshawa Settle-| 7 777% ' | {ment House, Simcoe Hall. She , | left there to become teacher to the Indian and Eskimo children ipatients at Muskoka Sanitarium, {and last fall became occupational |therapist for this hospital of over {300 patients. : Miss Mather is a charter mem- x . i ber of jhe Dshiawa sup 2nd after going to Gravenhurst her letters y { {to the members brought to their MISS LEA MATHER |attention the need of therapy ma- coppey president North Toronto- terial not only for the children North York Soroptimist Club; but for the adults, and providing wigs Leah Mather, Gravenhurst; craft end recreational materials|yrg FE. *. Collins, executive |has been a continuing activity of secretary of the Tuberculosis As- the Oshawa Soroptimist Club sociation of Ontario County, who Miss Mather gave some case introduced the speaker: Mrs, csr0r, 'main part of the meeting. | Luke. pot luck supper. months were presented by the The meeting was opened with group leaders of the various prayer by the president, Miss groups. Lenore Glass. Mrs Nell, Mis. aller Bran Miss Merle Power, leader of and Mrs. Frank Flynn who had attended the CWL convention at Group 1, look eharge of the the Royai York Hotel, Toronto, recently gave their reports, Mrs Mrs, John McNab sang two wijjiam Clancy gave a report on solos, "Bless This House" and jn,migvation and Mrs. Branch "Just as I Am." She was accom- preconted a new program on civic ied by Mrs. George Fleming, : ; P ad don pan action which opened up new av- The theme for the worship enues of charitable work. service was "Think on These Things." It was conducted by made for the annual carnival to Miss Alma Frise assisted by Miss be held on the parish grounds on Hazel Power and Miss Millicent Wednesday evening, July 17. Con- veners of the various booths are: The concluding chapters of the Home baking, Mrs. Patrick Rob- study book- "East from Burma' erts; refreshment booth, Mrs. were reviewed by Mrs, (. i. Sidney Sheridan; aprons, Mrs. Souch, Mrs. Philip Perry, Mrs. Robert Rorabeck. Father Maho- James Thompson and Miss Helen ney congratulated the members Oke. on their large representation at the Mary Lake Pilgrimage. The BATHE PARK AUX. Final arrangements are being | esident, Mrs. Neil , presented tial cheque. The meetings will be ather Mahoney with a substan- resumed on September 19, -. NOW IS THE TIME... .: To Put Your Winter Garments In | COLD Pr ------ N pA a. KAN ud! adr \/ ALL GARMENTS ARE FULLY INSURED Prompt Service -- Free Pick-Up and Delivery PICKWICK CLEANERS & CYERS 434 SIMCOE ST. §. Dial RA 3-4832 - The monthly meeting of the Bathe Park Ladies' Auxiliary was neld on Tuesday evening with the president, Mrs, Robert Gow, pre- siding, Plans were made for the annual field day to be held on Wednes- day, July 10. There will be a bake sale convened by Mrs, Donald Cutler during the afternoon. Races for all age groups will start at 2.30 p.m, Treats will be given files ier AUTO SUPPLY FIRM SAYS: 'We save all kinds of time and speed our service with Bell communications!" histories showing the value of Olive Petley, charter president of © the children of the members craft and recreational aids in the Oshawa Club; Miss Doris who were asked to bring the [healing not only the body, but, Moore, and Miss Madeline Kelly, membership cards. more important still, the stresses who thanked the speaker. Presi-| A refreshment booth will be of the mind, The realization that dent Jennie Pringle presided. operated by the members of the {people outside of the hospital Other guests present wer el auxiliary and a parade will open were interested in them, and that Miss Ethel Grindley, Miss Clara ihe evening's activities at 7:00 (the staff could be relied upon to Grindley, Miss Jean Taylor and pm Prizes will be given for the |help them to the best of their Migs D'Arcy Berry of the North|most appropriate costume in each | Peterborough Automotive Supply Ltd. offers yet another example of the many different types of Canadian companies which now benefit from modern Bell communications, Here, telephones and other communications equipment ability, was of great assistance In Toronto - North York Club; Miss| division, also prizes for best dec-| have been carefully suited to this auto supply company's treating the patients. |Helga Modersohn, recently from | Following Miss Mather's ad- Germany and now on the staff | !dress, the Oshawa Club voted that of Muskoka Sanitarium; and Mrs. | $100 be set aside as a fund from Albert Melbardis, formerly of which she might draw for occupa- Latvia and now a Canadian citi- tional therapy supplies. zen residing in Oshawa. | Letters of sympathy over the After the dinner, Soroptimists FLLINS-BURNS BRIDAL PARTY LEAVING THE CHURCH Peter Talbot Ellins and his | Mrs, W. J. Burns of Oshawa | man; Mrs. Willlam J. Burns, bride, the former Catherine An- and the late Mr. Burns and the '| matron of honor; Mr. Cornell |qeath of Miss Margaret Hancock and their guests were entertained | grove Burns, are seen with = bridegroom is the son of Mrs. | Hutcheson, Miss Deanna Hud- | ere read from the Toronto and at the home of Mrs, William their attendants on the steps of | M. E. Ellins of Dunstable, Bed- | gin, Belleville; Mr. Ross Smith |North Toronto-North York Clubs, Budchuk, Sandalwood King Street United Church fol fordshire, England, and the late | and Miss Carol Hutcheson = Jowing their recent marriage Mr. Ellins, The attendants are Photo by Grant Collingwood, | The bride is the daughter of | Mr. Desmond Newman, best Toronto in October, The lucky draw was| Lawns of 'Glenwood', Port Hope i" me iis aan was . won by rs. Jonathan Parkin an Scene McNeely-Lawson Wedding i gees sien. me conen- E. O. Stauffer and Mrs, W. H. Steer. {cards at the home of Mrs. Mills | In a garden ceremony at "Glen-| Andrew, and the bridesmaids, " Port Hope, Betty Allene Miss Barbara Hosking and Miss son, daughter of the Rever-/ Ruth McNeely, wore waltz-length | d and Mrs. Arthur T. Lawson, | frocks of mauve and turquoise ame the bride of Dr. Donald chiffon with picture hats of nat- vor McNeely, son of the Rev- ural leghorn. They carried gar- md and Mrs. James Verner den baskets of yellow roses and fied of Woodstock, formerly larkspur, Oshawa. Canon C. H. Boulden, The best man was Mr. Eric pais was the first guid th » ciated assisted by the fathers Booth of Oshawa and the ushers in, ¢ 5t_guice in 8 Thr C P d t El t d im bride and bridegroom were Mr, Arthur D., Lawson, Mr 18th company 10 eas this award) ee 0- resi en S eC e Given in marriage by her Yaughay McNeely, Dr. Douglas jo. by BO Mrs George her, Mr. Andrew M. Lawson, Kavelman and Dr. John Ward . "the THR : bride wore an original French, To receive her guests, the Pearce, capiain of the Ea com To Piyah Chapter, Hadassah wn of chantilly lace with a silk bride's mother wore a gown of pany, 8 . x The closing meeting of Piyahifor the excellent work carried on held during her term of office. | Mrs. Quastel told of her recent During the regular meeting of | J | the 12th Girl Guide company at Jo Aldwinckle Women's Editor Dial RA. 38-3474 Guide House Dale Stonehouse was ENE ee a ---------------------- presented with her 'All-Round' x cord. Mrs. R. E. Wilson, north 8 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tuesday, June 25, 1957 district commissioner, stated that mmerbund, caught a the back champage lace, a hat of lace presentod Ber, with - nosegay of o a large bow. The deep hem petals, matching accessories and ||iautenant an " 1 : Hadassah was heavy silk formed a circular a green orchid corsage. The lieutenant, and Mrs. H. P. Lapp, Chapter of ain over which fell her full- bridegroom's mother was in blue vell secured by a tiaralchiffon with matching hat and ace and pearls, Her flowers accessories and a pale pink or- e white orchids and stephano- chid corsage Dr. and Mrs. McNeely will re- tee, presented her with gifts. Fol- gyening at the Hotel Genosha. lowing refreshments Mrs. we oi Mrs. Quastel of Montreal, who scription of living conditions the guide activities. is director of Education for Ca, fF26_ 3 a Biri Bo ae Out of town guests at the er. across the country, and the im- of Mrs. d . i | Ch a took pla on | Catholic Churc place | Thursday evening, June 20, in the | parish hall. il Neil, ; ) Francis Mahoney, spiritual direc- orated tricycle, bicycle or wagon. | It was decided to have the an- nual picnic at the summer home, Wilfred Ogden on Sun-| , July 7. Members will meet ai the park entrance at 3.30 p.m. Refreshments were served by| the co-hostesses, Mrs. Donald | Cutler and Mrs. Henry Glecoff.| Lucky cup prize was won by Mrs, | william Haight and the lucky draw prize by Mrs, Cleve Mc- Mann. The next regular meeting will be on the third Tuesday eve-| ning in August. ST. GERTRUDE'S CWL The closing meeting of CWL of St. Gertrude's Roman particular business setup to cut wasted time and effort in several ways and to improve their customer service. Here are modern Bell communications at work . . . the Mrs. Angus |] The The Reverend ~~ esident, resided. HOUSEHOLD HINT For first aid to rust stains on sss. white materials, rub the juice of a freshly cut lemon on the stain. Next, hold the material over a steaming kettle ; epeating until the stain disap- pears | vo ACS 4 BS At a section of long sales counter, Bill Miller answers an incoming customer call on one of many convenient push-button telephones; Jack Hughes uses Bell Loudspeaker Intercom to check quickly with stock room about an auto part. | | president of the group commit- recently at a dinner and social trip to Israel after the Sinai cam- taffeta with short shirred sleeves i ./and scalloped paign, and gave a realistic de he dof honor's OWRD W She pale pink taffeta, round necklines.| Miss Clancy's ium pink, and Miss Clare med Hadassah, was the speak- | Mayer's, d pink. They wore nadian Hadassah, w. work of all Hadassah chapters Mave jh Ary wieaths of fresh] Clancy-Clough wedding were Mr {David Powell, Bobcaygeon; Mr. {and Mrs. John Harris and Mrs. The maid of honor, Miss Ann side in Toronto. |Mrs, John Day, Castleton; PERSONALS ' $t. Mark's Anglican Chur ch|of Mrs. James Cormack to whom Richard Clough, Cobourg; mior Auxiliary which is under sincere sympathy was extended|and Mrs. Frank Chapman, Col- yp leadership of Mrs. J. N. on the death of her brother. Mrs. borne; Mr. and Mrs. Harold, O'- thian and Miss Christine Hyde Joseph Swindells led in the devo-|Neill, Downsview; Mr, and Mrs. d its first Church parade last tional exercises and asked that| Ambrose Clancy, Mr. reek. The following girls who the members have articles for| Fergus Clancy, Miss Madeline ave passed the necessary re-|the bale at her home before the Clancy, Miss Marion Clancy, Mr. irements were received asiend of June. The district vice- |william Clancy, Mr. James Clan- ae Heather Zinck, Lynda president, Mrs. W. Willis, was cy, Miss Helen Clancy, Miss Jean Mr, Mr, Mr, ot ae, Jacqueline Powell, Sus an present and gave a message on Mr. © Clancy, Mr. \ oweil, Lynda Wilson, Linda Holl. stewardship. "Mrs. "Robert Meek orf us, Doaald Fizferald, Mrs. an, Diane Wolley, Jane Car- led in the study period fo. Jane Mason, Susanne Jane M. E. McGregor expressed the gerald feyer, Susan Mason, Rhonda group's appreciation to the host-| joan ' Payne. Anne Steenburgh, Eliza- ess h Beamish, Linda Hamilton, {arlene Wilson, Dianne Fulling te Mr. D. McCrea, Miss Fitzgerald, Miss Patricia McDougall, Mr, Bernard Clancy, Miss Mae Reid, Mr. Vincent Fitz- The members of Victory Lodge, gerald, Mr. and Mrs. Michael LOBA NO. 583, held a social eve- Clancy, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ning recently in the Coronation Clancy, all of Peterborough; Mr Orange Temple. Guests were and Mrs. Stephen Clancy, Mimi- present from Tyrone, Whitby and |co: Mr. and Mrs, Jack Geer, Port H The WA of St. Mark's Anglican held its last meeting of urch 9 season last Thursday evening Glazier as A each was presented with a cor- would be giving the equivalent of Cross : sage. ed as treasurer. She will assume the duties of Mrs ler who Mrs. Mrs. Jack Fitzgerald, Miss Jean Fitz- od Norma A .Clough, Ray Clancy Wed In Double-Ring Ceremony The chapter this year is experi- mensity of the task that still Jies/ white chrysanthemums and pink| menting with a new form of eX- ahead in settling refugees from rosebuds and carried nosegays of) y & ecutive, and three new co-presi- many parts of Europe, Asia and pin | Sydney Speck, Toronto; Mr. and gents were installed in place of Africa in Israel, the usual one. Mrs. Quastel, as- sisted by Mrs. Peter Levine, in- ith k carnations and white chrys-| anthemums. were presented] Mr, Vincent Fitzgerald small plastic bottles Peterborough was best mar no alled Mrs. Jack Appleby, Mrs.'known as "Hadassah's Life- Ushering were Mr. Charles Hill orris Segal and Mrs. Edward savers" They were told that by and Mr. Morris Champa. I i . co-presidents, and filling them with dimes, they| The reception was held in Holy| Bob Kennedy answers Intercom -- : parish hall where the discusses details of stock item with a pint of blood to Mogen David pride's aunt, Mrs. Lorne O'Neill front | install- Adom in Israel |recelved wearing a sheath dress| !ront counter, Mrs. David Engel of Toronto, of powder blue with white acces-| Albert Sand- one of the original founders of sories and a corsage of red carna- is moving to Toronto. the chapter in Oshawa, was pres- tions and white chrysanthemums. Robert Werner, the chap- ent at the dinner ; Mrs. Fergus Clancy, of Peter-| r's past president, was present- A vote of thanks was given to borough, aunt of the bridegr om, | with a gift by Mrs. Louis Mrs, David Crotin, 'who convened who assisted chose navy blue with, yman, Mrs. Hyman thanked herithis successful affair pink accessories and corsage of| = - ---- pink carnations. : For the honeymoon trip to Telephone our nearest Business Office now, northern Ontario the bride travel-| led in a dress of blue polished cotton with white accessories and a corsage of white chrysanthe- Ed mums and pink carnations. Mr.| \(g; s, and Mrs. Clancy will live in Oak. --~CAM The members Mrs. Audrey Campbell (seated) and Miss Joanne Davidson check stock records and pass information RE. Gacey. Finer. Waa to front sales counter by Intercom, ell for advice on how YOUR company can ey with modern communications? No equip- i, maintain or replace when it's Bell, THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA at a pot luck supper held in the Church hall, Mrs. Walter Meens, president, announced that the reg anlar meetings would be resumed fn September lay School and congrega- Mark's Angli- Queen Mary lodges. Se ver al perry; Miss Barbara Clough, Mr.! Holy Cross Roman Catholic lily pointed sleeves. A sequins held her finger tip white pray- sweetheart lowed by a penny sale. All offi-| Janet McClure, Scarborough cers and members were asked to be present at the meeting on June 26 as the Scarlet will be exemplified a wedding last Saturday morn- and ! ing, when Norma Ann Clough, veil jd she Sarria 8 pion Married to Bamonion, Alerts Higa' ol Ne Willam Ciotgh er, book WIP 25 3 . shaw. n Mrs. Oshawa, for eight years Mr. 2d Solid I A ited in JusTriage Th mall of hose as Miss s, John Ryrk: lebr i y ed Clancy of Maryann Mayer of Oshawa a day, June 29, at Geneva The Westmount group of the their silver anniversary at a fam- with Raymond a Cam the bridesmaids were Miss Made- All those who intend to be - Woman's Guild of St. Georgé's'ily dinner at their home, on Clar cl of Peterborough line Clancy of Peterborough, and ent are asked to be at the church Anglican Church held its final|sireet, Oshawa, on Sunday, June = awcY 9 in Coffey Miss Clare Mayer of Oshawa. at one O'clock and cars will 'eave meeting of the season at a picnic!23, Showers of greeting cards, an Reverend Philip O'€Y Their ballerina leggth gowns were for the park at 1.30. Games and at the country home of Mr. and electric washer and dryer, gifts of performed the double ring cere- styled on identical lines of white races are planned Mrs. H. Clifford Mills at Clare-/silver and crystal, two table mony and said the nuptial mass, embroidered organdy over pink M nd Mrs mont. A short business meeting lamps, a religious picture, an ice Mrs. David Dineen hg Mr = - : % y i aa ; iat was held with Mrs. W. J. Dunn cooler and a gift of money were/the organ an 20c0mpan ave | oo ne a i presiding. Mrs. Fred Mothersill received by the bridal couple of a David, Dineen, ¥ ® 53 Ra "0 Bh Colina street. While 8Ave the secretary and treasurer quarter of a century ago. The Maria', 'On This Day | herc on their honeymoon, they FePOLS It was announced that couple have two daughters, Mrs Sacred Heart, O Love Divine. S H U LT O N tis A the Guild meeting would be held Michael Elizuk (Victoria) and Given in marriage by her father are visiting Niagara Falls and JESERT FioWeR 4 on September 10, the fall luncheon Pauline, also two grandchildren. the bride wore a floor length other points of interest Mrs TOILET WATER Duncan Downie Alberta, are Mrs. HA W Mr 1 th' ion September 24 and the regular Mr. and Mrs. Tyrkalo are both gown of gardenia white Chantilly dh Hogarih § niece, group meeting on September 20. members of St. George's Greek lace and faille taffeta fashioned o habia) on Bary It was decided to hold a night of Catholic Church, Oshawa with a stand up collar and long of 4 ario, now - a ih : schubibibl fi a: ys Bria Bondoc. of Manyberries, Al > 3 At the closing meeting of th season of the WMS of Knox Pres byterian Church last Tuesday afternoon the members were guests of Mrs, D. M. Polson. The first vice-president, Mrs. Leonard Beecroft, presided in the absence Frigidaire's Automatic Ice Cube Maker provides up to 200 Ibs. of sparkling, clear, solid ice cubes or cubelets for as little as 26¢ a day. Call us now. Get the facts on this money saving machine. You cantgo 2 ALL-OUT £30 you feel fl iNT CALLIN ON Air These days most people work under Conditioni onditioning pressure, worry more, sleep less. This strain on body and brain makes physical fitness easier to lose--harder to regain, Today's tense living, lowered resistance, A Product of General Motors Sold and Installed by: A lasting fragrance that blends the modern and urbane with the mystery and magnetism of the eternal desert. The bottle is of carved glass contained in an elegant gold carton. - =e gidare x» Commercial Refrigeration HOME APPLIANCES overwork, worry--any of these may affect normal kidney action. When kidneys get out of order, excess acids and wastes remain in the system. Then backache, disturbed rest, that "tired-out" heavy- headed feeling often follow. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's Rikiolate the kidneys to normal action you feel better -- sleep better -- work . Ask for Dodd's Kidney Pills at oounten, ~~ a (OSHAWA) LIMITED Phone RA 5-5332 28 King St. E RA 3.4621 90 Simcoe St. South CODntour ville on their return games of bingo were played fol- and Mrs. Leslie Clough and Miss op 1 Oshawa, was the scene of Crown of Jace SNE WE dal -- i FOR LASTING FRESHNESS BANDEAU From TE LONGLINE From $250 PADDED from 33% DOMINION CORSET. CO, bg " \ ELLY --canroa's MOST porvian/unain LTD, il LE 2 Da a