_nmmenms THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE ... Jetatom an occasional shower. Winds light, All Other Calls ...... RA 3-3474 Combining The Oshawa Times and Whitby Gazette and Chronicle VoL. 86--NO. 149 : pAuthotized Ay Second Class Mell OSHAWA-WHITBY, TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 1957 © a Cems bor Copy TWENTY PAGES GEORGE DREW IS NAMED AS HIGH COMMISSIONER | 'Diefenbaker Makes Plane Crash [© | Victims Are Post Appointment 'Improved' n Press Staff Writer LONDON (CP)--Canada's Prime Minister Diefenbaker announced Conditions of two young men - who crashed in their rented On- .~ at a press conference today that Gouige Drew, Sormer leader of tario County Flying Club air-| v {the Progressive Conservative party plane yesterday at Keene, are re- has been appointed Canadian high ported slightly improved today. i i y commissioner in London, A spokesman at Peterborough h The appointment is effective St. Joseph's Hospital said they (Aug. 1. The post has been vacant spent a good night and rested since last May 8, when the former well, The men, 25-year-old Alan high commissioner, Norman Rob- {Mather of Keene and 21-year-old : ertson, left to become Canadian (Wayne Collins, Peterborough RR # ambassador in Washington, 17, left Oshawa at 11.15 Yesterday, S. D. Plerce, deputy high eom- Mather was piloting the single- Imissioner has been acting 'high engined Aeronca when it took off. FL A) lax n | The pilot was most seriously in- commissioner in. the interval, jured when the plane plunged into the ground within village limits. {He is reported suffering a frac- {tured back, collar bone and un- |determined injuries. His passen- ger and friend, Wayne Collins, had face lacerations and suffered] | shock. Alan Mather is a member of the Ontapio County Flying Club | CASUAL DISCLOSURE Diefenbaker, here for the con- § ference of Commonwealth prime ministers, made the announcement jalmost casually at a morning meeting with newspaper men in {his seventh-floor suite at the Hotel (Dorchester, The news took the re- porters by surprise, though as GEORGE DREW , . shawe is fli Diefenbaker jokingly said there ' [iranian with the tub and Ta has been some recent "authentic|on his return from his recent hols DIEFENBAKER ARRIVES IN LONDON ira nin; an experienced pilot. Of- Sonontire™ ny Canada shout the|day in Europe," , i ini he arrived at his hotel in | said he would press for the ex. (ficials at the club say Mather had Po y of Drew's appointment. There was a touch of irony in Canada's wow prime minister, Pe Baca oe England for the f de ithin th considerable flying time logged. | Drew, 8, and from Guelph, Ont, Diefenbaker's eholce J Drew, tor y baker, right, . 4 a sic | pansion o trade within the | The Aeronca plane was in top was premier of Ontario before he!the extremely port pos J a : pilin | gn i | commonwealth {mechanical condition and is| #* took over as national leader of the|London. In 1048, Drew defeated a. L s . {usually regarded as the better of Progressive Conservative party. |Diefenbaker for the party leader- tall Aeronca type aircraft owned He resigned that post a year ago/ship. by OCFC. Provincial police said {because of bad health, and was| Drew is well known in London omim nwea t on erence Jestenday ne Dane Semel. : {succeeded by Diefenbaker, who/and will be a popular figure here, ished when it hit the ground. ' i ' 3 : |became prime minister after the| His name had been mentioned | Witnesses at the scene of Hie ! . J party's upset victory in the June in connection with the vacant dip. crash said the Mather plane col- [10 election. |lomatie appointmen on Has Busy Week Scheduled ari ONLY TAIL REMAINS EE vrata re ar i ates wires before coming to rest on 10 election swept the Conservas : 3 ithat Drew now has fully recov- . . the ground. , The largest part of the | whick killed 14 people, was the | picture. Four persons escaped |eped. tives into power. It was generally By ALAN HARVEY ternoon meetings from Monday|committed to a full list of social ----M98 ------ Pacific Western Airlines plane, | tail assembly, shown in above | with only slight injuries. Drew, who took over as leader|felt that his appointment would be Canadian Press Staff Writer through Friday. JPumetions. tster Dictonbaker of) . ara = -- TT of the party in 1043, became il Sonditional Spon 2 Conservative ant Hi] 02 Al Lg 10 FLAGS TO F LY | cana log seg rs U AW Officer ra Year and resigned the Diefenbaker wasasked whether the British Commonwealth of Na-| In an action believed unprece- the Commonwealth Correspond- | HEALTH RESTORED he had taken into consideration tions, is. in the midst of possibly dented in the long annals of Com- ents Association at a luncheon | - the fact that Drew is not a career its busiest week since the term monwealth conferences, the meet- meeting Friday and will be prin- | Asked today about Drew' - | diplomat, 3 sical fitness, Diefenbaker Rd 'All the considerations have - "commonwealth" first used ings of prime ministers will re- cipal speaker at a Dominion Day | H is d some cal Pig the Earl ce ve special recognition. The dinner given by the Canada Club. 1 u es of Rosebery, Queen has given permission for | " ' : "His health is completely re-|been-weighed," he said. "The cons From PM's Residence |=iuisinsraiidins o the construction of flag poles on HEAR GHANA PREMIER «i Ama . - 5. {have I seen him looking so fit as 'tion. Item: esentatives of Downin Bireet, and flags of the Another visiting premier, ' : d ; { uponwe - re gi 10. « ries will flutter in the Ew. Ncuranh of romana, a nses | OTTAWA (CP)--The St. Laur-)vate organization which provided (It is completely furnished and all | 4 . : 8 "The formal me are held in pleaded for a breathing space for| 1 je moved out of 24 Sussex Siotuoway, in gu} urhal Rook: Speraling expenses are paid by the | " ) 1 4 € | PORT ELGIN (CP)--Ah officer Street during the weekend, cliffe, as an cial residence for eral treasury. ( 'ou 1 Ma i as ¥* men fro treet: Bo ita er Et only hice of jlie United Aliomobile Workers| ; [12 oD sad Mr. St ition Leader ST. LAURENT SHARED COST | r r 1 pap en irom 3 { {Union says certain county A 4 . | the family of nations are in town|Minister Macmillan, who will pre. | months ago. Beople should set = Hudges acting i Boi arbitrators| Was vacated by Rt. Hon. Louis St. cated he will not take up residence a Yas opened in 1951, the year | for the annual general meeting of Side over the conference for the Pec much too soon, he said. Laurent Sunday night. His wife there. e ° the Commo: i {pocket a $60-a-day "expense'" al-| hoi 6 Mr St pores tm ih Bitt At here nwealth Press Union, first time, Diefenbaker, who arrived Mon- . hi " ./left Friday. | The George Drews are still oc-|choice, Mr. St. Laurent contrib- er mosp which i holding morning and af: All the visiting premiers are day by air from Ottawa, spoke in|, *"ance but still bill the govern-| "x "orci statement has yet|cupying Stornoway, a. i-room uted $5,000 annually towards. the . i Rash |soinewiat Similar vein 2 London! tee 2% a dime. apiece been made by Prime Minister house they have lived in for the expense of operating 24 Sussex airport, saying he was too new in! : * « 3 r ; 1 : : HUNTSVILLE, Ala. (AP)---One nesses, or to allow the defence tr 3 John Eldon, a union interna. Piefenbaker and his wife as to|last seven years. The trustee said during his stay there. [of the United States Army's top access to certain documents, - office to answer some questions tional representative, made the When they will move in, but plans |they are staying there under a| The house is on a high bluff at missile experts faced a general] The 41-year-old Nickerson, face 1Scusses ext {reporters fired at him. accusation in an address Sunday are Boing forward to have the|"suitable" financial arrangement. the edge of the Ottawa with alcourt-martial today in an atmos- (ing 18 charges of espionage, pere ahd Diefenbaker and Nkrumah, re- to the Canadian council of the Sedate greystone building, on four| The Drews bought a house in view of the Gatineau Hills across phere of deep bitterness and dis- [jury and disobedience of orders, garded as two of the most in- 70,000-member body which met acres at the edge of the Ottawa |Toronto after Mr. Drew retired fhe river to the north in Quebec. trust. | could--if convicted on all counts = triguing figures at the conference, here during the weekend, He used River, ready for its new occu- last year because of ill health. Mr. It is just around the corner from Col. John Nickerson, a greying | be imprisoned for 46 years, suffer ove n 1 e as were scheduled Vid lunch together |p "ames ig-the practice Pants when they come back from |Diefenbaker, after becoming Op- | Government House, residence of angry man, told reporters Monday a dishonorable discharge and: be today. constituted" ohe 38 th igaest| "urope in about 10 days. position leader as Mr. Drew's Governor-General Massey. There that since charges were brought| fined $10,000. WASHINGTON (AP) -- The bitterly denouncing what they, Lhe Canadianl prime minister problems curr | Mr. Diefenbaker arrived in Lon. successor, continued living at a|are some 20 rooms and 10 bath- against him 'someone has been| The court-martial of the 1938 nited States is discussing with describe as secret negotiations on "ionday signed fhe book at Buck-|Canadian labo; p don Monday to attend the Com- hotel. rooms in the mansion, trying to put a curtain" around graduate of West Point miiitary endly governments whether they the refugee problem. jugnam, Palace, jd went to Down- -- 4 _/monwealth prime ministers' con The mansion at 24 Sussex was| Stornoway, a three-storey, grey him. academy was brought on by his hould make a new international| American authorities said they ;"% 5 De |{erence opening i eduesyay, Hie plovided, ga cost of Shout S530. stucco mansion, was bought and| Nickerson declined to identify|challenge of the wisdom of De« nove to solve the problem of the interpret the Egyptian denuncia- terview oom whe, e, 15 wi im, : by Parliament as the officia on Arab refugees in the Mid- tions as a propaganda effort to 2 . JA, A renovated in 1950 at cost of " od is o 1 Meantime, a trustee of the pris residence of the prime Soa | at a cost ofthe "someone," but his lawyers fence Secretary Charles E, Wile le East, bolster President Nasser's prestig ™ €r. $75,000 by a group of Canadians disclosed that the army has re-|son's order last November limit- | who voiced no official association|fused to subpoena five high-rank- (ing the army to development and | . * | with any political party. Now ad- ing intelligence officers as wit-'use of a 200-mile-range missile, | 1 Tl Tl i | ministered by a trust company, it y |is available to the official Opposi- |tion leader rent-free, 'From Arab World 5a se: = U.S. Uses Disarmament pay taxes of about $1,200 a year | : ; " wiih 5 |on it, DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) -- The held in Cairo charged with plot-| "Mr. St. Laurent returned to his Talks As Screen -p Grom ko {Egypt-Syria axis swung still fur-|ting president Nasser's death, The ther from the rest of the Arab Quebec City home after leaving | small, comfq floor study. The exploratory talks developed 2 champion of the Arab refugee or Stucy from Vice-President Rich- 2Use: rl; d Rinons urgent recommenda- FOLLOW 1955 OUTLINE PM Ha u h fons that redoubled efforts be| The three main points that would d g ade to, find permanent homes|serve as a framework for any or these victims of the Palestine ! | . permanent settlement, American Oc Fl ht | ar. officials say, remain what State ean 1g | 1 Nixon called for this three Secretary Dulles proposed Aug. 2 : 5 nonths ago after returning from 26, 1955. These are: LONDON (CP)--Canadian dele visit to eight African and Middle, The three main points that would gates had a rough air trip here stern countries. He called the|serve as a framework for any for the conference of Common- world today followin g Saudi|PaPer quoted the accused as say- u Sussex, 3 : | ma -- tii Ea | By ROY ESSOYAN relations committee that Russia light of the Arab refugees the permanent settlement, American| Wealth prime ministers Arabia's threat to break relations |ing Saud was behind the conspir- MOSCOW (AP)--Foreign Minis. faces sure and "absolute" des biggest single roadblock' to officials say, remain what State; The plane carrying Prime Min- with Damascus. |acy. | * ter Gromyk said Monday that the | structi on from the air if she ate liddle East peace. Secretary Dulles proposed Aug. ister Diefenbaker and his col- But observers here believe some| _Alrai Alaam said Saudi authori- njure an United States is using the London | tacks the West, {ONTH-LONG EFFORT 26, 1955. These are: leagues struck an air pocket about |face-saving solution will be found ties had denied any connection disarmament negotiations as a NO QUESTIONS ix 1. Admission by Israel of the half an hour out of Ottawa Sun- {to avert an open break with the with the alleged plot, But the fact sgw screen to continue and intensify a Diplomatic officials reported to- | right of the refugees to return to da. The result was a consider. Saudis, enraged over Syrian press [that they connected Saud with it Is Critical [the arms race. Correspondents were given no By that ambassador Henry Cabot|their homes in former Palestine. able shaking up. WITHDRAWS BILL [attacks on King Saud. |at all pushed Saudi Arabia's in- In the first press conference Chance to question Gromyko, who odge has been quietly discussing and toreceivecom pensation. Robert Bryce, secretary to the| py. Joseph H. Kris (above) |. Saudi Arabia's ambassador to|dignation to the boiling point. | The condition of Wesley Mac, Ry i inist left the seventh-floor conference ee problem with other govern-|ang to receive. compensation cabinet, was knocked out. Several, mactnort ay" hs (Dove), |p ascus warned Syrian Presi. The Saudi bassador in Da- 3 [called by a Soviet foreign minister room in the skyscraper foreign Tni i ecelve. ¢ $ . y Wi \ out. Se Eastport, N.Y., drew rebuke | 8 yrian Presi. | [ambassador In Da- Lean, 38, of Albert street, Osh-|gnoe Nov. 30, 1958 Gromyko de-| ministry i diately afte; d ents at the United Nations for| 2 Recognition by Arab govern- others suffered bruises. Diefen- from several sources for his bill |dent Shukri Kuwatly Sunday that|mascus, Sheik Abdul Aziz ben (awa, who is in Toronto General : ¥| Winistry Immediately after read- sarly a month. Neithew the Arab|ments that the plight of the refu- baker and his wife, securely 500 Drese i of $1500 presented to the par. [the break would come unless Syr-|Zeid, shut down most of his em- Hospital with head injuries re. manded that the U.S. either puting his' statement. untries nor Israel have been gees is not to be employed as a/strapped with safety belts, were a stop to "aggressive and incendi.| Gromyko dismissed the U.S. : 4 . 5 ian papers stopped the smear cam- bassy and took his family to Beirut!ceived in a struggle with another " its + politi A : hia ought into the talks thus far. |political weapon, disregarding the unhurt. | Sis Seven year-old Benny |paign begun when Saud backed Lebanon, [man in an Oshawa poolroom, was|a™ EE oY oa row tical position that its participation in American officials are reported humanitarian aspects. Maj.-Gen. George Pearkes, de-| whose life the doctor helped to |Jordan's King Hussein. | Kuwatly called an emergency stated today to be "still critical", ® Xa ay intentions [NATO and other military alli» have some new ideas on the| 3 Large-scale American finan-|fence minister, who was sitting| save at the bottom of a 20-foot | The attacks reached their cli-| cabinet session after the envoy de-| Police said MacLean was struck| it 288T¢ i ances are purely defensive. He ae-year-old problem, but stress cial assistance to help most of the Deside Bryce, suffered bruises. By | well shaft. Dr. Kris withdrew 'max last week when the Damascus |livered his ultimatum. Later For-lon the chin by another player| Gromyko took his text chiefly said these arguments could not be t no new detailed plan as such| refugees find new homes in areas|the time 'the party reached Lon-| his bill when he found that the |paper Alrai Alaam said a former eign Minister Salah Bitar appealed | after 'having a game of pool at(from recent testimony by Gen. reconciled with the 'aggressive yet been drafted. which might be irrigated by new don most of the passengers had| parents had not received many |Egyptian foreign minister and 10|to Syria's press to refrain from [Mike's Place, King street west.|Lauris Norstad, supreme NATO and ge satements of Egyptian newspapers have been!water development projects. forgotten the mishap. | donations from the public. Egyptian army officers were being 'further attacks on King Saud. No charges have been laid, [commander in Europe, in which Norstad and other U.S. leaders, . | | the American general told a closed |and obviously were aimed at "lulls Worker Says Destroyed | ) . | . 1 ecords Of St. Paul Voting Explosion Rips ® Gas pe Mine 1 rvative election worker said|Cameron, who had worked for| pday he destroyed all his rec- Liberal candidate James Rooney, alter a judicial inquiry was and Kenneth A. Lund, a Conser- MURDOCHVILLE, Que. (CP)-- [troubles here. The United Steel. ed inte alleged padding of|vative worker. | A mysterious dynamite explosion | workers of America (CLC) called % lists in Toronto St | shook Gaspe Copper Mines Lim-|1,000 men off their jobs March 11, {ited Monday, forcing the strike- The company has been producing ls Paul's NOT PROPER AFFIDAVIT fford Roberts made the ad-, Lund said no formal oath was troubled company to suspend pro- jon a restricted scale since April duction for a few days. sion to Chief Justice J. C. Mc-/ Put to him when he signed a batch| The explosion ripped through a| r, who is eonducting the in- ©f forms but he had raised his| " La transfer house where ore from the | STRIKERS IN TOWN | underground mine is reloaded to| The explosion occurred as ordered after Conservative hand and declared: "I swear the Hidate Roland Michener, sub. contents are true, so help me God, a conveyor which carries it to the strikers gathered here to pick up smelter, their strike pay cheques and ate ntly elected, said he found!!o the best of my knowledge and {| One unidentified worker was in- tend a union rally. The union ise fictitious names on voters' pelio ? [ured slightly. ._|sued 492 cheques, USWA spokes- ! in his riding. ere is the authority for that bberts admitted signing 70 af- oath?' asked the chief justice. Company manager W. G. Bris Rada cat senden said he had no. details of Man Roger Bedard said. ts on behalf of persons seek- 'You realize the purpose of an| inclusion on voters' lists al- affidavit? So that if it is untrue | the explosion. Damage was light, | The strikers - learned Monday gh he knew only 12 of them|the person taking it can be con-| pnally. He was asked who victed of perjury? You realize so ight the forms to him long as it is in the form, 'to the 3 he spid, but enough to force the that ihe Quebee labor Separtment best of y : rope company to suspend production, [Will mol help settle the dispute. ROYED RECORDS RT vledge: and De: 'y Sonn tke SE Labor Minister Barrette, in reply m not sure," he answered. "I victed? That is not an affidavit, x A 3 | ail h " {to a request for assistance, wrote oyed my records after the that's a sort of statutory declara.! a we | Provincial police launched an secretary - treasurer Emmanuel on." tion." investigation. a {Lelievre that the strike is illegal, fter this inquiry was an- All three witnesses said they had! Lieut. Gerard Timlin, head of as it has been called by an ume ed you destroyed your rec- signed their affidavits in good | the 110-man police detachment as-| certified union, * asked the chief justice.|faith. Roberts said at least two . . signed to this strike-troubled com- | Mr. Barrette noted the company of them?" of his Conservative party canvas- Members of Lebanon Lodge, | ing in the Masonic Temple | of Oshawa, . distriet deputy | Wilson, master of Lebanon | 53 years standing and Rt. Wor. (munity, said cause of the dyna-|last June obtained a writ of pro- es," said Roberts. SErs w ere Queen's counsels and he No 139, AF and AM. paid | Monday night, Among those at | grand master of the Grand | Lodge; Rt, Wor, Bro. H. G. Bro. E, F. Farrow of Oshawa, mite explosion as Not yet Jetows. | Hibition restraining the Quebec lef Justice McRuer described didn't feel it necessary to question . tribute to the present and past : 2 i -- a past district deputy grand [No arrests had n made. abor relations board from actin 'amazing carelessness" the them when they submitted affi- District Deputy Grand Masters | the head tabel were, from left, | Lodge of Canada in the Prov- | Hutcheson of Port Perry, a | master (See story on Page 3). | There was no indication the o_o a union application. for certify er i which affidavits were!davits to him of Ontario District at a gatheis | Rt. Wor. Bro, James Jackson | ince of Ontario; Wor, Bro, T, Ia | district deputy grand master of | 1 Times-Gazette Photo, bplosion was related to labor eation, ad LES TET es