: g » THE DAILY TIMES-GATETTE, Wednesday, June 18, 1957 on my swimming pool yesterday," hd A re poner France Headin " _ py; ; » Sharing his prosperity is his y ; . / / wke, the former Florence Bell of J i oie rantiord, whom he marri in ® 1936, and their two college-age F 1 t Hard To Explain =... = For Coalition ke er eB Os PARIS (Reuters)--After three cialist Christian Pineau as foreign |osophy of life when he was asked By JosEPE MaSWEEN ix jouly 25 Whet he won fame in elec- about the future, pony Canadian Press | tronics by designing a microscope. "Don't let anybody tell you that eC PRINCETON, NJ. (CP)--Dr.|of profound value in medical and anything is impossible," he said. duced Mallet er be ear several other cabinet posts un- James (im) Hillier : Canadian. biological fields. ES SO without Guy Mollet." | changed rn chief o 's "'gee-whiz di- It was in the period 1939-40 when | : x re a ea Wh yh Se ha "Wanna Bet" |un.aie daw, Sete latte, foe, explain what's new in the field of the Banting Institute of the ic e { Bourges VR pmouE A res] eri I jelectronics research. versity of Toronto Medical School it meets the National Assembly lems must soon be tac) may | "What is really new is likely to that he ang his associates built| Los Ww Wednesday. He replaces, as pre. help Bourges Maunoury over ial [De an uation on a blackboard." the first commercial electron mi-| es ager mier Socialist Gu: SM, let Bd hurdle 2 {he said. "If it's reached the gadget croscope in the Western Hemis-| igned May 21 oy De NE 2 re 4 {stage, you can't call it actually] phere, CALGARY (CP)--A newspaper Sg y : ng | | fy nce vote in the National As-| experienced tical : 3 Hillier was lured to the 'U.S. as editorial writer will have to wait gemply. I his "real troubles" will probabl. D A 3] This is the way the 42-year-old | h physicist with RCA Her 4 ths bef h graduate of University of Toronto|?, TeS€arch DAysiClst w another four months before he can poe Manoury said his 14- begin, and the chances of a coali-| explained his work as general shordy Sera ut Seturved Inlvocover from the latest federal ,.. per cabinet would retain So-'tion surviving are feared to anager, of > sah on Radiol in physics. | Putting caution to the wind in traditionally has prided itself on He has since done much work January, Cleo Mowers of the Cal- pioneering projects, jou improving the microscope, a gary Albertan went out on- the - t) t isti ENDLESS SEARCH man-sized instrument of futuristic limb with an election prediction BUY AT |aspect which now is standard | h 1 { Sen ene search." sia Ph onc 108" 5 Standard nt the CP wi not fain l t= Hillier. "It's a matter of working 'Hillier says he knows S0me aiected in Monday's election. R E A S 0 N A B L E bP B I C E 4 i back as well as ahead--back to Canadians resent the departure of" , i 1e added. off Co Buy Dad one of discoveries that were made long| scientists like himself to the U.S., |, And he added, off hand: "Wanna, 4 ago, 3 omelimes as long as I 'but he considers this a short. Pet Sex Se wil that. VIGOR GASOLINE fine new wash a years ago, hi : | In September he will pay off tha : Sighted view. {bet by working a full 'day on the| wear shirts by Toc "Along with the applied re- | : search that bears directly upon OPPORTUNITY KNOCKED farm of Jack Sutherland of Hanna STANDARD HIGH TEST or Arrow and sc future products, RCA Laborator-| "I left strictly because of the|Alta., who took up the challenge. VITALLY IN ies directs a substantial part of opportunity to enlarge my re- |The CCF gained wp dh 8 9/10¢ 9/10¢ mother hours of Irc . iti |its effort to fundamental research search. I'm convince Bt every | ------------ -- mentee | i At a showdown meeting, May: | to find out positively if the two Cashmore, Brooklyn Dodger {=the pursuit of knowledge whose Canadian scientist who comes to| FINDE PYANCEE DEAD ing. or Robert F, Wagner of New | National League teams are go- | President Walter O'Malley May- | ¢ | i i " ' usefulness has not yet become the U.S. contributés as much or he Broke Dogar io | Oro axing in New | or Wagner and Giants Presi. |evident. more to Canada than if he had HOLLYWOOD (AP)--A hospital GAL GAL. ARROWS Iron New York Giants in an attempt ' lyn Borough President John | dent Horace Stoneham, "Then we must 'sell' our ideas remained at home." intern found his fiancee strangled | . . -- eo. |to the rest of the company. | Hillier hasn't got a workshop in with a stocking and nearly nude o | TAX INCLUDED TAX INCLUDED Cheate ! | "That's why they kid us by call- {he Je Bouse jie butt in welt per bed onday, Dr Wallet r ing us the 'gee whiz section'." |do Princeton, but he does like eike, 36, former track star at the Doug Ford To Play ! fone ceientist, a native of Brant- putter about with electrical gad- Universities of Wisconsin and Chi- Fused collar, A real 1 - ford, Ont., where his father, also gets there. cago, entered a rear window at | iron job. In Canadian Open {named James, still resides, was "I just fixed the electric pump Miss Marlorie Hipperson's apart- | ko tena a---- a ise ; EDGE FRANCE i CLAIM RECORD | eg . Near her were garments she ha 78 BOND ST. W, RA 5-1109 $7.50 KITCHENER (CP)--Doug Ford, papi (AP)--Britain Monday MOSCOW (AP) -- The Tass neatly stacked to be packed for a leading money winner among defeated France 3-2 to enter the agency reported Monday that aril 1mes wing heir Welding Leip. The Souple had | TOOKES D United States pro golfers this semi-finals of the European Zone Olympian Maria Itkina broke the| planned to marry next week. Davis Cup tennig tournament, women's world record for the 400- year with more than $27,000, will Pav ' 400-| nd Tied at 2-2 after France won metre run in. a meet at Minsk. | play in the Canadian Open tour- Monday's first singles match, Brit- Tass said Miss Itkina was timed Oo onsel vatives here, it was announcd Monday. When Michael Davies, 20-year-old of 55.2 set by another Russian| HALIFAX (CP) -- The Liberals' gill held his Newfoundland seat in i eSecretary Robby Robinson of Yeishmay, rallied fo conquer Rob. woman, Polina Lazareva, in May. 'old Atlantic citadel lay in ruins|Bonavista-Twillingate, the only At- Sport Shirts i the Royal Canadian Golf Associa-|*'] a 8 ti 1 3 h » 81, oy CAPTURES BIKE RACE Tuesday. Progressive Conserv-'lantic cabinet minister to survive, n the first match France's |atives had taken over, It was the greatest Conservative 7 5 tion said he has been informed Pierre Darmon downed Bob Wil MILAN (AP)--Italy's Gastone The Conservatives hadn't won victory in the Maritimes since . tha Ford, Arnold Palmer, Bill/son 1-6, 6-4, 6-1, 3-6, 7-5. Nencini edged out the great Loui- more than seven seats east of i Casper and Henry Martell all will! Britain will meet Belgium in one son Bobet of France and a pack Quebec since the Bennett land- f be here, of the semi-finals. Italy will play|of favored foreign aces Sunday to slide of 1930, Today they hold 21| ARROW Terelyn Palmer has won $13,469 this Sweden in the other. win the 40th Tour of Italy, world|of the 33 Commons seats in the | a a A " \ year. Casper currently is fourth NAME COACH famous bicycle road race. Atlantic provinces. alC or Ei Fee z 1) Shirts , money winner and Martell is a HAMILTON (C : | The underdog Italian finished They ran roughshod through ; 1 former Canadian PGA winner , HAMILTON (CP)--Bob Garside, the 3.940 kilometre (2,443 mile) longtime Liberal constituencies in -- / Fused collar. Fn from Edmonton. former player with Ottawa Rough|three. week gring 19 seconds ahead Monday's iederal election, They . ERE = % > Ran \ ) use Ju ---------- -- Riders and Hamilton Tiger-Cats ,¢ popet, three-time winner of the took 10 seats in Nova Scotia and remier : 3 wy cuffs, fast drying, © . . in the Big Four Football League, 1our de France, all four in Prince Edward Island. | : / / ironing. Louise Su S Ww is the new head coach of Brant |In 1953 they got only one in each gg. ns ford Tiger-Cat Bees in the inter- CERISOLES WINS | province. ve - 10 9% - ' . mediate division of the Ontario CHANTILLY, France (AP)--| They nibbled away two of New- n ta a --ee-- : $ ry Ladies PGA Title Rugby Football Union, Cerisoles, owned by the Roth-/foundland's seven Liberal seats Z ] myluk, who! sehild stables and ridden by and picked up a big one in New PITTSBURGH (AP) -- Louise 'etired because of business pres- jockey Paul Blanc, Sunday won Brunswick to win half that prov- v ROME AP) = cident Glos Suggs put together an almost un- *'""" ; the Prix de Diane, opening the INC€'s seats. bl ing er ay arte lead believable string of thr th Garside was assistant coach last French society racing season. Cer- SAVED 12 OF 26 y owl ing ring o ees on the soas0n when the team won the isoles was a favorite Liberals saved only 12 of the 26- italy out of the most bewildering, difficult finishing holes Monday Canadian intermediate champion- . a i Ta I i political jungle in its post-war his- to win the Ladies Professional ship. His own playing career end- WAS SOCCER STAR last House. The lone Maritime tory. h h ' Golfers A ti h fonshi on os when he suffered 2 GATESHEAD, Eng. (Reuters)-- | CCFer, veteran campaigner Clarie co onen) sc olen 3 Jere of Intelligent buyers are making Rambler fast The 33-year-old Georgan shot the Dad leg injury. Hughie Galacher, 54, once one of gills, toppled in Cape Breton po)owing the resignation Monday est-growing in sales, because only Rambler last nine holes in 31 strokes, three REAGH AGREEMENT cotland s greatest soccer heroes, South after 17 years. night of 69-year-old Adone Zoli, gives you the room, comfort and performance : . 4 died under the wheels of a train Works Minister Winters bowed ATG ; Yo : A under par, and came from three TORONTO (CP)--C. R. Roberts, Tuesday, 24 hours before he was to Conservative Lloyd R. Crouse Yio Jetused ain Christian UI big solly Cais, with easiest paricing 31d strokes behind to win easily. Her University of Southern California due to face ¢! s - i eens-Lunenburg., Conserva- top economy (coast-to-coast NASCA Thhole total of 285 gave Louise fullback and one of the top U.S. ing his a anges of steal eS Chester Macrae ousted La. Demaerst goverpment formed yy 32 miles per gallon with overdrive). ' emem 4 her first tournament Victory of the college football players 'last sea- Wee Hughie--he was only five- bor Minister Gregg in York-Sun- On 8) days ago, was dependent It's lowest-priced of all; first in trade-in year over a field of 26 women pro- son, has reached a verbal agree- {oot-five--was a headline person bury. on Fascist votes in Parliament. fue, Fo Rambler V 6 ( 1 fessionals. ment to play with Toronto Argo- ality in Scotland in the late 1920s, O. H. Phillips beat out J. Wat-| There has been no indication as value, Fun-test a Rambler V-8 or 6. a Witfi Smith, the leader from the Dats o te 3 Four Soothal) and early 30s as a top star in the son Macnaught, assistant to the 9 ae Fig ast the Tod, but 55- tart of the tournament, finished n, eclor Lew nation's favorite sport. Past the fisheries minister, in the Prince 4 lus . a former 4 second place with 288. Hayman announced Monday night. age fof socceg, he had recently Edward Island riding of Prince. premier Is Mentioned frequently. AT YOUR HUDSON DEALER --AT YOUR NASH DEALER JOHNSTON OSHA Marlene Bauer Hagge, the de- Hayman said Roberts will offi- worked in a chemical factory. John Dickey, defence production § finance minister in govern. " of fending champ, finished in a tie cially sign a contract when he = The charges against him ac- assistant, dropped in Halifax be- ments of the late Alcide de Gas-| Cranfield Motor Sales Wellman Motors Lid. for third at 200 with Beverly reports here at the end of the cused him of ill-treating and ne- fore the Conservative tide. peri, Pella generally is credited | N RD.. NORTH OSHAWA Hangop of Indio, Calif. month. glecting his son, Matthew, Immigration Minister Pickers- With having untangled the Italian 331 PARK RD. SOUTH NONQUO : : yours Just after the war © * "€ RA 3-2284 RA 3-431 e war, J nament at Westmount Golf Club ain, won out in the final match 54 seconds bettering the mark ZN = 5 NR; (No ironing, fost deyir | 8 Simcoe N. RA 5-451 USE YOUR CREDIT SESE NO DOWN PAYMENT [EEE MONTHS TO PAY REMEMBER DAD On FATHER'S DAY "a DRESS DAD rus YOURSELF on 1 ANADIA ENGLISH and C N REBOLAR EXTRA SAVE SHOES 1755 1.00 1695 Shoes for men . . . built for hard, rugged 3 wear , . , for work and play. Here's real top value in shoes . , . in the finest of English " A and Canadian shoes, Uppers of marten leather LJ grain or French calf. Soles and insoles of sturdy solid leather. All Goodyear welts, leather lined throughout. Styles include bluch- 21 50 ers, bolmorals, moccasin vamp, ™ ™ ™ ' brogues and loafers. Sizes range from 6-11, including half sizes in the group. Modern, - two-button, single breasted and link SPCRTS models, tailored from the latest fabrics in solid tones, checks, basket weaves, in blue, brown, grey : and multi-splash shades! Sizes in 34-44, talls in- OAT & == PAIR SAVE REGULAR TROUSER' SLACKS 395 1.00 1895 USE YOUR CREDIT MONTHS TO PAY Future...4-H Club member The two-year-old in his play-pen is fascinated by life was 80 good that the youn, i around him. He longs to pull the tail feathers out of alon with them, pi JON pestle step thei parently every hen on his father's farm. He has no idea at all ri Clubs have done many useful things. T ey how a farmer's son should behave, but he'll find out, have kept the right boys and girls on t e farm Inter, en his brothers initiate him into the local ated young men and women for leadership im- - v, : : proved life in rural communities by introducing bett i Here he'll learn by doing, pledged to use his head, agricultural and home I Ey in Hm vv, Bo he eart, hands and health in the best possible way. ideal of good citizenship in young minds. hi Clubs were started with one simple idea in There are about 75,000 4-H members in Canada mind: to have rural youn people do a worthwhile Many will graduate into farm organizations in which : piece of work at home, voluntarily, and do it better are the progressive young farmers who--b i in PANTS than ever before. Plant a garden plot h : . v using 3 REGULAR paNTS SAVE : garden plot, perhaps, or modern machinery and farm techniques--help to | \ ; raise a calf, make a dress, beautify a room. The idea keep all Canadians well fed. 14.95 1.00 13.95 T A ! L 0 RS MASSEY-HARRIS.FERGUSON LIMITED FR be WER ® Worsted Flannels @ Fine Serges ® Pic 'n Pics ® Tweed: These are new Summer slacks, tailored with all the higher-priced features Double pleats, guaranteed side fast- eners, deep pockets, double stitched seams, tabs on hip pocket In shades of brown, taupe, blue, grey, navy and chdrcoal, Size: nh! 4 USE YOUR CREDIT [ESSENSE NO DOWN PAYMENT SENSES NEN MONTHS TO PAY Avd ol1 sHiNow HIE (NIWAVd NMOd ON TORONTO, CANADA USE YOUR CREDIT SEEN EE NO DOWN PAYMENT IEEE MONTHS TO PAY