TEE DAILY TIMES-GAEZETTE, Tuesday, June 11, 97 18 | inet Would | . : ; it: Won a Ontario Voting Results OTTAWA (CP)--The first Pro-atchewas, has held the post for| gy CPmEnt, 1957, tr oo TCE PCs 13408; tei off CR: (CCF) zon; | SE Eo dr Puloring sre the, rn of Htc Eu to 5 pot 5, Sckni first woman federal cabinet min. OME POSSIBILITIES I ~Johnson (CCF) Pe) Gab, w) yc idet as ister in Canada's history. Possible choices for eabinet|the There appeared lo be lite doubt Jobs: a Sie (PC Anderson (PC) 10,088; A postion is om ) Jats; sley (CCF) 3, here toda: Mrs, Ellen ¥ Finance or trade, top cabinet bra clough of Hamilton West would be Fleming, Middlesex W : PC--Pro-|(L) 7,58; Mclachian Thomas ($C) 9, rea) 81 taken into the administration by. alls -- Hamilton (PC), Syart o SCF) yr Wert Tabulation of Ontario Riding Vote CITY OF OSHAWA | VILLAGE OF PORT PERRY No. 192A-K--United Church Base- ment No 192L-Z--United ment ! |No 193A-L--Municl {No. 193M-Z--Mun! by The Cana- Mackenzie (L) 10,605; Toronto Extermal Affairs--Davie Fulton, 195 Publie Libra: PORT PERRY TOTA| TOWNSHIP OF PICKERING g i No. 139--home of Mol Johnson, RR 3, Clarem " 1 No. o" 0 3 [J Zollotakt (CCF OA K~ Seo Hall Clare No. 14 No. No. No. PE of Howard Mal ecolm, RR 1, ust Hill 142A-L--Whitevale Library, RR 1, Locust Hill 142 M-Z-- SW hitevals Library RR 1, Locust Hi i) | No. | Basement No. 144--Kinsale Unit Basement , 1456--Pickering To Hall, Brougham 3 146--Audley Church, 4th con. and Audley , 147-0ld 2 20 Rd. 'School, ARR 1, Pickering ,148--home of Mrs. Isabel Peak, Pickering Beach , 149--J. S. Chapman's office corner Harwood Avenue and Highway No. 2.. 150A-L--Herbert Moody's Motel north side, Highway 0. N Fairleigh A eis 508 Fi Avenue ... 21 on nN. iy a , a By Federa-! on ative weal John Diefenbaker if he is called At ton; SC-ssociul Credit; Lab Prof wah os ©) 518 / ) #E the A, : - 1 -- upon to form vernment, She/ Kamloops, Ly yu ive; Ind pal Set (138 8 An pp bor minister, ; Prescott ( eal her Jeteran Conserva- on which post went to Mr, ph tho ve members Aa ment are unless (CCF) Defence -- Maj.Gen. G. R.| fisures sre complete | 4 11,173; Palmer 224 Sariand enbaker government, Pearkes, VC, E Ball-Baasieh, "Oniare (85 members) olk--xAnderson (L) 7,627 With more than 50 new Conserv- BC East 15% of 175 | Knowlen (PC) atives in the Commons, there is all, ligan (PC) 5.265; xB 8C) 718, 5 of 100 polly) 22300: Saran (L) 17,988; ) polls ast men members may acquire cab- Anapolis Kings: NS (L) 8,890; Thompson | er 1008 inet portfolios. ent to 5 yn West (167 of 173 polls)-- (PC) 9,981, {38 (8C) 641; Tower (L oe Traditionally, all, or nearly al, Lang (PC) 8 xNixon Ontario--Naylor (CCF) 13,726; "%% xAitken ( least one cabinet minister, b. M Brantford. McCorma (L) 17, 10,786, Thom and Ontario usually supply half 933; McLellan (CCF) S917, Wral. Ottawa East-- Berths (8C)| 'SF ork Nosth ang | +44 8 the eabinet with the others drawn Charlton, Brant Haldimand, ten (PC) 9,863, ; Blackburn (PC) 3 ... (PC) 14,110; na (hry the third largest province, British| Queens, P.E.L (PC) 12,707; Disher (L) 7,882; iw TE Columbia would 1ikely get two or| ve Veterans stfairs--A. 3. Brooks, Mckay (CCF) 2,282, _ Ottawa West (180 Prd i 1,577; xEnfield_(L) 1.28 even three cabinet represen. Royal, N.B, Bruce (45 of 105 polls) Blue (L) raith (1, '16:067: Shaw (PC) 12 "McGee (PC) 41,642; Sigen (COP) iatives, Leon Balcer, Trols-Rivieres, presi. 3%, 1088. [M0 MAY REWARD MARITIMES dent of the national PC. si ci| Carleton (245 of 247 yell of 149 York Be) i Mr. Diefenbaker might run into|tion and a Second World War navy (PC) 27,707; Crawford (CCF) 1.|(8C) 922; McCall (L) 7 West (238 of 243 ollie Bell (L) ons; oh p +4 i Russell" ( (SC) 1,418; might become el health or la- la 1, Toronto G y Ad (133 - ge ol key certain to be included in any Dief- or perhs 10,761; Wikaipeg South Cent es (PC) 5,265; xB. good possibility that some fresh- ) provinces are represented by a ; Will y (CCF FSA, xStarr (PC) 18,386; Vipond pt MT 1,262; Lay, from the other eight provinces, As ies -- Angus er. Brant - Haldimand -- Charlton man (CCF) 614; Richard )| 9 Associate defence minister-- |g BY xRobinson (PC) os Oxford (140 ir oom Gelber (L) 12,061; oar Sefton ( 1644; xNes-| 7 a problem selecting cabinet mem- veteran, Cx Dunlap (L) 14,183; Fallis bit (PC) 19,236, bers from Quebec, During the| Pos ostmaster-general -- William Muskoka (143 of election campaign he indicated Hamilton, Montreal Notre-Dame.| Cochrane (150 158 fe 1 ole) Kien (PC) 9,104; Tay-|5g rmichael (SC) 815; cer Quebec would have as many cab- de-Grace. pillon' (Ina-5C) 062 xHa Ai it, 16,265; Lacasse (CCF) 2,427; Le-| Peel -- €a inet representatives in 3 Conserv-| Public works Howard Green, |xPallett (PC) 17,483; Speck (L) ative government as in the Lib-|Vancouver Quadra, febvre (PC) 3,130, or George eral administration -- five, Eight Hees, Toronto Broadv! Dufferin-Simcoe -- xRowe (PC) 9,383; Whitehouse (CCF) 3,139. Conservatives were elected in Que-| Labor--Michael Starr, Ontarlo. | 1492; Wales (L) 5,783. | "Perth Monteith (PC OTTAWA (CP) -- Hon. Drew, former ssive , 27268 Centre Street . , 28-393 Centre Street . , 20522 Simcoe Street North Oxford Street 31-176 Mill Street ... . 32-179 Hibbert Aveiiue 33-276 Burk Street . 3465 Nassau Street .. sen wee ee sapuzeiSEran as yess enssesis | waver gSezsanayenanazazslesinctizees ) 16,663; bec and of these only two have| Northern affairs--Douglas iiark- Durham -- borg gfe Nefison 8 A. Bi (CCP) | Commons experience. ness, Calgary South, Vivian (PC) 7,306, 1871; xFraser PCy 16,306; | The possibility also arises that| Justice -- Arthur Maloney, new Elgin--Allen (CCF) 1,227; Hind-|Graves (SC) 545; Stuart (L) 8, the Atlantic provinces might re- member for Toronto » Park ale, |, 0 7204; xMeBain (FC) 1h, ost, hi ' . ceive higher cabinet representa. Citizenship and ation--| 6% Whatmore (SC) 1,89 ort Arthur (191 of 219' polls)-- tion than the three under the Lib-/D, R. Michener, ee t. Paul's ag Bi East--R. Eg 2) 10,- | isher (CCF) 11,601; ow (ih) erals in view of their strong sup- (and a former Ontario an min. 500; xMartin (L) 21,536; Meteer 10.046 Vigars (PC) 4 bd Edward - port for Mr, Diefenbaker. Selection of an agriculture min-| Transport -- Thomas M, Bell, ©CF) so (SC) 323 323: | Crandall. (86) 525; Green (L) 5. ,815, . 150M-Z--Herbert Moody's ister might provide a surprise. Be-/Saint John-Albert, N.B. Motel, north side, Highway lcause Mr. Diefenbaker himself is| Other posts to be filled would fun iL) 9.338; Macmilan (ccF)) 713; Milligan (PC) 8 of 101 polls) 2 No. 2 ius of Mrs. A. {from the Prairies, he might pick include mines, secretary of state Te zeEesSa , 37-386 Pin sapiens 8 , 38-113 Grentel AVeDiS | 'e Montrave Avenue ... , 40-532 Cromwell Avenue . . . 41-718 King Street West ..., 242 Bloor Street West . 720 Simcoe Street South; , , 44-29 Grassmerg Avenue CEBU BNBRISURINIRAZUSNSLATT LSA UIZITAOR/2IAARY | VIPOND solicitor 45B--1188 Ritson Road South . 46A--217 Malaga Road ... . , 46B--217 Malaga Road 47-1429 Simcoe Street North 1 Ritson Road North, b 36-52 Division Street ... ..o0 §7--121 Elgin Street East . .. b, 58-140 Riis Street East . .. b. 50-321 Kingsdale Avenue . . 80-355 Mary Street ... ... . 61-116 Connaught Street PE 62-560 Grierson Street d. 70-67 Central Park Biva, N. ag Rogers Street Ree Greet 74-994 King 101-127 Cadillac Avenue 102-149 Guelph Street ... . , mg win Street A 104 arm Road 8. 0, 106-1105 King East fd Tennyson Avenue . 109-743 Margaret Street . "110A--797 Ritson Road South. 0. 110B---797 Ritson Road Bouth 101 k( 74 "7s - EIJI 22228 25S i 28 3 an ~N z23 Sedzsaze jegigseass 7 H 33 18 6 5 7% ] 0 0 2 2 2 e "® 18 3 ® 4 2 8 5 " 15 9 1 a ® v7 Ir] 4 4 7 % »" » 8 Hi 2 3 3 on 2» 2 Tl 28 3 TOWN OF WHITBY . 111--All Saints' Anglican Sun- School, Centre Street N. 0. 112---North End Motors, oe Street N . . 114A--125 Wellington hi 0, 114B--125 Wellin, Hington Street treet feet North o. 115-800 Brock | 116--Pen| School, wig BE Nort 0 300 Pine Street. . " i! ihe 0, ndas Street East 120--The Chambers, reen Street . 123 United Ch Church Sans' Behn. Cove Sredt 8 S ve Pitt eet 125-1108 Rubies devil Pi 0 entre Street 126-St. Ji Buy asusa® 255% TABS S $ " 114 108 Bes sE=22% geean 2zsds 2 8 1724 AJAX IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT . 128A--7 Durham Street.. . 128B--7 Durham Stree! Ne 133-19 Woodhouse Ea 134A---76 Exeter Street..... w Ap-Ringscourt Apts, As Rooseveli Avenue Burcher Street. 134B--76 Exeter Street N 136834 AX TOTAL ZBI » 10 567 1094 VILLAGE or PICKERING No. 137--United Church Hall, Pickering United Church No. 138--Harold Richardson's Store. yt Street and Neo, PICKERING VILLAGE TOTAL.. » 2% Ui 132 8 126 82 » Meadows, corner Valley Farm Rd. and Glen View 2 52-1 yerpool Arms, corner Xo, 3 Highway and Liverpool Hal 1 , 154--Falrport United Church Hall " , 155--Dunbarton United Church Hall rs , 156--8t. Paul's Church Hall, Dunbarton . ph . 157--home of Mrs. Carl Cross, Old Pine Road . 158--home of Mrs. Mitchell, corner Wh Rd. and Con. 1. . 159--F airport Bea munity Hall . 160--Fairport Beach Com- munity Hall . 161---Wm, §. Saunder's store, corner Altona Rd. and Con- cession 2 . 162--home of John Cromie, corner Altona Rd. and Con. cession 1 . 163--East Woodlands Com. munity Hall . 164--home of Mrs. George Toyne, No. 2 H . 165--home of Claude Browne, "Pine Ridge Rd . 166--~home of Mr, E, Talley, ' Pine Ridge Drive White No. ne 102 2760 TOWNSHIP OF EAST WHITBY No. 169A-K--home of Mrs. Allan Wilbur, corner Taunton Road and Harmony Road, house south of Maxwell Heights School . 169L-Z--home of Mrs. Allan Wilbur, corner Taunton Road and Harmony Road, first house south of Maxwell Heights School " 170---home of W. H. Parry, Simcoe St. N., second house north of Empire Brass 113 No. 171--Columbus Town Hall uw No. JZ Raglan Community nn 74 EAST WHITBY TOTAL 446 TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY No. 173---home of Mrs. Mabel McGregor, RR 1, Whitby No. 174--home of Bert Blair, Kingston Rd. W., Osh [No. 175--home of Ross Garrard Rd. N., Osha No, 176--store of John Kapuscin- ski, East side Highway No. 12 " No. 177--Community Hall, rooklin 7" 134 No 179A: K~Brooklin Hotel 195 No. 179L-Z--Brooklin Hotel 90 No. 180 Community Hall, 0 yrtle No.181---Batten's Sh La] TOWNSHIP OF with} TOTAL TOWNSHIP OF REACH . 182---Community Hall, Utica il 8 . 183--8S No, 11, Epsom School 0 ™ . 184--home of Colin Lorimer, RE 8, Uxbridge 0 , 185--Communit ty Hall, Green- n No. 168--Chesterhill Variety Store, Island Rd............., PICKERING TOWNSHIP TOTAL No. 228 3 2 2 85 8 z " 186--home of William Keen, Seagrave hy 187--Brince Albert Publie chool y 189 Township Hall, Man. chester fn2eisuim TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG No. 191--Townshi Hall, ISCUGOG TOTAL Pr I Soup | y " TOWN OF UXBRIDGE No. 196--Municipal Office ... No. 197----Martin's Hotel 3 No, 198--Music Hall .... You 38 No. 199--Music Hall "ne 224 TOWN OF UXBRIDGE. . 9% 16 162 184 569 TOWNSHIP OF UXBRIDGE No. 200--Glasgow School . 4" No. Township Hall, Good. wo aa 202--Carling Alcock's resi. » - dence, Siloam Vesa 14 57 No. 203--Glen Major Schopl..... 6 17 No. 204---Pine Grove School 2 y No. 205A-K- Quaker Hill School No. 205L-Z ~Oua"er Hill School 30 No. 206-- Webb 8 hool . TOWNSHIP OF UXCRIDGE... No. 9 107 {an agriculture minister from On-land = general, |tario. The present minister, RE! |members probably would be con Hon. James G. Gardiner of Bask-'sidered for at least two of ti these. | Papers Give Opinions 'On Dominion Elections By THE CANADIAN PRESS [protest vote, But Mr, Diefenbaker Following are excerpts from captured it in a manner no other | editorials in representative Cana-| Conservative leader has been able |dian newspapers on the Dominion' to do in more than two decades. election: On the reverse side, people Saint "John, N.B, Telegraph-! Lich against the Liberal govern. Journal (Ind.) -- There is little ment st because people were fed |doubt that here in the Maritime up with it, That government had {provinces one main factor was lost touch with the people. It had responsible for the upsurge of become smug, complacent an Conservative strength that cost the | self-satisfied. government many seats and Toronto Globe and Mafl (Ind.):| I brought about the downfall of two While strong enough to bring down| | cabinet ministers. That factor was the St. Laurent government, the {the continued neglect of this re-|Conservative vote does not seem {glon over the years by the fed- to have been strong enough to en- {eral administration, . |able Mr. Diefenbaker to form Montreal Gazette--The results | government himself. It does not of yesterday's voting show what seem; possible that the Conserva- happens to a government when it|tives can form a stable adminis. loses touch with the people, It is| tration even by joining forces with only what ought to happen. lone of the smaller parties; nor It is still too early to predict does it seem possible that the Lib- what the effects of this extraord- erals can do so, ina shange in public opinion will poi Te Ry it most ly will be. it does that Jo have an gen- n Cana Po 7 aR ave ature, profoundly reinvigorating influenc| form a government on their pres- upon the whole spirit of Canadan ent 100-0odd seats, by refusing to democracy. |enter an unstable coalition even Windsor Dally Star (Ind): Ob-| if that would give them a majority viously much of the vote which|in the House, the Conservatives ( went to the Conservatives was a can prepare the way for that vote, "Got No Feelings "its Wonderful fot |news of Defence Minister Cam; | feelings--it's so wonderful! That was the way an unidenti- fied Progressive Conservative wo- man worker summed up the ty's showing as returns pou in- to national Conservative headquar- ters here Monday night. You just had to look around to understand what she meant. The nerve centre was a small back room on the second floor where eleprintéts o The Sana: dian Press tol story--exhilar- t jhe said. "But I think I'm énjoy- ting for the Conservatives, to pu ing this Pore (Han aay Or lo. Early in the night, as the Con. |! servatives ran neck-and-neck with -- DY DANCING" the Liberals, the air was one of restrained jubilation. But as later head from her father during he returns came in, as the party's evening, she laughed and replied: fortunes rose to heights they "Daddy's dancing in the a of hadut attained for 22 years, 80 Carleton." That was the seat he When the first report ot a Con. hid until he resigned it early this servative national lead arrived, a i great cheer went up. When it became clear that the : Conservatives had won more seats OUTCRY SHUSHED than any other party, Arthur But it was shushed quickly in Burns of Moutreal, who handled the main room on the ground the advertising, itiner and a floor. For there, large blackboards [thousand other details of Conser- had been set up bearing $e vative Leader John Diefenbaker's names of candidates in all con-|campaign, said: stituencies. And it was to that| "John Diefenbaker and John room that the sl of the grow- Diefenbaker only is the man who ing Conservative triumph was re-'is responsible. layed over loudspeakers, | "He spoke something like 84 So if you cheered too long, you [times in 40 days. He gave of him- might miss something new. |self to Canada more than any But when word came through other man has ever given because [that Trade Minister Howe had he wanted to return the rights of |been defeated in Port stir, a| Parliament to the Canadian peo- great cheer went up. _ Later, ¢ the ple." ny's defeat in Vancouver Centre produced an even greater cheer, Working quietly but with glow- T-|ing eyes at one of the blackboards was ra Diew, 17 nig Bl - ul daughter of Hon, George who Nesigned the party Be. {last fall because of ill health. She told a reporfer this wasn't her first election as a black: record-keeper, "We're out of it as a family," \ TOWNSHIP OF SCOTT [Ne. il Township Hall, Ash- orth | No. 200 Arthur Sheldreck's resi. | dence, Leaskdale (formerly | Norris Welsh's) ..... . 19 |No. 209--Orange Hall, Udora. 3 {No. 210--Community Hall phyr No. 211 Ro niianity fo rd atten . 212-85 'No. 7, Mount Albert School 1u TOWNSHIP OF SCOTT........... 89 RECAPITULATION 9576 931 567 61 1047 No. Oshawa Total Town of Whitby Total.... Town of Ajax Total Pickering Village Total Pickering Township Total a East Whitby Township Total..... Whitby Township Total... Reach Township Total 8322 Quebec | Essex West--xBrown (L) 14,944; TARorRle (L) 9,362; Fraser (PC) Webster! 18,779. L. Spencer (PC) 11,563; (SC) 915; H. Weeks (CCF) 7,678. | Fort William--(157 of 168 polls) ~Chicorli (CCF) 5,793; xMclvor (L) 8,295; Arthur ~Widnall (PC) 7,800, Glengarry-Prescott (105 of 123 polls) -- po 4-047 (Ind-L) 4,682; JBrugeau (L) 5,844; Prutet (8C) Villeneuve (PC) 7 g Be - Dundas an of 116 | Plea, Clair Casselman (PC) Arthur C, Casselman (L) 4,207; James (SC) 1,058, Grey-Bruce--xHarris (L) 7,489; Wiiler (PC) 10,684, North (133 of 135 polls)-- uch ion (CCF) 108%; P Noble (PC) 10,642; Sargent (L) 6,784, d| {Henry (CCF) 2, Hi P| Eachran | { polls)--Davison (CCF) n (8C) Halton (75 of 155 polls) Best (PC) 12,215; Dick (L) 5,860; amilton East -- (172 o a a- 940; Lanza 1% dos: artini (PC) 10,517, Hamilton South ( 208, polls)--Harrison (SC) 1,653; Ro ence (CCF) 11,560; McDonald (PC) 16,033; xReinke (L) 11,458, Hamilton West -- xFairclou (PC) 16.452, Tae (L) 8,721; Scandlan (C 4,385, i ISR (110 of 168 BE) 3381; Wood (SC) 1,393; xWhite ood (L) 3,505. PC ) as tings 8 South (139 of 160 polls) B- 564; Grills (PC 0! diff olls) -- xBenidickson (L-Lab) |B! ,420; Carter (CCF) 4,172; Gray PC) 6,268, Kent (138 of 141 polls) -- Bru- backer (SC) 1,746; xHuffman i%) 3,621; Jolley (PC) 10,756. rr ALR 18, 779; lad (PC) 12,717; Millard (CCF) Lambton-Kent (50 of 124 polls)--|12 Campbell (PC) 3,174; xMacKenzle (L) 2,27. Lambton West (162 of 165 polls) ~Cunningham (CCF) 1,671; Me- (L) 11,307; XM urphy (PC) 12,705; Routley (8C) 758. Lanark -- xBlair (PC) 11,561; | Burchell (L) 4,359, Leeds (91 of 119 polls)--Fulford (L) 9,888; Shaw (SC) 345; xStan- ton (PC) 10,083. Lincoln (140 of polls) xCavers (L) 8,538; Petrie eto) 2, S78; pretiice (8) 1,203; Smith London--Halpenny (PC) 19,811; 10,564; 26 ; (8C) 4 ges Kgl of a iw sous neh REY TT Phan te (PC) 11,141; McLean (L) 6.019; Somers (L) 4,627, "Kenora-Rainy River (178 of 216 ron (L) 8,721; L De Marea rec ) delay Monday in tabulation of Ter Conger- vative leader, says he is 'very Renfrew South (77 of 99 polls)-- gratified" by the results of Mone [Baskin (PC) 7,286; xMcCann (L) 1 | 'Russel -- xGour (L) 19,877; Jacks (CCF) 1,405; Nixon (PC) 11,879; Parisien (8C) 1 " Simcoe East (116 of le polls)-- Parker wind) 752; xRobinson (L) 882; nard (EC) 12,267; Win- LR CCF) 1,38 | Simcoe North -- "Campbell (L) 6,700; Smith (PC) 11,202, Drew, who Stormont -- Campbell (PC) 10,- party phe ast f Ta th 319; xLavigne (L) 12,199; Rowat!ill health, listened ection (8C) 631 results at his home here by ri and television. He and Mrs. Drew -- Jacobs (CCF) 8,554; R. M. Mitchell Pe) a; xRod- ger Mitchell (L) 1 | Timiskaming 164 oI 167 {Rioters (CCF) 6,801; Rice xShipley (L) 6,708. C) 8, day's election, won by the party although Jority. without an absolute ma- He said in an Interview it was 'a very unusual situation,' "It now is a case of waiting' te see what happens. It now will de- pend on what steps the Frese overnment takes as to what fol- lows." Mr, the to el Europe lls) -- Middle East and cast their ballots in Ottawa East eonstite For the former party HN imamin (111 of 114 polls) ~|wag the first time a Boyce (PC) 4,261; Evans (L) 6, | Martin (CCF) 6,613. Toronto Broadview -- Burn (CCF) 4,076; Doidge (L) 4,524; xHees (PC) 12,781. 10,500; Bruce (L) 8,438; xSmall (PC) 18,116, Toronto Dav. (CCF) 8300; her we Hr over the Conservative helm in fr o| that he had not been actively en- ? | Saed in jeacral tic For 10 before that ad been One Toronto Danforth -- Best (CCF) ari Conservative ls aier, id pre- "It was the quietest rewin | CAmpaign for some time, as far as I am concerned," he commented. Morton (PC) Toron ato Ei -- xFleming (PC) 24,806; Grube (CCF) 2,745 Rolland (L-C Cln) 250; Wilson (L) 'oronto High Park -- xCam- ; Kuel ox (CCF) ) 9,767. | foronio Rosedale -- xHenry (L) 7,090; Jamieson (SC) 305; Me- Ava ay (CCF) 3,074; Walker (PC) go Toronto St. Paul's -- Ford (8C) xMichener (PC) 12,995; Re 92 0 2 e HE Md 6,419; Thompson (C Nori s Spadina--Cureatz (SC) | (Lab-Prog) 680; K f( cc = s xRea oe | hy --- Poin I CoP 4.201; Haldasz (L) 6940; kowski 0,229. Misunderstanding Tt a long sults in suburban Burnaby- arkdsle -- Boland mond, where Social Credit it sandi (Ind-C) 336; Chisholm (CCF) 3.|date Thomas I 4 , XHunter (L) 7,846; Maloney from the Liberals. Irwin, who Teuigned RM, of the British ky legslature sized gle, Tom Goode, the Li last, rwin won the seat peti Com vItteS le aft t ale a the 'Liberal ren Mr. Drysdale was expected hod mand a recount. Oe otrct d deputy returning' 4m; Givens PL) o348; Guralniek| cers were reported Aare cated returns from . Some tabulatd twice, eight poll 1,20 votes were xHodgson (P 140 + MePhali s (SC) 917; Welch (L is Waterloo North {io So 197 polls) [phys YOUNG GENIUS Johann Herbart, German oh who died in 1841, began aids logle at 11 and meta cs at |Seugog Township Total {Port Perry Total Uxbridge Town Total Uxbridge Township Total Scott Township Total GRAND TOTAL. : 758 | | Members of The Times- -Ga- | zette staff tabulates results of | the election race in. Ontario riding as flashes pour in from various polls. Robert Malcolm- ) | figures straight son, chief } Times, Reeps a wary lookout to | make sure the girls keep the as the count | TABULATING ELECTION TALLIES accountant of The iy higher and more heetie, he final standing, naming Michael Starr Progressive Cons servative candidate, as victor, as announced at 12 midnight,