EYEING THE ELECTION RESULTS Four interested citizens keep | Times-Gazette offices .ast night, | which tumbled the Liberal gov- | a intense eye on The Canadian as news of national elections | ernment from power, proved too Press teletype in The Daily rolled off the wire, The election, ' much for many Oshawanians | | | | § 19 Cabinet Ministers Crushed Liberal Celebration Turmed In Wake OTTAWA {CP)-A L Diatued Lib, for onl eral victory celebration at national only Besdquariess Was tured ms 2 mained ) oc dln Diet in pire gy ee SPEAK QUIETLY | TORONTO (CP)--Nine of the 17 baker kept his date Welln pag {gressive Conservatives, ftee had Mr. MacTavish and Mr. Kidd yiberal cabinet mi defend- on gv an Sppointinent; lad John Diefenbaker w Cold cuts, cakes and co pod in Spoke quietly to each other asiing their seats were crushed as les and gontlom 8, with destiny, been laid out on & Jong table each new batch of results Was ihe Progressive Conservatives | gold a Decetiiber in & fhe dining Toum of un ad into Placed on a desk, They watched|proke the Libefals' 22-year win-| petal Diophety to the Bro [Pokey headdunsiers wast year. ®lelevision broadcests and heard|ping streak Monday night. Er mer vaLYe SO vent oh : 8 arcus Pan ir avels *' Meeting personal defeats were: jeader. I Up vuened Atter Prithe Minister St. aur Trade Minister Howe, Finance Now the tall Saskatchewan law- 10 watch the election results flow Shi, had spoken on television from yyinister Harris, Works Minister ver heads a party which Monday I5 Som Se Wires , Com. tthe for home a. a in ro B ig a (i in Ay ore © party. As such, if ton A t t y x y ,» AS thal , , IM Press. Once it was known that the "4 oq" s comment on the elec sociate. Defence Minister Hellyer, custom is followed and if the Lib- Two 2 te a few miles west across election had been lost, the laden d: | tables were stripped. Hoy Tesull, be soll: "but we Revenue Minister McCann, Labor erals are unable to attract enough Duncan K. MacTavish, president haven't seen the end of it yet, of the Liberal Federation, H. We will see." Erskine Kidd, general secretary, 5 A that june the Con ad elected 1 \ 'Diefenbaker Keeps 'Date With Destiny By ALAN DONNELLY (speeches. He seldom had a Canadian Press Staff Writer and spoke mostly OTTAWA (CP) -- John Diefen- st a short time, By 11 p.m. e headquarters staff re- : | r0-| he tea sc Minister Gregg and Veterans Af- fairs Minister Lapointe.' servatives All of them were beaten by {support from outside their party, gagkatchewan River. When John Mr, Diefenbaker will be Canada's wag 14, his father The lection Er wiih will a tool. to jand and a handful of others hed and the Conservatives, with the exception | el the election results come in. Their Liberals 94. ' of Mr. Howe, overcome a 'minority in the Commons--not as | h as he could have wished-- faces showed their dismay after] When reporters left shortly be- CCFer. muc ithe figures started to show Con- fore midnight, two television sets; In Ontario, Mr. Howe wasiut beter than he Lr duation ers, Once, a customer gat e suk servative gains in the Maritimes. were still turned on. But no one beaten in Port Arthur; Mr. Har- |"! | way Station was Frost Praises PC 'Head's Leadership | TORONTO (CP)--Premier Frost The election results show that {voters have an obvious desire to return to the two-pary system of government, he said, but it was unfortunate that the balance of power at Ottawa might result with the two splinter groups, the CCF and Social Credit, He said voters "have endorsed our views on tax matters which we consider vital to this country," and have given emphatic support to the "views we have expressed Federal Voting Results | vi i -- xMaurice Bourget (L)|Casselman (PC) 4,387. i Sollowing ls, the Catisa ian Press| 38 a x ¥ Grey-Bruce--Eric Winkler (PC) Wo hn being approxi-| Lengueull -- xAuguste Vincent 3,195, gain from Lib. mate in many cases, with party (L) 4881, i d' Lotbiniere -- Raymond O'Hur- 3,953, gain from Lib. ; gain thown uniess sed uchange ley (PC) 507, gain from Lib. Halton--C. A, Best (PC) 6,355. ee 1) H East--Quinto Martini NEWFOUNDLAND | Thibault (L) 86. oh Lafontaine FC) 213, gain from Lib. . : - -- 3 egantic -- XxJosep € Hamilton South--Bobby McDon- Zo maviata nate or (L) 6,562. ; Hon, 1d (PC) 4,467, gain from Lib. Burin-Burgeo -- xC. W. Carter! Montmagay - LSet -- xHon. Hamillon West xMirs. Ellen (L) accl, yt _ Fairclough (PC) 6,731. ...Grand Falls-White Bay - Labs. eal Cartin:---zlaon Cres" Hastings-Frontenac -- xGeorge a d . ¥. Asiluime |L) Montreai Dollard -- xGuy Rou- Hastings South Lee E. Grills mber- George's -- |leau (L) 13,936. Batten isso" XH M. "Montreal Hochelaga -- xRay- arones1® Blsion Cardift (PC) St. John's East -- James Mc- mond Eudes (L) 14,038. 3.603 d 'Grath (PC) 839, gain from Lib. | Montreal Jacques-Cartier go) "Kenora-Rainy River -- xWilllam (St. John's West -- William J. Salle--John Pra , M. Benidickson (L.-Lab) 3,152, |" Montreal Lafontaine--xJ. G. Ra- Jiant-XE. Blake Huffman (L) Trinity. did 2,865. . | a Stick: (L) 4,510, I St, spe ion Lionel |, Hingston=--2W, J. Henderson (L) "PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND | Chevrier (L) 5,938. *Lambion-Kent = Ernest Camps Kings--John A. Macdonald (PC)! Montreal Laval -- xLeopold De- |, ir as "0 1 oor Lambton West--xJ. W. Murphy 130. 487, gain from Lib. mers (L) 14, : A Prince--0. H. Phillips (PC) (PC) 1,39, Al 479,! Montreal Maisonneuve hy Rose gain from Lib. Hot an juietit = 3]. P. Deschytelets Lanark -- xWilliam Blair (PC) Queen (two members)--xJ. An- 4/008. ao 7,202. go MacLean (PC) 1,843; Heath Montreal Mercier xMarcel Leeds--xHayden Stanton Mac: Lib, A e | | (PC) quarrie (PC) 1,225, gain from Molatte (L) 17,484 145. ontreal Mount Royal -- xAlan y Lincoln--John Smith (PC) 5,069, |Macnaughton (L) 9,047. gain rom Lib Montreal Notre-Dame-de . Grace Antigonish-Guysborough -- ~xWilliam Hamilton 0) 4, F G. Ernest Halpenny 'Donal ontreal Outremont-St. Jean-- ,019., mem 8 R. Mac 1d (PC) 247, gai sl outred Phim 0 T0 wllaaiesex East - go North and Victoria Montreal Papineau -- xAdrien e ,100. iddlesex West -- William PC) 369, gain from Meunier (L) 19,767, gain| from pono (pC) 1,681, gain trom Lib. Montreal St, Ann--Gerard Loi- gata Pals -- xWilliam L. ouck (L) 1,782, Selle (INL) 3.006, gals hroiu Lib. Nickel Belt -- xJ. Leo Gauthier Colchester-Hants -- Cyril Ken. --XHon. George Marler (L) 3,741. L i Montreal St. Denls -- xAzellus eC umbertand--_fiobert C. Costes Denis (L) 12,11. (PC) 1,887, gain from Lib. Montreal St, Henri--xJ. A. Bon- --Dighy nier (L) 3,480. rge C Junapoys Jhings-- Montreal St. Jacques--xRoland «Halifax (two members)--Robert Beaudry ad aad st McCleave (PC) 3,069, gain from Montre o laawrence ~ Si,[, Lib, Edmund Morri && 3,258, | George--xClaude Richardson (L) hy ,258, gain from Lib. 1,440. NOVA SCOTIA n! xHarry O oul ite ir ( . ul db. C Breton South -- Donald nnis (PC) 3,504, gain from 1,067, Nipissing -- xJohn R. Garland L) 4,39 Norfolk--J. Evans Knowles (PC) 3,134, gain from Lib. Northumberland -- Ben Thomp- son (PC) 1,041, gain from Lib. Ontario--xMichael Starr (PC) ( 660, Ottawa East--xJean T. Richard (L) 11,811 | Ottawa West--xGeorge Mcllraith (L) 5,871, "Montreal Ste. Marie -- xHector Inverness-Richmond -- xAllan J. Dupuis (L) 5,383. MakEachen oe MacEwan Noutroal Verdun--xYves Leduc i (L) 9,439. (PC) 3,046, gain from Lib, 11.592. Nicolet-Yamaska--Paul Comtois gy tron Lib, (PC) 508, gain from Lib. Alken (PC) 3 gain Tron Lim | oh Jburne - Yai jan . Clare-- Pontiac - Temiscaminque-- Peel John P Sain tro Add Toa WE Kirk Ly T= xHugh Proudfoot (L) 737. | --xJohn Palle 100. | . M. Kirk (L) 770. |" Portneuf--xPierre Gauthier (L) | Rerth--xd. Waldo Monteith (PC) 7.61 NEW BRUNSWICK 3,059. * Peterborough -- , Quebec East--xRt. Hon. Louis oug 4 Caiutte xA. Wesley Stuart St. Laurent (L) 17.043. Fraser (PC) 8,255. Port Arthur -- Douglas Fisher Gloucester -- xH. J. Robichaud ot Tirbet South -- ZFTank Power: (ocy) 1552, gain, frour Lib. | | 3 676. | Prince Edward-Lennox -- Clar-| uebec West--Rene Begin Lance Milligan (PC) 3,102. | Renfrew North--xJames M. For-| gle (L) 583, Renfrew South--James W. Bas- kin (PC) 1,171, gain from Lib, Russell--xJ, 0. Gour (L) 7,008. Simcoe East -- P. B. Rynard (PC) 4,385, gain from Lib. Simcoe North -- Heber Smith | (PC) 4,592. | Stormont--xAlbert Lavigne (L)| 956. Sudbury--xRodger Mitchell w| . | Timiskaming -- Arnold Peters (CCF) 183, gain from Lib. Timmins--Murdo Martin (CCF) 2, gain from Lib. | Toronto Broadview -- xGeorge | Hees (PC) 8,257 Toronte Danforth -- xR. Hardy Small (PC) 7,616. Toronto Davenport--M. Douglas | orton (PC) 2,389, gain from Lib. Toronto Eglinton xDonald Fleming (PC) "16,545. Toronto Greenwood -- xJ. M. Macdonnell (PC) 6,332, Toronto High Park--John Ku- herepa (PC) 2,260, gain from Lib, Toronto Parkdale--Arthur Ma- ney (PC) 2211, gain from Lib, xLouis Toronto Rosedale David J. Walker (PC) 5,336, gain from Lib. Toronto St. Paul"s--xD. R. Mich- ener (PC) 6,576. Toronto Spadina -- xCharles E. Rea (C) 880. Toronto Trinity--Stanley Haid- asz (L) 402. Xiegaria~-2C. W. Hodgson (PC) xGordon t -- i Q . nt xHarve Michaud @©) | or, pit ff i w-Northumberland - Miramichi--| Quebec Montmorency -- xWil- Roy McWilliams (L) 1,685. frid LaCroix (L) 11,045, tigouche-Madawaska -- xJ,| Richelleu-Vercheres -- xLucien ®=Van Horne (PC) 1,366. Cardin (L) 13,101, yal---xA. J. Brooks (PC) 2,961. | Richmond-Wolfe -- xE. 0. Gin- o pp gras (L) 2,698. it Jo 5 ¥Thomas M. Rimouski--xGerard Legare (L) toria-Carleton -- xGage W,|4335 1 sMeatgomery (PC) 3,717, Roberva xGeorges Villen- id euve (L) 3,528. estiuriand xHenry Murphy St. Hyacinthe-Ba Theo ot I=¥ork-Sunbury--J. Chester Mac- febe Ricard (PC) 2403, gain from |, REE (PC) 646, gain from Lib. ib. QUEBEC 1 St. Jean-Iberville . Napierville-- ---- xJ. Armand Menard (L) 1,558, gentenil-Deux - Montagnes-- ; Maufite.LaFleche -- XV. Ag ilippe Valois (L) 1,409. Richard 395. : vi ----auce xRaoul Poulin (Ind) 3 Siyusnny.-xlomet Brisson ( "Shefford -- xMarcel Boivin (L) 249, § (L) Stanstead -- xLouls E. Roberge L) 2,269 Temiscouata--xJean - Paul St. Laurent (L) 3,340 Terrebonne -- Raymond Ray- ¢ ond (L) 5,248. Trois-Rivieres s=weauharnois-Salaberry -- xRo- Cauchon (L) 9,710, 8 llechasse-- xOvide Laflamme th 1,397 aabrthier : ere # naventure --- 3. {ga ume-Misslssquol -- : ieres (L) 540. « =@ha i (PC) 620 mbly Rouville Yvon Vaudreuil-Soulanges : leureux (L) 5,218. p re in ~ xIrenee Rochefort Rene Beaudoin (L) 4,59 {HL} 3,653. Villeneuve -- xArmand Dumas Chapleau Noel 'I 1,843. Barbes (L) 1,125. Charlevoix -- xAuguste Maltais WL) 2,704 Chateauguay - Huntingdon - La Prairie xJean Boucher (L) 1,470. Chicoutimi Rosaire Gauthier tL) 1,558, gain from Ind. Compton-Frontenac xJ. A. Brant-Haldimand Blanchette (L) 700, Charlton (PC) 4,855 Dorchester--J. Armand Landry Bruce -- xAndrew E. Robinson Welland--xW L). 100, gain from PC. (PC) 2,157, 2,451 Drummond-Arthabaska -- Sam- | Carleton--Richard A. Bell (PC) uel Boulanger (Ind-L) 969, gain 1352, feom Lib. Cochrane--xJ. A. Habel (L) 8,- herbrooke -- xMaurice Gingues M 6,675. -- Maskinonge - Delan- xJoceph Langlois (L) xBona Arsenault my xJoseph xLeon Balcer Charles ONTARIO Algoma East-xHon. Lester B. Pearson (L) 2,723, Algoma West---xGeorge E. Nixon (L) 1,544, Brantford--Jack Wratten 1,930, gain from Lib. (PC)! Waterloo North--xN. C. Schnei- der (L) 2,370. Waterloo South--William Ander- son (PC) 4,173, gain from Lib. H. McMillan (L) xJohn A. Wellington - Huron xMarvin Howe (PC) 3,567 Wentworth (PC) 9,508 York Centre -Fred Stinson (PC) 5,875, gain from Lib. York East -- xR. H. McGre xFrank Lennard "Gaspe -- Roland English (PC) 135 I8Z gain from Lib. Dufferin-Simcoe ~Gatineau--xRodolphe Leduc (L) |Rowe (PC) 5,709. 35,008. Durham -- Percy Vivian (PC) Hull--xAlexis Caron (L) 3,249. 531, gain from Lib. (PC) 8,121. Hes-de-La-Madeleine -- xCharles Elgin--xJ. A. McBain (PC) 7,429 York-Humber xMiss Marg- Cannon (L) 318 Esesx East--xHon. Paul Martin aret Aitken (PC) 7,457. Joliette - L'Assomption . Mont. (L) 10,946 York North--C. A. Cathers (PC) €alm--xMaurice Breton (L) 9,462. Essex South--Richard Thrasher 3.714, gain from Lib Kamouraska Benoit Chabot (PC) 399, gain from Lib. York-Scarborough Frank C (Ind) 582, gain from Ind-L Essex West-xDon Brown (L) McGee (PC) 19,906, gain from Lib Labelle -- Henri Courtemanche 3,381 York South--William G. Beech (Ine-PC) 7,016, gain from Lib Fort William (PC) 4,333. gain from CCF Tac-St. Jean--xAndre Gauthier 495 York West--xJohn B. Hamilton (L) 3,761 Glengarry-Prescott PC) 13,187 L inte --. Augustin Brassard peuve (PC) 1,302 MANITOBA ro ,tvom Ind J! Grenville xHon. Earl gor xDan Melvor (L) Osie Ville gain from Lib Dundas =~ xA. Clair Brandou-Souris « xWalter Pins. Hardie (L) ( Grey North--Percy Noble (PC) ( Oxford--xWallace Nesbitt (PC) L K. 9, all along." CCF HOLDS people" fact that P aren: . | GOOD SPEAKER zie King acknowledged his stand Those who travelled with the in announcing, in 1044, that a X Acadia n than | urier ris in Grey-Bruce; Dr, McCann ur ot Suskuichevan young John| through Lo ublef Who was pa ssing Renfrew South; and Mr. Hellyer|potenaker would some day be boy and, as Mr, Diefen in Toronto Davenport. Mr. La- jeader of the opposition. 4 put the first ideas in nte was eliminated in Quebec's| And petter than his own outlook head of public service. biniere; Mr. Gregg in York in 1948 when, for the second time, | POLITICS Sunbury, ;; Mr. Winters inp, tried for the Conservative lead-| ALMOST QUIT POLITI Queens-Lunenburg, N.S. | lost to George Drew. Today, Mr. Diefenbaker, ership and los (4 Out west, Mr. Garson lost in In frequent speeches during his will spin out reminiscences if he | Marquette, Man, Mr, Campney whirlwind election campaign this and a listener have some spare | was eliminated in Vancouver year he said he had put aside moments, will also recall how he Centre, then any hones for greater things almost missed entering of Ontario Monday night praised |until Mr. Drew, ailing last Sept- politics altogether, W" John Diefenbaker"s "inspirational | ember, stepped out, at in H...A alr 3 ear leadership" as the "outstanding CAMPAIGNED VIGOROUSLY | [=C08C 0 Bot ce Albert in fed hing of fils Salmpaigh - West Turns | What happened after that is 8 eral elections ¢ of {1926 and 1926, lost e Progressive Conservative litical rags-to-riches story. agein in a 8 an . leader of Ontario's government "The a politician won oa and had spent 1937-39 as A they' towed Th said Mr. Diefolibaler Whey io worked H d D | the Conservative leaders] on the Saskatchewan Conserv vive Jeades an [2 ow! roug e relessly an as given his follow- first ba of, challeng con- during which he suffe Times-Gazette office to get the ers and party workers inspira- an S own vention to "banish in this party defeat in the 1938 provincial elec- latest Hashes Fo Joting across tional Jeadbrship Frehley TOM ja feeling of Qelestion," and Shen tion, Canada--first hand. | campaigned in Ontario for the na- » | took over as head of a 50-member t the Conservatives a {tional Conservative leader. On Liberals |group in the 265-seat Commons, | , AL that poin t nomination meets dale (PC) 11,504, ER Sun ------------ |" While Parliament sat he spent| [nc 3," neRal Sask, for the fed Churchill--Robert Si (PC) | ( . i. { |almost, as much time away from oi" onstituency of Lake Centre. 871, gain from Lib, i | EDMONTON (CP)--The West: \niiawa stumping the country, as Mr. Diefenbaker went down from Dauphin -- xFred 8. Zaplitny El EC | ION T Vian lern Canada electorate turned|jo did in his Commons seat. | Humboldt, where he was conducts (CCF) 3,201, . hands down on the stand-pat cam- "when the election fight began!inc™s court case, to thank those Lisgar--George R. Muir (PC) | » paigning of the Liberals in Mon- i, earnest 6% weeks ago John oho had earlier supported him 3,440, gain from Lib, | HIGHLIGHTS | day's federal election, slashing the| pyofenhaker opened the throttle on provincially, Marquette -- Nicholas Mandzuik S mner party's representation _severely|,ne of the most strenuous personal "1 vera "he was one of four nom PC) 2,540, gain from Lib, { and pushing the Progressive Con-|,,mpaigng undertaken in recent inated. He withdrew and was out Provencher--Warner H, Jorgen- DORVAL, Que. (CP) -- Pro- | servatiyes to the fore in the West. | orit{oal" history. side in his automobile, ready son (PC) 221, gain from Lib, gressive Conservative John Pratt | The CCF and Social Credit part-' with a rolling, somewhat old- leave, when he wag called back, St. Boniface--Louis Deniset (L) of Navy Show fame during the n ur am |les, which will swing the balance fashioned style of oratory, he One of the other three had bees 1,602, Second World War was declared of power in the new minority-gov-| made more than 100 speeches and | ominated, but the winner and the Selkirk -- xWilliam A. Bryce elected in Montreal Jacques-Car-' BOWMANVILLE Dr. R.|ernment Parliament, were given logged more than 20,000 miles in| ther two insisted on withdrawing (CCF) 1,819. tier-Lasalle after he demanded a Percy Vivian, Port Hope Pro- slightly increased strength, crossing the country twice. And; favor of Mr. Diefenbaker, He Springfield--Jake Schulz (CCF) recount of ballots. The first count|gressive-Conservative, was the] The three parties that have sat he bested the former © amplon | accepted and won election to the | 1,582, gain from Lib, J had given the seat to Liberal Ed- winner of Monday's federal! elec- in opposition during the 22-year vote-getter, Prime nis ey Commons the next year in Lake Winnipeg North--xAlistair Stew- gar Leduc, the sitting member. [tion race in Durham riding. reign of the Liberals cut the Lib- St. Laurent, at his own game. conve _ one of the few bright art (CCF) 10,737, Mr, Pratt, 50, mayor of this| Finals results for the riding erals' western numbers to nine pnppw HUGE CROWDS spots for the Conservatives in a Winnipeg North Centre--xStan- Montreal suburb, who made fa- Dr. Vivian 7,388; Joh n from the 27 elected in 1953, He drew big crowds almost landslide Liberal victory. ley Knowles (CCF) 9,399. mous the song You'll Get Used to James, Liberal -- 6,855; Ernest! The Progressive Conservatives, » here he went. No hecklers LIBERALS \ ] eVeryw hi WON FROM Winnipeg' South--Gordon Chown It, eased to a victory with a mar- Dent, CCF 1,930; Kenneth|led for the first time by 61-year: . ccod verbal swords with | He held Lake Centre with in. (PC) 11,429, gin of 220 votes over Mr, Leduc (Toms, Social Credit -- 401. old John Diefenbaker who was! as they did with other leaders. 'creasing majorities in 1945 and Winnipeg South Centre -- xGor- with all 279 polls reporting. He| James was the member of elected in Prince Albert, elected ~ wonday night, as the results be- § In 1952 the riding was don Churchill (PC) 9,759. polled 23,215 votes to 22,995 for parliament for Durham for the 21 members and had a lead In ooo known, Mr. Diefenbaker merged with Moose Jaw and he SASKATCHEWAN Mr. Leduc. CCF candidate Gerard past eight years and his defeat the far-northern constituency of said from Regina that if his Party | iried his luck in the al Assinibola xHazen Argue Labelle trailed with 2,022 votes. 'a¢ the polls yestciday was an-|the Yukon, compared with their|gorme the government he w ied Bence he Liber 'There (CCF) 1,425. MONTREAL (CP) -- The CCF Other surprise reverse for the last-place total of nine members yeep faith with the Canadian turned an. adverse majority of Humboldi-Meltore--¥H. A. Bry- party, which in Quebec calls itself Liberals, although James' vic-|/in 1953. people. ded. 6,658 votes in 1949 into a 3,001- son (CCF) 1,752. the Social Democratic party, en-|!rY in the 1953 race was a close his is a moment of deep vote wib. OF) 1041, ery JONSON tered 23 candidates--19 of them in OE. The defeated member drove!" x. "ew" in 21 elected and, ication rather than elation. Mr. Diefenbaker often (CCF) 1,041. 1 Montreal Island constituencies-- {0 Port Perry to concede the elec- if ; intained its posi-| , At party headquarters here, ,oudly of his ancestry as & Mackenzie -- xA. M. Nicholson ys" ode no gain. None of them tion and to congratulate the win-| one leading, i Pos! Arthur Burns of Montreal who BIUNG bation 'Canadian: His (CCF) 1,738. |threatened winning candidates at ner. He was accompanied by the tion in the West, handled the leader's itinerary and) Bion Eon ent orandfather came Meadow Lake--xJ. H. Harrison anv time Mme, Pierre Casgrain, [Bowmanville Pipe Band which| Social Credit gained Jour seats many other campaign details, de- Jar Europe and his maternal (I) 711, leader of the CCF in Quebec, went Went along to take part in the to a total of 19, all in Alberta and cjared: great-grandfather, a Bannerman. Melville--xRt. Hon. J. G. Gard- gon to personal defeat to Liberal celebration. British Columbia. "John Diefenbaker and John came from Scotland with Lord iner (L) 183, Armand Dumas in the northern) Dr. Vivian had 884 votes more CCF Leader M. J. Coldwell and pjefenbaker only is the man Who colic cottiors to the Red River Moose Mountain--xE. G. McCul- qehec constituency of Villeneuve, than the PC candidate had in the Social Credit Leader Solon Low is responsible. . . , He gave of colony--now Winnipeg. lough (CCF) 502. "1958 race. Dent gained 657 over| were re-elected in their respective himself to Canada more than any "gi 30 en aye "more proudly of Prince Albert--xJohn G. Diefen-| MONTREAL (CP)--All four So- the total polled by the 1953 CCF ridings of Rosetown-Biggar and other man has ever glen becausél yp fact that his first 5 baker (PC) 6,191. cial Credit candidates in Quebec candidate, The Social Credit ran Peace River. vbladiion. states LE wanted to) reli Jel ghd A of | speech advocated esta Qu' Appelle Alvin Hamilton lost their deposits, runni a candidate for the first time and Both aid in poy election ate Parliament |a Canadian citizenship, a (PC) 960, gain from Lib. {winning Liberal candidates in Que- Kenneth Toms won 401 votes. ments they wi i Minister Regina City -- xA. Claude Ellis bec East, Quebec West, Charlevolx| = (Please turn to page five Porting the minority party v3 (CCF) 1,543, {and Hull. One of the Liberal win-| for Durham results.) power So long as fliers Was hot a Rosetown-Biggar--xM. J. Cold- ners vas Prime Minister St.) Laur. -- ime e---- Wide difference In po , leader know the gruelling pace he Citizenship Last od 22d well (CCF) 3,143. ent, ri it ki did te ie h polled - pa ~-- == followed. He kept up his strength when the Fasthern -- xWalter Tucker (1) Sia] Credit candidates each p N t En h with frequent naps on the move over. tkor Hams io aki: wy Y jose ipcs T™ tan 1,000 vates, 0 oug I 1 d Votes PC and with plenty of milk to drink Mr. Diefenbaker ) 3 totn~Yary, . Jones '| WINNIPEG (CP)--Jake Schulz, ' S an he neither smokes nor drinks. al jo. Als a hain om | Maple Creek-- |former chairman of the Interpro- S F ¥ a . cohol. His only, gg wag eek to years ago. In 1958 h Swit Cupren! > ap vincial Farm Union Council apd pace or F F rst Time days. A Baptis! 's e hy former Mrs, Olive E. Palmer, a EV BE Eth former president of the Manitoba or Irs campaign on the Sabbath. he widow. On June 1 her married The Battlefords--xA. M. Camp: piers' Union, was elected in' OTTAWA (CP) -- W. T. Nixon, And 'as a man to whom speech. WICOW, birth to their first bell (CCF) 1,962. Springfield in a CCF upset over Progressive Conservative candi: KNATCHBULL, Ont. (CP) -- A making comes relatively easily, daughter, aye Bb od Tho Yorkton XG. H. Castleden ."'Vireral candidate. Stanley date in Russel constituency, pro- Liberal island in the Progressive po was able to relax between grandchild, a boy named John. (CCF) 1,085. Knowles, CCF whip, was re. tested Monday that insufficient Conservative stronghold of Halton ---- " T Alberta elected in Winnipeg North Centre, SPace was left on the official bal- riding was washed away by vot- . . -- xVictor Quelch (SC) lot for voters to mark an X beside ers Monday for the frist time I nclusive Elections esu ts 4,172, REGINA (CP)--Hazen Argue re- his name, since Confederation. nco Atliabaska : xJoseph Dech tained Assiniboia for the ig in chet Electoral fice Nelson Winner Alexander Beat. 3 gon- . . . L) 337, a hard-fought battle with Ross Castonguay sa elson arle- 'servative, go votes e U kn S 1 Baile River - Camrose--xJ. 'A. Thatcher, former Commons desk- bois Xeturning oificer for Russell eral Bomince Kenneth Dick 78 at Situation n own nce Smith (SC) 5,262. mate turned Liberal, ad been instructed to accept as polling station 167, w f | overn- Bow River -- xC. E. Johnston valid any X marked anywhere in voting Liberal since 1867. Halton OTTAWA (CP)--The incinclu- malority, formed the with over (SC) 328. VANCOUVER (CP)--One of the the space reserved for Mr, Nixon's riding, between Toronto and Ham- sive result of Monday's Slee ons ea are] in, Calgary North--xDouglas Hark- most eager vote-casters in Van-\pame on the ballot. iiton, is traditionally Conserva- has brought a_ situation yskpown of a Ua ike that ess (PC) 11,676. couver South had a cast on her leg} He said the Canada Elections tive. in Canadian politics since 1925 an of a a aither the Progres- Calgary South--Art Smith (PC) |Whed it came to polling time--and| Act makes this provision in cases 5 {1926. sive Conservatives, with the larg- 941. {lost her vote. The woman, an elec- where a candidate's name and | In the general election Oct. 29, est group but no over-all majority, Edmonton East--xAmbrose Hol-|tion worker for Liberal candidate identification fills or almost com- b Oth 1925, Liberals elected 101 mem. est EPOUp MIL NG OLCRR, Cond: owach (SC) 412, |Elmore Philpott, broke her leg pletely fills the space on the Remembers @I |bers, Conservatives 116, Progres- Bc Bog Tonge Biwaonion - SteatienaSydney ig Bin a or pox fo ballot, [sive 24, Labor 3, Indspeudents 3 finity with the CCF and Social | sing. 4 n Thompson (SC) 2.268, gain from | BNE Lb 40K I re But off LANG STANDS 'June 10th Date Membership 18 Je : Credit parties which hold the bal- , | b ! M i ' be nam L00 | VANCOUVER (CP) An ae po i Rr, The, Vatican MINDSOR, (CP Mito Ku, Lene, Mir Marit, Te ei Sn plait, + | VANCOUVER (CP) -- Ap irate post office plans to issue special bic ot ! Jasper-Edson -- xCharles Yulll|yoter stated a sit-down strike at postage stamps for the centenary|io remember the date June 10. | gral government but t esded the/ Name On Poster (SC) 3,350. ione Vancouver polling station in|year of the visions of the Virgin | Monday, as he east his third (help Soe i aT . iv ow ide John H. Blackmo defence of his democrat rights. Mary i" : Tarde 8, ich apcas | pallet In A a Fo defeat in the House Just Coincidence L hall, The man took a perch on a ballot Feb, 11, y was announced tion, the i MacLeod--xE. G. Hansell (SC) pox after being fold by a deputy Monday, The Pope also is ex- pilot recalled a day exactly RL then overnor-genetal, Lord ST. CATHARINES (CP)--An of- 3,407. returning officer that he was not pected to grant special in-|years ago when he and other pi SYNE, CRICK Moighen who formed ficial election poster, outlining in- Medicine Hat--H. A. Olson (SC) on the list. Half an hour later the dulgences for pilgrims visiting the lots of his country's shattered air| temporary government June 28, structions for "voters 'in Lincoln 2,491 official admitted his error. Shrine at Lourdes during the cele-|force defended the French city of | 8 temPOTeeY EREFARICH Sie nr" riding, showed a sample ballot pa- Peace River--xSolon Low (SC) brations. Lyon against the Nazis. % d Par. per. There was a cross aganst 4,007 MONTREAL (CP)--Hon. Louis | shot down three times mediately in the House and Par the fourth name--John Smith "Red Deer--xFred D. Shaw (SC) | Beaudoin Speaker of the Com- . | Re as i 1540 twice returning|llament was dissolved. Hy the official Lincoln election 3,047. ' J mons in the last Parliament, was ho pas 1 have voted Monday inh, uume hy ee i War |[ELECTION RESULTED ba EO Vegreville -- Peter Stefura (SC) | conceded re-election in Vaudreull- og the day fobed S6€'®% he was shot down again, escaped | In the ensuing election, Sept. 14, John Smith, the Progressive Con- 1,967, gain from Lib. Soulaygess Ith 2 beavy majorly) His housekeeper, Mrs. D. Avon, after a year as a prisoner and 1926, the Liberals elected 116 sepvalive candidme., ' \oron : Wetaskiwin--xRay Thomas (SC) t. Marcel Burbon. Said Mr. Pariseau caught a slight came to Canada. members, Conservatives 91, ef elec i ie Ne son 978. ya. Ve opponent, Vareel Hurbons nm Dropping a ballot in a box, said 'United Farmers of Alberta 11, Castonguay sa wa British Columbia nals. "If it were only next door, I'd Mr. Rubickl, is 'a lot easier vote Progressives 13, Liberal Progres- just a concidence and not % eglor (CCF) Sats XPYBAM MONTREAL (CP) -- Luis Stan-igo to the poll," he told Mrs, Avon, for freedom than dropping out of sives 9, Labor 3, Independents 2. could be done about it, The pos RE irmahy-Richmond-- Tom J. Ir |islas 'Pariseau, 100, of Montreal, "but 45 miles is too far." ithe sky.' Mr. King, although lacking a ers were p: he win (SC) 83, gain from Lib. | Cariboo--xBert Leboe (SC) 2,. Ceast-Capilano -- xHon. James Sinclair (L) 4,568. Comox-Alberni -- xThomas Bar- nett (CCF) 1,108. Esquimalt - Saanich -- xG. R. Pearkes (PC) 8,353 Fraser Valley--xA. B. Patterson (SC) 3,865. Kamloops (PC) 3,902. : Kootenay East -- xJames A. Byrne (L) 459. Kootenay West--xH., W, Herridg (CCF) 3,519. Nanaimo (CCF) 2,720. New Westminster -- xGeorge Hahn (SC) 5,307. Okanagan - Boundary -- Frank Christian (SC) 153, gain from CCF. Okanagan - Revelstoke -- xGeorge McLeod (SC) 2,019 Skeena-- Frank Howard 542, gain from Lib Vancouver-Burrard -- John R, Taylor (PC) 6,251, gain from Lib. Vancouver - Centre Douglas Jung (PC) 3,813, gain from Lib, Vancouver East--xHarold Winch! (CCF) 5449 Vancouver-Kingsway -- Alex B. Macdonald (F) 2,192 Varcouver Quadra Green (PC) 15.824 Vancouver South Ernie Broome (PC) 8,379, gain from Lib. ! Victoria A. DeB. McPhillips PC) 7.324, gain from Lib Northwest Territories Mackenzie River--xMervvn A L1sa 4 -- XE. Davie Fulton xColin Cameron (CCF) xHoward THIS IS HOW IT'S GOING aldermen were part of anxious groups which waited for the re- sults of the national election. | Michael Starr, Progressive Con- servative candidate, was re-elec ted ip Ontario riding, Ald. Norman Down (left) gives | on the outcome as election re- , Times-Gazette offices from both fellow Ald. John Dyer bis views | sults start pouring into The | local and national polls. The |