oH PILTS JAWALLERY % © CHINA CALE CYS ny) MECROMANS' AND PED NN IFIIIG ig i & ; hi ; : 74 b "MCCROMANS' § COMPANY | On Sunday the Oshawa He- brew Congregation was host to PROPOSES TO GIVE THIS o! the 6th Regional Conference of Jewish Education, sponsored by the Cenzdian Jewish Congress. Some 70 delegates, rabbly, teachers and lay leaders of the Jewish communities of Ontario "JEWISH COMMUNITY LEADERS ATTEND attended. Caught by the cam- era at the head table during the luncheon are, from left: Dr. M. J. Dymond, Dr, 8. Kaminetsky, of New York City, who was the guest speaker Ogden, the chairman; Sol horn, president of the Osh Ein Hebrew Congregation; D, Granek and Robert Werner, ~Times-Gazette Phot Pang A Co Wis 199 [Emap enkg i J f ag a oar £ FBLDCK OF PROPERTY TO "THE CITY OF OSHAWA (ROR MUNICIPAL PARKING OBITUARIES ¢ MRS. ELIZABETH PERRIN (of Mrs. Duncan Blair and the! "| The death occurred at the To-|late Mr, Blair, | i ronto General Hospital on Sun-| Mrs, Allan leaves two sons, # day, June 9, of Elizabeth Rae-|Edwin and Donald, of Rirgefield| side, widow of Jesse Perrin, inland two grandchildren. | her 87th year. | She also leaves two sisters, ¥ "# A former resident of Lindsay Mrs, T. Steen of Oshawa and AVL i Jland Oshawa, the deceased was Mrs, H. Bassett of Ridgefield, | dil 2 {born in London, England. and her mother, who lives in 4 | She leaves a daughter, Mrs, Oshawa, She was predeceased by! Allan Pritchard {Gweinda) of on a sister, Agnes, awa and three sons, on and | nd Albert of | FUNERAL OF Jlarty of Toronio ami MRS. JACK BROADBENT Lindsay. Also surviving are a sister and _ The funeral service for Mrs. two brothers in San Francisco; 'Jack Broadbent, 264 Buena Visto, 12 grandchildren and 19 great Who died at the Oshawa General grandchildren, |Hospital on Thursday, June 6, The funeral service will be held Was held at the McIntosh Fun- at the Humphrey - Thompson Fu. eral Chapel at 1 p.m. on Satur + FARMIONM YIHIAGE WALLY BIL PRESENTE WACAN o.0 SANET LNT HEATING LV TES TAILORS LOY 4 A rOuE WCE # ps a8 Ai REN... 2 2. TN PRESENTLY VACANT 2 A WEATHER TORONTO (CP)--Officlal fore- | casts issued by the Dominion pub-' lic weather office at 5 am. EDT: Synopsis: Showers preceding a| STUDENTS ATTENDING Osh- awa Missionary College during the past year represent all but one of the provinces of Canada are Jerry Moores, sergeant-at- | to right, Irvella Alexand | arms, Oshawa; Anne Connelly, vice-president, the daughter class treasurer, Ottawa, former- Canadian missionaries to Pa and many foreign countries as | }y of India and England; Bev- | stan; Connle Knutson, treasi illustrated by the officers of | erly Beaton, president, British | er, Quebec; and Ralph Janc * disturbance will be general in| tne" graduating class of 1957, = Columbia; alter Streifling, | class pastor, St, John's, Ne Northern Ontario today, followed | ghown left to right, front row , planist, Toronto, Back row, left | foundland. front is 'expected fo cross Lake Osh awa Missionary Colleg ge Mi IR RL 'Graduates 32 Students [Superior tonight but will leave Carol Snow, Herbert Stic seERAR RY | Southern Ontario in the warm air| all day Tuesday, with the mer- Wayne Vallieres, Joan Vesti | uy rising to 80 for the first time Wendell Willis, Albert Worden this month, BA, Registrar of the college, § sented the graduates to Presid William A. Sowers, BA, MA, 1 conferred the diplomas. A The weekend activities w climaxed with the annual alm h day. The land, one third of an acre, extends from the rear of the hotel to Athol street, The city may use the land only as an addi- tion to the present city-controlled parking areas OPTION TO REPURCHASE If the city decides in the future to digpose of this land, McCro- bans' and Company will have the first opportunity to re-purchase the land. The city will arrange for the closing of the lane running through the Central Hotel huild- ing from King street to the vacant land in the rear. The hotel will be permitted to build on this lane back to the south limit of its building line The city will build a brick stor- ag building containing 875 square feet as close as possible to the rear of the hotel, Storage buildings now on the land will be demolished. The area given to the city is shown on the map on this page. The plan also shows the King street and Simcoe street mer chants who will benefit from the enlarged municipal parking facil ities. ACCESS ROUTES PLANNED The access routes and right-of- ways through this enlarged park- ing area are now developed by the city engineer, The 'egal prob- lems involved in closing the pres ent lanes in back of the hotel are gnder study by City Solicitor Ed. ward G. McNeely. + McCrohans' and Company don- §tes the land as a free gift to the @ity. In return they only ask for elosing of the lane through the Hotel from King street and for permission to build on it, * The two small buildings on the lot, used in the past as livery stables and garages, will be de- olished by the city. The city ill build a small garage-type storage building in exchange. * Removal of the in storage Buildings will open a clear view from the hotel to city hall. INTERESTING HISTORY ! The interesting historical fact that Oshawa received its name in this vicinity, shows the area to one of the oldest in Oshawa. nown in 1842 as Shea's Corners, the present four corner site sho /- «dl a restaurant, known as Mon proved conditions would certainly in the central downtown = shop contribute towards continuity of ping area between the need for employment, for those on her staff and parking facilities actually who had been with her for many available. years. GENEROUS OFFER Eugene M. Henry, son of Mrs.| aA\q walker, on behalf of the Henry, stated that McCrohans' yarfic committee, expressed his and Company deemed adjacent appreciation for the gift parking to dowhtown business lo- "The proposal by McCrohans' cations so important that it de- znq Company, owners of the Cen. awa Dairy's 12th annual *'Dajry- cided to put this land to the tra] Hotel, is indeed a generous/Do" at the Oshawa Airport on| proper use. He stressed that the cer and will aid very materially Saturday evening land was relatively small in rela: in the development of our down. started with a turkey dinner and| tion to overall land being used youn parking problem," he sald./ended with dancing, for parking and needed for park- «The closing of the alleyway plus{ President, M. G. Hart, was | ng in the city. the building plans of the hotel chairman of the dinner and wel FALSE ALARM a Worked jp this proposal will be a decided ass: to the|comed the guests. Mr. Hart| The fire department had one With Ald. Walker, sald Mr.|appearance of this particular sec. briefly outlined the steady pro-|false alarm Friday night. A enry, "in his capacity as chair-jjon of our downtown area." (gress made by the company in [telephone call reported a fire on man of the traffic and transporta- The alderman pointed out that/the past year, |Verdun road. One fire reel in. tion committee, and with Murray|ine entrance to the new lot would) W. O. Hart introduced and wel- | vestigated the report. Johnston as president of the Re- pe constructed on Aiho) street|comed the seven new employes! tail Merchants Association and a right-of-way of from 20 to who have joined the firm during | ROTARY FLOAT OUT | A float publicizing the Oshawa wos Subs LARCH Big 25 feet to the back of the hotel. We lu. y : : s The second lane, ending on Sim- "d. Henderson, president, and! p in gihe city, The alder: coe street would be closed to ve- Mrs. Henry Suddard, secretary. | at Rotary. Park on Monday pi man a doing a great job for the phicular traffic. of the bowling league, presented Tuesday, June 17 and 18, made merous of this city if this 1s a| "menders will be let by the city|the trophies. The following is the |its appearance on the city streets sample of his efforts. I cannot gor demolishing of the bulldings/lineup of winners: Felony unt: The loot: Wap Oa and possibly a small storm sewer| High average was won by the stréets again Saturday and speak too highly of the fine co. operation that has been forth:|wjll have to be bullt under the Grace Suddard with 212; high sin.| will be out again next weekend. small drainage ~~ -------------------------------------------------------------- coming from Ald. Walker and his , committee and from City Solicitor Jot Bo Joe a Edward G. McNeely. CLOSE TWO LANES | MANY LEGAL PROBLEMS A bylaw to close the two lanes! There are many legal problems will possibly be brought before to be settled in 'connection with council, he said and the city soli- the closure of the King street! citor will a proach the court for lane in particular and Mr. Mec- closure of the lanes. The eity ex- Neely is dealing with them In a pects to have the new lot serv-| most capable manner." ices completed by the fall of! Mr. Henry mentioned that the 1957. land was tied in with the future "There were naturally many progress and prosperity of dowr- problems involved in developing town business. The gift was a this matter and our committee sign of a general step-up of ac- has held numerous meetings to tivity on the side of the mer-liron out the difficulties invo'ved. chants and related to the Osh- We received helpful co-operation awa Shopping Centre and 'advice from out city solic He termed the gift an example tor and the engineer's depart ' what other growing Ontario ment. I would like to mention the roe's Tavern on the south west communities should do, The ideal co-operation of Ross Flintoff, the corner, situation in the block would be abutting owner, who aided in the] With the need of a name for fronts of stores on King and Sim- development of the plan. At the| new post office, villagers as-coe streets and just one huge present time the land is being in the tavern to discuss parking area in the rear. None of surveyed and plans drawn cover i neral Chapel, 403 Bayville avenue, day. Toronto, at 11 a.m. on Tuesday, Rev. C. Cross, rector of St. "4 | June 11. George's Anglican Church, con- Interment will be in Eden Ce. ducted the services. Interment | metery, Cambray. | was in, Sows Lawn Cemetery. THIS MAP SHOWS THE | increase the municipal parking | a direct view will be opened | the way of a complete parking EDWIN M. ALLAN | Many | Nora] JSribdtes Sndicated stsst size of the Diese Fil pio | ares. By demolishing of the | from the hotel to the Oshawa | area is the Oshawa Boy Scout | The death occurred at Ridge- was. held, » ol g | " qfield, Conn, on Tuesday, June 4,' e pallbearers were R, Mar & MecCrohans' and Company to | storage sheds in the present lot | City Hall, The only obstacle in | headquarters building yt A et tay WATTS Er ri OE. ! { ing the ares." anid the aide: an. |M. Allan, od |. Sallace, H, 8. Palmer and be . . Walker anticipp 8 e deceased was a d , G, Gift Of Land To Increase = |s;@=kas iss i > A parking spaces, Further plans are| |... o\otired by Barry Hen- ® also being formulated by the Gerson with 339; Bob Feeney ha traffic. committee in an attempt irl y {high triple with 758; high single OWI own ar 1g to attain considerable more parks with handicap was taken by Tom ing facilities In the area. ~The|Neal with 327; Ray Kirby's 822 Downtown municipal parking inthe situation. An Indian trader, the other three blocks around thes lop the: area into pes largest| VOB him high triple with hand! | Oshawa leap-frogged by one-third Farewell of name, opposed a four corners could show an equall ch city - owned parking lots. | CoP: The EGGnogs proved to be wf an acre this week. McCrohans' name suggested by the villagers: favorable situation, he- sala, i [the best team -- captained by| wand Company, owners of the Cen-'Snyderham., He brought several He commented that other inter- APPRECIATION VOICED {Jim Morrison and gupported by | 'tral oHtel, donated land, valued Indians to the meeting and the ests had tried to purchase the Murray P. Johnston, president| Murray Butler, Cecil. Durno,| by City Assessment Commission- name Oshawa, meaning place of lot from the company some time of the Retall Merchants' Associa. Marg, Hart, Bill Hart and Ray W. E. Kerr at $40,000 in the crossing the river, was agreed'ago, such as supermarkets and tion, also expressed his apprecia-| Kirby. rear of the hotel to the city for upon. other establishments, All offers tion for the gift, Both employes and manage arking purposes, The site is his- The tavern was demolished inlhad been turned down by Mc:| "The gift of McCrohans' and ment expressed their regret on Prically known as the area where 1842, In 1857 a restaurant was Crohans' and Company, .. Company to the city ranks asl/learning that Mrs, Henry Suddard Oshawa received its name built on the present site of the We: desire to express our sin one of the most valued contribu- is resigning. Suitable gifts were Negotiations by McCrohans' Central hotel, making the founda- cere appreciation of Ross Flintoff tions to the business life of the presented in appreciation of the and Company, the city counciltions 100 years old today. |of Flintoff's Hardware Ltd, con- community," he sald. "It is/long association of Mrs. Suddard 1p le contrast to this. I traffic committee under Chair: ycoUIRED IN 1900 [cluded Mr, Henry, 'for his co-lrounding out and augmenting an|with the company. {aay will b. Td \e1 ues- an Ald. Albert V. Walker and {operation with the merchants already established parking area i } e a cool and drizzly day o wa Retail Merch As. The land was acquired by the committee that met with him alof which h Bingo followed the dinner and with 50-degree temperatures in the' The 48th t exer s was made up of the es P. Johnston McCrohan family in 1900 andfew days ago. Without his fulll y Would like to express. th in. teitations, This was followed North lcises of the Oshawa Missionary|following schools: 15 high school ne id ere Y oncluded "this Stayed in their possession ever support this project would not be'cere thanks of the d ie, ny y three movies shown by the Regional forecasts valid untll{College culminated Sunday morn: graduates, 2 junior college grad: Pray oi Were of approved the since. Mr. McCrohan died a few possible, merchants and. the alow Oshawa Film Council, Dancing midnight Tuesday: [ing when 32 members of the Class|uates, 2 commercial graduates,' transfer in committee last Mon. Years ago at the age of 93. Mc- WAIVER GIVEN in general. I would also ike to| DrOUBRE He evening to a close, Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Geor-|of 1957 received their diplomas 18 pre-nursing graduates. luncheon at which time the 1 Crohans' and Company is now " ; onl { his inter. mention the co-operation given py| around midnight, (Fond ny, Kirkland Lake, Windsor, [from President Willlam A. Sow-| The officers and s of graduates wen dh headed by his eldest daughter, He gave a walver of L$ 'NEL\Ross Flintoff of Flintoft's Hard. |condon, North Bay, Sudbury: Be: qrs. : {the graduating class were: presi- its membership, Mrs. J. J. Henry. Mrs. Henry, in est in the ie stres t lane to i ware and to the traffic commit.| [coming cloudy tonight. Scattered, The principal address was de dent, Beverley Beaton: vice-presi- company with her three sisters, city that w peru i hi a [tee of city council for their posi. OSHAWA AND {showers and thundershowers Tues- livered by Thomas J. Bradley, dent. Irvella Alexander; secre: Mrs, Graham Chambers and steps aimed at closing ". e Me, tive approach of the whole situs {day evening. More humid Tues: public relations director of the|tary Connie Knutson; treasurer, SNOW IN ALBERTA Misses Margaret and Kathleen and aceppting ihe land from Me- yo, f [ | day. Little change in temperature, [Seventh-day Adventist Church's/ Anne Connelly; class pastor,] EDMONTON (CP)--A cold si McCrohan, owns and directs the Crohans' and Company, cowth I hope that after conclusion of| ISTRICT {Winds light southerly, increasing Branson Hospital slated to open Ralph Japes; sergeant-at-arms, unusual for June brought sr MeCronous ug Co BY Somme wig oe 2 Vin this project the progressive mer-| |to south 15 Tuesday afternoon. in the Toronto area next month.'Jerry Moores; pianist, Walter and frost to widely-separated pe Mrs, Henry stated that she was of e automo i» I on chants whose business places lo. Niagara, Lake Ontarlo, Halibur- He called upon the graduates Streifllng; Arloene Alexander, of Alberta early Sunday as r confident that her father would oe ava ant tie OB of in. cate on this new parking lot will BIRTHDAYS TODAY ton, Toronto, Hamilton. Mostly|to preserve the changeless valuesiClifford Bell, Emily ~Boutcher, and below normal temperatu have been pleased to see his land nize ® 4 hv ® tic and its 5¢¢ fit to beautify the backs of v : |sunny today and Tuesday, becom: |of the Spirit in a world of chaotic Pierre Buch, Patricia Dilamar- continued for a third straight d put to this use in the interest of creased RWDLOWD ia © 19 (he their premises to fulfill the real Congratulations and best wishes ing cloudy Tuesday evening, A change and upheaval. ter, Stuart Embleton, Janet Irwin, Snow fell for about two hours the downtown merchants. After eifect on merchandizing In alm of a modern lot." are extended to Mrs. James All-|little warmer Tuesday and more| «Qur world has been spiritual: Donalda King, ~Patsy Ledrew,|the foothills region of Cowl all, he had been one of them for ouatown arcs. gift of land wil ee antih man, 121 Albert street; Reginald humid. Winds light southerly. |v bankrupt for decades while a.Ruth Longard, Herman Mellish, about 70 miles west of Le MY years, rib: Be ards some balance Fowler. 68 Gibbs street and Mrs. | Timmins - Kapuskasing: Mostly masterful materialism moulded Anita Moores, Elsie McLellan, bridge, It left the ground wi} Mrs. Henry indicated that im. contribute towards Arthur Meredith, 206 Festubert cloudy today and Tsesday, a few men', Pastor Bradley declared. Nina McLellan, Mary Peacock, only briefly. tten street, who are celebrating their | Showers beginning early Tuesday.| He went on to say that this|-------- birthdays today. {Turning colder Tuesday morning. trend of materialism now ap- Winds light southerly becoming pears to be checked by a growing D al Do [CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SUBJECT northerly 15 to 20 Tuesday. {revival of spiritual values, Iy- The ' completeness and perfec- The college, founde years tion of God's creation was empha: | FORECAST TEMPERATURES ago, is one of a chain of 4,980 A sized at Christian Science ser-| LOW tonight and high Tuesday: Seventh-day Adventist operated group of 125 employes, thelr vices on Sunday, June 9. The Gol-| Windsor 60 |schools encircling the globe, with wives and friends attended Osh. Text was from Reveiation dt Thomas 11): "Thou art: worthy, o|London ...., Lord, to receive glory and honor| Wingham . and power: for thou hast created) Toronto all things, and for thy pleasure, Trenton they are and were created." St. Catharines a total enrollment of 249,847. Osh-| 1 Missionary College has a |present high school enrollment of| 103 and a junior college enroll- ment of 37. » The graduating class of Sensational Meat Features Tuesday and Wednesday Only CLUB Ih. 45. STEAKS PORK 25: J 9: LIVER BEEF FRESH FARMER STYLE ¢ KIDNEYS 1 Be sausace 205 EGGS m= 9h Clit wd3e Cre 9 bs. $1 LEAN SHANK "TW BEE OXTAILS & Bills unpaid? Don't aet in a sweat, ANIAGARA loan and you're all set LEAN LOANS Largest Ali-Canadien Loon Company 37 King St. Eost, Alger Bldg. (next tol Biltmore Theatre) Suite 22, Phone RA 5.656" Open until noon on Seturdeys Whatever you're saving for-- better save ot The BANK of NOVA SCOTIA! In Your Container »