(broke the arm, In hospital, he; EXPERIMENT WITH APES be bullt in this West German NEWS BRIEFS {knocked it against the bed post | MUNICH (Reuters) -- An instl- as part of Munich univers i and broke the cast, Now the doc- tute to study human protectfon will be financed partly from West tors have put the arm in a wire against radiation, using anthro- German federal funds and partly 'Football Teams BUSH FIRES DESTROY HOMES This is the ruins of one of 12 | Sudbury. The biggest fire re- | miles houses destroyed by forest fires | ported in the Sudbury area was at Boland's Bay, 21 miles from over 8,000 acres about eight northwest Other fires burned from Sud- | bury to Cochrane [ | U came out victors 0-1 of Sudbury. | BROOKLIN = Officials Elected For South Ontario Women's Institutes assisted by Mrs. Lorne Myrtle, Mrs, A, Cooper sided for N. Alves, Brooklin, Re-'Past MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT Myrtle, Correspondent Parrott, BROOKLIN -- Encouraging re- and Mrs president, Miss Wishard, of Toronto, pre- to be held in July in Springhill officers: Wm. A. election of Mrs ports were presented, and there port of Handicraft Project, lay- Heron, Brooklin; president, Mrs. was a splendid attendance at the ette for child, six months annual meeting of the South On- was given by Miss Wiseman, To- president, tario Women's Institutes held at ronto, who judged the six entries. Locust Hill; ; Congratulations were extended Mrs. K. H. J. Clarke, winning secretary - tion convened at 9.15 am. fol-'firgt prize, Brooklin Branch who Pepper, Ajax; lowed by minutes, financial re- won second prize, and Claremont sentative, Mrs United Church, on Pickering May 30. Registra- 1, Altona Thursday, Branch for port, auditors' report and corre- Branch, the third prize winner, Brooklin: spondence, The president's ad- Honeydale, Shirley and Mrytle Honey, dress was given by Mrs, Lawson Institutes were commended. Mrs Honey and an address o ry John Hamer, Myrtle, brought ' come was Made by Ma Wim. Breetings from the Federation Jaatier 0 LW 2) * of Agriculture Reports were presented by the Pi Wm. A eonveners of standing commit- © ri tees: Agriculture and Canadian Drought Industries, Mrs. C. Gibson, Nes. Vincia tleton; Community Activities and ublic Relations, Mrs, 7 Whoeler, Pickering; Citizenship July 3. ' and Education, Mrs. M. Elliott,' The Women's Institute Holiday Locust Hill; Home FEconomics at OAC , Guelph, would be held pony and - Health, Mrs, F. Carson, July 15 - 19 inclusive Current Claremont; Historical Research Report on Junior Activities was Goudie and Current Events, Mrs, Flet- presented by Miss Ruth Shaver, nr W cher Goudie, Stouffville; Resolu- of Home Economics Dept. tions, Mrs. Wm. A, Heron, Brook. ronto, Mrs, Parker, Hn, ave the vocal selections, "Fat Discussion on above reports Little Fellow with His Mammy's was led by Mrs. F. M. Holliday, Eves' aad '"O What a Beautiful Brooklin. Ratification of Direc- Morning," accompanied at the| tors, conducted by Mrs, Wm. A.'plano by Mrs. T. J. Wheeler, Heron, Miss Wishard of ome Pickering Economics Service, Dept. of Agri- culture, Toronto, detailed bigh- HAT PARADE or lights of Extension Services An In Memoriam service was rs J. alter: Perry. Heron, in place reetings from the Pro. ries, oard, and announced e held at Colombo, Ceylon, on Pickering: Altona ture was the "Parade of Hats" Ontario Women and Girls Delegate Diamond, nate, Mrs. Wm. Moase, Port'by Mrs, Arch Bell on the piano. that the ACWW Conference would Relations," Mrs. b cation, Mrs. Hill; Home Health, Mrs. Edgar Evans, Clare- Historical Events, Stouffville; Wm. H : } To- Federation of Agriculture, Mrs, |8rounds and gravelling the park- Pickering, john Hamer, Mrs. Glen Hill, Port Perry, | This slate of officers cepted and declared officers for coming year itors were old, Lawson Honey, Port Perry; vice- Mrs. Wm. A. Brown, 2nd vice-president, Pickering; treasurer, Mrs. R. Federation repre- F. M. Holliday, alternate, Mrs. L. Port Perry Area Convention, Port Perry; to Standing Committee conveners: R. Birrell who is ill Agriculture and Canadian Indus- ' Mrs. Community Activities and Public| C. Gibson, Nestleton; J. Wheeler, Citizenship and Edu- M. Ellicott, Locust Economics and Research and Mrs, Fletcher Resolutions, Brooklin; | A. Heron, Myrtle; assistant, was ac- Members and vial present from Ajax,| Brougham, Brooklin, Claremont, Whitby, Kinsale, Shir- An Interesting impromptu fea- ley, Pickering, and Honeydale Over one hundred attended this Models were made at a course meeting and were served a hot eonducted by Mrs, Thornton, On Millinery by Ajax Women's|dinner at noon hour, prepared by eee INStitute Pickering ladies. Margaret Truman Is Mother NEW YORK (AP)--Mrs. Clifton | CECH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton Daniel, the former Margaret Tru- WROC-TV Channel! §--Rochester , gave birth to a six-pound eight-ounce boy today, Mother and! WOR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo TELEVISION LOG | CBLT-TV Channel 6-Toronto | | WBEN-TV Channel Bala} { son were reported 'doing fine." "Margaret is very happy," said (RURSDAY EVENING Daniel, "and I'm tired but happy." 3 PH The baby is their first. I Ct Former president Ha Tru- s--Comedy Time man and his wife, Bess, sald they, Fun to Learn too, were "very happy" about 3--Mickey Mouse their grandchild. Margaret, 33, IS ( children's Theatre heir only child. bite ru. Daniel, who is a member of the IL 6--The Lone Ranger gaff of the New York Times, S--My Lite Margie phoned the news to the Trumans. ,y_g.r 11 Ranch -- - -- $--Trouble with Father S--Alfred Hitchcock 5--Tonight 4~Theatre 3-8wing_ Shift FRIDAY R00 AM, 8-Today 4~Captain Kangaroe 2.00 AM, S--Home Cooking &=~Cartoon Capers 3~Rumpus Room 2.30 AM, 8--~Rumpus Room 4--~Marion Roberts 10,00 A.M. 8--Home 4--Gary Moore 2-8tm1| Performance 10.30 AM, ROYAL SCENT [ RS wn PARIS (AP)--France's leading ' 2--Hopalong C perfumers are creating a new 6.15 P.M, scent to be given Queen Eliabeth S=Range Ride! when she visits here next month. |, , \ C0 "snore The perfume is exclusively for the weather British monarch, and will be re. s--Life With Elizabeth created only if she orders another S~-Supsrihin ra bottle. THEATRE GUID! Biltmore -- "Girl He Left Be. hind" 12:30, 3:10, 6:40, 10:10 pm. "Tribute to a Bad Man" in color, 1:25, 4:55, 8:30 p.m Last complete show starts at 8:30 p.m. Brock (Whitby) -- "'Zarack" in CinemaScope Also Added Shorts. Evening shows 7:00 and 9:00 pm. Saturday Matinee 1:3 p.m. Marks -- "Duel at Apache Wells" | 2:05, 4:80, 7:30, 10:25 pm "Scandal Incorporated' 12:45, 3:25, 6:10, 9:00 p.m. Last com- plete show at 8:50 p.m. Regent -- "The Big Land" in Technicolor, shown daily at 2:15, 4:40, 7:00, 9:25 p.m. "Deep Adventure" in color, shown dally at 1:30, 3:55, 6:15, 8:40 aE, Last complete show at :35 pom, News sidy | 3=Files Jeffrey 11,00 AM. 8~Price is Right | $=~Amos 'n Andy | 11.30 AM, | 8=Truth or Consequences 4=~Strike It Rich $~Coffes Break 12.00 NOON 8=~Tie Tac Dough of Jones 6---Tablold S="elebrity 4-Studio 87 2-Kukia Fran | Ollie Playhouse and 1.80 P.M. 11--City = Detective 6-Bob Cummings S8--Dirah Shore 4-8gt. Preston 3--Lone Ranger 2.00 P.M. 4~S8erals 3-08 Beat 1.00 P S--Feature Movie 11, &-Jane Bet 3-Mid-Day Matinee 2.00 P.M 8. You 4~Bob Cummings Cireus 5% P.M. Search for Adven. ture 4--As The World Turns $--Helen Neville 2.30 P.M. 11,6-Movie Matinee S5~Tennessee Ernie 4--Meet the Millers S~House Party | 3.00 P.M. 8--Matinee ~The Big Payolt Film Festival 2% PM. &~Bob Crosby "0 Pp. 2.00 PR. 11=The Visitor 8---~People"s Cholee $-Denny Thomas 30 P.M 11, 8-~Jackie Rae 3--Tennesses Ernie 4--Plavhouse 2-TBA 100 PM. 6---Serenade for . Video Theatre 10.80 P.M. 11Alfred MWitcheock 8-World In Action 3-City Detective nee ra. Show M. 11-Matinee 6-Open House 8,4--8erial Dramas rM, 4.30 11, &-Howdy Doody 4~Fdge of Niaht $=Amos n' Andy FRIDAY EVENING 11, String: S ~Lux ?- Plaza -- "Shadow on the Win. dow" 1:15, 3:47, 6:29, 9:04 pm "The Tall 'T" " In color, 2:25, 4:57, 7:39, 10:14 p.m. Last com plete show at 8 pm 11--Bar Eleven J $-Children's News. 1, 68 4 3-News, reel Sports 1 PM 11=The Late Show 3-Mickey Mouse ALAN VIRGINIA L'ADD-MAYO EDMOND O'BRIEN, PRESINTIO BY . WARNER BROS, Colon SPECIAL FEATURITTR! "DEEP ADVENTURE" PHOTOGRAPHED IN ' WARNERCOLOR a DAILY AT | am P.M. | 11-Bar 11 Ranch 6~Film 815 P.M, 4~Children's Theatre 830 P.M. 11, 6-Roy Rogers 8--My Little Margie | S--Annie Oakley | 4--~Headlines; News 2-Wile Bil) Hickock | 6.15 P.M, é--Range Rider AS P.M, f 11, 3-News: Weather; Sports | 8-Movie Museum I S~Hopalong Cassidy 1.00 P.M. 11--Wateriront 6-~Tablold | 8-Jim Bowie | 4~Sherift of Cochise | 2-Kukla Fran and Ollie 7.30 P.M. 11--Crusader BA 8---~Helen O'Connell 4--Beat the Clock 2-Rin Tin Tin 00 P.M, 11, 6-On Trial S---Blondle 4~West Point Stories Jim Bowle 530 P.M. 11=Ritchie Theatre 6-Club O'Connor | S=Life of Riley | iL 8-Blg 2-Crossroads G~iraphie S8---Joseph Cotten 4---Hollywood Comedy 2-Key Club Playhouse 30 P.M. 6 Country Hoedown Story 4~Playhouse Sports 4--Lineup 8-Date with Angels 10.50 P.M. 4--Person to Person 3-Dr. Hudson + 1.00 P.M. 1L, 6, 8, 4, 2-News, Bports 1.30 PM, ~Wrestling 8--Famous S--Tonight 4~Film Feature 2-General Playhouse Mims The story of Chad Morgan whose courage cut the big land down to his size! « WARNERCOLOR '& NT er I A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE eos 2:15 = 4:40 ~ 7:00 - 9:25 10 PM $-Swing Shift _- TODAY made a good beginning. The Jun- and Kirk, Oshawa, visited J, Rob- STEADY PLAYER cage, Joo ov at" cana senves 600 hours, played a piano in the FORT WILLIAM, Ont. (CP) -- Theatre de la Lyre here for 620 The time is approaching when the hours with only brief rests, functions of many city depart SAFETY MEASURE to private interests, because of ris- | BARNWELL, Alta, (CP)--Terry ing costs, said Ald. J. J. Spooner. Picket, aged five, fell and bent|' 'We will make a saving and pro- have returned home his arm so badly doctors put it | The Seniors played their open- awa. "into a cast. Then he tripped and 14Y2 KING ST. E. ng same on Wednesday night Baby Kathy Ward, town line wit A (Upstairs) Enniskillen with a score of north, spent the day with her, 2-1 for Zion. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wes WITH AN ATMOSPHERE OF FRIENDLINESS -- Recorded soft dinner music for your eating pleesure, Mrs, P. J. Roberts opened her Cameron, while her parents visit "Chingse Food our Specialty" home for an afternoon tea in ed in Hamilton, honor of Mrs. Leask, Myrtle, with Wilfred Franks, Orillia, visited DELICIOUSLY PREPARED TO EAT HERE OR FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS DIAL RA 3-9422 about 30 ladies attending Mrs. at Robert Killen's for a few days, Open 7 a.m. to 1 a.m, -- Fridoy and Saturdey to 2 a.m. Make Good Start MRS, RUSSELL STAINTON |the past month having eye sur- Correspondent gery. Zion football teams have both 'Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fisher fors in their game with Solina erts. with a score! Mrs. Jim Stainton and David from Osh sald. Dine at the . .. RESTAURANT Doris Holliday presen rs.! Mr. and Mrs. Jack Boyle and Leask with gifts and Miss H. son, Oshawa, visited at Keith Whitman, superintendent of Stainton's. nurses at Ontario Hospital, Whit- Mr, and Mrs. Ted Collis, Osh- by poured tea. -. awa, visted at R. C. Stainton's, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Skinner, Mr, and Mrs. Roy Thomas, and family, Oshawa, visited at Scarboro, were supper guests at Jim Stainton's. Russell Stainton's. | Mr. and Mrs. Hans Geissher- Wilfred Franks and Miss ger, Jr., attended Eldad anniver- Marie Killen visited Mr. and sary and were supper guests at Mrs. Tom Currie, Hamilton on Cecil Pascoe's Monday Robert Killen has returned] Mr, and Mrs. Keith Stainton home from the Western Hospital and Clarke visited at Mrs, Clarke Toronto, where he had been for Morre's, Oshawa AUDLEY Community Club Plans Springhill Park Picnic AUDLEY The Community has been transferred from Ed. Club met on Saturday evening at monton to Toronto RCAF base. | the home of Mr, and Mrs. C.| Bob McHugh visited on Sunday | Clemence with about 40 present. with his brother-in-law and sister, | | The president, Bill Guthrie |Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Fuller of |conducted the business. Plans Rockwood. |were made for the annual picnic; Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Saunder spent a few days last week with their son, Wm. and Mrs. Saun- der, Oshawa A number from Audley enjoyed Brooklin Fair on Saturday after. noon, Cengratulations to Harold Guthrie whose ponies won sec- ond and fourth prizes. Roslyn Combdon, of Ajax, visit-| ed with Mr. and Mrs. Arch Bell during the weekend Bi tm in the LOGES! CONTINUOUS FROM LRM. « SAT 12 HOON CHALK UP ANOTHER HIT FOR CAGNEY! SY. "ews | "TRIBUTE 10 A BAD MAN' wi Don DUBBINS - Stephen McNALLY- Vic MORROW nd ne PAPAS huisbici ® 2 2nd Feature! Park. Mrs. Arch Bell conducted a very enjoyable program. Geo Izatt and Brian Churchyard sang a duet, Eileen Guthrie played a piano selection and then her sis- ter Anne joined her to sing "School Days." | Marilyn Wonnacott! and Brian Churchyard played two guitar| numbers. Several selections were played by Fred Puckrin on the mouth organ and Brian Church yard on the guitar, accompanied TAB HUNTER (in Battie' dress again!) NATALIE WOOD (es 'Rebel' with » couse!) "The Girl. | He Left | LOFTY OBSERVER FORT ST. JOHN, B. C. (CP) !Jack Baker, returning officer for the federal constituency of Cari- boo, has a high viewpoint on his riding. Flying from one spot to] another he has to be above 11,000 | feet to be safely clear of the Rockies. GOOD FOOD During the program, everyone joined in a game of musical arms, a rhythm band and a flow- er contest, Refreshments were served. WA LADIES -- | The WA ladies are busy pre-| iparing for the afternoon tea, ba- g zaar and bake sale to be held in the Sunday School room on Satur- day, June 15, from 3 to 5 p.m. e men have completed the {poid apes for experiments, is to bv local funds. r ments will have to be turned over | } mote better service, at least," he' OPEN AT | Behind' +. BUT NOT TOO FAR BENIND! semsmree ov WARNER BROS. oth JESSIE ROYCE LANDIS JIM BACKUS MDW 10018 work of sodding the church 8 Business Men's Lunch COMMERCIAL HOTEL ing lot across the road. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Nelson and Coleen and Roy are visiting at the home of their cousins, Mr and Mrs. Geo. Izatt. Mr, Nelson SUPERVISED KIDDIES > OSHAWA DRIVE-IN LIL, A TC I - TONIGHT ON OSHAWA'S LARGEST SCREEN TONY CURTIS -- COLEEN MILLER "PURPLE MASK' IN COLOR AND CINEMASCOPE AND MORE ACTION IN TECHNICOLOR WILLIAM HOLDEN IN "Streets of Laredo" BOX OFFICE 7:30 0.8 5% fl Feat [LG FREE PLAYGROUND 2 SHOWS NIGHTLY RAIN or CLEAR FREE COMIC BOOKS FOR THE KIDS «+++ EVERY FRIDAY ... SEE US «me HOME BUILDERS FAIR Thursday, Friday, Saturday, June 6-7-8 | THE b1G HAPPY LOOK AT THE NEW-LOOK PEACETIME ARMY! SPECIAL FRIGIDAIRE IMPERIAL MODEL RI-39C. Majestic queen of 30 - inch electric ranges with excitingly different new French Door Design. Featuring new Roll-to-Your Shelf and Automatic Shelf Pull. Full-width Quick-Clean oven. Warmer drawer. One of the two eight-inch Radiantube surface units is Heat-Minder Unit that never lets Food burn --just set it and forget it. Exterior colors: Stratford Yellow, Sherwood Green, Mayfair Pink, Snowcrest White, Rotisserie avail- able at slight extra cost. Width 30" Height-at-Back 4873" Depth 2714" Reg. 399.95 OPEN FRIDAY NITE TILL 9 HOME APPLIANCES 90 Simcoe St. South (OSHAWA) LTD. RA 5-5332 | 2 Thrill-Packed First Run Hits Are the shocking "SCANDAL MAGAZINE" A C.M.B. PRODUCTION ROBERT HUTTON "START TODAY He's gunning for three outlaws: the one who loves to kill; the one whe loves gold; the one who only wants the woman! COLUMBIA PICTURES prevents RANDOLPH L SCOTT, THE TALL T 1S FOR TERROR! oon. NCHARD BOONE PLUS THRILLER NO, 2 > acowumsia mcrune John BARRYMORE, Jr. | STARTING