Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 6 Jun 1957, p. 9

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3 3 1 / . i ik bib 4 i 2 E. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. K./Mr. and Mrs. E. Disney, Mr. and MISS DORIS MOORE, MRS. GEORGE TELFORD AND MRS. F. L. MASON RECEIVE Hardie, Mr. and Mrs. B. Adams, Mrs. R. Coombs, Mr. and Mrs, C. | Mr. and Mrs. B, Lehman, Mr. |Chesebrough, Mr, and Mrs. J. Dance For Graduates Of 57 and Mrs. A. Skaife, Mr. and Mrs. 'Ball, Mr. and Mrs. M. Mountjoy Attended By OGH Staff, Alumnae 200 Mrs Mr. and Mrs, G. Tierney, and others a 3 | Following a dinner in the UAW|and Mrs. John O'Neil, Mr. and hall last Friday evening the Mrs, Eric Dean, Mr. and Mrs. | Alumnae Association of the/J. M. Dwyer, Mr. and Mrs. R. School of Nursing of the Oshawa|S. Laing, Mr. and Mrs. Grant General Hospital held a dance for! Glover, Richard Burn-| TO LIVE the graduating class Mason, president, received with ham, Mr. and Mrs, lan Walms- | Mrs. George Telford, director of |ley, Mr. and Mrs. Morley Budd, nursing, and Miss Doris Moore, | Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Shaw, Jr., | first vice-president. Music wasiMr. and Mrs. E. Mech, Mr. and | he supplied by Bernard Tierney and|Mrs. R. Evans, Mr. and Mrs. W,| | Mr. and Mrs. David Frederic his orchestra {M. Broadbent, Mr. and Mrs. F. | Sills sign the register following Members of the graduating|O. Popham, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. their marriage recently at Knox uid Women's Editor ere: Miss Barbara|Williams, Mr. and Mrs. tended were s am the former Miss Norma Louise IN TORONTO Hamilton, is the daughter of Mr. | Mr. and Mrs, | ilton, and the | the son of Mr, and Mrs. Fred- eric H. Sills, all of Oshawa. and go" tea was held at the home {o" the bride on Grierson avenue, Mrs. William Drinkle wore pastel | Nancy Drinkle | NOTICES | BO Feted Bride-Elect 82 Sarit Er ENAGEMENT | . N £ 1 stalette. ho 4 A and Mrs. William Brice' of Miss Nancy Bernice Drinkle blue erystalette, The rooms were {| Mr, and Mrs {who will become the bride of Mr.| pring like with an array of sea- Ki wish to the en-! Clifford Earl Clark on Saturday, sonal flowers. Pouring tea was gag t of their daughter, Ma- | June hy Roi leit Street United od A Jens Umphrey, sistcr of the : ure) S n honored at many honored guest. Serving were Mrs. rian Jon do Jom Aust Ford, pre-nuptial parties. !Gordon Clark and Miss Joan of Oshawa. The marriage willl ,1he girls of the accounts pay- Webster. In .charge of the trous- ? 'take place on Saturday, July 6 {able department of General seau, linens and wedding gifts | |1957, in Bethel Associated Gospel Motors held a miscellancouswere Mss Jean Webster and Church, Kingston, at 2.30 p.m. shower at the home of Mrs. Jack Miss Anita Atlersley ' |Boudreau. Assisting the hostess, On Friday even'ng, June 7, Mr ENGAGEMENT were Miss Marguerite Farrow and Mrs. Drinkle will entertain | +The engagement is announced 2nd Mrs. Allan Starr. ithe wedding party at their home of Marielle Rose Leonie, daugh-| Mrs. Bert Attersley was hostess on Grierson avenue. i ter of Mrs. Adol>h Gilbert of St. at a Miscellanoous shower oi 3 HE i Cyprian, Quebec, and the late Mr. home on Jackson street. Mics NG 4 Gilbert, Hehe aa Francis |Anita_Attersley and Miss Emily | JONG COMA Shields, son of Mr. and Mrs, | Macchi assisted in serving. {VICTORIA (CP) -- Dr. Aghe Bernard Shields, Oshawa. The Mrs. Allan Webster, Albert Steele, Victoria physician, has en- marriage is to take Place, in the street, was Bostess a a kitchen tered her second year of uncoms- 0! ross oman atholic ver. 5 were her i i 1 RT on Saturday. June 29 at|daughters, the Misses June and | clousness since being thrown from 10 a.m. Joan Webster, and Miss W. G, her horse. She is the mother 'of 7 two children, Philipa, 10, and | McDonald. ENGAGEMENT On Saturday, June 1, a "come Tony, 5 t is of iois Irene Bonnell, daughter 4 of Mrs. Fred Kay of Cannington, formerly of Oshawa and the late Mr. Stanley Bonnell, to Mr. Ralph 2 Sonley Holder, son of Mr. and y Mrs, William Holder 'of Manilla. wok A The marriage is to take place on aw L x Saturday, July 6, at 2.30 p.m. in 7 Cannington United Church. qd MAKE US YOUR HEADQUARTERS ror KODAK Film - Cameras - Photo Aids ms George Ham- bridegroom is --Photo by Ireland | class of '57 and others who at- Southwell, Mr. and Mrs. £ E Jo Aldwinckle Dial RA. 3 Presbyterian Church, The bride | | | i YP rie ing os. D. RB sts. | 8_THE DAILY TIMES GAZETTE, Thursday, June 6, 1957 2 » 3 3 Mrs. D. HENIY, MI. | sms ------ Bray, Miss Sandra Byrne, Miss | and Mrs. D. Ly 15 an ! Eleanor Cartwright, Miss Bar-|mMrs P. Sedgwick, Mr, and Mri bara Diamond, Miss Margaret 1, Blair, Mr. and Mrs. H. W:| Harris, Miss Faye Hayden, Miss Neil, Mr. and Mrs. J. Forbes, Mr. Joan Johnston, Miss Marilyn and Mrs. M. Johnston, Mr. and Kelly, Miss Barbara McClelland, Mrs, H. Neller, Mr. and Mrs. J.| Miss Doreen Millson, Miss Sylvia | Hawkins, Mr. and Mrs, M.! Stezik, Miss Laura Rasior: i Cairns. Miss Elaine Yeo, Mr. Kenneth| , 3 | McAvoy, Mr. Nicholas Schneider, Mr, and Mrs. W. Dysart, Mr | Mr. James Haire, Mr. William and Mrs. R. Stenson Mr and Goodfellow, Mr. Thomas Snow- yi. jy NcGee, Mr. and Mrs. J. | den, Mr. Taylor Campbell, Mr. |g ith "Mr. and Mrs. E E. Hill Lawrence McAllister, Mr. Harold| 4 y Ralph Baker, Mr. Huska, Mr. Donald Taylor, Mr Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Baker, Mr. Larry' Kelly, Mr. Morris O'Con. 3nd Mrs. Charles Grigg, Mr. and per, Mr. Gerald Clough, Mr. | Mrs. D, Coated, ML E Peter Shaw, Mr. George Valen.|Murray Vice, Mr. and Miss. E.| GE BE eae ough, ss Glenna Mina er, Mr. William Burnside, Mr. Neil|yyoe "Ann Goodwin, Mr. and Mrs. McAllister, Mr, and Mrs. W. W. J JF Baidwin, Dr. and Mrs. A. P. Ful. DeNure, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. ton, Dr. and Mrs. M. Li Mortis, Mr and Mrs. M. Chesher, MF Dr. and Mrs J KE. Todd, Di Donald Mallett, Mr. Richard ) . G. Stocks, Dr. and Donald . and Mrs. A Millveen Dr. 'and |Back, Mr. Robert Wirsley, Mr.| | Mrs. C. H. Vipond, Dr. and Mrs. | Bruce McArthur, Mr. and Mrs. | R. Clark, Dr. F. Baar, Dr. and J. Simmons, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mrs. B. J. Doherty Keetch, Mr. and Mrs. A. Dionne, Dr. and Mrs. J. O. Ruddy, Dr.|Mr. and Mrs. J. Brinning, Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Stanley, Dr. i Ke Mrs. R. Collins, Mr. and Mrs. | _-- For Miss Molly Wiley Miss Margaret Mary Wiley whose marriage to Mr. John Claude Larmond will take| has been feted at nuptial events. Ww. George Brown, Digue sheath with large white] Mrs, col ton and Mrs. T. B. Jones. Serving! Mrs. Peter Riordan and Mrs. A. Mor- Mrs. in charge of the gift dispiay and home of Mrs. Roy Mercer the trousseau. street. Mrs. W. M. Shaw, Mr. and Mrs|Kenneth Noble, Mr. and Mrs. G.| A miscellaneous shower was W. A. Holland, Mayor W. John Hills. | Naylor, and Mrs. Naylor, Mr. and| Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Franssen, Mrs. D. Conlin, Miss Merilyn| Mr. and Mrs. W. Johnston, Mr, Snowden, Miss Jean Williams, |and Mrs, J. E. Nightingale, Mr. M. E. Urquhart assisting. 'Many Hostesses Entertain (Molly) future bride, | Joseph's Hospital, Toronto, Mrs. Floyd A. Sutton, Central] place in Holy Cross Roman Cath-|Park 'boulevard south and Mrs. olic Church on Saturday morning Peter Riordan entertained at the| several pre- former's home at a linen shower. | | A miscellaneous shower Last Saturday afternoon, Mrs. held at the home of Mrs. Donald Coleridge|Hart, Prestonvale, the hostesses avenue, entertained at a trous- being Mrs. seau tea. To receive Mrs. Brown George, Miss Gail Southern, Miss| Iwore. a navy and pale blue en- Margaret Rowe and Miss Geral-| semble with white accessories. dine Outway; The future bride chose a black employes of General Motors, | Roy Mercer and Miss ar and bow, black accessories Eleanor Tennier entertained at aj and corsage of pink carnations. miscellaneous shower at the for- Pouring tea were Mrs. Hazel Sut- mer's home, Stevenson's road, N. Frizzell, were Miss Shirley George, Mrs. Harper, Mrs. Frank Sheridan and B. Thompson, rison, Mrs. J. L. MacMillan was/cup and saucer Following the rehearsal on Fri- held at the home of Mrs. J. L. day evening, MacMillan in Toronto, with Mrs./will be entertained at the home The of Mr. and Mrs. Earl F, Parry, guests were classmates of the/Grierson street. see our complete line of KODAK FLASH CAMERASandSUPPLIES With @ modern Kodak comera, indoor pictures and snaps of night are every bit as siniple and sure as sunny-day snapshots, Stop in soon and see our complete line of Brownie and Kodak cameras, film, flasholders, bulbs, and photo aids. Easy-doess it fash outfits, tool class of 1054, Bt. was Hart, Miss Shirley) the guests were Mrs. George WALMSLEY & MAGILL 9 King St. E. Tel. RA 5.3506 Onterle "Everything arranged a shower at the Frizzell, James Mrs. 8 KING ST E 530 SIMCOE ST RA. 3-2245 OSHAWA RA. 5-3546 the wedding party Oshowe and Mrs. J. Holliday, Mr.|and Mrs. G. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. | Former Sheila Canning Honored | At Bridal Showers And Parties | 02 Tomer Mish Shotta Canning. | er re pore aror| was honored by many prenup-| Mr, and Mrs. Harold White tial events bread, parents of the bride.| |" A miscellaneous shower was| groom, entertained fhe wedding vi at jhe home of Miss Joan party after the bridal rehearsal.| & yres, who was assisted in serv-| On May 25 a trousseau tea was ing by Miss Margaret Liddy. (held at the home of the bride's| A dinner party was arranged mother, Mrs. Howard Canning. | by the girls of the cost account. The guests ing department. A presentation Mrs. BURNS - HEATHER, AGED TWO Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | Mr were recelved bY Gordon Tonkin, Alice street, is y ' ' and Mr. Mrs. E - Canning, assisted by ¢| Teather Jean wio was 0 r. and Mrs. Ernest Ton and Mrs. James Sturrock of a blanket was made to the bridegroom's mother, Mrs. Har- years old in February. Heath- | . | 3 | o 9 J ji t is 1 kin, all of Oshawa. | 1 : \ bride. old Whitebread, | er's proud grandparents are | --Photo by Ray Johnston | miscellaneous, The gift rooms were presided Dn Tae y y_Sonston " : oo N A neighborhood shower was held at the home of over by the maid of honor, Miss - | Mrs. Dean Peel. Miss Barbara Margaret Canning and the bri. | Spencer, Miss Norma Petre and dal attendants, Miss Norma Pe-| Miss Margaret Canning assisted tre and Mrs. A. G. Nelson. | in serving Tea was poured by the grand- | A crystal shower was given by mother of the bride Mrs. A.| Miss Norma Petre and Mrs. Nor-|Bell, and three of her aunts,| man Petre at their home, Serv.| Mrs. Thomas Henderson, Mrs. | ing were Miss Dorothy James John Naylor and Mrs. James and Miss Margaret Canning. Canning tania n * A noon luncheon was held at ea assistants. were Vrs. Nor the home of Mrs. A. G. Nelson, man Petre, Miss Joan Ayres, ps x | Miss Doreen White, Mrs. George The Sunday school teachers gamilton and Mrs. Norman Wil- and officers of Centre 8 liams United Church met at the home The guest book was in charge of the Rev. and Mrs. A. F. Cow-/ of Miss Susan Canning and Mas- an and presented the bride and ter Bill Whitebread | bridegroom with a beautiful mir- a Riss ro | The cost accounting depart- PERSONALS Mr. George A. Pearce will be the guest of his daughter Miss Marilyn Pearce at The Sign Of The Steer on Friday when the raduating class of the Toronto Jestern Hospital entertain their fathers at luncheon. Mrs, Pearce will be a guest at tea in the Nurses' Residence in the after- noon. Also travelling to Toronto for the graduation exercises at Convocation Hall and the recep- tion are Miss Marjorie Pearce, Miss Carol Pearce, Miss Pam ~ Yearsley and Mr. Michae! Years- ley ODDFELLOWS & REBECCAS LODGES OF OSHAWA & WHITBY CIVIC DECORATION Sunday, June 9th 3:15 Union Cemetery MAJOR MACLEAN AND THE SALVATION ARMY BAND WILL BE IN ATTENDANCE NOTICE Deluxe Shoe Repair 4 Bond St. West Oshawe WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY DURING JUNE, JULY, AUGUST. STARTING MONDAY, JUNE 10th. J. ZAMBONELLI Deluxe Shoe Repair *Scampers are made only by the T. Sisman Shoe Co. Limited, Aurora, Ontario. Trade Name Registered, Caastruction patented. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Matheson, John and Robert, from Uruguay. South America, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lucas Peacock, Simcoe street north It Pays to Shop at the GENTRE KING ST. W. & STEVENSON RD. A FLAVOUR UFT RE TT for hot dogs == WHERE YOU'LL FIND (Vy The! Better shoe Guild ol iddunt sud shawa Air conditioning in most of the store: hes > Unlimited Free Parking at all times Everything you need, all in one convenient location Value, quality and courteous service | i i 4 ne - | mystard DANCEY'S - DAVIDSON'S F For Better Footwear... £ a A A -- % 4 so ' 7 CET The family play shoe that sets the pace Y} Picture your family on the playtime scene in these striking new styles! Distinctive new models for the man of the house .., . fabulous favourites for teenagers . .. and new, hard-wearing © styles for the kids. And all with that famous Scamper air-cushion comfort. See them at your dealer's now! RE SEE THESE E CITING NEW STYLES AT YOUR DEALER NOW! "Goods Satisfactory Or Money Refunded" BURNS - DANCEY"S - DAVIDSON'S 18 Simcoe St. S. RA 5-1833 31 Simcoe St. N. RA 5-3312 "King at Simcoe RA 5-4611 : OPEN FRIDAY EVENING TILL 9 P.M.

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