Wife, Family Are Granted | $350 Month From Father "After hearing the plaintiff, (shaw v Bagshaw, in which the and noting her manner and de- justice ordained that alimony portment in the witness-box, I should be granted where there must say that seldom have I|is "that degree of cruelty which been so impressed by te t" sald the health, or impair the reason- stimony-- |is likely to permanently affect (loyuadale RUTHERFORD'S MAY MONTH OF VALUES A ROOMFUL OF FURNITURE AT A VALUE-WISE PRICE! = Lo , Justice Landreville, award- | ing, of the other spouse that this Lirgest alimony to Mrs. Helen Ber-| Mr. Greer contended Nichols, at the conclusion degree of cruelty had n prov- two-day action. en. Mr. Tillson said t it had Mrs, Nichols separated from not. His Lordship ruled that this her husband, Edwin Nichols, for (degree had been proven by the two years, claimed alimony om plaintiff, the grounds of her husband's | Ruling on the amount eruelty. She testified that her mony to husband had beaten her fre- ship questioned the figure of Suently during the 20 years of $53,000 which was presented as eir marriage. | Nichols' total assets, "This does the evidence husband, who denied the ship said. "He owns an aero- beatings, His Lordship said, "In plane, and a new Cadillac car. | my opinion, the defendant has owning. these, but either he un-| endured this man for a number derestimates his capital, or he of years -- much longer than has poor business sense. A man most women would endure such |with assets of $53,000 should not a man. This was not just a have these luxuries." period of patience, it was a per-| "At present, Mrs. Nichols is fod of endurance, for the sake -- in a third floor of their children." apartment in the heart of a city, "It has been stated by wit-/on $50 a week, he said. "He is pesses that this man has start-|living high also -- he has his own od with nothing, and worked very aeroplane." hard until he has become a suc- The Justice said that from the cessful business man. I can pic- evidence, he felt that a fair esti- ture him as a hard-working man, mate of Nichols' earning power but that is no excuse for building is between $11,000 and $12,000| up a 'head of steam' -- to use per annum, "I wpuld not feel] a locomotive term -- of business out of line to grant one-third of| worries and then taking it out that to his wife and children," on his wife, These did not trou- he said. ble him then." His Lordship granted Mrs "He said that the three chil- Nichols $230 a month, and each dren did not witness any of the of her two daughters, who are fights. 1 feel sure they did, They aged 10 and 14, $60 a month. | were in the same house, hearing He added a rider to his judg- their mother ery out." ment by awarding legal custody In argument, both defence of the daughters to the mother, eounsel V. Tillson, QC, and John "with access to the father, at M. Greer, appearing for the reasonable hours of the day, and G plaintiff, cited the case of Bag- at reasonable fimes." Accuses Frost Of Cheap Politics | b LO OROLD (CP) oma CCF| This statement, Mr. MacDonald | | Leader Donald MacDonald has ac-|said, represented either American | cused Premier Frost of indulging | © in "cheap politics" in a oul at Isolationism, shameful parochial- Barrie May 10; bsp or ny Wy cheap bid Jor The CCF leader sald the Ontario 'io% PY ITYINE 10 arouse pres. premier had attempted to win the Wdiess of 3 me te. people who votes of the Canadian taxpayer for | yay lhe Progressive Conservatives at the AID EQUALS WARSHIP price of Canada's responsibilities) Canada's contribution to the Co- to the world community. lombo Plan and the UN technical Speskisg to a meeting on behalf assistance programs represents an of ] Swart and A. H. Petrie, |annual contribution of about $35,- CCF federal candidates in Well- 000,000--about the equivalent cost and and Lincoln ridings, Mr. Mac- of a fair size warship he said. Donald said Mr. Frost was quoted | A partial text of Mr. MacDon- | as saying during the May 10|ald's speech was released to the h: press in advance. f "When I listen to some of the, He called the failure to estab- 'Ofthings Canada is doing for people lish a4 world food bank one of the overseas I can't help thinking that |great tragedies in progress since POperhaps the politicians might the end of the Second World War, pend a little time at home here and he said Canada, with its *'so- ln Canada learning about the prob- called free enterprise system," ems of the little people who have had taken a major part in scut- 20 pay the bills." 'tling the scheme, | 5 DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 5. Orange-red . chalcedony W 6. Cats and dogs 9. Pirst-rate (HAV (slang) Lakt 10. Precious 1 stones troni '13. A native of pod Kola penin, NE [38 Ascribe lot 134, Evening ee (poet) 18. Dove coop Lot 16. Greek letter 37. Ministers' -- Xl alds reel 19. Nourighed nar 20. Poles 21. Hindu -- ¥ garment malt 32, Land WE measure €4 34. Abatement (collog ) Arti 26. Thus NT 327. Not living ed. Ph 29. Quantity \7 || of paper 0-1 31, To mak RE choice SANDS2. Tillage 35. Music note 36. American ARR Indian Simedgy, Humble 38, City (IL) Artict0. River (Ger) ------A1, Ermine hone 142. Scoft use! Triangle part RA 5.5344. Hornes' fg :p piv) DOWN sso be 1. Polished 00d ct 2 Come Into . or e i [CIAINTE J STPTAIR] 3. Twilled 19. Music [atarseiemiei= Pa fabric wr 4. Doctor (abbr.) $. Harbors | 6 Fencing sword 1. Little child 8. Toadfish (pl) 9. Snow vehicle iL Artist's workroom 18. Interprets 32. Island 15. Signal off systen Greece 18. Chilly 33. Parts ny oyster 22. Deco- rates 23. Says again 25. River (Afr) 28. Close SITIAL IE BNVIR] AIL) Gia HODGE 34. Pitcher 36. Dressed 39. Food (H.1) 40. Wing 42. Buddha (Chin) (1S YOUR NAME RA On The X"VOTERS' LIST? ~JF NOT -- PHONE "Liberal Committee H, Rooms | 8 69 Celina Stree" x RA 5-6974 JTO WI wo smoutt of In denendent Furniture of |not strike me ag true," His Lord- Stores a ne Includes Arm End, Bumper End and Pie Centre In A Beautiful Range of Fabrics and Airfoam First showing of the freshest style in fine furniture as featured in home magazines -- all the features of practical smartness in comfort-wise high styling! Deep, luxurious Airfoam FOAM RUBBER cushions PLUS coil-spring units of tempered steel in back and base for matchless comfort and durability. COVERED DECKS (a sign of quality) below ZIPPERED CUSHIONS of Airfoam -- the zippers keep seams straight and make cleaning casier. TAPERED, METAL-FERRULED LEGS and your choise of the latest decorator tones of AQUA BLUE, FLAME RED, CHOCOLATE BROWN and MINT GREEN , . . Everything for lively modern living rooms -- a really sensational value! 3 PCS. JUST AS ILLUSTRATED 259° ON EASY CREDIT TERMS YY AR oe SRR ~ NRF Sa re NS EN Ava RENAN ARBORITE TOPS Stain Resistant THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Friday, May M, 1 9% 2 3-pc. Sectional With Curved Centre RS ------ Fully Automatic 'Pop-Up' Toaster 97 CASH + AND CARRY A Regular $17.95 Line U.L. and C.S.A. Approved Sharintend trouble-free toaster with fully automatic Le off and pop-up mechanism, easily adjusted to give any shade of toast, A real beauty in triple plated chrome, UL yoo and CSA approved. Guaranteed Heat and Coffee or | d Comfort-making mo! AT sto coasters an ash trays: : istant to alco- : les are highly resis grained Argorite table olish remover, ol, and any likely amount ot Hrd Seg. wonderful value in your choic HOGANY or OAK. Your Choice of Coffee or Step Table set of one coffee step tables. bles mad dashes for Matched 3-plece and two TEMPERED STEEL INNER-SPRING CONSTRUCTION FULLY GUARANTEED No Red Tape! 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An exclusive NFR feature, specially selected to give you the very best bed value possible! & "A Call to the Store Brings A Car to Y A WONDERFUL CHROME BUY! a0 EASY TERMS SPECIAL PURCHASE VALUE IN LATEST "SLIM" STYLE All the rugged durability of chrome steel and arborite in graceful, slimming lines -- all at the cost of ordinary, out-dated suites! NFR SPECIAL VALUE, as illustrated; Arborite extension-table top, highly resistant to heat, stains and wear, and comfortably cushioned chairs in fabric-type plastics to match. LARGE 5-PIECE SUITE ' IN Wie 149-156 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH OSHAWA One Block Below Memorial Park Comfortable Enough to Use Every Night Of The Year! 19" Complete Inner-Spring ROLLAWAY BED Restful, full-length bed that's easy to fold, roll away and store; easy to set up for im- mediate use. With sturdy steel chassis and spring and good inner-spring mattress, it's easily worth several dollars more! Open Friday Til 9 P.M. RA 5-6559 our Door"