eye 24 Tuesday, May 21, 1057 | hd | A 1 G (0) Ww R ¢ all day and chatters all night." -. . LONDON ( mir ide | New Operating Rooms | Auxiliary Group [Woman Raps fiver s a ewes messes | protection field, Mrs. Slater hi arch establish. [ * | " ° 7) H I H t Zz S t of the British Empire (MBE). |iour in Communist Poland - -- as a Boiler House Vv f1 nar as ong 1S ory 00 Ys em | guest of the Polish Academy of LONG ROUTE Science, He will deliver leeturer bert Wedgery, operating boards, they are now located in from stainless steel, which re- which today opens its third wing|$1,000 was set and reached. inition in the field of animal Pre Creek, B.C., to Fairbanks, Alaska. of Cracow. i | 008, i awa Gener:l Hospital is reminis- operating room facilities in the In the centre of each room is| In one wall of the rooms is a determined women, | After careful discussion, a site |? There's no education 'value. ih Steam for heating, cooking, department, those formerly used, in that the refer to them during an operation. the peor shadows of animals in their ") In 1906, at a celebration of the earthly remains Nurse | qyll.skinned, lack-lustre, broken - - = HFC in one day and choose your the hospital. Six new operating rooms, sit- was carried out from the sides, by surgeon at the hospital, the oper- / thi ars, e hosp! surg p PEI" Church, Mrs, R. S. McLaughlin, nor CONTENT As for circuses: elephants wr 30 months to repay. For under- . tandi the hospital. With his staff of four of the building. Between each also of revolutionary design. In- which contains the operating city might join in some non-de- not content to sit on its aus ls lood boil." project of the com- W! e opening of the hospital.|,, "5 cue tion of Cruelty to An- with confidence from Canada's as vital to the hospital as the where the operating room staff used, the lights are all grouped nurses, one student nurse and a! There were three main needs the accommodation provided on sald that the bo born Mrs, f'zter was in Montreal : ve 40,01 s. of steam!'[pE SIG smaller lights S A ers produce IDENTICAL IN DESIGN are grouped smaller lights to REDUCE GAS PRICE la YMCA, and a hospital. complete the hospital's equip" She said she strongly advocates (the softest litte claws and sleeps TO TOUR POLAND | a8 | atomi n made » Member of the Order| ment, left a lecture . . nr ; " MONTREAL (CP)--Mrs, Isobel| The Alaska Fighway extends at the academy and to the Insti- Like Ship a Oshawa® General Hospital, [For this purpose an objective of slater who has won royal recog-|nearly 1,600 miles from Dawson tute of Physicly ho Bagh room Sui ntendent at Oshawa glass-fronted wall cupboards, placed the white enamel finish since its inception in 1906, owes sum was augmented by mcmber- tection says she | The new boiler house at Oshé General Boop, describes the leaving more floor space, formerly in use, its early beginning to a group of ship fees of the organization, o) Says sie 5 : i ' y 9 py - ngine- ( ainew wing as 'revolutionary", the operating table. These tables screen, which illuminaes x-ray The Oshawa Hospital Women's was chosen and on Oct. 5, 1907 8 ther," ghe said in an interview, M ed d gent of the rigins rooms o compared with the old surgery are much more modern than plates, so that the surgeon may Auxiliary came into being before lot was bought at what is now| vps just that zoos are not fit oney you ne ess in one ay! : hospital was built, or even Alma and Alexander streets, places for animals, They are just sterilizing, and laupdry, as well "Not only is the architecture table may be raised, lowered, or| On another wall are two clocks, before it became a concrete com- The hospital was opened Aug. : Bet water for the entire build- better, but the whole setup is|tilted, by the anesthetist, who isone a standard clock and the munity undertaking. 13, 1910, on the sane day the natural state, They're dull - eyed, You may borrow up to $1000 from is supplied by two huge boil-| more beneficial to good surgical seated at the head of the table, other 2 second-timer, {clearing of the debt from the St. Florence Nightingale were being ers in the rear of the old part of technique," he said, Formerly, adjustment of the table! Although there is no resident| yp oot Presbyterian. (United) |1aid to Test. Spirited creatures penned behind phasor, Sangin fod Chief Engineer J. A. Morrison uated in pairs, replace the four means of cranks and wheels, ating room facilities are used by| phair h f i is in charge of this department of which were in use in the old part The lights over the tables are 30 local surgeons. The fifth floor. | Cairing the noeling, suskesied But the women's auxiliary was Prancing about on stilts make my| dingcou land promp y engineers, he maintains the huge pair of Heatres, Is ) serub. jiead of the luster of small rooms, is staffed by Superinten-|pominationa Founder of the Royal Society for service, visit HFC today. Borrow 100-1b. pressure boilers which are room', equip with four sinks, lamps, wih reflectors, formerly dent Wedgery, 10 raduate ? 4 t vial o re 1 ating roo | d ¥ gery 8 munity, It soon b.came apparent that j...;c in Tanganyika where she Aargast 40d: mov yevommended medical staff, sterilise their hands ore en- within one unit, which contains nursing ant which ap ' : now makes her home, Scottish - fi p . - i ay ik | cee 4 pealed to the women at would be quickly outgrown and Mr. Morrison sald that the boil- tering the theatre. {a central spotlight, around which PRS === that time -- a business girl's club, there were facilities lacking 10] during a scvenpionth 'world: tolr per day, and that to produce this| 'The six operating rooms are provide shadowless light, The : steam, 1,200 gallons of fuel oil are jdentical in design, In the old de- whole unit, which measures about LONDON (Reuters)--A reduc [MEETING HELD i ment, j an international SPCA, devoted to H used, partment, the rooms differed, so|four feet across, can be manipu- tion of 1'2 pennies a gallon in the A meeting 'of all denominations| In the early days the auxiliary animal welfare the world over. d The new boilers which measure that two were used almost exclu-|lated into any position, with one retail price of gasoline was an- of the city was held in Simcoe undertook the construction and| Mrs, Slater said that by Cana. | nine feet by 12 feet by 14 feet re-|civelv for minor surgery. Each of hand. yp on, nounced by British oil companies Street Methodist Church. A vote completion of an electrically dian standards, African pets tend | . Corporation of Canada place three small boilers whichiihe "new rooms is adaptable to] The anesthetic apparatus used Friday. A statement from the was taken resulting in a decision equipped laundry wing. The pro-|towards the exotic. heated the original hospital, The i te emmall. 1 aioe. 2a) oth _|to build the hospital. jet was completed in 1912 at a| People keep monkeys, mon, | 94 amb di any type of surgery. in the new rooms is muck small- companies said the reduction re- | "myo ence" attempt of the auxil- cost of $4,000. Land en eb non'iey geese! 64 King Street East, floor, telep RA 5-6526 old apparatus, Mr. Morrison said, | a ¢ le tha ' 5 4 operated at between 50 and 75 Ibs. EE Ho aye ad here Ty "ised portale Ser 8 Si BBB fary 'was to raise funds to pur-| A nurses' residence was also, *'What's a bush baby?" she was 112 Simcoe $t. South, second floor, phone RA 5-1139 Dressure, and was not nearly soll BIEL of Hor Pace I rorvating room nitive AIL I ger Y her ha | chase a suitable property on built on the northwest corner of asked. OSHAWA, ONT. Dt as the new. setup, Helomery Instruments, sutiives operating room surmituce, Al ie a Best sed by Ne canal f\which the hospital could be built. the property. "Very like a koala bear. He has . hoted the advantage of having|%! ugs, etc., were stored in cup- operating room furniture is made crisis last year. i = - . oil-burning = boilers, adding that -- the old boilers were coal burners . which required large storage space fo fuel | FUEL SUPPLY | The fuel supply for the new boilers is 'rom two large tanks, outside the boiler room. The oil is fed from the tanks to a pait of \ ? ? pumps, which heat the fuel, an inject it to the furnaces rl ? " Water is pumped to the boilers y from two tanks in an adjoining | room, by steam pumps, operated | "oe from the boiler Also i this | : / room are water-softeners. ' ' . ter fe ... that's the manager's chair! Water for general use is passed through one of these softeners, and water for the laundry is pass- ed through both softeners SwearBox |... (GE Do y 2 i Ti HINK eee Hel S Fund high school graduates with their p eyes on the manager's chair and who A YES or V'(/} w will study to win advancement. ma : - Sask. (CP)--Bill Listed below are good reasons why the 3 Lowe likes young folk, but he| "Roval" off p ventional ; 2 i 4 : 4 i, OY Er Si SE] Jere om a, or TN eee OLD AGE, blind and disability pensions should be To faze of ome of Discuss this advertisement with : increased by more than $6 a month ? Moose Jaw's outdoor skating your parents . . . ask your local manager rinks to tell you more about the opportunities During tke winter, he came up : for young men at the Royal Bank, <Ruring te winery, Je came ool If pensioners gof the same share of our national wealth un the sort of thing a fellow will as they got in 1949, their pensions would be $75 a month bumped to the boards in a pick instead of $46 as proposed by the Liberals. \ MOOSE .? up hockey game Solid facts that spell "opportunity" for you in the Royal Bank: f , Bill's "penny a cuss' law had | > St Kor EO fe Io 1. The "Royal" is North America's cessful candidates advance quickly, 2 (XX; LARGE : ti h ld $ h f Cc d said Stu Kerr, city superintend . ) : ' °a § 8 ates adv 4 corpora ons snou pay a air snare or Lana a's f parks and recreation. "It's ¢ os than 88 actics ienc Shia Ter nce. i fourth largest bank. More than 880 Practical experience plus the bank- made." branches are in operation and new ing course is equivalent to a uni- taxes ? ' : There was another benefit. The bei med al) the ime rersity course in GC i Moose Jaw branch of the Red ones are being opened all the time. versity course in Commerce. Cross got 32 for its funds. The During the past four years we have Corporation profifs have reached an all-time high, yet i he swear X C of y i » i i i Jeunes in the swear box came to opened 94 new branches, each one 4. For young men interested in they escape a fair share of taxation through excessive 9 fren money out of his own creating new managerial positions gaining internation] banking ex- depreciation allowances and other privileges. J There's no doubt the youngsters . ..and resulting promotions for Petje, the Royal 'Bank has 77 " f go along with Bill's ideas. When young Royal Bankers. ranches abroad ...in New York, he was being setired due to age. | London, Paris, Central and South J. ee WE SHOULD have ny complefe national health insurance « "4 from time t. time, petitioned to 2. "Influence" plays no part in ad- America, Cuba and the West Indies. have him retained. He was. | program ? i v vancement at the Royal Bank. Our 5. W ; senior officers from the Chairman . We have generous pension plans Calgarians and President down started as that compare with the best, as well The plan the Liberals' are now talking 'about will cover juniors in small branches and ad. A 8rouP, health and hospital insur- only hospital care and only part of the country, The CCF Catching On vinbad oo merit alow ance, at low cost to employees. proposes a truly national plan covering medical, dental, optical and other related care. / of confusion Shou eee FAMILY ALLOWANCES should be increased in line the two-letters, five-numbers sys- with increased living costs? . { . tem and the Alberta Government 1 Telephones office report these THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA If family allowances are to have the same buying power among hundreds hi queries re- ceivea in the early going , "Can you te me 7 tm wp Canada's Largest Bank as when they were first established, they should be in- y 0 rin" the rs AM only po X . rte morning 7 | creased to $8 for children up to 5 and proportionately for changeov s the first step| H ARAN: eh R45 0 toward a national dialling system other children. : = ' which will enable a person in one CALGARY (CP) -- Calgacians 3. Home study banking courses .... Get our booklet "Your Future in ave catching on to the new tel. | . ing" ephone dialing system here, but| available to all staff members. Suc- Banking" at your local branch or not without 1 few prime examples | write Head Office for a copy. ¢itv to contact 2 resident in an- other city by just dialling a num- fo JS. ee INTEREST rates on h mortgage should be reduced ? ber. Each province eventually Oshawa Branch. - - - - A. S. HILL, Manager : The CCF proposes mortgage money at not more than 2 per will have its own prefix numbers. * cent on low cost homes. This is feasible if the government VE BIG DOLLARS! | ..... Elomi: b ® | | The CCF is the ONLY party that answers YES to these questions. It most of I '/} / v/ Z A} YOUR answers are YES, make your opinion COUNT by voting CCF on June 10. --_ 4 And remember, you lose your vote only if you cast it for a party you f EY] ¥ TH 'don't REALLY want. - u bin, = NOW! N Q of BAe Coal costs less in warm weather! y a : Stock up now with 'blue coal' at big discount. ¥ ! "The finest hard coal<now available mined--tinted blue as a trade-mark. i ] ) : , 3 on the 'blue coal' buying plan. Gives 'blue coal' burns clean and hot with you these four advantages: far less waste than ordinary coal. 1. You get a big special discount by Less need to tend your furnace, 100, ordering now. with 'blue coal'! Now you, too, can 2. You pay only a small down pay- order this fine hard coal and take : i BY a n ment -- tailored to your budget. months to pay. Call us now! Enquire (0) MN D 3. Months to pay the balance. You TEMP. aay the wl M( ) A : i have a future supply of 'blue coal' steady MAST ue coa A ~ : c Ive i : safe in your basement. | & RD L your living prolled lou i : 4. No red tape --easy as ABC! Mil- 110 @ coal om, m LF : 0 3 L i c T lions of coal users insist on famous CLEAN. SAFE LOW-COST HEAT n i § ; : LANDER COAL CO. | dh). C.C/F. Candidate For Ontario Riding 43 King St. W., Oshawa Phone RA 5-3589 Listen In To CBLT Tonight 7.30 P.M. For W. John Naylor's Telecast { PUBLISHED BY CCF OFFICE, OTTAWA