& THE DAILY TIMESGATETTE, Wednesday, May 1, mwr WHITBY and DISTRICT QUEEN INSPECTS MOUNTIES Inspector John Downey of Of- | tawa sccompanies Queen Eliza- hn she inspects members oft e RCMP musical ride at Windsor, England. The Moun- ties gre touring Britain per- forming their musical rides at horse shows. Lack Of Loans Causes 'Mrs. M. Buttars Subdivision Changes | = Whitby council had been to provide low cost/ing last Monday, at the United Yeek that hast ho ney polices o ad, be for the family man,|Church hall, The president, Mrs.| the Central Mortgage anc ba (Frontage tax on large bullding/D, Tutt, dng houses have changed plans in|jots, he sald, is taking its tolljopened the Jome of the town's new subdivi-| and' They were told that be-|ing lot is "gause loans could not be obtained Councillor on large building lots, one sub-| that it did n «sions. divider found that he had to cut "Bis lots down to 50-foot frontage. «« This was learned during a dis- -gussion about the McCullough in the offing. Jack McAvoy stated | subdivider, gr en his pla for a/piano. | residential area had been ac-| Mrs. Allun Jones gave the de-| {cepted by the planning board d, | votional by introducing the | the day of the 40-foot build-'reading of the Scripture, 'Happy the Home, ' Addresses Aux. The Fireside Evening Auxiliary| learned this the purpose of the Housing Act held their regular monthly meet- follow- led by a hymn, When God Is There", acco ot seem fair that the panied by Mrs, Richardson at the| | houd find that he is required to Misses Kathy Hamers and Don- na Jones who rendered two beau- slice his lots in order to get fi-| in the He! St. area, i poh Rd {final agree. nancial backing, : [tiful piano duets. Mrs, Bradley Mrs. Hazell and children, of| ts with the subdivider before Originally, he said, the board|then read a poem, 'Breathe On|Stratford, en route ala90 "work begins on a 177-lot subdivi- had planned Cochrane street as|Us Holy. Spirit", followed by a month's holiday in Florida, visit. 220 «gion. Council were told that thelan area for expensive homes. reading of a psalm in unison, [6d on Sunday with thelr uncle ts were halved because hel hie plan was by-passed. Then She then read a chapter from and aunt, Mr, and Mrs H L. nding companies would not back|the board suggested Henry St. as| Luke's Gospel followed by the Pringle, and the forer sister, es ult on large lots. Isuch an area, Now, he said, Lord's Prayer and a hymn, *'He Mrs , G. Roddis, and Roddis. Si laining the situation, smaller building lots' have been Liteth long ho Liveth Wen a ermyn 8 at! order rs. Breckenridge introduc yor ny ys |the guest speaker, Mrs. Melville ter, Katherine Ann, visited on 1 Ban Firearms To Youth, 16 . 16-year-old Fai Beach , Bruce Stuart Skene, of 20 'airport Road S., was told yes-| "Jerday he could not have fire- arms of any kind for one year, ge he was convicted of pos-| - in 3 vevoiver wi withedt La ed sentence for one year, | Toh oe s "Ebon in Whitby ofowed ce court a was placed on suspend Evidence which had been athered by P.C. Charles Dan- of the Pickering Twp. Police Department, had to be read into the record by Crown Attorney Alex. C. Hall, Q.C., because P.C | Daniels suffered an attack of | laryngitis and could not be heard, The youth was stopped by officers as he walked along | Highway 2 in front of the P ck-| ering police station, with reoviver in a shirt pocket. | His mother stated that she was unaware that he had a revolver. Accused said that he had ac-| quired the gun to shoot rats for| an employer. He will be required to to the county probation officer| every month for one year and| will not be permitted to have) rifle, shotgun or any firearm for one year, ng 12th of July celebrations. Toe al members accepted the Peterborough invitation and willl % join with them in celebrating. All members interested could contact Mrs. Wilde of Henry Stace and make final arran . Plans were also made for the ni bazaar te be held in October--date to be set later. Sister C. Virgin is still in Osh. asylum in Sweden | Buttars, Church minister of the United Pickering, who spoke on Chrisitian Fitisens of wife of iship and how she enjoyed bei secretary WMS group, stressing the idea of of Citizenship the ORDERED TO LEAVE THE HAGUE (AP)--A Yugoslav soccer refugee who was granted has been or- |awa General Hospital but her dered to leave Holland by June 1 friends are happy to learn that she is making progress. The Meeting closed with prayer by, * {by Sister Lk i Baptize 13 At United Church On Mother's Day last Sunday, 18 Whitby children were present- ed for the sacrament of infant baptism at the Whitby United Church, Performing {mony was Rev. John tor of the church, the cere. , pas- They were: Julie Ann, daughter of Mr, Mrs, John Beaton; Mary Irene, daughter of Mr. {and Mrs, John Lowe; Kevin John, son of Mr, Mrs. Ralph Crawford; |" George Robert, son of Mr. Mrs. John A, Lee; {| Robert Dean, son of Mr, Mrs. Mervin Perkins; and Whitby Lodge To Visit Peterboro The Vim No. 639, he ly meeting d their regular month) last Monday. more, was in "the chair. "meeting was opened by «lain, Sister A, Stone, Ridge Lodge, LOBA| David Murray, son Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hill; Leslie-Anne, daughter of and Mrs. William Hayes; spokesman for the justice the. chaplatn and a a osial hour | 08 ts served {oon in Sweden. He visited Can- lada and sapped oft in Holland on his way and return to his host count it Ho said Tuesday "adimir (Bobo) Sall defected a Yugoslav soccer ack to Sweden two months ago. sald the decision that The Justice ministry spokesman Il must return to his host country was in| accordance with international cus- tom on refugees. was in the chair and] Mr. and Mrs. Jerry King meeting with the Wayne and Jerry, of Belleville, since the House of Commons vote. ving rather than maki Siig I Mrs, ary jo closed with pray- er and refreshments were serv. at the church parlor by Mrs, Jones and her group. ed will be provided by Motors ni Larry's BA's sporting one of the strongest teams to be seen|&re here in many a year, open the ,|baseball season to-morrow night 3 Zot iscourt Sark on St. Clair 'oronto, Their I pion ne. The Zafimen are in fine form Is Jailed Month For Drunk Driving A West Hil man, Charles porrow Maidment, 60, was yesterday Jatiod for '30 or 3 days when convicted second offence of driving rg intoxicated, Maidment ap- red "fe ml Magistrate F. 8, bbs in the hithy police court. ROI Twp. ol ion" Depart Puch co A ment, oid the the court he had fol- lowed a car along the Altona Road, in Pickering Twp. and Slopes when the car swerved to the left ditch. Maidment, he said, was the driver and was in. toxicated, Maidment told the court that he had swerved to the left to| avold two small children who ere Davis on the side of the . He stated that he had had only three bottles of beer. His wife and a mechanic in a garage, who said they had seen him sometime . before the arcident stated that he was not Intoxi- cated, then, His Worship accepted the evi- dence of the police officers who claimed Maidment was intoxi- cated and registered a conviction, In addition to the one-month sen- tence, his driver's license was suspended for one year. His car was impounded for three months, PERSONAL NOTES ston, | visited Mr. and Mrs, Vernon| Moore over the week-end. Sergeant George Bradley. "lof King Henry Camp Borden, spent the Week: fr exemple. shout 5000 persnd and 4 Ma Cc. rad ley. {were executed every year for theft | Dr. Howard C. Hazell Saturday at the home of Mrs, |G. MacPherson, Congratulations to Father Aus B/tin and Mr. J. Smyth, who last! Sunday became Whithy's 4th degree Knights of Col lin future be called upon only about itchi get underway. Only fly in the is the wea has a y cla he League action. Last Saturday's |opener was ri Larry's are doping So io get et thelr IR to- marrow ol Ror, Heffer ing, with aid of father and son team of Jack and Ken MacDonald have placed Mat Mathews of Oshawa in charge as coach, Under his wing Mat has such players as Mike MacArthur the offerings of Ted ivy Larry's BA's Open Season If Toronto On Tuy 5 Karl Kemp, 3 J ] 1 = w ag gk By WALTER DAVIS LONDON (Reuters)--The job of public hangman in Britain has be- come almost a sinecure now that the death sentence has been abol- ished for all but a few categories of murder. A government spokesman has estimated that the hangman will three or four times a year. From the end oi ihe war until February, 1956, when the House of Commons passed a motion urging the gov- ernment to abolish the death pen- {easy time compared wii Js bre. of | | decessors Ei long a with pUBIC ENTERTAINMENT -- elected to the American! Mrs. R. T. McLean and daugh- jcademy of Arts and Letters in| first | No criminal has been hanged The executioner today has an oh isbn 156,| and robbery alone. During that reign and in the next years, executions were re- POPULAR WRITER Samuel! L, Clemens (Mark Tw is one of the first seven | SALLY'S SALLIES in a ceremony in Toronto. Mr, A. Hendricks, of Henry street, attended the banquet and Ms, J. 8 a| cessfully completed his 1st year at Royal Mintary Cullege ow Kingston and apend summer at ih hor, da special training, yesterday, many happy re-| her biréhday friends wish her turns of the day. | Mrs, Willlam Watson, of also | myth. Cadet Fred Archibald has sue-| Miss Catherine Bush celebrated Her | Tren. | |ton, is visiting relatives in town, for' a # few days. "Sorry, car's full. His: father owns the building." 'WHITBY CLASSIFIED lo SALE -- LOT, 132 X 66, ON ASH Street, sewered. $1800 total price. Apply | LOOK THROUGH and|120 Dundas Street West, i THE WINDOW and see what you are baking in a 30 and automatic. {inch oven Gurney Electric Range. Fully | Regular price $369.95. Spe- |clal for $259.95. Whitby Home Furnish. ers, 215 Dundas Street East, Whitby. Mr. |7O | Mr. | Whitby, Phone MO 8 11 and| FOR RENT -- TWO - 'ROOM FURNISH- ed apartment, newly decorated, 233 Pal-| ace Street, Whitby, Phone RA 54302, | | Oshawa, 1004 ME INSULATION, BLOWING |METHOD. Free estimates. Septic tanks cleaned the sanitary way. Walter Ward, 2563 June 24 PLOWING AND DISCING. PHONE MO 8-4276. 1a FIVE ROOM APARTMENT WITH 4 piece tiled bath, Cochrane Street North, ground floor. Phone Oshawa RA 3- 1141 SOD DELIVERED, LAID, AND LAWNS graded and rote tilling work done any- where. Grand Landscaping, Phone MO 8-2587 Whitby, June 14 4629. | apartment. Ground floor, frig and stove. WAITRESS WANTED, FULL AND part time. Apply in person David's Drive Inn, 939 Dundas West. 1m FOR RENT-SIX ROOMED DELUXE Large bathroom, Venetian blinds. Phone MO 8-2398 Whitby. 113¢ FOR RENT-SMALL APARTMENT, ON first floor, Apply 840 Dundas Street East, 114e alty, the annual average of hang- ings was 15, to Hangman Job Near Sinecure were tence in 18 kill a horse 1836, and many ment arded as much a public enter- day. Large crowds around In the early 19th century, 220 offences were still punishable by death. such trivial crimes as cutting down a tree. The judge, passing sen- this crime at Chelmsford, Essex, who would cut down a tree would In 1811, a London judge the abolition of the death Jes alty for picking Bo hels, hs intugh offenders could still setting fire to a hayrack, o yh ing more than one shilling. radually, as a result of increas- ED ing pressure for reform, the death penalty was abolished for cattle, for house-break a .ae hii In 1861, it was abolished for all offences except treason, murder, piracy with violence and setting fire to dockyards and arsenals |These last two are actually still capital offences today, thou one has been hanged for them for will be presented. ROTARY GUESTS Guests of the Whitby - Rotary ky 1022 and 1982, Parlia-| Club at their weekly luncheon yesterday were visiting Rotar- for all persons under the age of tans Dr, Claude Vipond, N. Rich 18. lards, Charles World, Jim Skin- |ner, of the Oshawa club: Ken penalty; of Bowmanville; slaying of police or|Stanlius, of Willowdale: and Dr. Executions in publi sto 1866, p c were, The five types of rder f which hangin; he include the hi yori gallows and prices Army's "had ample serve the wo comfort, friends." SUPPORTS RED SHIELD From a Whitby man who has unity to ob- of the Salvation sbpes or a covers a a complete cross-section community, and in their" siving of physical as well as spiritual they have won many Reserve Judgement In : for House of Windsor Chapter. Makes Educational Grant The House of Windsor JODE Desets were pes. the home of Mrs Davies 8. ent, called the meeting to order 'minutes of the previous Ter til were read.|lent hairdress Mrs. N. Panabaker, Educational view Lodge which she a Convener, 'made Juggistions for| yes, Cole mentioned how Jieaeud Jarious for the nd wishes to charged for front seats. People were executed for on a man found guilty of news 14, commented that a man items and names appreciated, of DAY-BY-DAY | WHITBY Accounts of social events and of local interest visitors are hiastad EN oS oaupetition i CHECKER CHAMPIONSHIP for the Bassett tical of the sealing by Phst site emplo in 1832, for lar- Fees yin and sh hall, years, Hall is still the { Norris, was "Fait sung cle Final Frien St. Hold Tea Today The M Andrew's Shened with 24 members present. e president, companying at the plano, Mrs, W Scripture, Pali 78, verses 1 to 8 and Mi. J 3 ning to family week. |* Several dinners were planned [ for June. The bazaar was dis- cussed and plans were made for bigger lowing the business meeting, Andrew's YW meeting of the St. oung Woman's group| Mrs, Sloan, n the chair, Ham 545, h of Our Father's", was with Mrs, Morrisson read the A . Frost read an Hd and various displays. Millionaire's Woman's ough n0|ing held i of the Town Whitby, will be held on Friday night, May 17, at 8 o'clock in the Club Room, Colborne street west. All interest- ed checker players are cordially invited to attend. ALL SAINTS' AUXILIARY The All Saints' Anglican Church Auxiliary will hold their regular business and devo- tional meeting on Thursday, Ma 16, at 2.30 p.m. in the paris Reports from the delegates {who attended the Dioces| in Toronto last week prison guards and murder by Vandy Vandervoort, of Stirling. shooting or use of explosives. gin guestrgas A. B, Welk, of Toronto, Kathleen Rowe conducted a a for club's minstrel show which takes to the boards 'tonight. consider to Gncided to adopt a school which chapters who are responsible will mean that he chapter will/for this kind gesture. contribute a flag, ture of the The Summer Day Camp A Queen, an 10D; endar and a mittee will meet on Moiday, May library. It was Ay "decided that a|27th, at the home of Mrs. Murray | donation be sent to the Lucy Mor- Detlor. Mrs. D. F. Tuline was risson Memorial fund which pro- welcomed as a new member. Mrs. | vides scholarships for deserving J. B, Davies, convener of services | students, Chapter members are at home and abroad, distributed | asked to continue saving their|wool to the members to do knit~ ma azines, Plans are also beingiting during the summer months. e regarding awards for pri-|A vote of thanks was offered to mary schools. the hostess from everyone who: Mrs. Murray Detlor and Mrs. attended. i of 109 an meet- Walter the South, North Still Divided In Italy ROME (Reuters) -- Nearly 100jachieved at the expense of years after the unification of holy, poor peasant economy, while the traditional barriers still separate taxes which they have paid to thi the poor, agricultural south from|central government for the last the prosperous, industrial north. years have gone into the po A survey by a Rome weekly|of the successful industrialist newspaper showed that southern- the north, ary La eager to share in the] Preoccupied by the 20,000 ey Superior standard of liv-|who emigrate each year to e the northerners, suspic-|of Turin alone from the Pros by i of sout': rn infiltration, feel|stricken areas of the south, closer bonds with Northern Europ-|the fact that entire towns on eans rather than with their own|Ligurian Riviera now are inhab countrymen from Naples and Sic-|ited by Italians from the "toe" o ily. Italy, many northerners question Southern Italians resent the fact|in the survey said: "I feel nea that when Italy, formerly a patch-|t0 2 Frenchman than to a Sieil-#== work of independent states, be-|lan: 4 came a un nation in 1860, the LONG DISPUTED political, fiscal and administrative] «rhe southern question" is © structure of a small state in the north, Piedmont, should have been ti 1, 188 occupied Talia T TAG DAY CP AND Members of the Cancer, Polio|ilians and TB fund of Whithy, most successful tag day In Whit. by last Saturday, More yd $300 was raised, which will be for the assistance: of victims of the three diseases. Tagging for the fund were CGIT members L. Gibson ac: and Boy Scouts, PPRECIATION DAY WINNER Winner of this week's tion Day draw was Mrs. B 301 Colborne St. E. She won $23 on a five per cent coupon and an additional $5 for naming the mer. {chant of the week, Rousseau Up- ! holster. used Apprecla- . Smith, arrangements were made for the tea and home baking sale to be held on Wednesday, May 15, at the manse We |FOR SALE--SPRAYMOTOR, MOUNT. {ed traller, sprayer motor driven with boom, for orchard spraying or erop, |8130; quantity feed wheat. MO sanz. 113 sesh POTATOES. FoR SALE floor, living room. room, kitchen Shaun Kilpatrick, son of Pome Whitky, MO '8.204 xs. {and Mrs. James McQuay; : Jerry Alan, son of Mr. and|ROTOTILLING. HAVE YOUR Grn FOR RENT -- THREE . ROOM {Mrs. Lorne Penfound; tact Len Crowder, 308 Anderson | guest, t apartments or Sarum. Apply id e| Lynda Lois, daughten of Mr, Whitby. ap 4 ister M. Ash and Mrs, Stephen Nimigon; | FOR RENT -- TWO - ROOM APART- TO The| Deborah Ann, daughter of Mr. ment, hot uad cold water. 68 Church the chap- and Mrs, William Grylls; ROUSSEAU Pickering. who read Margaret Susan, daughter of FOR RENT--APARTMENT, GROUND the Scripture and the opening Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McQuat; - pray yor. Plans were discussed for the Mrs. Tomas William, son of Mr. and . L. McQuat. LET [BROC ns, A hidden shame out in the 1S, THE WARNER BROS. pres: the 2yosinun iby NY on with Oterrifying rock bottom a wg "THEBAD SEED" A -- i mn rn em MERVYN Ty a Tm Pty SR LLL AY We opie 0 pty By ATWELL ANOCRSON sf 0 aed by WLAN ARCH Bonesed by BITTE AY WHITBY Phone MO 8-3618 EVENING SHOWS 7 P.M, FEATURE STARTS 7 -- 9.25 open--and the most 1 ever hit for love ENTERTAINMENT 1G SHOGKERE the prize winning cagt of the play! none we wre mew FURNITURE Representing . . . Vilas SKLAR- SNYDER - FARQUARSON & GIFFORD Reiiable - Knechtels Living Room Furniture, Mar- shall-Simmons Bedding, Brooks Lamps, Lloyd Baby Carriages, Cooey Kitchen Units, and Many Others. Upholstery Materials and Supplies. 216 Mary Street Eost, Whitby MO 8-3483 May 15/5 with cupboards, bathroom, heat and hot water provided, quiet location. Now available. 601 Dundas East. May1s FOR SALE--THREE DINING ROOM chairs complete with plastic seats tod. tle 'on, also Superior Royal electric ironer, 630 Kent Street; MO 8-3788, 113¢ FOR SALE-THREE PIECE BEDROOM ' suite, Good condition. Phone M bh FOR SALE--WHITBY -- TWO CORNER lots, 100 x 154, $2500; $3000. MO i 1% Mrs. Frost, Mrs. , Mrs. A. Andrew, L. LOSING MONEY |garian revolution. so W. Morrisson and became evident after the Gibson, served refresh- Union's suppression of the Hun- ments with an original fouch. LONDON (AP) -- The British- §ovtet Friendship Rojaty ran ito e red last year. Treasurer Rev Bymn 404, "What t 3 Stanley Evans toda ave In Jesus". Fol-|deficit of £614 for 1 The with a £50 balance the previous Mrs. | year. Evans said a "lack of spirit" reported a compared viet PASTURE FOR RENT. RUSSELL Fleming, MO 8-3875. 1130 MEN'S ALL WOOL SAND SPORT coats In sizes 37, 38 and 40. Regular price $20.95. This week only, $10.00 each, Mercantile Dept, Store. May 18 R SALE -- LARGE FOAM RUB- Jor mattress, Phone MO 8.4242. 113¢ TEACHING ACCORDION, SPANISH and Hawaiian guitar, separately and in §t9ap. Apply 740 Dundas East, over store 113¢ ALTERATIONS AND PANT CUFFING Reasonable. Phone MO 83360; 1013 Centre May 26 BATHS, BASINS, JTooLs, SINKS, Sump pum nd hot w ter tanks, All kinds of pipe: ttings, new al sand used, sold or installed at cut rate price Dial RA 5:4241, J. Foley. Collect. May 2% $$SAVESS By Driving To MANCHESTER GARAGE Large selection of A-1 Used Cars ot wholesale prices, You name the price. No reasonable offer refused. Phone 512 Port Perry Hwy. Junctions 7, 7A & 12 Aug. 15 CTINTRAL SODDING AND GARDEN. ing sod delivered or laid. Lawns pre- pared with Roto-tiller, manure, stone. Phone Whithy MO 8.4215. Juneé MONUMENTS Of Every Description CR Of Beoutiful Memorials ROBT. AUSTIN MO 8-3462 Kingston Road West "Halfway Between Whitby and Ajax" May 15 RE-UPHOLSTERING Chesterfield Suites Remodelled. . PUCKRIN & SON hh BROCK ST. S., WHITBY PHONE MO 8-3442 FREE DELIVERY PEl certified seed potatoes, McKenzie Seeds by package and bulk Lown seed by the bulk. Insecticides and fungicides. Fertilizers for lown and farm Lawn and garden tools. Peat Mass in any quantity, See us obout your paint needs Feed or YLT Expertly rebuilt and recovered to look absolutely new. Fine selection of fabrics ot lowest prices anywhere. Dial MO 8-2344 { MR, T. ZAYETTE "Special Rates on Smal Odd Chairs" . May 15 FOR ALSCO ALUMINUM COMBINATIONS WINDOWS AND DOORS PHONE "DOC" DAFOE MO 8-2350 After 6 P.M. FREE eSTIMATES | | | | | a! PLUMBING AND HEATING Repairs and Supplies MO 8-3011 Free Estimates HAMERS Plumbing and Heating 210 Brock South, Whitby M.W.F. May 15 LAWN mowers sharpen- ed and repaired, Saws filed and set. RUSSELL BAILEY 917 Centre Street South "MO 8-3708 mwfMay26 CEMENT GRAVEL $1.60 YARD ROAD GRAVEL $1.40 YARD FILL SUPPLIED. FOR DELIVERY ERIC BRANTON MO 8- 2800 F. Mav 17 NEIL C. MURKAR, 0. OPTOMETRIST 102 Dundas Street West; MO 8-3671 OPEN 9:30 - 5:30 WED, & SAT, 9 - 12 MWF, May 15 HAVING A SALE? LOYAL POGUE PHONE MO 8-4271 for... Licensed Auctioneer For Whitby Town, Whitby and Pickering Townships * "Auction Sales ths All Types 7 Mav 18! THE GREATEST NAME IN CIGARETTE TOBACCO Players Roll, with the Best! CIGARETTE TOBACCO For those who prefer fo roll their own cigarettes -- either by hand or machine == Player's Cigarette Tobacco offers real smoking satisfaction -- famous for quality, mildness and flavour. imposed on whol: country. of the Fageist regime, SOUTH BITTER taly nko > a fhe' pro. a FLL thern i gress of the north has beey| "the sou Since 1950, fal south development Fd been by the government. This is to build roads, start refo: and irrigation projects, and gener- ally assist the local economy, which politicians of a Dae Wams Youths To Stay Apart [iii 5", Two Dunbarton youths, con- hind the social and industrial ¢ victed yesterday of stealing gas- velopment oline from a rucking firm, were pment of the orth, warned by Magistrate F, S. Ebbs to stay away from each other. Elmer Kay and Claude Joseph Lacourse, both 17, appeared in Whithy police court, They were placed on suspended sentence for one year and were ordered to stop associating with each other. Kay, the only one ofl the pair who owns a car, was ordered not to use it in future for anything for b Sasential transporta- tion. rt to the County Probation Officer Steve Pointen every month. P.C, R, H, Bodley, of the Pick- ering Police Department, said that he had come upon the Jair walking along the Pickering- arborough townline, Lacourse carrying a hose and Kay carry- ing seven galions of gasoline. The gascline, said, came from right's Transport, . FOR MISSED PAPERS IN WHITBY Phone MO. 8-3111 ¥ you have not received your Times-Gazette by 7 P.M, Coll BELL TAXI AR cols must be placed before 7:30 P.M. 1.0.D.E. Viscount Greenwood Chapter Annual Summer Garden Tea [f[ | at the home of § || MR. & MRS. J. WEST } 1734 Dufferin St. ! Wed., June 19th, 3-5:30 p.m. | ® Bake Table, Costume Jewellery. ® Transportation Arranged \ : You Haven't Seen This : MINSTREL SHOW before Rotary Minstrels Wednesday & Thursday 8.15 p.m. WHITBY TOWN HALL ADMISSION: 75¢ & 50c HELP ROTARY TO HELP OTHERS