Fg OR ASSIFIED ADVERTISING : Continued from Page 14) . ticles For Sale 50--Articles For Sale A0ADLOOM RUG, IN TWO TAPE RECORDERS FOR RENT -- $10. measures 34 x 20; lime green week. Will rent only to vellale pag 5 pr. | chair; coffee dl ol Meagher Electric. | 5:9262 after 6. 98c | Lens Fae vy el le ofl. Suit- he " on Sult-|visipn. Thrifty budget plan. RA FIVE BURNER GAS WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE Srawers, furniture. RA er. ii hig RA used funiture. Oa. 3am. ods TABLE AND CHAIRS, BAT- BATHS, BASINS, STOOLS, er, second hand car tires, pumps and hot water tanks. Al bieyaiss and parts. Apply 3 kinds of pipe and fittings, new and used, RA 5-421, J § PIECE DELUXE CHROME KITCHEN Juites, Semin. arbotite Sable io 2 nd 4 ee | heavy duty chrome matching chairs, up- CE DARK WALNUT BED- holstered in washable and durable plas. =n Eralient oo ition Yeu¥ tics, Wide choice of very smart patterns 3 Ra 54159, Saturday aftel and colors. And look at this low, low 3432. 9®lprice, $47, Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church CTRIC RAZORS, CUT- Street. Apr. 25, 27 , cords and service Parts. gominE EATER OF FLOOR COVER. at ec hers bee § PAIN SALE OF FLOOR, COVER a -- Yl ful and cheerful pafterns. Sale price 37 LA CAR RADIOS INSTALL- cents a foot. Wilson Furniture. 20 erial from $39.95 at Parkway reh. SR Apr. 25, 27| 333 Simeoe North. Mav of LERS, TAILPIPES AND EX.| 5 A WEEK WE WILL COM- haust pipes for every car at the price roish yovr home with furni- (you want to pay. We install. Wards Auto lances and television. Over 100 Supply, 79 Simcoe North. RA 8-8353, rluding chesterfield. bedroom | May 9 dgerator, T.V., washer, kitchen -- PPD BRRARE = ARD RAPRAY =. tabies, etc. Barons Home JUL CONERCEROUM portables. Used [= April 29. With electric or gasoline motors, For | rs os ia ~---- |sale. Private. 286 Frontenac Avenue, 2.95 GAL. GUARANTEED IN-/RA 5.9216. May 23 A exterior. Oshawa e | | ile, 62 King West. RA 3-7624. |EIGHT PIECE DINING ROOM SUITE, May 15. |dark colour in good condition. $35.| JR JACKET, PERFECT CON. [Phone Pickering 55. aD | all at 237 Athol Street East TWO-PIECE CHESTERFIELD SUITE, 95 | suitable for cottage. Apply 165 Albert = GERRARD HEINTZMAN | Street or phone RA 3.7586. 98h size, excellent condition, $350. | MAHOGANY, 20-FT. INBOARD RUN- [acring J 3 98b (about. Built by Taylor. 104 H.P. Gray- rine motor. Beautifully reupholster-| May 15 sold or installed at cut rate prices. Dial |i Foley. Apr.28 Tr |B. F. GOODRICH STORES, TIRES, |" * tele: : a A freak accident put Bar. bara Patricia Fraser of Ottawa in hospital with a cut chin and broken ribs. Hurled from a somersaulting car she was sus- pended from a telephone pole cross arm 20 feet above the ground, She fell before she could be lowered but suffered no injuries in the drop. India Tries To Build Big Fleet Rag sss Horse Operas Social Events In Resolute Bay By ARCH MacKENZIE is serving the usual six-month tertainment during the movie run, Canadian Press Staff Writer [posing and he defends' Resolute "which tends to pot the best RESOLUTE BAY, N.W.T. (CP) loyally, ; Hg {films." He's right. Night life in Resolute Bay isn't| 'The familiar faces tend to be-| A Jittle blurred with the voices sophisticated by civilized "stand. come >merged now among the a shade out of timing, the heroine ; (new ames and we lose some of | alternates Joving technicolor pats By Arctic entertainment values, Our ii..unacy," says Joe, who between she horse and the hero, it's one place where a trip to the doubles as customs officer. and finally settles for the hero. dentist has its compensations--a| Behind the mess Dr. Claude For- Or long-forgotten movie faces de- sociable beer, a haircut, new ler of Elmira, Ont., has set up his liver glib lines stamped with the faces, a reel-at-a-time horse opera office to conduct the annual teeth 40g, or a spirited game of bingo. {checkup of Depariment of Trans- | In Resolute as in other Arctic allis Island, ort weather men who have been, no01: "fuel oil is the lifeblood of |tlown in from their remote camps |. oi14 the constant enemy and fire a wide expanse of desolate a te a dread catastrophe. and ivy 3 Somijined 1.780 miles |in the rest of the year combined. Widely-distributed base notices, i A stress the importance of conserv-| almost due north of Winnipeg and | There is a_carling fuk one ing heat and light, thereby oil. | miles sht, movis | HB OF RIRLIFT he pole. sheet, movies are shown three Showers are limited to a few min-| Right now, the station is jam. nights a week and the men play utes, lights are doused' in empty med because Of the annual|bingo every Saturdty night. The rooms, "spring" influx of RCAF and fed. bar--for beer only--opens nightly A fire could destroy supplies eral officials here for the airlift for a brigk trade. brought in by sea and stockpiled | 4 for spring airlift distribution--' of stockpiled supplies to four FILMS OF OTHER DAYS | more than 1,000,000 pounds is in| {weather station satellites lying! pir 1¢ sare says kibitzing | volved--or endanger the camp it- !farther out on the edge of the =~ TOVIIeS Toast Of the ert self Arctic ocean. \ The population has swelled to, about 350 from its Sormal tose! of PA - . about 25 Canadian an T 1 A tal [States weather men and a ¢mall, 2 evision 1d [5] [Classified number of RCAF per- sonnel. Also oil Band jis year ne 13 iT) | personnel o oto Squadron th [based at Oitawa which is continu- | 0 a6 eda T ling Shoran operations--the use of : radar to pin down maps of the! MONTREAL (CP)---A new de- sent into. clouds as high as 45,000 country accurately, There are yice developed in McGill Univer-jieet. Information obtained from about 100 men from 436 Transport | cu. precios laboratories en. | these radar impulses is stored in| Squadron at Toronto handling the |" RT a "memory tube" and a picture is ables meteorologists to "see" the produced on a television screen irlift. . fi * The flow has quickened of geol- | weather -- with the aid of tel every 3% minutes. ogists, National Research Council |evision. In the future, closed television | and weather men and other transients. | radius of Montreal and experts be- | forecasters to view h'gh altitude |Down on the shore in semi-isola- lieve it will have a big impact on weather conditions. {tion is a permanent--and original | future operation of aircraft, as| The McGill researchers, whost |--camp studying the ionosphere. well as airline traffic direction. work is sp ed by the { BRISTOL, England (Reuters)--| BUILDING BURNS IN EAST TORONTO Smoke billows up from a Defence Research Board, The device is being used to circuits may be used to enable air-| warehouse in east end Toronto physical Year personnel, visiting study the clouds within a 100-mile [line traffic directors and weather during a fire which burned more than 10 hours out of control and | and th> Levis Waste Paper Co., caused damage estimated at | were badly damaged. A num- more than $2,000.000. Two | ber of firemen were injured and plants, the Central Storage Co., | traffic was tied up for hours. SCOUTS START FIRE . THREE MINERS KILLED CORNWALL, Vt. (AP) -- Two, HUNTINGTON, Utah (AP) ~The El iy Ih 1 wv, g Ji - R ma | a : o] ND OD or "phone RA (ed and refinished this year $% for| NEW DELHI (Reuters)--India| The so-called spring bustle is al McGill radar meteorologists, led [research board of Canada and the Fire Tuesday swept through the|cub scouts were too successful in'ceiling of a coal mine collapsed 99a | alk See a 4 sots age |ls in the market for second-hand|mispomer in that the breakup by Prof. J. 5. marshall, have been | United States Air Force, described |1,3%6-ton Norwegian freighter Stal- their effort to start a fire by Thursday, killing three men. The WAVE ELECTRIC RANGE. [oor ey El r--sizs, Ships to help build up a merchant |comes in late June or early July studying the clouds over Montreal their invention to the sixth inter- heim, lighting up the entire dock|scraping two rocks together. Fire. |three were putting up timbers to our burner, with clock, timer, LADY'S GREY SPRUNG CONT. PEC fleet which will reduce her de- ang freezeup follows in late Aug- for 2% years. national weather radar conference area here. The fire, believed to fighters said the blazé the young- shore up a mine owned by the omatie oven control, $100. 1955| 0 "C0 Juv ber Phone RA 50141. 98 pendence on other countries. ust or early September. The device they developed, an at the Massachusetts Institute of have started in the vessel's en-|sters started in that arcient man- American Fuel Co., when the eeil- Resolute is still cold, but the intricate combination of electronic Technology, held recently in Bos- gin room, was brought ander ner Tuesday spread through 15ing toppled down and crushed helvador 8% cubic foot refrig-| be . ymplete with full width freezer ONE ORIENTAL DESIGN SARUKAN| In the next eight years, she acres of grassland. them. 'able crisper, $150. Call Whitby rug, wine background, 13 foot, 6inch hopes to increase her shipping RCAF boxcars drone in and out apparatus, utilizes radar impulses 'ton, control, RENE a 99x 9 foot, excellent condition. Phone RA |fleet fourfold. | round the clock--it doesn't get any AILER FOR SALE, 18 INCH 3-23%. | TTT XE TT WE"; TV Ti She now has 123 ships on|darker than a twilight now--the 3 ; , EX- : gy RAS 3005. gig HH gy bo Included, 3; |coastal and overseas routes, with|mess serves up steaming mounds 5 AND GREY CHROME KIT. [als three ladies golf irons, Spalding, |a total tonnage of 512,643. By the | of food to keep pace, and the beds e, 'very good condition, Phone Marilyn Smith, like new, $12. Phone RA lend of the third five-year plan in|crammed six to a cubicle work in| 3. 99a (3318. 0 9™1965.66, she hopes to own a mer-|shifts. | ST ELECTRI iC AUTOMATIC | TELEVISIONS, USED, ALL RECONDI- chant navy of 2,000,000 gross reg- | BUSY CANTEEN 1 n rt Wy ps. Console and a { pump with tank, $65. Dial RA [oned, RCO om $99 to #130. Baron's istered tons. The little pool table is always REE Tun J 0 | adio and Electric Ltd. 436 Simcoe | With her own fleet, India would busy. The canteen piano tinkles Lo RCI ol Ty Breet BO ai May 24| fee] more certain of being able | through the smoke-filled room and : i May 2| FOR WOMEN DRIVERS A COM-|to import the vital machinery bearded men drink pints of beer, plete Motaloy ring and valve job while |nepjed for the country's indus- |play darts or flip through tattered J. ORDE MARINE J Arle, or oly RE aranteed 200,000 | trialization without the risk of dis- | pocket books and month-old news: i miles. Advertised in Popular Mechanics, | putes between other powers ham- papers. Al , etc. Confidentially, good for rs , "and used boots, motors five te Bellen Company, | Pering her development program. | % i isn't as bed 4 a Jot of people "= rgilers. Johnson Peter- [Box 125, Times-Gazette. _May 1i| But mew ships are difficult to think," says Fit. Lt. y = Ph 503 |ELECTRIC TABLE.TOP STOVE, FRIG. | obtain. Shipbuilders all over the ficer commanding the RCAF base, £Sh Poceship. Phone ldaire. Apply 206 Jarvis Street. Phone world have backlogs of orders. [the most northerly in Canada. erry. RA 56164. ____ %|ghipyards in Europe take from Joe, a Maltese four years in Can- Moy 13 [USED FURNITURE -- CHESTER- two to five years to deliver a new ada and a long way from home, |tields, sofa beds, etc. Excellent condi- | vagce] -- | tion, reasonably priced, Apply Baron's, | . | 3 news-information--entertainment nte\W eekly Globe and Mail GIRLS! BOYS! yrude Outboard Motors 424_Simcoe Street South April 29 Indian officials are not pre-, at i |3% HP EVINRUDE OUTBOARD MO-| pared to wait so long because P 1 t1 | L eship Bests and Hulls ' 56120. 9b that would mean upsetting the 0 1 ca ed er d C Boas |tor, reasonable. Dial RA | &nadion Canoe Boa condition. Call at 237 Athol Street Fast time schedule of their plans for ter Cra' Boot Trailers after six. Ne merchant nav | . Theo EE TTF y. They are there- , WASHING ~~ MACHINE, els ed and fore searching the world market 1€8 NAN MARINE S/@ ES carpets, roll-away bed, single bed and |p)" ocond-hand ships, - | spring filled mattress, chest of ly St., Oshawa, RA 8-8653 reasonable. Apply 255 Athol Street East. ARTS fe mi Tk --ct a a u-- { 180 , C. ARC WELDER, 220 n like new, $200. R COVERING now Used power hacksaw, 360. OR GAY [such ships IF "We are ready to buy any ship between 5,000 and 10,000 tons, not more than 10 years old," said one government spokesman. "But we find that nobody wants to sell because of the delay getting new ones." M(ul and cheerful patterns, ler now. Fim ey Llprice 37 cents per foot. [North Ofhawa. Apr. 18 GIANT SALE ON SUNWORTHY WALL papers. Room lots $1.95 up. Nelson Wallpaper and Paints, 19 Bond West. May% April 25 TVILSON FURNITURE 20 Church St. NORTHERN INLET Hamilton inlet on the Labrador coast is more than 150 miles long, with average breadth of 14 miles. NEW YORK (AP) -- John F. Curry, 84, leader of New York's | Tammany Hall political organiza- | tion in the Jimmy Walker era, | died Thursday at his winter home in Coral Gables, Fla. Curry quit politics after losing his Tammany leadership in 1934, two years al forcing the resig- nation of Democratic Mayor Walker. Curry had headed the |New York Democratic organiza. tion since 1929. THE Jew Crisis Overlaps ld Mid-East Trouble JOSEPH MacSWEEN | France and allies of the Baghdag| This came out as Russia and ress IP Staff Writer act. w crisis reached flood-tide SUEZ AT UN Middle East, overlapping | mp United Nations Security 1 . . Council met in New York to con- s young King Hussein gider a new declaration by Egypt | desperately to keep the lid on the Suez Canal. unt chaos in his little| pregid Nasser pr d that --and to save his throne. Egypt run the canal and collect In, 21, clamped military law | tolis alone, while submitting to ar- 1,500,000 subjects, named a |pitration or the world court any jovernment and abolished | disputes with users. 1's 10 political parties. British newspapers said the U.S, in said his enemies are had failed in attempts to win more Cc him outside Jor- |gujtable terms from the Egyptian d organizing riofs within. dictator. But London reports indi- red a curfew in main cit- cated Britain might acknowledge 1 his hardest words to date, Egypt's terms under protest pend- Britain made public letters ex- {changed between Premier Bul- ganin and Sir Anthony Eden, then prime minister of Britain, before the Suez intervention, Bulganin told Eden there was grave danger that a little war {might become a big war--a state- {ment that the British saw as a threat of Soviet action. | Bulganin also had written to costly race towards death" which all wise men of whatever faith should fight. ELECTION DEBATE John Diefenbaker promised to reduce taxes and launch a national develppment policy for all parts {of Canada if his Progressive Con- | servative party wins the June 10 | elec A | Opening a 6%-week country- | wide ign with a speech at| | Toronto, Mr. Diefenbaker also pledged to work out new tax-shar- {ing arrangements with the prov- inces. | Prime Minister St. Laurent, (looking fit as he led his Liberal] supporters into the election fray, |smilingly told reporters he has no plans for retirement if his govern- Laughs! Tales of Mystery! | Famous Adventure Stories! { Premier Mollet of France, stating ment is re-elected. | France would play into the hands of the United States by using force in the Suez dispute. [NUCLEAR DANGERS Dr, Albert Schweitzer, renowned The 75-year-old prime minister | said his retirement had been pre- |dicted in 1949, 1953 and 1957 and "if I'm still around in 1961 I'm sure it will be repeated then." imed Egyptian propaganda ing new talks for a final settle-|philosopher and doctor, warned BRIDE FREED aternational communism as ment. {that radioactivity is '"'a catastro- | London, Ont, police were or- 1ain sources of his trouble.| The British government told phe for the human race" and he dered to release a Montreal girl outgoing government had |ghipping companies to shun the appealed to people everywhere to fice only eight days, while canal pending the result of the demand an end to the tests. n's future became a crucial |New York deliberations and sub-! The Nobel peace prize winner nmediate issue in the seeth- | sequent studies by the Suez Canal sent his appeal to Norway from his wishes. fiddle East where Russia's i he 1 Bowing Users Association in London. sident Eisenhower declared SUEZ LETTERS the United States supports Britain disclosed she had n's independence. The U.S. pleaded with the Soviet Union last Japanese envoy seeking world sup- | leet made special movements |fall to recognize the legitimate in- | nection with the crisis. {terests of the nations using the 8 2 porting the U.S. | canal and help the West achieve a his African hospital retreat. The Vatican, meanwhile, made public the contents of a note rec- ently handed by Pope Pius to a port for Japan's fight against nu- | who had been kop} in jail for three days on a complaint laid by her {father after she married against Mrs. Mary Goudie, 18, walked | { happily from the courtroom, hand- | {in-hand with her husband of six weeks, a garage worker. The | young couple moved from Quebec, | where the legal age is 21, to On- | ALL IN FULL COLOR! You've never seen a comic section like it! In the new Weekly Globe and Mail you'll find not just two or three but SIX of your favorite comic strips -- PLUS three big 3-page stories from Classics Illustrated, famous stories of land, sea and western clear tests. Sp The Doni referred to mucleas| {2110 15, MAY, wher, the firs tions with 'sett with Presid, Nasser. gE oo aE Z ONONE SIDE, ISRAEL -- ON THE OTHER, JORDAN 'hig simple ploughed furrow | the furrow is Major Bakshish | irks the demarcation line be- Singh of the Indian parachute --Cn Egypt's Gaza territory | bastalion that is part of the that of Israel. Standing at | UN. Emergency Force. He is | ar ts as "this terrifying to to the Adi | Mr. Justice D. C. Wells said the | arrest was "illegal and invalid" | and added that "if any attempt is | {made to interfere with this girl's 54 [liberty again in this shocking way {I want to hear about it." | |ERA ENDS | | A romantic era in Western Can- | ada transportation is ending with | the sternwheeler Moyie's last run ou British Columbia's Kootenay e. The CPR is replacing the Mis- sissippi-style craft with a screw- | propeller vessel. The Moyie, built | 60 years ago in Toronto, was or-| iginally intended for Gold Rush is service in Alaska but the gold $i co fever cooled before the paddle- | % Bil wheeler reached those parts. For | 159 years the Moyle plied Koot- | enay Lake instead. BUCK RETAINED | Tim Buck held his job as Can. ada's p Communist. The 169 | delegatés to the Labor-Progres- | sive party's sixth national econven- tion in Toronto re-elected Buck as | | leader with only six dissenting votes, | Three top dissidents who had) called for an end to "subservi-| ence" to Soviet communism found themselves no longer on the 51- member national committee. ANGLICAN SYNOD MEETS KINGSTON (CP)--The 91st ses- ision of the Anglican Synod of the 5 1: diocese of Ontario will be held looking into Israel, where the here May 7 and 8 Bishop K.' C. wheet grows taller and sturdidr Evans of Ontario diocese will de Ducasse Israeli farmers use liver his charge on onening day er farming methods than with Canon W. W, Judd of Tor- their Arab neighbors. |onto guest speaker. Eo adventures in serial form. Be sure the new Weekly Globe and Mail comes to your house starting with the very first issue -- so that - you can read the thrill-packed "adventures of "Pathfinder," "The - Moonstone" and "The Arabian Nights!" Remind your Mom and Dad today, to be sure to get the new Weekly Globe and Mail. FOR HOME DELIVERY, PHONE RA 5.4473 TODAY secticns General News Entertainment Men's Globe end Mall The Women's Globe end Mail The Globe Magazine Youth Section Your regular Saturday Globe and Mail expanded to 8 sections-- now available for separate delivery