| GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES MOTHERS' AUX.|flower Report. Discussion followed purchasing tablecloths and 18TH SCOUT The 18th Scout Mothers Aux-|on fliary held its regular meeting at!dishes. Courtice school. | irs. Stanley Bone introduced The president, Mrs. Allen Ste- Miss Isabelle Sorley, a VON phen, presided. The minutes and nurse who told of the work car- ltreasurer's report were read. ried on by the organization in 'Further plans were made for the Oshawa. |father and son banquet on April The Friendship Group served 27, also a rummage sale in the refreshments. Claude Vipond Will answer questions after the film. i Mr. Donald Peel, teacher, di- Mrs. Laura Liffin, introduced ey, Mrs. Fr rected a program of square the guest speaker, Mr. Robert'Jack Murdoch, freshments were served by Mrs Victor Hulatt, Mrs, Walter Lacks ank Richards, Mrs, Mrs. Hayward an|fhanked Mr. Peel and the dane- ers. Giles, who spoke on the subject/Murdoch, Mrs. L. Dunn and Mrs, Ante | {dances to recordings. The danc:| Emile Laussele under the come ers were Marlene Sh s Bo-{ ore Poychology. Mr. Giles, 3 B zena Krasnaj, Judy Moulton, monstrated on the board Margaret Vielhaber, Edmund Me- equations, formulatin ringer, |Craggs, {pupils were the senior class, re-| It was announced that the next, presenting Conant School at the meetin, OCCI Square Dance Festival, Mr.|Counc Fred Britten program convener'School, April 30 at 8 p.m. Re- more , de- venership of Mrs. Fred Britten. child Larry chology. Mr. Fred Britten th These Clie. ho MARITAL AGES Mr. More than 75 per cent of spine sters married in Canada in 1054 of the Home and School Were under 25 years old; bache. will meet at E. A. Lovell lors marrying under 25 than half, with | 5y-| Phillip Trudell, Bryan Laxdell, Orange Temple On eA'"h i TH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX. Thatks were espressed 18 The April meeting of the 14th those who _had_Teiped with the cous Mother's Auxiliary was held last rummage sale. € 4 Mrs. mage, Pingle and her at Holy Trinity Anglican Church. ©: committee served refreshments. --s. Ales vg, Dress 5 lent, open meeting with a 1 he WILLING. NURRER of PPeCiAl praver awd turned Se illing | meeting over . Jol - | Harmony United Church held its der, DE resident, who read a April meeting recently with Mrs. story on the life of Lord Baden 4 George Lees presiding. Mai ; || Mrs. 4 Stanley Hart was Mrs. Ross Godfrey, Akela, for : |snarge of the gevotioial perio. the 14th Cubs, gave a demonstra- bs Ts. i mes AeInp th T Solas tion of a regular cub meeting and [ave # Teadig. Dazed on. theliik Cubs tang sang 8 few amusing | theme "The Christian Home." | Sixers ah oo LR Mrs. Wesley Hockin read a Frank Penwright, Gerald Tilk, poem. The worship service closed john Harmon, Gary Patcheson "ih prayer led by Mr ont {and Ronald Mitchell, | e nutes were rea e | Harold Winter. Mrs. William Mrs. Donald Haight read o re | 3 i# Fou gave the treasurer's re- .iioe The new social Soirvenes | i is Mrs, an Cooper, who dis-|} - aa jp! Were made Jor sav. cusse¢ the planning of the menu 'were served by Mrs. Hart d for the father and son banquet. | ey y Mrs. Hart and 'Mpg, Penwright thanked the) i Be. members for their co-operation on| ¢ COUPLES' CLUB the "Come And Go" tea held at) £2 The Couples' Club of St. Paul's her home to raise funds, 2s Presbyterian Church held its reg-|the bakeless cake sale and the ular meeting on Saturday, The candy sales were very success-| |vice-president, Mr. Earl Smith, BILLY BOY ul. Sirthl ' Celebrating his first birthday He grandson of Mr. and Mise resided. After th i Happy birthday was sung for| today is William Howard, son of | Howard Toms, Newcastle, a i pre James Lie Spouing hymn Mrs. Freda Fleming, Mrs. Allan| Mr. "and Mrs. Robert (Bud) | Herbert Wagar, | message from the scriptures, Mrs, Cooper and Mrs, Allen Martin| Wagar of Newcastle. Billy is | % Ruby Jones led in prayer. served refreshments. During the Lusiness meeting the The next meeting "will be held reports were read and approved. °" Thursday, May 9. . | at was Seclded that the club would | Joan Cobb Wed | Cons H : 5 Assn. | DO ToArthur Fisher 20. "(May 11. The final details for the | Conant Home and School Asso- the| Joan Frances Cobb and Arthur on Monday, April 15, with Mr. Mr. and Mrs, Oshawa. The Oshawa Credit {Breakfast Club entertained ant Monday Afternoon Club. ed with the hostess serving re- and the bridegroom is the son of | Caster holiday commences April Mrs. Elwood Bradley called the |freshments. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Fisher, [8 to April 20. Mr. Wilkinson also roll. Mrs. G. N. Lee read the Killarney, Manitoba. announced a new method of read- scripture lesson. Oshawa friends who had the The bride was given in mar- ing adopted for Grade 1 pupils. Oshawa, $12 Down $3 Week MATCHING WEDDING RING t 3 $4 Down $1 Week n MATCHING WEDDING RING 15 $20 Dowr $5 Week 200° Jf GUARANTEED rani) AND INSURED FRE A 4 Not in years have you seen such outstanding Diamond offer ings-and these creations are il a class by themselves in beauty, in quality and in value tte. SPECIAL MATCHING WEDDING RING 50 00 "OPEN FRIDAY EVENING TILL 9 P.M." i U oy » 5 ee JEWELLERS "No Interést or Carrying Charges" $5 Down $1.50 Week . LIMITED 32 KING ST. W. RA 3-7022 it 55 5 Via ar Bi nia A BIRTHDAY PICTURE trip a be decided upon by the executive. A Daughter AR a Mrs | jodrew Tutak and yr. md An evening of square dancing ciation held its regular meeting Kenneth Northey, reenwood = Mrs. eoffrey Northey was enjoyed after which refresh- A ph Stemie, Sandra Chios, | gest grandiougier of Miu ens Were Served bya ana Lorene SER OME open were edn marriage BY 96 ir. wil Bad, red, te Whe sciciigind her first ws i Pater =n, RN Tomes is. Joloes Ashley, Mr. au Mis inh Miss Mary F. Dav'dson Reverend J. K. Moffat last atur-| minutes and Mrs. Herbert May- | day yesterday. Sandra is the Bowers, all of Oshawa. ' ruce Miles and Mr, and Mrs. : ave. an i day in the parsonage of Simcoe, . 'e i, S { Toronto gave an interestingday in parsonag nard read the treasurer's report. aS anddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Photo by Hornsby Studio George Jones. (alk on "The Value of Credit/Street United Church. |" "Mr. Frank Wilkinson, principal, PMA CLUB |Education." Gifts donated to the| The bride is the daughter of reported that registrations for Mrs. Olive Harrison presided at club were auctioned with ach Mr. Jed A. Join A Cobb of Wiikergarien and Grade 1 ops this week's meeting of the Pleas- hilarity. A pleasant evening clos- Morell, Prince war sland, | wi taken at the school. e Birthday greetings were sung pleasure of meeting Monsieur jage by her uncle, Mr. Daniel The Newcastle method originated {for Mrs. James Stone and Mrs. and Madame Jean Knecht' of/C MacKinnon. She wore a wa'z 'm Newcastle, U.S.A, as an experi Edward Fice. | Paris, France, when they visited length dress of silver-grey taf- ment. Readings were given by Mrs. Oshawa two years ago, will be feta, sprigged with pink and blue, Mrs. E. K .Campbell opened | Thomas Whalley, Mrs. John pleased to learn that the Presi-/flowers, fashiomed with a cross. discussions and suggestions for| Jakes, Mrs. B.rdley and Mrs. Lee. dent of France has 'conferred on over bodice, empire waistline and the annual school picnic. These Refreshments were served by Mons. Knecht the Legiom of Hon- (* ow-length sleeves. Her hat and were accepted unanimously. Jo Aldwinckle Women's Editor Dial RA. 8-3474 Mrs. William Shepherdson and!|sr for his distinguished services accessories were white and her| It was announced that a film en-| Mrs. R. J. Clark. lo Journalism as foreign editor of flowers were pink rosebuds and tiled Human Growth is to be | THE TIMES-GAZETTE ednesda; |Le "Monde, of Paris, and as a pink and white carnations a'shown at the home of Mr. and s DALY Bo An, 195 KING STREET W.A, leading figure in the diplomatic ig {Mrs. Robert Giles home, Grass- LL IR press of Europe. Mons. Knecht, it| ghe was attended by her aunt, mere avenue, April 22, 8 p.m. Dr. . . : A |will be recalled, was a guest|y jel C. MacKinnon, who Beautiful Effects With FlOWers [fi seer tu Gnier speaker af ne 'oshawa Réiars Vas sn navy bive {ate wih The meeting opened with th {Club and Oshawa Kiwanis Club sayy blue and pink hat, pink ac- SOCIAL NOTICES A E In E rt' H ds {theme ee Walter Bes. | "hen he and Mise Rieck were cessories and corsage of roses. | : S nan |wick sang "The Old Rugged in the city as gues I. 80C| wr Harlan James, { " : Mrs. M. McIntyre Hood, Simcoe best n, AT HOME Suiting the action to the words, |gladioli and white stocks wit Bi Dr, The Wane street south. i res for mem- wi a Rig Matthew Hook) Mr. Henry Reed took a dozen red large white liles as the focal| Mrs. Jack Perry led in the de-| 4 veo Keith Van Volken. bers of the family was held at the once in Calgaty; Alberta, Mrs.| es and a brandy "sniffer" and point. votional period. Her theme was Te an h 5 ed at a surprise Commercial Hotel for which the piccell Andrews. 59 Wilson road Jones a order produced a flower /, unique combination of flow-|Dased on the Easter season Mrs, {burg were onoTs at's Ritson bride changed into a grey after-| 'SF LC Nt nome to. neigh- ement that would make & ers and color was the heather and Blakely Yead an article on Easter| P00 eth oe Ce ion of noon dress with red accessories. hors and friends on Monday, Ap- eonversation plece in any room. |pink carnation arrang and CQEUNON an MacMillan read|their twenty-fifth wedding anni: Mr. and Mrs. Fisher are mak- ri] 22, from 7 to 10 p.m. The well - known member of of practical interest was the din- | T) arty was arranged ing their home in Oshawa. | | |miautes and correspondence. Mrs, Versary. The party was ged | ee ---------- fhe local family of florists was|ing table centre - piece of pink| goto poner assistant teeasur.|by Mrs. Douglas Lander and | Ba me Coan oF Ou |The ae 4 pow Pook feciang. or. Gave her report. Ms Frank|Mrs Eg Van Uolenburt NATIVE HEALTH lular bowl. : : James gave the kitchen and|Many relatives an ends Bath-| ¢.ada had 18 federally-admin-| meetin 4 Ee % els Aol Mr. Reed gave his listenersi,.. o; your 1m a cool room et a aad 'Sood "with lserad Jlosp fale 8 3 Duesin Id fovel at whi oh they wil yg En re ang stems immersed in a tub of water es. The bride's family presented OT br 7) Eskimos in 1954. be said " larranging. ? |and the blooms lightly sprinkled them with an electric floor pofish- - Taking three long - stemmed| It was important, he said, that with water before arranging." ler and the bridegroom's family Harris, Mrs. Ross roses. ho explained that the basic the flowers harmonized with the Mr. Reed reco.omended the use gave them an electric refrigera- Mrs. Wilired Harts, Mrs Cost arrangement was triangular with color scheme of the room and Of plastic materials in bowls to tor. They also received dishes Glover and Mrs. Arthur ® one stalk straight up the middle that the shape of the arrange. Support the stems and facilitate and linen and an electric frying| ==. vic Harry Chapman, and two going out at right angles ment suited its background the arrangement. pan. For the occasion the bride I. iol on each side. The spaces were "Choose flowers of types and|, At the close of the much en.of 25 years ago wore a beige filled in with roses of varied-!colors that go together well," he joyed demonstration, Mr. Reed silk dress with a corsage of yel- _ { Melbourne, ADS: stems advised, "and select a bowl or Presented the beautiful arrange-|low and white chrysanthemums. i SO en EE Eng. "ft is important to have a focal vase that is suitable for the types Ment of red roses to Mrs. G. L.|The evening was spent in playing| tralia, a So air. Thom point low and in the centre," he of flowers to be arranged. MacDougall of* Whitby when her progressive euchre. Prizes were land and Sou i! n are broth- Pontinued, and ., have the finest| "Stems should be cut with a Nar: was drawn, and the all-\won by Mrs. Wilfred Harris, and son and Me 3pman a gd blooms and heaviest colors as the knife, diagonally, and never cut!White arrangement was left'as a Mrs. Ross Glover. The mother of ersinlaw aud the 1041 In Eng focal point, There should be no with scissors, straight across the Sift to the YWCA, the bridegroom presented them were together was in 1 in Eng | noticeable join between bow! and stem. Foliage should be stripped _ The speaker was introduced by with a specially decorated anni-|land before one left for N ar flowers and this is achieved by from the stem below the water .-.~%, Marie Shantz and thanked versary cake. Refreshments were East and the other for North having the flowers at the focal|line to prevent bacteriological ®Y Mrs. W. F. Taylor. served by Mrs. Douglas Lander, Africa. . point droop slightly over the edge Jrowth in the Water which is in- Yi - of the bowl." urious to the flowers. Mr. Reed also worked out a for-| "Flowers from the garden or mal arrangement of tall, white the florist should be "hardened" | Store Open Thursday Night ill 9 p.m, EDT ODD p DT You can be one day lovelier instead of one day older, with YARDLEY Beaty Cone Here is all you need for a complete Yardley Beauty Treat. ment: Soap, Cleansing Cream, Vitamin Night Cream and an Astringent. When they're all by Yardley you get 4 to 6 months of Skin Care for about 5¢ a treatment. Octmeal Complexion Soap bs Yardley Lliquefying Clecnsing ind fo even the most sensitive | Cream melts on contact with the skim. HB skin . . . penefrates the pores to lead in fashion ii be in a new Spring Coat 49.95 From e prize selection of imported - fabric coats . + . a superbly simple, single button coat of English tone - on - tone If "WHAT MAKES THOSE UGLY STAINS MUMMY?" to float out your first deep-down beovuty dirt. Yardley step, per Dry Skin tablet. .i: tweed with collariess neckline, large belted pockets, slender back. Gold, rose, or blue, 8 to 20. 49.98 39.95 From eon exciting group in new textured wools, we show a stunning top- coat of English tweed cut on flowing lines, Collar- less neckline, side pock- ets with button detailing to hem. Beige, gold, rose, 8 to 20. 39.95 29.95 From our large collection of high fashion coats af a little price . . . & straight - line coat in softly textured wool with detailed push-up sleeves, slash pockets, Rose, oqua, or powder blue, 10 to 20. 29.95 rd Cleansing Cream Is especially made for dry skins $1.50 Yordlay As- tringents help fo contrac) your pores after mas- sage. Toning Lotion is for dry skins, ond Astringent Lotion is for ofly and combination skins. : 5% . $1.25 Yerdley Vitamin Night Croom is rich emollient cream for massage ond fo help regulcte ond Wbricate your skin. Now In two convenient sizes. oe $1.50 «= $2.50 v SIMCOE ST. N. RA 3-3431 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE, King St. at Stevenson's Rd. = REGISTERED TRADE MARK SANITIZES AS IT CLEANS "I'M NOT QUITE SURE DEAR. THANK GOODNESS JAVEX TAKES THEM OUT 0 EASILY! Nothing else equals Javex when it comes to swishing stains from porcelains. Smart housewives use it every day for shining-fast wipe-ups in kitchen and bathroom. Javex saves you money, too. For what other household product does so many jobs at such low cost? Javex Sung whirie - pros? niger . REMOVES IN DRY FORM OR LIQUID You may prefer Javex in Dry Form for some jobs, In Liquid for others. Both forms are similarly efficient in kitchen, bathroom and laundry. \\L/ \LJ a iL (Pl JT [TTT Jo157 Wy Deo TTT Ny oA HN \ML// Ke ITT . for over twenty years Canada's favourite bleach