a er ROCA > hy age she ®t the OLC and the Whithy Dis-|residents of Fairview Lodge. At mig frict High School with variation the close of the meeting the host. abroyas to what the award should be.less served refreshments, FIRST LEGION PRESIDENT IS PRESENT the Whitby branch, Present for the occasion was the first pres- ident of the Whitby branch, John McClelland, now a resi- dent of Belleville. Shown above with him are Dr, D. O. Lynch, superintendent of the Ontario Whitby's Branch 112 of the Canadian Legion observed al double anniversary last night | at a dinner and dance in the | Legion Hall. They marked the | 40th anniversary of the Battle | of Vimy Ridge and the 30th | anniversary of the founding of The 40th anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge did not pass unnoticed in Whitby last night as more than 100 persons, mem- bers of Branch 112 and their wives gathered at a dinner and dance in the Legion Hall to mark the occasion, It was a double celebration for the Whitby branch for they also marked the 30th anniversary of the founding of the branch. Recalling the Vimy which coutd not be eaphured, Rev, David Mar- shall, Whitby branch chaplain, said that the gatherin ed together, not only to cele- brate the capture of Vimy Ridge, but also to commemorate the more than 12,000 who died for its capture. . "Tonight we pay tribute to those heroic men who never returned to celebrate the victory they won," he said, One of the honored guests of the evening was John McClelland, now of Belleville, but a one-time Whitby resident, who was the first president of the Whitby branch, Mr, McClelland Proposed the toast to the town of Whitby. was call- .|fallen and welfare for those re. Whitby Legion Branch Observes Vimy Anniv. of the Whitby branch on hand for the 30th anniversary of its founding. He did not ignore Whitby's recent vic in the world of hockey and stated that the performance of the Whitby Dunlops is typical of the town of Whitby, When he arrived here 40 years ago, hc said, the town had sort of slip backwards, now it was thrivi on a grand scale again, Ri s Mayes Harry Jermyn said that felt honored that he was invited to sit with members of the Canadian Legion, Jt is the aim of the town, he said, to pro- vide the enterprises and the edu- cational facilities here which would make the town a bpeiier place In which to live, THREE PURPOSES Proposing the toast to the Brit- ish Empire Service League was Dr, D, O. Lynch, superintenden of the Ontario Hospital, He note that in the 30 years the Whitby branch had been formed the three purposes for which if stood had not altered, loyalty to the crown, remembrance of the It was heart-warming, he said, to see so many charter members amining, To those noble purposes he pr) them to drink a toast, Hospital, Whitby, who proposed WHITBY PERSONALS the toast to the British Em- pire Service League, and the present president of Branch 112, Arthur Denyer, In the pho- to, left to right, they are Mr, McClelland, Dr. Lynch and Mr. Denyer. Young Miss Donna Marie Brown celebrated her 7th birthday last Saturday. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Brown, of Athol street, For the occasion, she entertained many of her young friends, as follows: Nancy Convention Proposal Brings Objection In Council Here Ontario County Councillors] "You don't think you are get- Were yesterday asked if they ting reckless with the taxpayers' thought they were getting reck- money?' asked Reeve MacFad- fess with the taxpayers' money | yen. "I've attended these con- sending the road board and|ventions and I knew as much be- others to a convention in/fore I left home as I did after Saskatoon. Reeve John MacFad- the convention." He challenged yen, of Mara Twp., was one of someone to tell him one or two the county councillors who ques-| new things they learned at last #Moned a county road board rec-|year's convention. emmendation that the five-man| Reeve Arlen Avery, of Beaver board, the warden, the engineer|ton, gaid that if those eight men and fhe clerk be sent & the Ca were willing to pay part of the September. The eight will re-| eeive about $150 each expenses and will pay the rest of the cost/saiq that it would be impossible out of their own pocket. for two men to attend ali the WS RRLR Ln Bo workshops at the three-day con:| vention the road board, the warden, . g engineer and the clerk. The Deputy-reeve Martin said that board this year recommend. he did not intend at delegates ~~ |from the county should pay any t they be sent 1p Saskatoon of the cost out of their own 3 expenses paid must for pockets. If it is worth sending aj Quebec trip, or about 3150/delegate to, he said, then the| h. The delegation would have|county should pay his expenses. | pay the remainder. Another amendment was ruled| uty-reeve Stan Martin, of] out of order. Deputy-reeve Mar- moved an amendment|tin's amendment lost. The report was accepted by council and an- made ask- the clerk, sho gay ] H 3 d chairman or ad ay be sent. |other amendment was that the warden|the engineer and the chairman yg "He sald that|of the road board be the dele- good came out of the con-|agtes. This amendment lost and last year than in all the/the eight will be sent, with the West of the conventions the coun-|county paying about $150 expenses wil attended. per man. and the 0 Jesuly Tnste Pat Duffy, of Mara|ing that the warden, Ay cost out of their own pockets,|a tie, Mr. and Mg they should be supported by coun-|mer; consolation, leil. Reeve John Mills, of Ajax,/ens. The winner of the draw was and Frankie Allard, Roddy and Terry Mowatt, Sharon and Dan- ny Silver and brother Patrick and sister Michell. Different games were played with prizes awarded to lucky winners. The rooms were nicely decorated an DAY-BY-DAY WHITBY social evenis and | Accounts of Mrs. George Raj , of Toron- to- was est speaker at the United hurch WMS Evening Auxiliary meeting held at the church hall last Monday, Mrs. George Brown, social con- vener for the Canadian Legion Auxiliary, and her committee served refreshments Monday af- ternoon after the Monsanto dem- onstration held at the Legion Hall, The lucky winners for the draw were: Mrs. L. Watters, Mrs, McGill, Mrs, F, Barton, among the various rer ts served, a very attractively dec- orated birthday cake was served. Mrs. Brown was assisted in serv- ing by Donna Marie's grand- mother, Mrs. George Brown, and her aunt, Mrs, M. Silver. Mrs. Albert Sawdon, residing at Maple Lodge, left on Sunday from Malton airport for a six- month trip to Scotland where she will be visiting her father and other relatives. Mrs, I. Walmsley, of Ritson road north, entertained her euchre club recently, The lucky winner of the first prize was Mrs. Gra- ham; second, Mrs, Henning, and consolation, ., H, Hartley. Lunch was served by the hostess assisted by her daughter, Mrs. Britton. Mr. and Mrs, Norman Mantle, of Dundas street, spent the week- end in Ottawa where they visited relatives and friends. of local interest of visitors are | mews items and names appreciated, EUCHRE WINNERS | The Benevolent Rebekah Lodge {weekly euchre was held on Fri- |day, April 5, at the IOOF Hall {with the following lucky winners: 1st, ladies, Mrs. B. Allin; sec- |ond, Mrs. Watkinson; consola- {tion, Mrs. T. Kelly; gentlemen, | 1st, Mr, Harold Wickett; second, Frank Pal- r, Pat Stev- Mr, T. Kelly. Following the games refreshments were served by the committee. GARDEN CLUB The April meeting of the Whit- by Garden Club will be heid in the Council Chambers on Thurs- day, April 11, at 8 p.m. The guest speaker for the evening will be Mr. A. T. Fletcher of the "Ro- sary", Bowmanville. He will speak on roses, their culture and varieties. His talk will be illus- trated with colored pictures, Mu- sic will be supplied by the Cor- nish Quartette. Miss Melville will also perform in a skit. A contest is also arranged with the follow- ing classes: Class 1 -- African Violet, sin- gle, any color, 3 Class 2 -- African Violet, dou- ble, any color. ass 3 -- Table, suitably for Easter. Class 4 -- Arrangement for buffet or mantel depicting the theme, "Spring Is Here", Class 8B -- Table, decorated for Easter, for novice only. Everyone is welcome to attend this interesting meeting. decorated Report On Welfare Course At House Of Windsor Meet i House of Windsor Chapter, Miss Eve Gatti reported on the JODE, held their regular monthly| progress of the ahild welfare ing last Monday Ran iv, | course which the chapter is spon- The regent, Mrs. Her- Soring. A number of the mem- WHITBY SPORTS SPOTLIGHT By WREN A. BLAIR Xen bert Cole, presided. The meeting bers plan to attend the annual| opened with the prayer of the or-| convention to be held in Hamil der. The correspondence was/duced Mrs. Lawler, this year's| pead by Mrs. John Harvie, Mrs. [ton this week. Mrs, Cole intro-| James Harris, who is retiring as|director of the Summer Day| Citizenship convener, gave her Camp. Mrs. Lawler outlined rou-| Feport on the citizenship tea held|tine of the camp organization, | at the United Church hall which|The members gained a better | whe attended. understanding of the children's The stuffed animals made by activities and the problems in-| dhe members are all completed volved and the preparations that and really to be sent to IODE|will be required. ~Preventorium in Toronto. The| Mrs. E. Milien was welcomed as| treasurer's report was read bya new member. Mrs, Cole pre- Mrs. H, Camphell and also the sented Mrs. Milien with the pin «peport of the budget committee/of the order, It was moved by Was given and approved, It was| Miss Eve Gatti and seconded by "moved Mrs. Norman Pana-|Mrs. Milien that this chapter par- baker and seconded by Mrs. [ticipate with the other chapters fampbel that the chapter con-/in the plans for contributing ued to offer an annual prize hairdresser's services for the DAIL Mrs, V. Moore, Mrs. D. Brown, Mrs. M. Pascoe, Mrs. B, Ashton, Mrs. H. Parkinson, Mrs. E. Hum. phreys, Miss Beverly Moore, Miss T. Mowatt, Mrs, M, Gray, Mrs. A, Stanlyck, Mrs. Lorne Campbell and Mrs. M. McCoy. Mr. Allan S. Mackey, of Brook- lin, who has been an accountant at the Toronto-Dominion Bank for the past two years, is being transferred to Calgary, Alberta, Miss Greta Barker has returned home after spending a few days' holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harrison, of Cobourg, Change Will Put 5 New Members There will be five new faces, at least, on Ontario County Coun. cil next year. The membership of the council, following an amendment in the Municipal Act, will be increased from 27 mem- bers to 32. A recent amendment allows municipalities to count the name of a wife or husband of a person rated for land assessment. This will raise the number of electors since in many instances, lands Mayor John Burnet, of Cobourg, "was a great comrade, always) willing to come forward and do what he could." He invited Legion public-s tion which Ww Thursday evening in Colborne St, School. The competition is spon- sored by the Canadian Legion. TO WHITBY AND DISTRICT HOCKEY FANS all to attend be A dance concluded the evi a a member of the Canadian Le- gion, replied. It was fitting, he said, that the battle of Vimy should be remembered for tha battle marked, not only the turn- ing point in World War I, but also gave Canada , for the first time, its status a8 2 nation in its own , he said, too many people t the fighting and win- the two great wars, the sacrifice that went th them, availed nothing znd were fought in .vain. was up to the Legion, he said, such propaganda, The winning of World War I, said, gave the world 20 years peac d kept us from living ctest regimeatation. World War II, he said, saved us a fate worse than death, where men were slaves and wo- men chattels, It was a sad comment: of hn F_F § May we thank you... For your loyal support during the Past Hockey Season. Particularly for your co-operation in pre- serving the ice surface during the recent JO.H.A. Sr. "A" Championship celebra- tions, FOR MISSED PAPERS IN WHITBY Phons MO. 8-3111 ¥ you have not received your Times-Gazette by 7 P.M, Coll BELL TAXI AD cells must be placed before For so conducting your attendance at the 7:30 PM. games here that the O.H.A. referees ac- claim Whitby es having the most orderly ary WW II, he said, that it took that war fo develop the tremendous potential for production which makes Canada rank as an im- portant nation, | Recalling the history of the British Empire Service League, Mayor Burnet stated that after WW I, servicemen came home and found inadequate machinery set up for demobilization. Hos- pitalization and pensions, he said were handled through political channels. Veterans became disillusioned and bewildered and naturally banded together, These groups were ineffective but in 1925 j was learned that Earl Haig ha unified all veterans in Britain and he was invited to the Unity Conference in Winnipeg. Out of this conference came the BESL, soon to become the strongest or- ganization, excepting the Chris- tian church, in Canada. He called upon Legion mem- bers to preach the gospel of Le-| gion to other veterans who have not joined, Toast to the Legion Ladies' Auxiliary was proposed by L. H. Inkpen, who said that he doubted if any branch could operate suc-| cessfully without a ladies' gux- iliary. Mrs. G. Brown, auxiliary president, responded. Miss Rose Bate, Auxiliary Zone Commander, from Bowmanville, also spoke briefly. Zone Comman- der John Allin, of Sunderland, said that Whitby hag one of the finest Legion branches in the Dominion of Canada. CREDIT TO TOWN "It is a credit to the town and to those veterans who have made it what it is," he said. Closing the remarks was Le- glon president Arthur Denyer, who noted the recent death of James H. Ormiston, a member of the Whitby branch and the end best spirited fans in the whole cir- cuit. : WHITBY COMMUNITY ARENA BOARD FEDERAL ELECTION! Conservatives TO ELECT OFFICERS FOR WHITBY ORGANIZATION and MEET MIKE STARR M.P. Beautiful Ranch Style Home $16,900 On large lot in popular north west section of A beautiful home with 2 car Must have $5,000 cash on Whitby. garage and many extras. this one. 3 Bedroom Semi-Ranch Style On a corner lot near schools and Coronation Park. Beautiful fireplace and attached garage. You will be delighted with the location of this well planned home. A 5% NHA mortgage on this one. 12 Storey Corner Property On paved street, all newly decorated with recreation room. This is a 3 bedroom home you can purchase for $2,500 down. Balance on this one like rent. REAL ESTATE PHONE MO 8-2677 DATE: APRIL 12 (Friday) PLACE: Council Chambers TIME: 8:00 P.M. Open Meeting All Welcome Evenings -- Ron Agg -- MO 8-2780 public relations officer, | "James Ormiston," he said, are held in the husband's name only. The Ontario County Coun- cil had earlier turned down a resolution calling for this amend- ment. : Using last year's voters' list as a basis, five municipalities im the county will be able to send a deputy-reeve to county council, They are the townships of Rama, Scott and East Whitby, the town of Uxbridge and the vilags of Port Perry. The added population count will give Whitby township's reeve two votes instead of one. The Whitby Dunlops came up with a big 42 win in Maple Leaf Gardens on Monday night to take a 1-0 lead in the best of seven All-Ontario playdowns. It was a nip and tuck battle for the first two periods with the Dunnies taking a 1-0 lead in the first period only to have the Trappers come back with a goal by Atanas in the second to make it one-all heading into the final 20 minutes.. The Dunnies showed their power in 'this game and rapped home three ~ WHITBY CLASSIFIED goals before the Trappers could manage another tally. The Trap- pers were somewhat off their true form for this game, we expect. They had a very soft series with South Porcupine and as a result when they came up against stiffer opposition they were lost for a while. The Dunnies on the other hand did mot play nearly as well as they are capable of, but they are not taking the North Bay team lightly. The Trappers have a fast skating team who break very fast. They have a number of fellows who can pot that big one if they get a break. Goalle Brodeur (last year with Kitchener) who is a pint sized fellow, came up some terrific saves in the game Monday night and made his real big ones on the Blond Bomber of the Dunnies, Bobby Attersley. On four i t d FOR SALE -- ONE WRITING DESK, $10; also two-plate burner. 630 Kent Street, MO 83-3788 85¢ FOR SALE -- '49 METEOR, FOUR door, radio, good tires, one owner. Rea- sonable. Apply 837 Dundas East oS, eo FOUND -- SPANIEL PUPPY. PHONE MO 8-2083. Me NEW CLARA JEWELL COMBINA- tion gas range, $235.00. and Service, Whitby, MO aol, ANY CARPENTER WORK. BRICK, i Pp as If Attersley were in for a goal only to have Brodeur get a piece of it in time. A goodly number of fan: from North Bay made the WHITBY Phone MO 8-3618 EVENING SHOWS 7 P.M. 4 LAST COMPLETE SHOW 8:20 The scenes the story the stars BUT ABOVE ALL~THE SUSPENSE! PAUL GREGORY ROBERT SHELLEY MITCHUM = WINTERS KATHLEEN HARRISON DAVID TOMLINSON - JILL DAY trip down and were sporting different signs, including 'The Dun- nies will need a retread after the Trappers get finished with them! It appeared in Monday night's game as if the Tr also stone work, Apply HOME INSULATION, G METHOD. Five estimates, Senile tanks way. needed the retread but, remember Kitchener won the first game of the series with Whitby and look what happened to thm. No folks, this North Bay team are not as bad as 2 lot of people would like to think. The Dunnies realize that they have a real battle with the Northern Champs. The same two teams o'clock in Maple Leaf Gardens. THE BOOSTER CLUB are frying to make arrangements to run a special train to North Bay for the game on Saturday night and returning right after the kame.. It will take 200 fans at least to have gh to get a special train, so if you are interested in going leave your mame at the Arena Box office. The price will be $10.00 return including your ticket into the game.. This would really be a big thing if the Booster club can get enough fans to go.. It really shows that they are work- ing behind the team to get as many fans out to cheer on the OHA Sr. A champions in their quest of the Allan Cup. Did you know that the Dunnies would need only seven wins to home the top honors.. But that is thinking a long way ahead. TOWN AND COUNTRY . . . Pickering Merchants won their second ORHA Senior championship in a row as they downed Dres- den here on Monday night by a 13-2 score to take the best of three finals in two straight games . . , Guelph, after getting off to a slow start, in the first game with Ottawa Canadiens came back with a great overtime win on Monday night to knot that series at one win a piece , , . Spokane whipped Fort William 6-1 on Monday night and now need only 4 win or a tie to finish up the Western Division of the Sr. A. The winner of that series will meet the winner of the Whitby-North Bay series. Should the Spokane team win, it will be the first time that an American team has been in the Allan Cup finals . , game of their series last night, but result: were not known at time of writing. Montreal won the first game as Rocket Richard fired four goals . , . . Toronto Marlies Juveaile team that ousted Oshawa's good Juvenile team, came up with a 3-1 win over Hamilton to tie up their series at one game each, this is a best of five serics . . . Wallaceburg whipped Windso~ 17-1 in Sr. B action the oth~r night to win their group finals in two straight games. Don't know if fighter Ernst Krencek is superstitious or not, hut he has won 18 fights as an amateur and is now thinking of turning pro . . .The classy scrapper has been stopped only once in 14 fights . , . It is hoped that Charlie Burns who was dressed for 1Monday night's game but did not play, will be in action tonight. : His frée wheeli fore check play tonight at 8|y.sher. One . Boston and Montreal played the seco=d [fo GENERAL WGTORS EMPLOVES Honored. ana 'meespred at Sonsld Li, r BN HR Whitby, » NORGE CLOTHES AND vane Ar L and Ht het base, 79.00, Inde, Whitby; MO 8-2081, 149,00. Independent! model, four-burner, Sales and Service, tby, MO 81 WANTED TO BUY--POULTRY, HIGH. est prices; also feathers, new and old. r, MO $3486 morn m, April 26 YOUNG Di Wi WANTS ay york, in Witiny Dios Phone Ho WORKING NTED ~-- fice Box 1036, Whitby. EXPERT SERVICE ON ALL KINDS OF refrigerators, wringer washers, automat. le washers and dryers, Ranges etc. Phone MO 83144. B84 FOR RENT-TWO ROOM UNFUR! ished apartment, suit couple with child. MO 8-9065. WANTED -- WOMAN WILLING TO DO child's ironing in her own home. Phone MO 8-3256 after 6.30 p.m. Bd FOR RENT -- THREE ROOM SELF rtm Phone MO 8-2466. N stickhandling should prove somewhat of a mystery to the 'North Bay team. Don't forget the game tonight starts at 8:00 p.m. one 84r [4 for You... for Spring . .. lovely New Suits Whitby I Your Spring Budget Calls for "Operation Shoesiring" and you wish for that "UPSTAIRS LOOK" at a "DOWNSTAIRS PRICE" . . . Then drop into our store to-day and see the wonderful array of lovely new Suits for Spring. You ean choose from every popular 1957 fabric, such as Donegals, Italia Tweeds, Worsteds, Shantungs and Fancy Domestic Tweeds -- and they come in many, many different styles and . colours. Such famous labels as Posluns, Miss Sun Valley, Pickfair, Jane Kinley and many other famous makes. Misses', Women's and half sizes. LET BRESLIN'S HELP YOU TO LOOK AS SMART AS THE NEXT ONE AT NEXT-TO-NOTHING PRICES BRESLIN'S Bowmanville Whitby AL ERATIONS. AND PANT CUFFING. easonable. Phone MO 83360: 1013 Contra Strast th, April BM