50--Articles For Sale 10 HORSEPOWER JOHNSON MOTOR, Cruise-A-Day adel excellent condition, 3 07. 80c |$100. Dial RA 5-167 sib SMALL CABIN TRAILER, SLEEPS ONE Be Er "COAT, GAB/ GABAR- four, Good condition, will sell cheap, |9ine, grey, red silk lining, size 10, LJ Call RA 3-258 after 6 p.m. 80¢ oad condition, latest style. Phone Ra -- 9 and 10. IRL Rg BROWN gel Call after 6, MArket biown velvet. BABY CARRIAGE. SMALL SIZE CRIB rng Rng La Ro BB East 50--Articles For Sale CCM CLUB RACER, EXCELLENT condition, bargain for quick sale. Apply 10 Olive e Avenue or phone RA 8-8407. 50--Articles For Sale THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Saturday, April 6, 1957 48 WHITE ENE AP ENEX: IN So 435---neal Estate For Sale TWO - BEDROOM BRICK VENEER bungalow on paved street in Bowman. ville, lot 60 feet by 120 feet, garage, hardwood MArket 78¢ 45---Real Estate For Sale SEVEN ROOM BRICK HOUSE ON MC- Laughlin Blvd., large living room, din- ing room and modern kitchen. Four bed- rooms. Phone RA 5-3867. 82a [oil heating, tiled bathroom, floors, Phone Bowmanville, Lor 100 x 166 SSCAVATION COM. 3.3637. pleted. A at MArket Vane condition, HOUSEHOLD > ARTICLES FOR SALE; refrigerator 9.5, like new; kitchen table, chairs; 6 piece m suite; dresser; hairdryer, etc. 16 Maple Street. 82a FIVE PIECE RED CHROME SET, EX- cellent Dial 3-7164. 82a WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE used furniture. RA 3-3271. Avr 44 ja Simcoe Street South. May © | score Bhussma TWIST, sible rugs, 9 x 12, green or grey, samples, Act auiekly for these, $38. Wi son F 20 Church Street. Apr.2,6 SAFS SLE, PROVED, AT Etoile mane Five Sou w prices every day, Open till 3-2428. Soe » | ten i Free delivery. Apr. 25 |RANGETTE, TAPE RECORDERS FOR RENT -- $10. per week. Will rent only to reliable par- Flea, Elec- Apr. 25 trie. TIRES, tele- |i CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 3$8--Male or Female Help |44--For Rent THREE . ROOM UNFURNISHED apartment, private entrance, couple me ferred. P e RA 5-9733. ATTR. IVELY FURNISHED Id avallable in private Home. | a Park Road North. 5 to i p.m. RA 8 Apr. 22 GARAGE FOR RENT. i's MONTHLY. Apply 118 Tyler Crescent, or phone oe 3: 5-1890. LOT FOR SALE 153 x 100, LOCATED Rocth Oshawa. in new subdivision, north of Town Line, LARGE BIGHT ROOM PRICE, 4 ACRE 82 | Sehawa, $1250. Phone RA 5-9478. 78 of land, Rossland Road East. $16,000, |46--Real Estate Wanted Ball dows. Ra. 293. J HOUSE WITH AT AST TH! LEAST THREE BED- SEVEN - Roo COTTAGE FOR SALE, rooms to rent with option to buy in go | Whitby, Oshawa or surrounding disisiol. Dial RA 5-2432. GIRLS SPRING COAT, check, trimmed with dark o hone RA 35-3951. {_ STOVE, $20. IN GOOD ny Sion. Lawnmower, wheel barrow, gar- den tools. Phone RA 5-9267. 82a KITCHEN CABINET, GOOD CONDI tion. Apply 151 Oshawa Blvd. South. 82b IVORY, 3 UNIT GAS RANGE, GOOD Phone RA 5-3433. 0c ope, fee! es a a ave many friends and acquain. tances, it would pay you to investigate this money-making opportunity, Inter. views from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m, every 3 day. |5. Please apply in person 2 by wri I Compa: 82 Street North, Oshawa, Ontario. Apr. 6 40--Opportunities LEARN BLUEPRINT READING BY home study and earn more money. Dip- folder. Primary fe D4. 5-2783. SEVEN ROOM HOUSE PON oe: (Cast FOR YOUR HOUSE, FARM, OR busine: . MecAuley, Realtor, 13 Be mes asette. TT Vr Pia Prince , 'Street. Dial RA 3512, With, ring He hE = Divi. BUILDING LOT IN me. >, (MOS. nish , central. A L one treet RA. S70. TY 71 Would exchange for one in Oshawa: 47 --Automobiles For ay ee eee (Whitby District, Phone Whitby FOUR ROOM SELF « CONTA ED 3 453 (private), 81b 36 ONE TON PICKUP, CHEVROL y 100 ACRE FARM FOR SALE, MODERN (2400 miles. $1,600. Apply 35 Ril =m adults only. A East. y Avrly eight room square plan house, stabling | Road South. a2 good for 78 head, ready for spring crop |'54 FORD CUSTOM TUDOR, ORIGINAL eight acres of sugar bush, available first| Bermuda blue, white top, original erest of May or before. Other sudden busi-|line ew 78f ness transactions, $8,500 down, $4,000 equipment can be bought half price. First time advertised, 12 miles from Lindsay on 35 Highway, 40 minutes , (from Oshawa Mr. H. Lamb Janetville, Fairview 4-2045 80c Elon? - ROOM HOUSE, REMODEL. in town of Bracebridge, will sell y. Apply 1331 Cedar Street. 78( FOR GENTLE: (FOR SALE COTTAGE, LAKE DAL-| AS86639. Sib Apply 182 Athol |rymple, lake front lot, four bedrooms, |'s2 CHEVROLET SEDAN, PERFECT 78 porch, partially furnished. (condition, will trade for old car. Apply 7326 after 8lc [199 King Street West. '$3 BEL-AIRE CHEVROLET SEP A-1 condition, radio, heater, directional signals, back-up lights, very reasonable. be financed, Call Whitby MO 8- a2 6 p.m. '57 MGA FOR SALE, TWO OR LARGE FURNISHED ROOM, TWO 6 [single beds, att two Zentiemen, I Htelan e (GENT'S BICYCLE, $14. APPLY Burk Street. McCLARY Ci BINATION CO A L, wood and gas stove, in good 126 80c TWO _O RED AND WHITE 3 SPEED RACER, ®ood Phone RA 5-3433, 80c A COMPLETE MOTALOY RING AND valve joh while you drive for only $8. Stops costly oil burning. Increases gas raises for Good the life of your engine. Simple to use, 8 just drop tabs in gas tank, that's all. Guaranteed. Deflea Company. Write Box 125, Times-Gazette. 80f 2 BURNER, FIBRE glass oven, porcelain enamel finish, Store sample, close out, $39. . son Furniture, 20 Church Street. Apr. 3 25 [FOR | $6.95 A WEEK WE WILL COM: pletely furnish your home with furni- jure, appliances and television, Over 100 Free Ri Draiting gi aes: ae B. F. GOODRICH STORES, vision. Thrifty budget Fa, RA 5-4543, May 1 GIANT SALE ON SUNWORTHY WALL- papers, Room lots $1.95 up. Nelson Wallpaper and Paints, 19 Bond ' West. April 22 AWNINGS PLAIN COLORS, OR GAY stripes. Prompt service, Free estimates. Order now for early delivery. Chair and table rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North, Oshawa. Apr. 18 ELECTRIC MOTORS BOUGHT, SOLD or exchanged. Speedy re-wire service, tires; gua nteed, $1285. Seaway Motors, 01 Dui West, Whitby. 0 MONARCH CLUB COUPE, WHIT Vile maroon top, continental spare, smart in- terior, new motor, guaranteed, $545. Sea- way Motors, 301 Dundas West, Whitby, 80c 50 PONTIAC SEDAN, FULLY EQUIP- ped, perfect running condition. Phone A 5-6659. 81b ONE BOY'S | BICYCLE, SNE BROWN 1 single bed with tiress, buffet, [Kitchen table and chairs, all in good RA 5-6695. Ay refrigerator, T.V., washer, kitchen |} set, lamps, tables, etc. Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Street South. April 29. LEONARD REFRIGERATOR, 7% cubic feet, good condition, reasonable. e RA 3-3674, 81b NINE PIECE WALNUT DINING ROOM suite, mattress for single bed, girl's bi- ile, or coat, eciluroy suit, size 2 $50 fo donate full tim $150. per hogy past salting 0 , WITH SINGLE on. Apply 48 Brock [ed lo ed. We give class and full poo {ROOMS | FOR RENT, oy All sales made by appointment, |beds, central ola! Weekly advanced commissions. If you | Street We! are not interested in improving your grvarg ot standard of living, pllesas de do not reply man, very central, fo this ad. Phone R. -- E_ROOMS AND BATH, NEAR 41--Room and Board [new GM, vacant. April 20. Phone RA|roT 79 x 231 ROOM AND BOARD } FOR GENTLE. |3-0854. Apply 248 Tresane Stree 78 | well in Kendalwood 3 mbdivislen on Hun- Jen, private rooms, good m TWO FURNISHED GOOD.SIZE ter Street. RA 3.36 M 3 lobby, lunches home privileges BA, 3.3593. 821 | |newly decorated, central, couple or 2 miguT ROOM | Sic HOUS! ROOM A VEN DARE A [SA Apply 44 Quebse Street. 78f | nished rooming, ofl burner, central, easy week. D BOARD, SEVE Proaah [THREE UNFURNISHED ROO! terms. Apply 291 Albert Street. May 4 4 5-167 ii i month, adults preferred. Pho LOT ON VENSON'S ROAD NORTH, Sains ater 530. country. Dial RA 1 3 corner Louisa, with sewers and a hedg- E ing, to school five minutes walk, about |'55 CHEVROLET I STATION Aon, 5! 5-9645. » ution PLYWOOD KIT BOAT, FEET Ta 4% foot beam. Handles small motor hicely, metal trailer. 330. BA 53081. 80c USED ¥ GOOD CONDITION, AS LOW . F. Soedrien Stores, 453 Sim. 80c MODEL 5% JOHNSON OUTBOARD motor, used only 3 hours, also one new 30 inch continental bed. Phone RA 59423 ae 8 10 H.P. JOHNSON tor, two years old, less than 50 hours Milton Machinery, MO 8.2670, 208 Chest- |running, excellent condition, guaran- nut Street East. Whitby. Apr. 18. teed. Dial RA 5-4303. 80c FIVE NEW TIRES AND WHEELS 900 |sgT OF FORMS, , ALSO PLANK 14- x 16, 12 PLY. Truck. Quantity of guetal fot long, 2 x 10, tarpaulin, 14 x 20; %- roofing. New and used plumbing Sup- {ton Ford motor, fits up to 40. Phone plies, Installations. Chillin, Somes - RA 3-4842 after 5. 80f gide and Park Ruag, BA od 0 MEN'S SUITS, ONE TOP COAT, AIR COMPRESSORS AND SPRAY se 38, all like new, reasonable, guns, garage size and portables. Used 459 some children's clothing. Phone with electric oF Hamline metals. For | ga 5. 80f vate. el CB LLB acc SR Rs Ba A IN TomenAe Apr. 23 TRUCK PARTS FOR SALE, ATSO, 825% er -- EE -- NT TT 20 tires. Phone | pr. PLUMBING AND HEATING PIPES, rp fittings, fixtures, new and used. Chang- LLOYD BABY "CARRIAGE, ALMOST ing from septic tank to sewer a special- new, $35. Phone RA 5-417! 75. 798 at reasonable rates. |sCiiCK ELECTRIC RAZORS, C estimates free on any \ting heads, cords and service parts, complete stock, Meagher's Electric, 5 King Street West. May 1 1 FEET, WITH 31 FOOT BABY FO ARRIAGER EXCELLENT CON- | dition, $25. Apply 95 Queen Street. 81f | MEILINKS HOME DEPOSIT VAULT, | outside measurements 18 x 15 inches by 25 Inches high. Underwood typewriter in excellent condition, Phone RA 56949. 8le 7 iio all TO ed FIVE. ROOMS FOR RENT, APPLY 786 me. private entrance, near new GM. |Simcoe Street South. Phone RA 5-1 pr. 2 {TWO CLEAN UNFURNISHED ome. LOSE | keeping rooms with sin ea ROOM son poo A crow and water, central. Dial RA 3.9877. 79 or double. Phone RA 5-25 77 |CLEAN, FURNISHED hy hig 3 BOARD 5 FOOD, |ing room for girl. Close to Motors, hos. i = NANTED, Go 207 Simcoe |Pital and downtown. Dial RA 5-2872, t sout . 80c [Two ROOMS, BED - SITTING pt ROOM AND BOARD "FOR TWO GEN. kitchen with sink, television 'aerial, gar- |age, laundry facilities, utilities, close try en, vey 354 Beatty Avenue, Prove | bus, young working couple, RA S530, | Si AND BREAKFAST IN CLEAN, | home, very central. Apply 10: Street East. a... BooM D BOARD men, ay week, parking Ganltitier, six. Phone R RA 5-9712. STAINLESS STEEL SINKS WITH swing taps, $19.95. White kitchen cabinets with swing taps $84.95. Laundry tubs $13.95. Three piece bath $99.95. Installa- tions at low cost, Chinns, corner of Hillside and Park Rd. south. RA 3-7088, Apr. '57 FRIGIDAIRE SUPER DRYER, . (only $189. Built and backed by GM. $18.95 down GMAC Frigid. aire, 81 King West. Apr. 7 BEATTY WASHERS, DRYERS, IRON. ers, ranges, polishers, vacuum cleaners, Authorized dealer, Kelly TV. 81 King West. Apr, 7 52--Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of EFFIE McINTOSH DEWAR, late of the City of Honolulu, Terri- torv of Hcwaii, Spinster, de- ceased, who died at Honolulu on or about the fifth day of February, 1954. are required to file proof of same with THE CANACA PERMANENT TRUST COMPANY, 386 Dun das Street, Woodstock, Ontario, on or before the TENTH day of APRIL, 1957, after which date the estate within Ontario will be administered having regard only to claims which shall then have been received. NESBITT, NESBITT and BURRIDGE, 14 Finkle Street, AND BOARD conveniences, H feet, RA ____80f|15,000 miles, very good condition. Pine #70 DOWN AND $57.71 PE RA 5-0389 after 5. for thirty months only; then $31.71 per|'49 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN, ] -- month. Cplonial Homes will deliver to |ceptionally clean, sun visor, life-guard your lot, ready for efection, the spacious [tubes, 32,000 miles. Phone RA $4850, . |; three bedroom Cartier bungalow. Colon- own mortg: plan makes this pos- Send 25¢ for complete catalogue, or 11 RA 8-8571, '55 BUICK (SPECIAL TWO >on. fn from seis well equipped, only 13,000 miles. Cas! alla 1] Simcoe Street oi. & iil goo | trade or terms. Private. Dial RA 5.8640 | Information and [NEW FOUR meme iia -- between 5 and 8 p.m. 79¢ | [iybe of plumbing. Dial RA 5-4241. or 25 "ROOM BRICK AND | ALLSTATE AUTO INSURANCE. SAVE|'0®:- ___. ___________ A stone bungal w, No. 70 on Bing Street |i ot "90" "cent. Nine months to pay. [SIXTEEN . FOOT HOLIDAY HARD: | 5{CYCLES, TRIGYGLES, WAGON, { North, Now completed. See po. personal service at your home, call |top, used three months, complete with | ctrl LN asonable prices, re. owner on the place. C. Guay, 116 Tecum. (RA 5-2802. May 1. Fay Iinor accessories plus 30 HP Iuotor, ivairs to all makes. Drayton Cycle, 204 seh Stree 40 CHEVROLET FOR SALE, CHEAP, [cen » J |Bond Street East, corner Kenneth Ave- 3 treet. radio, heater, new spare tire, rebuilt gear, etc. Terms, Apply 17 John § ot nue, May 2 New Deluxe transmission, good motor. Phone RA USED TIRES, MOST ALL SIZES, $3 5-0970. up, B. F. Goodrich Store. RA 5-4543 WHY WORRY ABOUT GETTING ' hy May 2 ants, finding a buyer, or securing work- |so1d4 or installed at cut rate prices. Dial |SUN LAMPS FOR RENT -- $2.00 PER ers when Classified Ads will bring 'em |RA 5.4241, J. Foley. Apr: peek. Meagher's Electric. Dial RA fas THREE ROOMS OF NEW FURNITURE |*34 Apr. i "49 WARDLEY DAVIDSON MOTOR: [Over 50 pieces for bedroom, living SPRING SALE OF FLOOR COVER- Three bedrooms, large living |cycle, Al condition, equipped with all gy IRL room and kitchen, ample cup- boord space, attached garage, bark brick, stone trim, very central. No agents please. DIAL RA 5-6302 AFTER 4 plan. Kelly ie 4 SINGLE FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR | fentleman, in quiet home, garage avail- able 38 Colbourne Street West. Apr, 11 THREE LARGE ATTRACTIVE ROOMS, |/in nice residential district. Phone RA RONG --oR | 7198: 828 Mary Street. ROOM AND BOARD FO b [sie MONTHLY, TWO LARGE Te iris, Phone RA i TRL shed rooms, private washroom, see to PRIVATE HOME, BREAK. | a Adults preferred. RA 35-8106, 80f E_FURNISHED HOUSE- with refrigerator, suit Apply 56 Nas- 82f BATHS, BASINS, STOOLS, SINKS sump pumps and hot water tanks. All kinds of pipe and fittings, new and used nh IN Jast and lunch boxes if desired Apply g45 Oxford. 1103 McLaughlin Boulevard or dial 43--Wanted To Rent DOUTCH SUTCH COUPLE "WOULD Li hree room apartment, elec. hone RA. 5-3794 after 6 p.m. |trie refrigerator, use of washing ma- DUTCH FAMILY WANTS [chine, heat, light, continuous hot water. , three bedrooms, King Street | Central, to new Shopping Centre and EF fa, arc for April 15. ial RA down town. Working couple only. $15 WANTED 781 | week Dial RA 5-5227. 82a AINED TWO AND THREE artments, three piece bath, pri- vate entrance, downtown. RA 5-1923 ith hild RA 53352. Reliable tenant with two child- | re rrer--raas ren would like a two or three bedroom house or apartment by April 30th. Reply to K. Uphoff c/o Times-Gozette Composing Room, of VERY LARG keeping room, |two gentlemen, central. room, kitchen. Pay only $3.50 a week. extras. Apply 166 Nassau Street. 78 | Barons' Home Furnishings, a Simone ful and cheerful patterns, Sale price 37 'S4 CHEVROLET, PRIVATE, REASON. (Street South. ril 29. (cents per foot, Wilson Furniture, = able for quick sale. Phone RA 5-9779 [35 BEDROOM SUITES ON Pisle Church Street. A6 after 4 p.m. or 347 Highland Avenue. 78f [Save up to $100, Kroehler, Pepplar, Pit | MUFFLERS, TTAIL-PIPES --w Ex Easy terms. arons' |haust pipes for every car al e price AN CCM RACER +5. FORD, $i00. tho 185 os . |you want to pay. We install. Wards Auto 424 Simcoe, awa Boulevard South. 0c Apr Supply, 79 Simcoe North, RA bo FOR SALE, be safe. Rewire today. |battery, good paint, sacrifice $400. No down paym "46 CHEROLBT "SEDAN, GOOD CON. [Marconi Admiral, Sea Breeze, Automa. '50 TWO TONE "CHEVROLET "SEDAN, $5.00 shop charge. Parkway Televi 80¢ | commode chair, girl's bicycle, new oil Rh Pr j a POMP AND RIOTS IN GREEK PARADE Crown Prince Constantine, 17, | monies for the first time. At son of King Paul and Queen | bottom, things are more turbu- : lent in the streets of Athens as Frederika of Greece, rides his | 'oi gente turned the celebration mount to the parade grounds in into a riot during a demonstra- Athens as he takes part in the | tion in support of the Cyprus Greek Independence Day cere- Thomas Beecham Not Mellowing By ED SIMON "with slavish snobbery" a Canadian Press Staff Writer |briliiant conductor of everything FURNISHED ton-Parker etc. Home Furnishings, YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR A muir's Paints is Wards Auto Supply, 79 Simcoe Street North. All painter's Jap. plies jn stock. Apr. 19 PAINT $295 GAL. GUARANTEED yi Iterior and exterior. Oshawa Hardware and Electric, 62 King West. RA Frage Apr.6,9,11 DO YOU WANT YOUR HOUSE SOLD NOT JUST LISTED For Personal Service Call CE quiet. Suit one or business couple. Dial RA 3-722. 8a [Four ROOM SELF-CONTAI ED apartment, 'new stove, refrigerator, |adults, available April 15. 496 Simcoe | North, Apartment 4. RA 56309. 82f TWO ROOM SELF-CONTAINED apartment, unfurnished, private en- trance, with fluorescent light, sink, hot NEED HOT WATER -- LET COOK'S Electric convert vour tank today. $5 down, $8 per month, Phone 5-6109. Apr.22 JUST ARRIVED NEW 57 PORTABLE TV $139 up. All sizes and colors. Kelly Ba) |TV, 81 King West. Apr. 7 [1 [paisa |YOUTH'S BLOND BED, SPRING AND see it. Phone RA Street. 46 DESOTO, Apply 231 Mary Street. '55 CHEVROLET 1013 SEDAN, mileage. Call RA 5-58 52 CHEVROLET % TON Hr, FOR SM Wire, ba snl ELECTRICAL beautiful condition, 4 new tires, Dew av Grn, Call Parish, 7 Pine Street, Ajax. Phone Ajax [Cook's Electric. Phone 5.6100. Apr. 22 80c (COMPLETB LINE HI-FI; PHILLIPS, | dition, reasonable. Apply 194 Church £013 3 Sreaer 23 Jostables, Only Abed | Street, : gros Mh TR PRTG TO ALL you must [makes of television. $3.00 per call. 37441, ~ 108 gH sion, 918 Simcoe North. RA 3-3043. May 3 IN GOOD CONDITION. [NEW BABYS "CRIB, HIGH CHAIR, space heater with blower. Call i, LOW 915. clothes PRICE 350 TABLE i LAMPS_ $5.50. close to hospital.. Cle A4--For Rent 'WO UNFURNISHED ROOMS, loyal Street. Phone RA 5-8505. THREE - ROOM SELF CONTAINED | asement apartment, bus at door, newly | jecorated, couple only. Phone dad 3 'WO - ROOM APARTMENT, PARTLY arnished, newly decorated, adults. Ap- fly 221 Cadillac Avenue South. 81b | NE LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, | central. Phone RA 8-8397. oN RA sto FULL DOWN PAYMENT ON al cold water, cupboards, closet, bathroom, Heat and hydro sup- plied $12 Weekly. Apply 184 Beatty Ave- nue anytim 82a 45--Reol Estate For r Sale BERNEICE H. PATRICK Real Estate Broker 16 Bond St. East RA 5-3692 Apr.15 FOR A SATISFACTORY SALE Eg these four and five room bungalows est side of Whitby. Wide open sp on these 80 x 200 lots. To jnepact Grace Neil. A. J. Schatz Real Estate. MO 8-3337. RA 5 5-846 RA 5 ph . 82a [BUYING or SELLING HOUSES, and farms it pays to EKEEPING ROOM, SUIT TWO, LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH W. 'McAuley, Realtor. Dial RA 3.2512, Oshawa or MO $-3231 Whitby. Apr. 28 RA 81 UPPER DUPLEX TO RENT, monthly, near south plant. Phone . Armstroi RA 3-2269. 78¢ facilities, . central. Phone 0 CLEAN, WARM, BRIGHT, FUR. hed rooms, one single room. i id refrig welcome. Available May 1. "Phone , 5 p.m. onward: 80f [ODERN SELF CONTAINED APART- mt, for business couple. Apply Mr. oodley, 45 John Street. 80b SERVICE STATION WITH SNACKBAR | and living quarters to rent by Major Oil co. + Apply Box 275 Peterboro Post Of- 82¢ | RNTSHED FIVE ROOM HOUSE ON line, near Shopping Centre, business uple preferred, references. From April 3 15. Phone RA 13-3862, 82¢ | WHREE ROOM APARTMENT, PRI IT 'vate entrance. Apply 594 Drew Street. 82a i ! i . i FURNISHED LIGHT HOUSE- ping room, Hiiiable for one or two. Apply bs 82( BI central. Refer. garage, ly. NEW B ay ences. Phone RA 5-8201. 4 FURNISHED ROOMS, H HEAT, LIGHTS and water, Jeatrally located. Apply = Huron Stree THREE Si APARTMENT, - heated, hot and cold water, 3 piece bathroom. » private entrance, vacant mow. Apply 286 Frontenac Avenue. RA 59216. 82¢ oil heated, area, $100 FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT FOR ---- Apply 151 Oshawa Blvd. South. 82b TWO FURNISHED BEDROOMS. No children. Phone RA 5-0223. ONE RGE SINGLE ROOM . HOUSEKEEPING, BEHIND Ritson Road School. Phone RA 3-2439. Apply = Banting Avenue. THREE ROOMS. APPLY 336 RITY an. Road South after 5.30 p.m. 8a NeLE FURNISHED BEDROOM, beds, suitable for two. Close to Hospital and town. Phone RA 3.4960. 82f ROOM FOR RENT, GENTLEMAN, Ernie Holmes REALTOR 31 BOND STREET EAST RA 5-2363 Don, Poole, Salesman RA 5-8489 $700 Cash Required $57 Monthly One NHA Mortgage $9,950 Full Price BRAND NEW SOLID BRICK BUNGALOWS 1.6 LARGE ROOMS 2. AIR CONDITIONED OIL HEATING 3. ARBORITE KITCHEN 4, 4-PIECE BATH, TILED FLOORS 5. SEMI-FINISHED RECREATION ROOM 6. SODDED LAWNS, PRIVATE GRAVEL DRIVE 7.75 10TS COME DIRECT Meadowcrest Subdivis- ion. Northwest corner of No. 7 and No. 12 High- way right at Brooklin Come to office on He- ber Down Crescent. D. SATOK REALTOR MEMBER ONTARIO REAL ESTATE BOARD April 27 LOTS IN ROSSLAND MANOR 60-foot frontages, sewer, street. lights paid wa- ter, roads, for, available immediately. Homes $14,000 - 18,000. For Information Phecne RA 3-2371, or RA 5-6577. T.T.S. April 23 LOTS Choice, spacious lots located north of Rossland Road In a new subdivision designed for homes in the $14,000 to $20,000 range. Sewers, water, street lighting, roads and large park fully paid for by the subdivider. Prompt action will give you the lot of your choice, Contact DON HOWE REALTOR RA 5.7732 26Y2 King St. E. Preferatly Italian. Central, near Sklar ture. $6 weekly. Apply 68 Church Street. 82a FOUR ROOM SELF-CONTAINED U! heated apartment, high power cable, electric hot water tank, floor coverings, private bath and separate entrance. Apply 8 82h TH. 00! LE LRA sink and cupboards, oll heated. Write Box 224, Times-Gazette 80c . CONTAINED THREE adults only. Phone sot ," GIRLS ONLY, erator, ironing and electric kettle a close to hospital and down. town. Phone RA 5-0238, sof TWO LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS with sink, centrally located. Couple preferred. Apply 48 Drew Street, RA 34152 af after 4 p.m. FOUR JR ROOM HOUSE, ON BUS Ti suit couple or with one child. Call at 328 Lakeshore Road after 6 p.m 81t FURNISHED BEDROOM, SUITABLE for ame or two gentlemen, willing to near South General Motors, Phone ¥ RA 37315. su TWO | ROOMS, FURNISHED, SUIT-| able for couple or 2 gentlemen, wash-| room. Apply 242 McNaughton Avenue. 81b TWO U RNISHED ROOMS "WITH sink and built-in Supboards in Mitohen, | no wa. Phone RA 5 1928, FURNISHED ROOM, FOR | £m Apply 232 Burk Street, Dal ONE FURNISHED ROOM, Si for lady. Very central. Phone RA 59992 au CENTRAL, | PRIVATE ENTRANCE, | furnished apartment living room, bed | kitchenette and bath, gi hen also laun- | Write Box 21 Times-Gs- | EA 81b Apr.25 $3,000 DOWN. FINE BRICK HOME--2 bedrooms, kitchen, living room. Full basement, oil heated, fully insulated, close to schools. A good buy in a good area. Make us an offer. $14,700 Whole Price. 5-ROOM BRICK HOUSE--A large, well- landscaped lot with some fruit trees, 2 bedrooms, living room and dining area, modern kitchen, room in basement. This is a fine home with many extras, Make us on offer, A Three. UNIT APARTMENT--Micin street location, Gross revenue annually, Economical hot water 'heati I t $15,500 whole price. Reasonable terms. wv =. 4. ROOM Aina Toes. natural gas and electricity, 2 bed- rooms, living room, kitchen, detached garage. Pro i 1h condition. $8,675 whole price Make 3 A Alii fi Encellont BEAUTIFUL BRICK HOME---Double garage, 3 bedrooms, grand living room, modern kitchen, finished recreation room. This property compares to much more costly homes. $13,950 whole price. Bring us an offer, 4 GARAGE and SERVICE STATION, in small village on the Lindsay Highway, gas pumps, tools, brick building. This Is a very good business handling a good product, $12,000 whole price, Terms arranged to suit the purchaser, condition, new tires, age, $850. Phone RA 5-7560. [4 *52 CHEVROLET i. , IN GOOD |Reg. $11.00. Assorted colors, heater, low mile | Home Furnishings, 24 Biss Soi Raincoat and hood, size 8. ril 293-9318. 1955 PONTIAC $1, PHONE BOW- manville MArket 3- 81b {1982 FORD TRACTOR {EQUIPPED with backhoe and hydraulic blade Phone RA 5-763%. So , PONTIAC SEDAN, RADIO, HEAT er, turn signals. Very clean car, RA 5-6109. Ble 54 CONSUL UL SEDAN, . BLACK, Low, mileage, excellent condition, lady's car, iliness forces sale, private. Dial Ra 3-9209. SEE THE UNIQUE DKW COOPER'S SERVICE STATION BRUCE & ALBERT STREETS PHONE RA 3-9632 USED fiel tion, "reasonably priced, Apply Baron's,| 424 INTERIOR AND ) EXTERIOR | HOUSE paint on sale. Re per gallon. Nelson's paper, 19 Bond West. RA 3-4922. Apr. 15 | | CiaResE M COMBINATION HA six "models to choose from. Trade in ONE PACKARD ELE By R | allowsnee on your old i door. Kook ge 78 | Phone RA 5-9433 FURNITURE a wc id KOOLVENT ALUMINUM sofa beds, etc. Excellent condi- store fronts. Budget terms, payment. Phone RA 3-2219. 2 |FOUR BURNER GAS RANGE, g, LAU Simcoe Street South. April 2 gular $3.95, now $2.95 Paint and Wall- [RA 5-7 { DOORS , one Sheffield stainless steel 9 plec rving set $20, one set two-tone lug- [vent Nash Ltd, RA 3-2219 mattress. Boy's navy blue suit, size 6x one RA 81b ROLLUP |awnings for windows, patios, doorways, down su dry yb bi sink, combination, Phohe c Woodstock, Ontarle. Solicitors for the Administrator with the will annexed herein, Mar.9,23,Apr.6 RIDS CHAPLIN LONDON (CP)--A month short of his 78th birthday, Sir Thomas | Beecham continues to do an effec- tive job of demolishing any sus- | picions that he may be mellowing! with age. The peppery leader of the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, {imaginable even though the Ger- {mans and French did not accept {him as anything more than an {authority on Italian opera. 'DOZEN HOMEBREWS Meanwhile, Beecham says, there Are a dozen Englishmen ing the "cant and humbug" shat foreign conductors are better tna their Bri born Se a GOES TO JAIL $32, frictes fully guaranteed, 4 NA castigates a clutch of distin- _ NIIGATA, Japan (AP) -- A rag - picket spent Evinrude Outb Paceship Boots and Hulls Canadian Canoe Boats Master Craf. Boat Trailers HANNAN MARINE SALES 20 Ray St., Oshawa, RA 8-8853 NOW OPEN J. ORDE MARINE Johnson, Peterborough Paceship PHONE 503, PORT PERRY Apr.25 Japanese night in jail for try- ing to get Charlie Chaplin out of a jam, Identified only as Mr. Shin, the man was hauled out of a local movie house by police during the showing of Chap- lin's Modern Times. an interview in The News Chronicle, Beecham concedes that in the past he has invited for- eigners "of proved gistinetion and the Philharmonic. In this cate- gory he names Bruno Walter, the late Wilhelm Furtwaengler and 79¢| 1952 FORD TRACTOR T.1S., Apr. '55 BUICK HARDTOP Two - tone, radio, auto- matic, white walls, clean. Phone RA 5-0717 Equipped with loader and Scherman digger. Excellent condition. MANCHESTER GARAGE Manchester, Junction Highways 7A--7 and Phone 512, Port Perry Drop In or call us for all your heating needs. Come in and see our complete line of Cole- man oil and gas heating equip- ment. RA 5-7181 Combustion Control Services 5 JOHN STREET 80f GRAND GIFTS Apr.15| for every occasion, Looking for 820 $10.00 DOWN ON ANY MODEL ! Quality used cars bought and sold. Trade up or down. LIENS PAID OFF Wilbak Motors RA 5-0732 137 KING STREET WEST May4 - Cash In at * terfield suite, very clean; sev- something different? Then pay a visit to our Gift Shop, GRETA GIFTS & VARIETY STORE 498 Front St. RA 8-8565 Apr.16 GOCD CLEAN USED FURNITURE Five - piece chrome kitchen suite, extension table, four recovered chairs; single walnut bed and spring; two-piece ches BARON'S RECORD BAR Oshawa's Newest Record Centre Western--Classical---European Records "True" Hi Fi Reproduction Radios--Record Players 426 Simcoe St, S.--RA 3-2263 NEW PORTABLE TV Thct second set you need en-piece walnut dining room suite (square table); Norge re- frigerator, like new; 12-inch table model TV; two-piece bed davenport suite, 3 months old; Thor dishwasher combination; walnut finish bedroom suite, consisting of vanity dresser ond bench, chest bed, spring and spring-filled mattress. 299 Simcoe St. South Before 6 P.M. 80c MACKIE MOTOR SALES We require clean late model cars. Why waste time ond money when you can get a deal at Mackie's that will be hard to duplicate anywhere. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. 560 KING E. RA 5-5743 Apr.23 48--Automobiles Wanted LAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS want cars 'or wrecking. Highest prices paid. nA Apr. 8 "ARS WANTED FOR WRECKING also scrap metal; o! any kind. Phone RA 5-3430 dav or night 9 Highest Prices. Paid For GOOD CLEAN CARS Any 'Make or Model DODD MOTOR SALES 314 Park Rd. S., RA 3-9421 around the home or office. 10-inch, 14-inch and 17-inch. As Low as $124.95 BUDGET TERMS B. F. GOODRICH STORES 453 Simcoe Street South "WINTERSEAL" Aluminum Combination Windows and Doors KOOL-SIDE Awnings and Canopies "They open and close inside the house' KOOL-LITE Ventilated Aluminum Awnings and Canopies LES EVINESS SALES LIMITED 15 SRINCE STREEY RA 5-4632 LES EVINESS RA 3-2707 BILL GALBRAITH RA 5-8832 DON HOWE RA 5-0313 S. CLARK RA 5-2731 Apr.18 80f, NEW BOAT and MOTOR $50 down, Fibre glass auto tops Peterborough's Evinrude motors. Tee- nee trailers. Expert service by factory trained mechanics. Open evenings and weekends. MARINE STORAGE AND SUPPLY BROOKLIN, ONTARIu PHONE 87 wif ns ing SOY 2 49--Automobile Repairs BUCK'S BODY SHOP Expert collision work, welding, painting, towing. Cars bought ond sold. Free Estimates. H. Marlyn, proprietor, 361 Bloor Street E., Oshawa, RA 5-4513, ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CHEERFULLY GIVEN J. A. VONDETTE REAL ESTATE HARRY JERMYN, Manager Call MO 8-3322 After Hours: MO 8-3895 | 82a! ADE 18 CAR CHECK SERVICE Automatic Car Care No Extra Cost Carefree Motoring DON ROBINSON Imperial ESSO Station 89 Simcoe South, RA 3-9531 Mavi RA 3-2219 Free Estimates RA 3-2219 Budget Terms NASH ALUMINUM STORM WINDOWS DOORS "FACTORY TO YOU PRICES" KooLVENT ALUMINUM DOOR CANOPIES ROLL-UP AWNINGS OFFICE and SHOWROOM: 94 BRUCE STREET UNION MADE IN OSHAWA JALOUSIES AWNINGS CAR PORTS H. Maynard RA 5-1646 N. CUTLER RA 8-8642 Mitch Glecoff 496R jax Fritz Reiner, NO BEAT But he has a poor opinion of the men imported to lead British orchestras today. "Some of them are incoherent Midway through the third reel, as Charlie was swallowed by a huge machine, Shin rushed from the back of the house, leaped on the stage and ripped down the screen. "I was only trving to help," he said. and cannot communicate their > tentions or even beat time to satisfaction of the orchestra," he says. And he blasts Furtwaengler, along with the late Willem Men-| gelberg and Arturo Toscanini, as| FLYING LIZARDS LIVINGSTONE, Northern Rho- desia (Reuters)--Motorists arriv-| ing here Thursday reported see- ing a flock of flying lizards, each having unduly influenced British His" poine contemporaries to prove in front of an English orchestra | who duct at least as well as the "comparatively undistin- if | guished foreigners" who are al- most monopolizing permanent or- chestral engagements in London. Among foreign conductors ap- Paring for varying periods with orchestras this season are one. Klemperer, Rudolf Kempe and Walter Goehr of Germany, Josef Krips of Austria, Rafael Kubelik of Czechoslovakia and [Polish born Paul Kletzki. Beecham names five Ei men he considers their equ in. cluding his own assistant condue- tor, Autralian born Dennis Vaughan, 2 i Jormer assistant, orman ar. Both their 30s. a Beecham's other choices: Brian Balkwill, 34 . year - old associate e conductor of the Glyndebourne Opera; Charles Groves, 42, con ductor of the Bournemouth Or- |chestra, and 29 - year - old Alex- ander Groves, one of the staff conductors of the Saddler's Wells Opera. about 30 inches long, on the road|conducting during between Bulawayo and Victoria earlier years as an orchestra Falls. It is the second report|leader. within a few days of animals| Toscanini's influence was *'un- similar in appearance to the pre-|desirable," because everything he historic pterodactyl appearing in| did was regarded as pc Rhodesia. ldon's press and public accepted ANCIENT FARM The site of the first farm barn in Denmark, still seen in Jutland Giovince, dates from before AD Apr.6 E RECORDS SAVED the historic revenue building in Manitoba government em- central Winnipeg is destroyed loves gush records to safety as by fire. ture once housed the Jaw courts, The 70-year-old struee