$4 THE DAILY TIMESGAZETTE, Tharsday, March 7, 1957 High School Jr. Girls Win Basketball Title I. W. PARKINSON kard and the effective offensive Correspondent play of Alice Williams and Sharon Port Perry Junior girls over- Haugen the home team outscored came a nine point deficit they the visitors 19-12 in the first half | Trustee's Role Is Vital In Modern Education suffered by losing 27-18 in Lake- a ' won the play-off in the final | (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is cerned, ends only with death. It glance of the eye, the yell of pain | be 54 f another article in a series in |embraces and permeates every often anticipates the hurt. jisst ba ackend as sy ir og 111 gh be play ofts. in the The Times - Gazette on "Edu- |departmefit of living. Definitely "Let it be realized that the day 4 GT Bsa tego gl Ey ea] cation Week," Others will fol- the schools cannot do it all from when Boards dealt with the on A we game Ni pil se os ant oint 2 gam. d Sos pov] Jow this week.) | limitations of time, accommoda- simple problem of providing a'r o_ mice Bi DHS. ario id Pol ht Ey Ss ood By A. E. O'NEILL tion, and (it now appears) supply place and a teacher for those who Sage i vr pr ip, won P hotkey uo ative] | Chairman, The Oshawa Board [of competent teachers. wanted to learn or whose parents ST hs Se the first conte Arai Re a is i of Education | "Hence each stage of the edu- wanted them to learn is gone -- ii efield in the firs Soni 8 Lakefi 4 i yA as : e bd "Members of a Board of Edu- cational program, while remain- likely forever, For better or Sue hhrie ig» pis? as scoring rg le dq p ud oi alr A ation are called Trustees; and ing conscious of the over-all worse, education is now big busi- and equal the entire output of visitors scoring was confined to rightly so; for a trustee is a per- plan, needs to lower its sights and ness -- a mighty big business in son entrusted with a duty which aim at targets ich can be ef- whose ledgers teachers' salaries he is to discharge with zeal, im-|fectively engaged, leaving to and simple accommodation con- artiality, and scrupulous hon- other educational/ forces to ad- stitute only a part of the esty to the best of his native vance and cf idate gains later expenses. Builders, architects, | ability and acquired knowledge. and exploit the possibilities of equipment vendors, supply| the visitors. Other scorers for the Lakefield girls were Anne Garupy and Betty Slater knotting one. and Leona Mcllmoyle. The rest of the Lakefield roster was com-| posed of Marilyn Freeburn, Atha- belle Hendren, Dorothy Mecll- Cartney (7) three fou! shots, Sue getting two For the winners Alice Williams was tops with 15 followed by Sharon Haugen (19), Carol Me- and Carol Huntley SS Fisherman Brand -- Save 13¢ -- Fancy Red -- 12's a a This duty assumed' (rather than further advances as new terrain houses, printers, publishers, care- laid on) Trustees as members of and objectives emerge beyond the taking and administrative staff, (moyle, Margaret Richardson and i 4 ort Feny Pin Sollevied 11 Boards of Education is obviously horizon. special teachers, various experts Mar! yn 28000 : 'Yel the. PPHS poin : Bo of 3 Lhe, fom e to provide education for all mem-| 'For better mutual understand-|and a host of associated fringe aaron Jaugen i e is rs : . wile ak hl seven bers of their community who|ing trustees and teachers, as agencies take a big slice of the girls at Lakefield as sl e Foun 3j3imes In 7 Fis aud | ie superior want it or need it -- the kind de- {many as possible, should come | educational budget. Standing to|12 of their 18 points, Na h ar gr pi ng ii oF A erry yas pending on the capabilities and together frequently for frank dis-!profit from any further advance Hunt ey a 50 Vi ams pacha | 2, actor in their eventua needs of the student rather than cussions on the whole subject of in educational movement they are|¢oUnt BE ree. Other members o ramp roth. 1a Heb fisst. & his likes or dislikes. education, including working con- all for it in unabashed competition the PPHS Junior girls earn are, f iss hg Ee er be Jar "Clearly in performing their ditions and even salaries. At!for the educational dollar. Carol McCartney, Lars Espie, of teaciling anc coaching girs duties trustees are obligated to|present, meetings too often occur| "Trustees mindful of their re- Ruby Hutchinson, na Kiezebrin! baskernall Jesstves Tecoguition various segments of society. Tolonly when some money matter sponsibilities to provide the edu- 2nd Mary Loy se Pickard, jE ; 3 e mn or girls jron specify roughly, the students, the of a contentious nature is to the cational services needed must| At Port PPHS a t e Tetur{PoH eerTy J of ig mg | € teachers, society which needs ed- fore. 1 am confident that meet-|claim a fair share of the tax dol- (83M the PPHS girls were 0 iid S 1 ario Saamp va ucated people, and the taxpayers|ings between board members and [lar If children are not to suffer. '0 be denied the fitle at stake] On Saturday morning fhe PPh (an inclusive group) who provide class-room teachers to discuss But they must be realistic. After 28 they went all out and came up girls will cont ne hots Layo [s the money. __ (frankly but friendly mutual prob- surveying the contemporary soepe Wilh Vhcir finest stort hr ge oa) plano Foionsd The responsibility is a formid- lems would dispel misconceptions and exploring the future they ive play by Ruby Hutchinson. Ina|being slate: for Bloor Collegiate SALMON AYLMER -- "BEST BUY" TOMATO CATSUP LIPTONS -- "FEATURE" TOMATO VEGETABLE CATELLIS -- READY CUT MACARONI EVER POPULAR KRAFT DINNER MAYFAIR -- SMALL TASTY BREAKFAST PRUNES ia 2-85 SA "A Lenten Suggestion BRUNSWICK SARDINES 3:2) FEATURE BILLIONAIRE SARDINES soup MIX 3... 35° une 16° 2..29° Se AAR FE charge an informed undertaking awaken trustees to the presence ed to give society the kind of citi- of educational theory and prac- of many hidden treasures as well [zens it needs whether society tice: a sympathetic view of as vegetating mediocrities a nd wants such or not. And having WORLD NEWS BRIEFS educated people needed by our DAY OF LOBBYISTS "In the complexities of educa- social and economic condition;| "In this day of lobbyists and tion as a big in there is al-| APT SLOGAN sure there are no salmon fry or Va's and a sane appraisal of what pressure groups, busybodies, self-| ways danger that like other hard] SASKATOON (CP) -- The Sask- eggs there. Tins ers are willing and able to de-|alert or some camel will get it< into turning their responsibilities atchewan" was selected because vote to education in a limited or head in the tent and take it over. over to fo, Frain officials. it is short and catchy, and one Whale which has roamed Pacific unrestricted application of that|It must not be forgotten that once |That is a trend waters for 10 years, known famil- SSAY BOOKS minimizing the Better." Ss ys ORS 4 oud oligos return to the status quo without|value .of permanent paid officials . black whales. 'k.ssays, y ni Vi i f i i J J tramping on someone's pet corn. in getting things done, it must be BIG PRODUCER FELINE SURPLUS have been written on each as- That is so unpleasant for all con- asserted again and. again that the] SUMMERLAND, B.C. (CP) -- pect of this subject. Here it is cerned in these days of 'getting representatives of the people must Star Elite, a Jersey cow owned by| VICTORIA (CP) -- Limitation of three adult cats to a family is able one and demands for its dis- lon the part of the teachers and must decide what money is need- (po rink and Mary Louise Pic. Toronto. teachers' tasks and problems; a|self - promoting glamor boys and made their decision they must be fine appreciation of the kind of |girls. ' |adamant in their demands. . portion of our mounting taxes -- glorifiers, and people with axes to pressed elected representatives of atoon Tourist Advisory Council has | v 3 direct and indirect -- the taxpay- grind, Trustees must be on the 0" adopted a new slogan. "See Sask-| ALICE RETURNS 4 the people. Trustees may be lured p g VICTORIA (CP)--A killer white Rensivi d bul in democratic{member said it fits in well with li : comprehensive and nebulous new subjects, courses, positions government that must be de-|the federal slogan "Know Canada arly as Alice, was spotted again term are introduced, it is impossible to plored. Without near here in company with two possible to make only a few brie but fundamental -- and it i f along with people" that it is sel-|do the thinking, the policy mak-| the federal experimental farms the deciding. These here, has been awarded the Ton being pressed here by the health KING'S 18 dom done with rewarding results. ing and hoped provocative -- remarks. "Now come the Trustees' rela- should not be entrusted to so- of Gold certificate for producing board. The move was caused by A trustee, in my opinion, must tions with those who pay the shot called 'experts'. As Laski so tell- |2 037 pounds of fat in four con- complaints that one resident keeps look sharp to be sharp against whether the money is provided by ingly said, the 'expert' should be secutive years 30 cats. the possibility of being "ov e r|municipalities, the Province or kept on tap but mot on top. In- 2 IN " sold" on education, of being over-|the Dominion, or is supplied from stead of embracing every sugges- BIG SCOOPS YOUNG ANGLER susceptible to every addition, aid, taxes on property, income, cor-|gestion made simply because VANCOUVER (CP)--Too many TABER, Alta. (CP) -- Eight. or cure-all in educational theory poration profits, liquor, gasoline, |it comes from higher up, trustecs future salmon are ending up in year-old Delmar Cleveland pulled and practice. He should remem- (tobacco, cars, luxuries or neces-|should listen sympathetically and the cement - mixer, says A. J. a seven - pound trout through an ber that education is a life long sities. Nobody enjoys paying patient]y, then after investigating Whitmore, fisheries supervisor. He ice hole on Sherburne Lake to out- process that begins with birth, [taxes, and when they fall directly jas fully and intelligently as they said gravel contractors should not do his father and grandfather, and, 50 far as this world Is con-'and the total can be seen with one can, make a mature decision. remove sand from river beds until /fishing with him. 28-0Z. 28° TIN 2 ro» 3O° | CHoIcE TOMATOES DR. BALLARD'S -- CHAMPION -- 15-0Z. TIN EASIFIRST -- "FEATURE" DOG FOOD 3-.35°| SHORTENING 2.-49° Best For Juice and Every Use -- Sunkist - 144's Freshen FRUITS AND POLY VEGETABLES! Oranges BAG 2-69: AT REDE WHITE Dry, Firm, Well Cured CUCUMBERS | COOKING ONIONS 2 3 5 ¢ LBL ROLY 2 7+ 7 = LEAN, MEATY -- PORK SIDE Quality | SPARERIBS LAMB LEGS -63- BACON -.- =79: SAUSAGE 39 HEADCHEESE --39- SWIFT'S PREMIUM 33 1-Ib. 45¢ MEAGHER'S HUGE PURCHASE OF 195€ 3-LB., Polly Bog Crisp Full Flavoured, Ontario SPY APPLES Mild, Sweet Flavorful Large Solid Heads, Fine Quality LETTUCE 2 "it 29° "SPAGHETTI and TOMATO SAUCE 2 15-0Z. 29+ Deep Brown BEANS 20-0Z. 2 1 ¢ "SAUERKRAUT 2 28-0Z. 39- TINS ALLSWEET MARGARINE 1-LB. 3 3 ¢ PKG. ""WHITE BEANS 1-LB. CELLO 1 5¢ LIMA BEANS SUPREME BABY 12-0Z. CELLO 1 7¢ PKG. BIRDSEYE Fillets Of Ocean Perch FROZEN Filleis of Haddock 1. 35¢ Fillets of Sole i FOODS Filles of Cod 29¢ Fish Sticks Le 33 1-b, ONNOR'S--3's OBLONG There's A Red & White Near You KIPPERED SNACKS mm \. SPROULE'S 2 FOR 2 1 : CORNER KING AT RITSON DILL PICKLES ~ McKENNA'S SUPERMARKET 24-02. 3 5¢ 948 SIMCOE ST. N. Quaker Muffels - 2... 35¢ SPROULE'S ROBIN HOOD BROWN"S MARKETERIA WHITE CAKE MIX BROOKLIN MAPLE GROVE 15-0Z. 2 9 WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERATORS WILL ENABLE YOU TO MAKE LARGE SIZE THE BEST BUY EVER H 1-LB. PKG, COMPACT MODEL $J80 8 cubic foot capacity in only 24" of floor space. Full width 40-Ib, Freezer and Cold Storage Tray. Two temperature controls -- one for the Freezer . , . one for the cabinet -- that assures the special temperature variations necessary for perfect Food File -conveni- ence. Full width Humidrawer that keeps up to a 12 bushel of vegetables fresh and crisp. Added storage capacity in door for RIGHT AND LEFT HAND DOORS AVAILABLE eggs and bottles. NOW ON SALE AT 199° You Can Be Sure If It's WESTINGHOUSE MEAGHER'S .» 5.4711 92 SIMCOE N. GROCETERIA PKG. MAPLE GROVE