SECOND PLACE BRUINS PEEWEE HOCKEY TEAM Shown above is the Bruins Peewee hockey team, now in second place, one of six teams in the league sponsored by the Bowmanville Recreation De- partment. The Bruins recently defeated the third place team by a score of 2-1. The win widened their lead over the Leafs to seven points thus as- suring themselves of at least second place in the final stand- vd ings. Front row, from left to right, are: David Allison, Don Masterson, Don Butler, Scott Essery, James Lane; centre row, Bud Oke, coach; Norris | Turner, Don Tordiff, Ted Brown THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tuesday, February 12, 1957 § AJAX AND DISTRICT NEWS John Mills, Representative -- Phone Ajax 426 Lieutenant Governor Nor- man Murray of Kiwanis Dis- trict No. 6, Toronto, is shown LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR AT KIWANIS CLUB installing Milton G. Sleep as president of Dunbarton Kiwanis Club. On Monday evening the Lieutenant Governor made his official visit to the Dun- barton Club. Mr. Sleep is on the right. and James Wilson; rear row, Tom Grills, Don Rickard, Terry Black, John Allin and Doug. Gibson. BOWMANVILLE AND DISTRICT | St. Andrew's Church Had Very Successful Year BOWMANVILLE -- The Rev. Alex Scott opened the annual meeting of St. Andrew's Presby- terian Congregation in the Sun- day School room. E. Paige was named chairman of the meeting. A. M. Thompson, secretary of the congregation, read the min- utes of the 1955 meeting, which were passed and confirmed. Rev. Mr. Scott gave the ses- report on additions to the! membership, weddings conduct-| ed, children baptised, funerals conducted. The "Every Home Plan" of placing the Presbyterian "Record" in every home was authorized by the Session, and cost defrayed from the congrega-| tional general fund. The payment to the Armagh Home for Girls, | authorized last year by the Ses-| sion was also made. i A new electronic organ has been installed in place of the old one | which has served the church for .more than 25 years. The choir, inder the leadership of ended for the fine contribu- : and howed a healthy state of affairs ancially. Increased contributions ere made to the Budget Fund of the Presbyterian Church in Ca-| nada for missions, colleges and general administration. The Women's Missionary So-| elety Auxiliary under the presi-| dency of Miss Flora Galbraith, lollowed a course of Mission | study, and raised funds for the | WMS missionary enterprise, meet- ng the allocation set for their or- ganization. The Evening Affiliated | Bowmanville H.S. At-Home Due BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- The annual Bowmanville High School | be held this Fri- {At-Home will and J. Stutt were elected to the day evening beginning at 8.30. | board of managers. J. Stutt is the efficient congregational trea- school event of the year with the treasurer's The At-Home is the biggest| Credit Union Holds Meet The annual meeting of the Manchester Credit Union was held in the Myrtle hall. The president, Robert Walker of Port Perry, was chairman and outlin- ed the beginning of the credit union which was started by the Federation of Agriculture two years »ago, Mrs. Lamb gave the| report showing as- surer, and Ralph Simpson, bud- alumni returning for a look at|sets in the organization of over | get treasurer. At the close of the meeting, a {their alma mater. | | A reception line composed of | vote of thanks was extended to the chairman of the high school the officers of the organizations.|board and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. |the credit committee and men- Ralph Simpson, on behalf of the|B. Tink; the principal and his tioned the 18 loans made by the| congregation, presented Mr. and wife, Mr. and Mrs. L. Dippell; | $10,000 with a gross profit for the year slightly over $400. Mr. John Hamer reported for credit union for such purposes as | buying stock, implements, real} Miss Leta | gist, vit vi - agg, organist and director was Sisied Miia Oe ices 3nd 30] n made to the services of wog Aitenell; Bev. RB. W. Wighton and The front . RE Mrs. Scott with a generous cheque | president of the student's counell, | as a token of appreciation. All{Gary Humphreys; vice-president | i present enjoyed a social cup of of the student's council, Jerri] The report of the directors was | tea and lunch. | Ross, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Wither- |made by Mrs. John Hamer. Forty | BOWMANVILLE -- A week of|spoon, advisor to the student's|pew members have joined in the dedicatory services celebrating |council, will receive the guests, [last year, ten directors and spe-| the opening of the new and en-|the alumni and members of the cial meetings have been held and | larged Baptist Church in Bowsas- sigh school board. |the directors have been studying estate and consolidating debts. | Rev, A. tary but will continue to assist by taking deposits and payments in group, under the presidency of| classrooms off the upstairs audi- Miss Agnes Carruthers, in addi-|torium. A new washroom and gas don to contributions to missions, (heating system have also been in- defrayed the cost of redecorating |giaijed. he manse interior, gave funds| The congregation is to be con- 'or Sunday School supplies, and a gratulated for its efforts and for generous contribution to the gen- the feeling of friendliness and the Manchester district. Mrs. Al- lan Booth will be the secretary for the Manchester Credit Union, Reeve Charges Political Influence Wrongly Sought AJAX (Times - Gazette, Staff|pond, a Liberal candidate in the Reporter)--Harmony in the Ajax forthcoming Dominion elections town council was disrupted on Monday evening when Reeve John Mills charged "that the town had been degraded to the level of seeking political patronage." The reeve was referring to the report of a delegation composed of Mayor Kenneth Smith, Deputy- Reeve William Laycock and Dr. Claude Vipond that went to Ot-| awa last Tuesday to discuss the' t. future of Ajax The reeve's remarks were prompted by the fact that Dr. Vi- World's Problem Answers Seen In Sermon On Mount | AJAX--The Rev. A. M. Butler, minister of St. Paul's Church, delivered, as usual, a very fine sermon at the regular ed for sale through real estate brokers, Reeve Mills told council "that he had known of this move on the part of CMHC as far back as last January but the news was not ready for release." was| In voicing his condemnation, purely an attempt to build up|the reeve said this council political prestige for Dr. Vipond." elected to gi i municipal usiness, not outsiders whose in- PROPERTY SALE [rng the town had extended It was announced last Wednes-| back a few months. day by Stewart Bates, president| "This is the first time party of Central Mortgage and Housing| politics has ever intruded into this Corporation that industrial and council, and I hope it will be the commercial lands would be orfiri-ilast,"" concluded the reeve. | Called To Accident, Finds Son Killed had 'accompanied the delegation. | Reeve Mills termed the whole in- cident an insuit to the integrity of the council and the. intelligence of the people who had elected it. | He said further 'that it is| On Monday evening, February United | 18 in St. Paul's United Church! Hall, Mr. Owen Ashley will pre- MONTREAL (CP) -- Dr. Paul Lizotte, employed hy the munici- pality of Montreal North, Monday | received what he considered a rou- tine police call to the scene of an accident. When he arrived he {found the accident victim to be service of worship held on Sun- Sent another program of movies| his eight-year-son, Jean. day morning last. | especially for the children of the "If we have love in our hearts," | Sunday School and their friends. he said, "we cannot 'be wrong in our understanding of God and the fruit we bear will | | far | This will commence at 7.30 p.m. Will all parents please make a note to remind the children of be good. We have, in the Sermon! this, on the Mount, all the answers we need to build a new world. We don't need new knowledge, .but the bitter need to take seriously what we already believe and teach. We are at the point where we have to take the gospel in its entirety not only to preach, but to give our lives completely to Him. "Those of us who are prepared to do the will of our Father are the demonstrators," said Mr. But- ler. tian people and because it is by their fruits men shall know you, be sure that your motives are | such that they have been given us because of our love for God and our fellowmen." The choir, led by Mrs. Irene Hosinec and accompanied by | | "This applies to all Chris- | Mrs. S. Johnson, sang most beau- tifully, Stainer's '""God So Loved the World." During the service the Sacrament of Baptism was | observed when Johanne Marion, sral congregational fund. The Ladies' Aid Society, under he presidency of Mrs. Alex Cam- | ron, raising money by rummage | sales, bake sales, catering tol veddings, made valuable contri-| sutions to the general fund for the 'ongregation and Sunday School. ' A. H. Sturrock gave the Sunday ichool report. It showed an in- rease in membership and inter- st in the new course of study of 3ible education, missionary enter- | rise, and church history. Election of officers for the com- ag year was then called for. H. \. Sturrock, J. Coyle, P. Porter 'CAR SMASHES This is what happened when bus and a car scraped each her and the car got out of con- ol in Bowmanville recently. je car crossed the sidewalk | id crashed through the shop | ndow of the Public Utilities | | No. 3 Bowmanville ville has drawn to a close. Dance music will be spplied by |the possibility of adapting per- The church members have been the Sevenaires, an orchestra from (gonal chequing as a means of very much encouraged by the Peterboro. | furthering the usefulness of the good attendance of the congrega-|-- organization to the farmers and tion and the visiting groups from other members. The board of di- Calvary and Gibbon Street Bap. B sk th 11 rectors recommended that the tist Churches in Oshawa and] ad e d credit union pay a four per cent Faith Baptist Church of Whitby. ! dividend on the share accounts. Visiting preachers have also as- t The members agreed on motion eams ee to accept the Tecomhend shin of regardin, e dividen BOWMANVILLE (Statr) -- The | the board regarding he the Bowmanville High School Bantam |p 4 of directors continue to and Junior Basketball teams will | yor toward chequing was also be coming to grips with the Ajax passed. finish. A new platform and pulpit|Bantams and Juniors this Thurs-| "mye hoard of directors includes has been added. The auditorium |day evening beginning at 7 p.m.|zpg" john Hamer, newly elected has been furnished with modern |in the gymnasium of the Bow- |, ..ciqent, Mr. Murray Holtby, "stacking chairs", the floor tiled, |/manville High School. Mr. Robert Walker, Mr. Alan and the ceiling and walls refin:| The last home game of the ser- pn yney and newly elected to the ished in an ivory stucco-finish ies will be on March 1 when the yn 4 ere Mr. Gordon Hunter, plaster. A basement has been |bantams, juniors and seniors will Mr. Lloyd Smith and Mr. Edgar added under part of the structure, [meet Pickering High School. Heron. and is divided into two rooms.| On Feb. 22 the teams will travel | "y," Lag ynanimous that the Plastered and finished in bright to Port Hope where they hope to. ..4it committee remain the colors, it houses the primary and |defeat all three teams of the |. ro wessrs. John Hamer, Eu- kindergarten departments of the|local high school. gene Dearborn, Russell Rodd. Sunday School. In the primary Mrs. Lamb resigned as secre- room a large mural depicts Christ gw . . and the children. There are three British Airlines Seek Business picture books, games and puzzles From Young fies fu cic bony i i |For small children, there i £004 Will that eminates. LONDON (CP)--British airline/dly dolls and fluffy teddy bears| |companies have a new motto: and the training program ior 3 "Catch them young." |stewardesses includes lessons In 1C 00 Following the example of Cana-|the art of cutting out chains of dian and American air lines, the paper men. British companies are going all| Oar eets out to make air travel enjoyable idea of its own--the skycot, a |for youngsters. [small baby crib that hooks onto BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- The| "It is just plain good business," the overhead luggage rack and in next meeting of the Bowmanville says a spokesman for the state- which infants up to one year can Public School Boar¢ will be he's owned British Overseas Airways travel in comfort and complete next Thursday evening at § p.m. Corporation. "We are looking to!safety. 1 in the Vincent Massey School. |the future and building up a pool] Are children good air travell- This is the second meeting of of future business." ers? "The best--the very best, the board since it was installed | Like Trans-Canada Air Lines, says R. E. Kester, veteran BOAC last Jan. 11. BOAC carries a wide range of/steward. i La ATR BOWMANVILLE FRONT WINDOW injuries. Damage to the store front was estimated at $1,000. The car was damaged to the extent of $250 while the bus had $15 damage. No one on the bus | was injured | |--Photo by Rehder, Bowmanville in a collision with a Colonial Coach Lines bus driven by Ger- ald McDonnell of RR No. 4, Belleville. The bus was bound kavich was attempting to park | for Montreal. Mrs Chaskavich | her car at the curb of the side- A and her husband, who was also walk when it 'became involved | in the car, suffered only minor office causing considerable | damage. Driver of the car was Mrs. Lila Chaskavich, of RR Mrs. Chas- BOAC has also come up with an, baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | R. Orrett was baptized. Members of the Maranatha Group of St. Paul's United Church WA will hold a rummage sale in the church basement on Saturday morning, February 16. Doors open at 10 am. On Tuesday evening, February 19, at 8.30 p.m. in St. Paul's Unit- ed Church Hall, the Elizabeth Group of the WA will hold an. other of its celebrated Social Eve- nings. This is a 'must' for every- one, as a good time is always had by every person who attends, young and old alike. The youngster was killed under the wheels of a truck. REASONABLE COMPLAINT NASHVILLE, Texas (AP) --The Tennessee department executive committee of the American Legion complained in a resolution Sunday of Adolf Hitler. Tennessee soldiers brought back the Berchtesgaden, Hitler's hideaway, after the war. FOR MISSED PAPERS IN AJAX If you have not received your FOR MISSED PAPERS IN BOWMANVILLE Phone Times-Gozette by 7 P.M., Call MA 3-5561 AJAX TAXI Phone AJAX 333 If you have not received your Times - Gazette by 7 p.m., call KING TAXI I AR colls must be placed before All calls must be placed 7:30 PM. before 7:30 p.m. Salvation Army Service Blessed AJAX -- The service at the Salvation A on Sunday even- ing was one of blessing as Lieut- enant Smith <ave an inspiring message concerning the qualities found in a person who is a true | born-again Christian. Those who gathered for the meeting listened {as the speaker explained the va- (rious ways in which a Christian is different from those who are walking in sin. His text was | Psalm 92:12, "The righteous !shall flourish like the palm tree, {The palm tree is beautiful, it is |straight and upright and differ- {ent from other trees and in the same sense men and women who love the Lord must be separate from the things of sin and dark- ness, being beautiful in their spiritual experience. Just as the nalm tree is evergreen and noted for its fruitfulness so must we, Lieut. Smith said, be always in God's will and witnessing for Him and His unlimited love to man- kind. The Sunday School in the after- noon was well attended again and the children are taking a keen in- terest in the current Self Denial Effort, the Army's annual. appeal to raise money for its many mis- sionaries across the world. It was announced in the service on Sun- day evening that the Home League will be changing the time of its weekly meeting from Wed- nesday afternoons to Tuesday eve- nings beginning with this Tuesday at 8 o'clock. Civil Defence Group Is Named AJAX -- The town council ap- pointed a Civil Defence Commit- tee at Monday's meeting. The committee members are, Fire Chief Cecil Winter, Police Chief Howard Traves, Paul Kirby, and Councillors Owen Ashley and | Raymond Henshaw. | The committee will recommend the appointment of a co-ordina- {tor at the next council meeting. |X is learned that William Jones of Pye (Canada) Ltd. has con- sented to take over the job. 'Mother Kills Three Then Suicides WOOD RIVER, Il. (AP) -- A 25-year-old mother killed her three children by slashing their throats with 'a nine-inch butcher knife Monday and then committed suie- ide with. the same instrument, Madison County deputy coroner Edwin Marks said. Marks said the woman's father, G. N. Andrews, an oil company ex- ecutive, told him his daughter, Mrs. Priscilla Robertson, was dis charged from a mental hospital six months ago. that the only bust in the states Second World War Museum Is one bust from A LATE MODEL TYPEWRITER Walmsley & Magill OSHAWA Phone RA 5-3506 bh) ...and seven years ago she was an "ugly duckling"! Look at her now . . . smiling, self- assured, the centre of attraction. It wasn't always that way; as a child she had uneven teeth, and was self-conscious about it. Knowing that she'd need long and expert dental care, her father saved for it through a special account at the "Royal". And when the time came, he had the money to pay for treatment that helped transform a shy little girl into a radiant young woman. The need for ready cash, often substantial sums, may come un- expectedly. That's why it's wise to form the habit of saving a fixed amount every month through a savings account at the "Royal". After all -- There's nothing quite like money in the bank. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA 1/2 TON PICK-UP FORD BRAND NEW $1699 Complete factory stan- dard equipment, alse heater end fu and anti-freeze Il factory warranty. ALSO BRAND NEW 3 /4-TON EXPRESS 8 FT. BODY GRAIN TIGHT 1799 Complete ALSO ----- BRAND NEW 1-TON EXPRESS 9 FT. BODY Complete with heater and 8 x 172 6 ply tires. ALSO BRAND NEW 3-TON 154" wheel base. Com- plete with dump body end hoist. Heavy duty springs, 15,000 speed Ibs. front axle, 2 rear axle. Heater, dome lights, mirrors, turn signals. Full Factory War- TRADES! 428 KING ST. W. OUTDOOR SHOWROOM RA 5-8141 301D WHITBY UNDAS ST. W. MO 8-3331 SEAWAY Motors Ltd. A 3-4683 renfell St. ee --