i Sst CARR'S SUNOCO ENTRY IN WHITBY With the close of minor lea- | bers of Whitby's six Pee Wee town's gue hockey rapic'y approach- | teams can look back on many At Whitby P Released by Mrs. Bracey, Whitby's Librarian, is a list of new books now available at the Public Library. Titles and authors follow -- all are fiction: "Stopover: Tokyo", J. P. Mar- quand; "Blue Camellia", F. P. Keyes: '"The Tribe That Lost Its Head", N. Monsarrat; "The Wan- dering Prince", J. Plaidy: "Im- mortal Queen", E. Byrd: "The Jameson Girls", J. Hilliard; "Pine Roots", G. Taylor. Release Fiction List Douglas Seale Gets Job At Vancouver VANCOUVER (CP) - Douglas Seale ham (England Repertory Thea- tre, has been appointed guest di- rector at the University of British Columbia summer theatre school for a production of Shak e's The Tempest. Auditions for lead roles will be ublic Library R./ Standish; "The Hills", P, Whitney. '"Arundel", K. Roberts; "Stor- ies To Remember", Constain & Beecroft; "The Legend of Dan- fel Williams", P, Freuchen; "Seats Of The Mighty", A. Har- wood; 'The Distant Music", H. L. Davis; "Mirage", R. McKen- ny. "The Long Walk", R. Slavo- mir; "The Thousand Hills", A. B, Guthrie; "Eldorado Jane", P. Bottome; "Off Limits", H. Habe; Trembling FOR MISSED PAPERS Breducer for the Birming-| |! held tn Vaneouver and Toronts. Mr Seale has produced for the Old Vie, Stratford-on Avon, Edin- burgh Berlin and Amsterdam fes- 'tivals | 3 Ee BUTT RADIO | RCA Victor ©@' TELEVISION 118 Brock St. 5. Whitby MO 8-3707 "Twilight For The Gods", E. "Beyond The Gates", D. Smith; pursuit of the puck. Shown here | are the members of the Carr's | 7 Vogt, L. Pogson, and M PEE WEE LEAGUE arena in | Sunoco team: from leit to right row: G. Clarke, T. D. n back Whiteside, J. Rapsey, Ing, ing the many ycathful mem- enjoyable hours spent at the WHITBY and DISTRIC mT e------ WINTER SCENE IN WHITBY HARBOR Mother Nature, with a mini- | spray from Lake Ontario put | small island just mum of fanfare, this week pro- | 2 silvery coat on trees inside the harbor wall. The spray | seen, probably, only by work- vided residents in the harbor washed over the pS | area with a rare sight when wall, making a silver forest, | Mrs. Lynch of King street en- tertained at her home last Mon- day evening for the regular monthly meeting of the Alumnae Association of the Ontario Hospi- tal, Whitby. The president, Miss Dona Valliant, opened the meet- ing, followed by the secretary land treasurer's report given by Miss Bette McRae. Business discussion concerned, mainly, the coming banquet and dance for the graduation to be held in May. The business meet- ing was adjourned and the speak- er for the evening, Miss Luis| Teunissen, was introduced by the program convener, Mrs. Dorothy Sheedy. She discussed Holland as a Hospital Alumnae Assoc. Hears Of Holland Life Door', E. Spencer; "The Be-|"The Lightrearted Quest", A. lievers", J. Giles; "Blind Tiger"! Bridge. WHAT COUNCIL DID The town's building committee was asked to investigate a com- plaint about a large pile of earth on a Palace St. lot. Councillors said the pile was some 20 feet high and had been there for about s NEAWD Years tiations for the purchase of a Gann; "The Vice At The "Be "The Etruscan", M. Waltari; station now rests on the street allowance. RECOMMEND PURCHASE The planning board recom- mended that the town begin nego- IN WHITBY || ALBERT RANDALL & eo HEATING * OIL HEATING ® PLUMBING eo SHEET METAL WORK Phone: MO 8-2991 102-A Byron St. S. EVENINGS KEN ALBERT MO 8-4224 MO 8-4248. Phone MO. 8-3111 ¥ you have not received your Times-Gazette by 7 P.M., Coll BELL TAXI All galls must be placed before 7:30 P.M. ASK REPRESENTATION {lane on the west side of the com- A request was received from munity arena. The arena board) the Whitby Public Utilities Com-had earlier made such a sugges- Inkpen, Je back B Soseh Pred mission asking that a member tion to council. ng. Front row: B. Jones 8. |be named to the Industrial Com- Evans, D. McIntyre, S. Reeson, |mission. Deputy-reeve Stan Mar-|ANOTHER VOICE W. Cookson and D. Perry. tin noted that Mayor Jermyn, an, Yet another voice was heard m-- ee -- ex-officio member of the PUC,|this week from a public body was already on the commission.[0PPosed to any service station The request was given to the ap. being constructed on the lot he: plications committee for study. |side the arena. This latest objec- tion came from the Separate ON BUS TERMINAL School Board who stated that Word was received from the they considered any service sta-| | Planning Board that they had|tion there 'detrimental to safe-| | agreed that the erection of a bus ty." | country. She spoke on ihe econ-|terminal on Dundas St. W., with| | omical and political program and|an entrance from Kent St., was NO APARTMENTS x made comparison with our Cana- not considered suitable. It was Council passed a resolution in- dian system. She explained the|pointed out that Kent St. is only| troduced by Councillor Jack Me- reclamation methods being used|a 40-foot street and the proposed|Avoy which stipulates that noj and the work accomplished. The entrance is not in a business|more building permits be issued| speaker was thanked by Mrs. zone. {for' the construction of new) cothy apartment buildings until the Dorothy Sheedy on behalf of the| soppy INVITATION [town has passed a bylaw which) The vi isk i Members of council accepted will revamp the zoning by-law M S§ rrived A ' Mg By ay ed the staff an ifvitation from the Whitby regarding apartments. of the Ontario Hospital a year| Brass Band to attend mew SEC XEMPT FARM LANDS ago, she spoke no English, It's|ond annual banquet, slate: for £9, > g Saturday evening of this week. | Council passed the annual by- remarkable now to hear her| i * |law exempting farm lands from speak the language so fluently. |wyy, NOT CLOSE STREET certain assessments, running At the close of the meeting a phe Planning Board has noti-| from sidewalks to garbage col- delicious lunch was served by the fie council that it does not ap-|lection. Before the by-law was hostess. Miss Valliant, on behalf} rove the closing of Jeffery St. through, Mayor Harry Jermyn of the Alumnae, thanked Mrs. at jt Dundas end. Councilloss, noted that some farmers in the Lynch for her kind hospitality. |wpo received the request from town could be termed speculators | | | 4 WHITBY SPORTS Miss F. Heard Is SPOTLIGHT By WREN A. BLAIR Pickering Farms at an earlier, in that, in one case, a farmer meeting, noted that a service asked $300,000 for his farm. © GASOLINE e MOTOR OIL © TIRES (Drive in and ask for Vig) OPEN EVENINGS & SUNDAYS Stove Oil Available in Small Quantitier VIGOR 0} BROCK ST. N. COMPANY LIMITED WHITBY OBITUARIES Buxiliary Hostess | rT The United Church WMS Sr. MRS. W. C. TOWN Evening Auxiliary held their reg- The funeral of the late Mrs, ular monthly meeting on Mon-| W. C. Town was held on Tuesday day, Feb. 4, at the home of Miss | afternoon, The Rev. M. J. Cath- | Florence Heard, with a good at-| cart, rector, conducted the serv- Long John Henderson and his over the Pembroke Lumber Kingshere, Tuesday night, as the|ing with prayer and the Bible ber and active worker for many |Whitby Dunlops opened up an eigh inside the |. race The Lumber Kings played asbig game in Kingston last|on Burma. | night, going into the tilt one point back of the CKLC's, but results of that game were not available a {of that Kingston-Pembroke game could prove very importan -- |both clubs, in deciding that fourth and final play-off position. tendance. The president, Miss ice in All Saints' Anglican Church, mates racked up a 6-0 shut-out| Laura Pellow, opened the meet- of which deceased was a mem- t-point lead in the Eastern Senior study and also led the discussion years. | Many came » pay thetk Jazt : respects. The large number of Miss Marjorie Bromell gave the floral offerings bore silent trib-| The outcome | secretary's report in the absence) 0 thie high esteem' In 'which! t tolof her sister who is confined to s this was written, the deceased was held. The her home with a broken arm. py Cio" the church service] |All. members are offering Miss {Pembroke club tired badly in the last period of Tuesday's game, | men in the harbor and some CWL Plans | covering a group of trees on a | of the nearby residents. M h | WHITBY DAY-BY-DAY The Catholic Women's League held a very successful euchre on The Benevolent Rebekah Lodge Freeman and Mrs. Bowman, 93. held their regular monthly meet- Friday, Feb. 1, in the Odd Fel- East and West: Mrs. Spratt and Mrs. Wilson, 125; Mrs. Mae- last Monday in St. Bernard's dougall and Mrs, Watts, 114; Mrs. 3 Bo auditorium, with the lows Hall. The lucky winners cargcallen and Mrs. Sanderson, president, Mrs. Leo Bloye, in the were as follows: Ladies 1st, Mrs. 109; Mrs. Robertson and Mrs chair. All the members who were G, Brewry; 2nd, Miss Vina White- Myers, 101%: Mr and Mrs not formerly enrolled Were x law: consolation, Miss Hazel Ham, 96%. ceived into the (league %.'¢ Rogers. Men's 1st, Mrs. K. E. VALENTINE TEA Reverend Father Leo Aughd Cowie; 2nd, Mr, Frank Palmer;| The Valentine tea and home Mrs. H. Augustus, the SeCre| soiation, Mrs. Cliff Gordon. pake sale of the United Church, tary, post He eorresponlencs The lucky draw was won by Mrs. t5 he held on Friday, Feb. 8, in a by Mrs. C. Parise Mrs. L.| Maud Brown. the Assembly Hall, is under the Ruest gave her report on the Ro- ON SLEIGH RIDE SOnVenerShlD ll ne. A i or tary dinners served during the The 1st Whitby Girl Guides > La 8 he e sale wit Mss, month of January, showing a nice Company and the 3rd Whitby Boy I I. MacCar in harge he profit Scouts Troop held a sleigh ride following ladies will be pouring Plans were discussed on the on Tuesday evening, Feb. 5 sini urs D J. ou MS future activities for the coming They met at All Saints' parish ' SH I= Foilgse. ac.ar month, which includes a pot luckinall' at 7 p.m. and walked to n¢ Mrs. Zh. allaise supper to be held on March 17 Bradley's farm on Highway 12 SLEIGHING PARTY under the convenership of MTS. | for the sleighs. It was a beautl-| The Whitby Baptist Church L. Ruest. The regional meeting ful night, clear and hh Sunday School held an old-time was announced for [ '> "and down concession road ey | cleighi arty 1 » ger held in Rosebank. The regular went singing. Snow down Ny a knitting for the Chureh sx I. guarded necks and in faces and, mher turned out for the event usually held at president's heing pulled off the sleighs into iat two sleighs had to be pro- home, will be postponed to allow convenient snowbanks only add-|ijedq Messrs. Art and Alf. Brad- the members to attend the Re: ed to the hilarity of the ride.ljoy took them on a. tour of the Later they returned to the parish snowbound countryside. The hall for hot dogs and cocoa In groups were ded to start a scrap containing all activities of the CWL. A novel "Tea Pot Pre ram" is started to stimulate ership Plans were also DUPLICATE BRIDGE made for the sale of the Cana- With eleven tables playing the READING PLAY dian Register during the month following were the top scores atl There will be a reading of a of March Father Austin made Tuesday's duplicate bridge game: |. play, "Black Chiffon", at a furth gestions for the com- North and South; Mr. and Mrs.| ooiing next Tuesday evening of ing ies ) outlined a Wells, 109%: Miss Forsythe and the Whitby Thratre Guild. Guild plan for the study group during Mrs. Welch, and Miss Laylor members have indicated that they Lent and Mrs. Frost, 104% (tied); would be most pleased to see The meeting closed with pray- Mrs, Stiner and Mr. McLeod 99: | any hopeful players on hand for er followed by a social half-hour. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, 95% 5. the reading, The meeting will be WHITBY {held in the town hall. n n kt) C Phone MO 8-3618 RI -- EVENING SHOWS 7-9 P.M. iNO¥ pr AVING Saturday Matinee 1:30 P.M. i a ---------- VICTOR MATURE -- SUSAN HAYWARD wonderful evening, |served a hot snack by some of the mothers and teachers. T Su vit and als Mission Circle Receives Thanks The Women's Mission Circle of the Whitby Baptist Church held their regular monthly meeting | last Tuesday, Feb. 5, in the Sun- day School hall. The president, Mrs. Wm. Hewis, was in the | chair. The meeting opened with 'a hymn and prayer, followed by a business session. Plans were made for a work meeting to do Mission White Cross work. A letter of thanks was read by Mrs. MacMillan from Reverend J.'P. Pryce of the Indian Reserve at Brantford, for the large donation of chil- ren"s clothing sent Mrs. John Ward gave a fine devotional on Christianity and Mrs. Ruth Picker Bolivia attended with prayer A large The sion stations group of meeting in ladie closed IDENTIFY THIEF BRONSON, Fla. (AP)--A man who stole $4 in a March of Dimes container 3 as the persc USAF Lt.-Col son Po ruilty Lt : 2 57 3 ALSO--""Tugboat Granny' -- "Fortune Seck- ers' -- "Quebec Winter Carnival" of 10 pleaded La and He entenced tn six months hard la but he to maks a statement or explain his actions. bor refused inspiring talk on one of the mis-| probably attributed to their long journey here. Bobby Attersley fired two goals, with. playing-coach Bus Gagnon drawing a goal| and two assists. Charlie Burns, Tommy O'Connor, and Gordie; Myles notched single counters in the game, Alfie Treen, Harry| Sinden and Don Me¢Beth worked tirelessly on defence, with Ted| O'Connor and Eddie Redmond sidelined by injuries. The Belleville McFarlands visit here Saturday night, and the Arena will be jammed full for this attraction. Last time Belleville were here, the fans termed it easily the best game Hnterment took place in Mount Bromell their best wishes for a complete recovery. The treasur- LENT nga, ol er's report was given by Mrs. F.|o) G Goldburn, Whitby; John . |Elllott, Oshawa; two nephews, | Refreshments were served bY Ross and John Phillips, of Brock-| the hostess assis yer ville, and a grandson, P. Neal, | ter, Miss Jean Heard. |of Whitby. H The d PERSONALS d leaves to mourn| besides 'her husband, her three daughters and three sons.| They are: (Isabell) Mrs. John of the season. The McFarlands have provided some excell hockey entertainment here, and the rivalry which exists between these two clubs helps add a great deal of sparkle to the hockey. This time, it is highly possible that it could be even more so. The two clubs play a home and home series this -veek-end, with Whitby in Belleville Friday night, and Belleville right back here the next night. Usually these home and home matches develop into a hotly contested two games, with feelings running a bit high before it's over. On Friday night, the "Dunlops Booster Club" members will journey to Belleville to take in the game, and they are geared for a big evening. Tickets for Friday's game are still available at the Whitby Arena box-office, and if you want to have a great might's fun, slip down fonight, and pick up a couple. All those who are going, are asked to meet at the arena at 6 p.m., tomorrow night, where tror-=~rtation will be available. |Elliott, of Oshawa; (Anna) Mrs.| P. J. Neal, (Mary) Mrs. G. Gold.| burn; John R., Harry F. C. and . Town, all of Whitby. T ' i : Harry, Lloyd and Jack Phillips, | coming home this week-end. They, ¢ Brockville; three sisters, Mrs.| wish him a speedy recovery. |p, Chick; Mrs. H. J. Part Miss Margaret Morrison, of|lowe, Florida, and Mrs. F, Tem- Timmins, took ill while visiting|plar, Vancouver; and two nieces, | her sister. Mrs. P. G. Howard, Miss Barbara Chick and Miss] and was taken to the Oshawa Thelma Gilroy, Brockville, and David Walker is jn Toronto General Hospital, the result of a motor accident. His friends willl be happy to learn that he is im-| proving nicely and expects to be| oe INL A I) Always Call a Reliable Heating Contractor for Expert Workmanship--Quality Material! Try WHITBY AUTOMATIC HEATING LIMITED 149 BROCK ST. NORTH PHONE MO 8-3652 : A The Port Hope-Whitby Juvenile play-off was evened at a game| each in Port Hope Tuesday night, when Port Hope whipped the| local kids 9-4. However the third' game of the best of five series| was played here last night, but results of the game were not available as this was written. Fourth game in the series goes| {back to Port Hope, and it's hoped that Whitby may be in a position A afterwards enter- % end it by then. 'Minor Hockey Week' continues throughout the | nook full agreement that it had been a tained at the church and were balance of this week, and another minor league game will be run + Canadian Sabre jet fighter planes. | (Mrs. D. J. Kean, of Brock street. off prior to the Senior game here Saturday night. By the way, | |the Senior Hockey club, plans to make a donation to the Whitby | Minor League out of Saturday's gate, and look forward to a big] {turnout so that they can make it as large as possible. Minor | Hockey week has proved most successful in many communities, so |lets be on hand Saturday night, to wind it up with a bang. | | { THE TOWN AND COUNTRY . . . Howie Lee, Bill Harrington, and Jim Farelli, all of whom were on their way to Senior "A" | [clubs in Western Ontario, were denied thé right to play amateur | {hockey for the balance of this season, because their reeinstate- |ments were not cleared by midnight Feb. 1st, as required by the CAHA regulations, pertaining to reinstatements. No player ¢an become eligible to return from professional hockey to amateur after Feb. 1 . . . This has thrown a crimp in the Dunlops plans, | Had Windsor got Farelli cleared, they would have all 18 cards filled, |and Jack Armstrong would have become a free agent, thus he would have been eligible to play here. The local club has two cards left, land it they can pry Armstrong loose, they will have only one. Dougie | Williams is out with the team, and it's hoped that he can join the club . . . Midnight Sunday, Feb. 10, is the final sigaing date for | players of any kind . . . Orillia are reported to be strongly interest- led in joining the Eastern Senior "A" league next year. They had | representatives here Tuesday night, and they were highly impres-| !sed with the hockey. One Orillia official said, 'I've watched sev | eral Western Senior "A" games this season, but few of the clubs | |are hustling the way this Whitby club does" . . . The Whitby Dun- lops embark via train for Montreal immediately after Saturday night's game here.. They meet the Junior Canadiens in Verdun arena at 2:30 Sunday afternoon, The 'Booster Club" will hold a s.cial upstairs in the Banquet Hall of the arena right after the | game, and the players will be on hand for nearly an hour, then catch a midnight train. "Booster Members" will give the team a big send-off . . . . Don't look now, but dow't be surprised if the Cleveland Barons are back here before the end of the schedule. Jim Hendy phoned us the other day, and said #ey'd like to come back near the end of February, Certainly the Dunlops, who lost in the dying minutes: of their game against the Barons, back in November, would like another crack at the powerful American League club . In Mercantile action here this coming Sunday the B-H Orphuns and Durno"s Garage will open the proceedings at 12:00. In the second game, Geo. Macko"s A's will hook up against some tough opposition when they take on the Oshawa Juvenile All| Stars. Game time is 2:30. SMART FAMILY | LONDON (Ck)--Two years ago Graham Wright a Baiham district schoolboy, wor an open scholar- to King's College, his 19-year-old has won the same STANDING REMINDER | BUCKINGHAM, England (CP) Nearest vil to Chequers, offi cial country home of Prime Min ister "Harold Macmillan, Bul Cross. Maemillan's chief riv A hip in classics Cambridge. Now brother, David award, ler's al for the premiership was R uBtler, |For RENT. TWO General Hospital where she un-|15 grandchildren. | derwent surgery. Happy to report = BRA SU TY that she is improving nicely and expects to be convalescing at her I 1 C 1 sister's home very shortly. | srae ance S Mr. and Mrs. Jack Biddulph Pry h Ord and Mr. and Mrs, Harry Bate IC ase er son, of Oshawa, alandes Mrs. W. C. Town's funeral, uTesday. For Sabre Jets Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hone, Mark and Sherri, of Stoney| OTTAWA (CP) -- Israel has spent the week-end with given up the idea of purchasing 24 The Israeli government has can- celled its contract with Canadair | Ltd., Montreal, Trade Minister | New Salt Mine To Be Opened At Goderich MONTREAL (CP) -- Dominion Rock Salt Co., Ltd., announced Wednesday it plans to open a new salt mine at Goderich next spring. The company, a subsidiary of Dominion Tar and Chemical, said a long term lease for salt rightstion Leader Diefenbaker the gov- | on a large acreage under Goder-|ernment had nothing to do with ich harbor has been negotiated the cancellation of the contract, a| with the federal government. private matter between Israel and Estimated deposits under con- Canadair, | trol of the company are 50,000,000) Canadair had returned to the Is-| tons of salt, the announcement, raeli government $2,000,000 which] said. This was equal to 100 times |it had received for the first eight the annual Canadian consumption [planes These planes would be of mined salt. 'turned over to the RCAF. | - WHITBY CLASSIFIED ALTERATIONS AND PANT CUFFING 0M INSULATION, BLOWING METH. | Reasonable. Phone MO 83360; 1013/94 Free estimates Septic tanks clean. | 'Centre Street South. Feb. 18. ed the sanitary way Walter Ward, | td BE - | Whitby. Phone MO 8-2563. Feb. 24 FOR SALE -- FINDLEY OVAL COOK aia ---------------------- stove; also grey baby carriage. 1226| GENERAL MOTORS EMPLOYEES Dundas West, Whitby © your badge number and agreement fs SR ~~ |honored and accepted at Harry Donald CARPENTRY AND PAINTING. FREE Ltd. Chevrolet-Oldsmobile, Whitby. estimates, repairs and alterations. No Feb. 10] job too small. Phone Ajax 854M Feb. 73 testes pes doesent | -- a an -- WANTED TO BUY-POULTRY, HIGH. | BATHS, BASINS STOOLS SINKS, |est prices; also feathers, new and old sump pamps and hot water tanks. All [Phone Jake Parker, MO 83486 mor kinds »* pipe and fittings new and used, |Dings and after 6 p.m. Feb. 16 | talled a* cut- . Dia tui fold of, installed 2 ibrate prices. Dial rrr PACKAGE POPULAR BRAND - sa - -- Cigarettes, with every $3 purchase of | gasoline: Ask for your Appreciation Day Coupon, Harry Donald Limited, Chev rolet-Oldsmobile Feb. 28 Howe said Wednesday. The fed. | eral government suspended in late October an export permit cover- ing the jets worth $7,200,000. Mr. Howe said in the Commons | the permit was suspended because | Israel at the time was committing | "an act of aggression" in its in-| vasion. of Egypt. | The shipment originally had been authorized by the govern-| ment on the ground that he planes would be used only for defence purposes. | However Mr. Howe told Opposi- | ROOM FURNISHED apartment, heat, light, water supplied, private entrance immediate possession : Apply 231 Palace Street 276 | FOR SALE -- PONTIAC, GOOD TIRES, Ee arc ~~ |new battery, in good shape, radio and FOR RENT -- ROOM FOR RENT OR heater. $198. Mr Red Wing room and board fer gentlemen or girls. shards 3905 Prone enrance. MO 825881 Holy. |Creaands, MO 3-358 32 wood Motel, Brock Street North. 28(| FOR RENT SINGLE FURNISHED WANTED -- NURSE WISHES ROOM|T00m. hot plate, good parking, contin and board. Central location, Write Box uous hot water, Reasonable. 821 Dundas Rogers, 417, Times-Gazette, Whitby. 30b| West 2c The Corporation of the TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY Notice of Road Closing TAKE NOTICE thot the Council of the The Corporation of the Township of Whitby at its regulor meeting to be held aot the Council Chambers, Township Hall, Brooklin, at 1.30 p.m., on Monday, the 4th day of March, A.D. 1957, proposes to pass @ by-law to stop up and close the following road allowance: ALL AND SINGULAR those certain parcels or tracts of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Whitby In the County of Ontario and being more particularly described as' follows: . FIRSTLY: Commencing at the intersection of the west limit of the road allowance between Lots Numbers Thirty-two (32) and Thirty- three (33), Concession One in the said Township of Whitby and the north limit of Provincial Highwoy Number 401; THENCE northerly along said west limit a distance of One (1) foot to e point; THENCE easterly to a point on the east limit of said road allowance distant One (1) foot northerly therealong from the inter- section of said east limit with the north limit of said Provincial Highway Number 401; THENCE southerly along said east limit a distance of One (1) foot to the north limit of said Provincial Highway Number 401; THENCE westerly along said north limit to the point of commencement, SECONDLY: Commencing at the intersection of the south limit of said Provincial Highway Number 401 with the west limit of the road allowance between Lots Numbers Thirty-two (32) and Thirty-three (33); THENCE southerly along said west limit a dist- ance of One (1) foot to a point; THENCE easterly to a point on the east limit of said road allowance distant One (1) foot souther- ly therealong from the intersection of the said east limit with the south limit of said Provincial Highway Number 401; THENCE northerly along said east limit a distance of One (1) foot to the south limit of said Provincial Highway Number 401; THENCE westerly along said South limit to the point of commencement. AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that at the said meeting the Coun- cil will hear in person or by his counsel, solicitor or agent, any person who claims that his land will be prejudicially affected by the by-law dnd applies to be heard. DATED at the Village of Brooklin in the Township of Whitby this 28th doy of January, A.D, 1957, MURRAY ROBINSON Clerk r