Furniture Made In Oshawa Draws High Praise In National Display By JO ALDWINCKLE through pastels, ice-blue and iv- Nationally identified as the ory to pumpkin, lime and cerise. home of General Motors of Can- ada, Oshawa may lay another claim to fame as the home of Sklar furniture which is leading the field of 300 furniture manu- facturers exhibiting their mer- chandise in a vast display in the Automotive Building and Coli- § seum to the Canadian National Exhibition. The Canadian Furniture Mart, intended primarily for dealers and wholesalers, this year was open- ed to the public and visitors were invited to participate in_ the se- leckion of next year's furniture 4 designs. og keeping with 20th century living, furniture manufacturers showed designs that would fit at- tractively into apartments and small homes, yet be completely functional. Among the products on display were exhibits of Ger- 4 man antique and modern style bedroom and dining room suites, shown for the first time on this fl side of the Atlantic, and futurie- tic, "free-form" chairs with the agonized look of an abstract painting, but for "livability", graceful chesterfield could be good lines and refinement, the| transformed by fingertip control, vote went heavily in favor of the into a double bed. Perfect bal- Sklar products. | ance is the hidden secret of this i HIGH CLASS EXHIBIT elegant piece of furniture, an as- Much imagination and artistic/ set in small or large homes ability has gone into the Sklar alike. display which includes arrange-| CALCULATED BUYING ments of sectional furniture, ches- terfield and chair sets, lounge furnishing or f chairs and concealed-bed settees.|living room the Sklar designers B® Beautiful lamps, decorative sculp- have produced scale models of, ture and unusual tables add to the every piece of furniture made by| attractiveness of the display inthe company. On squared paper # which color plays a major part. | an outline is drawn of the living| Emphasis on color has been room, marking in windows, doors brought about by the durability and any permanent structure like of the mew fabrics, many o!|a fireplace. Then the model NEW TREND SEEN IN OSHAWA-MADE FURNITURE | rest was upholstered in a com- pelling shade of mauve. Although the Scandinavian and Italian trends were pronounced the show was not wholly devoted to glamor. A practical suite for the home with a young family was upholstered in a piastic, to simulate leather, on one side of the cushions and a smart basket weave fabric on' the reverse, giv- ing a double life to the furniture. fort first is a super-lounge chair.' Designed for the senior executive (the sleeping partner?), this in- vitation to relaxation has proved a boon to those suffering a heart condition and to women in later stages of pregnancy. With almost effortless control the back reclines and the foot rest automatically rises. The recumb- ent position thus obtained is that of the human body floating. The same ingenious engineer- ing has gone into the Sklar pat- ented concealed bed-settee. No and interwoven with gold or sil- about until a happy combination ver thread. |and arrangement is obtained. The The massive, overstuffed chest- customer can see in advance how erfield suite in dull taupe, dark her room will look. Then from Conant HSS Assn. | : " i January Meeting |e or maroon bas had is day. over 30 swatches of materia ue eting of the|lighter furniture, that is easy to the 'upholstery. Hil January Fcting Associa- \ move about," the president, Sam| With less shan , dozen em- tion was held in the auditorium Sklar said. "Sectional furniture is/ployees, the Sklar Furniture Com- Monday evening, January 21 growing in popularity because of pany located in Oshawa in August, Mrs "George M. Peters presided | the variety in arrangement it pro- 1946, and in ten years, Jmder the in the absence of the president |vides. Sections should all maich leadership of the four Sklar bro- Mr. Earl K. Campbell. The min- | so that they can be teamed or thers, Sam, Joseph, Harry and utes were read by Mrs. W. L.|separated as desired. Instead of Louis, has expanded % over two Baldwin and Mrs. Herbert May- (the old-fashioned three piece hundred employees, supplying the nard gave the treasurer's report. |suite, two matching pieces is the North American continent and It was announced that registra- favored style with several com- holding international copyrights. tion for pre-school children for plementary chairs." On Friday last three motor polio vaccine shots will be re- RAINBOW COLORS | coaches were chartered by the ceived on January 23, 24 and 25| Fabrics range from rich-look-| company to convey the employees at the school. |ing quilted and puckered effects to the Canadian Furniture Mart., Mrs.. Sidney Leffen gave a re- to slub weaves and nubby tweeds an annual outing which serves to port on the progress of the parent) for modern rooms. Colors sweep nromote pride in production i | education meetings. Mrs. A. Kidd |---------- = read a report on the progress 3 ata . - the Night of Cards to be held a A 1 Ww t Oft $10 000 4 the school on February 6. Funds uxi lary Il es A 4 raised by this event Spe to 2d . the school children for the annual 1 0 T H t 1 field day and picnic, sports equip- Pledges Fur er $500 0 0sp1 a ment, kitchen equipment, Christ- mas treats, and many other| snnua) reports presented at the [3036 magazines; 64 books had worthwhile events relating to the | yapnuary meeting of the Women's been added to the hospital collec- school. ) | Auxiliary to Oshawa General Hos-|tion and 31 had disappeared. Mr. Frank Wilkinson, principal | pita] showed that 1956 had been | Visits had been made once a week of the school, gave a report on the |an outstanding year in the auxil- (during the past year except for | Saceess and Benes Setivad rom iary's history, now approaching |the Summer mouths. th, the e Conant s - 1 lev a a ruc In the lower picture Mr. Earl | vancement of the hockey toa, {1 al Sentry mark were held gg Por ge hol B can be Haywood, director of western Me F Ted Drier, DER eal {and two executive meetings. The | Worked out to include the new Onesie) Tae, . demonsitates NEP, Antr Dr. J. A. Brittain. X- | membership of 135 raised funds ped Ji Bi THE SCANDINAVIAN trend fn furniture is seen in the sim- ple lines of the chesterfield and Bing in the upper picture. Mrs. Tays were shown as well as plas- by holding a bridge on St. Pat- Pl 5 FOR 9) SHOP tad w a edie a Sermsiese foal All | Garden tea at Darkwood in Jine|8 report on the p made by Oshawa visitor discuss the | room. i the foot to form properly | and successfully substituting a|the gift shop committee whic merits of its lightweight and | --Photos by Jean Gainfort | during Br roy our population | bazaar for the Christmas Doll | et for the first time last June. beautiful ice-blue upholstery. | Merrill. {ged not have the staggering fig- | Draw. All projects were success-| The gift shop, located in the new A | i | jill be open from 10 a.m. t ults [ful financially and in the co-oper-|Wing, Ww | i, re i Sous ation of the members. to noon; 2 p.m. fo 4.30 p.m. and | 4 0 A i 6.30 pm. to 9 p.m. Two volun-| F W m Can R U |disorder. A question period fol-| Cheques for $3000 and $2200, |, ere Wil oo Mg] ew Women (an Resist Urge ge, fowl Sambi mcts het her il Fo To Buy A Spring Chapeau | wi distributed on "Foot 5 A were dis Fund Have been sent to the Nos. workers for a period of four By CAROLYN WILLETT |on Children's Feet". Mrs. Sidney 1 weeks, |Leffen expressed thanks to Dr. |pital and an additional $5000 has| "A" shower of knitted baby wear | OTTAWA (CP)--That old urge rippled at the brim--or be shir- to buy a new spring hat is again red and bloused at the base of the " Brittain. | been pledged. | have casual brims -- some softly hia Peters announced the next| The auxiliary has was held at, the September meet nipping at Canadian women crown. meeting would be Founders Night 'magazines and daily papers to! with representatives from the|the nurses' residences; financed 2|SLATE OF OFFICERS One eye-catching chair and foot] Another model that puts com-/ one would guess that this slim, To assist the home-maker with EY re-furnishing her § which are blended with synthetics] chairs and couches are moved| riage to Mr, Donald Richard | supplied |; and other articles have been |Boulevard group of the Women's ed the financial standing for last received at subsequent meetings. Guild of St. JEDUSTY 3 8% 7 o'clock a Ap Following the party refreshments oil be served at Maxwell Heights 00l. HOLY TRINITY WA The regular meeting of the | Woman's Association of Holy Trinity Anglican Church was held recently with the new president, Mrs. R. A. Williams, opening the meeting with prayer, Di ion on the ke tea to be held on March 5 was the main topic of the meeting. It was announced that Mrs. Chris Willoughby is the new re- cording secretary; Mrs. Charles Gibson, the dorcas secretary; Mrs. John Claus, Little Helpers convener; Mrs. William Sargent, treasurer. This week's euchre hostesses are Mrs. Eric Cooper, Mrs. Charles Mason and Mrs. Charles Gibson. Following the meeting Mrs Eric Cooper was tea hostes: Next week's hostess will be Mrs. Charles Mason. Everyone was urged to attend the Vestry meeting to be held in the Sunday school on Monday, | January 28, at 8 p.m. | Aa Re-Elects President | "The . regul t Mrs. Walter Bestwick was re- 'B pedi 1 A ting i the | elected president of the Oshawa | Adelaide House on January 21|Women's Progressive Conserva- wit Miss Audrey Lawler presid- tive Association at the annual g. Gifts of needed articles were meeting held on Tuesday at Ade- | brought by members to be sent |lalde House. § to Hungarians in Austria, Other officers elected were & In place of the usual Inter |Mrs. O. C. Richardson, first vice- | national Night program in Feb- president; Mrs Thomas Peters, | ruary, a committee, convened by Second vice-president; Mrs. Don- Mrs. Gordon Conant, has planned |ald Breakell, secretary; Miss a banquet at Hotel Genosha on |Stella Browne, treasurer; Miss Sunday, February 17, Miss Mar. PeEEYy Jackson. press reporter. garet Hyndman, QC, and Mrs.| The executive commitee elect- Maude Ballay, presidents of In-|ed were: Miss Leona Stainton, | ternational and National Federa- Mrs. Archie Black. Mrs. Willlam |tion of B and P Clubs, will be! Taylor, Mrs. D. Bailes, Miss {present as well as other distin-| Peggy Jackson and Mrs. Alvin | gnished guests. Prentice. | MRS. WALTER BESTWICK #¢ Women's P.C. Assn. WED IN DOUBLE-RING CEREMONY The bride, the former Miss | the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Georgina Mable Milgate, signs | Maurice Milgate and the bride- the register following her mar- | groom is the son of Mr. and | Mr. Gilbert Murdoch, Mr. G. 8.| Mrs. Bestwick gave an interest Mrs. Garfield, Welsh, all of |Boychin and Mr. John Greer, |ing report on the sidelights of the Welsh in Simcoe Street United | Oshawa. |members of the County of On-|Progressive Conservative conven- | tario Law Association, led a panelition held in Ottawa. when John (discussion on "Wills and Property | Diefenbaker, M.P., was chosen Laws as They Affect Women." party leader. She also read from Miss Mildred Price expressed |The United Church Observer an thanks to the speakers. gd}iorial regarding the conven- on. SIMCOE WA GROUP The annual report of the asso- The Phoebe Scammell group of | clation was read by the retiring the WA of Simcoe Street United |secretary - treasurer, Mrs. Ken- Church held a pot luck luncheon | neth Farrow. The report showed in the church parlor on Wednes- that there had been six meetings day, January 23. | held in 1956, a night of cards and At the meeting held following [the association had heard one |the luncheon the following offi- (guest speaker George Hees, MP. | cers were elected for 1957: Pres-| It was decided that the regular ident, Mrs. H. M. Smith; - first meeting night would be the fourth vice - president, Mrs. E. W. | Tuesday of every month, with the Dixon; second vice - president, meeting place in the library at {Mrs. G. E. Ansley; treasurer, Adelaide House except for special { Mrs, C. W. Ferrier; secretar, events. {Mrs. W. V. Peacock; program, | What Husbands Don't Church recently. Mrs. Welsh is | WOMEN 8 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Friday, January 25, 1957 GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES --Photo by Ireland. Mrs. | Mrs. E. J. Umphrey; house com-! GOLDEN LINKS (Clarke; ris Mrs. A. F. Higgs and The first meeting of the new Edwin entertainment, : Farrow, Mrs - Gordon Mittee. year of the Golden Links group Brough; socizi conveners, Mrs. | Mrs. S. R. Alger; flowers, Mrs. of Albert Street Salta Third yas Bunker, Mrs. Frank J. H. Weir. {WA was held with the president, Naden; catering, Mrs. Alfred |Mrs. Lawson Parks, presiding. |Evans, Mrs. Ray Gibbs, Mrs. | RCAFA AUX. | Know About Sex The executive for 1957 was in|Ray Burns, Mrs. Albert Barnes, ~The monthly meeting of the . . |charge of the worship period. Mrs. James Keays and Mrs. W.| Ladies' Auxiliary to the Royal 'To wives, tenderness, as dis- {Mrs. James Scott took as the A. Lyons. Phoning, Mrs. George| Canadian Air Force Association tinct from passion, is an im- |theme, "More Stately Mansions". |MacGregor, Mrs. Lawrence Beal,(was held at the. Oshawa Airport| tant part of "making love". Mrs. Lawson Parks read a poem Mrs. Cyril Norris, Mrs. H. R.| with Mrs. W. A. Vince presiding. 5 "What Does The New Year |Stark. Mrs. Joseph Shortt, Mrs.! Reports were given by the sec- | Noted marriage counselor Mean." The scripture was read | Norman Hinds, Mes. Ray Gib, [retin rs elnas yMurphy, | Dr. Abraham Stone speaks o A d the rrangements were made for a and e treasurer, I's. Jac ee, 3 0) BY any By ins. "Gordon | catering job in the near future.| It was announced that there {72x nkly tn Februmy Read er's Shemilt, The next. meeting will be held on|would be a skating party on Feb- | igest) oO! man's role in After the usual business Mrs. Monday, February 25. |ruary 1 at the North Oshawa marriage, reveals facts about Parks thanked the members for | : Arena and refreshments at the women that many 'husbands their support and hoped they| FRIENDSHI? SRoOUP th club rooms, Oshawa Airport, fol-| py not know. Get your Feb- would all support the new presi- | 4 . Fe ship Group of e lowing. Members were aske to | Reader's Di lay: dent and officers. Northminster United | contact Mrs. Thomas Murphy, RA : g e Rev. 8. C. H. Atkinson |Church held its January meeting [3-9831, for further information. 37 articles of lasting interest spoke to the group of its role in|at the home of Mrs. Ralph Cook, | Plans were completed for the including the best from current the work of the church. He then|RR No. 1, Hampton. Valentine dance on February 16. |p on = =o = installed the officers. The meeting was held in the [An hour of games was followed | , magazines, condensed to The new president, Mrs. Earl|form of a pot luck supper with by refreshments served by Mrs. Save your time. Adams, spoke a few appropriate Mrs. Harold Hawkshaw, past Fred Seedhouse and Mrs. | words. The different committees |President, and Mrs. ng, | were appointed. Group One is to|Suwala, president, presiding. see, hear, prove be in charge of devotional period | , The devotional service was con- the new 44 WITH y, |ducted by Mrs. Douglas Burden | el s and refreshments in February SLY ee ST. GEORGE'S GUILD retary's report was read by Mrs. (Boulevard Group) J. D. Hocking and the treasurer, The annual meeting of the Mrs. Robert McCullough, report- 10-in-1 George's Anglican year recapping last year's proj- Church was held in the parish ects. | i Federation and Oshawa Home [field trip to Variety Village, Scar- 3 i | : : Evelyn Patenaude, buyer and| Flowers, traditionally a part of and School Council. Guest speak- borough for. a class of nurses: of "he Ye: Bi bal 2 Monday Phe supper, Wig ee ra he h millinery expert for a department spring hats, deck the crown or er will be Mrs. Lloyd Courtice. |supplied potted plants to the Sd Rominating ne AM a Ben a ES § EDS fo be hold at the ~~) the amazing new store (Morgans) here, says that brim or, fashioned over a wire hat Refreshments were served by the (wards at Christmas: sent a dona. Presented 1 AE owing slate of rs poral ll gl chrel ou Fe Rudry - New Proj- ot » " For example? for a time women seemed to be shape, become the whole hat. | mothers of Grade 4, Mrs. George |tion of $60 to the McLaughlin Pub- Fe ay ent Mrs. T. H.|don Rooney read the monthly and) sieans ollowing year were 45 Niagara Loans range from slightly Be. the spring hat- b Miss Patenside, Sho has been MacKay, Mrs. Ivan Chrome], (lic Library and renewed its mem- Everson: president, Mrs. R. S.|yearly reports, and Mrs. W. A. : | $50. to $1250.--sometimes moge! ying tradition uyine igi Mrs. W..L. Baldwin, Mrs. Her- pership in Princess Alice Foun-|McLaughlin; honorary vice-presi-\Lyons gave the treasurer's re-| MAXWELL NBHD. ASSN. | Wearitasan hearin, But judging by demands for hats years, says there's evidence of a bert Maynard, Conveners Mrs. | dation Fund i ] bo bs | Mrs. Percy Hayes has been ve id MONTHLY PAYMENTS last fall and during the winter return to the 193) Jook wilh pro Fred Britten and Mrs. J R Me |e CHAPTER Li D, Conant; setiting Phe slate of officers for the| elected Pf fd of the M. C sd ay. hum of other 12 | 15 | 20 oy finitely going to ood file hats ro softly off the face. J, ® o INI -pres A We FF - 4 A iS Jpres X, | ! Ry hats Miss Patongude SOFT COLORS ~~ Cormack | "An evening. chapter of the cer: 1-t vice-president, Mrs. C. D, [coming year is as follows: group well Neighborhood ~Association.| w At least twice the power of the | | $37.63 | $30.94 | $24.27 id In an ir view The high - crowned sailors and auxiliary was organized in Sep-| Russell; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. Jeader, Mrs percy Valier: assis- The other officers are: Secre average eyeglass aid! | What will the spring hat be? the softly rolled Breton sailor, tember with a membership of 40, (J. L. Beaton; 3rd vice-president, | AF", 8roup '€acer Me Norman tary, Mrs. Fred LaSalle; treas:|. a 10-Day Money-Back guaran. Life Insurance Avaliable The "softly for spring" look, of complete with a roll of roses, are PERSONALS with Mrs. A. P. Robson as chair-|Mrs. R. W. Bassett; 4th vice- LE ER urer," Mrs, Frank Bartlett; enter- tee. Other Zenith aids from 7 course, in sty ic and color, also among spring stylings. | man and Mrs, W. A. Holland as president, Mrs. W. A. Holland; | F'n: C00 bo, ol aps @ tainment committee, Mrs. Clif-| gg0 10 5150! to complement the softer, more Colors, too, are soft with the n - liaison officer. The members meet recording secretary, Mrs. A. J. 5 MeGahoy, Mis. CM. Murlcss: ford Hopkins, Mrs. Fay Brooks, | » A feminine look in spring clothes, beige tones, from light oatmeal] Mr. Wilbert Ripley of Niagara each month and accomplish a con. | MacDonald; corresponding secre- | a ik ay . Nirs 1 F Mrs. Lloyd Cruwys; lunch com- COME IN TODAY) | | i says Miss Patenaude, to the darker coffee shades, mint Falls, New York, was among the siderable amount of sewing and'tary, Mrs. R. B. White; treasur-| 2! _.sonvener, us, :__~|mittee, Mrs. Frank Bartlett, Mrs. | . A Th EASIER TO WEAR greens, mimosa yellow, soft pinks guests at the Cox-Boyd wedding knitting for the hospital. |ers, Miss Mabel Whitney and Mrs. George Parfitt, Mrs Rodger Bis-| Im | 0 t | LOANS Surrounded by samples of the and the basic navy and white pre- in Oshawa last Saturday after<| The report of the convener of F. J. Rundle. [thanks of the members to Mrs. hop; advertising, Mrs. Clifford peria p Ica latest in spring millinery, she dominant. noon. nursery sewing, Mrs. R. W. Bas-| Conveners -- Training School, [Mercer and other retiring|Hopkins, Mrs. Richard Walker, 37 KING ST. EAST sald she recently returned from| Grey combined with white, and ; |sett, showed that 167 gowns and Mrs. S. R. Alger, Miss Vera officers. Mrs. Derek Barnett, Mrs. Oswald COMPANY | Alger Bidg. (Next to Biltmore Theatre) New York and a look at new violet and lilac as accessory, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hyder- 54 spreads had been given out|Moyse; nursery, Mrs. D. E. Jack-| In the absence of Mrs. C. D." "ve; cards, Mrs. Percy Mount- | SUITE 22, PHONE 5-6561 styles and fabrics shades are also popular man and Janet Ann and Stuart, and 138 gowns, 49 spreads had (son, Mrs. S. J. Taylor; hospital Russell, Mrs. J. L. Beaton pre- Joy. ia 22%; SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA Open Until Noon On Soturdays "Spring hats will be easier to "Hat-conscious women buy lots Rowe street, are spending a heen completed and returned with visitors, Mrs. A. E. Johnson; li-|sided for new business which in- _ <kating party for adults and (Above Home Dairy) ! wear," she says. '"'They'll be of hats. . .some women just buy a three-week vacation in Florida. 46 pairs of bedsocks and bootees. brary, Mrs. D. S. Jamieson; tea|cluded arrangements for the St. children has been planned for I small hats with high crowns for hat for Sundays," says Miss Pate-|---------------- | The financial statement hostesses, Mrs. L. S. Collacutt, |Patrick's bridge to be held in| -------------------------- hieght, with simply draped fabrics naude. presented by Miss Mabel Whitney Mrs, W. J. Langmaid; cards,|Simcoe Hall, March 19. Mrs. R.| around linen - line straws or al: "But all clothes look better with land Mrs. F. J. Rundle showed re-|Mrs. H. B. James; gift shop, |B. White consented to act as con- a hat, even the simplest, most pacas for the soft effect." casual sports dress." : Mrs. H. V. Bateman, Mrs, J. G. Hats to wear with suits will Carter; membership, Mrs. A. P. | ceipts $4384 plus balance on hand | | $3241, totalling $7625 and disburse- vener of the ticket committee; | Mrs. W. W. Baldwin, prizes and c---- _--. h = | ments of $5908. Fulton. Mrs. Charles Robson, refresh- PIYAH CHAPTER | PURE FOODS | 3) | The annual report from the 1li-| Mrs. W. W. Baldwin presided ments. A general meeting of Piyah Until a little over 80 years ago, brary stated that 576 books had [for the election of officers and| The date of the Maytime Dance | Chapter of . Hadassah was held manufacturers and producers of ETALLIC] been given out to patients and 'Mrs. J. A. Marshall expressed the |was set for May 1. | recently with Mrs. Robert Wer- food were under no control as to PAINT [ - ner presiding. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Mrs. Jack Snider. Today, foods, drugs and cos- The main topic of discussion metios ign copforny o rigid was the chapter's annual bazaar standards and may not make any which will be held this year on exaggerated claims of any kind in WIFE PRESERVERS April 9. A coffee bar will take advertising or labelling | | the place of the regular tearoom | Metallic paints are fine on pipes this year, and coffee and cookies January in the auditorium of the and water storage tanks where it will be served. Oshawa Hebrew Congregation. |is important to keep the heat in. Plans were made to hold anoth-| Refreshments were served fol- For that reason they are not ad- er rummage sale at the end of lowed by a social. evening |vised for radiators. the quality, purity or standards of | the meat or groceries they sold. | ® Guo GreEN 1-2) 755 TILES 9 x 9 ARMSTRONG VINYL Reg. 18¢c 1588 TILES 9 x 9 STANDARD LINO Reg. 12¢ 420 TILES 9 x 9 "A" GAUGE LINO Reg. 19 .............. a ea es Bee 323 TILES 9 x 9 ASPHALT Reg. 13¢c 221 TILES 9 x 9 VINYL Reg. 21¢c 190 TILES 9 x 9 VINYL Reg. 18c RY & LOVELL PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS 530 Simcoe St. S. RA 3-2245 OSHAWA RA 5.3546 15 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE MA 3-5778 "WE SEND MEDICINES TO EUROPE -- POSTAGE FREE" 8 King St. E. 22 Bloor St. E. OSHAWA SPECIAL! HARLEIGH Mfg. Co. A Roley. \ gle], | IN OSHAWA FRIDAY TIL 9PM. RA 5-3012 EE nk