Weather Report A little milder tonight. Cloudy Sun- day. TIMES-GAZETTE TELEPHONE NUMBERS Classified Advertising RA 3-3492 All Other Calls ...... RA 3-3474 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZE Combining The Oshawa Times and Whitby Gazette and Chronicle OSHAWA-WHITBY, SATURDAY, JANUARY 19, 1957 SIXTEEN PAGES LIQUOR SALE CUT SOUGHT BY DRYS gE Higher Taxation Advocated - Five Trapped : In Coal Noe By Temperance Federation I Al k ment was urged today to ban the tising restrictions by beaming sale of alcoholic beverages on|broadcasts to Canadian listeners trains and planes and to increase(from United States points, This, taxes on the liquor industry Toit said, should be stopped, a -- |help pay for a bigger program of The government should Ho 1 NCHORACE, Saskia tap) rehabilitation for Canada's 200,000 jonger allow the liquor trade fo miners waned today as the hours | alcoholics. deduct advertising costs from ine passed and a steady relay of men| The Canadian Temperence Fed- come tax assessments, scratched doggedly at rubble (eration, in a brief presented to| "In fact, in this period of fear blocking the tunnel in which they | Prime Minister St. Laurent, said|gyer inflation, we feel every effort were trapped by an explosion |"the time has arrived when gov-|ghould be made to discourage cap- Friday. ernments, citizens and all organ-|itaj expansion of the liquor trade. The mid-morning blast trapped (izations must unite to meet this instead of reducing their taxes, the miners approximately 1,000 |Problem. Ithey should be increasetl to dis- feet from the portals of the mine| The federation specifically syade the growth of the trade. 61 miles northeast of here . asked: thoriis all Canada had more than 200,006 A sixth member of the crew sur-|, 1. Repeal of the authority a ey alcoholics. The federal and pro- vived. He had left the main shaft |ing the sale of liquor on trains in| oon "ors or on en Sa See on a routine chore just before the ress which permit such ac-\; "oe Soir liquor faxes to Jet explosion. Today he was helpin Ya ok up a program of research, rehas bis the Po By P18! 2. Continuance of the ban on the bilitation and education to help The blast, believed caused by methane gas or coal dust in the tunnel, shook a 35-foot mass of sale of alcoholic beverages on do- those crippled by Ii i a < quor. mestic flights and extension of the "ou pp y : pre ban to international flights. { The temperance brief was rock, dirt and timber into the shaft 300 feet from the mine en- trance. This was 700 feet above {sented by a delegation headed by RESTRICTION DEFEATED |Rev. Gordon Porter of Ottawa, Of particular concern to the fed- federation president, and Rev, eration was the move of the Cana- John Linton of Toronto, general the point where the men are be- lieved to be. Rescuers pierced this mass Fri- day night but hours later still dian brewing industry to "circum-! secretary. were only 100 feet past it. Egypt. Syria, Saudi Arabia Now Brunswick ters 10 Give Cash To Jordan | CAIRO, Egyut (AP) -- Egypt,| Under the new pact the other 3 TEDERICION (C2) "inosePh syria and Saudi Arabia agreed to-|three Arab states will replace the iti onnoLY, b Aer 1940) hag 92 to provide £12,500,000 in Arab|£12,000,000 British subsidy. Ei 5 Sritic an member Silice leader ini annually to Jordan to replace/and Saudi Arabia each will give .. og on jos on a {a British subsidy Jordan wants £5,000,000 and -Syria £2,500, ho 3 ew Brunswick legislature. |e" /'tn. hand before end Amman, Jordan's capital, 4 oul wih t i 1s. Austin. C, Taylor Bit Fey yy Authorized As Second Class Moeil VOL. 86--NO. 16 Post Office Department, Ottaws % Pian o: : vei ENS IN OSHAWA Hall this morning at 10 o'clock. Discussions will break off around five p.m., and the con- | vention will wind up with a | | banquet tonight. ne --Times-Gazette Photo CCF CONVENTION OP | over a pile of registration forms with his secrefary Helen Hughes. About 80 district party faithful sat down for round- table discussions in the UAW 'Cabot Strait' Still Prisoner; Moslem Chiefs First Mate Stays On Duty Gathering By GERALD FREEMAN an hour. He said his radar would At Ankara y not. give a picture, his log was Canadian Press Stat Welker In f, and no signal was coming] ANKARA (Reuters) -- Govern- PORT AUX BASQUES, NIfld.fg 0h, "5 wireless' beacon at Chan- ment leaders from the four Mos-| Ye gest nate Comelins Horan nel Head, near the mouth of Port fers members of the Baghdad pt a lonely wa ; aux Basques harbor. n AR a er Cat stired pri He'd seen it rough in the steait| a1 le re today for weekend falks, day gs the ship stifed u is. between Newfoundland and Nova iin the Eisenhower doctrine for bu nde that, ¥o held her. pr t Scotia but 'this was the rough-ine,.e and stability in the area I abi 2 os hubor est." He did not leave the bridge 3 from 'the ship left North a A esday "she grounded Convener fo~ the one-day CCF Oshawa convention today Is Keith W. Ross, secretary-treas- urer of the Oshawa and District 1 | Labor Council, Here he looks | near Ajax, last | Laking and Constable Charles RONER DR. W. W. TOM- | No. 2 Highway, | Co | Daniels. The man was instantly LINSON, of Pickering, kneeling night, as two Pickering: police ian. spur. | mm t needs. go 3 red effort to dampen President! The Egyptian Middle East Pe Eisenhower's Middle East doc- agency said the new pact will be a trine. It was signed by Egyptian known as the Arab co-operation President Nasser, King Hussein of agreement. The agency said part Jordan, King Saud of Saudi Ar-|of the payment will be made in left, inspects the body of an un- | officers look on. The officers Hlled BY 2 Didkcup fruch after identified ecient victims. on | are, left to right, Chit A. L. Photo' by on the agenda, ion w v £7 " } Shai SA yg : A Prime Minister Anan & a fo , 3 3 {Sydney un P. ; 5 ' mgw & ha ; is playing host 8 ' : e Cabot Straits boilers hav nine. higurs later. % |Btahigier 8. Sutras earns | Il . The férry grounded sandijan Foreign Minister All Ardal intet Escapes he eh on the highest tide re-| ng Iraq Prime Ministe Gen. u e Pp -- were aboard the vessel Corded here in three years, Chief! Nuri al Sad. . ~ . all day Friday, unloading 400 oa AS akipgon able to] Britain the fifth members of the To Hear F rom Bowmanville abla, and Premier Sabri Assali of{hard currency (dollars or gold) the 1,077 bags of the mail she Was|qredge a channel to float her|five-country Baghdad group, has| al 1 S 1 £2 Five Syria after two days 'of talks. land that the pact will be consid« carrying from North Sydney, N.§.! yy (not been invited to Ankara be- BOWMANVILLE (CP) -- Nol Shortly after the signing King ered renewable after 10 years une to Newfoundland. : [cause Iraq refused to attend any | leen-aged inmates of the Ontario\s,.q figw toward Italy to take a less one of the signers gives notice The Cabot Strait's fate hangs on sessions with British delegates) Ajax (Times-Gazette, Staff The victim laid in the middle 0 e ad Training School egeaped Friday ship for the Un'ted States for talks|a year in advance of intentions fo findings of E. J. Healy, the Cana- | after Britain s intervention in Suez Reporter) An unidentified/of the road. He died instantly. agin ano Zor weal oh, earmg with President Eisenhower, be- abrogate. Bis ah tit (NOULT ADDED fil Stemi "vt ey oa sf go 1 We or oy ram, willow [8 ch IG so iy rss, Er, be om ies, Louies hate {esti ih Sasa ts commer soo TO INJURY {Moslem capitals suggest that the|2 Highway, 2 miles, east ot Ajax a Dr. W. W. Tomlifison|... CONDON (Reuters) A staff member of the schoollister of state for foreign affairs,/work to isolate Egypt through New York' Sunday. [Ankara meeting may decide to a ie 2 h on a ay, fw examined the body at the scene, cnt opens Tuesday a discovered the escape when he has emphasized that Jordan will US. co-operation with Jordan, pi . CANYON, Tex. (AP)--Hank |call a session of the pact's council stepped from ind a bus on i the mas vacation with ne d called the roll in the gymnasium. negotiate with Britain to termin-| Saudi Arabia, and Lebanon. They Meanwhile unloading is expected gq A 0 0 € f the |with Britain present in the near|Which he had been a passenger, | There was no identification On| Minister Harold Mac It is believed the five broke ranks|ate the 1948 20-year mutual aid|feared Washington might offer to continue. HarouC 6 ' bigs | future. | Bus driver, Donald Whey, aged the man. He was dressed in apg Conservative governg -(while on their way to the gym for treaty on a friendly basis rather King Saud enough financial Supe The 2,043-ton ferry plowed into] _2rwooC Lrocery in this wes 41, of Dundas street, ~Whitby|!i8ht blue cloth windbreaker, blue|ing the certainty of a s cadet training. than abrogate it unilaterally. Iport for him to aid Jordan alone, the beach in a storm described by LcXas town, complained to po- caught a fleeting glimpse of the|W00! trousers, gray work socks|gion : Somer pr the people of Port aux Basques lc Friday that two men 3d [accident as he looked in his side 3nd lace-up rubber boots. His The labo 4 as "the hardest we've ever seen Iobbed his till of $125 and then | un re S 1 {mirror when pulling away from 28¢. about 29, height § 10",| The labor opposition' it." served two customers while he | the. wiop weight 165 pounds. He had dark Bess over Cobsesvative A Capt. O'Keefe said visibility was| 1, Pound and gagged on the | slop. hair, and fair complexion, [£25 Polley 'will sot. be- lai eut p almost nothing by "snow floor behind a counter. I R : Vo ee Be Dek-up uk Police investigating 'sald oe by. the change of Lime min » 3 i | : i "Iman had got on the bu t Cox-|~-taus J. Pe driven by winds of up to 80 miles | n escuing bert Van Strien, 29, of Church ma Sng and was departure last week because | street, Pickering, [to have got off at Highland|broken health. | Police said it appeared as if Creek. | Socialists recall that the who Rockfall Block R ] Id 0 the man walked into the side of Two nickels and a comb were|of the previous government ae- S emova the truck, Van Strien 'said he saw all that his pockets contained. cepted responsibility for the Eden I (AP)--H the man and swerved into the Pickering Township ask that policy and that Macmillan was one . » » ] ® PERTH, Austrlia -- 0" verge of the road in an attempt anyone knowing a missing person|of its main supporters. X osion Victims Bodies dreds of rescuers today saved 2/to avoid him. The truck struck a answering theis description con-| Macmillan already has shown 2%a-year-old boy who was trapped |}vqry pole splintering from top tact them immediatelv at Picker- himself impenitent over British for more than 24 hours in a nar-|( "3 04 on ling 365. policy on Suez. He told the nation By GERRY McNEIL the death of 39 miners. Eighty- row-necked water borehole 25 feet| -- lin a television broadcast Thurs- s x i eight were rescued. . below round. 5 Davie. 4 2 . i day that he believes history will . (CP) -- Al Miners will continue shoring u e boy, Grahame Davies, fe! [justify 'the milita ion. rockfall blocked removal of 26 rockfalls and removing ha Md into the disused shaft at Man. Russ, Red Chinese Promise it noun Lloyd, explosion victims' Cumberland No. early today. Mine safety crews fought their bodies from tions while company, union and|durah, 30 miles from here, while ' , | faithful interpreter of Sir Anthon: 4 mine here government officials survey dam-|playing with his six-year-old bro-| D y Eden's policy of armed action, as foreign secretary, Macmillan was said to have shown he does not way 200 feet into the pit Friday allow fires and heat to die down. teers turned up after the alarm before being stopped by the fall of| 'There seem to be more rock- was given. The water bore--only stone in a tunnel connecting No. falls than were anticipated and|14 inches in diameter--was too 4 with adjoining No. 2 mine. apparently a lot cam The men worked at the fall for mine was many hours, stopping at midnight. Mine Worke The fiv, an safety crews, faces president St masked against gas which lingers! Overman in the shaft, were to re-enter the Friday mine this morning to try to re- sighted move the bodies left there after Nov. 1 exploston that resulted i sealed," said United through the night, hampered by a rs District 26 Vice-| fierce electrical storm, to sink a eve Dolhanty. parallel shaft and drive a tunnel Muir MacKay night no bodies were] Doctors on the surface pumped after the mine was en- oxygen down to Grahame and sev-| a tered through a blocked passage eral household vacuum cleaners | n'from No. 2 colliery, 'were used to suck out foul air! PIPELINE PART OF PROJECT Israelis Plan To"Make Suez Uneconomic By AYRE WALLENSTEIN Completion of a JERUSALEM (Reuters)--In the also is expected in barren, sun-baked Negev wilder- mess, Israeli engineers are carry- Ing out a series of projects in- tended fo link two seas by pipe, rail and road. Their object 1s 0 pave the way for a new trade route hetween Eu- rope and Asia, by-passing the Suez Canal Long-term plans are for a 30 and 32-inch pipeline covering 260 miles from Elath on the Gulf of Agaba to the Mediterranean port of Haifa. Tt is planned to carry sast-of-Suez fuel {o oil-thirsty Western Europe at the rate of up ward of 20,000 900: tons a year, or more than the normal consump- don of a country like France. Under short term plans, an pight-inch pipeline from Elath to Beersheba will be ready by the fed by tank-| II, in turn, feed| bound for West road to Elath|Haifa pipeline will be the next few!lers at Elath and wi months, Then there are plans for|at Haifa tankers a. railroad from Beersheba to European ports Elath passing through the mining|tage, according to Premier David areas of the Mogev and linked to| Ben-Gurion would be to "free ev the potash plant at the Dead Sea, |eryone from the nightmare of the IMPORTANT ( ONDITION |caprices of ohe dictator or another One all-impor-ant condition upon|who may at any time decide to which all these projects hinge is!obstruct navigation in Suez and continued freedom of navigation|block the cana; through the Tiran Strait, a 1,500- "OWN . 7 ROE foot-widé waterway which links ECONOMIC ALLY SOUND fhe Red Sea with the Gulf ofl Economically the project is Aqaba, {said to be sound. The total icosts For eight vears. a coastal bat-{of carrying the oil through the tery manned by Egyptian gunners pipeline would it is estimated. | barrec this narrow channel to Is- Come to less than the Suez toli| rael-bound shipping. {on tankers before' the canal was Only last November was this|blocked last November blockade lifted when the gun sites While still awaiting European | at Ras Nasrani and Sharem el reaction to the idea of the pipe- Sheikh on the southwestern coast|line project and hoping for the of Sinal, dominating the water-|/establishment of an international] md of April to supply some 700.-| way, fell into Israeli hands during 100 tons of oil a year to the Haifa!the lightning campaign in the refineries, about half of Israel's peninsula wn domestic requirements, | As envisaged here, the Elath- | | Israel in December launched its|l $5,600,000 project for an eight-inch| ) e after the small to enter. So they worked | said (to the old bore. ito give Middle Eastern coun {lai of Communist China and So Its' main advan.| -- Social Friday. alone." consortium to finance and run it,|government's legislation to estab- Friday pipeline from Elath to Beersheba.|gram. He agreed with the proposal age from explosion and fire. ther. To Assist Middle East The mine was sealed Nov. 5 to] Hundreds of police and volun- | |intend to apologize in any way for | By HAROLD K. MILKS ON TO AFGHANISTAN {what was done. MOSCOW (AP) -- Condemning| The new denunciation was in-|~ g Culture While So Many Poverty-Stricker OTTAWA (CP) ment's plan for pumping public'grams but said he is a=zainst set- nomic or Low Ridicules Buyin The govern-/to help university building money into the nation's eulturallting up the éouncil when money blood stream has met a mixed is needed reception from Commons Opposi- Canadians. tion members. {the Eisenhower doctrine, Russia cluded' in the Joint communique » "= {and Communist China have pro-|ending Chou's visit in Moscow. | tianizin [claimed their continued readiness The Chinese premier returned to "any necessary support" to avert Hungary and Poland. He_left Fri-| aggression and interference in|day night for Tashkent en route | asser their affairs. : |to Kabul, Afghanistan, i; resume A 2.000-word communique issued his goodwill tour of Southern Friday night by Premier Chou En-| Agia. B = viet : | : ; H Russia and Communist China! Premier Bulgarin said: | : emg Eye "The governments of the Soviet also reported satisfaction that the; 1 i s Republic, resolutely condemn this|; are, developing and Strengthen.| WASHINGTON (AP) -- Shaky policy of the United States. hd a ha hi a U1 U.S. hopes of keeping Egypt from "They are prepared to continue id nig Dubs nec: closer ties with Russia probably to give any necessary support to| "Any provocative acticns of the|have been dealt a serious blow by the peoples of the Near and Imperialist aggressive forces, di-| president Nasser's decree "Egypt- Middle East in order to avert rected to undermine the Socialist ianizing"" major foreign businesses aggression and interference in the| (Communist) countries. will in his country. region " A Lr nounced Thursday. Reports reach- The two Communist powers pre-| They blamed the Hungarian up- ing the state department say it viously have denounced the 'planirising on "Imperialist aggressive hac thrown the foreign business put forward by President Eisen-|circles" and declared that thelcommunity in Egypt into turmoil, hower two weeks ago for mili- | crushing of the revolt "is a great arousing grave fears for the fu- tary and economic aid to the victory of the cause of peace and ture of foreign interests there and Mi _socialism." __|for Egypt's own economic pros- | News dispatches from Cairo Friday said Egyptian and foreign businessmen alike believe the ulti- {mate effect of the new decree-- amounting to a nationalization {order--will be fo scare off West- ern investors and kill, Egypt's financial aid, { Such consequences inevitably] for poverty - stricken would make Egypt far more de- pendent 'on economic ties with The government's proposal got Moscow, thereby increasig Mos- "You cannot buy culture," said full support from CCF ' Leader cow's political influence over one Credit Leader Solon Low Coldwell. Opposition Leader Dief-of the key countries in the Middle through the expenditure of money|reservations about government, The state department adinittedly plans for the council's operation.|is deeply concerned over the pOS-| The Commons spent most of sible effects of the new law. But] considering a resolution in- officials say it has been impos-| ish a Canada Council to, handle ajtroduced by Prime Minister St. [sible to assess its impact because! 100,000,000 aid - to - culture pro- Laurent .prelimin 'y. to a bill 'to the text of the decree has not! icreate .the council. } tries) Moscow Friday from visits to Union and the Chinese People's|Sountries of the Communist bloc| By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER affairs of the countries of that met With the most decisive re-|"'Naccor's' now law was an pects. pro- chances of getting Wesfern eco-| "You cannot get itienbaker endorsed it, too, but had East. Iyet been made public. He reserved judgment on the