£ THE DAILY TIMESGAZETTE, Wednesday, January §, 1987 OSHAWA AND DISTRICT LABOR COUNCIL EXECUTIVE FOR 1957 [5 in OK. CHARLES JENNINGS Second Vice-President ARR 4 E. R. "DCC" ELLIOTT First Vice-President WALTER KOLESNICK Executive Board KEITH W. ROSS Becretary-Treasurer Jehovah's Witnesses Hold Assembly At Scarboro | The R. H. King Collegiate In- viness of the New World Society". stitute, Scarboro, was used this| Beautiful scenes were shown |past weekend for spiritual educa-/from various cities across the {tion when Jehovah's Witnesses world where the witnesses had | {held their semi-annual circuit as-|gathered for their "Triumphant [sembly. Mr. ¥red G. Van Horn, Kingdom Assemblies' in 1955; local presiding minister, says that |first from the five North Ameri- |the delegates from Oshawa were can cities and then across the At- {all benefitted by the counsel and!lantic to London, Paris, Rome and | instruction that they received. other European Clties. At Nurem- The highlig f the assembly Derg, Germany there wereover Ey the Ce a MR wil1/107,000 present from 67 different | Armageddon Mean for You?" by lands. They met at the beautiful | Jack Nathan, from the Canadian|Parade grounds bullt and use dby headquarters of the Watch Tower |Adolph Hitler. A similar program Sorel' ers a After outlining what Armaged- |' ' , many ol don means from the Bible stand- Whom came from the Eastern point in contra-distinetion from | Zone af the risk of their lives. the general conception of it, Mr. , % carbore assembly will Nathan showed that this fina] war [008 id remembered as a happy will be fought for two basic rea-|0¢casion. It was marked by the |sons. First to vindicate the name friendliness o f the local people lof Jehovah God and secondly to| and by the helpful co-operation of [pay the debt of the blood. |the School personnel. guiltiness resting upon this world. [Tire Loss S000 er "Parents Invited CLIFFORD PILKEY President BRUCE MOASE Executive Board OBITUARIES WILLIAM WERRY MRS. ALICE REARDON 3 Executive Board Executive Board EMERGENT MEETING LEBANON LODGE A.F. & A.M. 139 All Masonic brethern are urgently requested to attend a Masonic Service for our late WOR. BRO. ALFRED FURSEY 7:30 o'clock at Mcintosh Funeral Home 152 King Street East, Oshawa THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1967 Masonic Clothing An brethern are cordially invited Thomas L. Wilson Wor, Master Wor. Bro. Chas. Templar Secretary ers sold Watch this Space Next Wednesday and southern On- Past Presidents | | Requiem Mass was sung in St. day caused about $30,000 damage spilled? i northwest of Toronto. installed, appiauded enthusias- charge, to children and their par- president medals will have been the Oshawa General Hospital on | "Dedication and Baptism' and 15!showings in the auditorium of the) breast. of Oshawa, Harriet Beatrice tween Yemen and the western In her 61st year, the deceased sisted British plans for his sultan- For the second night running, coe street north, Oshawa, from mored cars, killing 10 civilians, | (V tw s,| The forei th REAR-END COLLISION |(Verna) of "Buffalo and two son e foreign office handed the| , Tuesday night. The acci- Mrs. George Lawrence (Evelyn) occupied the site of a ruins at Al MeGill, 20, of 890 Grierson St., Claus of Buffalo. -- driver was injured Whyte. Interment was in Park the North Sea to Amsterdam was | Donald and Vernon Claus and many years. He was also a life HANNOVER, West jon newspaper Bild ment Store for 35 years, Henry former Mary Cathie, on Jan. 14, previously ill for two weeks. Also surviving are a sister, | y WEATHER He was married in Belleville on held at the Armstrong Funeral in sight in the frigid A member of King Street Unit- United Church, will conduct the | p to about 40 below tonight temperatures will drop throughout . 4 . wa Ontario County Unit, Ontario Division Plan To Honor | FUNERAL OF At Dale Estates much more the blood of millions - NICHOLAS LUKACS BRAMPTON (CP)--Fire Tues- that has been unrighteously | "To Film Show * The Canadian Naval Assoclation| "0. "ru nian Greek Catho- to the interior and roof of a two-| The attentive audience in the tig y (Oshawa) holds its third reunion |jic Church by Rev. J. C. Pereyma Storey brick and stone storage|auditorium and those in the over-| The famous musical ride of the at Woodstock, Ont. Feb. 16 - 17,/at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 8, building on the Dale Flower Es- flow in tite cafeteria, where pub- Royal Canadian Mounted Police at which, for the first time, past for Nicholas Lukacs who died ai tates near this town 25 miles lic address equipment had been/Will be depicted in film, free of = Firemen fought the blaze for tically. during tnis discourse. Up-jents, at 3 p.m Saturday at the struck and ready for presentation. Saturday lash, . 7 # oa than Ag hours. They said Wards of 800 were present. McLaughlin Public Library. The The pallbearers were Mike Ko- Mor y Other f h bl cond 1 a ia' The association was originally jee;ar "Joe Emry, Andy Smil- they believed the fire may have iy Her eatures As e assembly; Secon eature. a "shortie", stars formed by Oshawa ex-sea cadets|ancoui John Molnar, Mike Talar. started from a torch while work. WLC B8ER 20 O50 PM. G8 Urb # Pr MPEORRE, . discharged from the navy. The ;n "254 George Balog. men were dismantling a disused ay. When 4 go0s; sme] be Shore Is a whimsical first reunion was held in 1955 at" [ iorment was in St. Gregory's boiler in the building. No one was supervisor, spoke on "lappy peo- » cele 2 ut a chimpanzee which Peterborough with members at-| cemetery » ® injured. ple serving the Happy God", were wreaks havoc in his home while tending from across Canada and oe j= the ministry school and a sym-|his parents are out for the eve- as far away as Peru. The second, FUNERAL OF | posium, of which G. Duck of Osh- ning. i held in 1956 in Oshawa, found ex-| MRS. J. JAMES PROCTOR Ah] |awa set the theme, speaking on| This is the first of a series of nayy types coming east from as| A very large gathering of rela- ritis ; rotest Offer Your Sacrifices of Praise |free film programs for young peo- far west as Winnipeg: ion d friend id their last Aright" and it was developed by ple. It is hoped through these pro- St a v tives an ends pa elr last, . three other speakers. |grams to introduce the children in The first president was William tribute to Mrs. J. James Proctor Border Raids Saturday morning's sessions |the three to nine 'age group to a Osmond, Chief ERA, who com-iat St. Gregory's Roman Catholic opened with practical demonstra-|fine collection of well - produced gianded She Sieriig wheel Yuring/Churel at 5 a.m. Yoday, The High tions on how to "Tell Others the films designed not only to enter- bridge, LS, assumed he presi pr. Paul Dwyer. 'Interment was From Yemen EE L1y Dut Size ssjarge Then Scope ency for ollowed hy XH. V.lin St, Gregory's Cemetery. : the direction of T. Down. Parents are welcome to accom- (Hub) Harmer AB, in 1956. H. A. _ Proctor died at the Osh.| LONDON (AP) -- Britain has 7 i : i i | (Herb) Maynard, LS, is the 1057 ates, Prot Hoar on he ah | sent oN STonE Protest te Yomen, At 1.30 p.m. Mr. Yacas spoke on pany their children to any of these president. Jan. 6, accusing the Arab kingdom of were later immersed. In the eve- [McLaughlin Public Library start-| "Phe first three named will be| The pallbearers were Alex Mc- bdrder raids on thé British-pro-ining over 700 were present to seeing at 3 p.m. Saturday and every, presented with past president/ Donald, Bob Proctor, Maurice tected sheikdoms at the southern|the Watch Tower film 'The Hap-!second week at the same time, | medals during the Woodstock re-|Cochrane, Sandy Morea, John end of the Arabian peninsula. Son shelabubboA shteua union. The medals will be wopn at|Gurki and Joe Gangemi. Yemen ooustered hig new x fficlal functions on the wight . |cusations that ritish - armore 4 MRS. WILBERT A. BRANT | ojumns assaulted tribesmen | A former well known resident along the undefined frontier be-| |Claus, beloved wife of Wilbert Aden protectorate. The latest Ye- |A. Brant, died suddenly. at her men communique alleged that the| home, 45 Johnson Park, Buffalo, British ambushed and killed an| DISTRICT N.Y., on Dec. 28. Aden protectorate prince who re- was a daughter of the late John ate, spi | and Harriet Claus. Born at It also claimed the British at- FIREMEN QUIET | Deseronto, she lived at 44% Sim-|tacked a Yemen tribe with ar-| Oshawa Fire Department did not 1912 to 1946. but that yemen horsemen re- nave to answer a single call Tues-| She leaves her husband; one pulsed the raid and set afire five day night daughter, Mrs. James Luff armored cars. I Garnet and Clayton of Buffalo. note of protest to the Yemen one accident, 'a rear-end | Also surviving are three sis- charge d'affaires in London. It ision, was reported to Oshawa ters, Mrs. H. H. Sharpe (Helen), said that tribesmen from Yemen dent occurred at the intersection and Mrs. Ruth Black, all of Osh-/Hajar, inside the protectorate, of Hillcroft and Masson streets, awa. and three brothers, John and Dec. 31 and were attacked by when a car driven by Mrs. Carol Bird Claus of Oshawa and Wilfred RAF planes. i sk into the rear of a carl The funeral service was held] 1 driven by John Rukarack, 35, of at Bethesda Temple, Tonawanda, BUSY WATERWAY : 812 Gordon street. Damage to the Nv. on Dec. 31. The service One of the world's great ship vehicle was slight. Neither was conducted by Rev. Ralph E canals. the 16-mile waterway from Lawn Cemetery, Buffalo. opened in 1876 * {| The pallbearers, all nephews of German Prince Weds [the deceased, were Walter ber of the Canadian Legion which Polish Refugee Girl Sharpe, John and Alan Lawrence. he served as an executive for Germany Murray Brant. member of the Sergeant's Mess, | -A German prince has y . the Ontario Regiment Association | ¢ wed a poor refugee girl HENRY BRUCE MCINTYRE and the Orange Lodge. nst his parents' wishes, the, An. employe of Ward's Depart- Predeceased by his wife, the says Prince Konst. tin Bruce (Mac) Me Intyre, 446 1951. he leaves a son, Albert, of | rg - Lippe, 25, met Eulalic avenue, died at the Osh- Oshawa. A son, Sergeant Major | .¢ Siegrid Knape, 27, awa General Hospital this morn- Gordon A. Mcintyre, was killed | him a lottery ing .In his 74th year, he had been in action in Holland in 1944. | Born In Glasgow; Scotland, on Mrs. Carey Smith of Glasgow, | Apri. 9. 1883, the deceased lived [Scotland and two grandchildren, | in Belleville and Madoc before Bonnie and Cathy. coming to Oshawa 37 vears ago.| The memoria! service will be] TORONTO (CP)--Official fore- Sent. 23, 1913, Chapel at 2 p.m. on Friday, Jan, ued by the Dominion pub-| During the First World War, 11. followed by interment in the » at 5:15 a.m.: Mr. MecIntvie served overseas Oshawa Union Cemetery. Rev. M. | is no perma- with the 21st Battalion. IA. Bury, minister of King Street | no pi yat is gripping the iso- ed Church he was: also a mem- sejvices. communities 'in: the Whitel™_. -.. .. _ * _ - 1. Temperatures there bé below zero today and will cold enough to freeze the mercury N 0 H ] ® E in the thermometers The cold air will plunge south- : ward today. As the cold air : THE CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY WILL HOLD THEIR on THURSDAY, JANUARY (Oth, 1957 At 8:00 P.M. Sharp forecasts valid until Thursday Erie, Niagara, Lake On Southern Lake Huron, Hali- n, Windsor, London, Toronto, Cloudy today and Turning much' colder fternoon. Winds Ight becom- north 20 this afternoon and ht on Thursday. Every Wednesday ~ for -- this mg St. Ino In the NURSES RESIDENCE, OSHAWA GENERAL Wingham ..evsvseess « ] HOSPITAL, Corner of Simcoe St. and Alexandra .St. Tor to Trenton es ] GUEST SPEAKER:-- Mr. J. A. Brockie, Chairman of i s SAE » the Education and Publicity Committee, Ontario Di- h . b vision, Canadian Cancer Society "Speaks of Beauty" Ea tog : A CORDIAL INVITATION IS EXTENDED TO ALL Sudbury sapsparse I 3 - DSI SS ---------- - cur FROM RED BRAND BEEF Boneless POT ROAST t SWIFT'S MILD CURE Peamenled COTTAGE ° Lb. { ROLLS CUT FROM RED BRAND BEEF - % ZZ § BOILING Lb. C 8 BRISKET PLATE You're headed for savings from the minute you toke an easy-rolling shopping cert and start down @ velue-packed eisle! You're sure to end up paying less for a cartful of your favorite foods becouse every item you put into it is low-priced. Thet's our policy -- a storeful of low prices «+». and we make good on it by our own low-cost buying ond low-cost storekeeping. Start saving money in a big way «= start shopping et SPROULE'S , , . today! Values. Yalore INSTANT CHOCOLATE MIL-KO Free Regular Size Package. Two For Price of One. ron 47% - INSTANT VI-TONE Free Regular Size Package of Fudge with Purchase of Vi-Tone. oo 57° 10c OFF MINUTE MAN FROSTING 55 7% 7% 77 Swift's Brookfield Skinless 7 7 ND ATT N EASIFIRST SHORTENING RED & WHITE Peanut BUTTER 31° FROZEN FOODS BIRDSEYE -- BEEF, CHICKEN AND TURKEY PIES 2 -65°¢ BIRDSEYE : we. D* ASPARAGUS FRENCH FRIES 237° uw 29° COD FILLETS WN reece NH N \ 16.0Z. «JAR Swift's -- By the Piece SAUSAGE Headcheese \ wf Qc | © 39: Lu SP iE ; WHE #7 edd 8 4 7/7 7A J) A The Buy of the Wok 7 4 = COUNTRY FRESH / GRADE "A" LARGE 1 (LoosE) | 2Doz. 2 DIRECT FROM POULTRY FARMS we. 19° 0 STORE Tors OPEN TILL HOURS gu, 10 O'CLOCK SPROULE'S -- King at Ritson SPROULE'S -- Simcoe at Mill 'Open Friday end Saturday Nights SPROULE'S -- Simcoe aot Colborne o Best Value for your Food Doller et SPROULE'S © AMPLE FREE PARKING © DELIVERY AT A NOMINAL CHARGE AERC 7 7 mT MRE al 44-0, PKG. 20-0Z, TINS 10-02. TINS 3 2-02. JAR QUAKER INSTANT OATS 36° TOMATO KETCHUP 2'-"41* BEANS WITH PORK 35+ TOMATO SOUP 35¢ INSTANT COFFEE 55¢ GARDEN FRESH VEGETABLES COOKING ONIONS ~~ ':i¢ 29¢ CABBAGE 8° BANANAS 17° Dairy Foods COTTAGE Cheese conor 19° CRACKER BARREL -- MILD Cheese i 35° CLOVER VALLEY -- LINK Cheese yi 29° HONEY i 37¢ Butter Canned Goods CULVERHOUSE -- DESSERT Pears 0a ATC AYLMER -- PRUNE Plums 2 To 3l¢ YORK FANCY---Whole Kernel Corn Tu, 56 ALLEN'S APPLE Yoon Juice 29¢ 20-ox. Tins We Are Big Enough To Serve You --- Small Enough To Appreciate You YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD FOOD MARKET verre 3