Capsule Sister Banquet Followed By Election At Céntre St. W.A. The regular meeting of the WA|as follows: Past nresident, Mrs. lof Centre Street United Church|Fred Graham y-esident, Mrs. held in the Chapel recently was! Charles Hawk = vice-president, {preceded by the Capsule Sister Mrs. Roy Bishop: secretary and hanquet attended by about 50 press, Mrs. Dean Peel; assistant members. Christmas gifts were secretary, Mrs. Alyn Elliott; exchanged and carol sining and treasurer, Mrs David Morris; games and the identity of the flower convener, Mrs. Edgar capsule sister revealed. {James, Mrs. Walter Vice; Pianist, The president Mrs. Fred Gra- Miss Irene Winter: assistant pian- ham, presided. Mrs. Charles ist, Mrs. Gordon Wonnnacott: Hawkins led in the worship ser-|greeting secretary. Miss Flora, vice. Miss Flora French read the!French. minutes. The jreavirer's of the Mies dr gi s gave their yearly reports president, an! gy David Adri be for their co-overaiton and assist-| cheerful women besoume fred gut of the WA gave the financial re- ance during her long term in, Cob a i gr hi G : 3 depressed, while their p port. Mrs. Ear! James reported|office. A scroll was read by, § # : ATs whee and on Christmas plants and fruit|Mrs, Charles Hawkins commend- : 4 ol : : atgive zestful sent to those on the sick list. Miss ing Mrs. Graham for her untiring] g i French read the correspondence, efforts. Mrs. R. L. Bishop also Both 'are transient otis A Jetter was read from Albert presented a gift to Mrs. Graham Ri Roger Bc a College, Belleville, asking for a and a gift was presented to Miss, beyond fe expec donation toward the furnishings Flora French, retiring secretary, Snorer at wisiolie V8 . of their new wing. It was decided 2 2pnrecistion hae Reverend pL 4,2 gest mistake atume 3 5 A. F. Cow f ¢ man . i of the nominating members for contributing to a a't want a child or that the Jo. committee, Miss Irene Winter, successful year and installed the ful oman wi mal 2 wonderful read the list of officers for 1957 new executive. mother. 1 g frm secusity vicissitudes--erratic hours, ex: 2 Housewives Heap Criticism | a jiaustion, and anxiety--me Jekt 4 #1 On Work of Commercial Laundries) = USuale mother can slip away with her husband for a few hours. . "Commercial laundries in Can- of achieving an averagé result. | camera at the Curling Club on ada must pull up their socks i'|Contents of each bundle went New Year's Eve are Mr. and Marriage, says Dr. Hilliard is ceremonies, was composed of | ed novelty dances, door prizes, |a relationship between a man and they w v attern woke Teer Be ae Shrous -- avlished P rs. Peter Simmons and Mr. | annual dance. The dance come | Messrs. Leslie - Harrison, Ste- . Bppt es and a |a woman that may last for fi ven Piper, Oscar Parker, Alex | Pict hit Ot ace ol fare. |or sixty years--children are really door", says Laundry and Dry Some weeks ago the processed) and Mrs. Roy Whittington who ' mittee chaired by Gordon Hen- Cleaning Journal in its current work was inspected by a panel of -- ER ESTT Mackay, Fred Ashworth, Wil- uosl! 4 tos just incidents in that partnership. liam Brownlee and George H. | _ Times Gazette Staff Photos just incidents arn i-sue. Commenting on its report Canadian housewives led by Mrs. | on a six-city study the trade pa- Mary Humphries, Chairman, Tex- CHILD GUIDANCE per makes the statement that tiles Committee, Canadian Ass-| ° L] service of commercial launder-'ed each item in each bundle, city| T P t T I ers have been roundly criticized py city on a single sitting. | en om ers 0 m rove lence to learn how to skate. The in print and viz the snoken word.| "Major faults uncovered were-- . ' : Your Method Of Studying | SCHOOL OF DANCING Survey have revealed that what- poor flatwork finishing; unsight-| may have are counterbalanced by and employment of techniques re-| | most important thing is to make D.E A Fear Of Unknown May Be Disturbing To Mother-To-Be A WOMAN'S FIRST BABY "The greatest of all fears 2 woman can know is the fear of the unknown, and this fear ie particularly acute with a firs pregnancy," writes Dr. Marion Hilliard. - Besides fear, the woman pecting her first baby is oftes surprised by dramatic person ality changes. Some bright and Fred Graham, retiring | i OSHAWA CURLING CLUB MEMBERS DANCE IN THE NEW YEAR were among the hundred | derson who acted as master of | Campbell. The program includ- couples, almost all club mem- bers, attending the club's third "Teach Your Child | 'How To Skate After the age of four years, | most children have the necessary | muscle co-ordination and confid- ever misconception the publicly marking; poor stan removal| HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DEBORAH proof that something is very sulting in harsh wollens. There| Many youths write me that they eral days or weeks Jn advance, sure the child 1s wearing skates irst bi | | h wrong in the laundries were color changes. There were are discourages with the results budget your time so that you will|that fit well. All smiles for her first birth of Mr 20d Mes, Staley Locke themselves. and it's about time substitutions and missing pieces.|they get from tneir labor over les-iget yqur work completed 'when Never, never buy skates he will day JomorTon is De Voc Ben | areat-sranddaughter of Mrs, R. |that laundry opera'ors looking prices? They varied only from sons. due. 'Avoid the havit of putting it "grow into". Dn Wind r aw nue ) Bell, all of Oshawa. for busines did something about)§1.20 to $1.71 coast to coast. | For these young folks I offer a off. | Now for the first lesson. If you in 5s the 2 randdaughter | ™* "Phote by Bruce Henderson it." "The challenge facing at least few suggestions. ® 4. Learn to take notes up In yourself are not a skater, wear a RE = = 5 ~| Similar family wash bundles some laundry operators", Laundry| 1. Most students don't need. to class, take a few brief notes. pair of rubber-soled boots, prefer- ry C i ys, | 4 pT, | Practic i d recalling | ably with a heavy tread. Stand on ap ially s , and Dry Cleaning Journal says,!study more, but better | Practice taking and ably with a heavy tread. Stand o | publi SSpestany. ade a. Ble "is more than a selling job. It's| 2. Don't let yourself daydream. mental notes, of jotting down a the right side of the child, sup- {laund bv selected citizens in a challenge of building 'a whole! By paying strict attention in few good notes right after classiport him at the hand and elbow jraund Sg al Toronto Win- new outlook, embracing employ- class, you can save time out of or during the study period or at/ {hen walk forward a few paces, of | Halifax 1, id or Win : I ME | a 'C ji Tancouver. ' e rethods & ent com. class. Hold yourself responsible home in the evening : turn and go Eack. This movement {pies eal , Wopit ' a ig I 35: Jnelhods and hatin for every question asked. Check, 5. Have a rcegular time and will- give balance and confidence, | Participants were neler. ag 0 ole PP 8 the correctness of the answer you place for study i 5 and should be repeated for two or choose their own laundry-a means work -- should have given. Get the assign-| Mal:e a schedule with a definite three lessons until the child is 5 {ment the first time without period of time for each subject ready to try alone. 1 |thought of asking iater what it is. and try to stick to it. Get away Next comes the glide. which KEEP IN TRIM IBUDGET YOUR TIME from the radio and TV and family 4 y -- | 3. Get all your work in on time. conversation, If you can. Other. S20 be practised on the floor at Mystery Dieter Reports [When an assignment covers sev- wis~ train yourself to ignore them. Breit with both old pd y ilding Syst THE STARS SAY Will Power Building System At the start of her While at study refuse to talk to bend both knees slightly and carc- Jody. Pay attention to noth. fully glide his left foot fo r By ESTRELLITA . simpal FY "OM Our Mystery Dieter is now down slimming venture she wrote: *'To FOR TOMORROW iv seperts ale {to 146% 'pounds . . . which is 10'2/be honest, it isn't easy . . . case| * ay 3 2 yf § Ballet, Tap, Toe, Character, Baton, Pre-School, Acrobatic, the Centre Street, | publication's $ asonic Temple, Friday and Saturdav. home da Aldwinckle Dial RA. 3-3474/ THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Saturday, January 5, 1957 7 Women's Editor INFORMATION: RA 3.7253 By IDA JEAN KAIN this process. - . accept nomination they should,!best to fill the office for which, 4 "1 et's see why. fod when rewards are mot meas-|€Ver, Or you might lose 'out on own words. mittee for the treat given to the 2 rummage sale to take place d ong Shen b Mr. and Brownies at a od rom later in February. The next meet- Roun; 2 Zrength k t host, Tepe} Miss Norma Genge, Pack Leader ing of the 2nd Group Committee "py... +o reports give orn /ng: of the Brownie Pack, thanking Will be held at Guide House on chi ports give proof of i youp wore assemble all along the floor. Br the f ) S-- re vou hegi Ss 2 Ted eB) Ying he . tools and don't let yourself gel xs 2 2 ln , by Pa ng Up a3 7nd Grou Committee Instals fiddle round, The Moment Jon along the floor, bring the feet to- back and make vourself center| ether and repeat. : : : i. strongly on the job. 1957 x ; y ; s of mine." especially congenial to family After work 4 VW fer unds off in five weeks and 20 is a fatal weakness of mine +) ine household affairs After working vigorously fo: Iesl en 7 1Ce1S . Prd more to go. She writes: "I Two weeks later: "I now think jimatiers, Routine hoy gr don't go twenty or thirty minutes, it may Miss Vera Moyse, chairman of Charles Parkin; card convener, pi 4 that the way to develop willjtwice when faced with temptation, a au oo dont: be well to walk about for five the Central District and personnel Mrs. Gordon Barker; telephone ower js to keep resolutely on the and I'm developing amazng will planning to entertain i minutes before another siege. director of the Oshawa Girl Guide conveners, Mrs. Norman frie. course. Always before in dieting, power.' : Her most recent Yeon: I It hie a se day for voi 6. Before beginning work tn any n . Association, was a guest at the'son, Mrs. A. Jubb, Mrs. H. M.I1 woiiq use the old alibi, 'Just shows significant progress: Mv to devise aii ne which Mew assignment, review briefly January meeting of the 2nd Genge, Mrs. Jack McLaughlin, yc once won't count.' But I found really nok bothered now by sweets uy! y dle} sel haw rol ne wich the last leszon or last several les- gr ) Group Committee which was held Mrs. Gordon Besse and Mrs. R.|j gid count--heavily. Now I tell I keep thinking of that size 12! FOR 'B5 SIRTHDAT - |sons. at Guide House on Wednesday Richards; press, Mrs. Frank myself that by not breaking over| Convinced she is hi! fhe right) It {OMIOITOW is your birthday 7. Learn i read Sen. If you are x evening. Miss Moyse installed the Ball. ... lonce I am strengthening my will course and heartened by her pro-| Ws JO 'V, a poor reader. practice at home new executive for the forthcom-| Mrs. Moyse was presented with| oo. 7 find it easier as time gress, Eleanor pictures herself FO Op hdicales lant per on materials much easier than ing year and began the ceremony a gift on behalf of the Group goes by." size 12. Visualizing is a powerful | 7 Jalon ms Ee Busy those of your text books. Read ; A a Cami ee os. Cog th Cheers for that altitude!|force which StreDgtnens desire, | d that new ventures affecting 8 EE ort or} * - peat the Guide Law. Miss Moyse| Mrs. Jamieson, on taking N€ glaanor's decision not to lapse in turn bolsters will. : Eas ne bl ' ' 3 8 € | Eom ee, Scion prediencha Soren 2o le oni of aula he Vet the cn tre Sf Foto 2 pl, Bk nn eiena Rupinstel 0 ." "" "| it fem bers on their appa ment dof art if the evening's pr Ai just this once" is basically re- io hurdle the initial inertia ake | vroreh. Avoid friction with as70ci- | drift. dh I Benera) yarions 'oifces anc 52 |p ; old hor Sp for her steady progress. action. A strong incentive ab thel io "qi in o"e rly February, how- fully and t Ba because of their willingness to and said that she would do herige. casoning is psychologically start helps you over the early per- , ully and turn 1 y into your : 2 > y t y ' + d opportunities. Y - an doubtedly would, receive she had been chosen. Mrs. : : / 'habit, the urable. It's hard not to indulge|8°0 BOLD TYPE HELPS . the wholehearted Support of the Jamieson said that she hoped for ir 2 Lil i he when you're hungry, [ i on may bs Tioiored for yan The bold type and paragraph nd Group Commitiee as a whol. the fll cooperation of all" Guide Sogie %Cepion, Tor in The cari able aid lo your profession or Io headings wil help vou "Learn To U The meeting was opened by the : a hes .. |stages one exception breaks the Yang py . voor | a Daras a S€1~} retiring president, Mrs. Henry It was detided 10 #0 2liead With rhythm and sets you back. This PERSONAL [2nd, DY the middle of the year, tence of your own. Memorize the Thompson. Mrs. Frank Ball read tentative ig > ie ith n be compared to winding a yu Ba ae wif ment thoughts of these sentences. v the secretary's report and Mrs. and Daug ter banquet With a(n.) of yarn and dropping the BO A A, % He 9. Don't deceive yourself or Roland Crawford gave the treas- committee set up to check into}. mae ho wavs is with diet , Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Werry, dealing with strangers and watch teacher by handing in work not | urer's report. Correspondence catering charges for banquet each day you say with a new Agnes street, have returned home health during September and Oc- your own. Every effort to earn| : 2 was read from Mrs, A, Pugh, act- menu as decided upon. wav of eating sire athe the pat. Alter a week's visit with friends tober. June and July should be grades by deceit spoils your hab-| | double Size ing Brown Owl of the 2nd Plans were outlined for the yo "pi 5 ns : tl us A "at Palmerston. fine for romance. __|its of work and robs you of self-re-| Brownie Pack, thanking the Com- abnual membership drive and for sta cing Ip IhyLIm With an A child born on this day will liance and self-respect " 4 on. 1 pg son Sequence Tesu Is i com Mrs. H. A. Twilley, be intelligent and self-reliant, but| 10. Select one evening for study . Thornton's road south, visited mav be too aggressive at times. out of your week-end and discip- : : during the Holiday Season with| DAY AFTER TOMORROW line yourself to stick to it. Other- Imi e ime on y Mrs. Twilley's sister, Miss Ada| In business matters, don't try wise you easilv will form the ha- . the Committee for the gift pre- sented to her at Christmas Mrs. Thompson in her closing remarks thanked all those who had helped her in any way in her duties during the year and remarked that the success of -the past year was due to the splen- did way in which the Committee members had worked together on the various projects Miss Moyse installed executive as follows ident, Mrs. Henry president, Mrs F vice - president, Ball; secretary, Heard; treasurer, Crawford the 1957 -"Past pres- Thompson; Jamieson: Mrs. Frank Mrs. Beverly Mrs. Roland social convener, Mrs Joanne Monroe Harry Towns Wed Wednesday, February 6, at which time a white elephant sale will be held. The meeting closed with the Mother's Promise and re- freshments were served by the social convener, Mrs. Norman Grierson. CLUB CALENDAR MONDAY Mary St. H and S Assn. Albert St. H and S Assn. North Simcoe H and S Assn. Westmount H and S Assn Pleasant Mon. Aft. Club Sunshine Rebekah No. 222 TUESDAY Woodcrest H and S Assn, SA Home League Christ Church WA King Street Jr. WA Canadian Legion Aux. Evans, and her brother, . Mr, to force issues on Monday and do [bit of letting all the evenings slip Chrystal Heisler Yuletide Bride Chrystal Beth Heisler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Heisler of Oshawa, became the bride of John Edward Graw Jr., son of Mr. and | Mrs. John Graw of Chicago, Illi- |nois, on Thursday December 27. | The Reverend V. W. Collins offi- ciated at the evening ceremony in the Seventh Day Adventist Church Oshawa, | Mrs. A. E. Carley played the | wedding music and the soloist | was Mrs. Geonelle Kivisto "who sang "O Perfect Love." | The bride was given in |riage by her father |floor-length gown of ivory lace and net with an empire bodice mar- She wore a Charles Evans, in Detroit, Michi- gan. In Bloomfield Hill, Michigan they visited another sister, Mrs. R. P. Fohey, and Mr. Fohey, and at the Kingsway Nursing St. Mary's, Ontario, Mr. and Mrs. James McFarlane. GROUPS, CLUBS AUXILIARIES CONANT H AND 8 ASSN, The December meeting of the Conant Home and School Asso- Home, ! ciation was held recently with Mrs. George M Peters presiding] in the absence of the president,| Mr. Earl K. Campbell. The program opened with the singing of a Christmas carol and! prayer was offered by Mr. Fred avoid clashes with eo - workers. | Also beware those who would try! to persuade you to risk cash or| other assets on questionable ven- tures. There is a tendency toward over-optimism now, so be alert. If Monday is your birthday, your horoscope indicates that the | next six months comprise a cycle in which 'many job and financial by. with the result that you are unprepared Monday. | SOCIAL NOTICES | ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Charles Belyea Brook: lin, wish to announce the engagement! of thelr daughter Anita to Allan Cran- pressures will be happily lifted. den, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cran. But watch personal relationships del, {place March 16, 1957. carefully during February. , YOU GET Oshawa. The wedding to take EXTRAS 4.00 value now 1 4 5 Now you can save money while yon save your hands from lines, roughness and lack of moisture. Helena Rubinstein offers for a limited time only, a giant eight-ounce bottle of her famous Estrogenic When you deal with TORONTO LAUNDERERS! Quality... Service... Economy... Court Oshawa, IOF and long, tapered sleeves. Tiers Britten. : Calvary Baptist YWMC of lace and net lent back in-| Mrs. Keith Ross introduced the North Oshawa WA |terest to the bouffant skirt and a Rev. C. M. Keen, who showed of St. Geor Anglican Church, Women's PC Assn. {lace coronet held her fingertip an educational group of colored The bride is the daughter of Mr St. George's (Ritson Grp., veil. She carried a bouquet of red Slides of his recent trip to the e bride is the daughter of Mrs oi hi pouq Holy Land. The Cal B | Manson Monroe Foster of Osh. Beta Sigma Phi roses and stephanotis. 8 «and. The CalvaryaBaptist ; awa and the late Mr, Monroe St. Stephen s WA She was attended by Miss Joyce Quarfet, Mr. William Whiteworth, | / and the bridegroom is the son of Rendezvous Club taffeta » Gr ' i overskirt and they carried red, | he Grade Y. Suothers, Mrs. aa bronze and white | 3 {moon in Florida and will make making the bulb good for many their home in Napierville, Illinois. more hours of service. The marriage of Joanne Elinor Monroe and Harry Towns was solemnized recently in 'the chapel Hormone Hand Lotion at a fraction of its regular price! It smooths your hands to velvet softness. Lines, rough and even dark pigmented spots seem to disappear. And your nails seem stronger, too. Helena Rubinstein Estrogenic Hormone Hand Lotion helps underskin retain needed moisture for a smoother, younger appearance. Take advantage of this opportunity to take time off your hands. The double, sale-sized bottle now only $1.95! ring ceremo, University omen's Club 4 Given in marriage 'by her bro Victory Lod LOBA r. Donald Monroe, the Oshawa Rel h Lodge a waltz-length dress Parent - Teacher Assn satin brocade with white Northminster WMS accessories and a corsage of red. Thornton's Corners H and 8 roses. Centre Street WMS Miss Margaret Peel was maid St. Matthew's WA : of-honor in pastel pink satin with THURSDAY matching accessories and a cor- St. Andrew's WMS sage of yellow roses. Mr, Carl King Street WA Gamble acted as best man 5th Scout Mothers' Aux. A receplion yas held at the Calvary Baptist WMS bride's parent home on short Christ Church Eve. Guild Celina street. For the occasion 6th Scout Mothers' Aux. the bride's mother wore brown St. George's Eve. Guild with pink accessories. The bride St. George's WA groom's mother was in powder 10th Group Committee blue silk with black accessories Silver Cross Women Both wore corsages of carnations Nav League Aux Later Mr. and Mrs. Towns left, Valleyview Ladies for a 'wedding trip to the United FRIDAY States and will live in Oshawa. Centre St, WA (East Grp.) ATTENTION Home Freezer Owners Complete Home Freezer Service Available, Ask For Free Price List NO OBLIGATION Tel. Lansdowne IGA Oshawa RA 3-2583 or Phone RA 5-0873 Whitby, Mr. Dilling -- Jeo 8-2584 "6 Clear, durable polyethylene bags, to keep your garments covered yet recognizable, are yours, at no extra charge, without your asking, with Toronto Lounderers' dry cleaning service. No more fussing with awkward poper bags! Hol - Perepelitza, Oshawa, in green |M&, Vernon Wright, Mr. Walter, Mr. and Mrs. Arnott Towns of HOY Trinity WA / J 74 / chrysanthe- under convenoishin of Mrs, Fred mums, | Th [and Miss Joan Smith, Smith's Mills and Mr. William Sargeant, | Oshawa. The Reverend C. D WEDNESDAY Britten, / > best man was Mr. Gerald | § 1 'of Berrien Springs, Mich- igan, and the ushers were Mr | Llewellyn Smith and Mr |Falls, in red, both fellow siudents| jo "5 several selections. Mrs. G.| Cross officiated at the double- SA Prayer Meeting of the bride at Hinsdale Hospital Moulton expressed thanks to HOUSEHOLD HINT If a lamp bulb goes out, try E School of Nursing, Illinois, Their the Zuests on behalf of the asso- waltz-length gowns were of vel-| ' Netoer iH I Refreshments were served by L 5 Arnold tapping the glass. Often the fila- | Farenick, Oshawa. ment becomes disconnected and : : The couple let for a honey- may join again at a tap or two, Every suit, coal, dress, blanket or sweater which = you have dry cleaned by Toronto Launderers is returned to you--clean, fresh and bright--in a clear, protective bag which you can use for storage or when travelling. Keeps out dust ond dampness, lets you recognize the contents immediately. Another TORONTO LAUNDERERS service! Our Dry Cleaning is done the "Revitalized" way, for thorough cleanliness, like-new freshness. ROYAL SNACK BAR MRS. M. HEWITT 97 Simcoe St. S. Phone RA 5-5237 T O.R O N.T O: 2.00 - LAUNDERERS B74 ¥ ST. JOHN AMBULANCE 12 Week Home Nursing Class Aux. Commencing Wed., January 9th from 7:30 to 9:30 at the School of Nursing, Oshawa General Hospital, Alexandra St. FEE Ci | PROMPT FREE DELIVERY ee WA [530 SIMCOE S75. | For information or to register for classes NTT oki RAS:3506 | - PHONE MA3-5778