a a > . iriow WIP RWPATMIPR mmmen CL he eat LEAL . " * o Ra na, 2 he on fs ES elu eT OE ee AND alia Shamim T Rohinatam I Abritish socrer Mayers Name Marlene Stewarts. Tennis Players gy we Mag To Receive Bonus Boost | Top Woman Athlete '56 Happy To Return Home Carlin Pro oa Whiter [on ote A amber la ADELAIDE, Australia (AP anadian Press r |are divide to the north am By RO : , Aus! a )-- will play at Mel LONDON (CP)--Christmas will|south sections. Canadian ons BaP ¥ | i "+ |American amateur tennis players $20 dally Tor the. additions fins come a week late to British soc-| Following the June meeting the Marlene | ; ; said today they are not losing any weeks in Avstralia. cer players. players' union threatened strike| Stewart, an amazing mite with an| 4 : : sleep over the fact they were not Meanwhile, former Davis Cu Starting Jan. 1 the 92. clubs in action and the management com-| awesome putter. is Canada's out- Xa : '|invited to remain after next star Ted Schroeder, who return the tnree divisions of the footbail mittee, in a surprise move, de- standing woman athlete of 1936. ; A ; week's Davis Cup challenge round|to familiar stamp ng grounds on league will increase game bonuses cided to circularize the clubs on| ,A year's career of triumph in ? is for the Australian national tennis Thursday. warned Australians paid to their players -- the first the question again. Ballots were eight golf tournaments--climaxed championships, {that Herbie Flam and not Vie such increase in 36 years. mailed to the clubs Nov. 20. |with capture of the United States : "I am not heartbroken," said Seixas was the American most to The increase announced by the A feature of the new vote was| Women's Amateur championship i Herbie Flam of Beverley Hills.|be feared in next week's challenge |league in mid-December sets the| io ahrupt change in the stand of --Wwon he: the recognition by the 3 Ko : Calif. "I have a lot of things round, {bonus payment for each player in|ihirj giv'sion clubs. Jim Carter, country s sprris editors and j ! i ; which need to be done back home| "Everybody ls talking about a victorious club at £3, and for|gnoresman for third division, sportscasters io the 22nd annual p i hh . and besides, the three-week walt|Seixes having the best chance o players taking part in a drawn|gouih says: "Our reaction was Canadian Pres: year-end sports ; 4 : A between the challenge round and|scoring points for the United game at 30 shillings The present| ajmogt unanimous. Twenty-three Poll | ; . the tournament are too much." States," said th Role Dehuses, Ni Siioct See 1920, are yoted for the increase only one wishes os Sih the aires oon @ | The Australian nationals, to be player. fe Ime . ! . "i er, the; ; : ) | *"Tme announcement marks the|2E2Inst. kia hairman of S2Eerly endorsed the 20-year-old | : Played this ; year in Melbourne, legs No. 1 man. lend of a two-year drive by the , Tom Hi ; nxton, chairman of wonder from Fonthill. Ont. : one ays in| Schroeder came here to do a 3,000-member .ootball players' un- hind gis sion. MOTD. ost unani,| . She earned 243 points based on 5 Sam Glammalva of H i fade commen'ary on the matches ion, which earuer this year threat-| clubs also Rave a Jost unashiy scale of three points for a first ; ; ; ro Cammal Bo ouston said as he has done for several years. ened strike action uniess agree MOUS suppor I a amant | choice. two for a second and one i : 5 stay ood ie expecting to|He also writes a newspaper col: ment , was reached on players'|Contrast to an equi ZOTAR for a third. | 5 i stay and play. but now I think it/umn. demands for a nigher rate. And it/stand against them last June. |pMARILYN BELL SECOND bol MONEY well. Schroeder doesn't consider marks a complete reversal by The increases are expected to} Marilyn Bell. the indominable : | NEY THE PROBLEM United States chances in the chal league clubs from a stand taken keep players happy until nextidistance swimmer who in August § 4 ud 3 Auctralian officials advised the|lenge round as promising. . An only six months earlier. summer when the league again | added the 18-mile Juan de Fuca g Americans they preferred not un- American victory would be "the | INITIAL REFi/SAL holds its annual gathering. Then Strait to her chain of conquests, | % on j | derwriting exvenses which has biggest upset in tennis history," | At the league's annual meeting the players' umion is expected to placed second with 150 points, / oF . : been the custom in the past for he said. last June, club officials rejected a renew its demands for an in-| Jackie McDonald, Toronto's i gs Davis Cuppers to compete in| The first two singles matches recommendation from the league crease in the present maximum pretty Olympic shot and discus the tournament. However, at the are scheduled for Wednesday with management committee that the wage of £15. The union, says wielder, and skier Lucille Wheeler ' insistence of Davis Cup captain the doubles Thursday and the final bonus scale be increased. Strong-|chairman Jimmy Guthrie, Janis of St. Jovite, Que.. firsi Canadian Bill Talbert. the team's two|singles Friday. The draw is sched- est opposition © the Drenosad 1 [the maximum raised to "at leas medal, wikier in Bid Bistory i youngsters, Mike Green of Miami luled for Christmas Day. creases came from the third di-! h mpic skiing, share third wit = HEIR TTT - Rota ee -- ~|38 points. Tommy Walker Wonder If ran ho Jareg, user to Vl Bose Bowl Game Coaches Tay 3g Suspends 8 | . | : ears trailed the ballot-topping : ' Not Too Serious -- Yet | - . arilyn in the poll. Her links +SHARPSHOOTER AND ADMIRER Predicts Russian 11 P d {achievements had been overshad. | SP ; PASADENA, Calif. (APL.All 4 Both Aragon | . a e rove lowed by Marilyn's heart-clutching | i Ee C2 So a and grimness on the Rose aroshooter Gerry Ouellette | bers of Canada's Olympic team 'Swimming Prowess . 9 {sicusgies BEng Jake Quis in gr : 'Ore ont Js year. i A d Goldst . ndsor, Ont, gold medal | at Vancouver. Ouellette scored VANCOUVER (CP) -- rmny Anything 11955 : y |p res R'3: £0aE), ommy n ein r at the Olympic Games | perfect 600 to win the small- Walker of Toronto, coach of Can-| . | This year, nowever. the. Font. % rothro, was calling into the press) LOS ANG bourne, signs an. auto: | bore rifle contest at the Olym- |ada's swimmiag team in the Mel-| PHILADELPHIA (AP) -- Com. hill girl's mastery on courses! mw ' ' " room from Santa Monica with a ELES (AP) -- Boxer for Rollie Latimer on | YM: bourne Olympics, forecast Tues- missioner Ber: Bell of the Na-|throughout North Amorir- VIARLFNE STEWART loud speaker telephonic report of Art Aragon's lawyer, Paul Caruso arrival with other mem- | pics. |day night Russia will be a power tional Football League said Thurs-|tured public acclaim. cia toll bd "a day's activities as sports| said Friday that Art will have lin swimming in the 1960 Olympics. day he had received a categorical] It was swelled to a pes : # writers asked th t {nothing to say for a few da Walker arrived here by plane denial! from Norb Hecker of Wash- 22 when, her putter clicking wit, Aug. 23 after 10 hours and 39 i»'» 'ruin we spheres of golf, tennis, | With ne questions. bo ) ys from Honolulu where he spent a ington Redskins that Hecker ever(the precision of an electronic|lites in the tide-gripped channel. swimmiug and diving, track and ithout identifying himself, For.| about the alleged fixed fight that week's holidav after the Games. | took part in a money pool with the computer, she fought back to take Pefeated in her first exhausting field, skiing and gymnastics. |rest Evashevski, coach of oppos-| Wasn't held as scheduled in an Walker said although Russia payoff going' to the player who the U.S. fitle. Four down after 24 attempt on the strait two weeks Others nominated: Ing Towa, took over the phone and|Antonio, Tex., last Tuesday night "" | didn't win any medals in Olympic | "got" Bobby Layne of Detroit! holes, she rallied to defeat Joanne |¢arlier, she stroked across in| Olympic swimmers Vir- in Work. ark P Dick : Gold > 4 |swimming in. Melbourne, "their |Lions. | Gunderson, 17-year-old U.S. junior|record time to become the fifth ginla Grant, Tcronto, Helen Stew-| ,nc"< Seriousness inquired: bo ic stein, Los Angeles | swimmers and divers, from my Bell said he called the Redskins | champion, 2 anc 1 in Indianapolis. |sWimmer and second woman to art, Vancouver, Sara Barber, Tommy, what type defence er who claims Aragon con- B G H C b 11 observations at least, showed they office and had Hecker, a former he victo1v added another Inaster the strip between Van-| Brantford, Ont., and Beth Whit-|are you going to use?" | spired with him by offerin him Y €0. . amp e will be well up with the world in end with Toronto Arsorats, sum. hor to her bumper collection of couver Island and the mainland. tall, Montreal; Oly m pic track| Obviously recognizing Eyys| 500 to, take a dive. a Ry the 1960 Games at Rome." moned. The commissioner said ¥ titles, including the British Wom-|DIVER IS FIFTH {competitors Diane Matheson, voice, and without a pause, Pro- SPORTS EDITOR "There were Russian observers asked the Washington defensive en's Open, the Canadian Open| Another story of water - borne Moncton and Montreal, Dorothy thro just as seriously replied: sinant ecretary of the state mmission. |at the Olympic pool every day. pack five questions and received and close and the Ontario Ama- courage earned .Irene MacDonald Kozak, Calgary and Winnipeg,| 'w, {They studied techniques of coach-|flat "nos" to each. peur. |of Hamilton fifth place in the poll. (and Eleanor Haslam, Saskatoon; | e will use an 116-3 defence." Texas has banned both Aragon ing and swimm.ng of the Austral- [ayne suffered a concussion in, Marlene, born in Cereal. Alta.,/The 23-year-old diver became the distance swimmers Shirley Camp-| and Goldstein, but California won't « "RU , | a 2vbpY PARKER has Yeclingd ol you oan believe what you, n. Americans and others. They {ast Sunday's Chicago ~Bear-De- moved with her family to Font. first Canadian ever to win an bell, Fergus, Ont, and Toronto, | . concur until it receives and stud- Sig ntract to coac e Detroit Lions in the z1¢6 took films troit Western Conference title hill, a village near Welland, in|Olympic medal in women's aqua- and Brenda Fisher Grimsby, u & Nl er les the finding of the Texas ath- National Football League and the reason given is his disgust at game, and ater Hecker was 1946. tic competition when, sobbing England; golfer Rae Milligan, letic commission, and until both deliberate dirty play prevalent in the NFL. From various corners quoted by a Washington paper as Marilyn Bell. maintaining a rec- with the pain of a mauscle-torn | Jasper, Alta.; Olympic gymnast boxers have been questioned at npw, we are learning that teams in the past have made an out-and- HOCKEY SCORES saying Los Angeles Rams--a club ord of one heroic success each shoulder, she placed third in Ernestine Russell, Windsor, Ont.; | length here. : out attempt to put certain rival opponents out of action by extra {Hecker once played with--organ- summer, stumbled out of the springboard diving at Melbourne. and tennis star Mrs. Hanna Sla-| op ugger Aragon's lawyer said his client vigorous tackles, For Commissioner Bell to put on a noble front lized a pool to stop Layne. Strait of Juan de Fuca at Victoria! The selectors named 17 athletes deck, Montreal was upset "over the untrue and now and proclaim that such never happens, that all is sweet, serene AND STANDINGS LE. p2i the five questions put gpa NEW YORK (AP)--Duke Snider Irresponsible charges" and has > e n placed under sedation on abd "gven gentle, in the National Football League, is of course a | .: , 4 c jake. Maybe the U.S. football folk could eliminate a lot of theirl By THE CANADIAN PRESS |. Po You msver ou aimed Buddy Parker N NE Ey Ess Nation fa| orders of his personal physielan. so-called dirty play, we are referring to the '"'delayed" tackles, WLT A Pl | stopeing Layne? slugging percentage with a .508 fi. FOR 30 DAYS BEE Ss re a i ee ht ei DR 5 os drone outa ws sect Not Going Back ihe hn ls Fr' SR al en enforce the rules. * aga e's a g"-- pool designe: stop any player? | g -- led a ales triple of 735, for the win-| Jo& Al y e Aragon's $7" 3" Did you ever participate in » JTIELGALEITS GE TEAGUE (sila 4 vies tpi wie Adcock ot Mimaskes Braves 51% may be just a jokey, wise-crack, on this side of the border but jt's | Montreal money pool among Los Angeles To Coach Lio ns Dummies 13, Head Pins 13, Tipsters 1.,| High Triples: Bea Ross 735, Pete|averages based on total bases di.| At Austin, Tex. state boing : New York bécoming evident that in pro football, that's exactly the policy that g p y policy Toronto players to get any player? {Spares 11, Stinkers 10, Rockets 5 and Tomachuck 357, Eve Walte 519, May | vided by total at bats. Others near| commissioner H. B. Morgan sald: i€ being followed. Chicago 1 : 8 { 4. Do you kaow of any player | Falcons 3 Rushferd 516. Major League baseball men have finally decided to make Friday's Result : Jiciously trying 'to 1 | High Triples: Don Taylor 843 (286, ; {the top were Hank Aaron of Mil-| "It's another case of a big-time .a few rule changes, with a view of speeding up their baseball |New York 3 icag0 2 ie aauzY Fying to injure RIEL Bogpind PL BS i K zo5 2 Campbell TO a, 0)! Eve Watt 217, Nellie: 223, 'Pete 301. "* \waukee and Biiiy 2 inson of Hgnter not wanting to take a 5 | ' " fy . Fak ? | Lei Le had try today. rgs, . each, and jgames--and like a lot more ball fans, we hasten to comment Tonight's Games 5. Did you ever so injure an-| pg 440) parker, 43-year-old Texan 701 (308, 237); Jack Dixon 684 (283, y Cl VILE Site Bo, Peggy 96, Vera Willie Mays of New York Glants, fitle-time fighter. ined by a 557. . . " ' | ; "Amen". If they'd do something fo curtall this needless and Detroit at Montreal [other plaver? ~~ | oyonoe made less money coach. |2id)s Nancy Parks es (88, 27); Ron) ep aith 73, Ingabore 75. | Yorsre's ot ennishment eat EL Tagen wasteful business of throwing the ball around the infield, "right |Boston at Toronto ges i it L than Bo MecMil-! #64 (204, 210, 250); Buck Team Standing: Polecats 24, Hepcats| around the horn", after every putout, every foul ball and with | Sunday's Games DE EO ohn them. has | Jackson 86% (23%, 20); Grant Hardy 662 18, Wildcats. 16 and Puddycats 14. | Snider also showed the way in| following a grand jury investiga- 'somis teams, after alniost every pitch--then they'd be doing |Montreal at Detroit Western Prexy everyone guessing on whether he'll| (292. 219); Jack Hainer 697 32, BL] pr wing Will Tesume. on Jan. 7 at 7.00 oat walks 99, including a record tion. 'something worthwhile. They're going to give the pitcher only 20 joronte 3 Ne ik return as the National Football | pattman 830 (279, 203); Don Dean 62 AaRANEs MES LEAGUE kh nications) pastes. The previ. fh. Concluded Jht arvaige- Fa # ig | (225, 3 R 5 ; § Los iscoonds to throw the ball--after he gets it back from the | League team's head coach. (B/E, 2) MEE a set by Ted Kluszewski in 1955. |between these two boys for | | H 3 Ernie Peeling 619 (235); Harry Kellar| myouse us this week if we fall to scatoher. That's good--but what if he doesn't get it right back P ts F g 957. |609 (287); Phyllis MeLennon 608 (215, br hit ht Soin " ] " "irons the catcher--but has to walt while it goes around his infield? Foi Inger After a whirlwind of activities (3, "30S, Pilg melon "Dyer 606 116. oi *hews and not mach space. + © lend post, one of Clucinnati's|stein to take a dive," Morgan sald. Pis 1 Hi t to B. Royle 791 eading home run hitters, struck| "I don't think there is any doubt "Batters are not going to be allowed to step out of their box, . a : igh Scores went to B. Royle 291° (307.( ot more times th . t " 5 38 t 226, 240, s than any other Na-| but that is what happened. Sonce the pitcher is in set position or has begun his windup. 3 1g our 227 Fi Tg . tional Leaguer. 124. In contrast.) wforgan said both fighters took "How-about making the pitcher take his turn in the batter's circle, WINNIPEC (CP). Rarl Siod D : ! alker | C09: 334. 200); W. Borrowdale 605 (266, Don Mueller of the Glants, who|yio deisetor tests orranged by San Jhe same as anybody else, instead of giving him the special Tlcomb, president of the esters ht i W. Moseir 633 SPeCializes in place hitting, fanned antonio police. rivilege of staying on the bench until the pitcher is ready 10 [Owen Sound 6 17 1 13 Interprovinclal Football Un 1 o n,|Sonference, (BI Bre Mary + a1); A Borrowdale 83) (201, 206, valy eve times. "he test Tevealed Aha "Shrew to him. | Friday's Resul | main unanswered: 235, N. Morton 23 629 (230, 225); 8. McKinley 626 (202, 223, The PR UISED elle target was stein's ' story was substan % h od that both Art| sald Thursday night the Grey Cup 1. How badly, if at all does [Milne 204, 212. | . J . ly, . , 212. id. y 3 G. 2 5 BRIGHT BITS: Abe J. Green has announc Windsor 4 Chatham 0 will not return to the East utd parker att 10 stay on as. head) diterty 2. 2 Edith Ryan 198 a [BD J. Blake 614 (222, 204); G. Wilson Robinson, struck pr by truthful and Arages's wel there . t rd Aragon and Dick Goldstein, should be suspended for life, if the Owen Sound 4 Stratford 7 |efticials of the Big Four Football coach? 2. How much are the Lions Jack Hainer 215. | "Over 200: L. Corson 219, L. Borrow- | Pitched balls, a a tixed-fight scandal is uncovered . . . PONZI CONTANT, one of Saturday's Games Union put their house in order. illin Winners of the chicken roll were as ox g to pay to keep the man " mn, N Parks, dale 245, P. Wright 245, U. Allison 244, In the team res Cincinna lacrosse greats of Cornwall and also a star performer in pro Stratford at Kitchener amb tod a meeting ol the who has guided them fo three di-|ToLo%s: Marg Compe, vor. Mystery | M. Whyte 344, 223, F. Roche 237, B. Par. had the best slu pion al in- My: . yte hijekey ranks, died Yesterday at the age of 37 . . . BOSTON BRUINS Chatham at Owen Sound ] vision titles in six years? 3. What scores: Phyllis Liscombe and H. Kellar. rish 227, J. Jonassen 224, J. Anderson ,n; pron FEE Po ms Maple Leafs Gardens tonight and no fewer than seven Sunday's Games [ogy Houtball Cb te Jager prompted Parker to announce that| EE 222, M. MeNeill 222, D. | yn most OP T ig852™ Basaa> N J. Allison 209, O. Teatro tgntional walks. 91, and unded | rifbérs of the Boston team formerly wore Toronto Lesfs' livery . . Kitchener at Windsor equipment "but they have not pro-|® would not ask the board for a er in |into the most double Re | ch could mean something or other, when it comes to deciding OHA Senior A { gressed in their thinking to the contract renewal? . bo Armourers 3, Com-| Thirteen major league records Ypich club does the best in the matter of horse-trading . JACKIE Eastern Division |stage where everything they do is| AT END OF MONTH {a League | was the top golfer for 1956 in the U.S. circuit . . . ST. W LT F A Pts. for the good of the Big Four and the sea- KITTS' Board of Park Management (in charge of their arena, there) whithy 14 7 99 Canadian football." X "Look what happens is mighty irked over the recent rough publicity they got from the Belleville 12 8 | 5: Ope i OHA Junior "A" Council meeting that insigted St. Kitts clean up Cornwall 11 18 0 91 waa Soden hi pie ge ABT Mi They ly Hivers of One record chat may stand for their hockey home . . . EDMONTON ESKIMOS have been named Kingston 814 3 Turkey Winners: B. Royle 791, E. Cor JCATS Was the feat of isburgh + S: ? 5 s were | X-Ottawa 8 4 5 17 P son 729, D. Smart 667, J. Sackett 747, Dale Long who hit homers in ei as Canada's top sport team of 1956 and Montreal Canadiens were|p 3b, 7 14 8 5% Moseir 632, R. Burr 542, J. Blake consecutive games. Red Schoendi- second in the voting . . . KARL SLOCOMB, president of the Western | o eligible for -Dlavoffs hanged 614, L. Gilbert 5%, J. Allison 564, F.|enst of St. Louis and New York Interprovincial Football Union, has stated that the Grey Cup is Friday's Results high | Rocke 489, J .Teatro 434, M. McNeilliget 3 new mark for fielding at ing to stay in Western Canada until such times as the Big Four WwW! : | : second base, .9934: Robin Roberts going hitby 4 Kingston 10 Chicken Winners: J; Bowman, W.bor-\of Philadelphia Phillies allowed officials and clubs start operating on a sensible, business- like basis. conwal) 2 Belleville 4 a 4 p----r ttt Tonight's G | hs h, 1 an any other onight's Games rvi pitcher in history, 46; and Junior Cornwall at i wall at Whitby OB and L) 724, J Ristich (Dixons) 722, | the fest! Gilliam -of Brooklyn made 12 as- - " > ~ Belleville at Pembroke riz : 7 4 Expect More Pitchers hy Come | : EE A a Belleville at Cornwall 686, B. Barry (Collis) 681. D. Stiles) Glad to see a better attendance this game. KLING (Pedlars) 681, W. Katocs (OME) oh. R. | Sn win all Friday night, 8.0; Sats. R SON FIGHT MIS » | NOHA Senior A |pame each year." ward dirty football" in the NFL |vandewalker (Seven-Up) 678, BATTLES FOR WIM. oui T No Windu S le | SOUTHERN Group | = |and confessed he had been think. (Ward's Auto Supply) 81. K. Tagaart|Mess -- Sing of the B.C, branch of WLT F A Pts.| COACH RESIGNS |ing of "getting out of pro football" | (Coullers) 858, V, wlarkey s Off 1W. "Australia repared its swim STEPHENSON'S : ; [North Bay 20 7 1113 74 41| ST. THOMAS (CP)--Keith Kew- for quite some time. | And now we would 1ike to wish » very Swim Official Wants 1 ae NEW Br ACK AND Berra ch viges thal Sam Jones, Sormer Sudbury 1514 2122 8 32|ley resigned Thursday night as) hethe; Parker has joule UP Merry Christmas and a Happy New . e : i for tne Simpis by Jonas NE (AP)--Yog hiCiicate Cub wio recently was Sault, Ont. 13 16 3 92 133 29 coach of St. Thomas Royals, Sen-|his mind to get out of the game. |Year from the whole executive to all fuetralian Technique h hd Spe aining camp GARAGE expects to see several pitchers fol- traded to St. Louis, also Sault, Mich. 10 20 1101 125 21 jor B club in the Ontario Hockey|Or Whether he is dissatisfied with) the members of the league . six months before the Games," he lowing the lead of Don Larsen and ported planning to use the dew Friday's Result | lobo {the club and its terms is not clear. | ee you on Jan. 8, 1957. Adopted By Canadians said. "The four best coaches in 15 CHURCH ST. Bop Purley, his Now Yort Yankee mokion, Burra tald, ha tewt] now Sault, Ont. 1 Sudbury 3 | He gave no reason except that/It is believed that his present con-| CAT LEAGUR VANCOUVER (CP)--An official me Aoumiry Were huiee aud Yar 3x RA 50522 ggg I: season. [he Is a big guy who throws hard North a' Ups Game (Derhaps a change might do the JER Jets Jin in le ReIhbOT | ht bowling was & litle off form tial othe Canadian Swimming Asso- Toni 2H van 8 roiling of 3 - hitey i, leading and has contro: trouble Maybe it Sunday's G. {team goo e Royals are fifth hments for attendance, [Christmas spirit, no doubt ciation here said Thursday he will ---------- , Berra and w jtey Ford, Jona p re deg North Bay ay vin in the six-team group [oonus attachmen r allen "|. The lucky chicken winners were Nillle press for Canadian adoption of the | merican League » , . y ' . - -- { A Yankee Stadium Wednesday to, Berra, 31, was the most valuable | Some day he wants a multiple: |iysters scores Dorothy Kresel 143, (Australian method to produce sign their 1957 contracts. Although player i, Be jae three years OHA Junior A P Stamford 3 Weliand-Crowland 4 |year contract. The Lions haven't] The Hepeats took_three points trom chaiipion Swimmers, tended th general manager George Weiss of and finished second to teammate 3 Ontario Senior B {extended such a pact to a coach|the Wildcats with Evelyn Waite being) Cliff Sangster, who attende e H MH the Yanks and both players held Mickey Mantle in 1956. He batted Guelph 40 Exeter 5 Woodstock 1 [since they hired McMillin on a NER (GF the winners 'with 519 trile.| Melbourne Olympics at which Aus- Are You Thinking About their ground and wouldn't admit|.298, hit 30 homers and drove in Marlboros 29 Saskatchewan Junior {five-year deal in 1948. and three 47s triple |tralians walked away with most a thing, it was reported--or maybe 105 runs. In the series he smashed St. Cath 12 11 24 gagkatoon 1 Regina 6 {seasons later paid off the final] The Polecats whitewashed the Puddy. Of the swimming medals, said he [ guessed is the better word--that/three homers set a record with St. Michael's 10 9-3 § 23 Manitoba Junior two wears of the contract, ° cats by taking four points. Bea Ross will present his ideas to the Jan.| 2 Berra will be paid $58,000 and 10 runs batted in and batted .360. Hamilton 212 ; 3 Winnipeg Monarchs 7 Wpg Barons President Edaw'n J Anderson - -- mm---- - - | | 7 ™ Ford about $35.000 next season. |His lifetime average is .294. x-Ottawa 21 stated flatly that he offered Park A pitcher has got to be a big/ NOT FOR FORD {Barrie 518 ; 12 Ontario Junior C ler a contract, but that "we were . h 4 Peterboro © 3 17 6 i | " fellow to get away with that no] Ford, whose 1956 record for a . Whitby 9 Lindsay 8 not able to agree on terms " " windup," said Berra 'He's got to .760 percentage was tops in the | X-Plays rg cup only - | call us' have good natural stuff like Lar- league along with his 2.47 earned Hamilton 3 'Ottawa '4 | sen or Turley run average, will have no part of go i" oh Te MIGHT HURT ARM the no-windups school. : Tonight's Game , | "And a sinker ball pitcher 'Not for me." he said. "That's Guelph at St. Catharines OIL C couldn't get by without his windup. for those big guys. Sunday's Games { I should think a fellow TRIgAE Litt Ford, 28, is a fve-loot 10, 180- Delesborough Ls Jlarfhoros his arm that way. But they know pounder while both Turley and Barrie at St. Michael's RURNERS b i : uilders of the . . y 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Idea Home of the Year more than I do about it." Larsen are well over six feet and STATHAM NORTHWAY MOTORS (Esso) | RA 5.3 539 Western League N . 1L | Berra and Ford were the first Brandon 2 Windjoer 1 , two Yanks to s.gn, accepting what | er J kKdmt Rt 5 FINEST ationa eague Weiss called good raises." Seattle 1 victdeia . ; { CANADA'S NES 3 With a world series winner and Okanagan Senior Drops Artie Gore, triple champion Mickey Mantle, Kamloops 2 Kelowna 3 Vv t U » the Yarks mav have their prob- Vernon ] Penticton 5 or B lems before they get the players Niagara District Senior eteran mpire on the line | Garden City 0 Niagara Falls 8 CINCINNAT' (AP Artie Gore - -- ret -- ---- 49, an umpire in the National = up in the 215-pound class Completely Installed 1038. SIMCOE. NORTH with 200 Gal. Tank CROWELL'S SHELL SERVICE STATION ~~ 22 BOND EAST We will be happy to give you a ! | 1 YEAR GUARANTEE VAN HEUSEN MOTORS LTD. Thursiny by lesgue president Oil Burners can be financed SARGANT'S TEXACO STATION FREE ESTIMATE S Thursday by league president through your Home Improve- 278 PARK ROAD SOUTH ane Rd male Burkhart : Best Quality Stove Oil ment Plan. 7 HARRY DOVE FINA STATION and also assist you to and Tony Venzon who have been 792 SIMCOE SOUTH signed by league % | re, who umpired previously V st LLs kc 4 the. Canadidn-Ame League and A Vigor's famous c OIL BURNER JOH 74 SIMCOE COs ATION ARRANGE FINANCING said at 1 iS OTe Fagid Pheri N . - N'S REGENT GARAGE . i n ington ® Prompt Delivery Bah, S | CLEAN Our SOUTHMEAD Shaan i : We have available Serviced Lots ideally located in Whitby al Cinoignati Giles sxpiained: " COR. RITSON ROAD AND STATION Shell) and Oshawa in "2" beautiful Subdivisions as i ve were afraid t wold t be : 4 i % | Co 1 Yaotn very. constion : VIGOR OIL C0. Limited PAY -- RA 5-1109 NIGHT -- RA 5.9567 BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES LTD. (Texaco) OUR YEARS OF EXPERIENCE IN HOME BUILDING ous in his work. That is all I care 78 BOND ST. W. OSHAWA THORNTON RD. S. 1271 SIMCOE NORTH IS AT YOUR SERVICT Ma that the action "came as the contracts of two. voung vin BOWER'S B-A SERVICE STATION to suit "YOUR REQUIREMENTS". # 2ay about the matter." I a shock." ® Courteous Service pifes we had working wi h us for Dial RA 5.1109 261 KING EAST two years in spring training If ART BOUCKLEY FINA STATION - : WE GUARANTEE OUR HOMES alr < 491 RITSON ROAD SOUTH AT VIOLA