Eu, TT 18 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Monday, December 3, Iss Wh at C au S e d [Sense Of Humor £575 FER 14 i mg 45 Miike: Seen As Vital LJ ? MONREAL (CTP) -- Mrs. i a Louisa White, planning to cel- jghrate, her 3o0up bizthday. Sunday, SOMETIMES WHAT YOU DON'T He's wrong, but that won't patch said Friday that a healthy sense KNOW CAUSES AN ACCIDENT |you up after an accident! of humor helped her reach the Claire Paget slowed down to| Stay at least one car length be- Century mark. fifteen miles an hour when she|hind the car ahead for every ten, Eyes atwinkle. as "though to saw the flashing red light in the|miles of speed. For example, at prove the statement, she ob- intersection ahead. As she entered|50 miles an hour, stay at least served: es : the intersection, a car coming |five car lengths back. | "I don't like modern dancing from the right barreled into the| Pay attention to road Sigs, Sig: er never wag much of a right front fender of Claire's car. pals =m ar kings. They help Engh she. iv confined to ted SOMETIMES NOT KNOWING IN AN EMERGENCY at a Presbyterian nursing home, | WHAT TO LOOK FOR CAUSES i | The most skilled driver may PlIFS€S sav her mind is keen, and | AN ALCIDENT a0 is. 'The find himself in an emergency She 1S Song fhe Lveliest res- lt, AL appened a' scorits. The alo through no faut of his SCT" O° OF her dauehiers i oy the ok eg than thirty he tips on how) mother regoiarly. ; 2 ad feet sfead biiric. Tauski's conditions: | _ Sunday Mrs. 'White's four chil- : If your car skids and the rear| brakes. His car swerved sharply h 3 | JAIL TERM: 10 MINS.- into one going the opposite way. wheels slide toward the ditch, steer in the direction of the skid., OKLAHOMA CITY (AP)--A 28- SOMETIMES AN ACCIDENT Don't jam on your brakes -- pump | year-old former Marine Tuesday STARTS BUILDING UP BEFORE | them easily. received the shortest sentence ever YOU GET IN YOUR CAR . . .| If a tire blows out at high speed, handed down in a federal court Jack Ryan couldn't even get the| don't jam on your brakes. Grip |here--10 minutes in jail. Judge storekeeper to listen to his sales-|the wheel firmly to keep control | Ross. Rizley gave that sentence to talk. Mad 'as a hornet, Jack jump-| and let the engine do most of the Robert Ernest Wells for illegally ed into his car, stomped on the|job of stopping you. Apply brakes wearing a Marine uniform. The gas and roared off . . . to his| carefully, pumping them so they | judge noted Wells had been in cus- accident. do not lock. . tody for 28 days while the charge The names are fictituious --| If another car's headlights shine Was being processed. but the accidents are real. They|into your eyes at night, look to the = illustrate three chief causes of| right hand edge of the road as a|jybricated. Check your tires, automobile accidents, Claire didn't| guide. Don't try to stare through prakes, cooling system and stor- | know what a flashing red signal|the lights -- don't try to match age battery before starting. Long means -- that's ignorance of traf-|the other driver glare for glare! high-speed driving is hard on |fic regulations. George didn't] In general. remember that it's them. | know what to do in an emergency | best not to apply brakes hard at| SKILL ALONE NOT ENOUGH -- that's lack of driving skill. | the same time that you're making These skills are only the first Jack was working off his anger|a sharp change of direction. step in making yourself a safe on the highway -- a bad attitude] DRIVING ON SUPER- driver. Other articles in this series for a driver. HIGHWAYS {will discuss traffic regulations and IT'S UP TO TilE DRIVER Normally traffic congestion and | driver attitudes, among other sub- | You can draw one important regulations keep most of us driv-| jects : | conclusion from these facts: if|ing short distances at low speeds., Meanwhile, remember that you | you have an accident it will prob-|On super-highways you must ad-| spend a lot of time at the wheel. {ably be your own fault. It isn't|just to a whole new set of condi- Make it a point of personal pride a pleasant thought, but insuranceions. . to be a 100% safe driver -- 999% | company statistics back it up| Everything happens much fasi- : not be enough! ; ' strongly. They show that three-| eT: for example. You'll find your- ---- | fourths of all accidents occur on|self gaining on the car ahead | dry roads in clear weather, and|faster than you realize. | that over 90% of the cars in- | Also, long straight stretches volved apparently were in good|tend to become montonous, espe- condition before the accident. | cially during hot or rainy weather Take George's case for exam-|Or at night. And your new car ple. Certainly the driver of the Probably just purrs along at 50. blue car was at fault, even though| It's so easy to slide up to 60 or 7 : he may never be brought into|70 without noticing. And so dan- SELF SERVICE MADE EASIER ir sstsesed SAAT George now. | Don't stare intently at the road But if George had been a really| ahead and hypnotize yourself. oi li , ou " i vith m design | fit in chromium frame like a with thrilling new "sheer look" | lines merge with roo g Be Prigaaires "sneer skillful driver he might well have | Look left, right and in your ra: | seen some warning sign that the| View mirror from time to time. for 1957 practically hands food | and present exciting built-in look" for '57 is just ome of the to homemaker. Clean, un-.| possibilit fies. Refriger- many attractions at the GM A . Buy Now - Pay Later! » Get cash promptly for shopping needs, seasonal expenses, or other good purposes. Repay monthly, after the busy season has ended. Enjoy pleasant, friendly service at BENEFICIAL. CASH IN 1 VISIT Phone first--give a few simple facts--then, by appointment, come in for cash in one visit to office. BILL CONSOLIDATION SERVICE AT NO EXTRA COST Let us show you how to clean up old bills, reduce high monthly payments, have ¥hore cash left over. Phone for 1-visit loan, write or come in today! We like to say "Yes!" when you ask for a loan! Loans $50 to $2500 on Signature, Furniture or Aute NEW NAME! Personal Finance Co. is now called BENEFICIAL FINANCE CO. Only the nome has been changed! NOW! UP TO 30 MONTHS TO REPAY! You can mew streich your payments over 30 months on loans ever $500. ~ ® 11% SIMCOE ST., N., 2nd FI. (Over Bank of Nova Scotia), OSHAWI Phone: RA 3-4687 « Ask for the YES MANager OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT -- PHONE FOR EVENING HOURS Because of numerous and widespread requests for additional and more convenient shopping hours EATON"S n OSHAWA will be Self-service at the super- market couldn't be easier, This | A | i | Make frequent rest st t 14.1cubic«foot Frigidaire re- the highway. Was. there someone q ops to in the driver's seat? That imme. | break up long driving stretches. | sR PE TR BAT ERCR: BS SN bebe CC blue car was about to move onto| Vary your speed. frigerator-freezer combination A cluttered, square-up styling | ator-freezer doors are inset and Egypt Being Egyptianized By Removing Alien Influences EDS Note: This dispatch is by an Associated Press correspon- dent who has just arrived in Rome from Cairo, where he was stationed during the British- French landing in Egypt. Egyp- tian censorship prevented trans- mission of this revealing dis- patch from Egypt. By EDWIN SHANKE ROME (AP) -- An Egyptian po- liceman rolled down the shutters of a French bookstore in the heart of Cairo one day soon after the British-French assault on Egypt began. It symbolized how the at-| British and French firms no court. tists, lawyers, pharmacists, engi- neers and architects have been dropped from their associations. This means they can no longer work in Egypt Egyptian auditors have replaced their British and French leagues in business British and French with monopol- izing this profession "because the British and French in a coun- try where their influence has been for decades. a dominant : = | French technicians Egyptianization'" is the new ations by watchword of President Nasser's Reinsurance oper Ny regime. Behind the headlines Egyptian companies, form erly about Port Said and the UN emer- handled through London, are gency police force, a thorough being shifted to other markets, purge of all British-French influ- especially Switzerland and West ence and interests is taking place, Germany. An Egyptian authority from the business world through claimed Britain's net annual profit the professions, schools and cul- from the business had been ap- tural activities of every descrip proximately £50.0 . tion. Even history is being rewrit- REWRITE TEXT BOOKS toy, 3s in ud it ae on Dep bt a cation Minister 1 Fo 'i amed Nabih announced e Sol a ance of all cultural relations with dented in Egypt's long history. Britain and France. He > d ye: The process goes ahead stead porters his ministry was ily, mainly under Egyptian mili- ing all English and Frene boo ay a - . - (and syllabuses now in use In oo A Bag gn fond 3 schools and universities through- 4 i "| out Egypt with a view to remov- ish-French-Israeli assault began. on Eeyp them any trace con- ikea Sujets classed She Bry nected with Britain and France a ench a 3 a- history." tionals,"" provided for the confis- guy ther a 7) Bools. or those cation of their assets and prohib-| = BOOKS usec in schoo's, g Se ited transactions with British and 8iven readers for their Zeneral French citizens knowledge, should contain the hor- Ee 0 . rible facts now exposed by the REPLACE EXECUTIVES British and French aggression Egyptians appointed by the min- against Egypt, which prove that ister of finance replaced "he man- their claim to civilization and in- agers of firms controlled by the fluence of human progress is British and French. A wmber of nothing but pretense. The course banks. and wholesale and retail|of instruction now will have to firms were affected. Shell Oil, one conform to nationalism." of Britain's biggest Suterprises in ' English and French-run schools gypt, was among them he added, "from now on will be Responsible informants zaid 'no 100 per cent Egyptian in every one, apart perhaps from a few respect." authorities, really knows what is. French cultural penetration was going to happen pending some particularly deep in Egypt and the Heal Sgrega Sewlement, fectinic Sdgred Siasses commonly nsed /, the Egyptians cou 0 prac- the French language until they tically anything with the busi- recently began turning more and nesses--sell them, give .hem away more to Arabic or even reor ize the firms d run them themselves." *ms ANC) HISTORY REWRITTEN rrent factor .s the fact Ahmed Khaki, new head of Vic- tain has frozen more toria College, one of Egypt's old- than £100,000,000 ($280,000,000' in| est English schools, was appointed Egyptian assets. Meantime, Brit- head of a commission to "egyp- ish-French businesses ire in the tianize" more than 150 foreign hands of Egyptiar schools and institutes in the coun- Estimates of the total value of try. He told the weekly Al Tahrir: the businesses affected range all. "We'll teach the students about the way from £75,000,000 «0 £350,- the Egypt of the revolution . 000,000 Teach them to hate the English. Finance Minister Abdel Moneim . Teach them the history of Kaissouny, has instructed banks Port Said resistance and explain to furnish every facility to E -'to them we are the enemies of tian citizens wishing to acquire England and that innocent chil- shares of "enemy" companies un- dren like them Jave been killed der sequestration to ensure 'that in battle and that we should take they are "speedily egyptianized."' revenge for them." dismissed all its NEED FLOWERS FOR ANY OCCASION? pr The government has culed that : longer can sue in any Egyptian British and French doctors, den- | professional | The ministry of communications | British and ; sever- « " tn 1 Prince Finally Motorama. #4 Gets To Altar col-| firms. The #% newspaper Al Ahram charged the ? : | firms feared their secrets would | tack on Egypt has backfired on become known to the Egyptians." ' AT LAST Snow has taken a long time coming in most parts of Canada, but residents of Barrie, Ont., know that it has finally arrived. Fourteen inches fell within a few hours and Patsy Collins, five, was one of many out with a shovel clearing the sidewalks. "| from a hotel | COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (AP) -- The marriage of Mrs. Jane Tomberlain, 4, of Denver, and Prince Samuel Crownings- burg-Amalu, 37, took place Fri- day after a 48-hour delay. The Prince, who describes him-| | self as a member of the tradi- tional ruling family of Hawaii, said Thursday in Dallas, Tex., he 'had been "kidnapped" by rela- tives who wanted to delay the marriage. He flew to Colorado | Springs Friday from Dallas. Mrs. Tomberlin former wi | an oil man, was left waiting at the altar Wednesday in Denver. But a planned reception went ahead | without the bridegroom The || groom purchased a turquoise ring, at the hotel's Indian shop for use in the ceremony. Afterward he threw $10 in difnes bers of his family attended, ap- parently reconciled. SINGAPORE (AP) -- | diately puts the car in the class] of a loaded gun -- something to be approached with great care. | It might go off! Was there a spurt of smoke from the exhaust? Had the front wheels just turned to- window, an old : wh Hawaiian custom. About 20 mem- stops or turns without signalling. | | | ron seme. seen 0€11ING Up Nights Police in ward the highway? Skilled driv- ers look for such tell-tale"signs. TIPS ON SKILLFUL DRIVING Here are some hints for you, if you'd like to be known as a| skillful driver When a reckless driver tries to| pass you in a no-passing zone, on| a curve or near the brow of a| hill, slow down and let him go.! Pull over to. the right -- even onto the shoulder if it's safe and you have room. There's no point in ° | trying to '*'teach him a lesson." | | He'll learn sooner or later -- per-| ' haps too late, maybe the hard | way. Be wary of children playing on or near the road, and give cyel-| | ists a wide berth. Keep well to the right on curves and on rough or slippery roads. Never jam on your brakes under | such conditions. Watch out for the driver who "or quick comforting help for Backache, Johore state said Wednesday night | Rheumatic Pains, Getting Up Hights, SION they had located 160 of more than|ang joss of cloudy urine, irritating passages, Leg Pains 1300 Chinese and Malay fishermen |Biadder trou {| reported missing after gales swept "| away 80 fishtraps off the east | coast of Malaya Monday. A LATE MODEL TYPEWRITER Walmsley & Magill Phone RA 5-3506 OSHAWA one from any other consumer finance YOU'LL FIND FLORISTS tells another "Borrow with confidence More Canadians recommend Household Finance than found that HFC puts forth a special effort to help them solve their money problems. or a cash loan, HFC's highly trained staff is ready to serve them. If a loan is needed for a good purpose, they may borrow up to $1000 in one day, with up to 24 complete sati 900 Pnillion CYSTEX tablets used prove safety, success. Don't suffer another day without asking your druggist for CYBTEX man HFC" company because they have Whether they desire advice months to repay. So, if you have money problems, visit HFC--the first and most recommended in its field. SAMPLE TABLE You may borrow with confidence from HFC os | YOU RECEIVE | PAYMENTS $105.78 $10.00 308.38 $10.68 756.56 MONTHLY NUMBER OF MONTHS | | 12 | 24.00 5 | 27.00 24 4000 | 24 Stay in the right hand lane when not passing. Signal before you change direction. Remember, cars coming up from behind you are travelling very fast, too. Keep this fact in mind: at 60 miles an hour it will take you over 300 feet to make a full stop -- that's the length of a football field. Stay back! Don't be a "slow-poke'; that can cause accidents, too. Adjust your speed to that of the other traffic. Stay alert without tightening up. The trick is to enjoy your driving Then you don't miss anything, yet you avoid the tiring effect of ten on. Be sure your car is properly Wed., Dec. 5 Thurs., Dec. 13 Thurs., Dec. 20 OPEN UNTIL © p.m. on the following dates Fri., Dec. 7 Fri., Dec. 14 Fri., Dec. 21 Wed., Dec. 12 Wed., Dec. 19 Fri., Dec. 28 Store hours also apply to Eaton's Telephone Order Service "T.EATON Cm '50 YEARS OF PROGRESS * Medical science continues te advance well beyond the far- sighted concept, of even the most optimistic predictions of a few years ago. Electricity makes much of that progress possible. Today, doctors use electricity in a variety of ways, from diagnosis to treat- ment. Specialized lighting and electrical aids to surgery make possible intricate operations ur- dreamed of half a century ago. The X-ray, perhaps electricity's great- est single contribution te medicine, has itself assisted in saving ~ thousands of lives, Electricity's role in medicine is certain to me increasingly im- portant and its arms fo greater as more electronic aids come into general use. It is another important way in which electricity, the silent co-worker in so many projects, is continually being used to help provide higher standards of health, living and prosperity for us all. Ontario Hydro will continue to provide adequate supplies of power to meet the needs of our hospitals, homes. farms and industries. &> HOUSEHOLD FINANCE | THE HYDRO FAMILY ASSURES YOUR ELECTRICAL FUTURE yo King Street East, second floor, telephone RA 5-6526 1%2 Simcoe St. South, second floor, phone RA 5-1139 OSHAWA, ONT.