a a RR LLL NUMBERS Weather Forecast Classified Advertising RA 3-3492 ; - Light snowflurries tonight, clearing : Thursd ing. Col i AD Other Calls....... RA 3-3474 Combining The Oshawa Times and Whitby Gazette and Chronicle r3day. morning. Colder tonighh mpg Weta... Authorized As Fim Mall "> OSHAWA-WHITBY, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1956 JEWISH HOSTAGES S| British Ask Investigation Bradt Gets 2 WN By Red Cross Officials | ® 5 : i ; dl PORT SAID, Egypt (AP) -- A None has been heard from since. 1 { ) e gy ; British official has appealed for a|British-French troops landed in : Red Cross investigation of reports |the canal zone Nov. 5. { at the Egyptian secret police] Coe said the secret police seized By BARRY STEVENS [trict farm Bradt had worked for 3 are holding one member of each|a number of Jewish leaders in Special to The Times-Gazette) the first year of his escape from A Jewish family in Port Said host-|raids in other Egyptian cities. | PERTH. Ont, -- William Bradt custody; Frank W. Simmons, 3 a age. i Israel's foreign minister, Mrs. | was back in familiar surround- general production foreman at 4 § of The Red Cross inquiry was re- Golda Meir, sent an appeal to the ings to -- a prison cell. the Werner plant; G. A. Pater- 5 : quested by Harry Coe, British con- | head of the United Nations Gen- The 43-year-o.d aluminum com- son, president of Local 2784, sul in Port Said, as other protests eral Assembly asking intervention nany worker who lived a respec- United Steelworkers of America: on were raised against reported (on behalf of the Jewish commun- table life in Oshawa for six years R. J. Britton, personnel mana- 5 Egyptian plans to deport British, |ity in Egypt. She said some 30,-| until his recen* arrest was sen-|ger at Werners: and Ray Kay, Fi nch and Jewish residents from 000 Jews are liable to be deported | tenced yesterday to nine months!2l; co-owner with Bradt of a Egypt. and declared such action would] definite and three months indefi- home in Oshawa and a fellow Egypt has denied that any mass | violate the human rights provision | expulsion is planned and said Brit-|of the UN charter. nite for his escape from the Lan- employe at Weiners. € s I : Judge Wilson told Bradt he had ish. and French nationals were| Earlier reports received in Is- ark County jail in 1950. STARTING A LIFE OF FREEDO The uty ail in 19 Rose by, 'earned these friends who spoke placeq Laer "restricted resi- rael Find Egypt Sontemplateq the " : : at's 1 in Mi x 1 sarian Y Mitwauk «sx Lanark County Judge F. W. Wil-, for you " His Lordship said it was ence' or their own protection. expulsion of a ews-->50, per- ot ging their national Suthem, i Joel I Miwatkee uti 3 ans in Tiwsukes, S2Y son following 'a hearing at which "too bad" that a man such as Coe said he cabled the British | sons both Egyptian and non-Egyp- the airport in Milwaukee Wis- | ent homes, Charles O'Neill, a s an on six of Bradt's friends and busi- Bradt who had reformed himself foreign office asking intervention | tian. . . | THOMAS ALMOND consin, after a two-day plane | director of the Milwaukee St. | 100 individua i "more of- Ness associates irom Oshawa tes- "should go back to jail. by neutral Switzerland to find out| A Greek steamship arrived in| trip from Vienna, Austria. The | Vincent de Paul Society, which = fers" are comit tified as character witnesses in However, ary foniing) sen: : fom President Nasser Xiat has! Athens With 400 British, French \: . sdated | sponsored the arrival 'of. the 2 United Press Phot his favor tence would make a mockery of happened to the missing Jews. |and Jewish passengers. Some said | refugees will be accommodated | spons arrive foe _-nred Tress Thol0, Bradt pleaded guilty yesterday the principle of deterrence in the um. ts wom a Jewish residents of Port Said--|the Egyptians had forced them to 0 Y = to the charge of escaping Febru-| penal system," continued His { who number about 3,000--have re-|sign statements before departing UTBREAK EXPECTED ary 2, 1950. He was arrested at Lordship who added that the sen- - |ported that one member of each|that they were leaving voluntarily NEW 0 his Oshawa home by Sgt. of Det. tence might be moderated by ap- WILLIAM BRADT | family was taken away by Egyp-| but they knew they would be f B William Jordan of Oshawa Police plication to proper authorities at tian police the night of Nov. 1.|jailed if they remained. | 0Y. ' | |five weeks ago to end a five-year |a later date. ! ® oe period during which he rose from Bradt's previous Sed was fe Ida t "in i the rank of laborer to that of an read in cour y Mr. ulmage. ! un arial | 5 an? 111 | inspector at the R. D. Werner |It dated back to 1927 when Bradt | { Llo d Sa 'S British Movin Under Ice Co. (Canada) Ltd, in Oshawa, was PL Years BY, 4 7 oDon | w " | |Bradt was also t owner of a| Defence Counsel H. J. O'Don- | \ - 3 [Pron in ohh Mind ° {nell of Perth admitted that on Tria alr - ISS MAR NVILLE oT i Il own Ma am out Sed leh cine ua owar e East Peace oi sovintu 58 mage, QC, of Smiths Falls, yes. | 190 but had : accomplished Msi William Bradt, alias Jarman, {ended in tragedy yesterday after- iterday withdrew five the ft/own rehabilitation in six years in| " ine VIENNA, Austria Reuters) Ocstercich said today the people refugees as charging that Com- charges against Bradt, including|Oshawa 'something that our own | who Mi i setetiod > et LONDON Reuters) -- Foreign are still many people who do mot Bows Then Js father lout the oung Hungarian nationalists who of Budapest are eating delicacies munists are getting most of the|two for which he was awaiting|penal system often fails to do. {months definite: a) Secretary Selwyn Lloyd said to- see how the on in the Mid- of the Cream of Barley Creek at to the hills with their weap-| which they have not tasted for supplies being distributed by the trial when he escaped from Lan<| Bradt spoke oriefly on his own| indefinite yesterday for escaping|day he feels Britain is making|dle East" was deteriorating and ine 'east end of ons were reported today to be pre-/years. They are able to buy International Red Cross in Buda-|ark County jail with a companion. | behalf. jail in 1950, will be released from headway in her insistence on a ov nec it was for someone Es hp. Sows. pared to wage guerrilla warfare smoked goose, hams, salami and pest. Judge Wilson later yesterday | Asked by Judge Wilson hat paying his union dues during the Sermanent settlement for the Mid- c ho ia aor Mr, and Mrs, Almont es should] mond, 243 Simpson sireet, Bow K--! {alti hich | - i o he his att would be as md : . ) id he sees pork---specialties whic | A spokesman for the Swiss-run thorized dismissal of three of the his tinge Would sentence, he, peried of his sentence. Tloyd returned from New York why © differences . the Anglo-American alli-) manville, FORTY-TWO PAGES One % mmented: | counts. fa ne Wester: d om at back hagbeer prepared for Expo} | Red Cross committee co; n : J Sit G Somat Toh oe '. : 4 ha an correspondent ad the "We are distributing Red Cross! Testiyinr as cheracter wit? sald, in quief lones: Keil Wosey inteonaty a: re- whoee he defended Britain's posi. damage : i esentative of the Unite Steel-|tion in the United Nations ates ance for length of time. | He was found about 18 inches "I am saticiied that I oul bi yy Ve he 2 "But we have to face the fact|/from shore in about two feet of ao apes afi fungarians fei" as th ugh th ce supplies in Budapast where they! nesses for Bradt --- who lived SH 2 dl in the United } 2 ussian domi are the last meals allowed a man are most needed We cannot gnar- under the name of William Jar-|live again as save been in Osh- e e East. { tion may break out once more. |before execution. antee thac they will go pe oi Bs -- were D. F. awa. l would be satisfied. I would workers eee, ade up off to a eahinet feet} ne shat we have disagreed and are water, Jo Jeut from the t A H rian co ondent of, The ind dent Vi vs-| indivi Is. p i p s idge dis- have no grudges' | announce -|told reporters at London i ment. J where ad apparently fallen unga rrespond 0 ndependen ienna news- individuals. but we are doing our; Beach, on whose Uxbridg g smug omen? ogre rt 1 Mt M0 a Dl A ge Thy A ehery said that) oyere he lad 3ppa en er Neue Die Press ivi t h y rs in d. Vics ne Ws p47 6 Neues Pe e Teste oad artivipe bet w asl A nn Te R. D. Werner Co. (Canada) Ltd is just to go hack to stite | when he went to the United States, open water. pty ds . "lof affairs that existed) before, he had mo plan to meet President | Mrs. Annie Simpson, who ' i; ' Bradt's former employers, 10/they are wasting an opportunity | Eisenhower. Thcre have been re-|looked after Thomas and his b EISENHOWER LAMPOONED Shy Swain Seeks Succor: {grant the accused leave of ab- and making a great mistake." [ports that Eisenhower refused to sister, nine-month-old gis hay | |sence in order to protect his| Lloyd said he went to the United see him, Asked if he felt the Lynn, said that the lad had gone | seniority. [States with the purpose of trying | United States had "let Britain out fo play with his German Bradt was sentenced at Perth|to convince people that Britain's|down" over the Anglo-French in-| Shepherd "Ripper", about 10 1 ; li Bench Blasts Blonde Babe | I ! Ives " action in the Middle East was vasion of Egypt, Lloyd replied: |» A i Anti-Americ an Fee 1g c sts |pestenday it amas] right. |"I wouldn't put it that way. They ® foes yesterday a oun |, ox: ©. Brition, personnel man- ~@y think | have done that to|just did not agree with what We! a snowman his mother had made NEW YORK (AP) -- What's a| Said Magistrate John E. Pren.| ager at the R. D. Werner Co. some extent, but no doubt there, did." y } RE thes & ing gast. "Why ' (Canada) Ltd.,, where Bradt 4 for him on the previous day. man to do when a good-looking dergast, "Why don't you leave I Jim, on The previous day. ® LJ LJ blonde chases after him, pounds him alone? He doesn't want you, worked for the past six years, | c High In Britain, France ig Fini and even appears in your love, your friendship or at- said he was dissapointed that the Ll] | fenced on all sides. the middle of the night beside his! fection." | accused did mot, Fecsivg, a Sus- | allo ays ur ey ans [CRAWLED UNDER NC ou n whic case| 0! ou e yard al 10:30," she said later, "and saw Jy | BN i- i immedia P i : a om- 1? | pended term, LONDON (CP)--Anti-American for immediate and unconditional |mitted. One, from Liberal me m- bed e asked her how she pleaded Bradt. could' have continned 'with {10 | Ripper all alone in the yard. I feeling soared to new heights to-| withdrawal of British and French bers, views with "grave concern' Henry N. Rowiey knew what to ty the disorderiy charge. hi i ti day in Britain. Cartoonists lam-|troops from Egypt and the atti- |the danger of an increase in So- do. He called the police | "Well," said the blonde, *I his work at the firm. : of 3 knew then that somethin pooned President Eisenhower tude of the U.S.A, which is viet influence "aided by disunity! And the blonde, Aelene Wabur, plead partly guilty." | "The weight of character evi- a 1n aC n 1d wron » E was mercillessly. A denunciation of | gravely endangering the Atlantic among the free countries." The |28, who lives doross the street!" «pve all or nothing at all," the Jence Preseied it Je trial heav- | rong: alled Thomas' father at U.S. policy introduced by more alliance." other motion, tabled by 35 Labor from Rowley, appeared in magis- gistra ai ily favored Bradt, but I suppose| tai ! py than 100 Conservatives was before' Four separate UN resolutions members and one Liberal, de-trate's court Tuesday on a dis- magistrate said. ' [there are many other aspects ofl CAIRO, Egypt (AP) -- Anwar matum by a certain power whose his billiard room uptown. He hur- Parliament have called. on Britain, France |clares that the future of the free orderly conduct charge, fetchingly| When she couldn't make up her|go "oo co" to pe considered, and|Sadat, former minister of state, [ultimatum brought Britain and ried home, he said, and found Other voi howev alled|and Israel to pull their t s out | w i je i he "closest dressed in a black velvet toreador mind. Prendergast adjourned the gc. "0," o doubt about it, accused Turkey foday of planning France to their knees and brought|that his son had crawled under A ei 1 gl OWever: La Hi an Bae rg pu their troops ou orl ¢ epeng son the. ' bi best outfit case to Jan. 15 and placed her on| 5 1dge Wilson was most fair," |to attack Syria. He warned that Anthony Eden's political career tothe wire fence at the rear of the Dead with he United States Prt oem ed Sates up ny 0 Smerican Sndersianding "She has a fixation on me," parole. 'Stay away from this| coq Britton ' |if Turkey carried out such a plan/an abrupt end.' yard. old S LQ . 8 iC Py S Pp wi : 4 8 " y ." y J " i i i i "Wi Vi caused by the British-French di- the resolution by nearly a third appeal to this end by R. G. Casey. Rowley testified. 0ne night, She ples Je ted, Stay away | "In particular," Mr. Britton Jhe might find herself at war with) Zeal and France (ered 2 arene willgwel his, Sacks: in jhe in E fiof the Conservati i strali irs minis. nearly gave me a he: ack. | 8 . [ ; 2 Pp ! . Sed . s , mich wo Comment vu 5 toa raed ou pe 1A TI Fal Ea was Stn Tn mAs for Rowe. ves, Lot conte, Tt wae ring, oh u's al 1 Gumby, [5° UN eons tors" SGE (ot 'hee 1 vas e s omises t; . ray | las . ny aper, | Sovie! rem 2 : i A damentally friendly to the U.S. he government if it begins a com- | FRENCH OPINION bed, end 1 Woke up and there She| get Bway from her. I have to get that, during the time he employed| Sadat said Turkish oho hmgs ni called on President Eisenhower | Jor; heading through Some bs In Parliament, the opposing plete withdrawal. |" In France, tao, public opinion Stood ore me. : Bradt as a laborer on his farm, |Soviet arms and volunteers mov- for a quick answer to a proposal| yards from the house." views were reflected in motions| Political quarters described the | oo against the United States Beach sold property and had ining into Syria are a pretext for to join forces in ejecting the Brit-| He then spearheaded a search of the minority Labor and Liberal | Conservative motion as the strong-| 11°" o% f8ainst the United States his possession $12,000 in cash. On| attack. Sadat added: lish and French. In his message yosisteq by about 75 neighbors We jes urgmg reconciliation with Epression yet of the deter- nouncement of gasoline rationing occasion, it was arranged). "Turkey must be aware that he hinted at an attack Dy afomic and school children from the ashington and by an influentia ion among the rank-and-file OM" ERE O° 82 Do AI for the bank to stay open so the she cannot stand against the ulti-| missiles on Britain and France. [area They examined the. ores Sekion of Je Conservative party there should be no Anglo- ists have Onl font Fallon ca] deposit could be made at night. but found its icy surfac intact > ° a 1s G I S vi > id ; &v0) 4 i i £ i a eral" Assembly and blaming US. Sai without adequate Koavantoes ILO"! DFOUEHL" Some icrness. while Bradt rode with him ia ihe : | schoolboy" aotiben. tracks on the Middle East policy fo ave the "effectiveness" of the UN : e 1vas olamer. Jor nok moy- : car to help him | e Ca eet li isil endangering he Atlantic' =117- police force. an oF ply Europe with Rabbi Flees From Egypt | money." P Protect the/ owe u m Il n |ice, visible because of the rays " So eum to replace Middle East } | |of the lowering sun. He told Mr. | Almond and he set out up the JULD HAVE CHANGED IT iid Britain.and several other TORONTO (CP)--Rabbi Reuben Slonim of Toronto says in " y | t (2) nn creek, following the tracks and TOW S nn e 1 ITan | Some the ice ahead of him. a. ance. V LARGE SEGMENT Two amendments t "oi 5 he NL nttice was. wa Sendnents 9 Ihe motion Countries already have started ra- a dispatch to The Telegram that he has Jones the refugees | . : signed by nearly one-third of the night. The first, put forward hy,' i who are fleeing Egypt in this exodus 1956." 'Slonim houn | Bod government's backers in Com- "moderate" Conservatives, de-| But French Foreign Minister " : "N tries | Y Some 25 yards up the creek, he mons, Seldom in history has l2ted the American reference and Christian Pineau said: "Despite from EaypL the Telegram says iis headline, pose | t Io [ LONDON = Reuters)--The Bove! There were no contacts be- Seid, be found a8 open Soot whieh large a segment of the Jove referred to the need for the con- Our bitterness, we cannot re- Hitler purge. ernment said today the power ul tween the U.S. 6th Fleet and our oy i rozen ; og ope ment party undertaken an attack tinuance and strengthening of Nounce American friendship nor : To A US oo Fleet was i Ie re 1 landing force as suggested." hee reacie Son ad ad in this fashion on an allied nation. | friendship and co-operation with the Atlantic alliance. Commons Member Dies : ppear a against Egypt | said. "There were contacts be-| joe about 10 feet from the open- { and there was "a friendly ex- tween the 6th Fleet and our car- ing and close to shore. It Sad: Hi the United States. Pineau told the Council of the o i 8 1 "This House tulates t > 3 ic 3 > A (CP)--Dr. Ow . » 82: ' i | e congratulates the, The second amendment, from Republic, upper house the OTTAWA (CP)--Dr. Owen C. Trainor, 62-year-old Commons Dec 11th change" of signals between thelrier task force which not unnat- | | " foreign secretary (Selwyn Lloyd) Labo: members, deplored the "be. | French Parliament, that J At- member for Winnipeg South, collapsed and died in the Parlia- | Smer.cans and the British carrier lly rosliied In Sone ior national control of the Suez Canal, ment which is gravely endanger. iriendship are France's only {force { i t |inconvenience tv both fleets. and deplores hoth the resolution ing the Atlantic alliance." guards 'from a fate similar Journed until tonight. |, Three Oshawa men will appear ne] "In consequence there was a YIia, Iraq of the General Assembly calling Two other motions were sub-'Hungary's." {before Magistrate W. M. Martin, ion in the House of Lord about! friendly exchange of personal sig- i |at Scarborough =~ Magistrate's reports that the path of the Brit- nals between the two admirals as F Ad N OPINIONS DIVERGENT } # caring on a charge of armed crossed by the 6th Fleet. fered the maximum co-operation! eare ear op asser, [robbery with violence. |" Lord Hailsham said a courteous! consistent with the discharge of| I chireed are Real Desnoyers, message from the American fleet 'their pespective Sissions in such en rea |23, of 83 Patricia avenue, John |said its orders were to protect'a way as to avoid interference or p [14 » LC | This morning, Magistrate Mar-| ' 4 C ' S il i i H and Iraq mounted today. The feel- Gets lay In British Press rges World | miee oe,> 5. Queen's Own Rifles Can't Sail a miso: trees | Bs . 2 {charged with the Nov. 10 robbery | . =eifuer a masons hi JERUSALEM (AP) Premier of Scarborough businessman John | Without Permission Of Nasser in days. likeli- on his efforts to secure the inter- haVior of Her Majesty' vern- lantic allianc Americ: an ecure the er- havior of Her Majesty's govern- lantic alliance and an ment Buildings today and the Commons immediately ad- court, on Dec. 11, for preliminary |jsp landing force was cozeiyla result of which each force of- ® - tta a 1 2 ast =} ate Ben-Gurion Meagher, 25, of 201 Cadillac U.S. nationals and evacuate them accidents due to mistaken iden- W avenue, and Joseph Karas, 20, of from the combat area. Itity." | 347 Bloor street oy | | BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) -- The ;drumhead tension between Syria LONDON (CP)--The Canadian with cartoons, editorials and news against communism rests primar-| The Manchester Guardian says! David Ben-Gurion appealed to the|Cragg k 4 hood of an open coup by the army parliamentary debate on the Mid-|stories criticizing the United il in their hands?" the United States can be accused| world today to 'stop Nasser now." vn : ni A ; > dle East is getting good play in!States. SERIOUS CASUALTY of lacking a Middle East policy, a told" the Knesset! Craig, 33, and his Ho earold By DAVE McINTOSH | Nations emergency force with clique that has taken control of British newspapers. The Times warns editorially: British-U.S. relations were *'per- 1 Britain of pursuing a reck- (parliament) a number of Egyp-| ied er, RD ore oo en and| Canadian Press Staff Writer [transport and bedding. The Cana-'Syria in recent weeks. The army The tabloid Daily Mirror gives) "A Britain united in anti-Amet- haps the most serious casualty of le wrong policy. This Liberal tian cars captured in Sinai bore] jet oo hing hugs wio woke NAPLES, Itaiy CP)--A United dian soldiers wn the UN police faction, pro-Soviet although non- banner headlines and most of Its|icanism--and there is growing the present crisis,' Sir Roger d adds: the swastika marking and that an into a ome on Ratur aY: Nations official said today that force are living in an old RAF Communist, is led by Col. Aboul front page to the speech Tuesday|danger of this--is not merely a Makins, former ambassador in| "Much latent anti-Americanism Arabic translation of Mein Kampi |g a. oD, 0 cash, end 4 housands Canada's Queen's Own Rifles are barracks on the edge of Abu Su-' Hamid Saraj. oy : by External Affairs Minis ter|Britain headed for disaster but Washington, told a dinner of the has come fo the surface. Yot| was found in the baggage of alg eo lars ar of {yellery and | not likely to sail for the Middle weir airfield near Ismailia. _ The Syrian-Iraqgi crisis built up Pearson, {also a Western world and Ameri-' American Chamber of Commerce America's critics would do well $0! number of Egyptian officers taken urs vere on en by Lhe O05 UMS, ikact unjess Prosident Nasser of ------ ------ in a continuing exchange of bitter The Times says editorially,| can continent headed for disaster. in London. ask themselves a simple question: | prisoner by the Israelis. w 80 oe at Cragg on ik head will Egypt changes his mind. ! charges. Jordan's decision to cut after commenting on strain s| President Eisenhower must surely, "A certain suspension of judg-|just who has done what? | He presented a resolution, im-|3 pistol so Vi onsly at © This is believed to be the first A. Clark of Oshawa its ties with Britain and consider [laced on the Anglo-American al- come to see this." ment is therefore desirable," BOTH IN ERROR mediately adopted, expr ssing| VeaPon was broken. time that a United Nations offi- G ¢ Offi : closer relations with Russia un- lance by the Middle East cris '|. Lord Pakenham, who was first, Makins said, "particularly at thi America's prestige with t he "profound shock at atrocities per- Desnoyers, Meagher and Karas cial has admitted that the Cana- arage Troup icer derlined the possibility of deeper The Commonwealth wounds, lord of the admiralty in the Labor: moment when we are in a crucial uncommitted countries stan ds petrated against the Jews of were : 1 40 hours after the battalion is being kept out! yINERLAND (CP)--N. Bryant of Set penetration into the fer- are also great, as the speeches|government, told a London dinner phase of what has and will, I am| higher than ever. She appears as/ Egypt by the Egyptian military|robbery. Furs, identified as part ypt on Nasser's say-so. Toronto Tuesday was elected pres- menting Middle East. by Mr. St. Laurent and Mr. Pear- he is worried about the signs of afraid, be a long, drawn-out crisis the one great power with clean junta and that country's dictator, of the loot from the theft, were | while, the first Canadian ident of the Garage 'Operators As- CHARGES SUBVERSION son show. | "incipient anti-Americanism." He in the Middle East." hands and a due regard--not put|who is: trampling into the dust the|discovered in a marsh north of | ericar to return to Naples from sociation of Ontario j Iraq accuses Syria of conducting The Daily Telegraph says that| asked | The political correspondent of on for the occasion for the rights of men." |Oshawa, shortly after the arrests Suez area said the Egyptians| op ffi iach , a subversive campaign against | except in India, the tendency in| "Have we forgotten the im-|The Daily Sketch reports that United Nations Charter Ben-Gurion said he appealed to| Were made were not so hostile as he thought D Wan ol peers include secretary, the government of Iraqi Premier the Commonwealth is toward! mense generosity of the Ameri-(Conservative MPs have com: "If the Arab and Asian coun- the United Nations to put an end] Oshawa Barrister Te rence V. they would be 4 pp itt, Listowel, treasurer, A. Nuri Said, an opponent of Soviet ob understanding of Britain's c: to so many peoples, includ-'plained that United I fries can now see America as the to these vptian actions and|Kelly is acting for Karas and| <The ypt ans are as confused iSO, (Drampton; B mewin- Doves Io extend Russian Middle sitio ing our own, since the war? Have bass jals have Beed Saving. naw er that has iio nally called: 'o tieln of the free overs ir. the patie hoi B ' lugyplians are as confu S, igh; 4 ark, East influence f 1 nce the war? Have ba official een ¢ wat h nduced us finally called on the help he free Desnoy 1 the action. Meag- ag we are," said Cant, Bob Doziel Oshawa; and C. Keller, Kingston Syria Iraq with seeking Pro-Conservative new spapers in we forgotten that the peace of the z 3 Rare ' Fount | ) > a rAPE Lo Aina Teor osen 112 peace of the at social functions that "Eden's to withdraw from Egypt the even- world in sheltering Jewish refu- her, as vet, is not represented|of Ottas . He said they were co-| I g Ram) 2 odon are plastered this morning| world and the defence of the world government must go in a week." tual gain will be ours." gees. iby counsel, ! loperative, supplying the United B ated Nort ident " both Syria bo: Fordag o " H oe he . '$ or A : i ) f 4