1--Room and Board M AND BOARD , from Monday to Friday. Dial = 1483 asia 2--Room and Board Wanted 'OUNG GERMAN LADY DESIRES oom and board la quiet private home. hone RA 5-3710 (5 till 7 p.m.) 267c Wanted To Rent OR REQUIRES IMMEDIATELY, nished house or apartment, two or bedrooms. Adults only. Phone mings, Lennox 3-2118 Toronto. 268c A af RNISHED HOME OR SELF-CON- apartment, Whitby, Ajax or Osh- wa. Dial RA 3-4530. 269; FANTED BY DECEMBER 15, THREE four room self-contained apartment couple and daughter 13. Phone RA 9137 after 6 268¢ BUSINESSMAN GOOD REFERENCES Wishes to rent 3-bedroom home. Good locality. Phone RA 5.7311, Local 2104 or Gen- osha Hotel, Room 616. 267¢ or Rent | 44--For Ren? |#3--Real Estate For Sale | GENTLE- CARS STORED OVER NIGHT, BY THE $500 DOWN, week or month, in heated garage. Down town section. Dial RA 3.7032 267¢ FURNISHED HOUSE Dial RA 3-2418. 267¢ |ONE LARGE | keeping room, central, BED SITTING ROOM AND KITCHEN with cupboards and sink on ground floor One block from good bus service. preferred. Apply 617 Masson {SINGLE FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR gentleman in quiet home. Apply 38 Col- borne Street West, Nov. 29 FOR RENT IN OSHAWA -- SUITE OF offices, ground /{iovr, central location, heated, immediate possession, Call Ajax 139. Ask for Mr. Vondette 2651 ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOM available in private home. 82 Park Road North. 5 to 7 p.m. RA 8-8671 UNFURNISHED, n, 3 THREE ROOMS | heat and lights, Cedardale, very clea | Dial RA 5-5466 veniences, gas range, immediate posses- | sion, adults. Apply 163 Verdun Ro | Apartment 2. |as=Reat Estate For Sale y LL PRICE. FOUR ROOMS, modern conveniences. Quick possession. Tresane Street, Ask for easy terms. | Your chance. U. Jones, Broker. RA | 5-6412. Open evenings. 268b OUR ROOMS. U bntained. Private 'orking couple reet East. N ROOM HO Phone RA 3-3 FURNISHED. SELF entrance ge preferred. 632 ALBERT 268b RGE WELL FURNISHED FRONT c awa or MO 83231 BU pays to see W sh and farms, it Dial RA 3-2512, O Whitby. Nov e: 8, McAuley, Realtor. FOR SALE OR RENT, house in Ham n, furnace, three plece ath, % acre | $500 down. Immediate possession. I Hampton. Phone Bowmanville p ( E MA 3.2436 f LOT FOR SALE. 130 F! ATTRACTIVE FOUR room house, 3% acre land, water, heavy duty wired. Immediate possession. L.| Clemens, Hampton. Phone Bowmanville | MA 3-2436. 641 | in . | AJAX AND PICKERING TOWN LINE | $1,000 down, 6 months old, 3 bedroom brick and stucco house, carport. Full | price $11,900. Phone West Hill Atlantic 2-1310. 2651 | EET BY 170 | Feet. $1,200. Phone RA 3.9974. 267¢ roam ereeuit------------------ $11,500 BRICK HOUSE NINE ROOMS, | 3-piece bath, divided basement, oil fur- nace, landscaped trees. Oshawa. Phone | Gladys Newell, Pickering 8, John Square | Broker, 2671 43--Real Estate For Sale A48---Automobiles Wanted $1,300 DOWN, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION fow, 1 mile from Whitby, Over 1200 square feet of living space plus attached garage and breezeway. Close to public school and store, schocl bus service to Whitby. Lot 77 x 200. Taxes $139, monthly pay- ments $72. Priced right at $10,000. D. W. McQuov, Ragl Estcte Broker, office 1 mile west of Whitby on No. 2 High- way. Phone MOhawk 8-3414 % 26%a "Full Down Nov. 19 Full N.H.A. "In Beautiful H "THE LAURENTIAN" | RA 5-4241, J. Foley. Payments | ( ) el 5 0 FOUR ROOM APARTMENT, ALL CON- | Mortgages illside Heights" 6-ROOM BUNGALOWS FEATURING IN. TRUCK WANTED One lote model General Motors tandem drive truck with 8-foot by 14-foot dump platform. Phone RA 3-3011 between 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m, 2661 50--Articles For Sale RUGS -- SAVE UP TO HALF ON NEW, reversible broadioom rugs, 20 decorator shades, Made from your old woollens, | carpet, clothing. Dial RA 5-9438. Dec, ] 30 FOOT DOUBLE ALL CHANNEL UHF -- VHF and color. Best town. Only $49.50 at Keily T.V. deal in Nov.24 es. Measurements Dial RA 3-4989. rust-preof aerials, completely installed. | ORDERS TAKEN FOR STORM SASH- radios in and estimates free. $24.95. Kelly T.V., 81 King West. Nov.28 | 50--Articles Far Sale [sare PORTABLE TYPEWRITER, |adding machine, cash register. Like |mew. Reasonable. RA 3-4434. Nov. 24 BERKEL GRAVITY SFZED SLICER, cost $520, used six months. Sacrifice $395. Apply Ivan Haugen, Port Perry, phone 53 265¢ RANGETTE, ICEZBux, 2 THR! piece girl's winter sets. Color blue, grey fur. Size 5 and 6. One single bed. RA 5-1953. 266¢ NEW °57 MARCONI T.V. SETS WITH {top dial {largest electronic specialists 60 y | experience. $169.95 up. lly RECORD PLAYERS, THREE SPEED, self contained fully electric record players, variety of two tone colo $24.95. Wilson and Lee Limited, 87 Sim coe Street North. RA 5-4706, 265 DON'T SELL FROM A TAJ of our low overhead. Kelly T.V, in down. town Oshawa at 81 King West. Nov. 24 |5 TUBE MARCONI, PHILIPS MANTEL 10 colors. Reg. $32.95 now | Nov. 24 SKATES, sizes, Ladies', NEW AND USED, gent's and enue, Phone RA BATHS, BASINS, STOOL, reasonable prices, installations. Dial No ALWAYS PLEASANT SHOPPING AT Glecoff's Supermarket, Ritson Road South. Low prices every day. Open till ten nightly. Free delivery. Nov.26 CASH REGISTER, dollars, ATIONAL to five Trade-ins accepted. Drayton Cycle 204) last. Kelly T.V. 81 King West. Nov. Bond Street East corner Kenneth Av-| 344. Nov. 114ires and tubes. Size 670 x 15 $29. h SINKS, | Ritson Road South. sump pumps and hot water tanks. All| kinds of pipe and fittings. New and used | city approved septic tanks, $80. Most OB Picture tube and 30 da; 2g | Dozens to choose. Terms, Z| Perry, 438 evenings {USED 30 FT. TRADE-IN AERIALS, ALL children's | 2ll types, sale only $29.50 while they 2 FOUR AIR CUSHION WHITEWALL 174 Cc ONLY KELLY TV. GIVES YOU 1 YR., ys on all TV. sets. Kelly T.V. Nov. 24 tubes on used reconditioned Mahal but we give best deals because | % | First ! THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE Saturday, November 17, 195% 1 Uranium Deposit Tops "= For Makin ! By BONNIE PURDY Canadian Press Correspondent | SPANISH, Ont. (CP)--A, recipe for a boom: take one ddi g Prosperity plans a 50-home subdivision here!chants, busy remodelling and ex to house workers. Next Blind River, an old and | | tending their community, add a whopping nearby uranium strike and sprin- |kle in some luck. | - That's the formula that has {turned this hamlet -- little more | than a freckle on the grizzled! northern flank of lake (into a bustling centre with a | smiling future. | Here's how it happened: three years ago Spanish, with a rec- jorded population of 500, was slightly more than a modern Ind- ian trading post. Then a $1,000, 000,000 uranium deposit was un- ging town of Blind River, miles further west along Highway {17 and about midway between Sudbury and Sault Ste. Marie. | MILLION-DOLLAR PLANT | the boom enjoyed at Blind River-- | but that's where the luck came in. FOUR PIECE CHESTERFIELD SUITE $100. Leather lounge chair $35. Continen- tal twin beds with padded leather head- 2651 D uce sul | Spanish merchants. Noranda also! 115 y started tigh stable ing its anti Jaws and shops, say they tak in more cash on a single Satur day than they once did a month -noise and loitering by- New merchants, lured by fat min well - paid miners and payrolls, are moving in. construction workers began drift-| ' Cars stand five deep outside thi ing into Spanish in search of fun. Lake Huron Hotel Saturday nigh It meant some Saturday night {and restaurant juke boxes wea noise and nuisance but Spanish out faster than they can be re Uron-- ears were tuned to the tin cash registers. Perhaps most | Spanish's strategic location. Just miles from the |road, sole artery into the Elliot Lake area where the uranium ac-| Hinity is centred, Spanish antic | .|ipates good fortune as the last covered northeast of the old log-| 0,4 sion for traffic to Elliot lake from the east. Rail jumped by about and records show more than 4, | Few figured Spanish would 000,000 feet of mine timbers un- {draw more than a token share of loaded. Spanish citizens say {there's much more to come. Now there's talk of a federal Noranda Mines Ltd. dock large enough to take ocean- a $1,000,000 plant to prod-| going freighters at Cutler, to han- phuric acid -- vital to the dle shipments of uranium ore and | processing of uranium ore -- at|scinter, a by-product from the sul- boards, also 3% and double beds with nearby Cutler, That meant jobs|phuric acid plant. spring mattresses Mrs. I. Haugen, Port for Spanish men and trade for MERCHANTS BUSY And what's the result? freight traffic here has le of paired or r | climbed from important was Quirke e chuckles: "Nobody he: $25,000 a month | gelves." Housewife says: stead of goin the country. broke, Ont., b Mer- they will!" eplaced. Mail ha five bags a day las year to 20 to 25 bags daily. Foe Bishop, 87, one of the old est residents here, shakes hi head over the sudden activity am re could ever affor( to have anything shipped in; wi had nothing w cept a few fish and we never ga enough . money to ship out our orth shipping out ex Mrs. Lou Pollocl "Now there's a reason foi our young people to stay home in g to other parts o And Herb Reiley, born in Pem ut now Spanish's un official mayor, sums it up: "Ninety - eight per cent of the Canadian people have never evel heard of this place, Spanish--bw droom for refined person, private [cent bme, central, close to shopping centre, | rking space. Dial RA 3.7837 268c | ¢ . ering 8, |scales, show: case. RA 5-4405. LOCATED IN tys Newell, Pick: Broje. 2971 Complete decoration IN ACRES, $3,50¢ eenwood. Phone G John Square '57 models. Admiral, Marconi, Philips HEATER. and Rogers etc. $2.50 weekly, Kelly T.V Nov. 2 NORGE OIL SPACE Like new. Used only three | Apply 119 Brock North WO ROOM BASEMENT AP. ent. No children. Phone RA 5-919 4 Li SESE Canadian Scientists Tackling Problems Created By Sub-Zero Temperatures $5,200, DOWN PAYMENT $3,000, FOUR | rooms, 3-piece bath. Carries $27 month Interest, rincipal and taxes. Ajax Phone, Gladys Newell, Pickering 8 John Square, Broker 267 ANO SLIG Y and bench, a; terms. V Simcoe Stre: D CONSOLE | Art walnut finish Ison and Lee Ltd., 87 North RA 5-4706. 265{ Solid brick or brick veneer. RT USED WALNUT DINING ROOM fa le cesign. Dial RA 3-3015 267¢ NINE PIE | suite. Chipr after 6.30 p.m ROOM FLAT UPSTAIRS | wiring. Phone RA 8215 h Boulevard North after All aluminum windows. 5 pm 268b OOM AND KITCHENETTE, th, garage, for 2 boys or uple. Close downtown. lgn Street WO ROOM, SELF-CONTA shed basement apart dillac Avenue North ble. $45 monthly. Phone RA 3 PRIVATE to West INE bur ROOMS. PRIVATE ENTRANCE th. Abstainers. Phone RA 8.8475 ply 221 Beatty Avenue. NORTH, TWO-BED om apartment suite with sto a rigerator. Available about I $110 monthly. For appointment ca - 268f ID ROOM FOR ONE OR all conveniences. Apply 113 cey Avenue. Dial RA 5.7916 after 5 2681 RNISHED ROOM FOR GENTLE n, central, downtown area. Dial RA 401. 268b ORE FOR RENT. WILL BUILD TO t tenant. Central. Phone RA B8-8133 CONDI room base duty RA RACTIVE, ARM AIR ned self-contained three - pnt apartment, Heavy ndry facilities. Phone REE - ROOM APARTMENT WIT room. Separate entrance. Al jlences. Apply Henry Klooster, rry. Phone 180J, corner Mary hn. NTRALLY LOCATED, fortable bedrooms or three u ed rooms. 65 Charles Street H on THRE f INGALOW batl heated, DM Phone RA 8-8865. 267f Oi 350. monthly ell, Pickering 8. HILLSIDE HEIGHTS Open, Daily 9 am. to 9 pm MODEL HOMES FLOOD-LIT RA 5 1 NEWCASTLE Business opportunity, resturant and lunch ¢ All mode quarters with all i gas pumps This is an ¢ $1,0 unter, se Nn € ment, nv $18.000. Terms. To close an estate, good 6é-room insul brick hou 3 bed rooms, sun room, ro and water, All new weather door Front lawn terraced an Gravel drive and sidew Beautiful oak floors th ©S 0 ®NOUAWN = Lino tile bathrooms, k Stainless steel sinks and preformed arborite counters. Space saving sliding d seals | Heavy asphalt shingles. d sodded Back yard graded level. alks. roughout. itchens and vestibuies, | oors Colored tile bathrooms. Modern electric light fixtures. Ten-and-a-half-block basements, heated. Air-conditioned with g as. Automatic glass-lined hot water units. Complete copper plumbing. Galvanized rimmed laundry tubs. You select your choice colors of: r interior, etc. This well-located subdivisi brick, | | A (0) of, on has oll reads sewers, SPANISH GUITAR, "STEWART", arch top, auditorium size with case; Ieawalian Guitar and case. Phone RA 5-5676 after 6 or anytime Saturday. 267c 2 DINING ROOM TABLES, 1 SOLID oak; upholstered solid ends, with spring a matiress; china cabinet bined; Princess Pat cook stove large Beach furnace; all tables, arm chair, all kitchen rocker. Cal 6 or anytime Saturday 267¢ cor with oll dresser set MOST ALL SIZ USED drich Stbre, RA TIRES, up. B. F. Nov. 6 ADDED Aerials Television Nov. 24 NEW TORONTO CHA to your aerial only moved and repaired ELECTRIC RAZORS, CUT- ting cords and servic complete stock. Meagher's E King Street West. IPS FOCALITE AUTOMATIC at Kelly T.V. Hifi phono, ishave r: SCHICK tu 8 radio 10 pe w BUY, SELL used furniture. RA Simcoe Street South. , tape rec 50 weekly. Nov. AND EXCHANGE 3-3271. Apply MODEL RAILROAD EQUIPM guage. Over $300 worth, Barg RA 5-5218 MAHOGANY FOLD-OVER EXTEN sion table and chairs, bookcase, ward- robe, crib, 1 ers, chrome sweeper. R HENRY new and PIANO, MINIATURE R bert, and bench. Ne in per- Co., 1 GOLDEN + suite, good condition; .| skates, size 2. Phone MO 8-2238 Whitby. PAINT $2.95 GAL. GUARANTEED IN- terior and exterior Oshawa Hardware and Electric, 62 King West. RA 3-7624. Dec. 13 TO MEASURE. pring delivery. Have re. AWNINGS 1 Order n pair Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North, Oshawa, Dec. 14 LY MODERN latest nylon ring filled field by day on't miss Furniture 20 Church Street Nov.14, 17 DURO SUMP PUMP AND ALBANY LAUNDRY TUB PUMP WITH C PS laundry tub pump with copper pipes. Used only 7 months, New condition Phone RA 3-9216 9a WITH Phone 2692 LIONEL ELECTRIC TRAIN I lay good condition Ajax 506 after 5 p.m BOY'S COMPLETE SCOUT UNIFORM Will fit size 12 to 14 years. Phone RA 5-8027.- SMALL CHEST TYPE FREEZER, very good condition, one year old. Ph RA 5-1365. LABRADOR RETRIF hunting dog. RR 3, Corbett's Point 26%b EASY WASH. Dial RA 269a AVY DUTY RANG er, kitchen table and chairs, 3-9800 CHROME KITCHEN also pair of boy's FIVE PIEC 269¢ WINTER COAT ¢ brown, shawl mouton collar, ex- 16, LADY By JOHN E. BIRD | Canadian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA (CP) -- Much of Can- ada"s progress in development and defence of its frigid north will be determined by a group of Canadian scientists tackling prob- lems created by sub - zero tem- peratures. | Their work ranges from the de- velopment of civilian and military equipment able to operate in Arc- tic and sub-Arctic regions to the design of buildings and clothing necessary to enable men to live and work in extremely low tem-| peratures. Most of the research is centred in three divisions here of the Na- tional Research Council--mechan- ical engineering, biology and| building research. | GETTING RESULTS i The below-zero experiments al- 269 'peady have solved many prob- are also being made on de-icing lems. One recent development is a 20% special oil which can be used to accumulating ice. lubricate machinery at tempera.| Road. lure as low as 65 degrees below rently developed automatic instru- zero. | The oil was required for radar equipment, but now is being used for many other military and civil- ian purposes as well. Develop- ments of this type also are prov-| ing valuable in other Canadian | winter conditions. | | But the interests of Canada's 24 hours. |atories. It operates two cold frozen concentrated milk. It would be marketed much like frozen soups. This division has also discov- ered why some Christmas dinners are spoiled by tough frozen tur- keys and other fowl. Extensive tests show that the meat of fowl will be tender only if the bird is not frozen until it has been dead The cold able clothing The biology mammals. Most of the experiments on equipment and material for the far north are being conducted by the mechanical engineering divi- sion in low - temperature labor- greater than in sunume keep animals These tests rooms in which the temperature oe oa sult in findin| can be dropped to 70 degrees be- low zero. Wark now is in progress in the cold rooms on inethods to enable ground radar installations in the Arctic to shed ice. Experiments in the Arctic ment of equipment for aircraft and heli- copters and to prevent jet engines The cold-weather scientists re-! construction ments to measure icing conditions in flight. The instruments are suitable for military aircraft but pared with | guns against cold-weather failure chambers pedited the development of suit: have ex: for Arctic use. division also is try: ing to reach a better understand ing of how humans can live ir the north, thr ough tests on small The biologists have determined that the cold-resistance of deer mice captured in winter is much that of mice snared r. They also have learned that exercise doesn't help warm in winter, may eventually re- gs that will enable humans to live more comfortably winter. STRUCTURAL RESEARCH Experiments on homes which will withstand the north's | sub-zero weather are being con- ducted by the division of building | research. The studies also include the develop- and buildings of suitable roads, bridges and other structures. The cold rooms are warm com- the frigid tempera: tures necessary for experiments do not yet meet civilian require- in the low-temperature and solid: ments ENGINE TESTS sion conducts states division of NRC. This divi: tests which it hopes Land vehicles are being tested will lead man to a better under: arcas which experience rigorous to see how they act under Arctic standing of the fundamental laws conditions. This includes the de- of matter. velopment of new brake fluids, | A machine used by this division RY LARGE FURNISHED HOUSE- ping room with refrigerator, for mocha or two gentlemen, parking space ply 99 Elgin Street East. 268f '0 - ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT, Road South, near General Motors ply 1319 Park Road South. RA 8-8992 268b shop and hen fect condition. 365 Leslie Street. 267c L x 400'. Taxes . 0. $3,500 cash just value, $dom Joy. 2 putne RAndolph 5-8341 W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. | 2 highway. $4,500 with only $500 down. 2690 |T.V. ROTATORS COMPLETE WITH double all channel UHF VHF, color | |aerial, Year guarantee. Only $69.95 at] RA 5-5121. Nov. 24 work ot 75 . -ondition. Apply 727 Whiteman cold - weather scientists extend greases and fuel systems for bet-|can drop the temperature of lig- Brose BL APPIy 269 | into many other fields, including |ter operation at frigid tempera. uid helium to about 456 degrees - | the development of frozen foods. |tures. below zero, some four degrees FOOD PROBLEM The armed services are testing ' short of absolute zero. The lowesi The biology division now is|new and old equipment. One of| temperature ever recorded in conducting an extensive research |the main problems is the develop-| Canada was 81 degrees below program to find a method to per- ment of recoil and shell loading zero at Snag, Yukon, in February, mit the commercial production of mechanisms which will protect |1947. Men, Machinery Of Industrial Age Invade Farms Of Peace River Valley . Installations. Chinns, RA 3-7088. | a as] { By RUSSELL ELMAN streets of Fort St. John are a LES EVENISS | Canadien Press Staff Writer rocky mess after being torn up FORT ST. JOHN, B.C. (CP)--| {in a $500,000 paving and curbin Dec. 9| SALES LTD. Farmlands of the Peace River| Oil is processed at a mew refin- PrOEram. As soon as a new schoo 15 PRINCE STREET | Valley are being invaded by men ery opened this summer at Daw-|1$ opened, the district needs an- |and machinery of the modern in- son Creek, | other RA 5-4632 dustrial age. Drawing-board plans. Amid this develo ment, there | Afar Hours it een 3s 1 10.0 OF Sie poss Lunisy, RA Say 1500 miles northwest of Edmonton. Ds monk the Hichest in Lan il Galbrai 2 | Big tankers, loaded with fuel thre a | Don Howe RA 5.0313 | 2 threatened, mea. women and chil Jack Sheriff RA 3-3775 garage, house. water, street lights all in an paid for. = | TWO PIECE CHFSTERFIELD, ELEC- FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL | tric draft regulator for furnace. Dial RA | 3-4798. 267¢ Fe --r---- pe ----------p------ FOR QUICK SALE. KITCHEN CAB- | inet, suitable for housekeeping or cot-| tage, Annex stove, burns coal or wood. | Congoleum rug 6 x 9, grey, Moffat range Beatty washing machine, lawn mowe 3 piece Simmons bed and dresser white blinds. Dial KA 3-7659. 267» WINTERSEAL luminum Combination Windows and Doors. KOOL-LITE KOOL-SIDE "IT OPENS and closes from sl ea | inside the house." STAINLESS STEEL SINKS, Ventilated Aluminum Awnings 3 piece batn, $80. Laundry tubs, | A ump pumps, $35. Pressure systems, | and Canopies. All-weather protection, OM FOR MAN TO SHARE, SIN- / ped, breakfast if preferred, five-day . Phone after 6. RA 5-4797. 264f AN BRIGHT LIGHT HOUSEKEEP- room, also large room with kit. adults, central, 83-8133. af orchard, full Hiness 10 Acres pear bearing, best varieties. forces sale. | --CLASS 36-- |46--Real Estate Wanted |47--Automobiles For Sale 2S WANTED FOR CLIENTS. ALL |'50 PONTIAC COACH $595. '49 MON- or your equity. For quick results arch sedan $550, '47 Mercury $250, tisfactory sale see W. McAuley Chevrolet $150. Buck's Body Shop, r, 13 Prince Street. RA 3-2512, Bloor Street 2808 - -------------------- | pn, Dees 18 ee - ---- |"57 AWARD WINNING CHEFMASTER | = -- [1950 FORD. APPLY KENT SERVICE deluxe 30 inch automatic range. 24| HOMES WANTED FOR A QUICK | Station, corner Athol and Albert Streets.|speed pushbutton, clock and timer, full | sale of your home call W. T. Lamson, 265f | fluorescent light. Reg. $329.95 now| Broker, 37 King Street East, Alger Bldg. -- 18214995. Kelly T.V Nov. 24 RA 5-8831, RA 5-8341 Nov. 26 | "47 DODGE SEDAN. GOOD BODY AND OVER 1000 CUSTOMERS CANT B | oe ---------------------- | running condition. Snow tires. Best offer | OVE 0, CUS ERS CAN't BE HOUSE WITHIN SHORT DISTANCE OF | 3ccepted. Must be sold Phone 101R 3 wrong. Best deal in town. Others may High School. Good down payment. Call port perry. 267¢ [come and go but Kelly is here to stay. RA 3-471L 0 | eee eee 14 BONE service. Kelly T.V. RA 5512 A a ria. Ee. Sl. |BUSINESS FAILED, MUST SELL '88 |47 --Automobiles For Sale | Chevrolet one ton panel, heater, di- wo: 268b ,» unfurnished, conveniences. RA DERN 3 ROOM APARTMENT PRI-| entrance, suit business couple or with small child. Dutch home Pickering 235Wid. 285¢ RNISHED UPSTAIR ROOMS. I RA 35-8493. 265 ROOM, TWIN BEDS, FOR MEN share, all conveniences. Call RA 82 or 71 Grenfell Street 265¢ 15 Acres open land at present in fall wheat, suitable for or- chard. Corners on 2 good roads. $250 per acre, easy terms. 23 Acres good bush with trout stream FARMS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION: CONTACT H. C. PEDWELL Broker Newcastle, Phone" 3856 1 produced commercially in recent, | weeks for the first time in British Columbia, and 3618 Realto: DM, SUITABLE FOR TWO GEN nen, private entrance, 15 minutes' | from GM south plant. Dial RA 1. 2671 A new $400,000 hotel is under construction in Fort St. John but more and more accommodation is needed for thousands of tran- sients. Dawson Creek has a line of modern motels but every night after six o'cloc 2 room is worth wy, 'its weight in gold. Tou must deter loget hei Fort St. John has already issued DM FOR MAN TO SHARE, SINGLE Nov. 24 , private entrance, parking space to Duplate. Dial RA 58132. 369 2671 ARBORITE TOP SQUARE upholstered dining room chairs. Phone 265¢ TWELV tables, Apply Ivan Haugen, Port Perry, 5300 {from Canada's newest producing dren worked together to get th loilfield, rumble along the Alaska parvest in. 2 by i {Highway to a new refinery. | Welders piece together the final| | rectional signals undercoated, eighteen | hundred miles. Dial RA 5-9704. 264f NISHED BEDROOM. CLOSE TO TATE AUTO INSURANCE. BAVE 's and Motors South plant, Phone | 5-1877. 265 D ROOM APARTMENT FOR hg couple with no children. Call at Albert Street after 5 o'clock. 264¢ ENT VACANT JANUARY Downtown Oshawa. Write Box 128 s-Gazette, 2661 | RD FLOOR, LARGE COMFORT room adjoining kitchen for light keeping. Very central. Suitable for ladies or gentlemen. Apply 51 Col street east 2661 R ROOMS, AND BATH. UNHEAT- | Immediate possession. Phone RA ps5. 269f EE BEDROOM HOUSE. 10 MIN. from shopping centre. Coal furnace able Dec. 1. Apply 566 Louisa. 269f | SE FOR vT, CITY WATER located on I ly Road South at Bloor Street. Appl ollege Avenue or phone RA 3-3 y 8 ROOM BASEMENT APA ished, p-ivate bath. Apply i South, 1ENT Ritson 2631 IN NE HOME, an preferred 7 o'clock. 269 ™M girl or wo between HT ROC to bus SHED ROOM. CENTRAL. CALL 269¢ SE, CORNER OF COURT AND | e Streets. Dial RA 5.8498. 269 | Y WARM FURNISHED BED- with every convenience. Very cen. Breakfast f desired. Phone RA UNFURNISHED "ROOMS only. Apply 174 Church Street LY FURNISHED ROOM. CLOSE w shopping centre. 115 Fernhill Dial RA 53272 after 430 pm living, dinette good locality able rs. Suitable for couple. now. Ab Dial RA FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING suitable for ose gentleman. Apy rench Street 2 FURNISHED ROOM AP with private bath. $16 weekly 3 John Street, Apt 1 ART ROOM APARTMENT, WI. oom. All convenien Vacant N r 23. Apply 137 Rosehill Bivd und floor office spoce, King eet East ot Ontario, w small units being comp Will finish to tenants rements, HARTERED TRUST COMPANY t re 9 West EM 8.7681 Nov, 9,10,13,15, 16, 17 QUICK LUNCH MILK BAR TOBACCO RIGHT ON THE FOUR CORNERS A MONEY MAKER! FIXTURES GOOD LEASE LARGE STOCK GOING CONCERN SICKNESS CAUSES IM- MEDIATE SACRIFICE -- NAME YOUR TERMS. STAN DISNEY REALTOR Phone RA 5.6555 or Come to 969 Simcoe St. N. After Hours: RA 5-3131 RA 3-492] 26% or Farm, must be sold in 2 weeks, 100 ocres both sides of Highway No. 2, 20 miles east of Oshawa, 1. mile east of Newton- ville. 20 acres good tim- ber, the rest workable and pasture. Plenty of spring water, also V4 mile high- way frontage both sides. Good for business or houses, 2-family 9-room cut stone house A-1] shape, water tap in house and barn. Must sell on of another business. Will or trade on good income property. le on account Apply S. HUSSEL ner NORM WETHERUP Is in the new and Used Car business again for ONTARIO [ MOTOR SALES | Ask For Him RA 3-2256--RA 3-2259 After 5--Res. RA 3-4B09 NORM WETHERUP Dec.6 "55 PONTIAC matic transmission, shadelite whitewall tires, heater and defroster, rection signals, windshield washer, spe- cial two tope paint. Apply 793 Bessbor- ough Drive. This car is in excellent con- | dition. |n LAURENTIAN, AUTO- ers, 1. RA b | used as car. Dial RA 3-7512. ALLS up to 20 per cent, nine months to pay For personal service at your home call RA 5-2 Di 1 1 OL] DELUXE CH, 8,000 miles, heater, white wall tires, custom trim, crocus yellow, new car cost $2,875 will sell for $2,100. Private, can be financed. Phone RA 35-8640 between 5 and 9 p.m. 2641 | CHE 1948 CHEVROLET SEDAN, REBUILT | motor, low mileage, oll filler, outside sun visor, 317 Celina Street, Oshawa. | 265f | '53 CHEVROLET DELUXE COACH, eater, radio, new tires and seat co $1025 or take over payments. Dial 8-8887. 267¢ | '52 CHEV. SEDAN DELIVERY, IR conditioning, custom radio, directional signals, winterized. Good condition. Been | 265¢ | |195 PONTIAC SEDAN. SHOULD BE |WASHING MACHIN '47 CHEVROLET SPORTS COUPE | Radio, heater, directional sig- nals, new tires and brakes. Winterized. TOP CONDITION Dial RA 5-5476 | 267¢ FOUR OF THE Sharpest CARS | IN TOWN Ek | FORD RANCH WAGON, | radio $1595 DODGE tionally year SEDAN clean Excep- for the $795 METEOR CLUB 5-PASS. COUPE, radio. See this one $995 | COACH and os a $495 OR CHEVROLET tone Clean two green BRAMLEY MOT SALES Simcoe North RA 3-4675 19 127] li | "54 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN, PRICE RA lated. Phone Bowman- | 7 264 | GS UP TO $300 ON REPOSSESS. ed cars, any make or model. Recondi tioned, winterized and guaranteed. Small or no down payment to those who qualify. Call "Stew" RA 3-4431 after 4 er, {p.m 2681 | "50 CHEVROL! SEDAN, 1269 WITH heater, radio, slip covers, two new tires on front. Good condition, available for cash or hone RA 5-4483. 268bh 55 CHEVROLET V8 SEDAN DE livery. Two tone. Air-conditioning, direc- | tional signals, snow tires. Apply 41 Nas- | sau Street 268¢c | $795. '53 METEOR SEDAN, BLUE AND white two tone, sharp appearance, prac- tically new tires, guaranteed mechan- ically. Seaway Motors, 428 King West 268¢ 1936 VOLKSWAGON COOPER'S SER- | vice Station, Bruce and Albert Streets. | Dial RA 3.9632, 2661 | $1,050. Phy 7446 after 208¢ 48--Automobiles Wanted LAKESHORE A U T O WRECKERS. Wanted, cars for wrecking, highest prices paid. RA 35-1181 or 5-1182. Dec.t HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR GOOD CLEAN CARS Any Make or Model DODD MOTOR SALES 314 Park Rd. S., RA 3-942] | Dec.? EE MACKIE MOTORS Before Selling Your Car Deal Al RA 5-5 ways 41 Dec. | SUPERIOR 3 BURNER RAN with drawer and oven. Practically new $50. Apply 159 Cromwell Avenue. 268c INGLIS WASHERS, DRYERS WATER heaters, ranges. Best deal in town at Kelly T.V. 81 King West. Nov. 24 SU spare parts for same. cords, etc. Meagher's, West. . F. GOODRICH STORES, batteries, Kelvinator refrigerators, vision. Thrifty budget plan. RA 5 NBEAM SHAVEMASTER A ND RES, tele AUTOMATIC OT WATER HEATER, in first class shape. Total price $35. Also upright piano $95. A. F. Cox, 13 Elgin Street East. RA 5-1497. 268b TWO STATION WAGON COATS, ONE wine, size 12, and one green, size 8. Phone RA 8-8869. 266b RA 268¢ chine and ironing board. Phone 47 CTTE | EET | | Cutting heads, | : 8 King Street | C, P, McPherson, ofticer com- Nov. 20| manding hig bestowing the _ SEWING MA. | DECORATED ERRONEOUSLY HALIFAX (CP) Lt.-Col. the Middle East | bound Queen's Own Rifles thanked newspaper men here last night for Military Cross on | him. | But, he said, "IT have no medals | but the Canadian Efficiency Dec- | oration." | "But," protested a reporter, "we were told the officer com- | manding the unit was Lt.-Col. |C. P. McPherson, MC." Interpreted Col. McPherson: "Public relations meant McPher- son, spelled with an Mc and not FOR SALE. IN GOOD Mac." NGETTE condition. Phone RA 35-3345. 2681 BOY'S BLUE PANTS, BLUE SWEAT- sand station wagon coat, 12 - 14 years. Reasonable. 563 Ridgeway Avenue. 268¢ ARK 20, 16 HP OUTBOARD MOTOR, Dial RA 5 M reasonable. room suite, two tone oak. Dial RA 5-0355 268b FORCED TO SELL. RICHLY TONED upright Willis plano for $100. Lady's almost new, name brand winter coat, size 16. Phone RA 8-8050 after four. 268c JACKET HEATER, TANK AND PIPES $12. Phone RA 3-3847. 268¢ Duo-Therm aluminum storm windows ond doors also aluminum awnings. Doors from $49.95 up installed. Windows from $18.00 up. Double Track and Triple Track. Phone RA 5-5882, | FREE ESTIMATES! 268f | | ONE ELECTRIC JANITOR FOR COAL | quarters of the Ontario Provincial DE. | furnace, one electric light fixture, dining | Police is to be moved from its Dec.7 50--Articles For Sale Provincial Police Get New Home TORONTO (CP) -- The head- present site, adjacent to Queen's | Park, to a larger building near downtown Toronto, it was reported today. Officials said the new head- quarters, to contain garages, ra- dio transmission centre and of- fices, will be at the corner of Sherbourne and Fleet streets, It is expected the move will be com- pleted in about five months. Students from 92 countries were registered at West German uni- versities in 195 : - ENQUIRE TODAY! NASH ALUMINUM WINDOWS--DOORS--JALOUSIES KOOLVENT VENTILATED ALUMINUM AWNINGS DIRECT FACTORY RETAIL SHOWROGM 94 BRUCE STREET, OSHAWA | Phone During Day RA 3-2219 Nov.25 Nov.18 | | sections of a 650-mile natural gas pipeline. Bulldozers smash through the banks of the Peace River to clear |road bridge. | The framework of a $20,000,000 {gas processing plant climbs sky- ward, SUDDEN CHANGE | The fast-growing hunt for oil| | and natural gas, coupled with the |area's basic farming industry, al- most overnight has changed the| | North Peace into what residents call a new land of opportunity. "The future is no longer talked | about," says George Murray, pub-| |lisher of the Alaska Highway [News at Fort St. John, 'People| are at work building it in the present." By night the flares of a dozen | drilling rigs beckon to the north-| bound traveller approaching Peace River suspension bridge. To the east of the 2,275-foot road bridge, longest on the Alaska Highway, another bridge | when completed, will carry two gas pipelines--one from the Peace River country over the Rockies to the coast, the other from Al- berta's gas fields to a nearby scrubbing plant. The scrubbing plant--to clean the gas--is being built jointly by | Westcoast Transmission Company and Pacific Petroleums Ltd. on east side of the highway at just north of the | the | Taylor Flats, bridge. Across the highway, a "city" of {cream-colored huts houses the several hundred men employed {on the project. | Parallel to the highway a little} , farther on are the two main streets of Taylor Flats' new town- Isite.. A modernistic service sta- |tion, a store and a trailer camp |already are in operation. FOR PGE BRIDGE About five miles upstream from |the Alaska Highway, two 50-foot concrete pillars dominate a bend in the river. They are the north bank piers of a bridge on the pro- | jected northern extension of the | Pacific Great Eastern Railway 1250 miles from Prince George to the Peace River country. On the bank, the approach has ccavated and another con- crete supvort installed. ! Overlooking the bridge, a row of drilling rigs from the heart of |Fort St. John's gas and oil in- dustry. Wide s roads, built {by the United States army during the Second World War, lead from the Alaska Highway through the bush to the rigs At one sile crude oil has been land," says Mr. Murray. built the Peace and without ou | farmlands there would be none of | P® today's progress." {the approaches for a steel rail- BURSTING AT SEAMS But the last six months have oldtimers," new problems. is that the towns--Fort St. |cobe also produced Chief "Wheat rmits this | son But the resi {the 1930s ar with e John and Dawson Creek -- can Pains. barely keep pace growth. of population. r more than $1, 250,000 in building year and the Daw- Creek figure is expected to | surpass $4,000.000. dents, many of them who came here in confident they can the area's growing with their ts | Iotte Harris, five | Harris, was k | MOM FALLS, TOT DIES | Fort St. John, in 1951 a village| BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) -- Char- 800. has nearly trebled Dawson Creek has a population of 7,400; one-year-old daugh- now ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. illed Thursday night years ago it had 3,800 inhabitants. | when her mother fripped and fell As a result, municipal services as she was carrying her down. cannot spread fast enough. The stairs. ' DRILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. Satiate 5. Wedges in 9. Article of virtu 10. Winged 12. Field of action 13. Renew a worn tire 14. Biblical city 15. Finish 17. Wither 18. Stitch 20. Light source 22. Odin's brother 23. Prepare for publication 25. Loyalists (Am. Rev.) 28. Cunningly vicious horses 30. Faith 32. A gale 35. Farm animal 36. A crank (slang) 38. Before 39. Troubles 42, Permit 44. Compass point (abbr.) 45. Sailing vessel 47. Wanderer 49. Trend 50. Slate- colored 51, Refuse to grant 52. Border DOWN 1. Trimmed with fur 2. Anger 3. Cord 4. Moneys out at interest §. Jolt 6. Malt beverages 7. Spice 8. Perish through hunger 9. Reason 11. Fencer's foils 16. Obedient 19. Wish 21. Not (prefix) 24. Group tribes 26. Steal 27. Small island 33. Adorned elaborately 34. Scraggy (colloq.) 37. Taut 40. Solitary Yesterday's Answer 41. Presently 43. Narrated 46. Lever 18. Diminutive for Margaret