HAMPTON Children Are Baptized At Hampton Service Reed who was in charge. Milton Garth Robinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Robinson; James Gordon Macklin, son of Mr, and Mrs. Allan Macklin; William Ri- chard Widdecombe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Widdecombe (Osh- awa); Lois Rebecca Killens, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. Kil- Miss Florence Werry, spent a {few days Torofto. | Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Pate, Blythe, returned home on Sun- |day, after spending a week with {Mr. and Mrs. James Smales (Sr). Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Grif- {fith and daughter of Blythe, Ont., {were also visitors with the |Smales on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mel McCune, {daughters Cheryl and Kathie, Varcoe's road, were visitors with her sister, Mrs. Jack Lyon, Mr. {Lyon and children. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Parker, To- ronto, visited her mother and sis-| iter, Mrs. M. Goodman and Louise | lens; Catharine Ann _ Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Williams: David Bruce Dewell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Perey Dew- | ell; Geri Lynn Gedge and Vincent James Gedge, children of Mr. and Mrs. 8. Gedge; and Wayne Scotl Barry. Our pastor gave a fitting) message. and the choir selection] "Show Me My Task Today", as in keeping with the occasion. | At the afternoon Sunday schoo! session a missionary program was conducted by Mrs. Raymond Farrow who read a fitting autumn, selection. Mrs. Keith Smith pre-| sented information on how a part of our missionary givings, are spent, and told an interesting story on Korea, concluding 'with, a short poem. Mrs. arrow, closed with prayer. | Mrs. 8. Kersey accompanied her son Rev. Ted Kersey, Scar- boro, on a trip to Plainfield on Wednesday. EXTEND SYMPATHY Sympathy is extended to Mr and Mrs. R. J. Hodgson, in the sudden passing of his aunt, Mrs. | Eliza Storey, who resided with/ her niece, Mrs. D. Hooper, Orono. | The Women's Missionary Soci- recent guests of Mr. and Mrs IL bo ; bh Jn Ai Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Wray, " ; | MAGNIFICENT BEARS QUEEN'S OWN RIFLES EASTWARD [ea ineir parents. Mr. and Mrs. 2 who was the guest speaker at the a mobile home for the 1st Bat- ' it is equipped with Sea Fury A On many training cruises. Mem- | paring to leave soon for Egypt. on Sunday was a guest of Rev. - , | Amsterdam; Oneida silverware at yo. 4 Mec F.C. Virtue, Bur- 1ant ow or wa # |Sherrill; Revere brass and cop iington; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bil- lett, Jim and Doug, Toronto; Mr. man Kodak Company's complex yp.c' cw, Slemon, Bowmanville, and future ride with travelers on as Robert FE. Lee, John J. Persh- Ford Motor Company, General] Mr. and Mrs. J. §. Eddyvean, It runs 427 miles, from the door. keepsie with its shorts-clad girls | ray, Oshawa; were at A. W, Pres-| populous of the 48 states. A bil- Franklin D. Roosevelt facturer, and shipper come close-| and Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Trull, | and Mrs. W. B. Cunningham, | the countryside as the Erie Canal/of George Washington made its of Fultonville. Between two pro-| Magazine {to begin building a free country. State transportation. | Pontypool on Sunday ; |the Central Ontario Area Women's | search, electronic brains, fantas- in 1614 as a trading post. There | three tracks of the New York ar gmAMILTON beside places hallowed in United 'Trade came our way men, WAY we were riding." $ To DEMAND JAMMING STOP as ultramodern stores. "I could United States and the world --' yiENNA (AP)--A demand that id hp dl bandh eries, and submitted to an ap-' The author found this statement On its way north up the Hudson Genesee Valleys. The Thruway here today. The paper, Krakow's| Mrs. 'on Sunday. Maxine and Debora and Mr. and [Mrs. Sam Keane, Oshawa, visit- Canada's giant aireraft { East UN police force. Canada's | ehrigtening in Belfast in 108 | Tan 2,00, Saturday. anada's giant aireraft car- ast UN police force. Canada's | christening in Belfast in : | Mrs. Lloyd Graham, Toronto, rier, HMCS Magnificent, will be only operating aircraft carrier, A the Maggie has toured the world , 1 i i i 14 bers of the Queen's Own. now special Thankoffering service of talion Queen's Own Rifles, Can- | and Firefly fighter-bomber re- gtationed at hg are pre. {he Women's Missionary Society ada's contribution to the Middle connaissance planes. Since her Fant Mrs. Reed, VISIT HERE |per mills at Rome; Jackson and tL ud & = . vark: .land Mrs. Cleve Clemence, Osh- | 1 ks P t And Future Pefiins totes ai Newark; Eas awa; Mr. W. Staples, Dr. and n as of plants at Rochester. Buffalo's were Sunday visitors at the home WASHINGTON -- Both the past Point, alma mater of such leaders CTORS section of industry includes of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Billett. the world's longest toll road, the ing, and Dwight D. Eisenhower. Motors, Bell Aircraft Corporation, | gr08 Ri an a eet New York State Thruway Near Vassar College in Pough- and Bethlehem Steel | } : n i n The sinews that made New York cott's. t New Yi t falo, cycling to class, is Hyde Park, | piel 'the at oie aed shrine to its late owner, President a muscular trader, builder, manu.| Mr. and Mrs. Harland Trull| lion-dollar engineering triumph,| North of West Point is Temple ly together in a RafTOW Sul in the| were Sunday visitors with Mr. the superhighway is awakening Hill, where the Continental Army Mohawk Valley near the vi age|2n0 ion Falls, did in 1895, Matt C. McDade re- last encampment. From it the Monéories called Little Nose and, ports in the National Geographie|soldiers returned to their homes Big Nose lies a history of Empire|attended anniversary services at " ; : A number of ladies were in Exploring the Thruway corridor, The Thruway curves west at " As if Hireading the eye of aj, 0 to on Thursday attending] Mr. McDade found atomic re- Albany, the State capital, founded huge needle," the author writes, val 0 "are the canalized Mohawk Riv-p,qitute Convention at the Royall tic radar, man-made diamonds, Governor Averell Harriman told er. the bed of the old Erie Canal, |y wy "Hotel and other symbols of the future Mr, McDade: Trade Central, two pre-Thruway roads,| wpe H. Ruttan was at Hamil: States history, begot merchants shippers, bank- and the four-lane divided express. ton, recently attending the funeral | In Yonkers at the southermost ers, brokers, insurance end of the road, a new shopping manufacturers. We were able to center contains a hospital as well provide services to the rest of the : | have bought a winter wardrobe, services that we have been de: pn iijions spent by Communist-ruled | stocked a week's supply of groc-| veloping over the years." { Poland for jamming Western radio Oshawa. pendectomy ~ all without moving borne out vividly as he travelled housin my car," Mr. McDade writes, west through the Mohawk and ose newspaper received | Adcock. Valley, the Thruway touches links a chain of great American! Dziennik Polski, says 90,000,000 Lorenzp Trull, were guests Washington Irving country, with industries, among them: General tlotys (officially $20,000,000 yearly Mrs. Fred Cameron, Zion Sleepy Hollow now 'all wide-eyed Electric Company's mammoth in- was spent for these jamming oper-| At a recent morning wakefulness." The road gives ac- stallations at Schenectady and ations and propaganda against service the following cess to the Gothic masses of West Syracuse; Mohawk carpets at "independent Polish policies." were baptized by Rev. | Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Mountjoy |oq Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T. Harrison, |Ludwig, a pulp cutter for the broadcasts be devoted to food and port Perry, visited at the home Marathon Corporation of Canada, is made in a Communist:-|of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.|was killed today when b | Wilb: d Mrs, a if rs, | northeast of the Lakehead. church |ing in the camp loading yard when suspended by a cable children a F. J.\grashed down on him. ety held their special Thankoffer- ing Service on Sunday morning with Mrs. Floyd Graham home on furlough from Japan, as guest speaker. She spoke interestingly of the Social Service work in Japan in which she and her hus- band have been engaged for the five years, and also present- an interesting story for the children. Members of the WMS sat in a body, members of the various groups CGIT, Explorers, | Tyro, and Mission Band were also) present with their leaders. Two selections were nicely rendered by a junior choir who occupied the choir gallery. past | al" 3 Bs. Ken Caverly were Pulp Cutter Killed | Albert Stainton, Toronto, also of When Hit By Log | GERALDTON (CP) -- Helmut NN TS 3,016 PRIZES SEE THE DISTINCTIVE NEW '57 RAMBLER NOW ON DISPLAY AT HUDSON AND NASH DEAMIRS GAME No. 5 BE SURE TO MATCH ILLUSTRATIONS ON CARDS EXACTLY WITH ILLUSTRATIONS IN THE WEEKLY NEWSPAPER AD Ask For Your Free Card Like This Sample At Your LOBLAW MARKET Complete Rules on Every Card .. . Be Sure You Match the Exact Illustration in this Advertisement vith the One on Your Card. | WORTH § OVER Bulova Companion SWay PORTABLE RADIOS By Javex EASY...YOU CAN W 384 rs. of BLUR TICKETS 1957 ICE FOLLIES REPRINTS OF PREVIOUS GAMES MAY BE OBTAINED I SENDING 5¢ FOR BACH GAME AND 5¢ POR POSTAGE 1 LOBLAWS 233 Bay St., Terento, Ont. COMPLETE RULES ON EVERY CARD struck y a log while working at camp 12 near this community, 135 miles Ludwig was directing log haul- log OPEN WEDNESDAYS TILL 6 P.M. h | 7 OPEN FRIDAYS TILL 9 P.M. Play "crOSS-0UT" PRODUCT PICTURE GAME LY yey ICTURES in NAYING AREA ot LOBLA! * "of cture . the ir ad. URE ow ~ down, or di S il row ~ ive your gift, return this cord os instructed on Glgarl House T= H M Vv TP. 10 TO AND V CANADA COPYRIGHT 1s BT EROREOUT ADVERTISING CO. WC. s KEEP LHIS CARD oD EOR 12 WE ed ¥ oh NW belly ol 4 BOX I, SY. LOWS, WO. 4A PLAYING AREA DINNER SPECIAL! Roast Young TURKEY ROAST YOUNG TURKEY -- BANANA SPLIT 3 large scoops ice cream, banana, plenty of hot fudge sauce, whipped topping, chopped nuts and cherry. ONLY SAVORY DRESSING Giblet Gravy--Cranberry Sauce Creamed Whipped Potatoes Buttered Green Peas Roll and Butter Turkey Dinner Fri. & Sat. only JUMBO DELUXE HOT FUDGE MAHER SHOES BREE BORDEN'S-B-ZEF CHEEZ S-Zee Cheez iy good for A} supper, 5 1000 Jor Juv parties too. Junior loves Wand Mother and Dpd tks who know cheese Vv "Borden's Please." PRIDE OF ARABIA COFFEE own famous Pride of Coffee . . . freshly Serve I soon! Loblaws Arabia ground. 29¢ ICE SKATES SHIN GUARDS Fit up to 8 years . . .. Pr. 1.89 Senior Shin Guards "TOT" SKATES AND BOOTS -- Sizes 8,9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 4 44 split leather, with tube skates. White or black ........ . Fit up "YOUTH" SKATES AND BOOTS -- Black only, tube Jus Ught angel food in cho eolate flavour. Delicious! imagine! CATELLI'S SPAGHETTI SAUCE (without meat) Our Master Chef's Ownl Made with the finest foma- fo paste flavoured In se- cret measure with choice herbs and spices. CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP is a treat the whole family will en loy. Serve It @ Spread on bread or toast or as a sweetener on hot or cold cereals. SEVEN-UP Sit down and relax a minute i [ nice, chilled bottle of Seven-Up! The freshest, radeaNest taste ever captured » eo. ALLEN'S APPLE JUICE Allen's Special *Vitaminized" Apple Juice is an excellent source of Vitamin "C" which you need for good bones, teeth, gums, etc. to 12 years .. Pr. 2.79 . 3.95 skates. Sizes 11, 12, 13 SHOULDER HARNESS Boys' sizes ...... Each 3.79 Junior sizes ..... Each 4.79 "MISSES" SKATES AND BOOTS -- White leather tube skates. Sizes 11,12, 1.2 1.49 1.95 9.95 "BOYS" SKATES AND BOOTS -- Boots with tendon guards and tube skates. Sizes 1,2, 3, 4, 5 HOCKEY GLOVES "Junior Champs' "MISSES" SKATES AND BOOTS -- White lined boots with figure skates. Sizes 11,12,13,1,2,3 Pr. 3.95 . Pr. 5.95 Tire T Junior Professional HOCKEY STICKS 41" long, true shot .... 48" long, all-star ...... Practice, 51" long ..... Goal sticks HOCKEY PUCKS 211/16 x % league ... 3" x 1" regulation . . .. The new kind eof Housewives Ol 3 iy pS oookies, 8, shortauins. wore den 'ate Zopes 8 WHITE CROSS bath fissue with the room new kind of softness -- Facial Quality Softness. » supply fodey -- # costs no more than old-fashioned beth Sage MONARCH TEA-BISK The quick and easy wav to perfect pancakes, dump lings, muffins, etc. ends bad breath with @-11 (hexachiorophene) CASHMERE ROLL TOWEL fhe same high quality ss other CASHMERE PAPER PRODUCTS ST. LAWRENCE Oia refer § for ba 5 KEYSTONE The Truly Fancy Mush room -- Try Them -- No tice the Difference --- sist on Them. CONNORS FISH CAKES Cooked, ready fo haat for a Meal in » Minute. 6 Individual Cakes, neatly separated by wax paper. SHOPSY ALL-BEEF FRANKS Tender, plump, mouth-watering Shep sy all beef Franks are avaliable at Loblaw's meat counter. Only Shepsy can make a Shopsy. 15¢ 25¢ ape .... 15¢ and 49¢ "MEN'S" SKATES AND BOOTS -- Boots with tendon guards, tube HOCKEY SWEATERS AND STOCKING skates. Sizes 6,7. 8:9. 10,31 ...0i0i.. viva ia 8.95 and 9.49 BOXING GLOVES, set of 4 gloves Special rates for school end club organizations KRENG Og y | SHOPPING CENTRE N En S ALSO AVAILABLE ROSE MARGARINE ensures you QUALITY and ECONOMY For table use, baking and all eooking. LYONS SOUP Buy Lyons chicken n le soup In three-pack ir fon. Each three-pak holds three gold foil bags, each bag mak four to six servings eof daiclous chicken neodle soup In 4.79 Certified AYLMER BABY FOODS Only AYLMER brings you fully - ripened Bartlett Pears, finely stral baby, with nothi but a little sugar. seven JOHNSON'S Super Hard ices Self-Polishing Gives Your Floors a Scuff Fre~ Protective Polish Hard to Mari Slo-Coat NIBLETS BRAND CORN Whole kernels -- looks, smells and tastes like j3in vitamins and miner als. SEAN, AMERICAN RR ° MOTORS * Distinetive '57 RAMBLERS A Sold by Hudson & Nash } Meas ca "04; v - rion NE} go Bn J MARSHAL MAYTRES Sleep on » MARSHA L MATTRESS « + + wake wp refreshed. Poel ¥ and materials are combined in the world's FIRST spring mattress . . . MAR Modess Sanitary Napkins are sctually FIFTY PERCENT more absorben! 4 se! Stripe" package, ANACIN for Fast, Pain Relief Past r NEW ROYAL INSTANT lemon Pie Filling Ne Cooki dust mix with Bolling Water WHEATIES Serve WHEATIES for the hepplest, healthiest breakfast everl Remember WHEATIES are the whele wheat Petal soft Instontly ek melas mabe Wada ark bonded) Poeselle your best buy Tissues. JEWEL SHORTENING Jewel Shortening -- the ning now avaliable in ib. t at Loblaws rt jo timesaving - BUY ONE TODAY ART Nous FOILWRAP Be sure fo buy ¢ vine Stuart Me Foilwrap in the and te 1 box 1" heavy du rolls. ROSE BRAND Pure Jams & Marmalades Plump, whole [uicy, ripe berries make Rese Brand pure strawberry lam 8 do minus the w. [ STARLAC -- THE NB. OF MILK testes sweet, milk-fresh. flake, with alt the bran, HEINX sours SUGAR "N SPICE AND EVERY. THING SCE . . . More's a blend of all that's geod--plump, Aris SPAM Your best bury Is SPAM. Ther MAM In SPAM, MAGIC POP READY MIXED POPPING CORN Popcorn, pure vegetable oll, and salt, scientifically combined In ene pack age, Just squeeze info pot and pop MAPLE LEAF LIQUID DETERGENT Dishes, glasses sparkle, Cuts . grease. Easy en hands---con- tains lanolin. Look fer the BRIGHTS FANCY TOMATO Julich Drink Bright's Fancy Tomate Juice JACK AND JIL PEANUT BUTTER Loblaws Jack and Jill Peanut Butter « «+ dalicious, nourishing. Ides! for snacks, sandwiches and excellent for children's lunches. MITCHELL'S APPLE SAUCE ded from the finest cooking apples, It makes » delicious dessert with whipped cream for ples or as a complement to ehicken and turkey. NESTLE SOFT SPRAXR Gives Boavtifyl Pin Curl Sete New, nolacquer formule sets pin quickly, easily. LOBLAWS RED LABEL ORANGE PEKOR 2CUP TEA BAGS FLORIENT AR DEODORANT New Floriont hot & dosen and one uses , , , ideal for pets toe, SETTER BUY BIRDSEYR Chicken , . [X11] « « « Turkey Ples, § Generous chunks of vie beet, chicken or oy smothered In [ arden fresh vege. gravy, ZERO COLD WATER SOAP ZERO, the emuiing new cold we sop, washes all woolens to fiv softness . . . stops shrinking. TMINIT PiRS fe fo prepare -- 0 BDELM OUS to sat -- T. o_ lome flavour wn the ANG! Fob [ALK targe shreds of coconut the COCONUT PIE. JAVEX JAVEX--~Canada's Favourite Bleach Whitens, Disinfects, Deodorizes, Removes Stains, Kills Germs. Get JAVEX in NEW DRY ORM Packene ack - today, ag The Oafs with a Livelier Plave QUICK ROBIN HOOD OATS For a } breakfast # oats With the Tiveller fevoure au! ROBIN HOOD OATS -- in Bib, & kages. SHOPPING Con. and U.S, Pal. Pending--U.8, Copyright 1937, 1954, 19. 58 and 1956, Canada Copyright 1956 Rep in Cansda by Eddie Sargent Enterprises. "Cross-Ovt* Advertising Co, Inc. Box £51. 81. Louis, Me, U.S CENTRE #