pilin. SOE ; IT DOESN'T HURT A BIT Diabetes In Pregnancy 'Theme Of Meeting Talks A successful meeting of the pregnancies. C Sylvester, Bowmanville, The minutes of the last meet- read > Mrs. Glen-|Priscilla Wright, f= Bag Hughes anvil hi report nancies # THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Wednesday, November 14, 1958 Rule Bccused Patients whose giscugs committee proposals for ile oe 'GM Scholarship ho are es .. Prizes Announced {against John S. Finlay, 45, 1595 Simcoe street north, was dismiss-| Ww. A. Wecker, president of $200 to $2000 a year depending |ed, = Tuesday, by Magistrate General Motors of Canada, an-on the student's needs. Selection { Mitchell, inounced today the names of 25 of students is made on the basis | 3 | . t : a Prod bk 4 i ial Constable C. H. Smith, of the/GM Canadian scholarship win- of academic merit and financial | Oshawa Police, told the court that ners for 1956-57. GM instituted its need and is left in the hands of he had investigated an accident, scholarship program a year ago.|the universities lon Oct. 19, outside Finlay's resi-, Ontario studerts were awarded Each award will be accompan- dence. He said that the accident eight scholarships, They are, D. ied by an uni estricted grant-in- linvolved a car driven by the ac. Anne Macaulay Owen Sound: aid to the university concerned. {oused. and a car driven by Hans Donald Lecocq Fletcher, and The grant may vary from a min- Koebler of Raglan. |Stuart Klein, Windsor all enroli- imum of $500 wv a maximum of | Th 2 testified that th ed at the Umversity of Western $800 per scholership. [one Or He een the tug Ontario; Lynda Maureen Vigrass, WIDE RANGE OF COURSES {point o impact between et WO parry Sound; David Gordon Hel: The courses selected by the CS aS a Oe Minloy. rest. Wig, Niagara on . the - Lake, various students cover a wide {way leading to the Finlay resl an4' Aivars Bruno Stasko, Osh- field, including medicine, engi- dence. awa, all enroi'ed at the Univer- neering, science, commerce and Koebler testified that he had sity of Toronto; Margaret Rose education, been driving south on Simcoe |Eliiott, Brantford, of McMaster| The 25 young men and women, when the Finlay car made a left| University; and Ronald Gordon who made up the first group of {turn, right in front of his vehicle. Johnson, Embro. of Queen's Uni-' GM scholarship winners, complet- He said that he swung over to the versity. ed their first vear's work with shoulder, but was unable to avoid. This year, from the University high averages and high honors. ['collision. Koebler said that he had of British Columbia In the west, All were given renewed awards. started to brake, but that the to Memorial Usiversity of New- The scholarships are awarded heavy load of brass he was carry- foundland, in the east, 14 Cana- annually. When the plan reaches ing in his pickup truck had shift- dian universities enrolled students its fourth year there will be 100 ed, so he took his foot off the on GM scholarships. |GM scholarships in operation brake. The scholarships range from each year. Dismissing the charge, His Wor- TTT | ship said that he was not gatisied {that the accident was the result of OBITUARIES FUNERAL OF MRS. W. J. STILLMAN - | carelessness on the part of Finlay. Mid-East War | The memorial service for Mrs. | Finlay was represented by . - """_" Hits Publishers | George Boychyn. " NEW YORK (AP)--Price in- hs i | ons onor 1S were announced Tuesday William J. Stillman, who died at 4 ant ingredients that) the Oshawa Goneral Hospital on One of the Sunday, Nov. 11, was held at the from the Armstrong Funeral Chapel at 3 t. p.m. Tuesday. The services were conducted by vspaper ink stems direct] crisis in the Middle J. M. Huber Corporation, manu-! Treasurer John Mintern, treasurer or the| i a by Oshawa Lions Club since 1933, facturer of printing inks, an- Rev. Dr. George Telford, minister was honored by his fellow mem-| nounced an increase of 20 per of St. Andrew's 1 nited Church bers, at Tuesday night's meeting. | cent in the cost of news ink oils, | Interment was in the Oshawa President Dr. J. FE. Wait called made from a type of Middle East | Union Cemetery. |Lion Mintern to the head table,|crude oil now in short supply 2 The Daa were ce and told the club that he was] ha price of ing Scott, bert Stillman, alter The price of another ingred'ent. | 1047 yack Elmhirst, Ray Scott {leaving town and would, there: carbon black, has been raised one {fore, have to relinquish his office quarter of a cent a pound. {as treasurer. | The president presented Lion 0 pital on Sunday last. | Mintern with a bronze plaque saying, 'This, the club feels, is the only appropriate way to ex- |press our appreciation of your service, and our sorrow in the 3 FRACTURES FINGER {" Rev. Dr. George Telford, minis- . ; eannetie Johnson, 20, of Cedar ter of St. Andrew's United Church, tagen, in pereent. _ 3 by | Creek, suffered a fractured finger conducted the services. Li e Ty aque, ona e y the when she ran two needles through | Interment took place in Thomp- ions, is engraved with an appre-| her finger while working at the gon Hill Cemetery, Renfrew, to- and Ashworth Thistlewait. FUNERAL OF GEORGE C. RICHARDS Many friends and associates at ended the memorial service, at the Armstrong Funeral Chapel at 12 p.m. on Tuesday for George C. Richards. Mr. Richards passed away at the Oshawa General Hos- knowledge that you are leaving us. You have been one of the bes! workers in the club, carrying out every project you have under- When the Oshawa Board of | was Douglas Kirkland, 10. 295 gjation of the many years of un- po Health commenced its Salk Vac- Jarvis Breet. 3 pupil al Mary tiring work Mr. Mintern has put Exquisie Brassier, (Canada) Lis day. alue booster program. iu. Osi. Breet Public thoul. Seen ai into the Oshawa Lions Club. | Oshawa General Hospital, WILLIAM HENRY BRADSHAW " : --' [Ww ry shaw, a re- yg es ne voy By STR he did wl » . | AT CHURCH CONFERENCE rea Ree a car- i fr liomyelitis --Times-Gazette Photo _Rev. S. B. Coles, minister of rier on RR 5, Trenton, passed protection from poliomy mim f holo Will Discuss Knox Presbyterian Church, is in away #t the Trenton Memor al Kitchener this week attending the Ho:pital Saturday, Nov. 10. In his sessions of the Canadian Council 81st year, he had been ailing for of Churches, The sessions began !the past six months. Mr. Brad. Monday and wil' end Friday of shaw.lived at 80 Dufferin Ave. S., this week. Mr. Coles is chairman Trenton. of the Presbyterian delegation to| A son of the late Mr. and Mrs the council. | Charles Bradshaw, the deceased s {was born in Lennox township. He - BIRTHDAYS TODAY had lived in Trenton for 28 years ongratulations and best wishes and previously had farmed in Sid- Revision Pl A joint committee representing | eity hall, public works, police and fire department employes will ask city council to meet with them to Oshawa and District Branch of diabetes started between 10 and poyigin mploy . are extended to Kenneth Rod- , low mshins 4 the Canadian Diabetic Associa- 15 years of , 52 per cent nor-' ance Rr plove DO a man, 33 Arlington boulevard, and hey 25d Tiwloy ofp tion was held Tuesday evening in mal. D. Those whose diabetis pane Michael Starr, MP, 25 Olive ave- Unit " is Tonton ot . McLaughlin Hall. Mrs. George started before 10 years of age,|" The decision to request the Due. who are celebrating their ated Churel Trenton: ite. the Glassford, president, presided. 40 to 45 per cent normal | meeting came at a joint commit. Dirthdays today To TeTer Bell. Mr. Brad. The speakers were Dr. Roy Row-| Dr. S y ited the bene-/tee meting Monday night. NOT shaw leaves three daughters, Mrs sill, Oshawa, and Dr. Allan B. ficial results for diabetic expect- -- mne proposals. which the com-! h HIS LIQUOR shaw lea Res tree Qaug RLS: 3ss: ant mothers from Magistrate A. S. Mitchell dis- C. Grills (Edith), RR 5, Belleville; Mrs. Ernest Outwater (Vera) RR 5, Campbeliford; and Mrs. Gor- , Arthur of Toronto, an Donald and Douglas of Trenton. Also surviving 'are three sisters, Mrs, Margaret Crouse of Oshawa; sociations, represented joint committee. betls on pregnaacy were outlined the three factors of control, diet, 3 ia. Stu: Wa Mrs, Myrtle Ostrander, RR 1, by Dr. Sylvester. who pointed out activity and insulin dosage. He Local Shin pas Soh Be Na /Staans, #0, sso of Akay | Consecon; and Mrs. Percy Bent the tremendous amount of experi- discussed the recognition and gpmploves (city hall and public IMPOSE $15 FINE of Oshawa: and four brothers, mentation and research that has treatment of sulin reaction Lg the Oshawa Police Asso- A $15 fine, with court costs, Geddes Bradshaw of Belleville; been carried out in Canada and Dr. Rowsill ilated the | ation' and the Oshawa Fire was imposed n Herobh co, Doses! Donald Bradshaw, RR 4, Belle the United States. Doctors now Diabetic Associa the valu- | pighters' Association. 119, 146 Mill street. Oshawa. ono ville; Harvey Bradshaw of classify pregnant diabetics as fol- able work of the organization in " geven city engineers are also! careless driving count 8, 00 2 Brighton, and Rae Bradshaw of lows: . spreading knowledge about dia- Lonresented on the joint com-|The charge arose out of an accl.| Belleville. A. Patients who show. slight betis. Increased Knowledge iio dont bate arose out of an accl| "Mr. Bradshaw was predeceased as Y by a sister, Mrs. Edith Crouse sugar, but do not take insulin -- means increased control, he pregnancies are normal by 95 serted. per cent. B. Patients whose dia- : I bets started after 20 years of to the speakers by Edwin Smit age -- 75 per cent have normal second vice-president Labor Plans To Organize 'Shopping Centre Workers That A vote of thanks was tendered was the de- |Perry, and a vehicle driven by Edward Roberts, of 82 La Salle avenue, Oshawa. Perry's defence was that he was unfamiliar with | the street signs, being a Nova Scotian newly arrived here. | ville Cemetery. Rev. G. J. Miniel- DRIVER FOUND CARELESS |ly and Rev. G. A. Puttenham con- Magistrate A, S. Mitchell gop [unsied the Servis and a brother, Vivian Bradshaw. The funeral service was held at the Weaver Funeral Chapel, Tren- ton, at 1.15 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 13, followed by interment in Belle- h, Lions Study Buddy Plan Clinton Members of the Oshawa Lions victed Claude Boivin, 27, of Pick-i rer. 3 {Club may soon each have a blind ering, on a careless driving Downs, W illiam Hodkinson Prank "buddy". |charge, Tuesday. The charge Batchellow, Harry hurston, Henry Carswell and Leo Dube. | Speaking at Tuesday's meeting |arose from an accident on High- FUNERAL OF of the club, Jack Barnett moved way 2. between Whitby and Ajax, | An immediate move to organ-|carried quickly an that, since there are 48 blind involving Boivin's car. and a car MRS. M. H, SNELGROVE ize the workers of he sew ose gision hig R est the Canadian|,reons in Oshawa and, excluding driven by Douglas Studley, 38, High requiem mass was sung awa SNOPPILE Centre pas Hecidel eons el ooOr Be per- executive, approximately the of Whitby. Boivin was fined $25 in St. Gregory's Roman Catholic upon, Caine nig 3 by the Os: Da or ny : orta. Same number in the Lions Club,!and costs | Church at 9 a.m. today for Mrs. awa and ISteiet d Bo Fria hg that that each club member should ; Lo | Margaret Helena Snelgrove who at a meeting held at the U/ ing RaTVice: oh up a have one of these handicapped LIQUOR IN CAR !died at Fairview Lodge, Whitby, Hall lowing a lengthy and spirited |regolgtion to. this { and tub-|Persons as a "buddy" -- to en- Allan Dewar, 34, of Long on Monday, Nov. 12. SCTE. 2 engihy SNe SPL Mesolution to the Oshawa tertain and help in every way Branch, was fined $10 and costs, Rev. Dr. Paul Dwyer conduct- discussion bet hi ocal Fa Council a request it to] Possible. [by Magistrate A. S. Mitchell,'ed the mass. Interment was in St delegates on the lool 830 ne i Tih ! it "This", he told the club, "'would| Tuesday, for having liquor in a Gregory's Cemetery. OX, I amod.| Said Keith Ross, council secre-|Teally, carry out the Lions policy| place other than his home. The| The "pallbearers were John jatelv a oiot a "chairman aid tary unad asportation of helping the blind and would charge was laid when Oshawa Morton, James Pearce, Jack a BO i oa a Arron 1 nensions| 99 go in 2, persons] way, 80 that police dseovirey 2 pant hoifle of Suelgrove, James Snelgrove; Don- mittee pro tem with the ers in t and elsewhere in Bae nem BF WOU MAXe 2 sac lan g compartment of ald Snelgrove and William Snel- driving towards of 'workers in small business in general and the new Oshawaiji Centre in particular The executive board had asked the delegaies to leave the organ- izing of such a committee until the council's 1957 elections in ' January. The delegates voted to ¢ the org On A riec where ull-time ein § aux mayor. to brighten the life of a his car. I grove. _| blind person." ee -------------- it! Mr. Barnett made the motion in| following a brief talk to the club, ty in which he suggested that it is time that the club had a major project. On this theme, he said that the club could undertake oi] |SOme project, such as building la swimming pool, which would A "JOHANSEN HOME" do it now a pro- ry + oJ Jon fen: on the sgendd p be a lasting memorial to the club, but added that such a pro- FOR fot Sori Tesh years of debt. |He poin out that service to the CITY COUNCIL BRIEFS handicapped is of more impor- CHRISTMAS > tance to Livas than credit for any one project, LIGHTS APPROVED category. The letter said the, "In the past" he said, "we * FOUR MODELS Council approved a recommen. Properties were residential is- have supported almost every cha- ® NORTH END LOCATIONS dation from the Oshawa Public lands surrounded by industry rity in town. I would like to see] o FLEXIBLE FINANCING Utilities Commission that street and commercial establishments. Oshawa Lions Club support Blind; lights be placed on Meyers street, making it hard to sell them for Welfare to the exclusion of every- * COMPLETELY EQUIPPED from Conant to Wolfe: Conant residential purposes. .The letter thing, else." ® ATTACHED GARAGES street, from Sylvia to Meyers, Was referred to planning board. | On a suggestion by President] , soppep LAWNS and on Wolfe, from Sylvia to {Dr. J. E. Watt, the members will Meyers. > SIREN APPROVED |think the motion over until the) : Council granted permission TO HONOR CHAMPIONS City council approved a motion by Ald. John G. Brady that the general purpose committee make an award to a softball team sponsored by Tony's Refreshment] Service. The team won the Sen: for B 'softball championship for on the roof of city hall REFERRED TO BOARD A letter from realtor Bolahood, representing the ow: Ontario. OS 0] i yey Synopsis: The weather was south, asked council to re nny and warm today across WALK RECOMMENDED zone the perty from resi-|Southern Ontario with tempera. YOUR PRESENT HOME WILL BRING TOP Council approved a board of Sodan) 1st eras o gr fures 3% the high So. Cold air is MARKEY PRICE ON THE PURCHASE OF | "ons of an offic shing s , " works recommendation that the building. The letter as refer- DE AJUNATY atross Noi 3 ONE OF THESE LONG, LOw RANCH STVLES 1957 council instal a sidewalkired to planning hoard farther south than central Ontario through the Park road underpass from Bloor street to a point 800 feet north of Bloor and a splash guardrail between the walk and the road under the bridge. The sidewalk was requested by Mrs. Gordon Stacey and others TO EXTEND DST Council agreed with a propos from the Railway Association {Canada that Daylight Time be extende Saturday in October to la the ASK REZONING / the civil defence control commit- tee to instal a test air raid siren| be a temporary installation only. | J o hnjcasts issued by the Dominion pub- er of property at 38 Stevenson's Saving | Cloudy with showers Th 5 - Council received a letter from PIONEER POST Warmer. Winds ant Tsing RA 5-6165 RA 5-3412 M. Mcintyre Hood, 1004 Simcoe The first trading post at Chag-' FORECAST TEMPERATUT 19 ATHOL ST. W. OSHAWA street south and Thomas Winter, onamigor outhwest ¢ Low tonight and hich Thursc 1008 Simcoe street south, asking tremity af vas I § 50 that their properties be rezoned built hy Radisson and ( eliliers Lonaan 0 4 Members of Oshawa ~ Whitby and District Real Estate Board from residential ® eommercial in i661 Toronto © 50 to Next meeting, in two weeks time, {when it will be discussed fully. WEATHER | TORONTO NO GIFT COULD BE FINER OR MORE ENJOYED BY ALL a . Gam It will] (CP)--Official fore- n- lic weather office at 4:30 a.m.: CALL EXCLUSIVE AGENTS RISTOW & OLSEN REALTORS Showers will fall in Southern On- itario Thursday al Regional forecasts of {midnight Thursday: Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Niagara stiand Lake Ontario; Windsor, Lon- |don, Toronto, Hamilton: Sunny {with a few cloudy intervals today valid until d wil- | Here's the sort of teamwork that has the shop- ping crowds cheering the name of SPROULE'S! Favorite foods and low, low prices team up to win the value championship. So give three cheers for Quality -- and a rousing sis-boom bargains for the all-star line-up of super values thot scores big gains in savings for you! Come see -- you'll get a "kick" out of shopping here! RED & WHITE INSTANT COFFEE Age HEINZ SPAGHETTI 2 i 29° WISK DETERGENT 16-0Z, 45¢ TIN RED & WHITE - EVAPORATED MILK 2 25° TINS edie SPROULE"S -- King at Ritson STORE musta QPEN TILL HOURS sin 10 O'CLOCK SPROULE'S -- Simcoe at Mill OPEN FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS SPROULE'S -- Simcoe at Colborne eo Ample Free Parking ¢ Delivery At A Normal Charge ® Best Value For Your Food Dollar At Sproule's HTH LES rrocen roo | [Frosen re RINDLESS BREAKFAST id 1-18. CELLO PKG. LB. SWIFTS MILK FED BONELESS ec Veal Leg Roast xvn u63 CENTRE CUT VEAL STEAK os». 79° SWIFTS CRYOVAC SMOK"D uw. 07° Cottage Rolls = HALVES Everyday Low Prices CHT = . HAND-E-WRAP 7¢ OFF Birdseye Products WAX PAPER VITA-B CEREAL ORANGE Wi 2 Top 49c¢ LARGE rye 6-02. 36.02. GREEN P AYLMER FANCY 10c OFF EN PEAS | DEWDROP PEAS TENDERLEAY s TINS 45¢ 20.02. 23¢ TEA BAGS 60's PKG. 69° 8c OFF FIVE ROSES WHITE CAKE MIX PKG. 21° BEEF, CHICKEN And TURKEY PIES 2 FOR 65° Haddock FILLETS 1-.LB, 33¢ PKG. LIPTON'S CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP MIX 2 pies. 23° AUNT MARY'S SLICED BREAD 5c OFF A our 16° Snr JAVEL WATER FRESH, JUICY BAKING NEEDS 32:0. 18¢ BTL. FLORIDA PITTED DATES SAVE 6c SWEETHEART 2 LBS. 25¢ Seedless RAISINS TOILET SOAP 3 oars 23° GRAPEFRUIT GOOD SIZE 96's 2s 39 10¢ OFF COCOANUT SE raaup " 10 for cruiomant 9g SARE AYLMER FANCY PUMPKIN 2 807. am TINS 2 FOR PRICE OF ONE MILKO INSTANT CHOCOLATE SUNKIST RED CHERRIES 2 hc 47 ORANGES 2.7 69° "ve 18° I5s Of WASHED IMPORTED CUT MIX PEEL SOAP FLAKES Parsnips 4:7 10°| Chesmuts 20] 218° "re BOF We Are Big Enough To Serve You ---- Small Enough To Appreciate You Tt VUR Ne2lumoUKNUVY via cet