WHITBY and DISTRICT --. By CLIFF GORI ON Kingston C.K.L.C's invaded the local arena last night and from the terrible showing they put up they s.ould have stayed at home. ney Sia not aren Jive a good ard honest try. The free w hard honest try. The free wheeling outbumped and last but not least outscored the broadcasters. The win last night gives the Dunlops first place all alone, with a slim one point margin over the Kings- ton team. In other action last night the Cornwall Chevvies managed to pick up their first point of the iseason in six starts as they tied with the Pembroke Lumber gs, the score was 3 all. Fred Etch- Dunlops Whip Kingston 10-1: Etcher Fires Three Goals Jack was right on, and turned them aside in fine form. Etcher made it 3-0 at the 8:00 mark and you could see fellows like Leven- doski and Senior start to sour up. Then to really rub it in the Dun- nies made it 4-0 less than a min- ute later as Treen drilled a hot one that almost took the net along with it. At the 14:45 mark Samo- lenko was sent off for hooking and he had no sooner got seated in the sin bin than the Dunnies rapped home another one, and them short |handed. This one was a solo ef- |fort with the league's leading goal getter, Gordie Myles on the trig- ger end of the stick. That was the way the period ended witu the| 50. Only one ' tallies. The 'rock and rollem" : mark of the final period. er became the second man on the Dunnies on top Dunlop team to bag a hat trick as/Penalty In the initial frame. his bullet like shots were ringing| The second period was the clos- well last night. Playing coach|est of the three as the Kingston although he drew seven team did manage to make some- with what of a showing. The locals near (however kept up the pressing at- de-{tack and Treen sank his second fence man Alf Treen also had a goal of the night at the 5.51 mark |good night as he potted two be-| with Burns and Myles getting {hird Brooks, who had a h well deserved assists on the play. night, Bobby Attersley, Gordie Richardson and Gagnon were the Myles and Sandy Air each grab- only two bad men of this period {bed a single tally. Don Murray as they each drew a penalty. spoiled Goalie Jack Donlevy's| qhe Dunlops'made it 7-0 at the the 10:14/3:27 mark of the final frame and| The|the fans were booing the King- Cornwall Chevvies will motor into!sion team to no end at this stage. town on Saturday night for a game | pinaily they did make one good with the high flying rubber men. qrive and they caught the Dunlops | The have had their|,, the ice, and as a result the Gagnon minutes in penalties came u a pair of goals and severa bid for a shutout at | Chevvies ; motors cleaned once this season hard working Don Murray got by the Gagnon coached team and|the only goal of the evening for, | they will be all out for revenge the losers. This appeared to spark |come saturday night. the ops on even further as With first place at stake the|they stormed back and got that Dunnies were realy keyed up for|one back only 42 seconds later. |this game. They were at full| The fans really came to their feet {strength and full of pep. They at the 13:2" mark as Fred Etcher jlevy. Defence, Redmond, lost no time in getting the play rapped home his third goal of the into the Kingston end zone and night and he drew a well deserved fired some hot ones at Brooks. round of applause. Then one of {Etcher blinked the light before a/the best goals of the night came minute had gone by, with Sinden to top the night off. Bobby Atter- getting his first of four assists on|sley who had just returned to the ¢ |the play. This goal came at the|ice from serving an elbowing back row: Mrs. Betty Hillis, Grand Adah (Port Credit); Iva Pinkham Gr. Ruth (Sunder- land); Mrs. Anna Dietel, Gr. Esther (Toronto); Mrs. Jean Holmes, Grand Martha, (Oril- lia); Mrs, Evelyn Bowman, Gr. Warden (Paris). Front row -- left to right: Mrs. Reta Dud- | ley, Grand Organist (Courtice); | | Mrs. Mary Fair, Gr. Marshall | (Toronto); Mrs. Audrey Elliott, Grand Chaplain, (Belleville) and Mrs. Mary Ellen Crawford, Gr. Electa (Dutton). Family mem- bers of the guests of honor pres- ent but absent from the pictures were: Don Anderson, Mr. and Mrs, A. T. Fletcher, Mr. Ray Dudley and Mr. Noel Dudley. --Times-Gazette Photos. Plctured above are some eof | Gr. Secretary (Toronto); Mrs. | the officers of the Grand Chap- | Lillias Turriff, Associate Gr. ter Order of the Eastern Star | Matron (Toronto). Front row -- who were present at the Bow- | left to right: Mrs. Reta Dudley, | manville reception held Monday | Gr. Organist (Courtice); Mr. svening Left to right, back | Donald Galbraith, Worthy row: Robert Cooper, Grand Grand Patron (Orillia): and Sentinal (Brampton); Mrs. | Mrs. Edna Anderson, Worth Gi Sonductress | y Ethel Spears, ir. Grand Matron (Bowmanville). (Dunville); Miss Helen Ross, | Lower picture, left to right -- | {49 second mark and many fans penalty stole the puck away from iwere not in their seats in time to/one of the Kingston players and| see the shot. The Dunlops had w~"-~4 his way into the Kingston little trouble in cracking the ap- end zone, and then relayed the parently weak Kingston defence .uooc. to Gagnon who made no several times and had not Brooks mistake. That brought the Whit- been on his toes, the score would |by total to 10 a nice round figure have added up faster At the 3.42/in any man's book. mark Gagnon combined with his| ICE CHIPS ... We did not see two line mates to make it 20 and our friend Mike Rowden at the, the race was on. The CK.L.C.'S game l2st night but we can well imagine what he would have to say had he seen the dismal showing YE be doing some head chopping (or he should) if they come up with too many more like that one . . . They had no excuses as hey were at full strength . . . Cornwall may time they played here it was their first game of the year, not even an exhibition game under their belt and that really makes a difference . . . Alf Treen thril- led the fans with his end to end rushes again last night and his two goals really sparked the big fellow . . . Harry Sinden enjoyed a bet- ter game and was four points the better for the night's work .. . Don't forget the Chevvies are here on Saturday night ard the Cleveland Barons of the Ameri- can league are here on November 6th . . . Real busy spot that Whit- by Arena. LINEUPS KINGSTON--Goal, fence Levandoski, Thompson, O'Reilley, Nicholson. Forwards, Murray, Toppazzini, White, Bell- ringer, Macey, Senior, LaRose, Chiarelli, Moore, Howarth, Rich- ardson, Johnson, sub goal. WHITBY DUNLOPS--Goal, Don- Treen, Sinden, McBeth; Forwards, O'Con- nor, Air, Burns, Myles, Bonello, Etcher, Samolenko, Attersley, Gagnon. ; REFEREE--BIll Balmer, Lines- For olds use lemon an Put the juice of one lemon in a half glass of water and add 34 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda (baking sods). Take this excellent neutralizer several times a day to help reduce acidity and relieve discomfort. meer 3 COW BRAND = BAKING SODA Brooks; de- THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Wednesday, October 31, 1008 © men, Larry Heffering and Ab. 49 matic 210-mile tisesssesenes Tres oes 1451 enko (hook- Penalties: hardson 1.52, Gagnon, kneeing 19.39. Penalties: Treen boarding 1.10; Attersley, elbowing 13.20, Gagnon major 19.19, Brooks major served by Howarth 19.19. Coast Guard Cutter Saves 33 From Sea NEW YORK (AP) -- A US. Coast Guard cutter made a dra- dash thro a savage North Atlantic gale to rescue 33 crew members from a sinking German freighter. Toe 311-foot cutter Ch e put down two s wer boats in Riu Bg 40 - foot waves when she reached the side of the stricken Helga Bolten 400 miles off Newfoundland. LIFE NOT "WORTH LIVING? Then wake up the liver ! You know that sour, sunk, constipated feeling? It may be caused by the liver. 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IT HAS 4 { ] | FORCE DOWN AIRLINER {fiance of published air corridor Magistrate George Postel gave BOWMANVILI E NICOSIA (AP)--A French pas- regulations." {Darwin Deen a suspended sen-' senger transport plane was inter- NEW YORK BLUE LAW |tence on the charge Mo = cepted by British jet fighters over] NEW YORK (AP)--A 36-year- ing the law prohibits so NEWS Cyprus today and forced to land old photographer who painted his work except "for charity or neces-| at Nicosia Airport. British author-| mother-in-law's house on a Sunday sity." An American Civil Liberties! ities said tie French plane flew pas been jound guilty of violating Union counsel said he would ap-| . over a pro area 'in de-'New Yor ity"s Sabbath law.!peal the conviction. Mrs. Colwell Wins S-- = Appreciation Draw | BOWM. (Staff) --Mrs. | Hilda Colwell, Carlyle street, was the lucky winner of the "Appre- clation Day" draw held yester-| i | ith a five per cent coupon Mrs. Colwell collected $27.50. It was announced at the draw that the day has been changed back to Saturday. Next week there will be a draw on Tuesday and Saturday KAYE' $ SPORTSWEAR 'Four Cases Disease During Week BOWMANVILLE (Staff) --Only four cases of communicable dis- ease were reported to the Nor- thumberland Durham Health Unit for the week ending October 27. They were as follows: red measles, Darlington and Port Hope Townships, each with one case. Darlington also had one case of mumps, while Bowman- ville reported one case of whoop- ing cough Memorial Hospital customers for the wonderful way you Weekly Report BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- The weekly report from the Bowman- ville Memorial Hospital for the week ending October 27 is as fol- lows: Adm ons, 53: hirths, male 8, female 7; discharges, 56; operatiors major; 8, minor, 15; emergencies, 10. HE Beadle Awarded Prize By Accountants TORONTO (CP)--G. Frank Bar- clay of Toronto has been elected president of the Canadian Insti- tute of Certified Public Aceount- ants, the institute announces fol- lowing ts annual meeting here G. B. MacDonald, Toronto, was elected oresident of the Certified Public Accountants Association of Ontario. patronized us during the years. latest fashions we are moving to larger tion at . . . 68 SIMCOE ST. N. ON TUESDAY, NOV. 6 FOR MISSED PAPERS IN AJAX Phone are taking this opportunity to thank you, our In order that we may continue this ser- vice and give you a larger selection of the cluding timely repo have page of comics, fee chants. loca- Reed ell news of Oshawa distriet in- rts of events in Durham end Ontarie Counties. Full tures for all the family plus Cenadion end werld- wide news. Read the money-saving values offered by the Oshawa Shop- ping Centre and downtown mer- EVERYTHING! e COMPLETE LOCAL NIWS ® WORLD-WIDE COVERAGE @ SPORTS SECTION L © ENTERTAINMENT ® ADVERTISEMENTS es FOR DELIVERY TO YOUR HOME Fill in the form below and send to the Circulation Department of the Times- Gazette or PHONE RA 3-3474, AJAX 333 If you have not received your Times-Gazette by 7 P.M., Call '$§ SPORTSWEAR ADDRESS GENTLEMEN: PLEASE DELIVER THE TIMES-GAZETTE TO MY HOME DAILY Beri ernerivnineinovever viene PHONE (oy ecevnrsss cn AJAX TAXI AN calls must be placed before 7:30 P.M. ill WHITBY ® THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE e OSHAWA-